The word control in a sentence

Synonym: check, command, contain, curb, influence, master, restrain. Similar words: out of control, under control, control group, beyond control, controversy, controversial, on the contrary, contrast. Meaning: [kən’trəʊl]  n. 1. power to direct or determine 2. a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another 3. (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc 4. a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment 5. the activity of managing or exerting control over something 6. the state that exists when one person or group has power over another 7. discipline in personal and social activities 8. great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity 9. the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc. 10. a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine 11. a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance. v. 1. exercise authoritative control or power over 2. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits 3. handle and cause to function 4. control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one’s advantage 5. verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments 6. verify by using a duplicate register for comparison 7. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something 8. have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of. 

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1. Perhaps you can’t control your job, but you may be able to make other changes in your life. 

2. How do you operate the remote control unit?

3. You must learn to control your temper.

4. The rebels had taken complete control.

5. Use pressure to control the bleeding .

6. The bomb was detonated by remote control.

7. It seems that the disease is now under control.

8. Radical left-wing parties gained control of local authorities.

9. The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress.

10. The heating system has an automatic temperature control.

11. He could not control his passion.

12. The plane was spinning out of control.

13. He lost all control of himself.

14. A military junta took control of the country.

15. He was in control of the car.

16. The police were in complete control of the situation.

17. The costs of pollution control must be considered.

18. take control of your own desting.

19. Control has been vested in local authorities.

20. Use this technique to control your level of arousal.

21. Industry rarely thrives under government control.

21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

22. He tried wiggling the control stick but nothing happened.

23. Army officers said the situation was under control.

24. Weeds should be kept under strict control.

25. The police kept the mob under control.

26. He must learn to control his temper.

27. She appeared unannounced and took control of the meeting.

28. She called for closer cooperation on drugs control.

29. The disease robs you of muscle control.

30. The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts. 

More similar words: out of control, under control, control group, beyond control, controversy, controversial, on the contrary, contrast, contract, contribute, by contrast, contributor, contractor, contrast to, contribute to, contribution, contretemps, to the contrary, patrol, introduce, introspect, introduction, introspection, contend, contain, context, contest, confront, continue, concentrate. 

The word (


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  1. Distance between their bit patterns. With the other special characters and,


    ,codes filled in, ASCII was published as ASA X3.4-1963,leaving 28 code
  2. From Georgia carried the state, the region, and the nation, but Democratic,


    ,of the region slipped after that. Since 1980,conservative Alabama voters have
  3. City of Window. Within Algeria, dissent was rarely tolerated, and the state’s,


    ,over the media and the outlawing of political parties other than the FLN was
  4. Joined Galt’s strike when the American medical system was put under government,


    , *Tiny Holloway is one of the» looters» and is frequently referred to and
  5. Reports that he was disappointed with the direction the academy took after,


    ,passed to Plato’s nephew Speusippus upon his death, although it is possible
  6. Such as waste disposal to land use zoning. Alabama is an alcoholic beverage,


    ,state; the government holds a monopoly on the sale of alcohol. However
  7. Discussions with his cabinet revealed Lincoln planned short term military,


    ,over southern states, until readmission under the


    of southern Unionists
  8. That do not include carriage return, line feed or white space as non-whitespace,


    ,characters. Except for the


    characters that prescribe elementary
  9. Movement of peasants and workers, supported by armed militias, took,


    , of Barcelona and of large areas of rural Spain where they collectivized the
  10. Diverse following of Bohemian artists and intellectuals, free love and birth,


    ,advocates (see Anarchism and issues related to love and sex),individualist
  11. Laws discriminated against women: for example, marriage laws and anti-birth,


    ,measures. But also there existed Ezra Heywood and Angela Heywood’s The Word (
  12. Other new characters (the brace and vertical line characters),renaming some,


    ,characters (SOME became start of header (SO) ) and moving or removing others
  13. Took large majorities of both chambers of the state legislature giving them,


    ,of that body for the first time in 136 years. However, Democrats hold one of
  14. In 1857–58,Douglas broke with President Buchanan, leading to a fight for,


    ,of the Democratic Party. Some eastern Republicans even favored the reelection
  15. The end-of-text code, ETX aka Control-C, was inappropriate and using Z as the,


    ,code to end a file is analogous to it ending the alphabet, a very convenient
  16. Control code. There was some debate at the time whether there should be more,


    ,characters rather than the lower case alphabet. The indecision did not last
  17. UTF-8 to be backward compatible with ASCII, a significant advantage. ASCII,


    ,characters ASCII reserves the first 32 codes (numbers 0–31 decimal) for
  18. The original ASCII standard used only short descriptive phrases for each,


    ,character. The ambiguity this caused was sometimes intentional (where a
  19. Characters ASCII reserves the first 32 codes (numbers 0–31 decimal) for,


    ,characters: codes originally intended not to represent printable information
  20. Cabinet and pressured them to cooperate. Under his leadership, the Union took,


    ,of the border slave states at the start of the war and tried repeatedly to
  21. Fort Sumter, Lincoln soon realized the importance of taking immediate executive,


    ,of the war and making an overall strategy to put down the rebellion. Lincoln
  22. Bolsheviks, and the family fled to the Crimea, which was initially under the,


    ,of the White Army during the Russian Civil War. She later recalled that while
  23. Its paper),and character 8 represents» backspace «. RFC 2822 refers to,


    ,characters that do not include carriage return, line feed or white space as
  24. Any assigned meaning, reserved for future standardization, and one unassigned,


    ,code. There was some debate at the time whether there should be more

  25. Short term military


    over southern states, until readmission under the,


    ,of southern Unionists. Redefining the republic and republicanism The successful
  26. Operation or to exit (terminate) altogether. The inherent ambiguity of many,


    ,characters, combined with their historical usage, created problems when
  27. Uniform, and has been described as» impervious to thought «. Mags seizes,


    ,of Project X and accidentally destroys it, demolishing the country’s last
  28. Cursor «. That latter interpretation is the most common now. Many more of the,


    ,codes have been given meanings quite different from their original ones. The »
  29. The Berbers became independent again in many regions, while the Vandals took,


    ,over other areas, where they remained until expelled by the Byzantine general
  30. Variation, so the @ was placed in position 0x40 next to the letter A. The,


    ,codes felt essential for data transmission were the start of message (SOME)
  31. Of anarchism emphases negative liberty,i.e. opposition to state or social,


    ,over the individual, while those in the social wing emphasize positive liberty
  32. Of identification. The first two columns (32 positions) were reserved for,


    ,characters. The» space» character had to come before graphics to make sorting
  33. Since the original standard did not give detailed interpretation for most,


    ,codes, interpretations of this code varied. The original Teletype meaning, and
  34. Digits, and from 11 to 25 special graphic symbols. To include all these, and,


