The word constraint in a sentence

Definition of Constraint

a limitation or restriction

Examples of Constraint in a sentence

Jordan felt the constraint of handcuffs pressing tightly around his wrists.


Our national debt places a constraint on our economy’s ability to grow.


Traffic makes me late to work, placing a constraint on my time.


We protested the constraint on freedom imposed by the communists.


I am under a time constraint due to my heavy workload.


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But all of them can easily fire a round every second or two; and the main constraint is the time it takes to aim again, which means that practically speaking semiautomatics and revolvers have a comparable effective rate offire. ❋ Unknown (2004)

With the shift to the constitutional stage of politics, however, this constraint is at least partially removed. ❋ Unknown (1992)

Most people also believe that there is at least some long-term constraint on government spending as we are always hearing about government debt and our need to borrow from China etc. to cover our profligacy. ❋ Robin Koerner (2011)

«Not having enough money [for the project] was the problem, the constraint from the beginning,» explained Alejandro Aravena, Elemental’s chief architect. ❋ Loren Berlin (2010)

The constraint is simply the * formula* in the administrated program of SS that has been politically manipulated over the years so that it is now mathematically impossible to deliver what the politicians have promised, which will piss off future voters. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The firm may well reorganize to have a higher capital labor ratio as a result, but total output will be lower because the firm’s new budget constraint is below the initial budget constraint, and therefore, also below the prior isoquant. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The informative aspect does float free to some important degree — it may be highly constrained by the options made available to begin with, but constraint is not determination. ❋ Unknown (2009)

«The NCAA’s not going to engage in constraint of trade or activities because, obviously, of legal limitations on its authority and power,» he said. ❋ Unknown (2010)

On the N8, its the software that’s currently the main constraint and, hopefully, with the imminent new browser and perhaps a re-written Social application, it can get a long way towards satisfying this other ‘smartphone’ definition — as well. ❋ Charles Arthur (2010)

For such goods, initial capital costs tend to be high, while the marginal cost of adding an additional user remains low until the capacity constraint is approached. ❋ Unknown (2009)

You may discover, as I have, that in design, constraint is freedom. ❋ Unknown (2009)

«Congestible» refers to goods that are nonrival for a certain amount, until a capacity constraint is reached. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The social constraints [left] him [speechless] ❋ Dizzo Van Bizzo (2016)

A [rigid] body, defined by the constraint equations (using [LaTeX]) is
left| {x_i — x_j } right| — c_{[ij]} = 0
where i is not equal to j is a Holonomic Constraint. ❋ Pinu7 (2009)

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so time t will appear explicitly in

the constraint


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поэтому время t появится явно в уравнения связи.

CSP(Γ) is the constraint satisfaction problem where instances are

only allowed to use


in Γ.

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CSP( Γ) является задачей удовлетворения ограничений, где экземплярам позволяется использование только ограничений из Γ.

This may be helpful in finding the constraint that is too restrictive.

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Это может быть полезным в обнаружении ограничении, которые являются слишком трудными для составления расписания.


construction of the constraint line as


outer envelope of





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Построение ограничительной линии в качестве внешней огибающей двух ограничителей;



DEA-model establishes the constraint that all


subjects of management to effectively manage are

located on


front line efficiency, and inefficient in front.


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В DЕА- моделях устанавливается ограничение, что все субъекты управления осуществляющие эффективное управление

располагаются на линии фронта эффективности, а неэффективное внутри фронта.




past, they were also able to ease the constraint of access to credit by firms through credit allocation policies.


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В прошлом они также были в состоянии ослабить ограничение доступа фирм к кредитам с помощью политики распределения кредита.


interim condensed consolidated financial information.


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Применение ограничения не оказало влияния на промежуточную сокращенную консолидированную

финансовую информацию Группы.


elements of


system about


demand and


motion speed of commodity/reserve stocks along




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Ограничение или контролирующее звено передает информацию другим элементам

системы о спросе и скорости движении товарных/ сырьевых запасов по цепочке.


You can complete all play operations by keyboard,

which will make you thoroughly get rid of the constraint of mouse click.


