The word contradiction in a sentence


- противоречие; несоответствие, расхождение

apparent contradictions in the defendant’s testimony — очевидные противоречия в показаниях ответчика
contradiction checking — проверка несоответствия
explicit contradiction — явное противоречие
to be in contradiction (with) — противоречить чему-л.
your attitude is in contradiction with your character — ваша позиция не вяжется с вашим характером
contradiction in terms — противоречие в терминах; противоречивое утверждение

- опровержение

an official contradiction of the rumours — официальное опровержение слухов

- противоречие, несогласие, возражение

spirit of contradiction — дух противоречия
he spoke without fear of contradiction — он говорил, не опасаясь, что ему будут возражать

Мои примеры


proof by contradiction — доказательство от противного  
principle of contradiction — матем. принцип противоречия  

Примеры с переводом

What he said yesterday is in direct contradiction to what he said today.

То, что он сказал вчера — прямое противоречие тому, что он сказал сегодня.

There have been some contradictions in his statements.

В его высказываниях / утверждениях были некоторые противоречия.

Your behaviour is in direct contradiction to the principles you claim to have.

Ваше поведение прямо противоречит принципам, о которых вы заявляете.

You can say what you like without fear of contradiction.

Вы можете говорить всё, что угодно, не боясь, что вам будут возражать.

There is a contradiction between what he said yesterday and what he said today.

Существует противоречие между тем, что он говорил вчера, и тем, что он сказал сегодня.

Her statements are mired in contradiction.

Её утверждения погрязли в противоречиях.

Love God. This is the Everlasting Yea, wherein all contradiction is solved.

Люби Господа. Это вечная правда, в которой разрешаются все противоречия.

‘Permanent revolution’ is a contradiction in terms.

Выражение «перманентная революция» является смысловым противоречием.

He spoke as if he thought his claims were immune to contradiction.

Он говорил так, как будто считал, что его утверждения невозможно опровергнуть.

The statement ‘he is brave and he is not brave’ is a contradiction.

Высказывание «он храбр и не храбр» является противоречием.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her rebuttal contained many contradictions to my arguments.

No one was surprised by the defendant’s contradiction of the plaintiff’s accusations.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

contradict  — противоречить, возражать, опровергать, отрицать
contradictory  — противоречивый, противоречащий, противоречивое положение

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): contradiction
мн. ч.(plural): contradictions

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word contradiction, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use contradiction in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «contradiction». In addition, we also show how different variations of contradiction can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are contradictions. If you click on the variation of contradiction that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Contradiction in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word contradiction in a sentence.

  1. For me, there was no contradiction.

  2. Ross described Eve as «a contradiction inside an enigma».

  3. They argued for an independent air force, in contradiction to Army doctrine.

  4. The resulting contradiction implies that the class of all ordinals is not a set.

  5. He was the complete contradiction.» Sellers was shy and insecure when out of character.

  6. They were also given further statements that made the apparent contradiction seem reasonable.

  7. For this reason, the apparent contradiction came to be known as the black hole information paradox.

  8. As an uncompromising preacher, he hurled disputation and contradiction to the faces of his opponents.

  9. This metaphor also invokes the «supposed contradiction of the bird singing in the midst of its struggle».

  10. I wanted everything to be a contradiction: the pants baggy, the coat tight, the hat small and the shoes large ..

  11. In contradiction of GameSpot’s supposition, a June 4 Bethesda press release set June 7 as the Xbox release date.

  12. The false contradiction between Darwin’s theory, genetic mutations, and Mendelian inheritance was thus reconciled.

  13. The caged bird metaphor also invokes the «supposed contradiction of the bird singing in the midst of its struggle».

  14. In his address, Baldwin declared: «I say with no fear of contradiction, that whatever view posterity may take, Mrs.

  15. His old political ally James Warren thought that Adams had forsaken his principles, but Adams saw no contradiction.

  16. One way to prove that zero is not odd is by contradiction: if 0 = 2k + 1 then k = −1/2, which is not an integer.

  17. A number of art historians have noted the apparent contradiction between the man’s plain looks and enigmatic expression.

  18. In Russell’s set theory, the ordinals form a set, so the resulting contradiction implies that the theory is inconsistent.