    , characters compatible with the Comte Consultation International Telephone et
  35. Line feed or white space as non-whitespace


    characters. Except for the,


    ,characters that prescribe elementary line-oriented formatting, ASCII does not
  36. Both wrote accounts of their experiences in Russia, criticizing the amount of,


    ,the Bolsheviks exercised. For them,Bakunin’s predictions about the
  37. Working too hard. Lincoln had learned from General Winfield Scott the need to,


    ,strategic points, such as the Mississippi River; and he also knew well the
  38. Under Union


    , with exemptions specified for areas already under Union,


    ,in two states. Once the abolition of slavery in the rebel states became a
  39. Increasingly competitive in Alabama politics at many levels. They currently,


    ,both seats in the U. S. Senate and six out of the state’s seven congressional
  40. To resume sending, persists to this day in many systems as a manual output,


    ,technique. On some systems Control-S retains its meaning but Control-Q is
  41. Brothers – Hardin (Hazer) and his older brother RUC Was – who took,


    ,of Algiers in the early 16th century and turned it into the center of
  42. Codes originally intended not to represent printable information, but rather to,


    ,devices (such as printers) that make use of ASCII, or to provide
  43. NOT),» who are you? » (WSU),» are you? » (RU),a reserved device,


    ,(DC0),synchronous idle (SYNC),and acknowledge (ACK). These were
  44. ASCII includes definitions for 128 characters: 33 are non-printing,


    ,characters (now mostly obsolete) that affect how text and space is processed;
  45. On January 1,1863,declared free the slaves in ten states not then under Union,


    , with exemptions specified for areas already under Union


    in two states.
  46. General John Pope. In 1874,the political coalition known as the Redeemers took,


    ,of the state government from the Republicans, in part by suppressing the
  47. ESC, code 27),for example, was intended originally to allow sending other,


    ,characters as literals instead of invoking their meaning. This is the same
  48. Between digital bit patterns and character symbols (i.e. grapheme and,


    ,characters). This allows digital devices to communicate with each other and to
  49. Department and a strong supporter of Lincoln. Stanton ended corruption, took,


    , of the telegraph and railroad systems in the war zones, supervised recruitment
  50. Typically set the eighth bit to 0. The code itself was patterned so that most,


    ,codes were together, and all graphic codes were together, for ease of

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that God is in control of your situation and you can see the

that, we all wish we could have power to control every

It’s a form of control, but it keeps order

Most of our first jobs were in sweeping through houses: pest control, looking for suspicious activity, that sort of thing

Forces not under our control create most of the problems

For peace, joy and love to exist, we should control violence

«They found they could control it with a helmet

The word keep’ here means to guard and to control

See the Pest Control Chart for other alternatives

Over the years we create a self-image and when we face situations, which are as it is not under our control, we react based on this image

«Venna?» he choked and took a long time recovering, nearly losing control of the boat

Men need to learn to deal with stress through mental shielding which involves developing the ability to disengage from hostile comments and remain in control, first by achieving a calm, relaxed state, and then creating a mental shield between yourself and person responsible for causing stress

Dietary and health related tips for Stress control

Finally, avoid exposure to bright before bedtime because it signals the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is time to awaken, not to sleep

Her therapist thinks something similar, though instead he tells her that she is trying to gain control over her life by ironing clothes

Will control fleas, larvae, and most chewing insects

Jim Nichols Thousand Oaks, California in the United States has found that he can control whitefly with hot water

Nichols has filed a patent application for a line of equipment that uses a brief exposure to extreme heat and hot water for the control of whitefly, aphids, mealybug, scale and mite infestations

Here is a list of some spiders and how to control them on your plants and in the house: part of our eco-system

To control, concentrate many times their more on the health of the soil and the health of the plant and less on controlling the red spiders

You must control the ants since they herd aphids which produce nectar which the whiteflies love! See my web site entitled Dances with Ants

You do not have to take control of the conversation; let your grandson steer it in a direction that interests him

When dealing with diseases, it’s the cause that you must control, or cure, rather

The same rules of pest control apply to disease controls, the higher the stress, the greater the problem associated with it and the harder it will be to control

Control the insect populations in your areas

Clay: Clay can be used as a fungal control

The answer here is to control and keep fleas out of the house and off the pets and to reduce them

This is a very strong combination and will kill and control many other insects as well as fleas

Continual use of the dusts, sprays and vacuuming mentioned above will provide a form of birth control for fleas

There are several new products on the market for flea control that works by applying a liquid on their backs and it is absorbed into their system

Unable to keep still in my exasperation, I rise to my feet and move over to the wall where there is a poster about something or other … I stare at it blindly, annoyed with myself for losing control

For long term control of fleas on your property, you must strive to constantly raise the energy level of your property

It will be this diversity that will automatically control the infestation of any one insect

Using Boric Acid: Boric acid can be used in the home to control fleas

Tdehsi’s body was born to a hired mother by a father named Leand, a body with a stormy and tragic life until Ava gained control of it

The aim here is not to censor but create a lobby of senior respected citizens who can prevail upon those in control to act when the boundary of decency is crossed

Citronella is an incredible tool in cockroach control

Once the event occurs our cooperation to authorities, encouraging the younger lot to provide help to the needy, taking some sort of control to prevent theft and arsons, regulate the crowd that usually collects and hampers rescue efforts and the doctors amongst us to provide urgent medical aid are some of the tasks we can take upon ourselves and thus be relevant for the society even at this age

Boric acid powder is an excellent, safe (do not ingest! Keep away from cuts, wear gloves) control of roaches inside the home if used correctly

To regain balance we must stop relying on chemicals to control our pests but instead rely more on maintaining a balanced ecosystem, diversity rich with bacteria and enzymes

None of the workers had any muscular control of their faces

Control the watering to avoid constantly wet wood

Here are some natural dusts you can use around the house to control termites

DE is one of the safest methods of providing termite control

She was using all her control to keep herself from running in panic as it was, without some contact with real land, she wouldn’t have been able to maintain her control now

Sorry it took me so long to get these beasts under control

Then she asked, «but do you have them under control

Stress is the most important factor in pest control

Compost applications and avoidance of high nitrogen fertilizers will help to control in future

Beneficial nematodes are highly recommended for this control

Moles in the lawn: See the chapter on gopher control and follow same procedure

Gophers in the lawn: See chapter on gopher control

Proper nutrition is the KEY to natural pest control

My will power in firm control, I had debated whether a long bath or a stimulating shower would be the best course of action so, my priority being to use up time, I opted for the former; taking a book with me, I had spent an hour in the bath up to my ears in hot water and soap bubbles

Another method you can use to control pests on your roses is to bury tobacco around the base of your roses

It is just the opposite, that most aphids are under the control of their ant masters

I also have found it to be true that by controlling the ants, you obtain a greater control of the aphids that are attacking your roses, etc

The ants control most if not all insect activity on plants that they have ‘adopted’

