The word contribution in a sentence

вклад, взнос, содействие, пожертвование, сотрудничество, статья, налог, контрибуция


- пожертвование, взнос (денежный и т. п.)

the money came from worldwide contributions — фонд сложился из пожертвований, поступивших со всех концов земли

- вклад

contribution to the cause of peace — вклад в дело мира
the successful launchings of the space ships constitute a tremendous contribution to world science — успешный запуск космических кораблей является огромным вкладом в мировую науку
to make a /one’s/ contribution to smth. — сделать вклад /внести свою лепту/ во что-л.

- сотрудничество (в газете, журнале и т. п.)
- статья для газеты, журнала
- содействие

contribution to the happiness of others — содействие счастью других

- редк. контрибуция; налог

to lay under contribution — налагать контрибуцию; облагать налогом
to lay contribution on tobacco [on spirits] — наложить налог на табак [на спиртные напитки]

- юр. участие в погашении долга, возмещение доли ответственности

contribution from the floor — краткое выступление или реплика с места (на собрании, конференции)

Мои примеры


a book of essays including contributions from several well-known political columnists — книга очерков, в том числе статьи нескольких известных политических обозревателей  
a contribution so small as to be laughable — вклад настолько маленький, что это даже смешно  
meaningful contribution — значительный вклад  
appreciation of women’s contribution to politics — определение вклада женщин в политику  
technological contribution — вклад в развитие техники  
contribution to the budget — взнос в бюджет  
contribution of capital — взнос капитала  
cash contribution — денежный взнос наличными  
contribution in cash — взнос наличными  
contribution other than cash — взнос по безналичному расчету  
charitable contribution — благотворительный взнос  
generous contribution — щедрое пожертвование  

Примеры с переводом

She made an outstanding contribution to science.

Она внесла выдающийся вклад в науку.

Her contribution to the project was undervalued.

Её вклад в проект был недооценен.

Her contribution to our work is incalculable.

Её вклад в нашу работу бесценен.

Sponsorship is a contribution in money or in kind.

Спонсорство — это вклад в денежной или в натуральной форме.

The smallest contribution will be thankfully received.

Даже самые маленькие взносы будут приняты с благодарностью.

He deprecated his own contribution.

Свой вклад (в общее дело) он незаслуженно считал скромным.

I’d like to make a contribution in honor or memory of a friend or family member.

Я бы хотел сделать пожертвование в честь или в память друга или члена семьи.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A contribution of £25 will buy 15 books.

Contributions to charities are tax deductible.

The employee’s contribution is 5% of pensionable salary.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

contributing  — способствовать, содействовать, сотрудничать, жертвовать, делать вклад, отдавать

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): contribution
мн. ч.(plural): contributions

Synonym: donation, part, share. Similar words: contribute, contributor, contribute to, distribution, constitution, constitutional, concentration, attribute. Meaning: [‚kɒntrɪ’bjuːʃn]  n. 1. any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor 2. a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause 3. act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity 4. an amount of money contributed 5. a writing for publication especially one of a collection of writings as an article or story. 

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1. Her contribution to the discussion was substantial.

2. Most art forms require a contribution from the observer.

3. The general slurred over his contribution to the campaign.

4. We made a contribution to the famine relief fund.

5. This is Chekhov’s contribution to Russian literature.

6. Her contribution was of immeasurable importance.

7. This is a significant contribution to knowledge.

8. Her contribution to our work is incalculable.

8. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

9. Marie Curie is famous for her contribution to science.

10. I can make a great contribution to society.

11. if everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful.

12. He was awarded a prize for his contribution to world peace.

13. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory.

14. I’ll try to wangle a contribution out of him.

15. There was no mention of her contribution.

16. Robert’s contribution should also be remembered.

17. His contribution was of little or no practical value.

18. They favour our programme with a large contribution.

19. Don’t undervalue Jim’s contribution to the research.

20. They favour our program with a large contribution.

21. A contribution of £25 will buy 15 books.

22. I had no intention of depreciating your contribution.

23. You should be surtaxed for your contribution fee.

24. Their contribution was of great worth.

25. We rely entirely on voluntary contribution.

26. This invention made a major contribution to road safety.

27. Her contribution to the research went largely unacknowledged.

28. The employee’s contribution is 5% of pensionable salary.

29. With your contribution, that makes a total of £45.

30. We like to think that we are making a positive contribution to society.

More similar words: contribute, contributor, contribute to, distribution, constitution, constitutional, concentration, attribute, confrontation, distribute, a bone of contention, on the contrary, control, contract, contrast, contrast to, by contrast, contractor, out of control, controversy, contretemps, under control, to the contrary, control group, controversial, beyond control, pollution, execution, evolution, resolution.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word contribution, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use contribution in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «contribution».