  19. We may assert without fear of contradiction that no periodical ever witnessed the same increase during so short a period.».

  20. According to Budden, there is no contradiction: Tosca’s jealousy is largely a matter of habit, which her lover does not take too seriously.

  21. Despite her belief in the papal supremacy, she ruled constitutionally as the Supreme Head of the English Church, a contradiction under which she bridled.

  22. He wrestled with a contradiction between his conservative desire for a renewal of traditional custom and his reformist urges to embrace Western modernity.

  23. Next he assumed that the ordinals form a set, proved that this leads to a contradiction, and concluded that the ordinals form an inconsistent multiplicity.

  24. New Scientist coined the term ‘nominative contradeterminism’ for people who move away from their name, creating a contradiction between name and occupation.

  25. It’s a contradiction mirrored in the culture clash of the music, with the ‘real’ guitars negotiating an uneasy stand-off with the hacked-up, processed drums.».

  26. The apparent contradiction between Hawking’s calculation and the unitarity postulate of quantum mechanics came to be known as the black hole information paradox.

  27. In his set theory, when it is assumed that the ordinals form a set, the resulting contradiction implies only that the ordinals form an inconsistent multiplicity.

  28. The degree of serotiny is a matter of some contradiction in the scientific literature: it has been treated as «serotinous», «weakly serotinous» and «non-serotinous».

  29. He also faced a contradiction between his internal debates on Kikuyu ethics and belief in tribal identity with his need to create a non-tribalised Kenyan nationalism.

  30. Reca was a military paratrooper and private skydiver with hundreds of jumps to his credit, in contradiction to the FBI’s publicized profile of an amateur skydiver at best.

  31. This contradiction reveals Keats’s belief that such love in general was unattainable and that «The true opponent to the urn-experience of love is not satisfaction but extinction.».

  32. Through proof by contradiction (reductio ad absurdum), he could give answers to problems to an arbitrary degree of accuracy, while specifying the limits within which the answer lay.

  33. Gooch believes there is a contradiction between Sadler’s advocacy of science and reason and his support of the avant-garde theological, «inter-planetary» contents of The Urantia Book.

  34. Another important weakness grew from the contradiction between the idea of collective security that formed the basis of the League and international relations between individual states.

  35. One way of proving a statement about the objects of S is to assume the existence of a counterexample and deduce a contradiction, thereby proving the contrapositive of the original statement.

  36. The only restrictions on this metaphysical system are that all mathematical concepts must be devoid of internal contradiction, and that they follow from existing definitions, axioms, and theorems.

  37. He mused about what is now referred to as the «Fermi paradox»: the contradiction between the presumed probability of the existence of extraterrestrial life and the fact that contact has not been made.

  38. This was in direct contradiction to what they had said the day before, and Alcibiades seized on this opportunity to denounce their character, cast suspicion on their aims, and destroy their credibility.

  39. The commission also pointed to a contradiction between the demands for national independence and economic prosperity: according to the report, independence would almost certainly lead to economic decline.

  40. However, the hypothesis of LDR is in contradiction to some embryological studies on birds which show that, from five developmental sites, the digits that develop are the three middle digits (II, III, IV).

  41. The contradiction between wanting protection for slave property, while opposing the slave trade, was pointed out by delegates to the Richmond convention such as George Nicholas, a supporter of ratification.

  42. Another paper, titled The necessity of contradiction in the world, determinism and subsistence (Darurat al-tadād fi’l-‘ālam wa’l-jabr wa’l-baqā’), is written in Arabic and deals with free will and determinism.

  43. The first paper seemed to point out a contradiction between the electrodynamic theory and the relativistic one concerning the calculation of the electromagnetic masses, as the former predicted a value of 4/3 U/c.

  44. One explanation for this contradiction may be that more than one hotspot passed through the Marshall Islands, and it is also possible that hotspot volcanism was affected by extensional deformation of the lithosphere.

  45. Hence he devotes much space to justifying his earlier work, asserting that mathematical concepts may be freely introduced as long as they are free of contradiction and defined in terms of previously accepted concepts.

