The word consuming in a sentence

1. Running is a consuming passion with him.

2. Anton has a consuming passion for science fiction.

3. Building model trains is his consuming passion.

4. During this period, politics became his consuming interest.

5. He has developed a consuming passion for chess.

6. He was consuming his final libation.

7. It’s just very time consuming to get such a large quantity of data.

8. Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.

9. Consuming large amounts of alcohol can significantly reduce a man’s potency.

10. His autograph ritual and travel are his consuming interests.

11. She was possessed by a consuming rage.

12. Basketball is his consuming passion .

13. Sulphide ores tend to oxidise in aerobic conditions, consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.

14. Bogdanovich is fortunate that his consuming interest and his job are one and the same.

15. Here, a single 90-minute video consuming over 100 gigabytes of storage space must be distributed to a large number of consumers.

16. A system that is too complex and time consuming encourages errors, undermines enthusiasm and can wreck potentially effective intervention plans.

17. Walker had been consuming news space like a movie star in a fever of insecurity.

18. It can be very time consuming and it often depends on unstructured verbal communication because of this.

19. It was an expensive and time consuming task to remove it.

20. You are, you see, still consuming a very high percentage of dietary fibre.

21. , we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.

22. While sitting in a coffee shop, we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.

23. I think I understood subconsciously that I required a grand consuming passion in life.

24. One could never, in practice, complete such a translation; it would be much too time consuming and difficult.

25. Cooking such small amounts of food can be fiddly and time consuming so try freezing baby-sized portions in ice cube trays.

26. Being vegetarian here also means that we do not consume dairy and egg products, because they are products of the meat industry. If we stop consuming(Sentence dictionary), they will stop producing. Only collective awakening can create enough determination for action. Thich Nhat Hanh 

27. Also, that should he survive this, he had every intention of consuming a great deal more.

28. Nevertheless, the size and wealth of London as a centre for consuming the products of the new industries was important.

29. He defines locality as the space within which the larger part of most citizens’ daily working and consuming lives is lived.

30. This would help to account for some of the extra calories expelled in the faeces of those consuming fibre-rich foods.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word consuming, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use consuming in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «consuming».

Consuming in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word consuming in a sentence.

  1. In contrast, slugs tend to avoid consuming this species.

  2. He was also consuming alcohol, bromide and chloral in large amounts.

  3. This was the first report of any bird consuming slime mold in the field.

  4. Two elderly people developed a transient pancreatitis after consuming L.

  5. The extra research is time consuming and costly, and wholly unproductive.

  6. It also forages in muddy areas, and has been recorded as consuming lizards.

  7. Individuals have also been observed consuming tree bark during the dry season.

  8. They are herbivorous, consuming tree bark, aquatic plants, grasses and sedges.

  9. The risk of tooth fracture is also higher when taking and consuming large prey.

  10. Ehret wrote that the book successfully conveys the experience of consuming bacon.

  11. The authorities then put out the flames consuming the other four people’s clothing.

  12. The suitors pressured her by consuming and wasting much of the kingdom’s resources.

  13. The screen follows them, consuming the long lines of stalls and the people present there.

  14. The field of play is lit by 218 2000-watt floodlights, consuming a total of 436,000 watts.

  15. An 1854 report provides a cautionary tale to those considering consuming the mature fruit body.

  16. These rhinos may get their necessary mineral requirements by consuming plants rich in minerals.

  17. They are thought to have a beneficial role in cleaning up carcasses and consuming insect pests.

  18. The species has been implicated in the spread of weeds by consuming and dispersing fruit and seed.

  19. Other authors warn that some individuals may experience laxative effects from consuming the mushroom.

  20. They decided to stop consuming meat after Paul saw lambs in a field as they were eating a meal of lamb.

  21. In some areas, orangutans may practice geophagy, which involves consuming soil and other earth substances.

  22. It has even learnt to safely eat the poisonous cane toad by flipping it over and consuming the underparts.

  23. Blackcaps eat a wide range of small fruit, and squeeze out any seeds on a branch before consuming the pulp.

  24. To prepare for the role, he abstained from consuming sugar, salt and flour, and underwent grueling workouts.

  25. The conclusions were that in the dry season the eland was a pure browser, consuming grasses in small amounts.

  26. They had little flour, and were consuming candle tallow and shoe leather to supplement their minimal rations.

  27. Although the edibility of the fungus is not known with certainty, its odor would deter most from consuming it.

  28. It was becoming clear that urban populations were consuming increasingly unsustainable levels of natural resources.

  29. Mulder suspects that Tooms is a mutant who can hibernate for thirty years at a time after consuming five human livers.