Contribution in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word contribution in a sentence.

  1. It’s a great read and an important contribution.

  2. Joel and Ethan allowed me a certain contribution.

  3. Critics especially praised Rihanna’s contribution.

  4. These figures exclude the contribution of Airbus UK.

  5. Davis, because of its contribution to serious injury.

  6. We now have a real contribution to make to a ‘merger’.

  7. Boyce’s annual contribution to the LSA grew to $100,000.

  8. I am sorry my personal contribution has been so small ..

  9. Macdonald’s biographers note his contribution to establishing Canada as a nation.

  10. The second LP contained a single experimental contribution from each band member.

  11. Though they were small in size, their contribution to national morale was enormous.

  12. The ADF makes a significant contribution to Australia’s domestic maritime security.

  13. The contribution of elements from these sources was much lower than in the Milky Way.

  14. Johnson’s most significant contribution in this area was his promotion of German-language literature.

  15. GE applied for the export license in 1972 as their primary contribution to the 10-ton engine project.

  16. Morrison writes that the portrayal was one «that many consider to be his finest contribution to film».

  17. Her painting sold for A$18,500, a significant contribution to the quarter of a million dollars raised.

  18. I didn’t have any brothers, and I thought that’s something I can do, one way I can make a contribution.

  19. His final contribution to football was publishing a book about Yale football in the early 20th century.

  20. Instead, Cabinet decided that the British Government should be asked to make a significant contribution.

  21. Haley’s contribution to the work is notable, and several scholars discuss how it should be characterized.

  22. Due to their pioneering contribution to the field, they have often been labelled as «the original punks».

  23. Blackburn’s advance force had made a significant contribution to stopping the Vichy French counter-stroke.

  24. According to Peter Newman, this was «Diefenbaker’s most important contribution to international politics ..

  25. The major contribution of the Henri-Michaelis-Menten approach was to think of enzyme reactions in two stages.

  26. Lang continued his contribution to the war effort, paying visits to the Grand Fleet and to the Western Front.

  27. He made a supreme contribution to the capture and holding of a feature vital to the success of the operation.

  28. Another steal by Merritt led to a fast break, bringing her contribution to ten points, and the score to 38–16.

  29. For Takemitsu, Debussy’s «greatest contribution was his unique orchestration which emphasizes colour, light and shadow ..

  30. The house in which Captain von Stiebar lived was marked with a bronze plate commemorating his contribution to the battle.

  31. Gretzky was named an officer of the Order of Canada on June 25, 1984, for outstanding contribution to the sport of hockey.

  32. Tim Forest, a historian of the pulps, considers Bradbury’s work to be Planet’s «most important contribution to the genre».

  33. Paul Taylor from the Manchester Evening News called it one the album’s best moments and highlighted Austin’s contribution.

  34. Smith earned an executive producer credit, and the album marked his final official contribution to the band’s discography.

  35. Franklin goes on to herald the synthesis of these two elements as «a real contribution to the novelistic genre of America».

  36. The award is given to individuals who have made an outstanding and career-spanning contribution to America’s space program.

  37. Both were unhappy with arranger Richard Anthony Hewson’s contribution, which they felt was too mainstream for Drake’s songs.

  38. Taken together, these suggest that there may be an indirect dopaminergic contribution to psilocin’s psychotomimetic effects.

  39. His most noteworthy Test contribution in his early career was a match-winning ten wicket haul at Headingley in 1909, before being dropped in the 1910–11 Australian season.

  40. The publication of the structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick with contribution of Rosalind Franklin in 1953 demonstrated a physical mechanism for inheritance.

  41. In 2014–15, and again in 2017, a detachment of Super Hornets was deployed to the Middle East as part of Australia’s contribution to the military intervention against ISIL.

  42. Burnet later helped oversee the institute’s contribution to the Anglo-Australian participation in the International Biological Programme in the Field of Human Adaptability.

  43. Byrne, Sr.,) under investigation after campaign contribution pay-to-play allegations concerning work done by city contractors to rebuild the Market-Frankford Elevated Line.

Synonyms for contribution

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word contribution has the following synonyms: donation, part, share and .

General information about «contribution» example sentences

The example sentences for the word contribution that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «contribution» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «contribution».

Definition of Contribution

a gift or payment to a common fund or collection or the part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result or helping something to advance

Examples of Contribution in a sentence

The grocery store cashier asked the customer if she would like to make a contribution to the American Heart Association.


The group of wealthy alumni made a substantial contribution to the university towards rebuilding their outdated library.


