The word console in a sentence

She could swim right inside and thru the hallways toward the control console

For a startling instant, I see again Jack trying to console me in much the same helpless fashion after Dorothy died … the memory stings viciously

«He’s over there,» Raleigh said, pointing his chin to the black exosuit slumped over the NAV console

He had blood on the inside of his visor and when he did finally lift his head from the console and look up, his face was half covered in it

When she saw the projection of Tipperary spinning slowly in the air above the Ops console, displaying the damage to the ship, she flew that way

My man, Wrigley? My man down on the prospecting console? He can read the distortion a foil wrapped prophylactic makes in a stellar mag field from 120,000,000Ks out

Wrigley squinted at his prospecting console

He pushed off the bulkhead and flew to the terminal set near Wrigley’s prospecting console

With his helmet off and his head all bandaged up, the way he gestured over his console as he worked out the math made him look like some old-time parody of a mental patient

Wambach growled it from the console without turning around

Horcheese had been out there with them the last time he looked up from the console

The projection of Tipperary floated almost a meter long over the console

» From where she hovered over his shoulder, she stabbed at the console with her extended finger

When her finger hit the console, the life-size schematic of limbless Master Chief Evelyn Horcheese was projected upwards to float perfectly vertical in the air over the console next to the meter-long model of Tipperary

He slammed his palm down hard on the console to kill the projection and did it too hard

» He set the buns aside for a moment, withdrew a matchbox computer from his suit, and punched up the projections so they hovered over it after he set it on the console

I console myself with the thought that our relationship is more special because only he and I know about it, and that after Christmas, when his work eases up, we can be more open about things generally … why does Christmas seem so far away?

His projection of the Chief’s torso now floated above the Ops console

Horcheese was fully through the hatch and clinging to a handhold near the NAV console before he turned and saw her

» She flew from the NAV console to Ops and stopped halfway

Tig pushed off towards the Ops console where she hovered

«That looked good,» Timms said from the NAV console

«Give Wambach the Ops console,» Rampone said

«The Chief is back!» Rampone left his console and flew over the web of control leads and concatenators

«100 meters,» Tig shouted out the fireball diameter as it read on the console

I find myself responding to his flirtatious overtures – but console myself with the thought that it would be a strange woman indeed who didn’t

’ I said slowly and clearly, desperately trying to find the words to console him

I can also console her a little perhaps help her to grieve … preferably with her husband

The pilot was seated at the command console on a platform one step up; in front of what was a large window spanning the front of the ship

He hated to have to do it, mainly because he wanted to console him and had to refrain from doing much of that because it would make his situation seem too hopeless

Katie is dry-eyed and pale, but Abi is sobbing unrestrainedly with Ben doing his best to console her

“Perhaps you should follow me in via the cam-con,” he said pointing to a console across the room

“Alexei, do you see the area to your left, the large black knob on the console mounted against the wall?”

He went to the console and tried to lift it off her and in the process something broke lose and slid towards him

The Scather was lying under a huge console, pinned down, and in obvious pain

Bunty used to console herself with that – she always maintained that there was no point worrying about what you couldn’t do

he entered he saw it sitting in the middle of the large console

He marveled at the console as Tam

console to cloak the ship

crawled over the console to the passenger seat

A third shot whacks into the radio on the central console and sparks fly

The tank is half full and the satellite navigation console is chiding him firmly but softly with a slurred, slow voice, bleeding to death electronically

console on the wall bordering the cement door

Another console, plus one checking the imprint of a hand, were next to the

He reached for the console and

noticed my cell phone under the console

Playing with toys couldn’t console her forever, eventually she would always come back to the signals and her attempts to penetrate native communications

over to console her

But Pete was oblivious to all except Beauty as she sat carefully down on the console before them

Since Father was also furious at Andrastus, my cousin took every opportunity to console him

Drums his fingers on the console

They each hugged Helez in turn, all trying to console each other

I’m still your friend, but that’s all,” Zarko tried to console her

His heart went out to Helez and he wished he were there to console her

Djgarr was silent, reeling from the depth of his grief, without his bond to Athens to console him

He briefly paused as he came up beside Mary, as if he wanted to console the hysterical, grieving woman, but he finally tore himself away

She opened her console for any new messages

No trace; it was as if the message had been personally entered on her console

Standford pointed a hand-held reader at the console, its tapered electric- blue front flickering as it absorbed the data

The console display forward in his vision – receiving data from the FTL probes half a light year ahead – gave a confused analysis

The proposed city of Eludi-4 was now before him as a 1:80 scale structure made of light projected from his console

He opened the console for the full details

’ She looked to her console, it’s image barely visible to him

But his suit held another device, a handheld console with a screen

Scott didn’t even respond, but instead leaned towards the console still attached to the nodes

The console did as it was asked, sending a surge to secondary systems as Lichman was poised over the ident interface

His hands were placed over a blank console, as if he was trying to control something; they were charred right to the bone

Raiya opened her console, did a general search on Scott Alendry

The hand-held console adapted as a sensor relay

Sebastian finished prepping the bag and then climbed over the console to the back seat where he hung the bag from the utility hook next to the back door

In the meantime the interface console was telling him all systems were at zero power

Once the console gained enough charge it gave him some more detail: Last power input 219,584 hours ago

The interface console did not

After twenty minutes of effort to mechanically recharge the sensor grid, and for no more than about five minutes of operation, his console was telling him there was nothing