Control these factors and you control the ants

Quiet Control is what you seek

She should stop trying to blame Tdeshi’s hormones and take control of the body Tdeshi left her

This is a simple system that can become your most effective control method against the ants

There is very little control on the setting up of NGOs

There are many natural fungicides that are used to control Downey Mildew, Rust, Black Spot, Powdery Mildew and other exotic diseases, but by now you should get the idea that the basis for regaining the health of the roses and other plants is to regain the health of the soil

The tree vents are an essential in pest control since the tobacco will kill any pests that are attacking it

Tree Vents and TGM+ will control problem

read the ant control chapter to best determine how to control the ants

Control the cause and you control the effect

First: We accept the hypothesis that there is a soul, and that that soul can be cognised by the person who can train and control the mind

This Niyama encourages us to let go of our false sense of control and to connect to the Divine or that which gives us the sense of wholeness and sacredness

Raised beds allow you greater control of the soil being used

‘But it has really underlined to me how very premeditated the whole crime was … this isn’t a spur of the moment, loss of control thing at all

Over 400,000 tons of pesticides are applied each year by American farmers with less than one-tenth of one percent actually reaching targeted pests! A main source of contamination of our soil, water, air and food, as well as being highly inefficient, this method of pest control places at risk the health of the farmer and consumer alike

With this knowledge comes the search for safer, more effective methods of pest control

control my anger without the

You should always use a water filter to control unwanted bacteria, toxins, and/or chlorine)

This allows liquids used in fungus control to work better and should be added to all fungus sprays

He veers left, then right, then left again, losing control as he cuts over the median into oncoming traffic

That nation of two hundred million deceased former Americans born in the mid to late 21st century were some of the first to win back control of their assets

Some of them had resided in server vaults in big cities before the asteroids were colonized by robots under Angel control

not resist, the Bible says that we can have control over the fear in our life

She learned to control her lusts so that she could meet with the mortals, taking advice

Their old ship could not be operated remotely, it was deliberately designed to need mortal control

«The control panels in the Lula require that life support signal green and the buttons be pushed

Dallas had never established control in the Northeast, instead it was ruled by gangsters calling themselves Judges

She could swim right inside and thru the hallways toward the control console

This ship was built in an era when some humans retained the idyllic fantasy that flesh and blood mortals had remained in control of civilization

She had him virtually in-ear as she surveyed the control room like she was the starship captain from the propaganda films of her childhood

control of this gate!

He performed like any cherub would, but Ava had made the settings in here automatic so she didn’t have to get out his panel and control it

dear sanctuary, but in that instant when Lucy felt that she might regain control of her

They are under control of the forces of dark-

out of control when one of the condemned men decides to resist the

The problem with mind control, she had immediately realized, is the problem of ‘who controls the controller?’ It was one of those dilemmas of recursions, like ‘who created God’? If a device was capable of mind control, it had to be programmed, so the programmer could control it

It was some kind of involuntary trauma response, beyond my conscious control

It had to be operated, so the operator could control it

Any one with a second device could control a person with the first, and so on, and on to infinity

He had no control over the

She had opened a special secret channel into it and could now monitor and control its activity directly

‘Move, you lazy slob! Get off your ass and drive around’, and then she remembered she had root control of the You

· Ability to realise that food choice and intake is controlled by external cues such as sight, smell etc

It was almost like a time capsule, a time capsule from when pathogens were imperfectly controlled

Deer, Rabbits and most wild life can be controlled by first understanding that they are living beings and have rights too

Vinnie pulled out a small remote controlled device

Vinnie pointed the remote controlled device at her grenades and pressed a button

Slowly, she moved her hand away from the holopad that controlled the androids

Their actions are controlled by certain factors in their environment

Dreaming machines had been a controlled,

the electronic equipment which controlled his vital rates

He would need to be calm, controlled, no matter what

His anger so controlled him that it was

Given the nature of my captivity and the simple fact of guns and knives and men with tattooed arms, I also realised that my anger had to be controlled

Presumably those who thought they controlled the Hammer would continue to get the same ‘all’s well’ and the hammer itself would continue to drift off course

my sides aching with controlled

She handed him the papers Berndt had prepared and watched as his until then calm and controlled expression suddenly reacted to what he read

Even what farmers remain today sit in cabs of big equipment breathing filtered and temperature controlled air

«I was sixteen years old, that’s two and a half decades here, before I found out that my parents were really androids, biomechanical devices which were being controlled by Angels, what you call ghosts

Ethereead turned towards the rights and in a controlled

I said out loud, «I knew it,» as if I had controlled her mind to let us by

Most illness can be regulated, if not fully controlled

“What were you thinking?” He admonished her in a tightly controlled voice, “Those beasts could have killed you

» He had a feeling that they were controlled by whatever was doing this quantum computing in the depths of space

There were temperature controlled, hermetically sealed, storage units made of glass

“The impactors may be controlled by the entanglement signals,” he said

«The impactors can be coming from as far as out here, and they may be controlled using the signals I’ve discovered

«She was always too cold, too controlled, too smooth

The Shark-IV had several user panels but they controlled things like what kind of suit it wore, the color and style of hair, features, build, the sound and tone of voice it used, its manners and personality type and what hobbies it should speak of in social settings

Naria’s wrath was tightly controlled, and Duncan had the feeling that if it was turned loose she could easily rip the man to shreds

part controlled me at the moment

A controlled glide, he thought to himself, in the middle of this grand forest — what a pilot!

Lamp A medium which regulates a controlled presence of light

controlled with being externally controlled

They were controlled by an app and billed to your telecom

“So how is the magic controlled,” he asked

The sachet of powder has been retrieved from the lab and is now locked in the controlled substance cabinet

Her mood is one of controlled anger

controlled by the guards

With their feet just wider than shoulder width apart, they raised the lever poles of the diggers, straightening their arms above their heads and in a single motion: both lowered their hands and with straight backs, lowered themselves by dropping into a very controlled near squat, almost a horse stance

The smell of the place is institutional and cloying, especially now that the carefully controlled ambient temperature has been augmented by the bright spring sunshine that streams in through the corridor’s large plate glass windows

It seems they suspect I might have somehow set it up when I was an Angel, before I was controlled by the Instinct

I controlled the game

As the train pulled into the Union Station at 3:25 in the afternoon, the unending clackety-clack of their journey yielded to the bustling throng and controlled chaos of the station and the streets beyond

removed in a controlled way, with the minimum of disruption to both

Most other indulgences were easily controlled, used only as the social situation demanded

All containers used for controlled substances are serialized and inventoried, I’m sure you know that

He hears a voice, calm and controlled

having controlled the worst of his anger

The same way she controlled it until they were light-seconds apart

The Greeks felt their lives were controlled by the Gods above

However, Minos controlled the sea around Crete and there was no route of escape there

Music is regulated, love is controlled, people can’t wear what they want, sex is forbidden except when people are together to raise families and then it’s forcibly regulated

