The word construct in a sentence

Synonym: build, create, form, make, manufacture. Antonym: demolish, destroy, ruin, smash. Similar words: construction, constructing, instruct, instructor, instruction, instructional, structure, structural. Meaning: [kən’strʌkt]  n. an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances. v. 1. make by combining materials and parts 2. put together out of components or parts 3. draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions 4. create by linking linguistic units 5. create by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts 6. reassemble mentally. 

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1. Use your protractor to construct an equilateral triangle.

2. Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.

3. Let’s construct a square on this line.

4. There are plans to construct a new road bridge across the river.

5. To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life. W. Somerset Maugham 

6. Now they can construct tunnel systems without hindrance.

7. It is proverbially easier to destroy than to construct.

8. You must learn how to construct a logical argument.

9. Tutors can construct tests appropriate to individual students’ needs.

10. Construct a square with sides of 5cm.

11. It’s difficult to construct a narrative out of a series of fast-moving events.

12. The data will enable us to construct a profile of the firm’s customers.

13. Police officers are trying to construct the timescale of events leading up to the murder.

14. Any attempt to construct an ideal society is foredoomed to failure.

15. There they construct a small royal cell.

16. Construct a square with 2-inch-long sides.

17. In other words,[] it is a social construct.

18. Pupils are required to construct simple concept maps.

19. One would construct alternative scenarios, and brood about them.

20. Is he able to construct a coherent theory?

21. The same is true of the construct of normality.

22. Through actions like these, children discover and construct their knowledge of sand.

23. A mental construct arising from a misapprehension of the relationship between the crofter and his land.

24. Such networks are relatively easy to construct because they require fewer nodes and interconnects than other networks.

25. His reputation as an eccentric is largely a media construct.

25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!

26. Bonny Hicks appeared to me to be the paradigmatic example of an autonomous, free-choosing individual who decided early on to construct a lifestyle congenial to her idiosyncratic sense of self-expression.

27. Eliot is here making use of the most modern anthropologically based classical scholarship in order to construct his own primitive play.

28. It is therefore reasonable to expect children who live in the same or a similar environment to construct similar physical knowledge.

29. How could quasi-independent microscopic cells collaborate to secrete a million glassy splinters and construct such an intricate and beautiful lattice?

30. It is precisely this anti-productive aspect of industrialism which is highlighted by the ethnological work construct.

More similar words: construction, constructing, instruct, instructor, instruction, instructional, structure, structural, destruction, infrastructure, constraint, instrument, constant, demonstrate, struggle against, constitute, demonstration, constitution, constitutional, truck, non-stop, monster, struggle for, conduct, mainstream, CONS, consult, consist, consume, consent. 

Definition of Construct

to build something

Examples of Construct in a sentence

A crew was hired to construct the home and we hope it will be built by Christmas.


Because the workers didn’t construct the bridge properly, it fell and crashed into the water below.


The student was asked to construct a sentence that had both a subject and verb.


Each child had a hand in completing the project, but only one was able to construct the volcano correctly.


There is no need to construct the house on the hill because hurricanes will knock it down.


Other words in the Words that describe what you do to objects category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Knowing that I was sitting in a hole in the ground seemed to me to be an alien construct, something half remembered from another world, another time, another me

construct realities based on what they are fed and what they

remember, the Heart-Wall is an imaginary construct

What will you construct upon it? As

construct, Tom was forced to the conclusion that the dragon hunters

It is a mathematical construct which can be verified with simple skills and it is ancient beyond fathoming

blocks were of a different material to that used to construct the arch

Like language, it is metaphorical, but unlike language it is a mathematical construct

“What you see before you, if you pretend the numbers we used to construct it aren’t there, is the one fragment left to us, which was in the depths of time, condensed into the symbol of all things existing

Inspired, Harry began sketches of the more remarkable foundations and buildings, trying for himself to devise the methods he might employ if he were to construct the imposing structures

Spelman to construct a new patisserie-brasserie next door to the school house

wants him because of his knowledge of how to construct this machine

So on this morning of February 13th, 2278, she finally completed such a construct and established a session to try and test it

how to construct the machines, cannot well require more than the lessons of a few weeks;

«Thought some ignorant twit would eventually construct it and return it

After that, Ammon ordered the fair folk and their construct retainers through the gateway, confident that, whatever happened, he had 650 000 armed troops on Earth and 560 000 troops protecting the opening of the gateway, including the 10 000 trolls

And she then next realized that it was not a blow from the construct that had moved her

And they soon collapsed on the floor some distance from the dysfunctional Dwemer construct

It is a mental construct, accumulated over the years

In each moment of awareness, you internally construct your perception of the world based on the input from these senses

When you are not present to see reality as it is, you limit your view of it to your mental construct of it

We all construct our version of reality in our minds

Through our intentionality, we construct from this information a personal version of reality

You may place two links to your site in this box, — I’ll show you how to construct these shortly

If you construct this as I suggested earlier, and I really recommend you do, your sequence will consist of let’s say 6 or 7 emails over a period of 7 to 10 days

The answers to the five questions are used to construct the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS)

is up to you to put it to use to construct the life of your

“The lines are so close together here and the Turkish machine guns and snipers so close and active that it would be madness to stand out in the open trying to construct elaborate entanglements

He would need the ability to anticipate and have knowledge of future events, at the time when the books were written, to be able to design and construct this masterpiece

To construct the patterns, models or the numerical design in the structure of the text, while at the same time predicting events in the distant future with 100% accuracy, both in the surface text and in codes embedded in the text, would be absolutely impossible for a human to achieve

Or one can choose to rely on a document, which is scientifically proven to be far above human capability to construct, both in its structure and content, and which is proven to be 100% true in the information that it conveys

When he arrived at Wil and Hayley’s tent – a red and white striped wall construct with a golden light within – twelve Guardians stood around the door to the tent

“What’s the purpose of a soul construct, besides—”

“And how does one kill a soul construct?” Books asked

“The soul construct

The soul construct loomed, its bulky dun-colored body crusted with snow and gore

The construct leapt at him

I did, no…He went…I never…’ I couldn’t construct a decent sentence, never mind a rebuttal, but instead spluttered words in shock and horror at the verbal abuse I had just received

America‘s ―expanding‖ middle class is merely an artificial construct synthesized by the fusion of ―easy credit‖ and arbitrarily defined (economic) assumptions

Morality, correctly understood, is a conventional construct; that is to say, of a nature predicated on many subjects providing a broader frame of reference extending beyond (the) individual

The visitor is truly amazed by the panoramic beauty and the architectural skill that is necessary to construct, in that mountainous and rocky topography, a four-lane freeway

Colling discovered that Klaus had used the six days that they had been gone to construct a long counter along one side of the large main room of the former canteen that Colling envisioned would be the PX dining area, if approval were given to establish one

All around him now, he could pick up on the rounded vowels and the preferred grammatical construct, (“We was late for the kick-off” and “D’ya think we’ll win them, Ron?”) That dialect, which had annoyed him as a youth, now came across as warm and welcoming

He would organize the activities required to construct a circle of fire

She laughed at the autobiography he had concocted for Kazowskis, and repeated her amazement at his ability to construct plausible stories on short notice

It is an energy grid field-inducing construct

Hilderich looked with puzzlement at this construct, and could find nothing to say

The construct stopped babbling incessantly in unknown tongues and suddenly spoke in perfect Helican:

The construct bobbed again and wiggled its large round base a little

The construct made another weird motion

A construct? Their world, was a construct? A fabrication? It seemed as if it was a lie, yet he knew it not to be

Naturally, no company would spend several billions of dollars to construct a plant and then face the

the education affairs of its member-countries and has sought to construct a UN based curriculum for

The mind seems to be an intellectual construct that appears to have been with Man a long, long time

Somewhere within this progression of being, possibly associated with the development of linguistic symbols, man began to wonder about the construct of thinking, that thing that he did as he looked at something, or sometimes at nothing in particular

That Spirit/Essence that had so long teased around the fringes of his five physical senses, could only be more fully contemplated by the sixth sense, that construct labeled mind

