The word constant in a sentence

Antonym: changeable, inconstant, mutable. Similar words: instant, instantly, consultant, instance, distant, for instance, assistant, substantial. Meaning: [‘kɑnstənt /’kɒn-]  n. 1. a quantity that does not vary 2. a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context. adj. 1. persistent in occurrence and unvarying in nature 2. continually recurring or continuing without interruption 3. steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection 4. uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. 

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1. Constant dropping wears the stone.

2. A constant guest is never welcome. 

3. A man should keep his friendship in constant repair. 

4. He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion. 

5. Constant dropping wears away a stone. 

6. He was harried by constant bothering of his fans.

7. The constant pain made her life intolerable.

8. Her mind was in a state of constant turmoil.

9. I was infuriated by / with their constant criticism.

10. She was in constant physical pain.

11. Always my a pair comity is constant.

12. Inflation is a constant threat.

13. How do you demonstrate that the pressure remains constant?

14. Her constant chatter was starting to annoy me.

15. I could hear the constant hum of distant traffic.

16. Constant rejection has sapped her will.

17. Fear was the hostages’ constant companion.

18. Their whole life was a constant battle against poverty.

19. His constant sniffing annoys me.

20. He was arrested after being kept under constant surveillance.

21. He is in constant conflict with the authorities.

22. We’ve kept up a fairly constant speed.

23. We lived in constant fear of losing our jobs.

24. Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin.

25. Salaries are kept under constant review.

26. This entrance is in constant use.

27. In our world nothing seems constant.

28. His constant requests for help taxed our goodwill.

29. They were under constant close surveillance day and night.

30. The greatest friend of truth is time, her greatest enemy is prejudice[], and her constant companion is humility. 

More similar words: instant, instantly, consultant, instance, distant, for instance, assistant, substantial, construct, substantially, constraint, constitute, construction, constitution, constructing, constitutional, non-stop, monster, stand, install, stand by, stand for, stance, stand up, stand out, important, reluctant, standard, CONS, demonstrate. 

constant — перевод на русский


He was constantly going AWOL… and even managed to become the protector of a local prostitute.

Он постоянно подвергался наказаниям и даже оказался покровителем местной проститутки.

I’m constantly humiliated because I haven’t money.

Меня постоянно унижают, потому что у меня нет денег.

The German people is happy… in the knowledge that a constantly changing vision… has been replaced by a fixed pole. !

Немецкий народ счастлив… в осознании того, что постоянно меняющееся направление к цели… было заменено на фиксированный четкий курс!

We were together constantly until the last day.

Мы были вместе постоянно.

That’s ridiculous, I’ve been in constant touch with Scotland Yard.

Не может быть, я постоянно на связи со Скотланд-ярдом.

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I don’t want you constantly quoting what your father used to say.

Я не хочу, чтобы ты всё время повторяла, что говорил твой папа.

And he constantly talks about some check.

Но, он ведь все время говорит про какой-то чек.

I am constantly being torn between what people expect and what I deem right myself.

Я всё время мечусь между тем, что от меня ожидают, и тем, что хочу я сам.

Why are you lying constantly?

— Почему Вы все время врете?

He needs to constantly prove to himself and the others that he’s worth something.

Ему все время надо доказывать себе и окружающим, что он чего-нибудь, да стоит.

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The bureaucratic mentality is the only constant in the universe.

Бюрократы — единственная константа во вселенной.

Napier’s constant is the basis of all natural logarithms

Константа Напьера — это основа всех естественных логарифмов.

Constant is invariable.

Константа — это постоянная.

So the condition for a theory in which the infinities can be handled at all, a necessary condition is that the coupling constant has a dimensionality which is positive or zero.

Так, условие для теории, коорая имеет дело с бесконечностью непременное условие состоит в том, что константа взаимодействия может иметь положительную или нулевую размерность.

The coupling constant appears in the Lagrange, multiplying some kind of operator.

константа взаимодействия появляется в множителе Лагранжа, увеличивая число операторов.

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An unreliable fellow, as I recall — constantly late and behind in his work.

Ненадежный тип. Вечно опаздывал, работу не вовремя делал…

Cheated on me constantly.

Вечно изменял мне.

And yet. He’s failing at school he is constantly in trouble and when I talk to him. He’s like a stranger to me

И при этом его дела в школе ужасны, у него вечно неприятности, а когда я пытаюсь поговорить с ним, он отдаляется, будто я чужая.


Вечно преследует этот страх, что он бросит тебя ради более горячего, более симпатичного, более молодого, более крепкого жеребца.

The only thing constant is the love of God.