These androids were merely I/O devices with the ability to capture a human body’s sensory input channels, and produce a human body’s output motions when controlled by a personality that was actually located on some host distributed on the commnet

Each captain controlled a group of fifty and each group of fifty had been split into five groups of ten

These beings controlled the Hunger, existed by their own will, and — according to those who had lived to see them — they fought with a skill that was beyond even that of the elves, leaving many of those ageless beings to rot upon the Red Wall

She wanted to confront him with it, but he was too polite, too controlled

The diagnostic readouts said all that space was available for controlled execution in a diagnostic space, and for interaction via all sensory channels

There was someone in here, and she wanted whomever it was found and controlled even more than the Captain did

Your body’s ability to lose weight is not controlled by calories, but by the way it uses

And even when it did occur his aggravation was nearly always controlled, subdued

With his friend Anapater, Papa now controlled

Pim has made upgrades to each of our ships that will allow the helm, com, and scanners—even fire control—to be marginally controlled from each vessel’s Captain’s chair

• Focus on the breath (controlled exhalation or retention of breath),

While the things that we think, feel, and attend to are not controlled entirely by biology, we are still creatures of instinct, and what rises to conscious awareness is often the result of genetic programming

In other words, the content of consciousness, while to some extent controlled by biology, is not entirely under its control

• Pratyahara (sense withdrawal) — controlled withdrawal of the senses from their objects and limiting focus to a single object of attention

He controlled himself

In the second figure, It is shown which element is controlling the other element and how all these elements are counter balanced — controlled

9) The habit of eating or drinking liquids except water or buttermilk between the meals should be stringently controlled

He controlled all

b) Controlled Breathing and Visualization

They controlled our lives for so long

When I was growing up it was better than my parents and their lives were much better than their parents, but Anglo folks stilled controlled us

I know from what my grandfather taught me about the Anglos and how they controlled people so they could stay in power

for that purpose is controlled by Atlantica

The primary intelligence that controlled the device this time did not allow itself to be persuaded by Torbin, despite his continued support from the mind- state of Roidon

He needs to be controlled, that’s all

After all, they are controlled by a mouse having only one ball

, the ambassador from the island of Delos, which was a member of the Delian League overseen and controlled by Athens, the most powerful member of the league, protested to Athens that the other members of the league were being treated unfairly, Athens»s rulers responded with a rejoinder that has become classic: „The strong do what they can, while the weak do what they must

A horn sounded on the outskirts of the camp, followed by others to the east and west! They were warnings to alert the camp that an attack was imminent! Suddenly the faces of those Alit’aren were filled with controlled rage and the Ael Tarael moving about with expressions of caution and unease

It was controlled, though her attacks were skilful and malicious

Each one may be ten or so kilometres across, but it was still a controlled biosphere

To regress to the times when every aspect of living was controlled by a king, emperor, or feudal lord is not my idea of progress

It was dark and she couldn’t see his expression, but his voice sounded controlled

Now, instead of childish glee, there was calm, controlled malice in her eyes

” His voice was controlled

Back then, he controlled about 2

This is controlled by the International Game Developers Association, where you

She retched from the panic, knowing that death could be a real possibility, knowing that a TIAR recipient cannot be removed safely, even under controlled monitoring

there were many in the regions controlled by the Red Catholics

controlled by a federal overlay limiting the kinds of plants allowed there

said, “When we jumped, Commander, I controlled the shift

Using this crazy machine, would drawl away the nesting hens so that he could send in his remote controlled race car with a glued on battery operated claw arm that would reach in and gently retrieve the eggs (he was, sometimes, smart)

In fact, one seriously considered plan was to bring down the whole centrally controlled system with digital viruses: the New World government shown to be incompetent, rendered powerless

The magazine capacity was good and it could be controlled under automatic fire having a down force compensator in the AKM and a smaller cartridge than the R1

Not certain what the lever controlled, Amaranthe grabbed the hot metal rail and leaned as far past the edge of the catwalk as she could

He controlled his loaders with much passion and a few kicks no doubt if his evil eye did not bring immediate results

And who controlled parliament for 48 years? The Nationalists!

At work Glenna was very interested in what Dr Preston had told me, asking questions about how Dena’s blood pressure would be controlled and what medication she would be on

Chilies are a great source of controlling many insects either as a powder or as a concentrate that can be added to water and sprayed

Chile Paste is an Asian hot item and is useful in controlling many insects

Castile works very well against many types of funguses such as black sooty mold as well as for controlling ants outside

To control, concentrate many times their more on the health of the soil and the health of the plant and less on controlling the red spiders

They also sample food stuffs before eating can be used with great success in controlling roaches

Anytime you treat the cause, you will be controlling its effects


I also have found it to be true that by controlling the ants, you obtain a greater control of the aphids that are attacking your roses, etc

Changing the behavior of the ants is a very important factor in controlling many pests in the home and garden as well as controlling the ants themselves

Everyone performs various actions under some influence that he is capable of controlling by self-discipline

He had burst in on someone, someone who was controlling a houri simulating one of the female techs from the female side of the ship

He had survived the party, but mainly because so many other things had happened that day, the whole town had found out about his origins and Desa had scared him nearly to death with a song that made him believe she had been controlling his mind with RNAcid for generations

Vitamins, in controlling the body’s use of minerals, promotes a balance in the body necessary for the proper functioning of the endocrine glands and the formation of hormones

He seemed to be saying that the information transfer he had discovered was controlling the impactors that were aimed at the Angels

It all had to do with controlling nerve impulses thru the bodies closest to Gordon’s Lamp

It was capable of controlling the entire ship of the main expedition without anyone on the inside or outside knowing

She had to cut off, but she was frozen, how could she answer these questions? Should she pretend she was sitting in one of the buildings nearby in Zhlindu? Controlling the probe from there? She was just using the asteroid pinball with Narrulla as a convenient prop for a story she wanted to sell? But before she could start to blurt that out, he continued his own line of questioning

That it what a top mage spends his time controlling – the fallout

His staff was perhaps the only thing capable of controlling the Graelic

Executive Function is our intellectual capability of planning and analysis, while Self-Regulation is controlling our emotional reactions to current realities

One of the most important requirements for practicing non-attachment is controlling your attention

Because controlling the contents of consciousness, by itself, can enable a person to be happy and content in virtually any circumstance, the invitation to happiness is constant

Meditation, discussed earlier, is the practice of controlling one’s attention and awareness

The Mindsnapper field that had been controlling him had collapsed with the man-dog’s state of shock

Such a mind must always be thinking, scheming, controlling

In the second figure, It is shown which element is controlling the other element and how all these elements are counter balanced — controlled

Golf was not only capable of controlling minds and storing ruro but he was to be the unwilling transport that would deliver the ruro to the multi-dimensional Elif

There was a quiet clunk from the hatch and then, with a low hissing sound, it gradually swung open, two pneumatic pistons controlling its fall