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Вы можете выполнить все игровые операции с

помощью клавиатуры, что позволит вам полностью избавиться от ограничений щелчка мыши.


color to vertices x{displaystyle x} and y{displaystyle y} if there is an edge connecting them.

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Ограничение в строке 3 запрещает назначать один

и тот же цвет к вершине x{ displaystyle x} и y{ displaystyle y} если существует ребро, соединяющее их.

It is a special

case of


more general Boltzmann machines with the constraint of no intra-node connections.

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ОМБ является специальным

случаем более общих машин Больцмана с ограничением, что нет внутриузловых связей.

By selecting Mode tracking,


solver keeps track of


same mode as it moves positions in


list of frequencies,


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При установке флажка Отслеживание колебаний решающая программа поддерживает отслеживание этого же колебания по мере его передвижения по позициям списка частот и


Where λ,


Lagrangian multiplier,

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Где λ, лагренжов множитель,

выбрано для того чтобы иметь критические значения удовлетворять ограничение.



Lagrangian multiplier method


optimization problem of minimizing f(x, y)

with respect to x and y subject to the constraint pxx+ pyy= I is transformed into a three variable

problem of unconstrained minimizing.

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В лагренжовом методе множителя задача оптимизации уменьшать f( x, y)

по отношению к x и вопросу y к ограничению pxx+ pyy= I преобразована в проблему 3

перемеююых непринужденный уменьшать.



special case of submarine ridges, the constraint line created in step(ii)

above is formed only by


350-nautical-miles limit.


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В особом случае подводных хребтов ограничительная линия, выстраиваемая на этапе(

ii), формируется только 350- мильной границей.


However, the constraint for mass introduction of this material is a low

resistance of basalt fibers to


products of cement hydration.


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Однако сдерживающим фактором массового применения этого материала является низкая устойчивость

базальт овых волокон к продуктам гидратации цемента.


By alleviating the constraint on business, it can help to release productive capacities,

boost entrepreneurship and reduce companies’ costs, therefore stimulating jobs and production.


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За счет уменьшения барьеров для ведения бизнеса она способна помочь в высвобождении производственного потенциала,

поощрении предпринимательства и сокращении издержек компаний и тем самым стимулировать создание рабочих мест и производство.


Additionally, by alleviating the constraint on business, it releases productive capacities,

boosts entrepreneurship and reduces companies’ costs, therefore stimulating jobs and production.


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Кроме того, за счет уменьшения барьеров для ведения бизнеса она высвобождает производственный потенциал,

стимулирует предпринимательство и сокращает издержки компаний и тем самым стимулирует создание рабочих мест и производство.


According to them, despite the constraint psychological factors,


role of nuclear energy will increase and by


end of


period will amount up to 8.


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По их оценке, несмотря на сдерживающие психологические факторы,

роль атомной энергетики будет возрастать и к концу рассматриваемого периода составит около 8.



composition emphasizes the constraint of


demon’s figure, as if pressed between


upper and lower bars of



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Композиция подчеркивает стесненность фигуры демона, будто бы зажатого между верхней и нижней перекладинами рамы.

For example, hexagon packing into the constraint of a rectangular box will leave empty space at



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Например, шестиугольник, помещенный в ограниченную прямоугольную коробку, оставит пустое место в углах.

As more and more emergencies were occurring,

UNICEF was experiencing the constraint of providing surge capacity,

seeking creative solutions to that challenge.


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Поскольку происходит все больше и больше чрезвычайных ситуаций,

ЮНИСЕФ сталкивается с ограничением в плане способности быстрого наращивания потенциала

и занимается поисками творческих решений для этой проблемы.


In addition, the constraint measure against


author was punctual and minimal, limited to


taking of


photograph only.


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Кроме того, принятая в отношении автора ограничительная мера являлась конкретной и минимальной и касалась лишь фотографирования.



Committee recognizes



difficulties faced by


State party, especially the constraint posed by its structural adjustment programme.


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Комитет признает наличие стоящих перед государством-

участником экономических трудностей, и в особенности тягот, связанных с осуществлением проводимой им программы структурной перестройки.