  30. In extant birds, such as frugivorous (fruit-eating) pigeons, kinetic premaxillae help with consuming large food items.

  31. Bog turtles feed only during the day, but rarely during the hottest hours, consuming their food on land or in the water.

  32. Wolves typically commence feeding by consuming the larger internal organs, like the heart, liver, lungs, and stomach lining.

  33. Collectively, lemurs have been documented consuming fruit from at least 86 native plant families and 15 alien plant families.

  34. Collectively, lemurs have been documented consuming leaves from at least 82 native plant families and 15 alien plant families.

  35. Most polypores inhabit tree trunks or branches consuming the wood, but some soil-inhabiting species form mycorrhiza with trees.

  36. Waxwings can eat huge numbers of berries, each bird sometimes consuming several hundred a day, more than double its own weight.

  37. Insects assist in spore dispersal by consuming the gleba and depositing excrement containing intact spores to germinate elsewhere.

  38. Workers are known to consume hemolymph from the insects they capture, and a queen in a captive colony was observed consuming a fly.

  39. The tadpoles secrete a hormone that inhibits digestion in the mother whilst they develop by consuming their very large yolk supply.

  40. The cause, according to Aretaeus, was sometimes either another chronic disease or even consuming «a copious draught of cold water.».

  41. Rhabdomyolysis after consuming quail was described in more recent times and called coturnism (after Coturnix, the main quail genus).

  42. In general, blood-feeding leeches are non host-specific, and do little harm to their host, dropping off after consuming a blood meal.

  43. The shopkeeper presents a foil for Valentin’s future self, offering study and mental development as an alternative to consuming desire.

  44. Like all Cyclura species, the blue iguana is primarily herbivorous, consuming leaves, flowers, and fruits from over 45 species of plant.

  45. An anteater spends one minute on average feeding at a nest, visiting up to 200 nests in one day and consuming as many as 30,000 insects.

  46. All swifts feed on insects caught in flight, and the Pacific swift has been recorded as consuming bees, wasps, termites, moths and flies.

  47. Nevertheless, federal soldiers repeatedly entered his home, encouraging his slaves to abandon him, and consuming or destroying his crops.

  48. In his sermons he condemned a number of practices as sinful, including gambling, consuming alcohol, wearing lipstick, and playing baseball.

  49. Items can be created by consuming elemental crystals (obtained by fighting monsters) with other ingredients in a process called «synthesis».

  50. This engine technology was thought to be capable of delivering double the power of the earlier turbojets while consuming one-third less fuel.

Synonyms for consuming

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word consuming has the following synonyms: overwhelming and intense.

General information about «consuming» example sentences

The example sentences for the word consuming that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «consuming» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «consuming».

consuming — перевод на русский


waiting for the fire without flames to consume the stairs, waiting for the streets to subside and split down the middle to reveal the gaping labyrinth of the sewers;

огонь без пламени поглотит лестницу, улица провалится и расколется пополам и обнажит зияющий лабиринт канализации;

Consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice.

Поглотит она тебя, как поглотила она ученика Оби-Вана.

-But the knowledge will consume you.

— Но это знание поглотит тебя.

Soon, this place will also be consumed by the Sea of Decay.

Скоро тут всё поглотит Лес.

At its current rate, it will consume the Enterprise in nine hours, 17 minutes.

При текущей скорости распространения оно поглотит «Энтерпрайз» приблизительно через 9 часов 17 минут.

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It comes over you, consumes you, and then you understand.

Оно накатывает на тебя, поглощает, и тогда ты понимаешь.

it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire.

Это огонь, который поглощает меня. Но я огонь.

So great that everything is consumed.

Такую великую, что все поглощает.

So immense that all is consumed

что все поглощает,

Entropy consumes everything.

Энтропия поглощает все.

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Any reason why anyone else would be consuming power?

Возможно ли, чтобы кто-либо еще мог потреблять энергию?

-The Source will consume itself, and whoever controls it, or at least that’s the Doctor’s theory.

— Источник начнет потреблять сам себя и того, кто им управляет — по крайней мере, такова теория Доктора.

People like to remind themselves of death, eating black food is like consuming death,

Люди любят напоминать себе о смерти. Есть черную пищу — это как потреблять смерть.

Hunger will consume their duty.

Голод будет потреблять их обязанность(пошлину).

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I have become utterly consumed by these fantastic visions.

Я оказался полностью поглощён этими невообразимыми перспективами.

I’m really consumed with doubts about life and also a disregard for death.

Ќа самом деле € поглощен сомнени€ми по поводу жизни и безразличи€ к смерти.

He has merely consumed a sleeping draft.

Он просто поглощён глубоким сном.