The seats had all been removed to be used as furniture elsewhere in the settlement, and most of the consoles had also been removed but the communications console remained, functional but switched off

He moved to the communications console and opened a sliding panel at the right-hand end

Moments later the touchscreen on top of the console flicked into life and the rest of the lights came one

Meanwhile she activated her office console, text floated up: Welcome, Dr Fortenski

He switched off the communications console and headed back to the electrical engineering enclosure

She made a gesture of pressing the down the console projection on her desk

Captain Novikov reached up to the console above her chair and pulled down a worn-looking hand-held microphone on a curly cable

They were pushed gently back into their chairs as the thrust increased, pushing the vessel forwards, when suddenly George’s console began to sound a variety of warning tones and flash red lights at them

The communications officer changed some settings on his console and switched the radio transmissions he could overhear to be fed through the PA system on the bridge

Squeezing between the others in the cramped cabin, Felix slid across to the control console beside the pilot’s chair to throw the three switches on the console, activating the dinghy’s electrical systems

Felix flicked several switches on the small console and then increased the thrust further still

He checked the readings on the small screen in the console and then engaged the autopilot system which would handle navigating the tiny craft all the way to the Callisto orbital station

Felix opened his eyes to find that a green light in the console above his seat was flashing enthusiastically for attention

‘I will see him shortly,’ Zardino said, still focusing on his console screen

’ He signalled at the forward console which then projected up an image of the probe, unmagnified, about the size of his thumb

’ The woman then spoke in to her console, and seemed to be responding to a voice that Deanna could not hear

Parmayan sat up against the inside of the curved console array

At the other end of the hanger was what Torbin could only describe as a shuttlepod with its top half removed: a soft-back chair surrounded by a console array

“All is not lost, Chéri,” Rex tried to console her

Dad tried to console me

Carl had tried to console Adem many times since Jean’s refusal to marry him, though Adem did not want to hear Carl’s attempted rationale of why it was ‘probably for the best

Items, such as a data console were not exactly where they were before

In an act of sheer defiance he called up a communication channel, which his console began to connect

However, before the link had even been established, the ‘dial up’ was thwarted, the console unable to identify the interference

The only unresolved problem was in persuading the majority of the population to acquiesce to be placed in a stasis pod, where their body would be frozen, their mind in sleep mode while an enabler program immersed them in an artificial reality (which was about as different to a conventional AR as that would be to a games console)

He wanted to console her, to comfort her, but he was still unsure

«You used to be pretty hung up on him,» she consoled

’ I consoled her

» He consoled himself with the thought that they were big lads and could probably look after themselves

He consoled him on the loss of Jared; but the fact that Jared stood his ground against overwhelming odds was most impressive

He consoled himself by thinking, «Well, if I’m as

Ozzie had listened sympathetically as she had related all this to him and, while she consoled herself with the food he’d ordered for her, suggested that perhaps she would consider marrying him and leaving all that behind

As he sat down on one of the benches, he consoled himself

“Ah, poor Harry,” consoled the ladies, feigning concern for his pretense of disappointment

his aching back, and consoled himself with the fact that

The one thing that consoled him was that it was keeping them from seeing where they were heading

“Jeremiah said, „A voice was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled, because they were no more

consoled himself by pressing Sky record for later viewing and the

“It’s all right,” she consoled him

He could not be consoled … by anyone

He consoled himself with another goblet of wine

“Now, lads, tomorrow is another day,” consoled Bosco, patting his friends on the back

Dr Braun smiled at me reassuringly but I was not consoled by any means

Joseph consoled Ruby, as best he could, and made his way to the guardhouse

For they will surely be consoled

The little one, Beth could not be consoled

his aid in his need to be consoled, and all he did was fight

Sorrowing to lose their lovely leaves, they consoled themselves by watching for the sun

I consoled myself that this would last only a year

I excitedly wanted to show Carlotta everything, and then I remembered Hiacoomes and consoled her on his loss

One of the girls even screamed and had to be consoled by a nearby friend who wasn’t too happy

I consoled him as best I could and urged him to be patient; there was always more than one person with whom one could fall in love

He consoled himself with another drink from his whisky decanter and walked over to the answering machine to see if Suzy had left a message

I hoped he’d do the same, towel off and lie in the lap of his aunt as she consoled him out of me, telling him to move onto someone more suitable, someone more deserving; someone mortal

«Someone has to do it, Bob,» consoled Monica, «and I suppose the Guard is the group selected for the job

66 And there was great lamentation and noise in the king’s house, and the king heard it, and he said, What is the noise and lamentation that I have heard in the housee and they told the king that his first born son had died; then the king knew that all Joseph’s words that he had spoken were correct, and the king was consoled for his son by the child that was born to him on that day as Joseph had spoken

37 And also on account of their brother Benjamin they consoled themselves for the loss of his brother Joseph; what will they then do for him when they see the hand of any people prevailing over them, for his sake?

While Krishnan patted her a fatherly goodbye, Meenu consoled her wondering about Sunada’s exaggerated reaction to something so normal

I could not be adequately consoled by Gorvine after the settlement,

Several AA women slept over at our house and consoled and waited on Dixie

At least it wasn’t a total waste! she consoled herself

He consoled himself with the destruction they had caused, but it was not enough

” Talia consoled with mock-seriousness

66 And there was great lamentation and noise in the king’s house and the king heard it and he said What is the noise and lamentation that I have heard in the housee and they told the king that his first born son had died; then the king knew that all Joseph’s words that he had spoken were correct and the king was consoled for his son by the child that was born to him on that day as Joseph had spoken

37 And also on account of their brother Benjamin they consoled themselves for the loss of his brother Joseph; what will they then do for him when they see the hand of any people prevailing over them for his sake?