These considerations suggest that we need a definition of poverty that refers to


nonfulfilment of human rights,

but without de-linking it from the constraint of economic resources.


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Такое рассуждение наводит на мысль о необходимости определения нищеты, которое связано с несоблюдением прав человека,

но при этом учитывает взаимосвязь с ограниченностью экономических ресурсов.


According to


expert, the constraint of a uniform gap closure in all

grid cells in Europe multiplies


number of


by approximately 700 and decreases


transparency of


model while increasing significantly


uncertainty of




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По мнению этого эксперта, ограничение равномерного сокращения разрыва во всех квадратах сетки

в Европе увеличивает число препятствий приблизительно в 700 раз и уменьшает транспарентность модели, приводя к значительному увеличению степени неопределенности результатов.


They found


overall experience excellent and very useful for their daily work but

also felt the constraint of time in relation to


wide variety of subjects

that was planned in this course.


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По их мнению, это мероприятие было организовано на» отлично» и оказалось чрезвычайно полезным для их повседневной работы,

но при этом они ощущали также нехватку времени с учетом широкого спектра вопросов,

которые планировалось рассмотреть в рамках этого курса.


Consensus agreements, however, continued to elude forums for


development of new international law relating to the constraint and elimination of nuclear weapons,

potentially limiting


opportunities of


international community to consolidate and carry forward


prevailing political momentum for nuclear disarmament.


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Вместе с тем форумам по разработке новых международно-правовых норм,

касающихся ограничения и ликвидации ядерного оружия, по-прежнему не удавалось достичь консенсусных договоренностей, что

потенциально сужает имеющиеся у международного сообщества возможности по закреплению и дальнейшему усилению нынешнего политического импульса в пользу ядерного разоружения.


Once we stop comparing ourselves with others and define our identity based on our own terms, we remove the constraint we have put on our mind

Giving under fear or constraint is without any merit

Each of those different branches of trade, however, is not only advantageous, but necessary and unavoidable, when the course of things, without any constraint or violence, naturally introduces it

But that trade which, without force or constraint, is naturally and regularly carried on between any two places, is always advantageous, though not always equally so, to both

Can one wear two robes without constraint? Or can one place one robe over another, and it not tear? Is it wise to put on one robe, while wearing another already? And shall one attempt to wear a robe of white, to conceal a soiled one beneath?

The symptoms may accumulate as a minor constraint here, a larger oppression there

7 And in the day of the king’s birth every month they were brought by bitter constraint to eat of the sacrifices; and when the fast of Bacchus was kept the Jews were compelled to go in procession to Bacchus carrying ivy

9 And in those days Jesus went out to the mountain that he might pray and he spent the night there in prayer to God; And when the morning was come he called the disciples; And he went towards the sea and there followed him much people from Galilee that he might pray and from Judaea and from Jerusalem and from Idumaea and from beyond Jordan and from Tyre and from Sidon and from Decapolis; 12 and great multitudes came to him which had heard what he did; And he spoke to his disciples to bring him the boat because of the multitudes that they might not throng him; And he healed many so that they were almost falling on him on account of their seeking to get near him; And those who had plagues and unclean spirits as soon as they beheld him would fall and cry out and say You are the Son of God; And he rebuked them much that they should not make him known; And those who were under the constraint of un- clean spirits were healed; And all of the crowd were seeking to come near him because power went out from him and he healed them all

Lay it to your heart not to be anxious before the time what you shah say and I shall give you understanding and wisdom which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay; And then shall they deliver you to constraint and shall kill you and you shall be hated of all nations because of my name; And then shall many go astray and they 52 shall hate one another and deliver one another to death; And your parents and your brothers and your kinsfolk and your friends shall deliver you up and shall 53 kill some of you; But a lock of hair from your heads shall not perish; And by your patience you shall gain your souls; And many men false prophets shall arise 56 and lead many astray; And because of the abounding of iniquity the love of many shall wax cold; But he who endures to the end the same shall be saved; And this the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a testimony to all nations; and then shall come the end of all

