The word consequently in a sentence

Definition of Consequently

occurring as a result of an action

Examples of Consequently in a sentence

At the hotel, we take safety very seriously, and consequently, we have security officers on duty twenty-four hours a day.


Robert did not like the brownie; consequently, he threw it in the trash.


Consequently, Jim is not passing his classes because he is not completing his assignments.


Jill was raped as a child, and consequently, she has sexual intimacy issues as an adult.


Consequently, John was arrested for bigamy when his first wife met his second and third wives.


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1. Consequently we are in the position to…

2. My car broke down and consequently I was late.

3. Mr Foster has never been to China. Consequently / Hence he knows very little about it.

4. They had children and were consequently tied to the school holidays.

5. She failed her exams and was consequently unable to start her studies at college.

6. The molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream and consequently affect the organs.

7. She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school.

8. Consequently, most celebrity cover stories are pretty lame.

9. This aroused their resentment, and consequently their respect.

10. Consequently, the poorest families will have even less money.

11. Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.

12. Consequently[], most pilots are trained on flight simulators.

13. There was no fighting and consequently no casualties.

14. The dispute be-came, consequently, the subject of a lawsuit.

15. Consequently, many countries prefer alternative policies.

16. Consequently, this was a divination of deep significance.

17. Consequently, nonviolent direct action as a strategy endured.

18. Consequently, some patients allowed their conditions to deteriorate.

18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

19. Consequently customer satisfaction had actually declined.

20. Consequently, these relationships enjoy unrestricted support and protection.

21. Consequently, both will change drastically in workplace 2000.

22. Consequently, the widescale sanatorium service was doomed, an enormously cost effective benefit for both developing and developed countries.

23. Consequently, he ruled, the Education Ministry had been perfectly within its rights to ban the book.

24. Consequently, this view is frequently referred to as mathematical Platonism.

25. Consequently, management performance is defined as a need to know whether money was spent wisely.

26. Man is always more than he can know of himself. Consequently, his accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.

27. Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. Consequently, their keyboard skills are inefficient.

28. I spent most of my money in the first week and consequently had very little to eat by the end of the holiday.

29. This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health.

30. Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Consequently, Russia still has some advantages.
Следовательно, у России по-прежнему есть некоторые преимущества.

Consequently, wages are market sustainable.
Поэтому заработная плата является устойчивой к рыночной среде.

Consequently, external shocks quickly expose their vulnerability.
Следовательно, внешние потрясения быстро обнажают уязвимость этих восстановлений.

Consequently, lead time is also increased or decreased.
Поэтому время упреждения также увеличивается или уменьшается.

to gain a Russian, and consequently, a Chinese abstention.
вызвать воздержание при голосовании России и, следовательно, Китая.

Consequently, this portion of the Claim is not compensable.
Поэтому данная часть претензии не дает оснований для компенсации.

Consequently, all the questions in this section are optional.
Следовательно, все содержащиеся в настоящем разделе вопросы являются факультативными.

Consequently, the risk of poor product temperatures is very high.
Поэтому риск перевозки продуктов при плохой температуре весьма высок.

Consequently, they must return to their homeland in Palestine.
Следовательно, они должны вернуться к себе на родину в Палестину.

Consequently, prospects for increasing cooperation between Washington and Moscow are unclear.
Поэтому перспективы расширения сотрудничества между Москвой и Вашингтоном неясны.

Consequently, the claim for salary payments is not compensable.
Следовательно, претензия в отношении выплаты зарплаты не подлежит компенсации.

Consequently, capacity-building will be an integral part of UNEP water activities.
Поэтому создание потенциала станет составной частью деятельности ЮНЕП в области водных ресурсов.

Consequently, I’d like you to clear the area.
Следовательно, я бы хотел, чтобы ты покинул помещение.

Consequently, Instagram encourages you to maintain your own backup of your Content.
Поэтому Instagram рекомендует вам сохранять копию ваших Материалов.

Consequently the buyer’s deduction of cash discount was admissible.
Следовательно, вычет покупателем скидки за платеж наличными является допустимым.