Well, at least they’re soldiers, Moshe consoled himself as Youssaf, stopping just short of his challenger, waved the seal-mark in his face, ordering at the same time, “Escort us to your leader!”

” Kragorram consoled as he gently enfolded her with arms, wings and tail

“The vizier thinks himself to be my better,” Myserrah consoled himself as he strode rapidly away

Well, at least they’re soldiers, Moshe consoled himself as Youssaf, stopping just short of his

Then was fulfilled the saying in Jeremiah the prophet which said A voice was heard in Ramah Weeping and much lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children And not willing to be consoled for their loss

I consoled myself with thoughts that he would be here next weekend

Gently David consoled his son and gave him a gentle touch on the back, letting him know that everything would be okay

Sam was upset, but was quickly consoled by the others

David and the others quickly consoled Jane; this was also hard for them

Had the situation been reversed, it would be him that needed to be consoled

room lined with consoled and many technicians working away, crunching numbers and speaking

Desolé burst into tears and, as he had been trained to do, Sebastian consoled her

When they entered Mary’s she was sitting in an armchair being consoled by Molly her sister-in- law

He consoled himself by playing chords on his guitar that he had

He found it consoled him for reasons that he could not explain

around her shoulders, consoled her as best he could

strengthened and consoled by them, as wel as their brothers and sisters

Ellen consoled him as best she could

Overwhelmed by regret, as he washed the bronze in tears, she was beside herself and consoled him with caress

could feel somewhat consoled

“A voice was heard in Ramah, sobbing and loud lamentation; Rachel weeping for her children, and she would not be consoled, since they were no more

” Hank consoled his wife

He was crying uncontrollably until his friends consoled him, then he

maybe he would be consoled

Near death experiences are bodies that are being kept alive, usually through spirit intervention, so that the spirit can be counseled or consoled in our higher dimension

NDE are bodies that are being kept alive, usually through spirit intervention, so that the soul can be counseled or consoled in our higher dimension

” Monika rubbed my back and consoled me, as I lost the battle to control my tears

Afterwards, I consoled

I’ve always been consoled by the fact that as bad as it might seem, the judgment could be a bit off, so one can always have hope

She consoled and comforted me

Miriam then started crying again, consoled as best she could by an equally emotional Nancy

She consoled me and

He consoled her and held her, then asked softly,

Vincent consoled her

As he took place in the car beside the Saudi prince, Viktor consoled himself by thinking that the seventy million euros he was going to get as a commission for this deal would go a long way to allow him to retire for good…that is if his old friend Vladimir Putin would let him do so: Viktor had been very useful to him in the last few years and Putin may just tell him that his services were too valuable to let him retire effectively

Gomz felt his dead heart ache at her condition and he gently consoled her like a baby by caressing her head and hair

Karan gently consoled her and said: Why do you still bother about his words, Tarana? Today is our special day Tarana

Mini and Arjun went near him and consoled him

companions consoled him with the idea that sooner or

” she consoled me

He cried and cried and I consoled him again and again

its ok beti…” My father consoled me again and again

” I consoled my mother

The village folks consoled and assured me to take care of us and my quarter, and gave a word to pay compensation for the lost of all my stuffs

I couldn’t see her tears; rubbed her dropping tears from her eyes; and consoled her not to repent for the past

I asked her to give love and respect to my entire family members; consoled to feel everything as her own; and I assured her not to worry for anything

Both my parents laughed at my terrifying queries; they both consoled me that nothing was wrong back home

I consoled my anger by thinking that I 208

Mark consoled that at least we had only misplaced a hotel this time and not an entire country

He consoled himself with the thought that when Trog

“It was bound to happen sooner or later,” she consoled him

He consoled himself with the fact that she was

«I convinced myself… consoled myself that Tracy was forced into it, so I always kept that promise

These limited skills, he knew, made him a particularly bad advert for his profession, but he consoled himself with the thought that his was always the first name on the guest-list at barbecues

He often light-heartedly consoled himself with that thought

somehow he felt consoled

“This is just the way things turned out,” he consoled

Lord Buddha consoled them all saying that that was the will of a devotee

It’s not important,” the bird consoled

» Timms’ eyes shifted and when Tig followed them he saw the black exosuit near the deck on the far side of the consoles

For a moment Tig pictured all of them dying at these consoles and the junks flying on to warn Hardway

There were many large pieces of machinery and consoles strewn about

He began to move in the direction of the moans making his way around a series of huge consoles that had been upturned and thrown about the room

Dangling by her feet over the convenient ventilation grate Yula still presided over, the Elf took in the bridge activity, but her focus was on the monitors directly below her—the navigation consoles

The bank of consoles before him could project a monitor for every room inside the complex, except for two, one of which was the sleeping quarters of Torbin Lyndau

The seats had all been removed to be used as furniture elsewhere in the settlement, and most of the consoles had also been removed but the communications console remained, functional but switched off

Everything from the wall panels and floor, to the many control and feedback consoles were purely functional, either painted battleship grey or left as bare steel