Contradictions in a sentence

Contradictions is a variation of contradiction, below you can find example sentences for contradictions.

  1. Blaney considered the song to be «riddled with contradictions.

  2. Trying to sum up the contradictions in his subject, he wrote:.

  3. The Nazi anti-tobacco policies were not free of contradictions.

  4. Zoshchenko noted the contradictions in the composer’s character: «he is ..

  5. Detzner made attempts to explain away specific ambiguities, contradictions, and errors.

  6. In the words of John Philipps Kenyon, «Charles Stuart is a man of contradictions and controversy».

  7. In Part II of The Age of Reason, he does just that by pointing out numerous contradictions in the Bible.

  8. The result served the political purposes of the scribe, but is riddled with contradictions for historians.

  9. The contradictions may be seen clearly by calculating dates by different methods from the various sources.

  10. Thematically it has been interpreted as an examination of failures and contradictions in US foreign policy.

  11. Attempts have been made to reconcile some of the troubling uncertainties and contradictions within the case.

  12. It was the same road, full of the same contradictions, the same one-horse towns, the same spiritual ancestors ..

  13. Speer wrote again two months later, telling Wolters that «despite all inherent contradictions, I am very attached to you».

  14. The civil war continued but its final outcome is uncertain due to the contradictions between different ancient historians’ accounts.

  15. In 1958, Sadler published a defense of the book, citing his experience exposing frauds and maintaining that the book was free of contradictions.

  16. The exact details of the battle are confused and there are contradictions between the original sources, which is reflected in the modern accounts.

  17. The contradictions between his reputation and the actuality of his existence were known to Sorabji and they appear to have given him much amusement.

  18. The journalist Bhawana Somaaya, who conducted a series of interviews with Kapadia during the 1980s, stated: «She’s a strange bundle of contradictions.

  19. The novel concerns Lucien de Rubempré, a young poet trying to make a name for himself, who becomes trapped in the morass of society’s darkest contradictions.

  20. The panel contains subtle indications of the contradictions in the character of the Pope, and captures the complex psychological dynamic between the three men.

Synonyms for contradiction

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word contradiction has the following synonyms: contradiction in terms and .

General information about «contradiction» example sentences

The example sentences for the word contradiction that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «contradiction» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «contradiction».

contradiction — перевод на русский


How were you able to overcome that contradiction?

И вы смогли преодолеть это противоречие?

A contradiction, Doctor.

Противоречие, Доктор.

The youth say there’s a contradiction between what society promises, and what it’s actually doing.

Молодёжь говорит, что существует противоречие между тем, что общество обещает, и что оно на самом деле делает.

I understand being an atheist. I’m one myself. But Christianity’s inherent contradictions are fascinating.

Я понимаю атеизм, но следует признать, что в христианстве есть что-то завораживающее — это противоречие.

you come up against balls… sugar-coated bullets, but deadly all the same… which explains all our difficulties… it’s the reason why we can’t even talk… contradiction… between theory and practice.

…и в фи-фильмах в таком случае прешь против пушек засахаренных пуль, и все это смертельно од-однообразно. — Это объясняет все наши трудности вот причина, по которой мы даже раз-разговаривать не можем противоречие между те-теорией и пра-пра-практикой.

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Since God is infinitely incomprehensible, then understanding him by means of reason is a contradiction in terms.

Так как Бог абсолютно непостижим, понимание его посредством разума противоречит его определению.

Why, then you would probably never have been born which is something of a contradiction, isn’t it since you are clearly there.

Тогда, вероятно, вы бы никогда не родились, что явно противоречит тому, что вы очень даже существуете.

That would be in direct contradiction to the laws of the material universe.

Это прямо противоречит законам материальной Вселенной.

Claiming that I’d given you permission in direct contradiction to my orders.

— И якобы с моего разрешения хотя это прямо противоречит моим приказам.

Selective prosecution in direct… — contradiction of the 14th amendment.

Выборочное преследование, которое противоречит 14 поправке.

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(1) It has been proved beyond contradiction.

(2) How can we resolve this apparent contradiction?

(3) Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.

(4) There’s a basic contradiction in the whole idea of paying for justice.

(5) The performance seemed to me unpardonable, a contradiction of all that the Olympics is supposed to be.