The soon to be married couple asked for friends and loved ones to make a contribution to their honeymoon fund in lieu of gifts.


Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions were a huge contribution to the study of flight and aided the Wright Brothers in crafting the first successful airplane.


Freud’s major contribution to psychology was completely explaining the intricate workings of the human through the id, ego, and superego.


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contribution — перевод на русский


Well, I think I’ve made a substantial contribution today.

А я, кажется, сделал сегодня немаловажный вклад.

I wish to express my gratitude to the following people… for their valuable contributions:

Я желаю выразить свою благодарность следующим людям… за их ценный вклад:

We’re counting on your contribution, Gaius.

Мы рассчитываем на твой вклад, Гай.

My contribution, of the emm of Taranium is greater than all of yours put together.

Мой вклад, Тараниум, больше, чем все ваши вместе.

I neglected, in my initial run-through, to correlate the possible contributions by offspring.

При первых расчетах я забыл связать вклад в историю вашими отпрысками.

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No, and did I tell you that Captain Butler made… a stupendous contribution to the Association for the Beautification… — …of the Graves of the Glorious Dead? — No!

А я говорила, что капитан Батлер сделал пожертвование на благоустройство могил наших доблестных воинов?

Well, naturally, we’d make a small contribution to the funds.

Ну естественно, мы внесли бы небольшое пожертвование.

Your Highness, please allow me this small contribution.

Ваше Высочество, позвольте мне небольшое пожертвование.

I will see to it personally, that vsi makes a large contribution to the church.

Пожертвование — святое действие.

You make a little contribution, you have a ceremony.

Делаешь небольшое пожертвование, участвуешь в церемонии.

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Please leave a contribution in the little box.

Пожалуйста, сделайте взнос в маленькую коробочку.

We hope we have made a valuable contribution to the national debate on monetary reform.

ћы наде€мс€, что мы сделали хороший взнос в дебаты о национальной валютной реформе.

We’re making a valuable contribution to the alliance.

Мы делаем ценный взнос в альянс.

— Our contribution to global welfare.

— Всего лишь взнос в мировое благополучие.

Thank you for your contribution.

Спасибо, за Ваш взнос.

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— But I might have a contribution.

— Но я мог бы внести свой вклад.

Make a contribution.

Внести свой вклад.

I’d like to do something special with my life, to make a contribution.

Я бы хотел сделать что-нибудь со своей жизнью. Что-нибудь особенное. Внести свой вклад.

… it was time to make a campaign contribution.

пора было внести свой вклад в предвыборную компанию.

Everyone, from richest to poorest, can make a contribution.

Все, от бедных до богатых, могут внести свой вклад.

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The entire project entails a great financial contribution, but the allocation of the budget has been approved.

Этот проект потребует больших финансовых вложений, которые были предусмотрены, одобренным нами, бюджетом.

You know I never make political contributions.

Ты же знаешь, я никогда не делал политических вложений.

Probably the greatest contribution of Cataluña to universal history.

Пожалуй, главное вложение Каталонии в общую историю

Alicia’s capital contribution alone is worth half a million.

Только вложение Алисии в стартовый капитал составило полмиллиона.

And I’m guessing Metro will be going after superior contracting for illegal campaign contributions?

И полагаю, полиция займется закрытием «Супериэр Контрактинг» за нелегальные вложения в кампанию?

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There, now that is my contribution to childhood obesity.

Вот он, мой вклад в развитие детского ожирения.

Well, kind of, but he ain’t gonna be making any contributions to the gene pool anytime soon.

Ну да, однако, но он не собирается делать вклад в развитие генофонда еще какое-то время.

In short-— any one who told you that you would someday be able to make any significant contribution to physics, played a cruel trick on you,a cruel trick indeed.

ороче, если кто-то сказал вам, что однажды вы сможете внести сколь-нибудь значительный вклад в развитие физики, то он жестоко вас обманул, в самом деле очень жестоко.

And this is our contribution to society, right?

Это наш вклад в развитие общества

I give you Frank’s Milk of the Gods. My contribution to mankind, the strongest beer ever made.

Представляю тебе «Молоко богов» от Фрэнка, мой вклад в развитие человечества, крепчайшее пиво в мире.

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— That is your contribution?

— ЭТО твое участие? — Йо!

— It doesn’t represent my contribution.

— В ней не указано мое участие.

And thank you, by the way, for your contribution to that.

И спасибо тебе, кстати, за участие.

Just a thank-you note for your contribution to the Pensioner’s Tea!

Вам благодарственное письмо за участие в Пенсионерском чае!

Given the recent allegations against me, some might think my contribution to this debate… self-serving.

Учитывая недавние обвинения в мой адрес, некоторые могут счесть моё участие в этих дебатах… своекорыстным.