The neurological investigations into the cellular seat that must support that construct still evades certain definition

At this beginning stage in the study of neurology, delving into that complicated construct, there seem to be more questions than answers, which of course is normal

And in the long journey that this very construct has helped us to navigate, we seem to have progressed from wondering, the questioning that seems to have no immediate answers; to belief where some answers did come, but not enough to prevent new wondering; to philosophy, that contemplation of life to discover its possible meaning; to the proofs of Experimental Science, that only seemed to have launched our wondering into new realms

And this, out of the bits and pieces discovered separately and seemingly haphazardly, then painstakingly pieced together by the same construct that has made serendipity appear to approximate the miraculous

His mind having developed in some manner from the unusual activity of his brain, over eons of time, is a construct that has become so real as to take on at least some of the aspects of another physical sense

The physical body is basically made repeatable through the process of genetics, but from out of where did that first genetic endowment come? The mind as I’ve earlier indicated, seems to be, as we extend our grasp toward a better understanding, an intellectual construct and seems to reside within us in a manner that we still cannot clearly grasp

But to not try, using this very intellectual construct, would be worse than silly, it would be stupid

This construct (as I have termed it), the mind, this thinking machine appears to me like another kind of eye, an inner eye allowing the brain to interpret more subtle influences than the physical structures that the eye responds to

Before then, it was an unprovable construct whose obvious reality was corroborated by all of our senses

If instead, they are required to gain visibility and construct an identity, which I call safe zones, they become highly stressful, never-ending challenges that are unable to bring any long-lasting satisfaction

“Considering I’m the one who told Jeanine to construct that water tank just for you

It is perfectly all right if we write an entire if-else construct within either the body of the if statement or the

Note that the second if-else construct is nested in the first else statement

You can see in the program how each time an if-else construct is nested within another if-else construct, it is

even more secluded part of the construct, culminating in the

6 billion and took three decades to construct crumpled, leaving the

for unlawfully attempting to construct a Mako

“It costs around $12 to $14 billion and takes about fifteen years to construct a

A multitude of plants noticed his efforts to construct the

This tool is useful when we want to understand the cause and effect relationship or to select variables to construct prediction models

mathematicians like Henry Margenau have noted that geometry is a construct of the intellect but

About 28% are Chinese who arrived to construct the Canadian Pacific Railroad and stayed there

We could never construct anything like this today

It’s clear that a ‘comfort zone’ is a mental construct, and that changing it requires a ‘change of mind’

This would enable us to construct nuclear power plants and oil refineries in an

Socialism became “scientific”—a construct of ideas according to which the end

the construct of the game had become so much more

certain that true believers will construct clever arguments in support of Illusion

are wise in the arts and crafts that can construct this tabernacle

the world and want to construct theories they can all agree upon—but I

I began to construct an affection for

He was like a totally different person then, so complete was his construct of Blik, Jester of Sming

I found it impossible to believe that my father would construct an agreement to sell me the company, after he was in negotiation to sell a third of it to my competitor

He replied, “Watching others construct

In the summer of 2002 Coast Guard Commandant, Admiral Thomas Collins signed an $11 billion contract with Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman executives to construct elements of the Integrated Deepwater System (IDS)

Swing ship: moving a ship through the points of a compass to check the magnetic compass on different headings and construct or monitor a deviation table

they could construct flutes that were in a consistent key from

the cutting tools from the hut to construct a trail, which would

Hill is the story of sound and honest business practices to construct the transcontinental Great Northern Railroad (GNR) from St

Construct and Analyze the Project Network


According to renowned physicist, Lee Smolin, when we imagine we are seeing into an infinite 3d space, we are falling for a fallacy in which we substitute what we actually see for an intellectual construct (generated by the brain)

Moreover, until recently, feelings of sexuality and sexual need among those over 60 years of age might be cause for guilt feelings, based on the culturally constructed assumption that people were supposed to «mature out of» sexual interest and become sexual neuters as they entered into their so-called «golden years

constructed of corrugated iron and plywood

The temple is constructed of rough timber and lumber with no ornamentation, the sliding doors are made of rice paper

I constructed a hypothetical link between dispossession and extreme motive

To the east they have constructed a big tank, which receives water from the spring and serves mostly as a swimming pool

constructed thoughts they have very little power

even when we have constructed so much of our identity of

“Independence commemorative monument, constructed in 1973 upon the spot where Uhuru (freedom/independence) from colonial rule was declared

that we scratch into constructed stardust…

True he would have to solve the problem of what to do while the mechanism was being constructed, but there is no need to solve that problem til he completed the design of the mechanism

” Alan knew Elmore didn’t have anywhere near enough understanding of how the virtual universe is actually constructed

‘I think I had better start by explaining a little about the Gotteshouse and how it is constructed

«Isn’t it a beautifully constructed thing», said the two public relations wiz kids, and they explained every nuance, every intimation and every statement, overt or implied

He knew he had no way to tell if this piece of paper ever actually existed, or is it a digitally constructed image of this piece of paper

«Isn’t it a beautifully constructed thing», said the two public

constructed a wall and piles of hardcore, soft sand and gravel were

an old masonry bridge, reached by a long causeway constructed in

buildings, all of which looked as if they had been rapidly constructed

stock pens had been constructed from the same stones used for the

see that it was constructed of vast stone blocks, now weathered and

constructed at the narrowest point between mainland and island

destination was a long low building constructed of bricks painted a

The main building itself was constructed from heavy blocks of

when the House was originally constructed

had been more recently constructed in a ‘lean-to’ style against the

it had been constructed much more recently than the causeway,

itself had been constructed only wide enough for a single line of

Tom knew that this barrier had been carefully constructed

The buildings aren’t well constructed and in the areas where Europeans tend to stay there has been a lot of very fast, jerry-built stuff put up in recent years … but … but there has to be hope

night, wheeling himself down the newly constructed handicapped ramp

An inviting main entrance faced Main Street, but an equally elaborate side entrance was constructed facing the school house

their buildings had not been constructed to withstand

Depending on their location, the towers were constructed in various ways; some were entirely tunneled into the mountain face, while others were mainly stacks of granite blocks

Among his inventions and creations were the wooden cow he constructed for the queen of Knossos, the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, artificial wings for himself and his son Icarus, and he was even said to have invented images

There he constructed a wooden cow for the queen to hide in to satisfy her amorous longings

In one story, after a 10-year war, the Greeks constructed a huge wooden horse, and hid a force of men inside

Originally constructed and designed by dwarven craftsmen to house a human king who had fled from a broken world

This fence had been constructed from material pillaged from fences in the interior of the walled area, Then it was fortified with earthen embankments and had a walkway six foot up to provide sentries with a good vantage point from which to see and to fire

It stood four meters high and was constructed from steel scaffolding

wasn’t supposed to be a bed wholly constructed of thorns either

Subversively anticipated and constructed with insidious precision, will Culminate in a sort of rupture, or breaking through from one side Into the other—the unconscious breaking through into Consciousness—or rather, unconscious becoming

Should you look for a team that’s already constructed, or find individual

I marvelled at the scene, constructed so beautifully by the

carefully constructed by God, and only now were the pieces falling

Nebuchadnezzar took his seat on the temporary throne that had specially been constructed for this event

The king had it constructed for his wife because she missed the mountains and gardens in her homeland, Media

A ‘hole-in-space,’ if you will, is constructed artificially

It is important to remember that the world you see and interact with is the image of the world that you have constructed in your mind

They have a latent talent for martial activities and their physical bodies seem to be constructed of brass and leather rather than sinew and skin

has been constructed for some time now, it’s

already constructed during the two months

atmosphere, Rex had constructed an

When the walkways were constructed alongside the river, they were built with high, steep banks on the landside, but the riverbanks were left open as they were high off the water level

perception of the universe) is constructed entirely in

The works constructed by the ancient sovereigns of Egypt, for the proper distribution of the waters of the Nile, were famous in antiquity, and the ruined remains of some of them are still the admiration of travellers