(6) There is a contradiction between the two sets of figures.

(7) His public speeches are in direct contradiction to his personal lifestyle.

(8) She will permit no contradiction.

(9) Each and every difference contains contradiction.

(10) A generous miser is a contradiction in terms.

(11) That’s a flat contradiction of what you said before.

(12) That’s a contradiction of what you just said.

(13) That’s in direct contradiction to what he said yesterday.

(14) ‘Permanent revolution’ is a contradiction in terms.

(15) The idea is almost a contradiction in terms.

(16) Your attitude is in contradiction to your character.

(17) The contradiction stared them in the face.

(18) A ‘nomad settlement’ is a contradiction in terms.

(19) The militants see no contradiction in using violence to bring about a religious state.

(20) It is a contradiction to say you know him but he’s a stranger.

(21) It’s a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs.

(22) There is an apparent contradiction between the needs of workers and those of employers.

(23) I think I can say, without fear of contradiction[], that …

(24) These results are in flat contradiction to the theory of relativity.

(25) Your behaviour is in direct contradiction to the principles you claim to have.

(26) I find no contradiction between his publicly expressed opinions and his private actions.

(27) You can say what you like without fear of contradiction .

(28) Many people think that an honest politician is a contradiction in terms.

(29) Now you say you both left at ten-that’s a contradiction of your last statement.

(30) You say that you’re good friends and yet you don’t trust him. Isn’t that a bit of a contradiction?

More similar words: tradition, traditional, prediction, traditionally, jurisdiction, conviction, dictionary order, contribution, concentration, on the contrary, contrast, contrary, contract, radiation, contrast to, by contrast, contractor, fiction, to the contrary, social contract, affliction, restriction, attraction, introduction, transaction, introspection, radical, connection, constitutional convention, eradicate. 

Athens is a giant contradiction: town and country, east and west, hectic and homely

3For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be

I do not see this statement as a contradiction of the worm-to-man theory

Because I could not accept the contradiction I perceived in such type of message, I did what I always do when I see no solution in sight

lucrative and in contradiction with his demonstration so

The contradiction here is very meaningful, and there is more: something inside is somewhat eager to live the experience of death

What I find strange now is the contradiction

“No, my confused Denise, it is you who live in contradiction

But she had no time to resolve the contradiction

But did he really comprehend what that truly meant? If he did there would be no longer any need for philosophical inquiry; a knowledge of non-existence – the immutable contradiction in terms

Patient competition seems like a contradiction

Rand further advises that if you think you have encountered a contradiction, check your premises, because one of them will be wrong

) The implication follows, of course, that a conservative idealist is a contradiction in terms

Yet again there was contradiction

knew he was witnessing that contradiction of discipline and daring that had served her so well to

Esther in the meantime had dragged her weary self into work as staying at home had given her too much thinking time, which for Esther was almost a contradiction in terms

(Often noted as a contradiction in terms

I say this because otherwise more matter and energy ‘must’ be spewing out of some singularity somewhere, located in the centre of infinity…which is a contradiction in terms

He could not know the manner in which such a contradiction was achieved

seeking that contradiction, that to die

were a contradiction to the norm

the cross? For us to say that He has changed, which is in contradiction

“It sounds like a crazy contradiction, but you will get it as we will explore this system further

Once, when he was delivering himself of an unctuous remark to Jerry, Faith broke in rudely with a flat contradiction

Q: Surely there is a contradiction

M: There is no contradiction

Q: Is there no contradiction in terms? How can independence

Contradiction is the mark of the

truth? That person would have to resolve the contradiction of society in their mind,

establishes a contradiction in our lives

This knowledge establishes a contradiction in our lives

that is a contradiction

Life is a contradiction

came forward to argue that there was a contradiction within the

question, A and B, do not form a contradiction, and therefore X can be both A and B, and at no

many, and we see this contradiction in the relations of cause-effect, potential-actual, past-

conflict, through contradiction, with another justified belief, such as the earth is round

contradiction that had been so obviously false becomes dialetheistically true

Suppose an obvious contradiction destroys itself and is immediately rejected from the whole

that is protected such that P and Q form a contradiction

rather it opposes, through contradiction, another judgment that I protect, and is therefore