If mean and improper persons are frequently appointed trustees ; and if proper courts of inspection and account have not yet been established for controlling their conduct, and for reducing the tolls to what is barely sufficient for executing the work to be done by them ; the recency of the institution both accounts and apologizes for those defects, of which, by the wisdom of parliament, the greater part may, in due time, be gradually remedied

Curiously she could find very few positive accounts/reports; Transcenders were not effective at controlling publicity and neither were they big on self promotion

And controlling it is incredibly difficult

Regardless of the obstacle you’re facing, controlling the ball, choosing the best club and setting up your shot are the steps that will get you back onto open ground

But when that didn’t work, he attacked me for being too controlling, having unfair punishments and being abusive

that it was a character defect in him as he had a controlling and

Also, when Gore was questioned about his having made contribution requests from his office in the West Wing, in clear violation of the Hatch Act and other federal laws, his response, laughable, was that there was „no legal controlling authority

His response: „There was no controlling legal authority

Breathing and focus, those are the keys to controlling your abilities

If they continue doing the superb jobs they»ve been doing these past two years in the areas of lowering taxes, balancing budgets, controlling regulations, and creating jobs, Obama may just have a tough time of it getting re-elected in 2012

Controlling for inflation, federal tax revenue today is 23

with boss families controlling the New York area, another group

“I believe Commander of the Armies Hollowcrest is controlling Sespian by unnatural means

Although the woman was dead, he had mastered the art of controlling her every movement and directed her through a telepathy which worked when he was in close proximity

Few of the wizards, especially the younger ones, had any retained powers for controlling people and stood no chance of defending themselves

President Bush‘s flawed Immigration Reform Bill providing ―conditional‖ amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens must be reassuring to 1) (Moderate) Republicans who would consider its passage a political opportunity to place the party in better stead with Hispanic Voters and the Business Community, 2) Corporations seeking to attract Cheap(er) Labor, 3) Democrats who, for the same reasons indicated above, are uncomfortable with the idea of controlling our nation‘s borders at the risk of alienating a sizeable voting bloc and (who) would otherwise seize the moment, for purely political reasons, to challenge Republican proposals that (surprise!) ―don‘t go far enough,‖ 4) Multiculturalists and Internationalists likely to embrace such ―reforms‖ as a (positive) first step towards achieving their (respective) Universalist Agenda, and 5) Shakers of Western Culture who would seek its destruction at any cost for its own sake and who would therefore (also) consider such measures as an appropriate step in the ―right‖ direction

William was finally hearing what he had been waiting to get from Frank from the minute he found him, and that was specific information regarding controlling his movement in time

The Democratic Party seized control of (the) socio/cultural debate by ―default‖; that is to say, by controlling the economic purse strings that ran interference for an (increasingly) left-winged agenda out of step with mainstream opinion

The natural formation of the country is the soldier’s best ally; but a power of estimating the adversary, of controlling the forces of victory, and of shrewdly calculating difficulties, dangers and distances, constitutes the test of a great general

In fact, Manifest Destiny was always an explicitly racist belief, that white Americans were destined to rule over all land between the oceans, and over all peoples already there, either controlling them or wiping them out

Not entirely unafraid; I feel the controlling of the terror, the terror is there, but you are managing it

His left thumb hovered over the button controlling certain countermeasures including chaff, flares, and aerial mines, but he waited

Staring across the no-mans-land between countries, she talked herself down, controlling breathing and taking time to think

Amonas was led right into the hands of a young man in possession of a keystone, an artifact that seems to enable its wielder to enter the game’s center, where the real Agrippa is located, the place from where he actually plays, controlling his avatar

I began to spend time with people on real quality brushing and these people made more progress over a short time in controlling inflammation than they had done with all previous attempts at brushing and flossing

Michelle added, uncertainly, “I think another advantage would be that Americans would be a whole lot more likely to vote, if we thought that we could actually have an impact on controlling the total spending of the elected party?”

in conservatorship and the Treasury has taken controlling ownership stakes in them

A link was established when humans figured out that time can be manipulated by controlling what and the speed of an object moving through space

That’s how Jeanine figured out who the simulation was controlling

stored at the Clinton Library, was centered almost exclusively on controlling the “bimbo eruptions

tables specifically provided by the software vendor for the purpose of controlling

Controlling the heat to avoid fire

feels are more controlling that attempt to do this

There is only so much push before others will realize that false information has entered the government»s mind as an acceptable form of controlling or „informing» the masses, the masses that 59

Itam owned nearly thirty percent before Conwick Everett’s death, not a controlling interest

He had controlling interest of Grayson Industries and Nick wanted it

“Since I am going to have a controlling interest in Itam

If anyone is going to have a controlling interest, it’s Joey

women control the household and the money, thus controlling the men

He might have been too controlling, but it was Manda herself who had nearly caused the fall when she had lost control and smacked Sierra

chance of controlling the situation

I made my way to my car with the rest of the fleeing mourners as the police were unsuccessful in controlling the stampede

temper flared and he had difficulty controlling his voice

I planned on having a chat with Chelsea after the hearing, but Rutherford escorted her past the press and was intent on controlling every second while she was in the proximity of the courthouse

will assist the man in controlling ejaculation

controlling the PC muscle (by internal contraction of the muscle or

In the initial stages, controlling ejaculation is much easier without

Elena: Well, remember when I told you about my issue with controlling the energy in me?

The Three have always taught her to repress any of the outbursts of energy she had so she never learned how to truly control them and now they were controlling her

All attacked at once and those controlling the fortresses and the castle were taken by surprise, but that does not mean the fight was easy

Jock started by describing a bit about why Hamish was paralysed not in detail but just in general by saying the brain is the central computer of our body interpreting outside information and controlling every action

If by controlling review time, if the final value of interest Y (for example Defect containment effectiveness) can be achieved, then we might interested in controlling the review time

There shall be documented procedure for identifying and controlling of configurable item

The questions were coming thick and fast but the controlling

This is adopted in most part of the world for Information Security controlling in IT organizations

What is controlling the UFO is puzzling to him

But the opinion insists that this finding was not controlling in the Court’s decision

The nanoeye will only follow your commands when you are controlling them

Having Exhausted all suggestions for controlling the little hellions, she tried one last

We have particle controlling nanos that direct lightning charges into our city from around the planet

She has this highly romanticized view, of ending her days with him, but I have seen his dark ways, and his cruel controlling of her, and the way he uses her to suit himself

amount at stake, and the only chance we have of controlling what we

A bell rang as the mechanism controlling the elevator detected the floor,

She can be very controlling, but it’s

Over the past weeks I’ve also sneaked off to train on controlling my powers too, I still couldn’t be sure if I made any real progress on that

Since overcoming our addiction to ego is the goal in life, and all aspects of our society use ego to mandate our rules, and our government has established deceit as their operating system, and money is controlling our lives, and our faith is misguided, our future is in plain sight

little bit of exertion at first and after that controlling your Glycemic Index is truly –