The medic led Jimmy into the main control centre: The Bridge, all silver-grey outlines, consoles fused to the floor before low padded upright chairs, as if elements of it were copied from a number of TV space operas

consoles, mobilizing for action even as the battlestations alert was sounded

Taking shelter in that which consoles you only for the moment, soon revealed in the light of the morning to be a lie and a deception

The kid was monitoring the big consoles in the control room

the consolation of the inhabitants of Zion consoles you, so far as you knew that it was prospered, your consolation was greater than

Oh fountain of vigor that the aching consoles,

And my existence consoles the constant gift of travel

7 For assuredly I know that the consolation of the inhabitants of Zion consoles you so far as you knew that it was prospered your consolation was greater than the tribulation which you endured in having to depart from it

Mother came yesterday and I am happy that she is with me today because she consoles me as well as possible

Each incubator was closely monitored by a complex series of wires and tubes leading to several large computer consoles

Despite its obviously powerful hardware capabilities, many gamers used to Nintendo and Sony’s consoles felt that the cumbersome device was nothing more than a watered down gaming PC

A large flat panel television with video game consoles attached holds a crowd, you stick to the prize games, the coinage necessary to play removed for free reign, your collection of stuffed animals now huge

Half of the wall was covered with monitors and the other half of the room was furnished with a Queen Size bed, stereo system and all the video game consoles he knew of connected to a big plasma television that covered half of the other wall by itself

Quietly the children lowered their heads to their desk consoles and began their quiet study

There are lots of gaming consoles available today, which can offer you realistic golf games

Making directly for the computer consoles he sees that it is three quarters full of people; mainly youngsters under the age of twenty

uploading readings to the pilot consoles

The attempt to control the MMARV’s from the ships’ control consoles was a total disaster

The early consoles were nothing more than fancy typewriters that produced one line of print after the other

We still have those consoles today but they are more likely to have a screen, such as a CRT or cathode ray tube

These microprocessors were used in the AT&T 3B5 and 3B15 minicomputers; in the 3B2, the world’s first desktop supermicrocomputer; in the «Companion», the world’s first 32-bit laptop computer; and in «Alexander», the world’s first book-sized supermicrocomputer, featuring ROM-pack memory cartridges similar to recent gaming consoles

More recent game consoles and videogames, starting from the PlayStation all have a minimal BIOS that also provides some interactive utilities such as memory card management, audio or video CD playback, copy prevention and sometimes carry libraries for developers to use, etc

Furthermore, there are Linux versions that will run on a PlayStation or Xbox and maybe other game consoles as well, provided they have access to a large mass storage device and have a reasonable amount of RAM (the bare minimum for a GUI is around 512 kilobytes, as the case of the Commodore Amiga or early ATARI ST shows

In general, it can be said that videogame consoles and arcade coin operated machines used at most a built-in BIOS during the 1970s, 1980s and most of the 1990s, while from the PlayStation era and beyond they started getting more and more sophisticated, to the point of requiring a generic or custom-built OS for aiding in developing and expandability

Over the past three or four decades, video games have become extremely popular, either in the form of hand held consoles, or with games that run on computers or attached to TVs

In the earliest consoles, the computer code for one or more games was hardcoded into microchips using discreet logic, and no additional games could ever be added

When the cartridges were plugged in, the general-purpose microprocessors in the consoles read the cartridge memory and ran whatever program was stored there

It would quickly become by far the most popular of all the early consoles

Its sales also took off, but the presence of three major consoles in the marketplace and a glut of poor quality games began to overcrowd retail shelves and erode consumers’ interest in video games

The popularity of early consoles was strongly influenced by their ports of arcade games

In the game consoles, high RAM prices at the time limited the RAM (memory) capacity of the systems to a tiny amount, often less than a Kilobyte

When affordable computers started catching up to and surpassing the graphics of consoles in the late 1980s, the games’ popularity waned in favor of graphic adventures and other genres

Computers offered equal gaming ability and, since their simple design allowed games to take complete command of the hardware after power-on, they were nearly as simple to start playing with as consoles

In the new consoles, the gamepad took over joysticks, paddles, and keypads as the default game controller included with the system

It established the formula that would later flourish on CD-ROM-based consoles, with games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill

With the 16-bit and 32-bit consoles, home video games began to approach the level of graphics seen in arcade games

An increasing number of players would wait for popular arcade games to be ported to consoles rather than going out

It was also capable of 2D graphics in a quality level years ahead of other consoles

Both consoles used 32-bit technology, opening the door for 3D games

Nintendo’s choice to use cartridges instead of CD-ROMs for the Nintendo 64, unique among the consoles of this period, proved to have negative consequences

In particular, SquareSoft, which had released all previous games in its Final Fantasy series for Nintendo consoles, now turned to the PlayStation

In China, video game consoles were banned in June 2000

Consoles and the games for them are easily acquired however, as there is a robust grey market importing and distributing them across the country

Cross-platform giants like Capcom, Electronic Arts and Activision released most of their GameCube titles on other consoles as well, while other developers like Square Enix continued to release high-demand PS2 exclusives like Final Fantasy X

This trend in «hardcore» console gaming would partially be reversed with the seventh generation of consoles and their focus on motion-based gameplay, leading to more family-friendly titles

The generation opened early for handheld consoles, as Nintendo introduced their Nintendo DS and Sony premiered the PlayStation Portable (PSP) within a month of each other in 2004