The contents of P and Q are relevant in two ways: 1) they must together form a contradiction,

contain a contradiction, so that it can hold experiences of itself

Contradiction and transition are substantial entities that support notions of Falsehood and

Falsehood grounds itself in the contradiction of protected theories

in an absence, a lack of witnessed contradiction

Contradiction is the tension that sustains change

You may ask, isn’t the subject of a proposition the place of contradiction? Yes, but in what

contradictions and not others? Do all subjects have room for contradiction? Is the space of a

contradiction, then, is relative to the space given, but absolute in describing the form of that

An ‘apparent’ contradiction is a contradiction within the space of the subject of discussion

At the moment, we have an apparent contradiction that can not be resolved easily from what has been presented

tradictory concept, but I still cannot find rest in this, for the attribute of contradiction constitutes a possible known property of the unknown

you to be able to describe it as nothing, but that is a contradiction

To see why this is a potential problem, recall that I believe that a rock itself may exist in the attentional field quite comfortably and without contradiction

Here was where her faithless husband dwelt, and here were the supplies she needed to steal for her mission: a terrible contradiction

Why do liberals, led in part by Jorge Bergoglio (one of the most un-Christian Christian leaders since Rasputin), have it in for the death penalty and even for life without parole? Because they love life? Well what about the life of the young and old? So why do they do it? Of course I’m putting words into people’s mouths, but the only reason I can think of that explains this fairly universal and bizarre liberal contradiction is that both ideas (i

That doesn’t sound absurd to you? And this contradiction goes

absurdity and contradiction caused by this ideal of perfection

Novak observed curiously (in contradiction to his theory) that ‘apparitions and visitations of the recently dead, often reported by family members shortly after the death, suggest that such souls are not suffering from any after death division at all

to choose – does that sound like a contradiction in terms? Even if it does, it is not – it is

is not only a contradiction in terms, and therefore an utterly silly and

2 This able apostle was a temperamental contradiction; he seemed really to possess two natures, both of which were actuated by strong feelings

“Swamiji, but what’s the contradiction in that?”

«That’s a contradiction, old man,» snapped Travis

sleep Harry could not at first reconcile this apparent contradiction

It is this contradiction in his behavior that has brought me to the conclusion that the symptoms must not have been real, but rather imagined by a hypochondriac

This view is a contradiction with

tolerance for correction and contradiction

“It’s a contradiction” he said

This worry he held inside him was in direct contradiction to the buzz he had felt as he had moved fish with paper yesterday

His clothing in tatters, his shoes cracked, the old knapsack on his shoulder his only luggage, he looked like a beggar, but his bearing had a dignity that was in frank contradiction to his appearance

The apparent contradiction in her methods merely revealed the truth from an angle I could not refute—my own actions

One cannot hide self contradiction under the cloak of “The Mystery of God”

would have phrased this apparent contradiction as “God is reproducing himself

contradiction in all this

Suprarational consciousness, complete intuitive insight realized in divine grace, is aware that our soul and all other souls are divine and that the spirits of the many are united in the Spirit of the One, without contradiction

contradiction in that statement with the notion that the route to serving the larger community is through serving the individual

Intelligence Service … Ha! There’s a contradiction in terms, he mused

in complete contradiction to the rest of his face

This made for another contradiction in Shoop’s life

suppose what I’m trying to say is this; in the end, there is no end, a contradiction I

A moving automat, the mechanic muses, is that a contradiction? It says a faint Carpenter’s Box Luncheonette on the side

«It says here there is a contradiction between Isaiah 43:25

history of Islam are very much in contradiction to this

We have ourselves made a desire but forbid others to follow suit what a contradiction it is of our mortality

“It would amuse me,” Ragnar repeated, in a voice which tolerated no contradiction

Everything you have just read here is in complete contradiction to the beliefs of the established medical community

All of that was way too much information and definitely not rated G! Again, the utter contradiction

I looked at her belly, and all around, confused by her contradiction

The contradiction nibbled at Locke’s nerves

But, if Locke could have finished the sentence he would have said Hamilton was a contradiction, someone who shouldn’t exist but does