The sales project manager will assign resources to the project activities in such a way that the time-to-market or end deliverable date constraint can be satisfied

 Nine out of ten managers (93 percent) claim that it is important for them that their employer be enabled to solve customer problems without any organizational constraint

Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; (3) Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock

everyday use, and see the large role that convention and constraint play in human behaviour

Of what avail is it now that G realizes that doomed are men who make light of the feminine sixth sense? Poor G, how I pity him! Didn’t the old jackal reduce G to sparing his wife as a sex bowl for someone’s cum! Not even Eskimo like, is it? Where is the reciprocity, leave alone any cultural constraint? Wonder, how life can make pimps out of husbands! Well, out of fathers for that matter

especially for those of you who have budget constraint

The scene was one of mutual respect and constraint, except toward the

enjoy their lives outside of the working constraint

It is imperative that you state or intend to have a specific purpose; this does not mean that you are not simply allowed to experience the world, your habitat, without the constraint of your physical body, but you should intend to do so

Instead, he tossed it into the passenger seat with deliberate constraint and heaved the gearshift up into reverse

the time of creation of database constraint

It is another constraint altering the table structure

Hence we need to create the constraint

We will try to create another constraint using sql script in

The foreign key constraint should be raised in detail file

Check constraint with respect to report_type will

Further check constraint will check the validity of the

I’ve shown constraint of non-DOD work to

Then with 6 shots a piece at non moving targets none of the Masters shots hit the neck or head on the target and only one master met the timing constraint

Rectifying the constraint by turning his chair slightly towards the jury, he could clearly see those suspects involved in his investigation and those who were willing to testify, though with much reluctance and after a lecture on civic duty provoked by the desire to avenge the death of the young woman in a meager way, here at this formality

They feel unconditional Love without constraint, not with the

Rose had declared all watches (and devices on which time could be measured) to be “an unnecessary and vulgar constraint on the flow of life

fact, the function, (Tax Benefits) — (Bankruptcy Costs) is simply a relaxation of a constraint that they used to determine the incremental value of a leveraged firm over an unlevered

The limiting constraint in any optimization model is the amount of capital

works within a given capital constraint which may not be the optimal one

the correct level is a limiting constraint of the optimization model; we know from

The firm’s capital investment is another constraint that is inputted as given; we may

the amount of capital is imperative to capital structure, it is a given constraint in

, but the most onerous constraint is the amount of capital

performs the industry by 5 % — given the constraint that all steel companies have the same

constraint, would most likely revert to the mean- but even more importantly, it suggests an

High technology firms would be eliminated by that constraint, but

constraint that no additional shares are issued; retained earnings are added to

that constraint and that some compensating factor — increased market share, more

Thus, the probability of default is as much a part of the solution, as it is a constraint

constraint between variables that would normally be correlated (net income and

Since that constraint is

While five years prior, we would have despised sexual constraint, but at least we were aware of an opposing morality

Though it constituted a constraint to learning and social evolution, the spreading religion of Christianity provided one of the stronger unifying forces in Europe and around the

removing a constraint are ways in which the selling firm can offer strategic value

If the constraint could be

strategic buyer is the one that can overcome the constraint

The problem of the gathering and processing of information — a logistical constraint — is likely to be completely, satisfactorily, and comprehensively resolved by the application of computer networks to voting

Second, I knew he had a time constraint before he came over, so I didn’t expect him to stay

You can tell he’s jumping! He might be in a wheelchair, but he’s jumping on the inside, I can see it! See, so there’s not constraint okay, so move your body, smile, dance, express yourself, especially in your times of prayer

Anything is almost better than reserve and constraint between your child and yourself; and this will come in with fear

include the constraint on the production method defined in some of the pharmacopoeial

‘Impressed as he’s with you,’ Tara began tentatively, ‘Ravi is keen to have you as his personal secretary, and the salary shouldn’t be a constraint, that’s what he said

constraint that had presented itself

And they were experiencing idle time in the workforce and on their web printer — the printer they identified as their constraint and the printer which generated the most income