While both were more expensive than most of the previous consoles, the Xbox 360 enjoyed a substantial price edge, selling for either $300 or $400 depending on model, while the PS3 launched with models priced at $500 and $600

As a result, the Wii became a global success, having outsold the Xbox 360 and relegated PlayStation 3 to third place, thus making the Wii the first Nintendo console to outsell a PlayStation console, and the runaway market leader of the seventh generate of consoles

The new decade has seen rising interest in the possibility of next generation consoles being developed in keeping with the traditional industry model of a five-year console life cycle

Reasons for this include the challenge and massive expense of creating consoles that are graphically superior to the current generation, with Sony and Microsoft still looking to recoup development costs on their current consoles and the failure of content creation tools to keep up with the increased demands placed upon the people creating the games

The console released in North America on November 18th, and in Europe, Australia and New Zealand on November 30, 2012, officially starting the «eighth generation» of video game consoles

Ben looked around and saw a man lying on the floor in a state of stun, to the left there were two bunk beds, to the right a barred prison cell, and on the far end of the room, about thirty feet away, there were two consoles

Ben looked again at the two consoles and this time he noticed the buttons to which the Galaef was referring

joined Carter who was choosing the proper adaptor to connect the APU to the Horizons main engine consoles

The console lit up and two minutes later, several more consoles came to life, all running off their APU

The room was gloomy, lit up only by the consoles hooked to the bed, and some flickering overhead light that was probably faulty on purpose

Leaving his cup behind, Bisley hurried to the radar consoles to check by himself the air surveillance screen from behind its operator

In all that humbles, sweetens and consoles

Mac, Xbox and Play station consoles

with the many consoles before him, the posters of women

On their consoles the plane headed smoothly on the dotted line to land at JFK as scheduled

There were many books about, lying on consoles, on tables, and even on the floor, for we had not had time to settle down

(He consoles a widow) Absence makes the heart grow younger

“What?” Mitch said as alerts beeped and lights flashed across all the consoles

«Shh, babe, you’re fine,» Luke consoles me, kissing my breasts as he continues stretching my ass with his fingers

In two of the candelabra, on the consoles, the candles were burning down in their sockets

«What consoles me is that the monster has given Christine until eleven to-morrow evening

breeches, turned and turned between the sofas, the consoles, multiplied in the bits of looking glass held together at their corners by a piece of gold paper

“We’ve been glued to our consoles since,” Diehl said, still in shock

It had been Caitlin’s idea to collect and evaluate all the available newspaper information and police intelligence flowing in over the word processor consoles

With its forty-button, telephone-computer consoles, the Crisis Room at No

Then his wife busies herself, grows passionately fond of handling coin, gets her fingers covered with verdigris in the process, undertakes the education of half-share tenants and the training of farmers, convokes lawyers, presides over notaries, harangues scriveners, visits limbs of the law, follows lawsuits, draws up leases, dictates contracts, feels herself the sovereign, sells, buys, regulates, promises and compromises, binds fast and annuls, yields, concedes and retrocedes, arranges, disarranges, hoards, lavishes; she commits follies, a supreme and personal delight, and that consoles her

Pinpoints of light played across the consoles and reflected in four pairs of eyes that stared up at

Several large desk panels slid open and banks of control consoles sprang up out of them, showering the crew with bits of expanded polystyrene packaging and balls of rolled-up cellophane: these controls had never been used before

and ornaments on the consoles and chiffonnières

He knows that it was inevitable, and consoles himself by thinking that he was neither the first nor the last to receive it

I’ve known her for several years, and she’s a straightforward, non-hysterical woman; some people would say that she was cold and unemotional but that may just be in comparison with the temperamental musician she’s married to – after all someone would have to be the down-to-earth sane one in that partnership! Try as I do, I cannot imagine her screaming at me or making a scene … a consoling thought to some extent, but it still doesn’t explain why she wants to see me

’ Ozzie replied in an obvious attempt at being consoling, though from Chrissie’s viewpoint, it fell a long way short of the mark

Well it took a lot of consoling for them to get back in the swing of things, you might say

arms around Pamela, consoling her

Raven raised his eyebrows in disbelief, but before he could speak, Andre continued, “The prison sentence is more about consoling the public than it is about punishing the offender

When I dissect my most difficult moments, my memory appears first… then I hear the transcendent music that my remembrance composes… if not always consoling, invariably vital and essential

Dacian caught it and solidified it before it splashed to the ground, molding it into his ideal lance-just as Xeila and Eynochia caught up, consoling

Some analysts and commentators spread a litany of anti Yankee “buts”, sharpened slashes against the assaulted country and consoling and even cheering hand-clapping for the executors of such atrocity

She cuddled in closer to Gabe, who patted her on the shoulders, consoling her

consider religion the best sedative, the best moderating and consoling force in life’s tragic moments

It is doubtful that he will ever enter an elevator again… Roger found those goings on somewhat amusing for he was the one that made the phone call and heard the consoling voice of the mechanic who seemed to know what he had to do to rescue them

While Gabe was consoling her, Brie managed to climb out of her coffin and join the two of them

Before continuing to plow through the Arctic waves, the captain sent out a group on a small boat to explore the best route out, a consoling detail that did not escape unnoticed by those who had seen the picture “Titanic”

Krishnan informed her of her mother’s new place for which she muttered a sigh and a few consoling words

He found that consoling,

31 Then the Jews who were with her in the house and were consoling her when they saw Mary that she rose up quickly and went out followed her saying «She is going to the tomb to weep there