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Now, Sully did a lot for this city, and in my own way, I hope to make the same kind of contribution that he did.

Салли много сделал для Спокана и я надеюсь по-своему принести этому городу столько же пользы.

They’ve made a greater contribution to the world’s prosperity than all the gold and all the silver that was ever ripped out of Peru.

Они принесли миру больше пользы, чем все золото и серебро вывезенное из Перу.

you don’t want to end up an eccentric like howard hughes, remembered more for his 10-inch toenails than his contributions to society.

Ты же не хочешь закончить как Говард Хьюз Которого запомнили за 10-сантиметровые ногти, а не за пользу обществу

It’s easy to think about guys and weddings and all that stuff it’s hard to picture starting a business or inventing something that will make a real contribution to the world.

Проще простого думать о парнях, свадьбе и всяком таком, но трудно представить то, как начать свой бизнес или изобрести что-то, что будет приносить реальную пользу миру.

I think I could make some contributions.

Мне кажется, некоторую пользу я мог бы принести.

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Sloan, who resigned as campaign treasurer… after the Watergate break-in… showed up for a deposition in the common-cause suit on… disclosure of campaign contributions, and denied naming Haldeman.

— Не знаешь, чего он хочет? — Нет. Слоан, ушедший в отставку с поста казначея предвыборной кампании..

Trade votes for campaign contributions, reveal state secrets, fund raise on government property?

Продавали голоса в пользу избирательной кампании, раскрывали государственные секреты, брали деньги для инвестиций из собственности государства?

For every dollar Brady spends on campaign contributions do you know how much the gun lobby spends?

Ќа каждый доллар, который Ѕрэди тратит на нужды кампании, знаете, сколько тратит оружейное лобби?

— To tell Erich Blunt that apparently bundling $1.6 million in campaign contributions doesn’t earn you a private meeting with the mayor!

— Сказать Эрику Бланту, что более полутора миллионов долларов, пожертвованных на кампанию, не гарантируют, очевидно, личной встречи с мэром!

I myself have been accused of receiving campaign contributions from the narcotics traffickers who have bought influence in these halls.

Меня самого обвиняют в том, что я брал деньги на кампанию у наркобаронов, оказывающих влияние посредством своих денег.

I don’t wish to belittle D’Arnot’s contribution but he was merely a part of an expedition.

Я не хотел бы преуменьшать заслуги Д’Арно, но он был лишь одним из участников экспедиции.

And I will, of course, make sure your contributions are noted in my report to Count Dooku.

И, конечно, я обязательно отмечу ваши заслуги в моём докладе графу Дуку.

I promise I will put forward a motion for you to be decorated for you contribution to fighting organized crime in our country.

Обещаю подать рапорт о вашем награждении за заслуги в борьбе с организованной преступностью в нашей стране.

I’ll award the most zealous units with a Contribution Cross myself.

Наиболее прилежных я лично выдвину на получение креста за заслуги!

He was writing, he was happy, and I was proud to be making my contribution.

Он писал в полном счастье. А я гордилась, что в этом есть и моя заслуга.

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Its main contribution is to offer a measure of clarity in three important areas. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Judge Posner’s main contribution is the application of economics to law. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Another result of this contribution is a shift of the discussion of economic policy away from isolated policy measures towards the institutional setup of policy making. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Your contribution is the overall impact you’d like to achieve. ❋ Lauren Mackler (2010)

Your contribution is always welcome and respected. ❋ Inspector Gadget (2009)

We usually get tired of turkey and other holiday food by Christmas and end up making a Tex-Mex Christmas, and my contribution is always sour cream enchiladas, although I’m probably blasphemous in that I make them with FLOUR tortillas, ahh, the horror! ❋ Homesick Texan (2009)

Your contribution is a huge boost and will be saved for a strong, smart campaign in the fall. ❋ Unknown (2004)

The other contribution is the synthesis of liquid crystalline conjugated polymers by replacing the hydrogen atom bonded to polyacetylene with a substituent having liquid crystalline nature as the side chain. ❋ Unknown (2001)

Once the scale of the contribution is arranged, and not until then, will this necessary Dominion-wide onslaught upon poor housing, slums, and all that is detrimental to us as civilized people, become possible. ❋ Unknown (1937)

Tertullian encouraged the «blessed martyrs designate» by what he termed a contribution to their spiritual sustenance (Ad martyres, i), and at the same time protested against the unjust measures of which they were the victims. ❋ 1840-1916 (1913)

He here guards against their thinking from what he has just said, that he makes light of their bounty. ye did communicate with my affliction — that is, ye made yourselves sharers with me in my present affliction, namely, by sympathy; of which sympathy your contribution is the proof. ❋ Unknown (1871)

But here we are now doing what we call a contribution analysis, looking at how attractive do we think these markets area, how long do we think we need to invest there, to be cash positive, and how much do we think those investments, how much will they give us compared to money put into Russia or money put into LTE in Italy.