Любовь к Богу – вот что вечно.

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Since Clifford’s return, you’ve been together constantly.

С тех пор, как вернулся Клиффорд, вы всегда были вместе.

I’m constantly surprised that women’s hats do not provoke more murders.

Всегда удивляюсь, что женские шляпки не способствуют увеличению числа убийств.

We’ll use it constantly, won’t we, Janet?

Будем всегда ей пользоваться.

He has a constant cough, and yesterday he developed a fever.

— Обычно всегда кашель и простуда. На этот раз еще и горячка.

My Mum constantly wants me to tell her everything.

Моя мать хочет, чтобы я ей всегда обо всём рассказывал. Всё её рассказывать, подумать страшно! И каждый раз она говорит, что я не люблю её.

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As if in our bodies, huge amounts of adrenaline were constantly being pumped into our bloodstreams.

Как если бы в наших телах выброс адреналина происходил непрерывно в крови.

No, we’ve been monitoring the corridor constantly for the past three hours.

Мы непрерывно следили за коридором в течение трех часов.

You constantly chatted of the so-called beast of Craggy Island, always within hearing distance of Chris.

Именно вы непрерывно болтали о так называемом чудище острова Крагги, причем всегда в присутствии Криса.

It’s not like she has to watch me constantly.

Это не так, будто она должна непрерывно следить за мной

What I really just resent deeply… and what you’re constantly scratching on here… and I don’t know if you’re doing it intentionally or you think it’s funny… but the idea that you’re turning my work into a cartoon… makes me fucking angry.

Чем я действительно глубоко возмущен, и то, что вы мне тут непрерывно чешите, не знаю, делаете вы это намерено или просто ради шутки, — но сама мысль, что вы превращаете мой труд в мультик — нет Сэр, — пиздец как меня бесит.

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Out here will constant be

/ В округе будет неизменно /

Is the number of monoliths constant?

Количество Монолитов неизменно?

That’s a constant, Pre.

Это неизменно, Пре.

H. G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, Bertrand Russel and 100s of other — eugenicists constantly bragged about how the establishment — believe themselves to be a separate, more advanced species — than the common man.

Как Герберт Уэллс, Олдос Хаксли и Бертран Рассел, сотни других евгенистов неизменно кичатся, относя себя к особой, более усовершенствованной породе, чем обычные люди.

It’s this sort of dumbing down, constantly patronising…

Является ли этот дурацкий, неизменно снисходительный…

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I’m Superintendent Constant.

— Я — комиссар Констан.



This is Jacques Constant.

Позвольте представить, Жак Констан.

Constant de Rebecque.

Констан де Ребек.

Constant Billot, visiting room!

Констан Бийо, в комнату для свиданий!

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It would be a constant reminder that you’re different from everyone else.

Это постоянное напоминание, что вы отличаетесь от всех остальных.

And a constant reminder there’s only one Lois Lane.

И постоянное напоминание, что есть только одна Лоис Лейн.

I put this in my wallet as a constant reminder.

Я положил это в свой бумажник, как постоянное напоминание.

I wear this bracelet, forged of the steel of their shields, as a constant reminder of my vow to avenge them.

Я ношу этот браслет, откованный из стали их щитов, как постоянное напоминание о клятве отомстить.

Like a constant reminder that I am not good enough.

Как постоянное напоминание о том, что я не достаточно хороша.

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When we first started going out, we had sex constantly.

Когда мы только начали встречаться, мы регулярно занимались сексом.

The 26 principles and the 109 recommendations of the United Nations, approved two years ago in Stockholm, are constantly broken here in Italy.

26 принципов ООН, принятых 2 года назад в Стокгольме, здесь, в Италии, регулярно не соблюдаются, и это абсолютно справедливо касательно тех,

I mean, all the product in the world don’t mean nothin’ if you constantly getting your ass whooped for standing’ on another fool’s corner.

Я хотел сказать, лучший в мире продукт не поможет… если тебе будут регулярно надирать зад… за то, что стоишь на углу другого придурка.

I mean, I’m dating constantly, but I can’t seem to get it right.

Я регулярно знакомлюсь, но всё время что-то идёт не так.