Evans brought in AGI’s UK partner, Oded Cohen, to help address the sales constraint and construct the direction of the solution

They began to understand that the constraint was not necessarily something negative that should be avoided, but that it may be the most profitable part of the business — and if they could control the constraint they could then control profitability

Mowing was identified as the constraint

But, what sort of equality would polygamy entail for those four wives! Even in bigamy, a woman would be left pining when her fellow wife has their man? And in Islam, we are not even dealing with bigamy but polygamy, involving four women at that! And how the All Knowing God missed this female conjugal constraint is anybody’s guess

The ability to visit our dimension at will without the constraint of linear time has much of the mystery of the holy books

Consider the jobs in the non increasing order of profits subject to the constraint that the resulting job sequence J is a feasible solution

“Nay! Surely the Record of the libertines will cause them heavy constraint

“Would that you perceived what (this) heavy constraint is!”

“Will cause them a heavy constraint”: this statement means that the wicked deeds which have been recorded against the libertines will make them constrained in a heavy state that they cannot free themselves from

They will always feel a heavy constraint, that is, they will keep living in a spiritual prison that is harder than the physical one

Public recording of the commons in case someone in the future may commit a crime is prior constraint of our right against warrantless surveillance

The special handle, contained in a large constraint container, began coming towards them from IR6

‘Only 2 days to go’—if there’s a time constraint or deadline you’re all working on, put it out there in the title

None of us gave the topic any serious thought then, simply because we did not see it as a major constraint, but we now know better

Often this constraint can be avoided by involving the original author in the translation process

Only constraint it has is weight of

from the constraint of whip and flame, others smashed into

Whatever diminishes constraint diminishes strength

The inner bank of trees and shrubs served as a break so that there wouldn’t be the feeling of constraint from the heavily guarded fence line

over gravity borders, which is the limit to what constraint the Earth may produce in accordance with what

� If we can do so, we can express our regrets, and ask if we can start again by making real requests, requests with no inherent forms of coercion or constraint

Again money is also a constraint which makes the individual delay such visits to the doctor for diagnosis

«Yes?» said the Doctor, with evident constraint

His constraint was so manifest, and it was so manifest, too, that it originated in an unwillingness to approach the subject, that Charles Darnay hesitated

There was a certain constraint in all this

If Chrysostom’s impatience and violent passion killed him, why should my modest behaviour and circumspection be blamed? If I preserve my purity in the society of the trees, why should he who would have me preserve it among men, seek to rob me of it? I have, as you know, wealth of my own, and I covet not that of others; my taste is for freedom, and I have no relish for constraint; I neither love nor hate anyone; I do not deceive this one or court that, or trifle with one or play with another

I remember well how sad and dreary those days and hours were to me; I remember well how I began to doubt as they went by, and even to lose confidence in the faith of Don Fernando; and I remember, too, how my maid heard those words in reproof of her audacity that she had not heard before, and how I was forced to put a constraint on my tears and on the expression of my countenance, not to give my parents cause to ask me why I was so

He put a constraint upon himself, and struggled to repel and repress the pleasure he found in contemplating Camilla; when alone he blamed himself for his weakness, called himself a bad friend, nay a bad Christian; then he argued the matter and compared himself with Anselmo; always coming to the conclusion that the folly and rashness of Anselmo had been worse than his

And the curate bade him remember that only death could part Luscinda from Cardenio; that even if some sword were to separate them they would think their death most happy; and that in a case that admitted of no remedy his wisest course was, by conquering and putting a constraint upon himself, to show a generous mind, and of his own accord suffer these two to enjoy the happiness Heaven had granted them

Basilio opened his eyes and gazing fixedly at her, said, «O Quiteria, why hast thou turned compassionate at a moment when thy compassion will serve as a dagger to rob me of life, for I have not now the strength left either to bear the happiness thou givest me in accepting me as thine, or to suppress the pain that is rapidly drawing the dread shadow of death over my eyes? What I entreat of thee, O thou fatal star to me, is that the hand thou demandest of me and wouldst give me, be not given out of complaisance or to deceive me afresh, but that thou confess and declare that without any constraint upon thy will thou givest it to me as to thy lawful husband; for it is not meet that thou shouldst trifle with me at such a moment as this, or have recourse to falsehoods with one who has dealt so truly by thee

