The word comprehension in a sentence

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1. The problem is beyond my comprehension.

2. His behaviour was completely beyond comprehension .

3. This was utterly beyond her comprehension.

4. The task requires a good comprehension of complex instructions.

5. She had no comprehension of what was involved.

6. She has no comprehension of the seriousness of the situation.

7. They don’t have the least comprehension of what I’m trying to do.

8. We did a listening comprehension.

9. He showed a total lack of comprehension.

10. There are exercises for checking comprehension.

11. The vastness of space defied comprehension.

12. What Jock had done was beyond my comprehension.

13. Is this test a good measure of reading comprehension?

14. The teacher set the class a comprehension test.

15. Such cruelty really is beyond my comprehension.

16. This new theory passes my comprehension.

17. The second passage for reading comprehension on the examination paper foxed me completely; I couldn’t understand it at all.

18. He has no comprehension of the size of the problem.

19. The research project will focus on children’s comprehension of pretence.

20. This comprehension exercise also revises previous grammar work.

21. You need to practise your reading comprehension more.

22. Is cloze procedure an appropriate measure of comprehension?

23. And is identification of words a prerequisite for comprehension?

24. Listening Listening provides a fresh perspective on listening comprehension.

25. It can form a focus for comprehension and discussion.

26. It’s a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension.

27. Why you let her talk you into doing such a foolish thing is beyond my comprehension .

28. They turned to one another with the same expression of dawning comprehension, surprise(, and relief.

29. Why he can’t do it himself is beyond my comprehension.

30. He looked at her with a total lack of comprehension.

More similar words: comprehensive, comprehensible, pension, tension, impression, extension, dimension, dimensions, mansion, expansion, compensation, depression, forehead, comprise, impress, compromise, impressive, density, offensive, sensitive, extensive, defensive, intensity, sensitivity, compensate for, rehabilitation, version, mission, session, companion. 

Definition of Comprehension

understanding; grasp of knowledge

Examples of Comprehension in a sentence

Comprehension of the passage required the student to read the text several times.


The patient had no comprehension of what happened when he was wheeled out of surgery.


A lack of comprehension during the conversation stopped the Spanish speaking relative from understanding her English speaking nephew.


The doctor’s perception and comprehension of the problem helped him to properly diagnose the client.


While he doesn’t have trouble with comprehension, putting his knowledge into words was difficult.


Other words in the Positive Connotation category:

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In logic, the comprehension of an object is the totality of intensions, that is, attributes, characters, marks, properties, or qualities, that the object possesses, or else the totality of intensions that are pertinent to the context of a given discussion. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Since Chihuahuas have no or little comprehension as to their stature, when walking your dog — make sure it is always on a leash or harness to ensure its safety from other people and larger dogs.


Read Berry’s blog post again, slowly for comprehension this time.


(AS level history), using Andrew Marr’s A History of Modern Britain (2005 Pan) as a reading comprehension exercise (pp.491-3).


The expert journalists have an awesome comprehension and information in an extensive variety of universal points.


Confidence doesn’t always equal comprehension or true understanding.


sounding out, vocabulary building, word-production firming, story reading, sentence fluency, reading comprehension


If you’re interested in learning more about early reading comprehension, check out our free early literacy resources.


Revisit, reflect, retell: Strategies for improving reading comprehension.


It’s amazing to know that only 15 minutes may not just increase fluency but also expand the student’s k owl edge of vocabulary and comprehension.


Students will develop their understanding of literature and informational text with the emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar (including usage, mechanics, punctuation, parts of a sentence, and spelling), inference, reading comprehension, written language and technical writing.


Driving while intoxicated on drugs or alcohol has been proven to have deleterious effects on a driver’s concentration, coordination, comprehension, judgment, and reaction time.


Using hyphens to best effect will aid reading speed and comprehension, and keep reader focus locked tight.


My comprehension is that a rising moist air parcel reduces in temperature and volume gradually, but condensation occurs rather abrupt when the air parcel temperature reaches the dew point.