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Отправить комментарий

постоянный, константный, неизменный, постоянная, константа


- постоянный, непрерывный

constant complaints [anxiety] — постоянные жалобы [-ое беспокойство]
constant chatter — беспрерывная болтовня
constant rain — непрерывный дождь
constant care and attention — постоянная забота и внимание

- постоянный, устойчивый, константный

constant current — эл. постоянный ток
constant load — спец. длительная нагрузка
constant spectrum — спец. сплошной спектр

- постоянный, неизменный, верный

constant reader [visitor] — постоянный читатель [посетитель]
constant friend — верный друг
he has been constant in his devotion to science — он никогда не изменял своей преданности науке
constant dropping wears away a stone — капля по капле и камень долбит


- мат., физ. постоянная (величина), константа

Мои примеры


a love as constant and certain as the diurnal tides — любовь, столь же постоянная и неизменная, как и суточные приливы  
a constant fretful stamping of hooves — постоянный нервозный топот копыт  
constant / endless / idle / incessant chatter — бесконечная болтовня  
quantity constant in the limit — предельно постоянная величина  
constant fever — неспадающий жар  
game with constant cost — игра с постоянной стоимостью  
game with constant sum — игра с постоянной суммой  
chronic / constant grumbler — вечный, неуёмный ворчун  
constant, persistent noise — постоянный, вечный, непрекращающийся шум  
constant upgrade of quality — постоянное повышение качества  
constant conditions — постоянные условия  
constant prices — неизменные цены  

Примеры с переводом

She experienced constant pain.

Она постоянно испытывала боль.

He kept the car’s speed constant.

Он ехал с постоянной скоростью.

Young children need constant supervision.

Маленькие дети нуждаются в постоянном надзоре.

They live in constant dread of another attack.

Они живут в постоянном страхе, еще одной атаки.

Languages are in a constant state of flux.

Языки находятся в состоянии постоянного изменения.

His constant failures killed his ambition.

Постоянные неудачи загубили его честолюбивые стремления.

He suffers from constant headaches.

Он страдает от постоянных головных болей.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Amy lived in constant fear of being attacked.

He was weary of the constant battle between them.

For ten years he had been her constant companion.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

constantly  — постоянно, часто, то и дело
inconstant  — непостоянный, изменчивый, неустойчивый, нерегулярный
constantan  — константан, константановый

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): constant
мн. ч.(plural): constants

I therefore call it the constant part of capital, or, more briefly, _constant capital_. ❋ Various (1910)

I. i.44 (314,9) We have this hour a constant will] _constant will_ seems ❋ Samuel Johnson (1746)

The company currently defines the term «constant currency» to mean that financial data for a previously reported period are translated into U.S. dollars using the same foreign currency exchange rates that were used to translate financial data for the current period.

Yemen’s state news agency says the president visited the three wounded officials at the Saudi hospital on Sunday, and expressed happiness about what it calls the «constant progress in their health.» ❋ Unknown (2011)

The other constant is the Anthony Road TBA, you know! ❋ Unknown (2009)

I am Azshara! she silently insisted, her expression constant. ❋ RICHARD A. KNAAK (2005)

He also hit out at what he described as the constant resort to lies to advance immoral purposes, as well as the use of the mass media to camouflage corrupt practices. ❋ Unknown (2002)

Mbeki hit out at what he described as the constant resort to lies to advance immoral purposes, as well as the use of the mass media to camouflage corrupt practices. ❋ Unknown (2002)

He cited it as an example of what he termed constant ideological pushback since he’s taken office. ❋ Unknown (2011)

In his professional life, Borlaug, who died in 2009 at the age of 95, struggled against prodigious obstacles, including what he called the «constant pessimism and scare-mongering» of critics and skeptics who predicted that in spite of his efforts, mass starvation was inevitable and hundreds of millions would perish in Africa and Asia. ❋ Henry I. Miller (2012)

Massachusetts Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante, who represents the port of Gloucester, criticized what she characterized as the constant, massive swings in scientific assessments on the size of fish populations. ❋ Unknown (2012)

«What’s the matter with the mast, Mr. Bury?» put in Magrath, who kept up what he called constant scientific skirmishes with the _elder_ sea-officers; the _junior_ being too inexperienced in his view to be worthy of a contest. ❋ James Fenimore Cooper (1820)

He attributed what he described as constant phone calls and harassment by West to the affair which he thought was long over. ❋ Unknown (2009)

You see, Mrs Webb’s suggestion, because she is dealing with this in the context of her reaction to all the letters about the judiciary, is that she was becoming very stressed and unwell as a result of what she describes as the constant criticism of the judiciary made by you to her and she says that she really wished just to stop hearing about these matters in your discussions. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Moreover, he was afraid of his wife, afraid of a policeman, afraid of physical violence, and lived in constant dread of burglars. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It only made the Police look silly and as if they were in constant retreat. ❋ Inspector Gadget (2009)

a constant is a [letter] in a [math] [problem] ❋ Game Mode 0 (2016)