Those of the same kind which were constructed by the ancient sovereigns of Indostan, for the proper distribution of the waters of the Ganges, as well as of many other rivers, though they have been less celebrated, seem to have been equally great

He found a ramp constructed from mud, most likely created by kids

The newly elected colony commander decided to have a brig constructed within the wreck of the Elysian, to hold the saboteur until a longer term solution could be decided

Something intelligent constructed this

Sebastian turned to see Venus’s power bouncing inside of the force field Alex had constructed around her, adding to her fury

In the center, I ran my hand over the beautifully constructed head of the bed

In addition to this, if we know that the Bible is a document that was constructed by someone who is not bound by the same limitations that we as humans are bound by, what should we make of the information that it conveys? Can we trust it? Should we stop and listen to what it is saying? How should we treat the information when we have provable evidence that it was put together by someone, who is not only outside of our time and dimensional space, but who claims to be responsible for creating the environment in which we live? We will firstly set out to identify aspects in the Bible, relating to the presence of design and also consider aspects of design at different levels

length of the name in letters; number of vowels; number of consonants and many other properties used in this genealogy that stretches from Abraham all the way to Jesus Christ; the language and numbering system that would be employed — would finally fit like small pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, that would only reveal a masterly constructed design, once the final piece was fitted

I have constructed a small example of how this works to explain the concept

Additional information is needed to understand how the message was constructed in the first place; where one needs to look for the code and the letter skip to read the message

We already know that the same person, who was responsible for constructing the Old Testament, also constructed the New Testament

length, and constructed along the lines of a British gunboat

It was not as well maintained as our last section had been the drainage was bad and the dugouts were a bit on the small side and did not look that well constructed

New Orleans where an ironclad ram was being constructed and

Moreover, the ironclad warships that were being constructed in

The three of them in her absence had constructed a convivial triangle and she was now at a tangent

Historically, decks for homes and buildings were constructed with wood such as Redwood,

They are also often constructed to

logging of these trees, many decks are now constructed with treated lumber, or composite

As they were waiting for their tent to be constructed, Adem recalled the large wooden cross Carl had had erected over the mass grave of the slain soldiers

As his eyes roamed over the cloud, he saw a tall, thin chimney, constructed of tessellated red bricks, from which the darkness flowed in turbulent flurries

Another Finn then constructed what he called a snow ledge that was supposed to raise the ball up out of the snow so that a player could hit his first fairway shot at the approximate location where his tee shot landed

Once, he had caused a man’s (artificially represented) friends to turn against him: to reject his opinions, to eventually ostracise and abandon this person; a gradual process constructed to seem authentic whereby his strongly established notion of normality became divergent from his peers

There was nothing revolutionary about that, however: bottom up constructed AIs were in common use

The Nationalists, in effect, forced the SAP to self-destruct by either refusing to enforce the laws constructed by its political masters (legally impossible), or to enforce the shameful laws and thereby lose the respect of the vulnerable which it should be protecting

At night General Ludlow moved his brigade round at the extreme right, his tired forces occupying trenches voluntarily constructed with stupendous difficulty by Garcia’s men

He had constructed everything to lure her into staying in the keep

It was perhaps four inches in length, constructed of a solid shaft with a fairly basic pattern at one end

Grindel mounted the rock platform that Cherva’s minions had constructed and waited for the badgers ranked around him to quieten down

A society, however well-intentioned, ceases to be ―tolerant,‖ once that society allows itself to devolve into a sociopolitical checklist dedicated to the advancement of ―appropriate‖ behavior and verbal expressions dictated by idiosyncratic designs rather than common sense lest its members be perceived as offending artificially constructed practices that have inexplicably seeped their way into the conventional mainstream

The EEC‘s Socialist Agenda has been constructed in a manner that seeks to eliminate (grassroots) autonomy altogether by gradually abolishing (national) social and cultural customs, imposing criminal sanctions against forms of behavior considered inappropriate or incompatible with standards of political correctness, superseding local political and legal authority with supranational (political) bodies and international courts, and (surprise!) imposing membership requirements mandating that each participating nation legalize abortion on demand, to mention few of its initiatives

William could see the list he had constructed in his mind so vividly that he read it over and over until he commenced verbalizing the memorized list out loud

Deep in the valley, beside a footbridge suspended over swift water, she found a one hundred-year-old cantina constructed of two-foot thick mud walls where she enjoyed snacks of chicharrónes and a cold beer, while outside the stallion munched the leaves of a coffee bush

Crowned with two lions which seem to protect the royal coat of arms, that historic gate, constructed between 1878 and 1880 and inaugurated in 1894, stands erect as a monument to the glory of Pagsanjan when it was the capital of Laguna at a time during which the Philippines was still a Spanish colony

Right in the center of town and not too far one from the other are located the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd and Saint Joseph’s Church, both constructed by the Portuguese and both Catholic

La Palma was constructed with high ceiling warehousing on the ground level

Several long open sheds, which seemed to have been recently constructed, took up most of the space in the compound

It seemed as if it was painstakingly constructed of large bricks or blocks of whatever material it was built from

«This is a simple wooden box, constructed from the wreckage of a fine vessel that sunk in a fierce storm

Fortunately, temporary rest-room facilities constructed of plywood had been recently added to the small station, so that Colling would have a place to change into his officer’s uniform

The rough wood from which it was constructed had weathered to a dull gray color, but the axles and wheels were solid and well greased

There was a very noisy week when we rehearsed to the sound of carpenters constructing the set, which made it very difficult to concentrate, followed by a weekend papering and painting the result of their labours to make it look like the interior of a house

Every time it came round to my turn to shake and roll, with every attempt that I made to scale the ladders of hope by constructing impossible plans for my salvation, with every throw of the dice, I just slipped down another snake

He was capable of constructing it, but passing the suffering on to Jaseem was all out of proportion to the casual callousness that Jaseem had committed

“Those in authority set about constructing barriers between the

By a more extensive navigation, the Chinese would naturally learn the art of using and constructing, themselves, all the different machines made use of in other countries, as well as the other improvements of art and industry which are practised in all the different parts of the world

For this phenomenon to have been included in the text by accident, we would have to multiply our already impossible odds of constructing the numerical structure of the text by another 3,000,000 to obtain the odds of this being a result of chance

Considering all these facts, it is mind boggling to even try and fathom how one would go about constructing an object such as this, containing the qualities that have been mentioned, from a human point of view

We already know that the same person, who was responsible for constructing the Old Testament, also constructed the New Testament

Suggestions were to be mooted of constructing Mars-like biospheres to create a natural but completely isolated arcology

constructing the self-refuting sentence: Foucault; Derrida; Dmann; Rorty; and, giving credit where credit is currently due, Stanley Fish

Any private company that wants to do business with State has to be black owned or it will be excluded regardless of its experience, leading to massive corruption as seen in the process of constructing the 2010 Soccer World Cup Stadiums and numerous other reported cases

And when you consider the lack of action in constructing power plants and oil drilling, it seems logical

Our guide yesterday also made a point of taking us past a site on the other side of the river, where workers are constructing a huge steel tower supported by four enormous legs

busy constructing something outside of the igloo from a large

If so, and when you consider the lack of action in constructing power plants and oil drilling, it seems logical than the Department of Energy is not doing anything that helps us

Globally, nuclear energy is undergoing renewed growth, with 13 countries constructing 53 new nuclear power units and 27 countries in the planning stages for an additional 142 units

China has four nuclear power plants under construction and anticipates constructing one in four years

With the Endangered Species Act rescinded and the Environmental Protection Agency abolished that should allow the states to allow logging, drilling for oil, mining coal, mining shale for oil, constructing nuclear power plants and oil refineries and fixing our energy problems

experience of perceptual relativity, but rather than constructing an untested and untestable

world is not this way, and that may be so, though our focus is that nothing prevented Democritus from constructing this sort of atomism

Thinking is no longer the step-by-step progression of isolated thoughts that transiently manifest on a digital screen, but becomes the act of observing, anticipating, and constructing the field of thoughts and their intimate, directed relations

So they are constructing a new facility

9 You O King when you created the illimitable and measureless Earth did choose out this city you did make this place sacred to your name albeit you need nothing you did glorify it with your illustrious presence after constructing it to the glory of your great and honourable name

One afternoon while on his sabbatical, Nuke asked me, “May I also participate in constructing Adam’s project?”