Made sure that all students understood the syllabus, and assisted students who needed additional guidance, comprehension test score for reading and writing expanding 16 % more than three years on an average.


The Read Right program works to improve students» reading and comprehension.


Word recognition is a means to an end — comprehension.


Higher attendance at the 20-minute daily coaching sessions was found to have a positive impact on reading comprehension.


Have students take turns providing answers to complete the «Apply» section of Internet Safety lessons, to test their comprehension.


Recent neurophysiological research suggests that comprehension of metaphors is grounded in sensory perception.


Research has shown that when students write about reading, as well as read challenging texts, there is a strong correlation to improved reading comprehension.


Motor-control areas lit up, suggesting some level of comprehension.


Successful second grade vocabulary instruction involves direct instruction to expand word knowledge and text comprehension as well as independent word-play to motivate and enhance learning.


She uses a lot of visuals to help them with comprehension.


But it also means hours of practicing supposedly abstract reading comprehension skills like «finding the main idea,» with the theory being that once you’ve perfected that skill on simple texts, you’ll be able to apply it to find the main idea of any text, no matter how complex.


Our assumption was not actually true; we found numerical information actually improves comprehension,» Mirabito said.


Coursework writing assesses a student’s research and analytical skills as well as a student’s comprehension and understanding of the topic.


Once our lesson plans were finalized, all the grade-level teachers were asked to compose, using key vocabulary and concepts from each unit, «ideal student responses» to serve as measures of student comprehension based on participation in class discussions.


Make your thesis clear for comprehension as much as you possibly can.


Between my writing and your reading are the cultural specificities that split intention from comprehension.


Effective comprehension instruction requires purposeful and explicit teaching.


These informational text passages are organized around high-interest topics connected to the curriculum and to key comprehension skills.


Provides multiple opportunities for students to practice vocabulary and comprehension strategies and write for authentic purposes.


To mediate conflict between traditional assessments and the kinds of MI-focused rubrics Enota teachers use to assess student comprehension of state standards, they are discussing the possibility of developing a new grading system that could eventually be reflected on report cards.


There is plenty of literature and videos on evolution which you clearly have no comprehension of.


By the end of class, confusion and frustration gave way to the satisfaction of a new depth of comprehension, not delivered in whole cloth by an omniscient adult, but constructed from the ground up, in part through a dialogue among students.


Teach students to monitor their comprehension, and check for understanding frequently through structured questions.


BC Liquor uses these tests as a means to assess your verbal comprehension abilities.


And if you have comprehension skills you would know that I think any screen under 24 inches isn’t optimized for viewing pages on the internet whatever the device!


Couple of thoughts struck me: 1) While some «labelling» is pejorative; labelling is essential to communicating & comprehension.


It’s a bit retro with its flash cards and Bingo options, but simple and fun and good for assessing lower-level learning like identification, recall and comprehension.


Capotosto, currently an assistant professor of education at the College of the Holy Cross, researches parental support for middle grade comprehension development.


For grades 1-6, we also have an extensive selection of spelling, math, reading comprehension, grammar and cursive writing worksheets.


Since authors typically have above average reading and comprehension levels, this can make it difficult for us at evaluate the complexity of what you write.


The new requirements also specify that pupils study «whole texts in detail» because of concerns that novels were being studied in disconnected chunks, chasing marks rather than the comprehension of a full work.


A new European Commission-funded project will study whether or not reading digitally changes people’s comprehension of the text they consume.


These worksheets incorporate both fiction and non-fiction texts and are designed to help students practice some of the key skills good readers need to improve their comprehension and critical thinking skills.


Educators at the ECC use DreamBox assessment data to differentiate instruction to groups of students based on level of comprehension.


What strategies do you use in your classroom to improve reading comprehension?


Several Web sites may help build your students» reading and comprehension skills while they learn to use the Internet safely!