«[You are the one] constant thing in my life. I can always count on you to be there and not change. I can look to you and know how our lives are going, because you are [a solid] [marker] by which to judge things.» ❋ .Keyls (2010)

He is such a [constanter] [whenever] it comes to [breathing]. ❋ Trolly Rolly (2018)

1) Sarah’s uncle was in [constant pain] after his car accident
2) They group had a regular meeting once a week to discuss the issues they were facing at the work place.
3) [4x] + 5y; 4 and 5 are [constants] in this case
4) To have a person who is a constant (a person who is going to be there for us regardless of what is going on around us both) is the most wonderful feeling and source of hope. A constant is someone who promises to be there for you through everything. I was once told by a holy sage that I have been a constant in someone’s soul journey for the past 15 of our lives. That we have been each others soul mate for 15 lifetimes and that is why in this life we are each others’ constant. A constant in our life is a person who stands by us and a source of hope, strength and [knowingness] that we can always rely on that person what may be the circumstance because they are there as our anchor… someone who is [omnipresent] specially to you and forever an individual you can [fall back on]. In reference to the above e.g. they are the 4 or 5 when the x [and y] are subject to change. For example, in a relationship your partner is your constant. someone you know who is ALWAYS going to be there. Mike and Veronica are each others’ constants and Veronica will always be there with Mike. ❋ Constant_bk_sm (2010)

Person 1; Shit, there goes king [constant], he just walked by us.
Person 2; [I am not] [worthy]. ❋ Jodie Carr (2015)

You can have [Constant] quality [beatz], but you need to be Constant.
If you want to have Constant productions, you need to work with Constant ASAP>! .
Yoo Constant, I NEED SOME [BEATZ]. ❋ Mr. Bright (2020)

[That bitch] is [such a] constants ❋ Dankest Definor (2018)

The above definition, for instance, has 180 characters. After applying the Wadsworth Constant, we [skip over] [52] characters (29%). The definition now reads,
«the true meaning of a video, conversation, or comment approaches importance after approximately 30% of it has been [skipped] over.» ❋ ShigalHammoud (2011)

What is the correct [learning] rate for [adam] in this case?
Just use the [Karpathy constant] dude ❋ Randomrandomrandomdude (2017)

Youtube [Poll]:
69% yes
[31]% [yesn’t]
Jens’s Constant, nice ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ❋ Sevenfour (2021)

The zombie hobbles toward us, preaching a constant moan

Still this was a very constant thunder and he could see no storm clouds anywhere around

Decisions are something that you make in your own mind on a constant and ongoing

The advent of constant media influence and increased mobility make it so that the morals and values of family groups are not passed down as unchanged as they once were

It is the practice by which there is constant observation of the mind

This first step is one of the most difficult stages in the meditation process and involves constant unremitting ability to keep bringing the mind back to that «object» upon which the aspirant has chosen to concentrate

Meditation is the practice by which there is constant observation of the mind

If you surround yourself with people who are in a constant search for

Over the past two days she had felt a constant stream of something flowing through her and now there was radio silence on that frequency

It actually felt good to go without that stream of constant data, that instant information, that knowing of whatever she wanted to know at a moment’s notice

In doing this, in leaving the cameras on constant surveillance, Smith also

You will likely change congregations from time to time but the one constant thing is the gospel of

A fever struck, the delirium of constant doubt

Doesshef groaned in frustration, probably as much in response to the constant bickering as the lack of ideas

Between her warning and Antonia’s constant cerebral bombardment, Apollo’s not sure of anything anymore

I discovered in Menachem, for all of his worldliness, an almost constant source of optimism, whereas I, still feeling my way into manhood, could swing through the scales of euphoria and black melancholy with comparative ease

After two weeks of endless chatter and subtle revelation, after the constant highs produced by this new and wonderful friendship, I drifted down into the maw of the beast

We listened for some minutes, timing the thunder claps, and realised that it was a constant noise rather than an intermittent crashing of the heavens

We live in a constant state of stress, anxiety and readiness for

In doing this, in leaving the cameras on constant surveillance, Smith also effected a process of change and evolution

except for the constant – Mothers washing their child(rens)

the sound of faint but constant water falls

except that time is constant,

is more than just a good read, being a constant

The constant practice of flying while using the crossbows paid off this day

Daniel stopped at the last landing and turned to him; “Paul,” he answered him, “we are in constant communication with each other thru our dragons

‘In the Unassisted Constant Ballast section I’ve dived to forty-six, I tell you, man — unassisted

That would mean that her experience would be a constant state of entering stasis

But Deirdre had no answer for the boy, knowing in her sap that boys were made up of many things but rarely of a constant heart