In other and in greater words, what is needed is a sense of immediate duty, and a feeling of impalpable constraint

It has been suggested also to me that the impalpable constraint is put upon the nature of a seaman by the Spirit of the Sea, which he serves with a dumb and dogged devotion

What awakens the seaman’s sense of duty, what lays that impalpable constraint upon the strength of his manliness, what commands his not always dumb if always dogged devotion, is not the spirit of the sea but something that in his eyes has a body, a character, a fascination, and almost a soul—it is his ship

He himself seemed under a tight band of constraint

that his father had always kept him in too great constraint, and that now he

under a sort of subjection and constraint, that were far from making

I like how the word “constraint” sounds.

It’s not difficult to learn how to pronounce it: there are no tricky parts in it. Maybe only the schwa sound in the first syllable. So if you have no idea what the schwa is, you’ll probably pronounce it as /kOnˈstreɪnt/ but actually it’s /kənˈstreɪnt/.

But the definition of the noun “constraint” is actually not that cool. “Constraint” means limitation or restriction. As the Cambridge dictionary puts it, “something that controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits.”

Your constraints can hold you back and prevent you from achieving your goals.

“Constraint” has French roots and initially meant distress and oppression, but then the meaning changed to “binding.”
In Latin, there’s a similar word, “constrictus” which means “to bind together.”

Here ‘re you can see that nowadays people use the word constraint it more than ever.
constraint word usage

There’s also a verb “constrain” /kənˈstreɪn/ that means to control and limit something or to limit someone’s freedom.

His English was constrained by poor vocabulary.

And it’s also quite easy to remember how to spell “constraint.”
We can split it into con- and strain- and then add -t at the end.

How to use “constraints” in a sentence

I stumbled upon “constraints” in Jim’s Kwick book Limitless. He uses this word quite often and the context really helps to understand how we can use the word as well.

I typed the word in my kindle version of the book and got all the sentences with it. Quite convenient I should say.

Constraints example of usage
So, here are some quotes with “constraints” from the book:

“By investing in this book and now reading it, you are far ahead of most of the population who simply accept their present conditions and constraints.”

“Just as you’ve learned limits from your family, culture, and life experiences, you can unlearn them. These constraints are only temporary obstacles that you can learn to overcome.”

“In most cases, you’re going to find that such constraints don’t apply to anyone willing to push beyond them.”

Cambridge dictionary also gives us a specific structure of using “constraint” in sentences:

a constraint on/to sth
Financial constraints on the company prevent them from employing new staff.

They believe that the new legislation will remove a major constraint to economic expansion.

place/put a constraint on sth
Some external factors placed constraints on the scope of the work that could be undertaken.

the constraints of sth
The constraints of politeness wouldn’t allow her to say what she really thought about his book.

Okay, that’s it. Let me know if it was useful and share in the comments if you had (or still have) constraints that prevented you from achieving your dreams. Or simply share your sentence with “constraints”. It never hurts to practice.

P. S. As always you can see more examples of usage and also practice pronunciation of this word in the context in youngish.

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Learn the word “constraint”: definition and usage

Learn how to use constraint in a sentence and make better sentences with `constraint` by reading constraint sentence examples.