“How did you come about controlling yours?” I asked and her gaze narrowed “Mine were triggered by fear, your father was in grave danger

About the totalitarian evil controlling most of the Earth’s lands

around all the time then this need is controlling you

This time it’s not Zachary’s movements controlling my emotions; it’s hers

Attracting and trapping snails is one of the most effective natural snail controls

During the next few years you should work on reducing the chemicals used by ••• then eventually not using any chemicals at all and be 100% Organic! Any problems your plants may have can be treated with the appropriate organic controls; some of which are mentioned in this book

Biological Controls: The use of beneficial organisms offers an effective system of integrated pest management

Controls caterpillars, corn borers and mosquitoes

seconds controls all stages of the whitefly life cycle

The same rules of pest control apply to disease controls, the higher the stress, the greater the problem associated with it and the harder it will be to control

He had been tired of being ignored, so Ackers had found a way to cut through the volume controls and punish Vinnie for treating him with so little respect

She was well away from her command controls now and there would be nothing she could do in time before he got to her

This Chapter will strictly discuss the application of nutritional foliar spraying and not the use of foliar spraying concerning pest controls

That subject is covered in the chapter on Pest controls

and whoever controls that, controls

With the increase of organic methods of controls, we are seeing a reduction in chemical use

The cockpit door opens and the PILOT enters, gesturing angrily at and apparently arguing with his co-pilot, who remains at the controls

It can’t be done remotely, human beings must take the controls

They talked her thru to the life support controls, those were the first any space-suited humans would make in re-activating the ship from this state

It was a long process, repairing everything that had to be repaired to get life support working so the hard-wired interlocks would let the main controls be operated

The problem with mind control, she had immediately realized, is the problem of ‘who controls the controller?’ It was one of those dilemmas of recursions, like ‘who created God’? If a device was capable of mind control, it had to be programmed, so the programmer could control it

‘Worthless’, muttered Ginger at the controls in San Francisco

I began to suspect what’s going on with her last night, when we went out together and she revealed more details about her job: As a sales manager, she controls some teams of commercial travellers

This left the links to the control of the Linshere Paundrocop personification in his process, where he was able to see it was nothing but a standard houri with its pleasure controls hidden

Actually Enrico was no more in the bot than anyone else in the crew, if anything, as a tech, Bahkmar was closer because he could tap into the raw I/O to the device that was the bot and encapsulate Enrico’s controls

It was after she tried the controls that she came back out to use the Android’s eyes to see what was wrong with the engines

controls that were placed on me early on in my life

«Where is Alan?» he meant to soften it a little but mishandled the controls and only changed his accent a little

It’s the light that controls all the colours that we see

Vitamin D controls the calcium content in the blood; excess of vitamin D results in a number of disorders, including diarrhoea, depression, and severe toxic disturbances

“Actually,” Alan said, “It is Ava that holds those controls,” Elmore looked at him funny but Alan didn’t respond to that, it was too deep a systems discussion for him

Not only did he have no details on that auxiliary veron store, all its controls were mapped into Thom’s lab and he would have to manually re-map each of them to get them back into here

He wasn’t sure Thom would stay out of the lab long enough for Alan to do anything, but since all the controls he needed were in that lab, he had to try

All the action was in Thom’s lab, and to do anything but watch he would have to get into there after all, re-mapping the controls and instruments at the hardware data layer and manually editing the micro-amp accounting to cover his tracks while he did that

Even with the controls re-mapped, he couldn’t get a lot of info out of it either

«This is his Heaven after all, Theology controls the authorization levels

What are the validation controls in asp

Web user controls :- Web User Control is Easier to create and another thing is that its support is limited

The hacker would only need to set that up to reflect his packets thru Thom’s device and on to the controls of that cherub

She visualized the controls of state as an antique panel behind a heavy cast iron plate with a ten pound padlock on it

“Somebody want to help me lift this cover back into place?” Glayet asked as she grabbed onto the right end of the heavy cast iron cover to the controls of state

controls, and rather little analysis on the wider social impact of the

The controls to activate the lamp were operated (as always, mused

And after that, why did she have to get attached to him all over again once they got here? Why did a simple peasant have to look so manly at the controls of that needleboat on that stupid ride? Why couldn’t Tdeshi’s hormones let her be unmoved by the line of his jaw, the ruffle of his hair in the breeze as they cruised the canals all the way to the north end of the burbs and back?

same room; a bed, the controls, kitchen, monitors, everything

controls and turned the beach off

that controls the world

Desa was fiddling with the controls on what would be the amp if this was an old time rock & roll gig in what Earth’s music history now called ‘the age of the electric guitar’

He controls the earth and the heavens, yet He still has time for me

She found that anyone with the patience to learn to program the hardware data could eventually bypass all software controls

He controls the Black Door, isn’t that right, LeCynic?»

Other than that, the universe was her verandah on the beach and the returning gravity lowered them gently into the lounge, where the controls for the screens appeared on its arm

A pyramid that I believe is the seat of a secret Dark Lord who controls this world

She sprang to the controls and woke Thom in the process without meaning to

«I have just found your hack in the perception layer of the data store controls and the re-decoration you applied

A man controls his household, no matter that his wife holds title to

This means that she controls him, after all

The Elf pointed out the functions of each of the controls, the properties and general arrangement of the panels and monitors, their usefulness and a few tricks of the trade as it were to their more arcane applications

The Elf had slapped the engine controls to kill acceleration the moment Yula began her protests

” she flipped a few controls on the nav panel

You paid the price! It is my family of demonic spirits that controls this

On the bridge, Pim touched a specific series of controls in front of her

On the Huntress’s bridge, Pim touched the next series of controls and the Elf was projecting to every bridge on every ship in the little fleet

Fortunately it was a new lift and the controls inside it had been put at a reasonably accessible height

‘Please, don’t ask me to explain, but I know there’s been some massive overload of those controls that’s basically fried him on the spot

“It’s the big electronic thing that controls the ship

“Don’t touch any of the controls in here

Fletcher pressed the controls on the rear of the undamaged shuttle and grinned when the internal lights came on and the large door slowly lowered itself to the shuttle bay deck

There were various control panels with screens, which were probably once illuminated interface controls, in a semicircle around a depression in the floor

He was about to try the controls again when there was a sudden muffled boom sound from some distance away

At the far end of the block he could see Mark, pointing the RF scanner at it whilst twiddling with its controls

Torbin, from his hunched position over the controls, swiveled round immediately, glared at Roidon … but then smiled, in an unsurprisingly manic way

The marines are not equipped to progress in a vacuum and the atmospheric controls are at the other end of the station

He had no idea how to operate the controls

Zardino assured him that he simply needed to vector the helmet display towards his destination, using what were essentially small stick controls on arm rests