Duncan could not help but notice that they were going in a constant upward direction

They gave them the ability to reproduce so they would have a constant supply on hand

There is a constant flow of water here that will have high levels of oxygen

Again, there will be the constant flow of water present in most rivers

constant problem with Ish

various parties for the upcoming elections and (c) the constant buzz of the

little lifestyle and of their inane and constant chatter

If what this female says is true, they have used a great many of their males in the constant raids on our home world

Her constant eye movement and protective manner indicated to Alexei that she had to be the Queens’ personal guard, Altera; Duncan had spoken of her at length

how everything is in constant communication with

She noticed it was not all that accurate, there was no constant buzz of insects, she hadn’t been bitten and she knew if she was really on Earth in an age like this she would have been swarmed by now

The large space laboratory orbiting Aura, (in a cloaked state), was in a constant state of activity

boys were made up of many things but rarely of a constant heart

and/or Consciousness is always in a constant unhindered state of

By you being in the house on a fairly constant basis, it’s brought out a competitive side of her and she’s gotten herself off cycle

His sing-song voice kept up a constant litany of

The comic has enough chutzpah to ignore the almost constant stream of interruptions

were in constant action, and I think we actually used most of those

His saturated clothes clung to him and he was painfully aware of the bruises that spotted his body like dark tattoos, a constant reminder that he should be dead

Maybe she thought they were going to be constant pests now

Unlike those ruins, this was in constant use

In the first ambulance the paramedic is working as quickly as he can given the constant subtle shifts of weight and force induced by the vehicle’s furious pace as it crosses the narrow stretch of land between the Taw and Torridge estuaries

As doors swing to and fro with the constant movement of nurses and support staff, interested bystanders try to catch a glimpse of the drama, eager to compare the reality of television medical scenes with the fiction all around them

This she both encouraged and enhanced, so that while each must rely on the other in an activity they could not perform individually, neither required the constant assistance of the other to accomplish those tasks which were just within the capability of one

Harry’s dictionary became dog-eared and worn through constant reference and the texts of his book lists had all been crossed through as he devoured the information and insights each had to offer

The sound of dripping water was a constant irritant

” He began to sit down, then seeing a tear in his mother’s eye, stood again and finished with, “If you didn’t know already, it was my Mother and Father’s wish that my sisters and myself have the finest education possible, and it has been through their constant and careful efforts over the years, with the assistance and guidance of my Great-uncle, which has made this all possible

They hadn’t gotten along all that well, their time together had been a constant battle over sex

Had he? Why would he care for her at all with that constant struggle?

Titania and Hipolyta were also his biggest fans and when they were younger, his constant shadows

His constant ‘education’ wasn’t ignored by his mother either

In fact, anywhere his mother or father went, Harry was a constant shadow, and he watched

The crowds were in constant motion

The one constant irritation

place earlier in the class, and now the only constant was Mr

Kaitlyn mothered her, read to her, fetched and cleaned her, dressed and bathed her until at last Yolanda was inured to the constant motion of shipboard life

It required constant vigilance to keep sleazy people from targeting the cooks

This constant reassurance had an unsettling effect upon Harry

Spelman, it seemed, was habitually anxious at her husband’s forays to foreign soils, for she voiced constant reminders towards him during the days leading up to his departure

The tunnel was a constant decline of concrete and neon lights

Harry proved a most excellent guide to Chloe and Kaitlyn’s constant delight

The volume was lower now, almost like a constant hum

job without his constant indiscretions distracting us

constant warning of how hot it would be in the Tavern did not detour the janitor

Her suite was kept warmed by the franklin stove, White Feathers saw to that, but the constant company of the family was far more inviting than the solitude of even the well-warmed quarters

Granddad was in constant

Kaitlyn erupted with, “But Chloe when did you two even have a moment together? I’ve been your constant companion these last weeks and months?”

The low constant hum of the sander against the wooden floors over her head caused her to carry on

Life was dedicated to a constant struggle for dominance over others

Titania, Hipolyta and Jameson had been the only constant resource for the infrequent, though necessary cuing of the rest of the cast on the occasions of a dropped line, and were acclaimed by the cast and crew as the saviors of the show

The location and designs for the new restaurant were Mandy’s constant preoccupation for a short while

the constant riding of the bumper in front her, the running of yellow almost red

weather into a ritual of semi-daily rain showers and a constant climb in

New relationships means a constant struggle to believe that one

Life becomes a constant

time I left home in my late teens, I was in a constant state of fear and terror

It was to be a constant

The heat and constant sandblasting was taking a toll on the team

The atmosphere – despite the constant fighting

Not being mechanical, I didn’t realize that you shouldn’t ride a two cycle motorcycle many miles at a constant speed or you will burn out the engine