Consequently, the share of railway transport has been declining relative to road transport.
Поэтому доля железнодорожных перевозок снижается по сравнению с долей автомобильных перевозок.

Consequently, the strategy can underperform when it is most painful.
Следовательно, стратегия может отставать там, где это наиболее болезненно.

Consequently, the Panel finds that the claim for the special allowances is not compensable.
Поэтому Группа делает вывод, что претензия в отношении специальных надбавок не подлежит компенсации.

Consequently, the BOM item is not included in item picking.
Следовательно, номенклатура спецификации не включается в комплектацию номенклатур.

Consequently, their purely technical conclusions and prescriptions carry little weight in the practical world.
А поэтому его чисто технические выводы и рекомендации не имеют большого веса в мире практики.


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It is consequently organization and expansion, at least virtually.

Оно, следовательно, есть организация и экспансия по крайней мере фактически.

Variability and consequently functionality also increased significantly.

Разнообразие решений и, следовательно, функциональность также значительно возросли.

Governance is weak and consequently logging activities are poorly regulated.

Если система государственного руководства слаба, то, соответственно, слабо контролируется и деятельность, связанная с вырубкой леса.

But this failed to happen and they were consequently furious.

Но это им не удалось, что, соответственно, вызвало раздражение.

Security enhancements consequently shifted to blast mitigation.

Соответственно, центр тяжести мер по укреплению безопасности сместился в сторону смягчения последствий взрывов.

Biodiversity consequently suggests that ecology was created.

Следовательно, биоразнообразие предполагает, что была создана экология.

That never happened, and consequently the houses are largely unused.

Этого никогда не было, и, следовательно, дома в основном не используются.

The vast majority of these cases remains unknown to the public and consequently are undocumented.

О судьбе подавляющего большинства из них общественности по-прежнему ничего не известно, и, следовательно, эти случаи не документированы.

The new arrests will consequently require additional investigative resources to be diverted for trial preparation.

Следовательно, в результате новых арестов потребуется дополнительно перераспределять ресурсы, предназначенные для следственной деятельности, на подготовку судебных разбирательств.

It cannot, consequently, be marginalized in the development process.

Следовательно, она не может быть отодвинута на задний план в рамках процесса развития.

Openness may also involve increased competition in domestic markets and consequently encourage cost effective solutions to environmental problems.

Повышение степени открытости может также приводить к обострению конкуренции на отечественных рынках и, следовательно, стимулировать поиск эффективных с точки зрения затрат решений экологических проблем.

It was consequently a vast domain.

Article 6 1 was consequently not applicable.

It consequently avoids the possible controversy linked to cornstarch packaging.

Следовательно, это позволяет избежать возможных противоречий, связанных с упаковкой кукурузного крахмала.

The need for transportation increased and consequently roads, railroads and ports were constructed.

Увеличилась необходимость в перевозках, а, следовательно, в дорогах, железнодорожном сообщении и портах, которые были впоследствии построены.

This directly affects the decisions made by their employees, and consequently financial results.

Такая ситуация напрямую влияет на решения, принятые их сотрудниками, и, следовательно, на финансовые результаты.

Minority situations differ greatly from country to country and consequently require different approaches.

Ситуации с меньшинствами сильно отличаются от страны к стране и, следовательно, требуют разных подходов.

They consequently condemned war and the death penalty.

Они, следовательно, осудили войну и причинение смертной казни.

Humankind might consequently split into biological castes.

Следовательно, высок риск, что человечество может разделиться на биологические касты.

Prevention also includes reduction of stigma, and consequently of barriers to treatment.

Профилактика также предусматривает меры, направленные на уменьшение стигматизации, а следовательно, и на снижение барьеров на пути к лечению.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Asked by: Prof. Alessandro Weissnat

Score: 4.7/5
(16 votes)

The definition of consequently is therefore or as a result. An example of consequently used as an adverb is in the sentence, «She didn’t like the pudding; consequently, she threw it all away.»

Can you use consequently in the middle of a sentence?