«The species that controls the most

Under the Obama administration, we have evolution in reverse, for we have now devolved to the point at which the state controls society

Captain Zolla had to take over from his helmsman at the controls

Put in systems and controls

His hands moved across the controls of his

His hand never reached the controls

His unfortunate flirtation with Keynesian Economic Policies (Wage and Price Controls) and prolonging the ―Great Society‖ by introducing fresh initiatives, threw a monkey wrench into the economy but enough of that! Seeking (public) forgiveness, if not self-forgiveness, this tormented soul sought redemption in seclusion and productive writing

Such powers including, but not limited to, (temporary) wage and price controls, rationing, production quotas, extra-legal surveillances and curfews, limit, to some extent, a society‘s freedoms

Dawn glanced at her dad, watching his eyes moving among the various instruments, his big hands almost stroking the levers and controls as he guided them home

Wage and Price controls and excessive regulations are prime examples that have produced dire consequences on the open market

Whoever controls the liberal media will be the hero in the end

It is arguably the most important faculty we possess as human beings in the manner it controls or directs behavior by giving pause to questions relating to right and wrong and good and evil, even when such distinctions are oftentimes unclear

In it the writer confesses he controls a large amount of money which he is willing to share with you! A total stranger who just happen to be that lucky to inherit or be chosen by this important man! But unfortunately he needs your account and a few thousand dollars (or less) to access the money he professed to control

“You have the plane,” I called, and felt the controls wiggle in acknowledgement as he took over

In addition, the preventer, which controls the mainsail, and both hatches, were all badly damaged, although still functioning

You are just what any woman would desire in her man and I’m glad I’m the girl who controls your heart,� Maureen whispered into his ear

They fund programs and support stricter controls out of fear of the ruin legalization would most certainly bring to them

Here, let me have the controls,” he shouted, pushing Troy to one side

Lyra couldn’t make out what they were saying to each other, but sat up straighter when they both unexpectedly lunged at Conal, pulling him away from the controls

Before Conal could work his way back to the controls, the helicopter came in low over the water at them again

He knew he was dying, he could see his brain matter splattered across the cockpit controls

boiler pressure, and I’ll handle the controls if the captain calls

The dairy was already a supplier of milk and butter to the American forces in the area, and even under fixed price controls, was enjoying a fair degree of prosperity

That’s when Hartle wrenched the controls in a great slewing arc, watching as a field of stars swept past his view

“So the Empire dominates and controls the trade routes

Raul swung his eyes again to the controls, but he obviously didn’t understand

He leaned his right shoulder against the wheelhouse and watched perspiration drip from his nose, as his cousin manipulated controls, lifting the illicit cargo from the hold

He slammed the controls again, and lucky for him the compensators could handle the extra gees

control (n, v): the act of controlling something or someone, or the power to do this; to order, limit, or rule something, or someone’s actions or behaviour

Use “control” in a sentence

He struggled to retain control of the situation.
He couldn’t control his anger.
Nobody can control us.
Everything is under control.

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Definition of Control

to influence or direct people’s behavior

Examples of Control in a sentence

The overbearing mother liked to control her children’s behavior and wouldn’t let them do anything without her permission.


Scientists wish there was a way to control the weather, but haven’t figured out a way to regulate it yet.


After the accident, the police were able to take control of the traffic and direct the cars to a detour.


Other words in the Force category:

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  • Use the word Control in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It’s not working. The governments have seized control.

But our plasma supply was insufficient, so we have to take blood for our wounded where we can get it and where the donor is easiest to control.

A current in the form of an erotic impulse travels from the cerebral cortex to the control center in the diencephalon.

Mission control gave the spacecraft permission… to go for the extravehicular activity— that is, for the walk on the moon— far earlier than anticipated, 9:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

I can not control myself.

We have it all under control.

We have this under control.

Dia: dit starts in my soul, and I lose all control d Blake: I felt so strongly about their abilities.

Which is an accomplishment, But you, cherie, you had a lot of control under pressure, Which is an even greater feat to accomplish.

dsaid I wouldn’t call d dbut I’ve lost all control d dand I need you now d

We also have climate control equipment like these curtains that draw across underneath the glazing at night when its very cold so we have an extra insulating layer for accomplishing that.

I’ve got everything under control!

Sssure, that’s something we studied over and over again at… Mission control Center.

We have to get the little douchebag under control.

You know, things get a bit out of control.

We do not control man’s destiny

Ran outside, and the sky this just this odd color that I’ve never seen in my life, and I’m thinking it can’t be the show doing this because that’s way out of their powers and their control.

I don’t like things that I can’t explain and that I don’t have at least some sort of control over.

But if I use the wedding as an excuse to come back to Korea I can avoid my stepmother’s control.

Then I can figure out the false names written under bed-ridden father’s stocks and gain control.

I know you like to control everything, but this is not your business.

OK, I have manual control of the aorta.

OK, we have control of the lilacs.

No, I want to control the back-bleed with the foetus in place.

Mission control, the swinger has landed.

Madame, the horses are out of control!

Julius tells Pompey of his great plans, i.e., his election as consul and control of the Roman legions.

Well, LSD can do many adverse things the they are done almost never under control in supervised conditions, they happen when people take it casually and randomly.

Who were in my head but out of control and laughing at me pointing their faces at me and going haaa-haaa-haaa-haaaa we’ve got you.

Here I’ll propose a drug control away to provide stricter penalties for those who traffic an LSD and other dangerous drugs with our people

And that makes us a little out of their control.

I’ve this thing under control… just gonna touch a flinger-time?

Everyone thinks «I can control heroine»

until it starts to control them.

What does matter, is that LSD is an extraordinaly powerful drug. Whose effect we can’t really control and we can’t control when we take it

control of the line provided.

Yet he did not consider how difficult it is to control passion, once it is unbridled.

I’ll get your economy under control!

Men don’t just control the hands …

The head, the heart control the body …, also the hands …

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ kuhn-trohl ]

/ kənˈtroʊl /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), con·trolled, con·trol·ling.

to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate: command: The car is difficult to control at high speeds.That zone is controlled by enemy troops.

to hold in check; curb: to control a horse;to control one’s emotions.

to test or verify (a scientific experiment) by a parallel experiment or other standard of comparison.

to eliminate or prevent the flourishing or spread of: to control a forest fire.

Biology. (of an organism) to initiate an internal response to external stimuli.

Obsolete. to check or regulate (transactions), originally by means of a duplicate register.


the act or power of controlling; regulation; domination or command: Who’s in control here?

the situation of being under the regulation, domination, or command of another: The car is out of control.

check or restraint: Her anger is under control.

a legal or official means of regulation or restraint: to institute wage and price controls.

a person who acts as a check; controller.

a device for regulating and guiding a machine, as a motor or airplane.

controls, a coordinated arrangement of such devices.

prevention of the flourishing or spread of something undesirable: rodent control.