(After walking a long ways)… I came to an opening where the country seemed to descend to the west; and due east; and the country appeared so fresh, so green, so flourishing, everything being in a constant verdure or flourish of spring that it looked like a planted garden

This time I found much employment, and very suitable also to the time, for I found great occasion for many things which I had no way to furnish myself with but by hard labour and constant application; particularly I tried many ways to make myself a basket, but all the twigs I could get for the purpose proved so brittle that they would do nothing

the constant tinkle of cow bells

Constant flames rose from the heart of the city, from where the Black Door lay

constant view of his knobbly knees and varicose veins

But with the help of the constant barrage of mage-flare and occasional lightning strikes, even Brodin could see that the latest army was far more powerful than anything they faced before

behaved for me, anyway (no doubt thanks to the constant

Masters are always and everywhere in a sort of tacit, but constant and uniform, combination, not to raise the wages of labour above their actual rate

There would be a constant scarcity of employment, and the labourers would be obliged to bid against one another in order to get it

provided a constant but soothing background hum, and

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word constants, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use constants in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «constants». In addition, we also show how different variations of constants can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are constants—both. If you click on the variation of constants that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Constants in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word constants in a sentence.

  1. Many solids have lattice constants smaller than solid Xe.

  2. Finally, since both L and A are constants of motion, we have.

  3. It is predicted to be ductile based on its calculated elastic constants.

  4. The constants π and ln(2) can be calculated with quickly converging series.

  5. The memory held 9,792 instructions (51 tracks) and 1,152 constants (18 tracks).

  6. This shows that thermodynamics forces a relation between the values of the 4 rate constants.

  7. The inhibitor (I) can bind to either E or ES with the dissociation constants Ki or Ki’, respectively.

  8. The Sobolev inequality is equivalent to the isoperimetric inequality (in any dimension), with the same best constants.

  9. These experiments have led to more specific information regarding energy levels and the coupling constants between subatomic particles.

  10. The kinetic constants defined above, KM and Vmax, are critical to attempts to understand how enzymes work together to control metabolism.

  11. A system with more than d constants of motion is called superintegrable and a system with 2d − 1 constants is called maximally superintegrable.

  12. Because germanium and gallium arsenide have very similar lattice constants, germanium substrates can be used to make gallium arsenide solar cells.

  13. Dropping N, which depends only on the composition of the white dwarf, and the universal constants leaves us with a relationship between mass and radius:.

  14. This theorem, which is used for finding constants of motion, states that any infinitesimal variation of the generalized coordinates of a physical system.

  15. In 2015, the IAU defined a set of nominal solar values (defined as SI constants, without uncertainties) which can be used for quoting stellar parameters:.

  16. Under these conditions, the enzyme behaves just like a single-substrate enzyme and a plot of v by [S] gives apparent KM and Vmax constants for substrate B.

  17. The division of these classes arises from a problem in their derivation and results in the need to use two different binding constants for one binding event.

  18. Setting φ = π in Euler’s formula results in Euler’s identity, celebrated in mathematics due to it containing the five most important mathematical constants:.

  19. This is also called the specificity constant and incorporates the rate constants for all steps in the reaction up to and including the first irreversible step.

  20. The apparent extraction equilibrium constants depend on the hydrophobicity and acidity of the carboxylic acid, as well as the specific basicity of trioctylamine.

  21. As noted above, an enzyme inhibitor is characterised by its two dissociation constants, Ki and Ki’, to the enzyme and to the enzyme-substrate complex, respectively.

  22. Wirtinger’s inequality also generalizes to higher-dimensional Poincaré inequalities that provide best constants for the Dirichlet energy of an n-dimensional membrane.

  23. Feynman, for its single uses of the notions of addition, multiplication, exponentiation, and equality, and the single uses of the important constants 0, 1, e, i and π.

  24. It is generally assumed that fundamental constants such as c have the same value throughout spacetime, meaning that they do not depend on location and do not vary with time.

  25. In addition to the pre-conceived gameplay constants, Dota 2 also features Steam support and profile tracking, intended to emphasize and support the game’s matchmaking and community.

  26. Maximally superintegrable systems follow closed, one-dimensional orbits in phase space, since the orbit is the intersection of the phase-space isosurfaces of their constants of motion.

  27. During the 2011 auction for Nortel’s portfolio of valuable technology patents, Google made a series of unusually specific bids based on mathematical and scientific constants, including π.