I had just spent a full week of my life meticulously constructing an enemy out of thin air

✗ Task Effort: A task metric, such as effort, is usually included with the task, obviously suggesting that the estimation is done when constructing the project

And so began the very tedious task of constructing psychological profiles of everyone most likely to sympathize with Raidan

The first is to dig in and fortify the position further; perhaps by constructing another outer wall, they have one large resource at their disposal – manpower

By reversing the process of constructing experience (which is basically what our brains do), meditation brings us into contact with the true nature of reality as it already and always exists

It tends to over-generalize, frequently constructing a potential past as opposed to a true one

the constructing miniature Phinisi boats from wooden, chips and part of boat’s hull

We spend years constructing it

Watching all the practices for constructing the barn,

my central premises in constructing the MindMap – which I call “an index of the whole of

They will be busy constructing stories to tell after vacation is over

doing your pushups as a way to constructing more explosive

I regret constructing a new breach to rescue him when Guardon and Ankharet are still desirous of usurping our lands

The edges of the old town were disfigured by featureless concrete apartment blocks built for Russian workers constructing the High Dam

The Maegar were busy constructing homes and barns to house their livestock and grain

and the immense cost of constructing just one of these things, there was simply no way to test it

The only thing that could arouse him at the moment was constructing fantasies about slowly killing Vaselly and his cock-sucking mate

constructing each time a sort of temporary dam or barrier in the

“You see, although you’re writing and signing a document with the mother of the child, you’re not constructing the agreement with the child

by constructing a concealed subterranean store-room — (the underground work being done at night, when Hu Lyang’s “HL Security Company” patrolled the premises) – which was hidden immediately beneath the “Ubisi” store-room and accessed via a cunningly-concealed trapdoor

On her way to Earth, she had created a considerably more powerful device inside herself that was capable of constructing, or for her need, deconstructing a space fold

The bi-product of the nuclear fusion was their main source of weaponry and they had been constructing them for years

“Human remains are burned and then added to the mortar when constructing a new building

that day that were in the tavern, were constructing a tall wooden pole

This is quite frustrating to a student, and it may indicate that the teacher needs more effort in constructing a meaningful evaluating device

A major component inherent in constructing your foundation is to understand that there

mind could not stop constructing scenarios of what they

One hundred twelve people died in constructing the dam, including J

bastards were doing was constructing a post-‐mortem character assassination of

The expense involved in constructing the cake and throwing the

constructing traps and tools with only his bare hands and the

didst thy stand to receive and by constructing repetition inherit,

Stealing and receiving stolen or lost property; buying from a son or slave of another man without witness or contract; harboring a runaway slave; owning a tavern in which conspirators met but weren’t delivered to the court; improperly constructing a house which falls in and kills the owner; stealing the minor son of another; not paying a mercenary that took one’s place in the army; and convincing a barber to cut the sign of a slave on a slave not to be sold were all acts for which the prescribed punishment was death

understanding that Western culture has been constructing for the past

constructing a lean-to using a reflective tarp or “space blanket” — but the inside of your tent is rarely a good location

the white board, identifying, constructing and solving problems

you were constructing a shopping list

It was as if the PartyMob were constructing a four walled homey-type room without a roof,

Rather than just constructing one squeeze page, consider creating a

Again, I can assist in this, or you may be capable of constructing such a shield for yourself

Michel Lorrain and Nancy Laplante will be busy most of the time hunting, fishing and trapping to provide fresh food and furs to our inn, while Henri Bruage will take care of the building’s maintenance and of constructing more annexes as we go, so that left only me, Fernand and Françoise free to work inside the inn

part of constructing videos

many riches of the Well constructing the inner glory and

He had to force himself not to start constructing a fantasy around the woman and focus on the facts

Still, they struggled to give her privacy, constructing a room within the large hut for her alone

My mind was constructing so many bad things, when they did not even exist

On the other hand, scientists in France were developing and constructing a new fusion project using magnetic fields, as they were used at Culham, to create the conditions for fusion

constructing a building in its honor

citizens to heal the wounds of the past with the intent of constructing a

A36 Constructing a wall between the painting shop and

Your core is composed of the muscles constructing your midsection or torso (the abdominal and lower back region)

She questioned whether it would be a more efficient option to have Lazano�s organization grow the ships, then deliver them upon completion, as they could then eliminate the costs of constructing new facilities

Rumour was that that Kierd had been constructing ships at a ferocious rate, but even so, I doubt they would be able to match the Cluster�s war machine

John thought about this for a bit, then asked, �You said they�d been constructing a lot of ships

But, Singapore has also paid homage to this “King of All Fruits” by constructing a building in its honor

As they watched the place take shape Flower and Candy had found that the abundance of money seemed to equate to a lack of curiosity from the people happily constructing these designs

The virtizen is connected to their sustenance providing virtualnism, that parasitically resides within the interwebbed meta-brain of the emerging GlobalMind that it is simultaneously constructing, to the extent they are gadget-grated – this is the iWii in the uOrganism

As a Japanese learner, you will definitely need to pause while constructing sentences in your head and learning the correct time to pause to think will be invaluable

Organizational systems, any group as organ or organism, within systems are analogous to highly localized storms that are capable of producing their own weather patterns, whose semi-designed eye is like the will, direction, intention, and instinct of the evolving and emerging virtualnism – which is more than the cell members comprising and constructing it

After analyzing all options, he concluded that constructing a residential apartment in the land would be the best choice as there were a lot of commercial spaces and offices around the property

With this experience of constructing an apartment, he realized that real estate was his calling and was now on the hunt for the next property

Spirituality is willingly constructing a lifestyle response to the god dilemma: “If I were a god of love, I would act

Equal opportunity is brute force democracy; an enlarged commons is a smart democracy sharing both the benefits and risks of being a social collective; a wise democracy collectively solves problems by cooperatively constructing a system of problem identification and solution that begins with the elimination of the undemocratic discrimination of monied classes and power elites

constructing a pidgin symbol system for a place we not only have not yet been, but also neither have we developed nor integrated the emergent senses to perceive a new paradigm, thus altering our awareness of reality and how to interact with this new thereness

The game is a field of self-organizing games of intersections where the actions are the rules constructing what has and can be played

Money, however, is not a democratic system for constructing an ideal society for life, but, rather, for products, profits, and commodities

constructing the city was even more fun

An example is getting a building permit before constructing an addition to a house

Through play, the child is constructing his or her worldview by

He also seemed to be constructing something out of the rubbish in the garden

And when you arrive you set about constructing great cities

Based on that you can start constructing a real world with subjects and objects

Every so often, it would come across a complete stalk of dead greenery that would be useful in constructing a nest, but those times were few to none

This evidence of death, of random nature in the raw, undermined these brittle constructs of hope

It could be Alan was just getting a little more sophisticated in his constructs, she still couldn’t be sure this wasn’t his doing and had to be observant of things like that

80 000 constructs, 800 000 battle Orcs, 10 000 trolls and 400 000 goblins

The magikal-biological constructs that the Fair Folk bred would also be seen as their true selves; however, they were, on appearance, similar to human children

But he was convinced that, due to the humans ease at being glamoured, they might find that there would be no need to create any new constructs

The Orcs, trolls, goblins and constructs had been selectively bred for many, many generations so as to be refined into the perfect tools for their particular job

Perhaps it had never existed at all, and in the constructs of this nightmare it had only been a symbol of hope

In other words, from the raw material of sense impressions, your mind constructs your world

If we now string the meaning of these words together, it constructs the following sentence:

She wanted to know if Akstyr knew anything about soul constructs, such as how to kill them

They did not know about time, and space, and dimension, and if they had; they could have cared less about such false and artificial constructs of theory

He had wandered through a meandering labyrinth of large metal pipes, interconnections and all manners of weird machinery and constructs the likes of which he could not believe were made by mere men