So two components: Volume-based, and then what I call contribution margin, or VAR, to the fixed component of gross margin.

Specifically, our overall business achieved 9% growth in revenue for both the quarter and full year, and 16% and 14% increase in operating income, or what we call contribution, for the quarter and full year respectively. ❋ Unknown (2010)

We [have It] costs £40 to make, and we sell for £[55]. That gives us £15 contribution. This goes to paying off our [electricity] (actually semi-variable) ❋ Kung-Fu Jesus (2004)

[Thank you] for your contribution.
We’ll add your term to the [dictionary] within [24 hours]. ❋ C4PROOF (2003)

when youre in a [ceremony] and the [speaker] says «thank you for your contributation!» you would answer, «it was [hard work], but we contributated a lot.» ❋ Sjdhjkfhdjkfh (2010)

I made a Contribution [via Google] in [exchange] for [money] ❋ TheWon(one) (2017)

[President elect]: «Ya’ll [oughta] cown-tree-bute!»
me/you: I contribute every year and every waking moment of my life which I personally strive to make as beneficial to men of [all walks of life] (avoid adding the obvious «especially the poor»). ❋ Huh? (2004)

1. The net contribution of Beethoven to the Symphony is [incalculable].
2. [Joe Blow], net contribution to society — [nil]. ❋ Jonathan FeBland (Znethru) (2006)

We contributed to the [President’s] [campaign] by sending him loads of $cash. Thus, we gave him a [campaign contribution]. ❋ Part Ridge (2007)

Mom: Tom, I finished washing your [protein] [stained] [pj’s]
Tom: I appreciate the vaginal contribution mom ❋ Krackton (2010)

What do you think about [Bush’s] [contribution] to the [arts]?Bush’s contribution to the arts. ❋ Deep Blue 2012 (2010)

The most common examples of [defined-contribution plans] are the [401](k) and the [403](b). ❋ Tufs (2021)

Too often the men of the congregation think the only responsibility is to hire, fire the preacher; count noses at the assemblies, lock and unlock the building, and count the contribution

The people waited in silence, polite and sincere, and after each vocal contribution, aided by the whisky, each voice trailed away to be taken up anew by his neighbour and transferred on and on around the table

This is contribution

‘Here is my ten,’ Ish said and tossed the bundle back to me, ‘My contribution to

Rayne received the Order of the Golden Feather from Lord Justin himself for her contribution

To save the Elf Prince he truly would die – this would be Anon’s contribution to Imorbis’ plan

wise (sophia), not through the contribution of its

They generally have some, however ; and in the payment of taxes, the greatness of their number may compensate, in some measure, the smallness of their contribution

idea of the contribution proportional with the

and contribution of their predecessors on the

It was his contribution towards her education regarding the male anatomy

And who would deny him sustenance, either of body or mind? Being both the first and final arbiter of whom should receive financial assistance from the state, was a responsibility that was not without its stresses and strains, and Mr Rudolph Snickerty’s contribution to society had not escaped recognition

contribution they have put into the future of

If the contribution of the

His contribution to all areas of company activity in which he has been involved have been much appreciated

and in compensation admitted to the same freedom of trade with its fellow-subjects at home; the number of its representatives to be augmented as the proportion of its contribution might afterwards augment ; a new method of acquiring importance, a new and more dazzling object of ambition, would be presented to the leading men of each colony

In the following book, therefore, I shall endeavour to explain, first, what are the necessary expenses of the sovereign or commonwealth; and which of those expenses ought to be defrayed by the general contribution of the whole society ; and which of them, by that of some particular part ouly, or of some particular members of the society: secondly, what are the different methods in which the whole society may be made to contribute towards defraying the expenses incumbent on the whole society ; and what are the principal advantages and inconveniencies of each of those methods : and thirdly, what are the reasons and causes which have induced almost all modern governments to mortgage some part of this revenue, or to contract debts; and what have been the effects of those debts upon the real wealth, the annual produce of the land and labour of the society

It is reasonable, therefore, that they should be defrayed by the general contribution of the whole society ; all the different members contributing, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities

There is no impropriety, therefore, in its being defrayed by the general contribution of the whole society

The expense of the administration of justice, therefore, may very properly be defrayed by the particular contribution of one or other, or both, of those two different sets of persons, according as different occasions may require, that is, by the fees of court