Lambrusco’s consoling words, but I couldn’t focus on anything helpful

The elder Americus had the same consoling eyes of my grandfather, the quiet speaking of the philosophers who have already conquered the ardors of the youth and the composure of the souls that know their place in the universe

Richard Ashby and his two younger sisters the on the left, Boo Ashby consoling her older sister Jennifer Kryss

Xavier tried to sound consoling

It was though she was much in need of consoling

Marcus was consoling him for reasons that Matthew did not understand

They all visited her in turn, consoling her and telling her, that she would be out of there in no time

For example, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart………‘As death, when we come to consider it closely, is the true goal of our existence, I have formed during the last few years such close relations with this best and truest friend of mankind, that his image is not only no longer terrifying to me, but is indeed very soothing and consoling! And I thank my God for graciously granting me the opportunity of learning that death is the key which unlocks the door to our true happiness

poor Joe thought he was consoling her, making her feel better but

deeply and inwardly on what is written will find a consoling

for 10 minutes before consoling her

That was certainly consoling, but the burglary was troublesome

Peter O’Neal stayed discreetly behind a stone pillar then, waiting to follow Major Crawford and the teenager, who were consoling each other by the side of the sarcophagus

His mouth was curled in a perpetual smile as though he were merely satisfied with being alive after witnessing such pain in the world and sufficed in giving a warm, consoling expression to his visage

Much like a wounded bull receiving spears from a Spanish matador, he finally looked up to the consoling doctor

said in a consoling tone

Tarana tried consoling him like a baby, but he was very upset

urge for some consoling and figured this was one of those urges which

After half and hour we remained in the same pose and stage, hugging and consoling

I could still hear another inmate’s consoling words still in the back of my mind when all

I wasn’t exactly consoling about it

I hear his faint muffled sobs and someone consoling him

I will leave you with one last very consoling verse on this whole issue

A guilty-looking Alexander released her just in time, uncertain what his father would make of it if he saw his son consoling her

Walich, holding Tanya and consoling her

I assume he must have been thinking what could be more important right now, and he was still consoling Helen’s daughter

consoling about it, “Alice is like that

‘What else we can do now,’ said Raja Rao, consoling Sandhya, ‘than braving the cruelty of fate?’

Consoling him the Shasta (Buddha) said, “Although the time of this

the same way, he got an acknowledging letter consoling him that

Consoling, Azura said, “Everyone who came on the mission

Helene left Francesca hugging and consoling Tadeo and walked into the kitchen, where she filled a glass with a solution of water and bicarbonate of soda

visited her in bed! They held each other and for her it was consoling to be

‘ The ideas are consoling to Pamela

consoling ideas that you are not just an animal evolved from a rock

Mother Henderson was there consoling her while the police were taking her report

“Dear dear”, Samantha said consoling her

I was not in the mood for any consoling so I tried to make it look as if I was in a hurry

She soon heard Nanosh talking into her ear, consoling her, placating her, smoothing her fears and 202

She cried sometimes, but her companions wiped her face with their handkerchief, consoling her to stop crying

They _are_ plum, says Papa, consoling me,—bits of plum that have acquired the power to walkabout

Darren immediately had someone from Wardrobe stitch the dead actor’s lips partially shut, consoling himself with the thought that he’d given Derrick the chance to die with his acting boots on, so to speak

“To the fray!” Best kicked behind Johnny, who in turn gave the jaded old horse a consoling gee up

Amber sobbed into her pillow, her mother seated on the side of the bed, consoling her

If you»re consoling her, seeing her,

The wife of a country pastor had as many duties in her own house as one woman could perform in a day, and nobody expected to see her going about into other houses consoling and alleviating

Meuk, as she passed through it, shook its head over her, too, consoling itself when she returned no greetings, did not even seem to see greetings, with the same explanation and shrug—_Engländerin_

consoling her, probably filling her head with nonsense about men, husbands, fathers and somewhere in there Andrew would have to find his place

consoling her, he had a slight grin on his face, I

would squirm when she read it! It was his one consoling

He went directly to Zygmunt’s side and patted his shoulder in a consoling manner

Dutch police were consoling Roger’s mother, and much to The Chief Of Police’s annoyance reporters had encircled her house like a pack of hyenas too

The lobby was full of teary Branton fans and players, parents consoling their kids and one

He was always at my side and consoling when there were bad situations

Who was he inviting in? The spirits? He often felt the presence of his father, guiding him, consoling him in his loneliness, encouraging him to be more open to others

is speaking and consoling each other

thought of yug being there consoling

Matthew consoling the father

consoling your wife, telling her that you will be fine and I cannot

soothing and consoling! And I thank my God for graciously granting me the opportunity

Clark asked, appearing the soul of consoling demeanor, “What could lock such a mighty and highly advanced people away from their destiny in the stars?”

Katie’s voice came through sounding remarkably consoling and yet firm as she said, “Lock and load sister! They’re coming in hot!”

«It’s okay,» Allison responded warmly and rest a consoling hand on hers

The woman spent a long time consoling him and when he finally was composed he told her

Stein says:—’What causes most surprise in perusing the Pentateuch is the silence which it seems to keep respecting the most fundamental and consoling truths

to her all the while and consoling her with a voice

There was absolutely no consoling her

‘Serves her right—serves her right! Shouldn’t bring children!’ Well, it’s not my business whether that consoling reflection was logical or not

«To the devil!» was the consoling answer

Politically it may have been nothing more than a consoling illusion, and the nation had a half-consciousness of this

But why had he the dull pain in his soul? Why did the thought of death, the after-life, seem so sweet and consoling?