There seemed to be dozens of these huge constructs in regular intervals, as if an architect blessed with godly sight had deemed to place them all over the landscape which in itself was another peculiarity: as far as the eye could see the horizon was covered in shades of greenery, spotted in parts by yellow and red patches

The power of the human mind, for Minsky, lies in its vast repertoire of different ways to think, and in its ability to switch among them in order to pursue its goals…[He] acknowledges that it is useful for us to conceive of our goals as originating from our ‘selves’—mental constructs that embody our personal identities

observed, observation and observer are mental constructs

distances are theoretical constructs that only exist in one’s imagination for the benefit of the

“Research has been conducted on attraction, cognitive constructs and interpersonal complexities

Deconceptualisation and deconstruction of theoretical constructs (which reduces ‘useful information’) is an integral part of Zen meditation strategy and in many other meditative techniques found in various religions

concepts and constructs around until you create an effective ensemble — history confirms that it works!

constructs in our thoughts

since all of language and its constructs can be

that can successfully build a functional brain, not using biological constructs mind you but pure

Grailem carries on his impersonation of Martin Maseeve for five weeks in which he constructs and programmes even more microchips

Adding hair to his face, follicle by follicle, hair by hair, he constructs a slightly unshaven appearance

It is important to know that there are men who will work to defeat this because of the constructs of man and how tightly they grasp to the aspects of these that consider themselves more important than others and give only the ability to degrade others within them

The fact that your mind is power that constructs the universe around you, this is doing the same

It is important to understand that your mind also constructs much of your reality, not simply the perception of it, but the rate and in what way specific items will appear

from healthy constructs, and subscribe to more constructive and

us constructs our reality on the basis of our subjective

theological constructs that typically tend to confuse and convolute a simple premise — that God

use these constructs to exhibit the difference in the cases of both taxes and no taxes

constructs surrounding her, no Babel within her field of vision

After the Cataclysm nearly wiped out humanity, the remnants of mankind survived in Havens: city-sized constructs built to reboot society and usher in a new age of mankind

“Wormholes are interesting theoretical constructs, but nothing more than that,”

As we also know, objects, emotions and mental constructs associated with events, maintain an existence within the overall Sound Matrix

These constitute constructs of life-energy, because everything in existence is constructed of quanta, which are units of electro-tonal energy-identity

In fact, it is where Star Fleet first learned of the actuality of transwarp, beyond theoretical constructs

What is really going on out there in the universe cannot in any way be comprehended by mind and its intellectual constructs (thought forms)

It followed her as she crossed the complex, walking by where the constructs were forged

Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: feasible, i

Constructs of man’s warped mind that eternally strives to make “real” that which doesn’t exist—and to deny the reality of all that does

One hundred nanoteers builds a mouse, a thousand assembles a laptop, a million constructs a computer lab, and a trillion dedicates a Gamegineer Server to their own online Collaborative School of Competitive Design

The metaphors we think in, the pragmatics we consider, how we frame the issues which dictate the questions we ask is all part of the logic that constructs an ethic, whose gravity of thought produces a discipline of acting with the goal of living the right life

In the proper order, it constructs the

In the proper order, it constructs the skeleton, mus-

From these daggers they weave through the trees their constructs of creation, their nests of beauty, their exhibits of cleanliness

They will raise their tools, arm their constructs, hurl rocks through the air and slash her with twigs—there is absolutely nothing they won’t do to protect themselves, so it is no wonder that they are staring

It is a creature of monstrous proportions, of metal and agony, with two bright eyes that shine at the front of its person and two dorsal constructs that flash the colors of pain and serenity overhead

It is hollow inside, much like all transportable constructs, and within its driver’s side compartment is a man wearing a police uniform

«Let us think that the carpenter who has bought the log lumber constructs a fence to hold in some livestock, which have been errant in their paths

Wizards are better at it, but their constructs do not last either

of the visual and tangible aspects of these constructs, as delineated by their architecture and

The constructs themselves would not be visible or tangible in their nature,

as a basis for an explanation of the workings of the mind, and how it constructs the realities

It is life that constructs the body, maintains the

Positive thinking means that which constructs, strengthens, and

In fact there are no opposites, all opposites are just mental constructs that are necessary for the movement of thought

Still, there is always a danger that by becoming overly attached to intellectual ideas we will find ourselves living in a virtual reality of mental constructs that actually separates us from reality as it is

constructs the “D” loop

She had known before that constructs could be built by a gifted mage, but she had never seen it done

The idea that human belief, behaviour and speech are predestined is an aberration to the invisible constructs of human intellect, freewill and choice

But humans sometimes and in other cases often, abuse the high quality constructs of freewill, intellect and autonomy

This new divine decree or concept or advice regarding relational love can be defined as putting into practice through self’s constructs of cognition, emotion and behaviour the acts of compassion and reconciliation for Self and others

Humans made in the image of the Creator that may be defined by Self’s experience of the invisible spiritual personal constructs of consciousness, personality, freewill, intellect, cognitions and emotions

Can the meaning of the word ‘love’ be distorted and corruptly perceived through interrelational misuse and abuse? Does pure unconditional love exist? Has Self ever experienced the phenomena of the thoughts and feelings that Self would imagine would relate to the characteristics of unconditional love, maybe even within a dream? Has Self ever experienced what they envisaged to be unconditional love, from another human being? What are the cognitions and emotions experienced as an outcome of unconditional love? Is the level of love from a personal pet, such as a dog may provide its owner, unconditional? So are there different levels of love given and received? Are there different levels of unconditional love? The meaning of the word love can have many different meanings for different people as a consequent to the mix and interaction of the unique Self’s higher constructs interplaying with the unique Self’s past and present experiences

It is widely known that human females, when giving birth, experience much pain, but do animals giving birth experience similar pain without the constructs of consciousness, self-awareness, meta-cognition, thought, and emotion? Some research suggests that possessing the construct of mind increases the experience and awareness of pain

In this framework, people vary in the quality and extent of their investigatory procedures, so that while some may be working to establish an ordered and meaningful world for themselves but which is not necessarily highly predictable or readily explained, others may be content that they already have all the necessary explanatory constructs to live life fruitfully and with meaning

However, there are realities that can be considered to have not been constructed from the atoms of these elements, such as the invisible, but real constructs of Self, consciousness, cognition, emotion, attitudes, values, beliefs, and personality etcetera, which we can refer to as Spirit

And we can go further and suggest that the Creator of such invisible entities and constructs must itself, possess the ability to express and create the idea, the image, the reality and the experience of such an entity, to be itself the master architect of such phenomena for such phenomena to exist

The Self’s invisible constructs that make up Self’s Spirit, which by definition, are not tangible or physical

The question, “How can or will anything exist forever”, is again, perhaps better understood through reflection of Self’s personal experience of Self’s invisible ‘spiritual’ constructs of the consciousness of Self and Self’s personal invisible thoughts and feelings etcetera

We may still be left with something that is more akin to that which is not ‘physical’ or intrinsically part of the ‘physical’ universe, but left with something that is invisible and spiritual as experienced by the Self and Self’s consciousness and the conscious Self’s invisible constructs of Self’s being, thoughts, emotions attitudes, beliefs and personality

Moreover, we may have experienced the personal awareness that Self is conscious of Self feeling and thinking (invisible constructs) much younger than Self’s chronological age

Because now that Self consists of the invisible constructs of consciousness, intellect, emotion and personality, etcetera, Self can relate somewhat to the idea of Self being in essence, a Spirit, which can potentially exist without Time, and thus exist forever

Although Self was made with invisible consciousness, and the constructs of independence, personal sovereignty and freewill, Self had a Beginning, whereas the Creator must need not require, as a prerequisite, for itself to exist the entity of a ‘physical’ or spiritual Beginning

Moreover, if the Creator created not only the visible universe but also the invisible constructs of Self, that by definition can be characterised as the invisible constructs of Spirit, then Self may now also possess the characteristics of timelessness and infinity