It cannot be necessary to have recourse to the general contribution of the whole society, except for the conviction of those criminals who have not themselves any estate or fund sufficient for paying those fees

After these annihilations, the remaining protons, neutrons and electrons were no longer moving relativistically and the energy density of the Universe was dominated by photons (with a minor contribution from neutrinos)

A house of ten pounds rent in a country town, may sometimes have more windows than a house of five hundred pounds rent in London ; and though the inhabitant of the former is likely to be a much poorer man than that of the latter, yet, so far as his contribution is regulated by the window tax, he must contribute more to the support of the state

If you except, however, this very peculiar situation, any inequality in the contribution of individuals which can arise from such taxes, is much more than compensated by the very circumstance which occasions that inequality; the circumstance that every man’s contribution is altogether voluntary ; it being altogether in his power, either to consume, or not to consume, the commodity taxed

Witness that, number one, she didn»t even acknowledge the contribution by a woman named Barbara, who had written the book

Also, when Gore was questioned about his having made contribution requests from his office in the West Wing, in clear violation of the Hatch Act and other federal laws, his response, laughable, was that there was „no legal controlling authority

Interesting, but the fighting in Libya has not had a major impact on supplies of oil, considering Libya»s small contribution to extracted world oil supplies

I wish however that the Russian Historians will at least acknowledge that America’s contribution to the war effort did play a major role in their victory over Nazi-Germany

constant contribution to the poor fund of the church was a certain

An MVP candidate should be properly considered in relation to his or her supporting cast or (incremental) value whose overall value marginally exceeds all other values considered separately and whose (own) remarkable value (or contribution) is otherwise conspicuous by its presence or absence

In general the moral was very high but as we saw in Rhodesia their actual contribution limited to chance contacts unless on external raids

His main contribution to his brother’s administration was to be a sounding board and assistant within the cabinet, a buffer between his brother and other officials

Edward, who appeared in every photo, paid every administrative expense as part of his personal contribution

Apparently his mother, ignorant in all matters related to horses, didn’t realize that it was she and Alfredo who did the entire thing and that Mike’s only contribution was to control everything and collect whatever she paid him

All she ever got for her considerable contribution was a sales commission and a night on the town in Club Hollywood

Some of us remembered three planes breaking off to the north, that was about it for our contribution

«My fellow comrades in arms, we welcome your valuable contribution, no matter how small, we’re all in this together

Your contribution is invaluable and your kind will stand shoulder to shoulder

In spite of the immense contribution of women, both past and present, their role has only too often been ignored or patronised by men

There is no knowledge of what that original small contribution did for its original recipients, and nothing much seems to have changed until 5 million years ago when the human ancestor diverged from the line ancestral to our chimp cousins

This budget exhibits as most of the economically lacking population of any country can solve its socioeconomic and financial problem immediately with unique symbolic contribution and availability of its resources to accomplish its activities through a new systematics, without discovering a saint to cover the other

The contribution has to be done in the bank deposit form and it can be parceled out, so that it facilitates the participation of any citizen

contribution to the whole

Mexico’s main contribution to the war effort was in providing natural resources to the U

the internet user’s contribution to the social web

By comparing the two contribution

As parents, they have had direct contribution to the circumstances now presenting in a suicidal person»s mind

large contribution to pay for the armed forces operations for this purpose; but the

Cost estimations are derived by using the resource cost and infrastructure cost and contribution margin/profit margins and total cost is derived

Remember not all activities of quality assurance are directly contributes to realization of product in a project, some of them are linked to the organizational maturity and contribution to other projects

“Education is the complete development of the individuality of the child so that he can make an original contribution to human life according to the best of his capacity

Award for contribution to the arts in 2011

To visit the great works of mankind is to realize how small the contribution of one individual salted among the billions is likely to be

They have conducted a vigorous and all-embracing investigation of Republican campaign practices but have ignored Howard Hughes’ alleged contribution to Humphrey, corporate and union funds ear-marked for Democrats, the “surveillance” of Agnew during the 1968 campaign, the planting of a Democratic spy in the Goldwater headquarters in 1964, the allegedly fraudulent election returns from Texas and Illinois in 1960 and the conflict of interest of 19 members of the Judiciary Committee looking into the impeachment, though they have been at the receiving end of funds from the AFL-CIO which has taken a position in favor of impeachment before the evidence was in

As a Senator in Illinois he made no contribution to laws and as a U

Communists convinced that any contribution to the power, influ-

McCain chaired at the time of Cablevision’s contribution

contribution to the Senate campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton,

is, that when the extra contribution you put in exceeds the output

The formulation of the powers of evil as an independent enemy of the divine, and the description of human life as being conducted in a dualistic universe in which evil and good are in constant struggle, is the contribution of the Kabbalah to Jewish worldview…a brief written by rabbi Isaac ben Jacob ha-Cohen, entitled Treatise on the Emanations on the left (1265)…describes a parallel system of seven divine evil powers, the first of which is called Samael and the seventh, feminine one is called Lilith