How could I have been so consumed by the acquisition of magic and power that I neglected to protect my own daughter?

Как же я был поглощен приобретением магии и власти, чтобы пренебречь … защитой собственной дочери?

Every time it looked like the world would be consumed by hatred and darkness, another force arose, a much brighter one, to send the darkness back.

Но каждый раз, когда казалось, что мир окончательно поглощен ненавистью и тьмой, появлялась другая сила, куда более светлая, которая вновь отправляла тьму в небытие.

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Drugs and alcohol were consumed.

Затем употребляли алкоголь и наркотики.

Yeah, what about the drugs? The ecstasy’s been consumed so the evidentiary link is gone.

— Если они их и употребляли, улик нам уже не найти.

Did you know that venison was consumed way before people ever ate chicken or beef?

Ты знаешь, что оленину употребляли в пищу до того, как люди начали есть курицу или говядину?

On the three days leading up to the accident: Tuesday, October 11th, Wednesday, October 12th or Thursday, October 13th, did you consume any alcohol or other intoxicating elements?

В течение трех дней перед катастрофой, вторник, 11 октября, среда, 12 октября, и четверг, 13 октября, вы употребляли алкоголь или иные наркотические вещества?

On the morning of the accident, Friday, October 14th, did you consume any alcohol, or ingest any chemicals or drugs that may have impaired your ability to perform your job?

Утром в день катастрофы, в пятницу, 14 октября, вы употребляли алкоголь, химические препараты или наркотики, которые могли негативно повлиять на выполнение вашей работы?

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As to me, since you saw me all naked in the temple, I’m consumed by a fever that I can’t subdue.

Что до меня, то с тех пор как вы видели меня в храме полностью обнажённой, меня пожирает лихорадка, которую я не в силах побороть.

They’re consumed with morbid fascination.

Их пожирает нездоровый интерес. Они дождаться не могут попасть сюда.

It consumed them.

Она пожирает их.

And a hypocrite too, consumed by your own greed.

Ты обыкновенная обманщица, мама и лицемерка! Тебя пожирает жадность.

You are consumed by love. It’s Mr. Carson Clay.

Тебя пожирает любовь!

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It has taken food to consume later.

Дроккен взял больше еды, чтобы съесть позже.

«Nolita could easily be written off as a disaster were it not for the food, which, judging from the small amount I was allowed to consume, is sublime

— Пойду собирать вещи. — Аспетта, Джек, слушай дальше. «На «Нолите» можно было бы ставить крест, если бы не еда, которая, судя по тому немногому, что я успела съесть, превосходна.

Actually, it’s much more likely the family dog would attack and consume its owner.

На самом деле, намного вероятнее, что домашняя собака может напасть и съесть своего хозяина.

It’s pretty hard to consume enough fish to give yourself mercury poisoning, and it doesn’t usually present solely with pain.

Погуглите. Очень непросто съесть столько рыбы, чтобы отравиться ртутью. И среди симптомов была бы не только боль.

I mean, what could be more natural than wanting to consume human flesh?

Что может быть более естественным, чем желание съесть человеческую плоть?

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And now it’s consumed you.

А теперь она тебя уничтожит.

The Axonite’ll cease to be dormant… and it’ll continue to grow, gentlemen, until every living thing is consumed.

Аксонит перестанет бездействовать и начнет расти, господа, пока не уничтожит все живое.

I estimate the breach will consume the Enterprise in seven hours, two minutes.

По моим оценкам, разрушение ядра уничтожит «Энтерпрайз» приблизительно через 7 часов 2 минуты.

The fire consumes your fear.

Огонь уничтожит твой страх.

That power will only consume you.

Эта сила и уничтожит тебя.

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I’m sure a lot of beer was consumed.

Я уверен, что она выпила много пива.

She consumed an alcoholic beverage. I volunteered to be her designated driver.

Она выпила бокал алкоголя, я вызвался ее подвезти.

— She may have consumed two alcoholic beverages.

— Она наверное выпила пару бокалов.

She didn’t consume.

Она не выпила.

What if she really consumed it?

Что если она действительно выпила бы?

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I have often wondered what it must be like to have one’s mouth water in anticipation of the arrival of a confection or to feel the pleasure I have observed in humans as they consume it.

Меня часто интересовало, каково это: когда у кого -то текут слюнки в ожидании сладостей или каково это — чувствовать то удовольствие, которое я наблюдал у людей, когда они их едят.

Now, I assume that’s because you know we’re required to send prisoners to a medical facility if they fail to consume food or water for 72 hours.