  • Weeds are the most serious biological constraint to upland rice production.
  • Second class constraints are constraints that have nonvanishing Poisson bracket with at least one other constraint.
  • So the constraint on the problem space might not really be there.
  • LINCS applies Lagrange multipliers to the constraint forces and solves for the multipliers by using a series expansion to approximate the inverse of the Jacobian mathbf J _ sigma:.
  • The king’s favor, however,brings Audrey constraint as well as opportunity.
  • This time constraint is often the source of many common mistakes made by brides before a wedding.
  • The definition of time constraint was put forward considering the impact of the length of the time’s compartmentalization and the self-learning function of the system was realized.
  • But it is very difficult for them to approach these professionals due to their time constraint.
  • In multi-item ordering problems with fund constraint, when the supplier offers incremental quantity discounts, the retailer will adjust the inventory policy to minimize the inventory cost.
  • I really enjoy it because of the graphics and the fact that there is no time constraint.
  • Based on subjective logic, four basic group constraint patterns and their nesting to compose a group were proposed at the point of view of trust’s subjectivity and supports group trust relation.
  • The iteration of geometric programming with constraint positive negative term equations is applied to the optimal design for bolted tight connections used in pressure vessels.
  • I don’t think that’s a productive constraint to have at this point.
  • This constraint makes a good anagram much harder to find.
  • The Russians faced the same constraint.
  • He shows a great deal of constraint in the face of his mentors bombastic personality.
  • But, the time constraint is still there.
  • Questions help individuals move from constriction and constraint towards creativity.
  • The constraint on production of the railcoaches was the metalwork shop.
  • Ceramic tile chose cream-colored, light color has bulgy effect, won’t appear depressive and constraint.
  • Its pattern-searching strategy resolves many theoretical issues by placing them within the constraint of empirical evidence.
  • The time commitment of exclusive breastfeeding is also an economic constraint.
  • But if you’re on a time constraint lunch hour or something it’ll be tight.
  • We use the service level to replace the shortage cost, which avoid the deviation caused by rough calculation, and then we build an optimal model with constraint.
  • Apart from employment, the most serious implications of the policies of constraint are for housing.
  • Here we just mention issues that arises with the Hamiltonian constraint.
  • This is a most effective approach where flexibility is key and time isn’t a constraint.
  • Hypocrisy does not appear to be much of a constraint on this Administration.
  • The labor market is the primary constraint on growth right now,.
  • Particularly in developing countries, a major constraint faced is the inadequacy of the marketing channels to get the seed to poor farmers.
  • The form of the objective function, the constraint set and the planning horizon constitute the main base for this comparison.
  • It is typically crowded the limited counter seating is a constraint.
  • The calculation of non-decreasing constraint combinations is therewith sufficient.
  • Here we have only considered the action of the Hamiltonian constraint on trivalent vertices.
  • Complexity of part variant design was formulated based on dimension constraint, and the complexity of part variant design was contrasted in the condition of before and after part classification.
  • Observed paleomagnetic poles show only the approximate latitude at the time but provide no constraint on the longitude.
  • It is debatable which type of constraint contributes more to price fluctuations.
  • Some considered restrictions are based on the tractability of the constraint satisfaction problem where the constraints are all binary and form a tree over the variables.
  • A concrete implementation of GA is described in detail. The three-layer system architecture of conflict detection based on fuzzy constraint network is put forward.
  • Flexible too as my tenant had s time constraint.
  • Very helpful especially if time availability is a constraint.
  • I don’t remember a constraint such as that being discussed ever in any of the Harrington novels.
  • Constraint satisfaction and the homomorphism problem.
  • Distribution network reconfiguration is a multi — objective , multi — constraint, discrete nonlinear combinatory optimization problem.
  • You should break away from the constraint some day.
  • It could have been made deeper, in my opinion, even with the existing handle constraint.
  • The optimal design of large transformers with combinatorial optimization and with the reactance voltage drop as the constraint is described.
  • Punishment by reciprocity is guided by principles of cooperation and equality rather than adult authority and constraint.
  • I get the feeling that the other positive reviewers have felt the same constraint.
  • This paper considers a convex programming with an additional reverse convex constraint. A kind of conical branch and bound method is developed and convergence conditions are obtained.
  • Using O-O technology and double linked list data structure, the general program of constraint adjustment algorithm is developed and embedded into the genetic algorithm.