It is interesting that the work of Galileo marks the chief contribution of Catholic

not considered his major contribution to philosophy, Kant defined three concerns of

contribution; I am only building on it

“We have codified many of the typical behaviors of large groups at market, and that is one, whether the contribution is to a gift, a warehouse, or a company

If this is the case, it is her major contribution to the partnership

contribution to the wedding plans, and he left to his wife

” Asked if there is any connection between the contribution and possible hearings on the FCC decision, McHugh laughed

He felt outdoor, being an out-of-home medium, reinforced and served as a perfect complement to television, and outdoor was an attractive investment due to its depreciation contribution to cash flow

“As our contribution to the readiness of The Just Alliance to deal with military attack, it is our intention to form a small but very powerful quick-reaction force, answering directly to the First Commander of The Just Alliance, who can detect the initiation of battle anywhere on Kellaran, and arrive there to deal with it instantly

Friday, former president of The University of North Carolina, hailed his contribution: “Among North Carolina’s illustrious achievers during this half century, none stands taller than Roy Park

Two decades of loyal service and contribution had been wiped out by four vindictive words

“If you can heal Talia of the curse, and teach me how it was done, it will be a greater contribution to Healing research than a mountain of gold

The Johnson School would not resemble the top-ten school it is without your years of lasting commitment and contribution

say his calendar was his greatest contribution to history

contribution was as important as the role of each instrument in an

“Besides all that, it’s time I made my contribution to this alliance

His is the role of leadership, but I think that neither of you could have achieved what you have without the other, and your contribution was no less important than his

the countryside drove in twenty head of cattle, asking for no proof at all of his contribution

Coast Guard has played in national security since its origins and after 11 September 2001, some analysts have suggested the USCG intelligence contribution should be expanded

” was Nelson’s contribution

It will get re-processed as legitimate medications and be contributed to the World Health Organization, a contribution in the memory of philanthropist, Carlo Gagliano

And I must compliment you on your outstanding contribution

certainly not thanks to any human contribution, but in recent times it has

touch with their positive side, thanks to the contribution of the others’ positive

contribution to benefit the group as a whole

You should rejoice in this and feel good about your contribution

that accumulates within the Solar System (including the initial contribution during its formation) over its

the initial contribution during its formation) over its lifetime leads to further

on the value of their individual contribution

Torie has made the initial contribution for the current year, and

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Contribution | Contribution Sentence

  • The contribution of the library is to elevate the standard of the town.
  • Susy’s first contribution was in substance as follows.
  • He does not limit his effort to a contribution to the science of sociology….
  • This was perhaps Aristotle’s most original contribution to thought.
  • Zeno’s contribution to Eleaticism is, in a sense, entirely negative.
  • This was Dear Jones’s contribution to the telling of the tale.
  • That’s what I want to know,» was Grief’s contribution to the general plaint.

How To Use Contribution In A Sentence?