This usually gives us a starting point to introduce the issue and allows us to tailor the program to meet their level of comprehension on the subject.


They complete each other in a way that causes for glory beyond comprehension

His comprehension of it was so automatic he might not have noticed if it wasn’t for her lack of underwear

comprehension to those that have offered me their time

At least as far as he could tell, but then the wizardry in the Kassikan is often well beyond his comprehension

comprehension that — for the time being, anyway — his

Nonetheless an intelligent entity has created it, an intelligence being way beyond our comprehension

It would be past comprehension that God would give them

In fact, an introspective child may have a better understanding (or comprehension) of words than a child who simply sight reads, or spouts off multiplication tables by rote memory

This should help all parents to relax a little when Jason doesn’t read by age 3 (like Jill); but when he does learn to read, he may develop a higher level of reading comprehension more quickly

When our country gentlemen, therefore, demanded the establishment of the bounty, though they acted in imitation of our merchants and manufacturers, they did not act with that complete comprehension of their own interest, which commonly directs the conduct of those two other orders of people

It went from a speed beyond comprehension to stationary in little more than an instant

A wave of comprehension swept over the Elf

In conclusion, we stand to gain the most when we maintain a keen sense of awareness in the workings of life, such as the comprehension of these Universal Laws

The glowing, moving walls were beyond her comprehension and she could see the fear in Sarah’s eyes

’ Torbin beamed with a sudden comprehension at his

But sensing his lack of comprehension it told him in English every precautionary measure it was taking to counter the ship’s mysterious effects, as its thrusters were edging him nearer

Parmayan nodded and smiled, not so much out of comprehension as an ironic incredulity

I’m not the one who is meddling in affairs about which I have no proper comprehension

And it seemed that just at the moment of his comprehension the scene changed

We knew this Son had a job that was beyond comprehension

This was Elusiver technology evolved to something that may even be beyond their comprehension

The damage a madman could do with the Power as a result of his loss of comprehension of his environment was serious enough without the thought of those madmen becoming evil and plotting against the innocent

He had spent the past few hours mindlessly wandering back and forth through his room, attempting to read books picked randomly from his bookcase, only to find he was reading the same words over and over without comprehension

One effect in this realm’s periphery was his own appreciation (if not any true comprehension) of its beginning

This was magic far beyond his comprehension and it terrified him so much that he could scarcely breathe

“Helen, for some time now I have been thinking that the Natural Bridge has powers beyond our comprehension

» Hives shrugged his shoulders as though that particular action was beyond his comprehension, then, collapsing back onto the stretcher again, moaned, «Get me Shooter, I want Shooter, I want to go to hospital

But then a lot of things about my enigmatic uncle were beyond my comprehension

The wind noise and the sounds of other vehicles interfered with comprehension; and added a level of stress

With her comprehension level and how poorly Leon speaks, she undoubtedly misunderstood then came up with her own highly dramatic interpretation

I saw a flash deep in his eyes and with it came comprehension

That is no accident! All these things have come together at this time for a reason, a reason beyond even our comprehension

I’d missed that because my comprehension of Swedish was slightly below that of a collie

” Patty looked at him without comprehension

“Ah! This is the young man we’ve been hearing so much about,” said the Emperor in dawning comprehension

Sim’s voice was just a rumble in his ears, and Brendan was almost beyond comprehension

He sensed Clive’s initial shock, but sudden comprehension

Trent nodded in comprehension

The agent nodded in comprehension but made no note of it

He could see comprehension was not there yet

Brendan nodded shortly in comprehension, and then wound things up for the day

Amonas had a trap set inside his mind? Who planted it there then? And when exactly? Had he known about that? Wouldn’t he have told him? Shivers ran down Hilderich’s spine at these thoughts that reeked of dangerous and malevolent design beyond comprehension

Russell chuckled, a soft sound spiced with blessed comprehension, and with comprehension came liberation

lashing out and flashing to help keep her strong, and Junya’s comprehension of those

I can’t make any sense of the picture beyond that—it is above my level of comprehension