The concepts of a Spirit and Soul must be necessary to explain Self’s complexity, specifically in terms of Self’s invisible constructs of consciousness, individual personality, and all that comprises Self that emanates from and into Self

This is because Self and Self’s consciousness, personality and being including present and past thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs about Self’s personal experience are intrinsically and essentially invisible and intangible constructs, and thus, may only be defined as Spirit

If Self exists and entities of Self such as, consciousness, cognition, emotion and personality, etcetera, are invisible to the eyes of science, but nevertheless known to exist, then perhaps these constructs are integral components of what we might term an individual’s Personality, Spirit and Soul

Added into the complex mix of an individual’s personality are constructs such as attitudes, beliefs and values, which are all essentially invisible to the detection of modern science and therefore possibly explained as also being part of the spirit and invisible personality

These spiritual (non-tangible, invisible to the eye) constructs thereby enable human beings to rise over and above base human (animal) instincts as an outcome of the human evolutionary process, which evolution provides the invisible constructs of consciousness, emotion and cognition, intellect and freewill thus allowing Self to develop values, attitudes, beliefs and personality

Self is possibly made in the image of the Creator that allows for the intangible constructs of consciousness, emotion and cognition, attitudes, values and personality to exist, which cannot be visibly seen, but inter-personally experienced

These are the abhorrent base human acts resulting from the personal choice to mix the desire to manipulate human base instincts, expressed through base thoughts, feelings, behaviours and content of speech, with the higher human constructs of intellect, cognition and emotion

This tension is what we call gravity, which constructs our perception and experience of weight

heads, they clearly symbolize authoritative philosophical constructs such as laws, doctrine, and

There is something invisible, something intangible, perhaps something spiritual and transcendent (spirit-energy) existing juxtaposition the functions of the brain, such as invisible personal constructs and entities as Self and Self’s self-awareness, consciousness, thoughts, emotions, values, attitudes, desires, beliefs, free-will, and personality

These invisible human psychological constructs of thoughts and emotions, and attitudes and beliefs are not visible and cannot be touched or dissected as they are spirit-energy

Where the sex drive of males is predicated on the biology of the manufacture of semen and thus the ‘urge’ to relieve, as opposed on the other hand to the sex drive of females, which is predicated more on psychological constructs such as fertility, hormones, mood, intimacy and self-esteem

The Creator made humans with advanced and refined constructs as intellect, cognition and emotion to facilitate the development of values, attitudes and beliefs derived from knowledge and information, expressed through behaviour and speech

But which spiritual/ psychological constructs may be also driven by and manipulated by primitive base instincts that if left unchecked have the power for enormous human suffering and destruction

Such a consciously considered constructive equilibrium, between the base instincts and the higher constructs of Self’s Spirit will allow Self to operate in congruent harmony with Self

Indeed, these are the higher components of human relations and friendship, based on the higher human constructs of intellectual, emotional and spiritual interconnectedness

Humans therefore carry within them, through genetic inheritance, animal instincts such as fear, control, aggression, sex drive and the need for food, water and shelter, but also through the spiritual and transcendent nature of predetermined evolution, humans carry with them the acquired invisible constructs of consciousness, intellect, cognition, emotion, personality and freewill

The invisible constructs of Self’s consciousness, intellect, emotion and cognition can either develop through choice and/or environment into particular attitudes, values and beliefs that shape a personality manifest as depraved and perverted ‘animal like’ behaviours

Or these spiritual constructs can instead again through personal choice or the mix of personal choice and environment set humans apart from the animal kingdom with thoughts, emotions, values, attitudes and behaviours that resemble an increased sense of awareness in terms of a personally ‘civil’, spiritual and moral accountable behaviour towards Self and others

And through these invisible and intangible constructs of spirit and consciousness there is the potential for Self, being made with the characteristics of intrinsic personal integrity, manifest as a conscious, independent and sovereign being, to also be immortal

  • Use the word construct in a sentences

Sentence Examples

They construct roads, when they wage the war.

Where you can build, construct, create.

I’m going to construct a small zoo next to the green room.

I depend on that art with blood, spirit and construct successfully

On this tiny little, insignificant ball we will construct for you a pyramid, not of wood, not of stone…

Two years ago, shortly before evacuating Burma… we had an occasion to construct an emergency airstrip here.

The town will construct 567 new fireplaces in this area and have cancelled the garden plots.

Minor awards are for such as the writer and director, since they merely construct a tower so that the world can applaud a light which flashes on top of it.

While they construct a theater. That’s worth a lot more.

But when I construct a staircase I can’t possible know what will happen later on.

We are preparing to construct a 30 meter high, 80 meter deep barbed-wire fence along the coast.

When scientists discover new species, they must construct new names.

In September, seeking to avoid fallout from the south, and despite his entire family’s opposition, he purchased 1.6 square kilometers of property in Akita Prefecture and began to construct thereupon an unusual underground dwelling.

With enough scientific and engineering help, we could construct a working model in a very short time.

Just to construct a bunker to house the core would take about ten days.

I transform them in masons, so they can construct theatres all over the empire and then I will sing in all of them.

And I will construct them, all in marble.

He has been able to re-construct prehistoric creatures with, no more to start with then a hand full of bones.

They will deliver materials and people into space, in order to construct out there, in the void, a permanent space station.

We are to construct fortifications along the new line of defense, where we shall meet and crush the advancing enemy!

During the past few days, I have been disturbed by rumors that you plan to take our campus and construct a housing tract thereon.

They told me that permissions to construct this sort of general market cannot be given.

Mr. director, how much is worth a hovel in comparison with what we want to construct?

Therefore, when we’ve set a patch over the damaged section of the hull we can pipe air into it through the pipeline, which we construct from bamboo.

It means changing a grammatical construct to suit the content.

It is a construct of lies, rather than brains.

I plan to construct a masterpiece.

l cannot construct your garment…

DALEK: (OVER SPEAKER) Report on neutron bomb to cover 500 square miles. Tlme to construct, 23 days.

There is also a winch, and we can construct an A-frame.

The Kanbe family doesn’t have the skill to help construct the dam.

Now why would anyone construct a complicated system of lights… to lead directly to a cave like this?

With the 1.5 million yen from my life insurance, construct a tomb for me and my husband.

We want to construct a woman, and we need the advice of an expert.

You take the trouble to construct a civilization to build a society based on the principles of… principle.

We’ll construct a bridge between Naples and Capri, a park in the center.

Well, let’s say I construct this railroad and make millions of dollars.

We can’t miss this possibility to learn, from where it is, who did construct him, what it carried to other places?

We can’t let our imagination construct an ideal love, disconnected from reality.

She even let us know when she decided to construct the annexe.

The place we have prepared foryou… contains sufficient elements for either ofyou… to construct weapons lethal enough to destroy the other, which seems to be your intention.

The Metrons, the creatures that sent us both here, said that the surface of the planet… provides the raw material… to construct… weapons.

I had the androids construct a perfect replica of Stella so that I could gaze upon her and rejoice in her absence.

Then you intend to construct mechanical bodies, move your minds into them, and then return our bodies to us.

We have analyzed the engine telemetry. And we’re attempting to construct a configuration which will reproduce the conditions that prevented ignition.

I’ll see to it that the Federation engineers construct them.

I intend to construct my normality, but it won’t be easy.

Construct is the tenth full-length studio album by Swedish melodic death metal band Dark Tranquillity. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

They tell us that when Gadamer writes, «I sought to ground the linguisticality of our orientation to the world in conversation,» he is saying we are linguistic to the bone and construct our world by talking about everything around us (a self-image with which we rest easy, says Kierkegaard).


Schematic of promoter-reporter gene constructs strategies.


Currently, ETH’s deflationary pressure is by construct, to be brought on by planned time bombs and the transition to POS.


With only one to two cheap materials, they are also very budget-friendly and take only a few minutes to construct.


Rabbits are born diggers and construct elaborate networks of burrows that go many meters into the ground through hard soil.


The printed tissue constructs contain three types of living cells, which are labeled red, blue and green in the microscopy image (top) and schematic diagram (bottom).