  • All states have an age constraint restricting minors.
  • This is because the constraint matrix is totally unimodular.
  • Topicalization is subject to the semantic constraint of operator-variable referential dependency in RT in light of the deficiencies of locality constraint in syntax.
  • In curve fitting problems, the constraint that the interpolant has to go exactly through the data points is relaxed.
  • For schools, there is also the additional constraint of curriculum-led staffing.
  • The same constraint eliminates objectivity from economics, law and history.
  • As many so-called » slave-codes » included a barefoot constraint, bastinado required minimal effort to be performed.
  • There are other constraints on the firm’s capital, however, most importantly perhaps, the takeover constraint.
  • For systems with input saturation constraint and invertible static input nonlinearity, a two step generalized predictive control (TSGPC) strategy is adopted.
  • Clinical trials have shown neuroplasticity through constraint-induced movement therapy used with patients having hemiparesis after stroke.
  • The results show that compared with normal adults TCM college students have higher levels of constraint, depression, crankiness and psychiatric disturbance.
  • Strict steric constraint exists around the pyrrolidine ring of cyanopyrrolidine-based inhibitors, with only hydrogen, fluoro, acetylene, nitrile, or methano substitution permitted.
  • We like most people on here had tickets to a 7pm show, so we were kind of on a time constraint.
  • Based on qualitative and quantitative temporal constraint and their converting rules, project implement process network is converted into temporal constraint network.
  • The arts and scientific research shall be free of constraint. Academic freedom shall be respected.
  • The consumer will choose the indifference curve with the highest utility that is attainable within his budget constraint.
  • I should have been advised of the schedule constraint when I called in advance.
  • Maybe she and her boyfriend should show some constraint.
  • Bovine babesiosis caused by » B . bovis » remains an important constraint for the development of cattle industries worldwide.
  • The constraint-based testing technique improved the test data quality but with a low solving efficiency for the constraint satisfaction problem and is not easy to find a suitable solution.
  • I look forward, my dear, to our meeting easily, and without constraint on either side.
  • Thanks to this ontological constraint, our languages and descriptions also are wont to be imprecise.
  • The only constraint on writer input was that some care was taken over legibility.
  • The hot-rolling batch planning problem is treated as a constraint satisfaction problem. A VRPSTW constraint satisfaction model with uncertain rolling plan number is established.
  • The FRS is subject to no government budget constraint.
  • The fundamental mechanism of operator grammar is the dependency constraint : certain words ( operators ) require that one or more words ( arguments ) be present in an utterance.
  • Where was the constraint when he went beyond the recommendations of the U.
  • He sat down , at first, with some constraint and awkwardness.
  • A model for analyzing the large deflection of an elastic cantilever beam with constraint under uniformly distributed load was established.
  • I escaped from constraint by going into philosophy instead of seminary.
  • Example ( 8b ) displays the complex noun phrase constraint.
  • This workout is the answer to your time constraint excuses.
  • It also points out that your culture is what you make it, rather than it being a constraint.
  • If you are on a time constraint for obtaining a certificate, I do NOT recommend George Brown.
  • The pragmatic reason is the constraint on our ability to make a precise forecast of what will be required.
  • A center 9 puts a huge constraint on the grid.
  • Standard octal game notation, however, does not have the power to express the constraint of unequal parts.
  • This method includes two steps: surface fitting based on fairing constraint and adding offset to form the threshold surface.
  • «‘ Process optimization «‘is the discipline of adjusting a process so as to optimize some specified set of parameters without violating some constraint.
  • Because of the time constraint, not a lot of action happens.
  • I couldn’t stay and eat because I was on a time constraint.
  • Limit is time constraint.
  • With the development of the deep sub-micron technology, the power consumption of the integrated circuit (IC) has become a dominant design constraint in modern VLSI design.
  • I told him I had a time constraint and he assured me it wouldn’t be a problem.
  • In the test of mycelium constraint, the antiseptic combination has obvious preventative effect on rice blast fungus, rice false smut fungus and rice sheath blight fungus.
  • For anyone who been in love and had to over come travel constraint this will feel true.
  • These are disallowed as a bond of union or test of communion, much as in the Savoy Declaration of 1658 it is said that constraint ‘ causeth them to degenerate from the name and nature of Confessions,’
  • Although most directly affecting secondary schools, this constraint has a backwash effect on primary schools.
  • However, constraint propagation can be used to prove satisfiability in some cases.

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