One of them is that I wanted to slow down comprehension of what each faction stands for, so you learn as much by observing as by the name of the faction itself

When mindfulness is weak, we have little sense of clear comprehension or suitability of purpose

comprehension, “we should be able to halt the malfunctions and

Huss raised an eyebrow, but there was no irony in the gesture—only comprehension

I am not good at walking the desert of spirituality— give me the mountains any day… But you have been so kind, gentle and understanding… And now I need this time alone with my God and again you have scored A plus in comprehension and heart-reading ability

were modern to the extreme, and some beyond comprehension in

Her grandmother and Gabriel might console themselves by saying God is mysterious and beyond human comprehension but that just wasn’t enough for her

Your comprehension of the spells you’ve been given is proceeding nicely, better than I expected, even after working with you yesterday

It was beyond comprehension that a father would do that to his son, but I should have realized that if the possibility was even mentioned by him, it was already fact

He looked at the Wolf, nodded in comprehension, and returned to his post, telling himself he hadn’t seen anything that belonged in an official report

With an instant’s giggling comprehension of great clarity, he heard the words of «Rudolph» over the ADF

return love, empathy, patience and comprehension

Rapsar also told us to be on the lookout for aerial phenomena that would alter our comprehension of the reasons why we had been directed to take our spiritually guided journeys

» Although Lochert seemed to nod in comprehension, Buey Dan could see he was fading in and out of consciousness not fully aware of where he was

Time beyond comprehension

For a heartbeat, Simon had no comprehension of what this might mean, and then he staggered back, feeling the bile rise into his mouth

that he had a remarkable comprehension of mathematics, physics,

Sue looked at us without comprehension

Which means that if it is absolutely glorious, incomparable, amazing, overwhelming, and beyond natural comprehension then it has to be God! Sin can only offer things like doubt, limitations, restrictions, emptiness, torment, and foolishness

To facilitate comprehension of the model adopted to transmit this

The fullness of these realities is so infinitely vast in comprehension that no earthly book could dare come close to revealing them

If anything, the immigration authorities seemed to stiffen their resolve to keep the likes of me out of their country, much of it probably based on lack of comprehension

the comprehension of strategic implications of doing the wrong things and doing things wrong

coherence, comprehension and creativity

There are a variety of aspects to comprehension – to comprehend will involve understanding

readers can use to demonstrate to themselves and others their comprehension of the concepts in

She would have liked being provided with our comprehension and assent, after all we were her only family, and only because of it she considered to share the concepts that were sustaining her position, knowing, in advance, that we would consider it to be unacceptable due to the proper nature of our characters

I say it’s kind of like a film negative but I’m just scratching for poignancy,” Melody eyes you for comprehension

Matthew»s grunts of compassion and comprehension, coupled with sympathetic tuts of commiseration fuelled the confession and denouncement of his corrupt and vile former boss

I did, and stared at them without any blinding light of comprehension

Just exactly why the robots are carrying dead corpses to the mansion/fortress of the richest man in the world is beyond any-1’s comprehension at the moment

This stuff was way beyond my pay grade as well as comprehension

The strongest sensation, a comprehension of higher power, an almost rude interruption shakes Yeshua to his core

‘Of course,’ said Ralf with dawning comprehension

satisfactorily cleared up only by his attaining a comprehension, founded on

those who are still further away (not from it, for all are part of it and there is nothing else anywhere) but from the realization of it, the comprehension and

Comprehension dawned on their faces and the water cannon was passed around

It may help a little towards the comprehension of these differences of type if

comprehension as it is, is yet far below the higher stages available to the

12 Although Jesus told all this to the lad in language best suited to his comprehension, at the end of the discussion Ganid was heavy of eye and was soon lost in slumber

2 My brother, good and evil are merely words symbolizing relative levels of human comprehension of the observable universe

Besides, your lack of comprehension of Ervyn Peake’s word selection just shows that you have to expand your vocabulary