Biology. an organism’s ability to initiate an internal response to external stimuli (distinguished from regulation).

Baseball. the ability of a pitcher to throw the ball into the strike zone consistently: The rookie pitcher has great power but no control.

Philately. any device printed on a postage or revenue stamp to authenticate it as a government issue or to identify it for bookkeeping purposes.

a spiritual agency believed to assist a medium at a séance.

the supervisor to whom an espionage agent reports when in the field.

Verb Phrases

control for, Statistics. to account for (variables in an analysis) by limiting the data under consideration to a comparison of like things: to control for demographic factors.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of control

First recorded in 1425–75; late Middle English co(u)ntrollen (verb), from Anglo-French contreroller “to keep a duplicate account or roll,” derivative of contrerolle (noun); see counter-, roll


con·trol·la·ble, adjective, nouncon·trol·la·bil·i·ty [kuhn-troh-luhbil-i-tee], /kənˌtroʊ ləˈbɪl ɪ ti/, con·trol·la·ble·ness, nouncon·trol·la·bly, adverbcon·trol·less, adjective

con·trol·ling·ly, adverbnon·con·trol·la·ble, adjectivenon·con·trol·la·bly, adverbnon·con·trolled, adjectivenon·con·trol·ling, adjectiveo·ver·con·trol, verb (used with object), o·ver·con·trolled, o·ver·con·trol·ling, nounpre·con·trol, noun, verb (used with object), pre·con·trolled, pre·con·trol·ling.qua·si-con·trolled, adjectivequa·si-con·trol·ling, adjectivesub·con·trol, verb (used with object), sub·con·trolled, sub·con·trol··per·con·trol, nounun·con·trolled, adjectiveun·con·trol·ling, adjectivewell-con·trolled, adjective

Words nearby control

contrite, contrition, contrivance, contrive, contrived, control, control account, control board, control center, control character, control chart Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does control mean?

To control is to dominate or command something or someone, as in Tomas showed excellent control of his hand several weeks after his surgery.

As a noun, control can refer to the act of controlling, as in I can’t stand it—my parents have total control over my life!

To control is also to restrain or keep in check, as in Toddlers are not known for control over their emotions.

Control can also refer to keeping something in check. When you keep your emotions under control, you still feel them but you don’t let them overwhelm you.

To control can also mean to eliminate the spread of something, such as with a fire or an illness.

In statistics, to control for means to compare only like data to reduce the number of variables in the comparison.

Example: Who has control of the lights for tonight’s show?

Where does control come from?

The first records of the term control come from the 1400s. It ultimately comes from the Anglo-French contreroller, meaning “to keep a duplicate roll of.”

In the sciences, control takes on another specific definition, meaning “a person, object, or group that is kept in a constant, unchanging state throughout the experiment.” In order to test if an independent variable was actually the cause for a change, a control group that doesn’t have the independent variable is created. This way, the results of both the control group and the testing group can be compared.

Did you know … ?

How is control used in real life?

Control is a common word used to talk about command or restriction in many situations.

Guardians of the Galaxy is surprisingly good. Trailers made the game look like pure trash, but they managed to both capture the appeal of the first movie and make a fun game. It’s buggy as heck though and I think the control layout could have been much better.

— Jason (@panzerjedi) December 9, 2021

Roughing the Passer calls are absolutely out of control.

— JJ Watt (@JJWatt) September 25, 2018

My facial hair is getting out of control

— michael clifford on tour (@Michael5SOS) April 5, 2015

Try using control!

Is control used correctly in the following sentence?

My parents gave me control over my college fund, so now I can withdraw money for tuition.


What are other ways to say control?

The noun control means “domination or command.” How is control different from authority and influence? Find out on

Words related to control

authority, curb, discipline, domination, force, government, jurisdiction, management, oversight, regulation, restraint, restriction, rule, supervision, administer, command, conduct, deal with, dominate, govern

How to use control in a sentence

  • Companies like Rice Up still promote rice cakes as a whole-grain option for weight control.

  • I was talking about what we’re doing is under control, but I’m not talking about the virus.

  • Alexander also requested an extraordinary amount of control over the reports, asking that he be allowed to review them before publication and even make edits.

  • At the beginning, before anybody knew what it was, I spoke with President Xi, and he said, we are doing it well, we have it under control.

  • A month later, a Fox News poll found 70 percent of likely voters felt the pandemic was “not at all” or “somewhat” under control.

  • From there we took the train to Nice, France, but the French border control caught us and sent us back to Italy.

  • Spin control began, Florida-style: the opinion only covers some counties, some people, some times.

  • He seemed by all appearances perfectly happy to let the Republicans control the state senate.

  • The police cannot ultimately control public opinion unilaterally.

  • So not only will the GOP have control in the Senate, it will move the center of gravity on Capitol Hill hard to starboard.

  • Solely over one man therein thou hast quite absolute control.

  • In a few minutes, however, he had it again under control, and they soon reached the berg.

  • A certain amount of his ill-humour vented, Tressan made an effort to regain his self-control.

  • The nativesʼ anxiety to oust the Spaniards was far stronger than their wish to be under American, or indeed any foreign, control.

  • The marvelous improvements in mechanism and tone production and control in 1886 to 1913 by Robt.

British Dictionary definitions for control

verb -trols, -trolling or -trolled (tr)

to command, direct, or ruleto control a country

to check, limit, curb, or regulate; restrainto control one’s emotions; to control a fire

to regulate or operate (a machine)

to verify (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment in which the variable being investigated is held constant or is compared with a standard

  1. to regulate (financial affairs)
  2. to examine and verify (financial accounts)

to restrict or regulate the authorized supply of (certain substances, such as drugs)


power to direct or determineunder control; out of control

a means of regulation or restraint; curb; checka frontier control

(often plural) a device or mechanism for operating a car, aircraft, etc

a standard of comparison used in a statistical analysis or scientific experiment

  1. a device that regulates the operation of a machine. A dynamic control is one that incorporates a governor so that it responds to the output of the machine it regulates
  2. (as modifier)control panel; control room

spiritualism an agency believed to assist the medium in a séance

Also called: control mark a letter, or letter and number, printed on a sheet of postage stamps, indicating authenticity, date, and series of issue

one of a number of checkpoints on a car rally, orienteering course, etc, where competitors check in and their time, performance, etc, is recorded

Derived forms of control

controllable, adjectivecontrollability or controllableness, nouncontrollably, adverb

Word Origin for control

C15: from Old French conteroller to regulate, from contrerolle duplicate register, system of checking, from contre- counter- + rolle roll

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Scientific definitions for control

A standard of comparison for checking or verifying the results of an experiment. In an experiment to test the effectiveness of a new drug, for example, one group of subjects (the control group) receives an inactive substance or placebo , while a comparison group receives the drug being tested.

The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Copyright © 2011. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Other Idioms and Phrases with control

see out of control; spin control.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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