Constructions crews spent roughly a month erecting the prototypes, in the first major step the Trump administration has taken toward fulfilling a January executive order to «immediately plan, design and construct a physical wall along the southern border» which the president signed shortly after taking office.


Finally, the advance of Universal Design for Learning (UDL; Rose & Strangman, 2007), a guiding framework that borrowed constructs from architectural accessibility, which is grounded in cognitive science, has quickly moved into policy (Hehir, 2009) and practice (UDL-IRN, 2011).


Carrying over certain stage conventions, Beckwith constructs this primary set as a somber, suffocating space — a sort of conceptual prison, virtually devoid of laughter or music, using dramatic lighting shifts to contrast Leia’s present living conditions with flashbacks to her time with Ben.


The vulnerability makes every action sequence director James Mangold constructs thrilling because every swipe of a samurai sword or gunshot could be the end.


Today, scientists use computer algorithms to help construct elaborate phylogenetic, or evolutionary, trees.


Creating the right context where teams can thrive involves two basics: (1) a common goal and (2) the social constructs to keep everyone inside the bounds.


Those working with test design must stop patronizing our students in the name of an erroneous conception of fairness and construct rigorous exams that will send clear signals to educators about what they should teach.


«If you think about our stock keeping inside the university, there are seven big constructs: class, course, grade, credit, degree, department, major.


The developers, in their submissions, identify elements of the team they would assemble to first design, finance and construct the hubs and then recruit companies function as anchor tenants.


They have to alter the construct so that those trying to imitate real humans and authentic experiences will be easy to spot — and block.


But it has always been considered a theological construct.


The purified 5.91scFv-pGR106 constructs are being used to transform Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain GV3101.


The students construct graphs and match the graphs with the climate descriptions.


Marzio adds that, in the year since it opened, the museum has acquired and received art worth $ 85 million, or as much as the Moneo building cost to construct.


Understand something — religion has been around and held up as a wholly benevolent construct for centuries, all the while bullying anybody and everybody that didn’t fall in line.


The trials and tribulation of the Souls» series is a rather novel experience for myself, as I originally dipped my toes into this amalgamation of impeccable construct and design with 2015’s Bloodborne.


Despite only a superficial similarity, I was reminded of another construct — money.


I’ve learnt some valuable lessons about maker spaces and it has really provided perspective on how to build the constructs of an effective maker space that I’m keen to lay the foundations of within various schools over the next couple of months.


The show features a range of practitioners such as Vonna-Michell who elaborately constructs narratives centred on historical research and social observation filtered through personal anecdotes.


Otherwise, these new multibillion-dollar constructs will collapse under their own weight.


Occasionally it speaks out something more intriguing, but the best remedy is to venture into the system builder and construct an entire set of planets by yourself.


Your basis ought to be recognized each time the point that you construct, or the information or other data that you utilize, is considerably that of another essayist and not you’re claim.


The available Bird’s Eye View Camera system with Perimeter Scan technology combines front, side, and rear cameras to digital construct an overhead view of your vehicle that helps you to navigate in and out of difficult parking spots with ease.


In this series, Cheng constructs his own narratives about the history of three cities — New York, Hong Kong and Jerusalem — through re-edited video collages of moving images extracted from the news, as well as natural and urban landscapes.


And he then listed examples of the new deeper learning standards that are to be adopted: «Students will be able to understand, describe, explain, justify, prove, derive, assess, illustrate, analyze, model, construct, compare, investigate, summarize and evaluate — those are some of them.»


When it comes to the jump scares, Winchester is mostly competent if unremarkable in the way that its constructs these creepy sequences.


«Our brains construct fabulous stories,» he says.


If you have an idea of the possible flood level, construct some type of area for the pet to climb onto to stay dry.


To further validate that the decreased metastasis induced by double knockdown of ABL1 and ABL2 was not due to off target effects of the lentivirus-encoded shRNAs, we used a second set of ABL shRNAs (shAA # 2) and carried out rescue experiments by expressing mouse Abl1 and Abl2 constructs (mAbl1/Abl2) that are resistant to shRNAs against human ABL1 and ABL2.


Balance, equilibrium and symmetry occur easily and effortlessly in nature… but for a mechanical construct?


This poster, which can be printed either A4 or A3 depicts the different constructs of a tenth — a part of a shape, a part of a quantity and a number on a number line and the renaming as a decimal.


Agents can avoid many of the pitfalls of the Agent-Publisher construct by entering their clients into licensing agreements with new independent electronic distributors who offer the highest level of digital expertise, distribution capacity and marketing relationships — and offer these only to agents.


Arts Integration is an APPROACH to TEACHING in which students construct and demonstrate UNDERST ANDING through an ART FORM.


A love forbidden, and some would say impossible, forges between two friends as one struggles for the freedom of his people, and the other struggles for freedom from the confining construct of his mechanical existence.


Much of the wealthy within the US is generally against using their money to finance social constructs (healthcare is a big one here, but it’s used against a pretty wide array of social programs) and a consistent tactic to whip up support is to use the lines «this is socialism, all socialism is communism, communism is evil, therefore «insert hot topic like universal healthcare» is evil.


A pink character and cute voice-overs give a feeling of playfulness and a reward systems encourages kids to find, construct and thus learn the words.


Research suggests that teachers make and sustain valued changes to their practice when they collaboratively construct, monitor and adapt context-specific approaches to address their goals.


Seamlessly blending pop cultural imagery, color theory, and psychology, Yuskavage draws on classical and modern painterly techniques and, in particular, marshals color as a conduit for complex psychological constructs.


When expressing a viral construct transiently care needs to be taken to ensure that the proper cell line is used; several common laboratory cell lines including 293 were immortalized with adenoviral protein E1A, which has been shown to repress expression of HIV-1 LTRs


But there is also a lesson to be learnt about the character of an alternative construct which, quite clearly, defined valid social objectives and gained appreciable results, but which also succumbed to its own internal inflexibility and fell a victim to its own mistakes.


«Our goal with this project was to create a liver tissue construct that responds to toxins the same way the liver in your body does,» says William McCarty, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow at MGH-CEM and the paper’s lead author.


What makes Ruby Sparks so promising is that it is directly challenging the Manic Pixie Dream Girl construct that critic Nathan Rabin identified in his 2007 article on the Cameron Crowe film Elizabethtown:


Guest blogger Elisabeth Stock, a K-12 digital learning expert, explains how blended learning is a construct rather than a model, and details the thinking that led her group to link personalized instruction with student-driven learning.


Battle the enemy capital ship by mining nearby asteroids for resources, construct ships and blow the enemy capital ship out of the skies.


construct (v): to build something or put together different parts to form something whole

Use “construct” in a sentence

I wonder when this building was constructed?
They’re constructing a bridge over the river.
I’m learning to construct a logical essay.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”



show 117 types…
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conceptualisation, conceptuality, conceptualization

an elaborated concept


a general inclusive concept


a general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme

regulation, rule

a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior

attribute, dimension, property

a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished

abstract, abstraction

a concept or idea not associated with any specific instance


the concept that something has a magnitude and can be represented in mathematical expressions by a constant or a variable

division, part, section

one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole


all of something including all its component elements or parts

law, natural law

a rule or body of rules of conduct inherent in human nature and essential to or binding upon human society

law, law of nature

a generalization that describes recurring facts or events in nature

lexicalized concept

a concept that is expressed by a word (in some particular language)

hypothesis, possibility, theory

a tentative insight into the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena


a concept whose truth can be proved

linguistic rule, rule

(linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice


one of the ten divisions into which bowling is divided


an abstract idea of that which is due to a person or governmental body by law or tradition or nature


a way of conceiving something


a traditional notion that is obstinately held although it is unreasonable

form, kind, sort, variety

a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality


a specific (often simplistic) category


category name


a general category of things; used in the expression `in the way of’

limitation, restriction, stricture

a principle that limits the extent of something

guideline, guidepost, rule of thumb

a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior

cy pres, cy pres doctrine, rule of cy pres

a rule that when literal compliance is impossible the intention of a donor or testator should be carried out as nearly as possible