  • As regards my own contribution this is confined to a general outline of the subject.
  • My contribution does not profess to be very exhaustive, but it will serve for want of a better.
  • The item of news he brought was a welcome contribution to the general fund of gossip.
  • I am informed that every member takes part in the contribution without exception.
  • He gave me a cheque for the largest single contribution with which the Lord had yet cheered me.
  • Sir Charles Lyell considered the latter work a valuable contribution to geology.
  • A contribution to a knowledge of the herpetological fauna of El Peten, Guatemala.
  • The family justifies its cost to society in the contribution which it makes in trained and motived lives.
  • Where no name follows that of the town, the contribution is from the church and society of that place.
  • That it is essential to the prosperity of every citizen to have this contribution to his livelihood continue requires no argument.
  • The direction of this tendency is one of the largest opportunities before parents and can make the most important contribution to character.
  • A long procession of careless tenants had passed through, each leaving some contribution to the evidences of their slack housekeeping.
  • The contribution referred to above is probably that on the center of gravity of three bodies (1586).
  • Yet when she did get in she set to work with a will, and as every one knows she succeeded in making a real contribution to aviation in the war.
  • She regarded it as a memorial of Josh, for it was his sole contribution to the family appointments.
  • The supertax raises the contribution of the wealthy to one fourth of their incomes, although on the average it is figured to take only an eighth.
  • We cannot receive his doctrine of opposites as the last word of philosophy, but still we may regard it as a very important contribution to logic.
  • I suspected that his own contribution was the largest of all, and such I afterwards found to be the truth.
  • Make the conversation as general as possible; do not slight, nor scoff at, the contribution of even the least in the group.
  • I did not make any contribution to any one for any purpose, and I did not receive financial aid from any source.
  • He will discharge first his task in the field, the factory, and so on, which he owes to society as his contribution to the general production.
  • Without them the contribution of organized American Christianity would have been relatively ineffective.
  • On one occasion I received a return of forty-two dollars with a statement that the full amount of my contribution had not been expended.
  • Following my nomination in each case the District Committee asked me for a contribution of one hundred dollars.
  • The study of her legend is rather valuable for the varieties of opinion which it illustrates than for any real contribution to actual knowledge which it supplies.
  • Immediately after he had entered the Prefecture, the German governor levied a war contribution of one million francs.
  • The contribution of the American Union to such results would earn it honor at the hands of history were it to sink into nothing to-morrow.
  • All that is most lavish and most ingenious in the imaginative power and the executive ability of man had been laid under contribution to produce the effect which now enthralled his senses.
  • Avec la nouvelle de l’arrangement du 17, nous est parvenue l’ordonnance royale sur les cent millions de contribution de guerre.
  • They occasionally write articles for the very few Socialist papers of Japan, but their effective contribution to the cause is of trifling account.
  • Both operatives and employers are highly organized and both parties are able to make articulate contribution to the solution of the various problems connected with the trade.
  • Valuable as are the contributions of science to the problems of soil and plant and animal, the ultimate contribution comes from the development of improved men.
  • According to his own declaration, which may or may not have been exactly true, he only intended a playful contribution to the pleasures of the evening.

Definition of Contribution

Something given or offered that adds to a larger whole. | An amount of money given toward something. | The act of contributing.

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Contribution sentence in english

  • Use the word CONTRIBUTION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

‘Dickhead’ was my contribution.

Another collaborator whose contribution was essential was the great L├®once-Henri Burel.

My retirement would be the greatest contribution to science ever. This is your chance.

may I ask for a small contribution for the music?

And this is a small contribution for our life in common.

And there’s my contribution.

Your contribution wasn’t much… but for your story on Doughboy, we forgive you.

I can’t afford to be as generous as you are, sir. But perhaps a little contribution might help. I say, old chap.

… my profession of advertising, a contribution to American civilization, a great contribution.

Or perhaps it would be better if the contribution were placed at your disposal.



Mr. Parris, my little contribution.

If I accomplish my purpose, I believe I’ll be making a contribution to society worth whatever personal risk it may entail. Do you understand, nurse?

What a wonderful contribution to science your brain would make, Mr. Chan.

As for the director’s contribution to a film’s success:

This is my contribution to the two of you.

First, I wanna take this occasion to thank Joe for his contribution to the oppressed end of the family, that’s me.

And did I tell you, Caroline, that Captain Butler made a stupendous contribution to the Association for the Beautification of the Graves of the Glorious Dead?

Your generous contribution to the funds of the expedition… was a shrewd investmentÔÇö also, I have… great admiration for your infinite patience… but you made one simple mistake, Mr. Metaxa.

And the land to be bought by the contribution of the boys the money to be loaned to us by the United States.

I oughta make you give me a contribution.

You’ve got your contribution, toad.

Not only because of the generous way in which you have received my symphony but because I can share this moment with one whose contribution to this music is far greater than any that I could have made.

I burst with pride when I recall Johnathan’s contribution to Pyncheon tradition.

I owe this party a little contribution of some kind.

If you can form such a committee, put me down for a contribution of $1,000. On the other hand, I am the publisher of the Inquirer.


For his contribution to the American spirit.

Your contribution is not wanted, Bruyère.

But, let me make this contribution to his party.

The appeasers’ contribution to the war effort.

Mr Frost’s contribution was invaluable.

What, then, was Spain’s contribution to the Philippines?

Similarly the holy monasteries, with all their wealth, will make their contribution.

But the discovery of this tribe will be a real contribution to science.

As a gesture of apology, I will make a contribution to your campaign.

My own contribution happens to be an oxygen mask which I hope will function over 40,000 feet for the flyers.

They’ve served as contribution to other causes, Jose Juan.

That was a wonderful contribution, Jenny. He’s a wonderful husband to let me make it.

Equal financial contribution, equal work and equal freedom for both of us.

It’s a wonderful contribution.

Here’s a contribution I collected.

Mr. And Mrs. Ward, no contribution.

I wouldn’t half mind buying her off of you and offering her as my contribution to the expedition.

Will you make a contribution, Father?

The first contribution to your town.

The mayor has agreed on a government contribution, but the people should know.

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