But then, how can God be one, when all religions have their own One! As for the Gods in our religion, I would say without meaning any offence to other faiths, there’s no contradiction in that


of it is a direct contradiction of what is said in the Bible, you have to wonder

Perhaps, there could be no contradiction in the assumption of an ‘average Musalman’ since Mohammedans tend to be homogenous in the socio-religious sense, irrespective of their race, color, occupation and domiciliation

, and the Jewish State, that is allowed to brew into destructive jihadism by its despots, explain this phenomenon? Thus, it could be said without any contradiction, that only a religion like Islam and a country like Afghanistan, with madrasaic help from Pakistan, could have produced Taliban that suffered no qualms in debasing their own people in the name of their own faith!

How can a man like Buddha, Mohammad who hasn’t come from heaven hope to make terms with the earth? How can he erase emotions, resist temptation without contradiction? Soul is where man’s emotions begin

When confronted with this contradiction in 1981

In classical logic, a contradiction consists of a logical incompatibility between two or more propositions. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Franco is one of mainstream cinema’s great contradictions.


The first place to spot a contradiction in King’s statement is The Digital Reader, thanks to pidgeon92 who pointed out that the print book and audio book are actually up for pre-order on Amazon.


I find though, a distinct contradiction between your first and last sentences, which say different and incompatable things.


If you ask questions and get «fuzzy» answers or even apparent contradictions to what was said before then you need to proceed with great caution when it comes to that individual.


Resolving supposed contradictions is a prime function of art.


The wave images harbor their own contradictions, or rather multiplicities, as they speak to the double edge of nature’s power — its majesty and its destructive potential, now exacerbated by climate change.


I can’t tell if rgbatduke has crossed that «contradiction» off his list or not, here on a blog.


Inspired by the island’s magical contradiction of luxury and simplicity, renowned Parisian designer Christian Liaigre has helped Le Sereno earn its reputation as the most stylish and private sanctuary among a select group of St. Barths hotels.


Postmodern theory asserts that the attempt to canonise Modernism «after the fact» is doomed to undisambiguable contradictions.


«To create or decode sarcasm, both the expressers and recipients of sarcasm need to overcome the contradiction (i.e., psychological distance) between the literal and actual meanings of the sarcastic expressions.


Doesn’t the other side believe that there are no contradictions?


The need to resolve the contradictions is becoming increasingly pressing in the context of long-term changes in electoral behaviour, which make it unlikely that the hung parliament of 2010 will remain an isolated outcome.


Therefore back to your original question, it is not a contradiction.


Instead, they explore discrepancy and displacement, contradictions and misunderstandings (much like reality in general).


Other nostalgic highs include Rosalind Fox Solomon’s black-and-white documentary photographs of down-and-out artists, AIDS patients, graffiti-covered subways, Reagan posters, and Princeton grads, which poignantly expose the contradictions of a city marred by class divisions.


Second, this demand would simultaneously mean that numerous agreements already concluded by the EU are already now in contradiction to Art. 344 TFEU as they do not contain such exception provisions (see AG view para 117).


That would be somewhat of a contradiction.


Tillerson’s awkward public contradiction of Trump’s decision to agree to talks with North Korea, just hours earlier, was not the only public disharmony between Trump and his secretary of state in the days before his firing.


There is no contradiction in the criticisms of the faulty methods used by the tree ringers.


Judging by this statement, the above contradictions and his inability to control his own Diabetes, it would appear that the recycled «Banting» is somewhat deficient, and not just in healthy carbohydrates.


Joseph seized the contradiction part of his statement to against complainant, complainant’s creditability was totally damaged.


The problem was that it was all of those things, and what’s especially frustrating is that all those contradictions are both what made it great and what made everybody set it aside and forget to ever revisit it.


This might seem like a contradiction because you should race at a steady pace but it’s not — if you’re running intervals for 2 hours, you’re running 1 hour at race pace.


Jewish-Christian relations have been marked with difficulties and contradictions from the outset.


While the inclusion of «rave» and «the KLF» may be amusing, the connections he makes are logical enough to include «the Miner’s Strike» and «civic pride» without contradiction.


What’s the way out of this contradiction?