  28. Alternative formulations for the same constant of motion may be defined, typically by scaling the vector with constants, such as the mass m, the force parameter k or the angular momentum L.

  29. Since the solution of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation in one coordinate system can yield only d constants of motion, superintegrable systems must be separable in more than one coordinate system.

  30. The properties of the fluorescence signal changes when NADH binds to proteins, so these changes can be used to measure dissociation constants, which are useful in the study of enzyme kinetics.

  31. However, it can be difficult to estimate Ki and Ki’ accurately from such plots, so it is advisable to estimate these constants using more reliable nonlinear regression methods, as described above.

  32. Reversible inhibition can be described quantitatively in terms of the inhibitor’s binding to the enzyme and to the enzyme-substrate complex, and its effects on the kinetic constants of the enzyme.

  33. However, it is also possible to determine c from other physical laws where it appears, for example, by determining the values of the electromagnetic constants ε0 and μ0 and using their relation to c.

  34. While helium has documented permeation constants (thus a calculable permeation rate) through glasses, ceramics, and synthetic materials, inert gases such as helium will not permeate most bulk metals.

  35. These include the values of fundamental physical constants, the relative strength of nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity between fundamental particles, as well as the ratios of masses of such particles.

  36. However, the modified Michaelis-Menten equation assumes that binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme has reached equilibrium, which may be a very slow process for inhibitors with sub-nanomolar dissociation constants.

Constants—both in a sentence

Constants—both is a variation of constants, below you can find example sentences for constants—both.

  1. The ubiquity of π makes it one of the most widely known mathematical constants—both inside and outside the scientific community.

General information about «constants» example sentences

The example sentences for the word constants that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «constants» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «constants».

Nothing like grilled Eggplant or Zucchini to start off the summer.With all this beautiful weather my vegetable garden is growing incredibly well, which means it needs constant care, from weeding to watering to tying up the tomato plants, it doesn’t leave me too much time for preparing lunch.


Such a hope has to be involved with social planning, though with the constant provision that our human plans are likely to be short-sighted, onesided and in need of the judgment by a wider vision of justice.


But we find it imperative, assuming you have an awesome team you trust, to use their feedback to make constant improvements.


That difference between, «Hey, let me just hit you with an IV to solve a symptom,» versus, «Let’s figure out why this is happening,» has been a constant source of frustration for me ever since I weighted 300 pounds and had serious brain fog and my doctor told me Vitamin C would kill me.


In any case, it varies the intake and exhaust timing in only a constant ratio, as opposed to other variable valve-timed engines, which allow the different valves to adjust independently; this limits the engine’s ability to adjust to different load demands and, thereby, to improve either its performance or its fuel economy.


They are in a constant state of equilibrium.


I am not a «calorie counter» by any means — but I do know that it’s important to keep calorie intake relatively normal and constant in order to maintain a healthy weight.


I kept kicking the rear axle in spite of my best attempts and the constant hunch often gave me a cramp on my lower back.


Drosophila lines were maintained on standard cornmeal diet at a constant temperature of 25 °C.


Our constant efforts to «lightweight» containers allowed the industry to cut its primary packaging by nearly 50 percent even as sales increased by 24 percent.


OUTLOOK The company’s outlook for 2018 Organic Net Revenue growth, Adjusted Operating Income margin, Adjusted EPS growth on a constant currency basis and Free Cash Flow are non-GAAP financial measures that exclude or otherwise adjust for items impacting comparability of financial results such as the impact of changes in foreign currency exchange rates, restructuring activities, acquisitions and divestitures.


Trivial details can get a person arrested, exiled, or killed, and as unlikely as it may seem, that constant fear is the foundation of the humor in Iannucci, David Schneider, and Ian Martin’s screenplay.


In other words, holding money and velocity constant, inflation and economic growth should have a negative relationship, with a slope of -1.


If there’s been a recurring theme to the 2016 NFL season, it’s been the constant reminder that a lot of people involved with the game, from the league office to the press box, have had just about enough of players having fun.


If life existed in a vacuum and it was simply a matter of a choice between a) the small chance of something bad happening to kids while playing outside; and b) a 0 % chance of something bad happening under constant supervision, then my kids wouldn’t be outside climbing trees right now unsupervised while I write this post!


I suffered none of the anxiety that I had from the previous births, I felt much calmer the following day when I had him next to me the entire day, despite the constant noisy flow of visitors to my neighbor.


Aren’t you in a constant state of feeling overextended, overstressed, and underequipped?


At any given time, the liver is releasing a constant supply of amino acids to skeletal muscle for maintaining blood sugar levels and supporting cellular protein homeostasis.