Подозреваю, вы это сделали потому, что знаете о том, что мы обязаны отправлять заключенных в больницу в случае, если они ничего не едят и не пьют в течение 72 часов.

It’s the reason so many household pets consume it and die.

По этой причине многие домашние животные едят его и умирают.

I have consumed only potato chips and they are savoury, not sweet.

Я ела только картофельные чипсы, причем соленые, не сладкие.

And the only food and drink Caroline consumed in the half hour before she died was the Champagne.

И единственным, что Кэролайн ела или пила за последние полчаса своей жизни, было это шампанское.

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It will grow, consuming whatever it can and never stop killing.

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Оно будет расти, поглощая все, что сможет и никогда не перестанет убивать.

They will reproduce without limit, consuming all the matter in the world!

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Они будут размножаться бесконечно, поглощая всю материю в мире!

As always in the evening I sat, consuming banana milkshake and watching the passing sun.

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Как всегда вечером я сидел, поглощая банановый коктейль и провожая уходящее солнце.

However, this can be quite expensive and very time consuming.


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Однако, Это может быть весьма дорогим и очень много времени.


Have you ever heard of boosting the Yang by consuming the Yin?

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Ты когда-нибудь слышал, как поднимают янь, поглощая инь?

Women cannot afford legal remedies,


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Женщины не могут позволить себе юридических средств защиты,

которые дорогостоящи и требуют много времени.


Trembling grips the godless:»Who of us can dwell with the consuming fire?

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Трепет овладел нечестивыми:„ кто изнас может жить при огне пожирающем?

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Эта процедура занимает очень много времени.


For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.

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Ибо Господь, Бог твой, есть огнь поядающий, Бог ревнитель.

Verification for such a process could prove lengthy, time consuming and would be difficult to monitor.


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Проверка для такого процесса может оказаться длительной, трудоемкой и сложной для контроля.


Filling in multiple passwords and

usernames can also be time consuming.

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На ввод множества имен пользователей и

паролей вручную может потребоваться довольно много времени.

The Eternal’s presence is not only a wonderful glory but also a consuming fire.

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Присутствие Сущего это не только великолепная слава, но также и огонь поядающий.

For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.

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Ибо Господь, Бог твой, есть огнь поядающий, Бог ревнитель.

Softgels before consuming lactose-containing food or drink.


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Портмоне непосредственно перед потреблением еды или напитка содержащим лактозу.


The consuming North was set against the producing South.


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Потребитель— Север противопоставляется производителю- Югу.


The fuel consuming engine stopped running; and.


It usually involves consuming non-edible substances.

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Великаном» в потреблении товаров luxury- сегмента является США.


The fuel consuming engine shall be stopped within 10 seconds of it being automatically started.


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Остановка двигателя, потребляющего топливо, производится в течение 10 секунд после его автоматического запуска.


Thousands of silkworm caterpillars consuming these leaves are grown in small 40-gramm boxes.

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Тысячи гусениц- шелкопрядов, потребляющие эти листья, выращивают в маленьких 40 грамовых коробках.

Our planet is rapidly becoming more crowded, consuming, polluting and connected.


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Наша планета быстро становится все более населенной, более потребляющей, более загрязняющей окружающую среду и более взаимосвязанной.


They prowl the Earth like ravenous wolves… consuming everything in their path.

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Они рыщут по земле, словно голодные волки. Пожирая все на своем пути.

Muscles play an important role as they act as an engine in consuming energy.


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Мышцы играют важную роль, выполняя функцию двигателя, потребляющего энергию.


What other promising plate consuming segments can be found in the region?


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Какие есть еще перспективные сегменты в регионе, потребляющие толстолистовой прокат?


We feel now that the consuming countries enhance their defensive measures.


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Сейчас мы ощущаем, что страны- потребители усиливают заградительные меры.


At present,

many developing countries were producing raw materials and consuming finished goods.


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В настоящее время многие

развивающиеся страны производят сырьевые материалы и потребляют готовую продукцию.


Managing a staff member’s expectations can be challenging and time consuming.


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Удовлетворение ожиданий сотрудника может оказаться трудоемким и длительным процессом.


He was able to keep it from consuming the realms.

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This guarantees that no devices are consuming electricity unnecessarily.


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Это является гарантией того, что ни одно устройство не будет без нужды расходовать электричество.


Businesses and consumers are continually creating and consuming digital content at light speed.


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Бизнес и индивидуальные клиенты продолжают создавать и потреблять цифровой контент с молниеносной скоростью.