It’s a long but slight, expansive but restricted, and busy but straightforward contradiction of a movie.


Living and working in Los Angeles for the past several years Kunath has become a literal stranger at home in a city built on the perverse pairings of glitz and misery, fame and isolation, paralleling the contradictions of his own native Germany.


Drawn from the Levensen Collection, this traveling show emphasizes «the contradictions of Japan as the Jazz Age collided with military expansionism overseas.»


Four witnesses recall the event, each with contradictions that raise serious questions about what actually happened.


he opposite of a trivial truth is a contradiction


It is not exactly a court but they exactly screen the law for contradictions with the existing laws.


One is that the space our social ways define is pervaded by skepticism, suspicion and contradiction.


The first show of Arebyte’s 2018 programme, which will focus on the theme of «Islands» through a number of shows and residencies, presents a multimedia installation explores «the various interpretations and contradictions that islands summon in our minds» from freedom, holidays and Brexit to forge empires and forgotten lands.


Of course, I know I am not without obvious contradictions.


And this particular mid 20th-century strand of abstraction operated with a myriad of contradictions at its very heart.


His argument is the more credible because he recognizes the gap, if not contradiction, between what appears to be current teaching and centuries of Christian tradition on this question.


I’ve probably forgotten other contradictions in my mega-notes, and there are likely more that I haven’t yet found.


But if May Day is a time to reflect on the radical labour struggles of the past and demands for the future, the minimum wage is not and should not be enough — not least because it can not address the contradictions of Canadian capitalism.


But their actions contradict this denial and their attitude toward themselves and others makes that contradiction apparent, Even the person who decides to commit suicide, because he or she has been disappointed or frustrated or rejected, is really asserting a sense of value, if only in the implicit assumption that by ending life one can give it a meaning.


I just still don’t understand what the contradiction is supposed to be between what Phil Jones said in this interview and what I said about the lack of statistical signficance of the alleged «pause».


Seen in this light, it is not surprising that the number of registered patents, trademarks, and designs are still on the upswing; however, a territorially fragmented protection of IP rights is in contradiction to globalisation and dearly bought, especially considering that effective legal enforcement of intellectual property rights is still not at the level it should be in many jurisdictions.


Clemens spoke haltingly, answered evasively, contradicted himself, and whispered with his lawyers when asked to explain these contradictions.


The scope of the Inquiry was drawn sufficiently narrowly so as to avoid many important issues and the Committee seemed to accept the notion that the «science is settled» without probing inconsistencies and contradictions in the evidence.


Wouldnt have pushed the issue if it hadnt been for a few contradictions i caught her in.


«Perhaps you are guilty of trying to circumvent the issue if you can not see the contradiction in Paul’s writing»


First, it’s important to distinguish between contradiction and difference.


These results are in contradiction to the results of the Vecchi and Soden study, which pointed to a large increase in tropical cyclone activity (as seen in their GPI plot, Genesis Potential Index) in the Western Pacific, and lesser increases in the Southern Hemisphere oceans.


As a side note, a multi billionaire with morals seems something of a contradiction, unless it’s remorse.


[25] The minutes do not make an attempt to address this contradiction — however, assuming the willingness to learn more about ABS was genuine, any decision made at that point to oppose them would be premature.


A sentence using the word contradiction. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use contradiction in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for contradiction.

  • This was too true for contradiction. (4)
  • Unaccustomed to flat contradiction, Bob Pillin reddened. (8)
  • Contradiction retired into corners, only to be swept out of them. (10)
  • Emma knew this was too true for contradiction, and therefore said nothing. (4)
  • It seemed an absolute contradiction of the possible, a mockery of all experience. (12)
  • Once in the Hall of Council, challenge the tongue of contradiction to affirm Shagpat other than a bald-pate bewigged. (10)
  • The effort of devising contradiction to the chief supporters of his own rebellion was for the moment too much for him. (8)
  • Everything about her was in direct contradiction to the idea of woman; and yet I trembled with aversion because she was one. (12)
  • My father swept the old man in before him, with a bow and flourish that admitted of no contradiction, and the door closed on them. (10)

Also see sentences for: antagonism, contrariety, opposition.

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