“Consequently” is very similar to “so” and “therefore.” Like “therefore” it’s a conjunctive adverb (the term is not important!). It usually appears in the middle of sentence, but it may also be used at the beginning of sentence.

Is consequently followed by a comma?

Use a comma to set off most conjunctive adverbs (however, otherwise, therefore, similarly, hence, on the other hand, and consequently). But do not use a comma after the conjunctive adverbs then, thus, soon, now, and also.

Where do you put once more in a sentence?

1. I’d like to visit the colleges once more before we leave. 2. He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.

How do you use where in a sentence?

Where sentence example

  1. Was that where his father got all that money? …
  2. » Where are you?» …
  3. I’ll show you where you can sleep. …
  4. Where did you plan to sleep tonight? …
  5. Where were they, anyway? …
  6. I also have an offer to work at the law office where I worked last summer. …
  7. That’s where my part came from. …
  8. » Where is he now?» she asked.

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How do you write per se?


  1. ˈpərs
  2. per se. adverb.
  3. (ˌ)pər-ˈsā also per-ˈsā or (ˌ)pər-ˈsē
  4. per se. adjective (2)
  5. Perse. biographical name.

What type of word is once more?

Again, a further time.

How do you use one more time?

1. Once more; again. He went over the plan one more time, stressing the importance of getting the details exactly right. I read the instructions one more time, just in case there was anything I might have missed.

How do you use once more?

I’m on the road once more with only my memory of sweet little Marcia for company. In his absence, Julie surprised us once more by thanking us for referring Howie to a psychiatrist. She shook her head no once more .

Where is consequently used?

The definition of consequently is therefore or as a result. An example of consequently used as an adverb is in the sentence, «She didn’t like the pudding; consequently, she threw it all away.» (conjunctive) As a result or consequence of something. He didn’t wake up early.

What is the difference between subsequently and consequently?

We use “consequently” to discuss the reason why something took place. We use “subsequently” to discuss the order in which events took place.

Do we put comma after furthermore?

To intensify or for emphasis. When you use however, furthermore, moreover or therefore as intensifiers or for emphasis, we usually put commas around both sides of them.

Is due to in a sentence?

Simple Example 1: The traffic jam was due to a terrible accident at the intersection. In the above-mentioned sentence, the phrase due to has been used to present the reason for the noun traffic jam. The reason for traffic jam, grammatically a noun entity, is a terrible accident.

Can a sentence start with consequently?

Answer and Explanation: You can start a sentence with the word ‘consequently. ‘ The word ‘consequently’ means »as a result. » Therefore, it should be used at the start of a sentence that states the results of previously described actions.

Is consequently always negative?

Is consequently a negative word? The adverb form consequently, in contrast, has no negative connotation. Consequently simply means resulting. Common synonyms are hence, thus, and therefore.

Did Daft Punk quit?

Daft Punk, one of the most celebrated Paris-born music groups of the past three decades, broke up this week, their publicist confirms. The pair officially announced their retirement in a music video called “Epilogue,” which the group released on Monday.

What’s the meaning of one more time?

: again : once more Would you please do it one more time?

What the meaning of one more?

one more thing, one last thing: I have something else to tell you before I go. idiom. Just one more thing before leaving, can you also lend me your car Friday night?

What is another word for unquestioning?

In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unquestioning, like: implicit, unconditional, undoubting, unfaltering, wholehearted, limited, unthinking, slavish, absolute, unhesitating and unreserved.

How do you say once again in a different way?


  • again.
  • anew.
  • de novo.
  • lately.
  • newly.
  • of late.
  • once again.
  • once more.

How do you use per correctly?


  1. by the means or agency of : through per bearer.
  2. with respect to every member of a specified group : for each.
  3. according to —often used with as per instructionsas per usual.

Is it per say or per se?

Recap: As you have read through the difference between the two, now you know that “Per se” means by “itself or without a determination by” while per say is the misspelling of the initial word.

Is it Perse or per se?

Per se is the phrase to use when you want to refer to a particular thing on its own. It is not this Latin phrase, per se, that is important, but rather the concept it represents. Per se is handy when you need to single out a particular element of a bigger thing.

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