And by far — now I hate to use the term consuming classical music — but by far the dominant medium for consumption of classical music is radio. ❋ Unknown (2007)

We have the largest aggregation of young people interested in consuming content that I’ve seen. ❋ Steve Rosenbaum (2010)

We don’t believe in consuming for the sake of consumption. ❋ Felicia C. Sullivan (2010)

These are methane eaters and they may have played a part in consuming some of the hydrocarbon gas that spewed into the Gulf. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Demand-side trends include the addition of more than 70 million people to the global population each year, 4 billion people moving up the food chain – consuming more grain-intensive meat, milk, and eggs, and the massive diversion of U.S. grain to fuel ethanol distilleries. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Back behind the plodding horses, I would take an hour in consuming that one cracker. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Healthcare reform should include free-market, but regulated capitalist solutions to lowering heathcare costs, such as cross-state insurance, more individual involvement in consuming medical services, elimination of government subsidies, etc.. katiec ❋ Unknown (2009)

Maybe it’s just perception, but it really feels like the task of consuming is simply accelerated by doing it this way. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Ahhh adventure, I personally believe in consuming as many different species as possible. ❋ Unknown (2010)

How humiliating that the son of a culinary mystery writer and a chef has zero interest in consuming anything beyond peanut butter sandwiches and grilled cheese! ❋ The Stiletto Gang (2008)

However, as users begin consuming more content, they will need a system for aggregating, mobilizing and discovering content feeds. ❋ Unknown (2006)

Almost 7 percent of U.S. women between forty-five and forty-nine years old and 4 percent between fifty-five and fifty-nine report heavy drinking.9 Heavy drinking is defined as consuming five or more alcoholic drinks on the same occasion on at least five different days in the past thirty days. ❋ M.D. Vivian Pinn (2006)

I am concerned about the fairness of our policy towards producing provinces when provincial governments in consuming provinces tax away the benefits to the consumer, and I will have to take this into consideration in my decision on pricing policy. ❋ Unknown (1983)

Investigators said culture could be a significant factor in the diagnosis and African Americans may not label consuming larger portions as such. ❋ Unknown (2009)

SOAP is an XML-based RPC protocol which is often referred to as consuming lots of bandwidth. ❋ Unknown (2009)

[I’m going to] [consume] this [pineapple] ❋ Jiminieepaboo (2017)

1. «Consumer spending is up [51]%!»
2. «Demand for Product X has [consumers] [mobbing] stores.» ❋ Edifice (2006)

The [average] consumer has [little] [idea] what motivates them ❋ Naimad (2008)

“Consume” ❋ Shrugslummer (2018)

The [consumability] of [the content] made it easy to learn.
When deciding on an [e-Learning] platform, consumability is a large determining factor. ❋ Startup Industries (2020)

The newly [wed] [king and queen] consumated their marriage on their [honeymoon]. ❋ Gunslingergirlvy_c_e (2008)

Exp: «The [Shady Bunch] have consumed the Brown Town Legends in the projections after the defense glitch.»
Exp: «[Kareem Hunt] has consumed [Nick Chubb], leaving him a bum-ass nigga.» ❋ Hoss171717 (2019)

You: So, what does «[consumation]» mean?
You: I’m going to [look this up] on Urban Dictionary!
Me: IT’S ALREADY THERE! ❋ Yes, I DID Just Do That… (2009)

I’m consumed in love [Sheldon] [Grant] [Carmichael] and I can’t wait till we become one! You’re my heart baby! ❋ Amie (2005)

America used to make stuff, but now that [third world] countries and [corporations] have hooked up, we’re just [a nation] of consumers. ❋ Jimmy_Janga (2011)

Again, I am not telling you to cut this stuff out completely but be aware of how often you are consuming it

They can be boosted naturally by consuming enzyme-rich foods, such as papaya or pineapple, or by taking a digestive enzyme supplement before each meal

consuming and the effect it is having on your energy

This means no expensive and time consuming installation on your server

thirty years on the planet, the spiral and the vortex were all consuming

consuming all but never getting rid of the waste

All down this aisle he could look up in the vault of the ceiling and see the ceiling panel showing Revelation 16:9 with the flames consuming Washington while the fat suits with briefcases flee

He is also the only known man able to turn down Naria’s advances; (Tarak winked at Rayne), it is said his love for his mate is all consuming and that strong

When orgasm hit her, it was sudden and consuming

The roadworks are as complicated and time consuming as ever but I don’t care

(this can be a real time consuming hassle,

in hand, that of consuming their breakfast

used to make their way back late in the evening after consuming a

That was pretty time consuming to make from odd jobs, you pretty much needed a career or a hustle to do that in one day a week

consuming the putrefying flesh

Boochie wiped his mouth after consuming the melted chocolate, paying

Our God is a consuming fire! He has come to burn away the chaff in us and prepare us to enter the holy place and meet with him

