The word component in a sentence

Definition of Component

a small section of a bigger part of a whole thing

Examples of Component in a sentence

The only component of the sandwich that I do not like is the tomato, but the turkey, lettuce and mayonnaise are fine.


Water is a main component of plasma since it makes up 92% of it.


The teacher required that the student include every component of the project in order to receive a satisfactory grade.


Before beginning to assemble the toy, the mother made sure she had every component to complete the project.


Since she was missing the main component of her essay, she received many points off of her grade.


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Synonym: component part, constituent, element, factor, ingredient, part, portion. Similar words: opponent, compose, compound, composition, continent, prominent, enter upon, respondent. Meaning: [kəm’pəʊnənt]  n. 1. an abstract part of something 2. something determined in relation to something that includes it 3. an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up; especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system. 

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1. The researchers discovered a common component in all types of the organism.

2. Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon.

3. Each component is carefully checked before assembly.

4. Component failure was the cause of the accident.

5. They were automotive component suppliers to motor manufacturers.

6. Trust is a vital component in any relationship.

7. Surprise is an essential component of my plan.

8. Revenues from oil are the biggest single component part in the country’s income.

9. Our software is becoming a standard component of many computer systems.

10. We’ve been breaking down the budget into its component parts.

11. The control of inflation is a key component of the government’s economic policy.

12. The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies.

13. Gorbachev failed to keep the component parts of the Soviet Union together.

14. Polish workers will now be making component parts for Boeing 757s.

15. Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential component of a healthy diet.

16. They include an impulsive component and a step component.

17. The component ratios are shown in Fig 3.

18. Sometimes there seems to be a genetic component.

19. When and(,(sentence dictionary) the approaching waves contain an impulsive component.

20. The project also contains a cross-national component.

21. It contains an optional listening component for the course.

22. These should be available from most good component suppliers and are certainly listed in the Maplin catalogue.

23. In other words, meaning is a highly important component element in the labelling of emotional states.

24. Friendship is both a source of pleasure and a component of good health. 

25. Decoding the paintings is not difficult once you know what the component parts symbolise.

26. He is making the unarguable point that our desires and preferences have a social component.

27. The whole car can be modelled on a computer before a single component is made.

28. In software engineering, the degree of complication of a system or system component, determined by such factors as the number and intricacy of interfaces, the number and intricacy of conditional branches, the degree of nesting, the types of data structures, and other system characteristics.

29. There is no doubt that inheritance is a major component of the problem.

30. Profits, people and teamwork Higher productivity is a crucial component of our drive to improve profitability.

More similar words: opponent, compose, compound, composition, continent, prominent, enter upon, respondent, correspondent, accomplishment, accomplishments, on end, entertainment, sentiment, abstinence, jump off, import, impose, keep on, sponsor, respond, response, important, importantly, of importance, contemporary, once upon a time, be responsible for, corresponding to, compare. 

That thinking made Talstan one of the last great nations to have an angelic component

know that there is a biochemical component to the

there is an energetic component to our emotions

the electrical component of it

I believe that MFDS is a component of many illnesses

Erase To remove one component in order to correct it with another

In the price of commodities, therefore, the profits of stock constitute a component part altogether different from the wages of labour, and regulated by quite different principles

This portion, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of this portion, constitutes the rent of land, and in the price of the greater part of commodities, makes a third component part

The real value of all the different component parts of price, it must be observed, is measured by the quantity of labour which they can, each of them, purchase or command

In every society, the price of every commodity finally resolves itself into some one or other, or all of those three parts ; and in every improved society, all the three enter, more or less, as component parts, into the price of the far greater part of commodities

The natural price itself varies with the natural rate of each of its component parts, of wages, profit, and rent; and in every society this rate varies according to their circumstances, according to their riches or poverty, their advancing, stationary, or declining condition

It is the price which affords nothing to the landlord, of which rent makes not any component part, but which resolves itself altogether into wages and profit

¾ It is then «built» and incorporated into reality as a component of the Universe

The other component to your sales funnel process is your back end

So in the preceding chapter, we’ve spoken about Squeeze Page design, including the component parts and what each part does

Sure there have been occasional component failures, but no more than you’d expect

But he was not Torbin any more, Torbin was merely a component of the greater whole

Frank, into the millions of computers around the world that he’d infected, into his tiny component programs, and gobbling them up while he was

His eyes scanned in their usual predatory way, searching out that faulty human component in the machine that stops it from running smoothly

But he said, when Jimmy expressed an interest, ‘the physical nature of all matter is determined by its underlying structure, a component of which vibrates at a particular frequency

I guess you could describe their life in Brooklyn, with its strong intellectual and socialist component, as shabby-genteel

An army is like a machine, and in the war with Spain the component parts were placed together for the first time, and the working lacked harmony

individual‘s self-awareness; a sense of his or her (inherent) dignity and self-worth, thereby (existentially) alienating that individual from him or her self by becoming less a free-thinking individual than an integral component of the common herd

A creative imagination, one that isn‘t utterly fantastic, is a necessary component of a potentially active, inquisitive young mind

The jury selection process has become (the) key underlying component in winning high-profile cases whose outcomes are oftentimes predetermined before opening statements are presented to the jury

Addendum to the above: Although I am not entirely certain that Reason is an actual component of Intelligence, there is no denying its (practical) value that oftentimes exceeds the highest intellectual powers

The Trinity of Existence is Being (the object of Existence), Consciousness (that which properly informs Existence), and Essence (its spiritual component)

God does not exist ―within‖ Nature; that is to say, God is not a constituent (or component part) of Nature