Its method of locomotion was absolutely beyond her comprehension

3 «How long shall I bear with you? Are you all slow of spiritual comprehension and deficient in living faith? All these months have I taught you the truths of the kingdom, and yet are you dominated by material motives instead of spiritual considerations

He was racked and torn by forces beyond his comprehension, but he felt a driving power outside and beyond his own lifting him inexorably upward and onward, despite the wizard’s strength and his own agony

Animals know not the meaning of life; man not only possesses capacity for the recognition of values and the comprehension of meanings, but he also is conscious of the meaning of meanings — he is self-conscious of insight

But he sensed here a cosmic vileness transcending mere human degeneracy—a perverse branch on the tree of Life, developed along lines outside human comprehension

Such problems were beyond the comprehension capacity of his apostles; therefore did the Master decline to discuss these questions with them

Always we may have diversity of intellectual comprehension and interpretation, even varying degrees of socialization, but lack of spiritual brotherhood is both inexcusable and reprehensible

And instantly the glaze passed from his eyes and they were flooded with fury, comprehension and an awful fear

He was an expert in the comprehension of human need, clever in detecting human longings

10 This surprising act of Jesus was beyond the comprehension of his apostles

Strong beyond the comprehension of civilized man, he had broken the neck of a python in a fiendish battle on the Stygian coast, in his corsair days

 Meanings and Examples of COMPREHENSION


 n.  grasp; ability to understand

Classic Sentence: (56 in 4 pages)

1  He fancied that she nodded her comprehension; and with that scant solace he had to trudge off through the rain.

2  The twins looked at each other and nodded, but without comprehension.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I

3  Life and feeling and comprehension were beginning to flow back into her.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI

4  It was beyond their comprehension that they no longer had a hundred slaves to do the work.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXV

5  It was beyond their comprehension that an O’Hara lady should do manual labor.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXV

6  It was beyond her comprehension that anyone could love Suellen.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXVIII

7  He felt there was something unbecoming about a woman understanding fractions and business matters and he believed that, should a woman be so unfortunate as to have such unladylike comprehension, she should pretend not to.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVI

8  He was quite beyond all comprehension.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVI

9  Ashley is too sublime for my earthy comprehension.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVI

10  Like monkeys or small children turned loose among treasured objects whose value is beyond their comprehension, they ran wild—either from perverse pleasure in destruction or simply because of their ignorance.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXVII

11  Something of her lack of comprehension showed in her face and Ashley smiled.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLII

12  She had not known what he meant then but now bewildered comprehension was coming to her and with it a sick, weary feeling.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLIII

13  Anger wiped out the fear from Melanie’s face as she saw comprehension come slowly across Scarlett’s face and then horror follow swiftly.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLV

14  Rhett set down his glass and looked sharply into the small face and instant comprehension came into his eyes.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER L

15  Her own life was so pleasant, so sheltered, so wrapped about with people who loved her, so full of kindness that what Mammy told her was almost beyond comprehension or belief.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LIX

Example Sentence: (30 in 3 pages)

1  However, it seems reasonable to assume that pragmatic factors in comprehension will also be present in production.

2  The problem is beyond my comprehension.

3  His behaviour was completely beyond comprehension.

4  This was utterly beyond her comprehension.

5  She had no comprehension of what was involved.

6  She has no comprehension of the seriousness of the situation.

7  The task requires a good comprehension of complex instructions.

8  The study involved taking recordings from a part of the brain called Wernicke’s area, at the back of the left temporal lobe, which is involved in speech comprehension.

9  These online lessons are designed to help improve reading comprehension and build vocabulary skills.

10  Two very clear and comprehensive handbooks are available.

11  We offer you a comprehensive training in all aspects of the business.

12  The computer comes with a comprehensive owner’s manual.

13  The idea was to create a comprehensive road map of the Web.

14  We offer our customers a comprehensive range of financial products.

15  Our comprehensive range of benefits includes pension and health insurance.

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