No one ever thought the Plague would fester and grow in the Outlands, consuming the cities and thus turning them into an army that could take the city from beyond

It roared down the wall, consuming all

consuming large portions of food

consuming fire, and those who approach him will pass through

The quantity of these, however, which the labouring poor an under any necessity of consuming, is so very small, that the increase in their price does not compensate the diminution in that of so many other things

Towers of flame multiplied from one tree to the next, consuming everything within their path

being “weighed down” by the high fat you were consuming in the past

Consuming large amounts of these low nutrient and high

We still consider his revenue as consisting in this power of purchasing or consuming, and not in the pieces which convey it

more time consuming (unless you outsource the work)

The cons are that support can be time consuming (remote support can be

Even the layout can be time consuming

He would often spend up to five hours serenely munching away, consuming quantities reaching 150 pounds of the wispy delicacy each evening! (Yes, and that was without salad dressing, croutons, grated carrots, or any other complements that might be found in the typical buffet for those humans who are more health-oriented and inclined towards vegetarianism

As soon, therefore, as they could find a method of consuming the whole value of their rents themselves, they had no disposition to share them with any other persons

consuming fire of the Lord

fire – consuming them wholly

before stating that God will judge and destroy his enemies with consuming fire,

It was just what he needed as the morning session at the Library, although productive, was time consuming and he hadn’t had time for any lunch

At no moment of time, therefore, does he add any thing to the value of the whole annual amount of the rude produce of the land : the portion of that produce which he is continually consuming, being always equal to the value which he is continually producing

While he has been consuming a half-yearly revenue of ten pounds worth of corn and other necessaries, he has produced an equal value of work, capable of purchasing, either to himself, or to some other person, an equal half-yearly revenue

The wave itself was consuming stars and planets at a superluminal rate, like a ripple of the most acidic water over plankton, leaving worlds not entirely dead but in reality wiping tens of millions of years off their development

and time consuming, and could not have been done quicker

Of course, you’ll need to be careful not to overdo it and monitor the amount of protein you are consuming

He let go of all inhibitions and lost himself in the ruthless chant of the bloodthirsty crowd, determination consuming him as he advanced on his enemy

Constantly being drawn nearer towards the light, it became almost all consuming when he finally stopped

The memory of being inside, within a reality that seemed so all consuming he had to deny every subtlety of sense to believe there could be a world on the outside that had once been everything

Consuming cares lay heavy on his mind:

As Alex strode along the side of the road, his tired legs consuming the distance at a steady pace, a lone animal followed him at a distance, eyes fixed unwaveringly on his back

When it comes to how much fat you should be consuming, it is not as

Consuming a lot of fatty foods, especially those that are made from saturated fats, will put your health at risk

A dream that quickly became an obsession, consuming as much of his wake-time as it did his sleep-time

The Presence of The Almighty is a consuming fire, a purifying flame

For the presence of The Lord is a consuming fire,

Such overwhelming, pure love in the light of His glory, consuming me where I stand, strengthening me as I fall down

Thus to avoid consuming his time, Nixon conceded virtually every domestic issue to liberals

«I’m afraid the consuming of beverages in the Palace is not favoured, sir,» he informed me in a disapproving tone

” He suggested that perhaps it would be prudent to rest a while over an espresso and pastry in the coffee shop, a delightful proposition considering her hunger after consuming only half of her dinner

Beth became convinced that Herminia was intent upon suicide, consuming five times the prescribed dosage of mega-dose pills and still searching for the hidden bottle

Apparently, after the others went home, he, with Herminia and his friends, partied most of the night consuming massive amounts of drugs

The process of building backlinks to your website could be time consuming, but in the long run, will definitely be beneficial for the ranking of your site, and the traffic increase

When an economy depends on wealthy elites buying and consuming, it is much more vulnerable than depending on the general public buying and consuming

Glad to have the bed back he stretched out consuming the whole of the bed

He still had a ready supply of honey-laden bars of nuts and sesame; it was a confection most appropriate for traveling long distances; generally invigorating when consuming one’s energy

Some had a knack of mixing some vinegar with wine right before consuming it, in case some of the officers or procrastinators were making their rounds checking up on morale, or discipline in the latter case

It had been difficult and time consuming, moving the precious ones up and out of any danger of a return of the savage water

Maybe it was less time consuming that way, or maybe she had other, work-related priorities

Sheesh, don’t you remember our discussion the other day about this for private and public goods! It isn’t at all clear that you would be better off consuming less to buy the Subaru, because that would be giving up a lot of things that you really like…maybe some of those nice California cabernets, huh? In principle, your consumption decisions shouldn’t be much affected by whether you cash in assets or borrow to finance purchases