«I like not the principle of the natives, which teaches them to submit without a struggle, in emergencies that appear desperate,» he said, while busied in this employment; «our own maxim, which says, ‘while life remains there is hope’, is more consoling, and better suited to a soldier’s temperament

and finding nothing that appeared suspicious, returned to that part of the wall whence issued the consoling sound he had before heard

This is the doctrine of truth, and most consoling and refreshing it is to the true believer

despair, instead of consoling them

Consoling myself with this, I walked on, so thirsty that I became nauseated and slightly feverish

Or rather, she said those things, but she also said bizarrely specific things that were so accurate and particular, so simultaneously consoling and upsetting, that it was all I could do not to bawl in recognition and grief

“I’d like to explain to you about the nature of your mother’s donation,” the woman on the phone said in a patient and consoling voice that reminded me of any number of the grief counselors, hospice volunteers, nurses, doctors, and morticians who had addressed me in the weeks during which my mother was dying and in the days after she died—a voice full of intentional, almost overstated compassion, which also communicated that in this, I was entirely alone

With this consoling idea, I leave you, madame, and most prudent wife, without any conscientious reproach for abandoning you; you have friends left, and the ashes I have already mentioned, and above all the liberty I hasten to restore to you

His mother spoke to him in a consoling voice, but he ignored her

Late at night I heard him consoling Dr

Heidi, folding her hands, began the consoling verses

the skies before her face, and calling her a treasure, a pearl, and a consoling angel

For that matter—his lips twitched on the brink of a smile—Irys was probably fully occupied consoling Prince Daivyn! The boy’s misery when he’d discovered his brother-in-law was headed back to sea would have melted the hardest heart

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word console, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use console in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «console».

Console in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word console in a sentence.

  1. The group mostly used the older Neve console.

  2. The console version was published by Coatsink.

  3. The console was released on September 19, 2019.

  4. The console was also bundled with Altered Beast.

  5. The console cannot generate audio or track scores.

  6. AtGames produced a handheld version of the console.

  7. The console is also able to expand Nintendo DS games.

  8. It was released on August 27, 2007 for the Wii console.

  9. There is a different cover for the game on each console.

  10. The Wii Remote is the primary controller for the console.

  11. It won GameSpot’s annual «Best Graphics, Artistic» prize among console games.

  12. Zombies’s soundtrack, borrowing elements from pop music and console chiptune.

  13. The console was announced in the June 1988 issue of Japanese gaming magazine Beep!

  14. Plans to release a cheaper console, the Base System, also influenced the decision.

  15. Both the arcade and console versions use the same game engine and character roster.

  16. It introduced many concepts to the console RPG genre, and has since been remade on several platforms.

  17. It is the fourth installment in the Legend of Zelda series and the first for a handheld game console.

  18. Combined with the Mega Drive, Sega represented the majority of the European console market that year.

  19. Sunsoft was not interested in the PC market and was focused on the video game console market instead.

  20. The Wii version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has fewer features than the other console versions.

  21. The Wii also supports wireless connectivity with the Nintendo DS handheld console for selected games.

  22. Mischief Makers is the first single-player 2D side-scrolling platform game on the Nintendo 64 console.

  23. In 2018, Eurogamer called this «one of the most ambitious [and impressive] console ports of all time».

  24. However, the Electronic Gaming Monthly 1992 Buyer’s Guide indicated a souring interest in the console.

  25. It was also a success in Europe, where the game introduced many players to console role-playing games.

  26. The computer console explosion that causes the transporter malfunction was simulated using Brillo Pads.

  27. While the babies console Chuckie, he realizes that his dad meets all the requirements of a good mother.

  28. In December, The Daily Telegraph listed the game among their «50 best games of the console generation».

  29. Instead, Nintendo hired Intelligent Systems to create an RPG for their newest console, the Nintendo 64.

  30. He concluded that the campaign was the result of Nintendo’s new focus on casual games for their console.

  31. Soon afterwards, though, RCA executive Bill Enders left RCA for Magnavox and convinced them to look at the console again.

  32. Eleven dedicated Odyssey consoles were produced before a follow-up non-dedicated console in 1978, the Magnavox Odyssey 2.

  33. CVG also thought it could re-establish Sega as the dominant console manufacturer after the relatively unsuccessful Saturn.

  34. Gold was scheduled as a launch title for the new console but was delayed until its North American release in November 1996.

  35. With its competition considered, Daily Radar wrote that Donkey Kong 64 was simply the best 3D platform game on the console.

  36. Nintendo announced its first price reductions for the console in September 2009, dropping the MSRP from $249.99 to $199.99.

  37. Developed for Windows and the Wii console, the game was released in five episodic segments, between July and December 2009.

  38. Critics credited the game with bringing online multiplayer to the console masses, and as serving as Xbox Live’s killer app.

  39. In 1995, Sega announced a shift in focus to its new console, the Saturn, and discontinued advertising for Genesis hardware.

  40. Although there was continued customer demand for the console, Magnavox discontinued production of the Odyssey in fall 1975.

  41. The Play Cable allows two Saturn consoles to be connected for multiplayer gaming across two screens, while a multitap allows up to six players to play on the same console.