Love Me If You Dare is so awful that its constant «hip» references to George Lucas films not only somehow make Kevin Smith seem current again, but also suggest of all things a rom-com directed by the clown-prince of Skywalker Ranch himself.


Shit start down to too many injuries, no momentum, and too much rotation to fit the squad going through constant changes.


Once the teenager was safely ferried back to Ryder, Shatz kept constant vigil over him, operating on Sanchez six days in a row to keep the stump as clean as possible.


What is surprising is that Robbins appears to have given Reeves complete free reign, for Conor is prone to Keanu-isms that you see the star doing at awards shows and in interviews: the constant head bobbing, the arm-waving.


On the third night, none of the babies cried much at all, and their cortisol levels stayed constant.


Despite what Thibaut Courtois» camp say, the constant links with Paris Saint-Germain by the French and Belgian press strongly suggest there’s something going on behind the scenes.


The best thing about blogging is that it keeps me in constant communication with my readers.


And those who, through constant practice, are able to discern good from evil (Heb 5:15), should be the primary decision-makers about what to give to the new and immature believers in the church.


Requires effort to build it and constant attention and interest for your beloved one.


Given the constant chanting of his name at the festival, I expected his speech at Glastonbury to be like the second coming of Christ.


As long as the actual rate of interest is equal to the fair rate of interest, as defined above, the purchasing power that is being temporarily exchanged between the borrower and the lender remains constant in labour time.


Bonus: She’s less high maintenance and more emotionally mature, requiring less of the constant reassurance women under 40 need.


A lot of this planning is based on using activities that enable children to work without constant adult support, yet do real practical, investigative maths activities that lead to deep understanding.


You see, most of the time that the star has nothing going on — its brightness was constant.


The statistics keep changing, the series aren’t the same, the functions and the roles keep altering and nothing is constant — particularly not the people who run the machine, for ministers and now senior public servants too live in a «here today gone tomorrow» world where they’re no sooner settled in than they’re out.


She is a baby that loves constant movement.


If I were in a dark, windowless train with no bumps that was going in one direction at a constant speed, then I would think I was standing still, but my sister on the train platform would see me speeding away from her.


With oversight left in the hands of the likes of public-employee union devotees like Fertel, and board membership held by a City Manager with a constant «thumb» in the making of the municipal budget, and another board seat perpetually occupied by a Councilwoman charged with voting on these very same budgets year-in and year-out, what other result might be expected?


And now that the summer is over and my skin is out of the water and sun, I can restore it to it’s natural state, free of sweat and constant sunblock applications.


The evidence pointed to the DNA damage response, a network of cellular pathways that takes action against constant threat posed by of damage to DNA in the body.


I’ve been in constant clean-out mode since the New Year really trying to make sure that everything in there is something I love (and it’s hard!).


* Correction, 15 March: The green leafhopper accelerated at a near constant rate of 152 meters per second squared, not 152 meters per second as originally reported.


Jacob holds his own on-screen and the constant arguing and back and forth between him and Larson felt so genuine.


The Kung San children remain in constant skin contact with their mothers and frequently and unrestrictedly breastfeed.


Blackmores chief executive Christine Holgate says she feels under constant pressure to deliver, but the surge in the company’s shares past $ 200 won’t add to her burden.


It’s very similar to military indoctrination (break down then build up), except the build up phase in the military training is designed (for the most part) to instill GOOD things, like adaptability, resilience, a drive to function as part of a team, and the constant and unending drilling in of honor and integrity (wether some soldiers actually internalize it or not is a different discussion, but they push it hard).


The reason why negatives work is because training for size requires that you keep the muscle under a constant tension, meaning you increase the time under tension (TUT), which is an important parameter in measuring progress in bodybuilding.


In a nation where kids are born with shorter estimated life expectancies than their parents due to diet-related disease, Chef Ann has been a constant champion of school food reform as an important avenue through which to improve childhood nutrition.


On the heels of a damaging video of Uber CEO Travis Kalanick berating a driver going viral, American University’s Aram Sinnreich joins Catey Hill and Quentin Fottrell to discuss just how the current social infrastructure of being under constant surveillance impacts our behavior.


You’ll want to keep constant tabs on what your competition is doing, plus stay up-to-date on trends happening within the blogosphere.


Despite advancements, diversity is a muscle that needs constant flexing.


NATURAL & EFFECTIVE TREATMENT TO SEIZURE (EPILEPSY): Our son has temporal lobe epilepsy, He has seizure and had a grand mal with rage episode (8 men to hold him down), Our son’s seizure is constant throughout the day according to EEG results.


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