Those practices already proved its inefficacy for the solution of the immense current problems in which more and more become worse; annually it is consuming trillion dollars in helps that never end

He burst inside her, the rush consuming him

“What is this consuming thing, Lust, after all? And how it does fly with Love

are consuming products have changed in recent years

Death was powerful and all consuming, something like cancer, or worse

Soberly I realized that if the owners of the restaurant are taking advantage of patrons in this manner, unbeknown to them there will be definite karmic consequences at some time in the future – they too will suffer, and to a greater degree than I was in consuming my child’s portion meal when I had paid for an adult plate

consuming the berries as he went

What else could explain the powerful tugging she felt when he raised his cup to his lips and some of the red juice dribbled down his cheek? What else could explain her sudden, consuming desire to grab hold of the body of a man she hardly knew? She couldn’t control herself

After consuming six of these blood containers, he took himself to the largest bathroom where he took a hot shower

I watched with a morbid fascination and wondered if he enjoyed consuming egg shells or he just didn’t notice

And, as the girl grew, each energy wanted to be the dominant one, the fight was consuming her from the inside

23 And the priests made a prayer while the sacrifice was consuming, I say, both the priests, and all the rest, Jonathan

consuming every last morsel of it and it appeared that a barbecue

Harry was busy sitting with his two compatriots trying to excite their interest in a game of Monopoly, but it appeared to be too time consuming and complex for them

Not even the noise of my beloved land, the festival of lights — my favourite merriment, or the chirping of my people’s many mother tongues was enough to bring me out of, or save me from my consuming crushing grief

For men were created exactly like the angels, to the intent that they should continue pure and righteous, and death, which destroys everything, could not have taken hold of them, but through this their knowledge they are perishing, and through this power it is consuming me; And the fifth was named K’sdeje: this is he who showed the children of men all the wicked strikings of spirits and demons, and the strikings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away, and the strikings of the soul the bites of the serpent, and the strikings which befall through the noontide heat, the son of the Serpent named Tabe’et; And this is the task of K’sbeel, the chief of the oath which he showed to the holy ones when he dwelt high above in glory, and its name is Beqe

She was what she had always been, a highly ambitious and talented, as well as capable and consuming, person and woman

around behind my back, so the idea of consuming another man’s semen seemed a bit

3 And the old men of the Ishmaelites sent a record to the King of Egypt, saying, Send I pray you to your servants officers and hosts to help us to fight against the children of Tarshish, for we have been consuming away for a long time

The race never ends, and we will always be sprinting faster and faster, and consuming more and more energy, just to remain in the same place—to remain in the race

Their numbers are too great, and their hate is too consuming

Even after a night of relentless passion, the moment I saw her in the shower my desire was reignited again, it was a consuming cycle that never seemed to end

“I know he is handsome, but I can see he is consuming you

16 And all the Egyptians went down to bathe in the river, on account of the consuming heat which burned up their flesh

Kansas is threatening to sue Nebraska for consuming more than its share of the Republican River

3 Understand therefore this day, that the Lord your God is he who goes over before you; as a consuming fire he shall destroy them, and he shall bring them down before your face: so shall you drive them out, and destroy them quickly, as the Lord has said to you

become so consuming that lawmakers are neglecting other duties,

Probably the reality was that she was bored with baby care and didn’t really wish to be bothered with such a time consuming task

entered the shop and bought two sandwiches and a carton of fruit juice, consuming

For men were created exactly like the angels to the intent that they should continue pure and righteous and death which destroys everything could not have taken hold of them but through this their knowledge they are perishing and through this power it is consuming me; And the fifth was named K’sdeje: this is he who showed the children of men all the wicked strikings of spirits and demons and the strikings of the embryo in the womb that it may pass away and the strikings of the soul the bites of the serpent and the strikings which befall through the noontide heat the son of the Serpent named Tabe’et; And this is the task of K’sbeel the chief of the oath which he showed to the holy ones when he dwelt high above in glory and its name is Beqe

ƒ Do not use credit cards for any of the following reasons: unbudgeted expenses you cannot pay for; having no cash savings to help you with unexpected expenses, consuming more than you can afford or impulse shopping

A bad reputation, on the other hand, can be expensive and time consuming as Paul discovered upon his conversion

disdain I had for myself was completely consuming

much going all the time — it is time consuming and frustrating to


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This looks similar to oreo bites… a time consuming but ultimately DELICIOUS dessert.


Being bombarded with profiles is time consuming.


But it’s becoming too much time consuming and there’re too many prepared photos and advertising.


Not only will your workout be more efficient, it will be less time consuming.