working principle, working rule

a rule that is adequate to permit work to be done

character, lineament, quality

a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something

characteristic, feature

a prominent attribute or aspect of something

feature, feature of speech

(linguistics) a distinctive characteristic of a linguistic unit that serves to distinguish it from other units of the same kind


something that is conceived or that exists independently and not in relation to other things; something that does not depend on anything else and is beyond human control; something that is not relative


a personified abstraction that teaches


a special abstraction


a discrete amount of something that is analogous to the quantities in quantum theory


any distinct quantity contained in a polynomial

numerical quantity

a quantity expressed as a number


a quantity upon which a mathematical operation is performed

variable, variable quantity

a quantity that can assume any of a set of values

constant, constant quantity, invariable

a quantity that does not vary


a quantity (such as the mean or variance) that characterizes a statistical population and that can be estimated by calculations from sample data

mathematical product, product

a quantity obtained by multiplication

amount, sum, total

a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers


one of the quantities in a mathematical proportion


the first part or section of something


an intermediate part or section


a final part or section

high point

the most enjoyable part of a given experience

component, constituent, element, factor, ingredient

an abstract part of something


a single undivided whole


a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts

complex, composite

a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts

divine law

a law that is believed to come directly from God


a basic truth or law or assumption

all-or-none law

(neurophysiology) a nerve impulse resulting from a weak stimulus is just as strong as a nerve impulse resulting from a strong stimulus

principle, rule

a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system

Archimedes’ principle, law of Archimedes

(hydrostatics) the apparent loss in weight of a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid

Avogadro’s hypothesis, Avogadro’s law

the principle that equal volumes of all gases (given the same temperature and pressure) contain equal numbers of molecules

Bernoulli’s law, law of large numbers

(statistics) law stating that a large number of items taken at random from a population will (on the average) have the population statistics

Benford’s law

a law used by auditors to identify fictitious populations of numbers; applies to any population of numbers derived from other numbers

Bose-Einstein statistics

(physics) statistical law obeyed by a system of particles whose wave function is not changed when two particles are interchanged (the Pauli exclusion principle does not apply)

Boyle’s law, Mariotte’s law

the pressure of an ideal gas at constant temperature varies inversely with the volume

Coulomb’s Law

a fundamental principle of electrostatics; the force of attraction or repulsion between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the distance between them; principle also holds for magnetic poles

Dalton’s law, Dalton’s law of partial pressures, law of partial pressures

(chemistry and physics) law stating that the pressure exerted by a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture; the pressure of a gas in a mixture equals the pressure it would exert if it occupied the same volume alone at the same temperature

distribution law

(chemistry) the total energy in an assembly of molecules is not distributed equally but is distributed around an average value according to a statistical distribution

equilibrium law, law of chemical equilibrium

(chemistry) the principle that (at chemical equilibrium) in a reversible reaction the ratio of the rate of the forward reaction to the rate of the reverse reaction is a constant for that reaction

Fechner’s law, Weber-Fechner law

(psychophysics) the concept that the magnitude of a subjective sensation increases proportional to the logarithm of the stimulus intensity; based on early work by E. H. Weber

Fermi-Dirac statistics

(physics) law obeyed by a systems of particles whose wave function changes when two particles are interchanged (the Pauli exclusion principle applies)

Charles’s law, Gay-Lussac’s law, law of volumes

(physics) the density of an ideal gas at constant pressure varies inversely with the temperature

Henry’s law

(chemistry) law formulated by the English chemist William Henry; the amount of a gas that will be absorbed by water increases as the gas pressure increases

Hooke’s law

(physics) the principle that (within the elastic limit) the stress applied to a solid is proportional to the strain produced

Hubble law, Hubble’s law

(astronomy) the generalization that the speed of recession of distant galaxies (the red shift) is proportional to their distance from the observer

Kepler’s law, Kepler’s law of planetary motion

(astronomy) one of three empirical laws of planetary motion stated by Johannes Kepler

Kirchhoff’s laws

(physics) two laws governing electric networks in which steady currents flow: the sum of all the currents at a point is zero and the sum of the voltage gains and drops around any closed circuit is zero

law of averages

a law affirming that in the long run probabilities will determine performance

law of constant proportion, law of definite proportions

(chemistry) law stating that every pure substance always contains the same elements combined in the same proportions by weight

law of diminishing returns

a law affirming that to continue after a certain level of performance has been reached will result in a decline in effectiveness

law of effect

(psychology) the principle that behaviors are selected by their consequences; behavior having good consequences tends to be repeated whereas behavior that leads to bad consequences is not repeated

law of equivalent proportions, law of reciprocal proportions

(chemistry) law stating that the proportions in which two elements separately combine with a third element are also the proportions in which they combine together

Newton’s law of gravitation, law of gravitation

(physics) the law that states any two bodies attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

Dalton’s law, law of multiple proportions

(chemistry) law stating that when two elements can combine to form more than one compound the amounts of one of them that combines with a fixed amount of the other will exhibit a simple multiple relation

law of mass action

(chemistry) the law that states the following principle: the rate of a chemical reaction is directly proportional to the molecular concentrations of the reacting substances

law of thermodynamics

(physics) a law governing the relations between states of energy in a closed system

Mendel’s law

(genetics) one of two principles of heredity formulated by Gregor Mendel on the basis of his experiments with plants; the principles were limited and modified by subsequent genetic research

Newton’s law, Newton’s law of motion, law of motion

one of three basic laws of classical mechanics

Ohm’s law

electric current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance; I = E/R

Pascal’s law, Pascal’s law of fluid pressures

pressure applied anywhere to a body of fluid causes a force to be transmitted equally in all directions; the force acts at right angles to any surface in contact with the fluid

Pauli exclusion principle, exclusion principle

no two electrons or protons or neutrons in a given system can be in states characterized by the same set of quantum numbers

Mendeleev’s law, periodic law

(chemistry) the principle that chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers

Planck’s law

(physics) the basis of quantum theory; the energy of electromagnetic waves is contained in indivisible quanta that have to be radiated or absorbed as a whole; the magnitude is proportional to frequency where the constant of proportionality is given by Planck’s constant

Planck’s radiation law

(physics) an equation that expresses the distribution of energy in the radiated spectrum of an ideal black body


a hypothetical possibility, circumstance, statement, proposal, situation, etc.


the physically discrete element that Darwin proposed as responsible for heredity

framework, model, theoretical account

a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process

conjecture, speculation

a hypothesis that has been formed by speculating or conjecturing (usually with little hard evidence)

assumption, supposal, supposition

a hypothesis that is taken for granted

principle of relativity

(physics) a universal law that states that the laws of mechanics are not affected by a uniform rectilinear motion of the system of coordinates to which they are referred

Stevens’ law, Stevens’ power law, power law

(psychophysics) the concept that the magnitude of a subjective sensation increases proportional to a power of the stimulus intensity

Weber’s law

(psychophysics) the concept that a just-noticeable difference in a stimulus is proportional to the magnitude of the original stimulus


(mathematics) a quantity expressed as a sum or difference of two terms; a polynomial with two terms


a theory that social and cultural events are determined by history

sound law

a law describing sound changes in the history of a language

linguistic universal, universal

(linguistics) a grammatical rule (or other linguistic feature) that is found in all languages

grammatical rule, rule of grammar

a linguistic rule for the syntax of grammatical utterances

morphological rule, rule of morphology

a linguistic rule for the formation of words

chukka, chukker

(polo) one of six divisions into which a polo match is divided

frame, inning

(baseball) one of nine divisions of play during which each team has a turn at bat


(tennis) a division of play during which one player serves

bout, round, turn

(sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive

first period

the first division into which the play of a game is divided

second period

the second division into which the play of a game is divided

final period

the final division into which the play of a game is divided


one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an interval


(ice hockey) one of three divisions into which play is divided in hockey games


(football, professional basketball) one of four divisions into which some games are divided


(cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch


(mathematics) a quantity or variable that, when fed into a function, results in a single output


(mathematics) the result or solution of a function that is associated with a single input

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