  42. Although the SG-1000 had not been released in the United States, Sega hoped that their video game console business would fare better in North America than it had in Japan.

  43. The GamePad’s display contents are streamed as video from the console using a custom protocol and the H.264 video codec, for which the GamePad contains a hardware decoder.

  44. Reviewing the console edition, Joe Findlay of Comics Gaming Magazine found the lack of in-game consequences for placement of buildings made the game feel pointless to him.

  45. Developers reported the console has a native mode, which runs software specifically designed for its hardware, access to the system’s extra processing and memory resources.

Synonyms for console

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word console has the following synonyms: , cabinet, console table, comfort, soothe and solace.

General information about «console» example sentences

The example sentences for the word console that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «console» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «console».

Synonym: cheer, comfort, solace, sympathize. Antonym: afflict, torment, torture. Similar words: insolvent, sole, sponsor, solely, solemnly, solemnity, obsolescence, constitutional convention. Meaning: [kən’səʊl]  n. 1. a small table fixed to a wall or designed to stand against a wall 2. a scientific instrument consisting of displays and an input device that an operator can use to monitor and control a system (especially a computer system) 3. an ornamental scroll-shaped bracket (especially one used to support a wall fixture) 4. housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television. v. give moral or emotional strength to. 

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1. Nothing could console him when his pet dog died.

2. No one could console her when Peter died.

3. He tried to console her, but she kept saying it was all her own fault.

4. Nothing could console him when his wife died.

5. We tried to console her when her dog died.

6. A COBOL mnemonic name associated with the console typewriter.

7. This type of games console is starting to look well past its sell-by date .

8. The car has an overhead console with a compass and outside temperature indicator.

9. I tried to console her with a box of chocolates.

10. I can console myself with the fact that I’m not alone.

11. We tried to console her when her mother died but it was very difficult.

12. Console yourself with the thought that you did your best.

12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

13. A priest was called in to console victims’ families.

14. I rehearsed several critical responses to the blank console.

15. Detailed conversion from arcade hit game to console format.

16. Bowman drummed his fingers on the console.

17. Our tester had a center console with deep storage, a dual cupholder and a clipboard holder.

18. The console is not intended as a pattern storage system.

19. He reached over the console and wiped some of the grime off the viewport.

20. The same console will enable the teacher to retrieve data or generate more meaningful reports almost instantaneously.

21. Silk moved again, outflanked a control console, nestling down beside it as Delaney took over the lead.

22. You can console yourself with the thought that you did your best.

23. Perhaps, sub-consciously, to console myself for the maiming sense of loss of identity, I began to write.

24. Of course, when he got home he found they wouldn’t fit into his console!

25. On August 14 the green button on my phone console lit up for the first time in an ice age.

26. Storage space for front passengers is skimpy, limited to door pockets and a small center console.

27. They had the latches closed, the headsets on and plugged in at the console.

28. The computer would be burbling away and the lights would be fluttering around the console.

29. The system comprises three key modules, which are centred on the Network Control System Console.

30. There are redesigned interior door panels with lighted power mirror and window switches and a new floor console with dual cup holders.

More similar words: insolvent, sole, sponsor, solely, solemnly, solemnity, obsolescence, constitutional convention, CONS, consign, consume, consent, consist, consult, consumer, constant, construe, consider, conscious, consist of, construct, consensus, constrain, consist in, constraint, conscience, constitute, consistent, consultant, consequence. 

  • Use the word CONSOLE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I think he needs someone who’ll be at his side to comfort and console him.

You shall not console me.

And then we will console ourselves with the notion that the mildly temperate shower of the clinic has replaced the barbaric methods of medieval times.

Please… please console her.»

You have his Excellency to console you.

Let Santa console you, gypsy king.

But remember this, if it will console you.

I see you found someone to console you.

Come, my angel, console yourself.

It’s very nice of you to console me, sir.

Up there. — One gilded wooden console, marble top.

And when she finds her suitor console himself with another beauty regrets her coldness.


I’ll console her for you, kiss away her tears.

You’ll have to console In├¿s.

They very likely went and got married to console themselves.

How do you console a child?

Maybe a gift from God to console us for being intelligent.

To console each other in your separation?

Think of me always, darling, as old faithful, waiting to console a lonely wife when her husband hears the clarion call of adventure.

He’ll have to console us that there aren’t seven more just like you.

I’m afraid you would sound much more convincing… if you didn’t have so lovely a wife to console you while I’m away.

Cousins frequently console each other in grief.

And don’t try to console me.

Poor little Adele, trying to console herself from my unkindness to her.

I’ve had to feed them, but you’re gonna console them.

Millie’s gone away to console herself.

I’d rather warn you than console you.

You won’t be the only one to console her.

You can console himself … Her dear friend … that is one of its readers.

Nothing can console your heart more.

You are the only man who can console me.

After the bandit attacked my wife, he tried to console her.

They can console each other.

If you knew how many faces I’ve caressed and how many poor souls I’ve had to console.

And if, in the throes of composition… you should find the disturbance from the science upper fifth distracting… you may, as good classicists… console yourself with the thought that ÔÇö to amend an aphorism ÔÇö

At least I can console myself with the thought that your modesty matches your beauty.

What? We must, uh, console each other.

I say it only to console you… in case you should die in your bed tonight, in the natural way.

Have I got to write the letter for the alibi or console your heart?

If you want me to console you, I’m here.

console her if she’s upset.

To console and bless always.


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