This will slow the whole process down because the digestion of fat is very difficult, complicated, and time consuming.


The most time absorbing part was the hand stitched hem — this is how I prefer to finish my garments, but it sure is time consuming!


After divorce, these tasks only seem to get even more stressful and time consuming.


Shopping around for insurance is not difficult, but it can be time consuming.


You want to make sure it’s absolutely perfect and with so many things to think about, it can become very time consuming.


Both options are clumsy, time consuming, and are just frustrating enough to send an impatient pet owner to one of your veterinary hospital competitors who has a mobile site.


While this can feel daunting, time consuming, and down right frightening a healthy couple recognizes how important it is to have outside support when they can’t solve their issues on their own.


Meanwhile, a maximum efficiency should help us to reduce our carbon footprint and be low energy consuming.


Highly motivated owners can learn how to trim their own dogs, but it’s not easy and is time consuming.


It’s great exercise for the handler, and believe it or not, it’s not all that time consuming.


Ethereum’s «difficulty bombs» will continually make POW Ether mining more time consuming and expensive.


Overcoming the injuries is painful, time consuming and expensive, particularly in cases in which a serious or catastrophic injury has occurred.


If you don’t have a cutting machine, yes, cutting 60-90 little flowers for each hydrangea head is pretty time consuming, but worth it.


One method is time consuming, the other instant but costly, just like any classic free-to-play setup.


Real shareholder value-based research is very difficult and time consuming, much more so than many people realize.


I had used other platforms in the past that I found very easy and intuitive but WordPress for me is very convoluted, difficult and time consuming.


Depressing isn’t necessarily a bad tone to strike, of course, but it is the overwhelming register of The Turning — and not all of the pieces are worth consuming.


At the same time, such cases can be difficult and time consuming.


Although its going to be time consuming, I guess hand written letters are going to be more highly effective.


Having to copy a document many many times, stuff and mail, is very time consuming.


Like any animal, in order to survive it must consume and keep consuming.


Before the days of the internet and the agent’s websites bursting at the seams with useful information and high tech quote engines, everything was done by hand which was very time consuming.


We are a coffee consuming generation who’d love to have a refreshing cup of the hot coffee whenever we feel like.


Remember, nutritious meals don’t have to be difficult and time consuming.


I enjoy doing them, but they can be a little time consuming.


It isnt a better reading / music playing / app consuming / film watching device than its competitors.


Hence it becomes possible to condemn the climate debt we owe the Bangladshi, preach of climate apocalypse, and moralize against excessive consumption, while opposing nuclear power and consuming at historically and globally unprecedented levels.


However, Dr. Gooneratne said that according to research, heart diseases are traditionally uncommon among high coconut consuming populations.


In 2011, the average monthly bill for a residential Toronto Hydro customer consuming 750 kWh per month was $ 96.66 (CAD).


That idea is quickly abandoned and the feeling of excitement quickly vanishes when I realize that making homemade croissant pastry dough is sort of hassle and quite time consuming.


The preparation has often been elaborate, conscious and consuming.


Even in the most supportive environment, pumping is somewhat inconvenient and time consuming.


The sales clerk that assisted me with the purchase of my vehicle was amazing and made me feel so comfortable and the process was super easy, although time consuming, In addition, I paid a great price for Honda Fit and having an easy purchase makes all the difference in the world!


When he decided to purchase his first home and obtain a mortgage, he found the process of visiting multiple banks and combing through mortgage offers frustrating, time consuming, and exhausting.


You can do this twice a day for three days and you’ll likely see an increase in production — only down side is that it’s time consuming.


«Few people want to go to court to solve a legal dispute, which can be costly, intimidating and time consuming.


Nevertheless, This gospel lesson calls us to witness to the good news and to the crisis that is God’s consuming and compelling presence.


Evicting a tenant is generally fairly time consuming.


I really am not a super skilled seamstress, though, and I was able to make them; they’re just time consuming.


LIssn says it is difficult and time consuming to find domain thieves, and notes that the first-ever conviction for stealing a domain name occurred just six months ago.


might be a bit more time consuming but then we can all sing along.


The idea of a monstrous entity consuming everything that ventures too close is sinister enough.


Unfortunately, cutscenes, which combine traditional cinematics with a series of stills, are far too frequent and time consuming, which does have a jarring effect on the action.


It was costly, time consuming, and only for the select few.


This climate of co-operation can make the process less time consuming than a litigated case.


The rapidly growing world of cryptocurrency markets, businesses, and derivatives has created a difficult-to-navigate universe of data that makes it tedious and time consuming for crypto investors to find the information they need to make intelligent decisions in a timely manner.


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