That is to say, a creator cannot be a (component) part of his or her own creation because Creator and (the) Created are necessarily restricted by the circumstantial dynamics of practical invention that (otherwise) sets them apart

God sees all that was, is and will become because ―time,‖ correctly understood, is an invariant component of Eternity

Since colonial times up to the present, America has maintained local militias properly referred to today as The National Guard, a joint reserve military reserve component of the United States Army

component of (innate) intelligence, per se, although as a rule, most intelligent individuals read and communicate well

Did Parkinson’s have some kind of genetic component? The experts said no; ‘although there might be environmental factors

” An important frame component was dented, and the mechanic said that the car wasn’t safe to drive

We should recall what is transistor from previous section, Transistor is a very important component in modern day electronics

It went on to indicate an exercise and dietary regimen that would lay a foundation toward accomplishing that goal, adding that “stress management techniques and brain stimulation exercises like cross-word puzzles should be part of a mental exercise component

But there is a still mysterious component within that matrix that allows automatic recombination, the self-replication that leads to animate life

And Neanderthal man, 800,000 years ago, appears to have buried his dead in a particular way that implied a purposeful component suggesting hope for some kind of continuation

What if all instances of chance behavior only seemed as such because our instruments were not sharp enough to detect the order at their base? What could possibly be at the base of all instances of order and regularity? An Intelligent component?

What on earth would he do there? The idea of a soul’s eternal nature was settling – that even if his body died, his inner most component, his essential legacy, would continue

This is because sensations have both a mental and somatic component – or, in other words, sensations are where the mind and body meet

Configurable item: Any component which is part of the product development, and a change in the product without adequate control can have negative impact to the product development/project, and then the item is a configurable item and should be identified and tracked

Based on the rules, every component (based on type) is assigned with certain complexity

It’s more of relative effort allocation, as the simple component takes some X hours, the medium component may take 1

Sometimes coding is based on component test cases developed over the low level design, this is test driven development

· Risk Assessment method shall be revised as necessary and it should be as frequently whenever there is any change in any component in the system

The protection provided by the Amarillo Fire Department has made them a valued component of a high quality of life in Amarillo

Though there is a component

The global warmers do not like to be reminded that carbon dioxide is a natural component of the earth’s atmosphere

1970s became a major component in the

missing Spiritual component is key

component in your heart (not your head) that causes

1 And then I made firm the Heavenly circle, and made that the lower water which is under Heaven collect itself together, into one whole, and that the chaos become dry, and it became so; 2 Out of the waves I created rock hard and big, and from the rock I piled up the dry, and the dry I called Earth, and the middle of the Earth I called abyss, that is to say the bottomless, I collected the sea in one place and bound it together with a yoke; 3 And I said to the sea: Look I give you your eternal limits, and you shall not break loose from your component parts; 4 So I made fast the firmament

13 And I appointed him a name, from the four component parts, from east, from west, from south, from north, and I appointed for him four special stars, and I called his name Adam, and showed him the two ways, the light and the darkness, and I told him: 14 This is good, and that bad, that I should learn whether he has love towards me, or hatred, that it be clear which in his race love me

or even understood, these aftereffects are an immediate component of the NDErs’ lives for which

component that supports truth

to keep the component alive

It is the primary component of Free Will

Interval training is simply a adding high-energy burning component to your exercise plan on an infrequent,

programs not approved by the APA because of the distance component in

Offering your followers new content on a regular basis is a key component of a successful Twitter marketing strategy

The real test for whether impotence has a psychological component for you is whether you can get an

John’s careers have included both a military component and a business leader/owner component as outlined in this book

for EB, at least initially, one such component was a reach rod

Color-patterns are one component,

1 And then I made firm the Heavenly circle and made that the lower water which is under Heaven collect itself together into one whole and that the chaos become dry and it became so; 2 Out of the waves I created rock hard and big and from the rock I piled up the dry and the dry I called Earth and the middle of the Earth I called abyss that is to say the bottomless I collected the sea in one place and bound it together with a yoke; 3 And I said to the sea: Look I give you your eternal limits and you shall not break loose from your component parts; 4 So I made fast the firmament

13 And I appointed him a name from the four component parts from east from west from south from north and I appointed for him four special stars and I called his name Adam and showed him the two ways the light and the darkness and I told him: 14 This is good and that bad that I should learn whether he has love towards me or hatred that it be clear which in his race love me

component of pain and prolonged tragedy that would require a very

However, it still only conveys the visual component of the Reading to Mark, here

I will assist by casting Sound of the audible component

component of everything else that happened to me

“Let’s see, I’ll start with a standing levitation at a consistent height above the ground,” she rose a meter in the air, floating along beside him as he walked, “I’ll apply a coefficient of friction and a state of resiliency similar to those of the moss to my pseudo-surface,” she bounced on her toes, “I’ll apply a horizontal movement locked to my motion over the ground,” she started walking beside him with quick little steps to match his pace, “And I’ll reduce the horizontal component by a ratio equivalent to the proportional difference between your pace and mine

” The abolition would also preclude enhanced penalties for merely “regular” crime that has a “hate” component

not tell her mother about this component of her

So, foregoing the communications component, Jeannie satisfied her appetite for demanding coursework in economics by taking her last two years at St

“This is further complicated by the fact that Flight, Battle Shield, and Translocate are all compound spells, with twenty-seven component spells between them

“Let’s see, I’ll start with a standing levitation at a consistent height above the ground,” she rose three and a half feet in the air, floating along beside him as he walked, “I’ll apply a coefficient of friction and a state of resiliency similar to those of the moss to my pseudo-surface,” she bounced on her toes, “I’ll apply a horizontal movement locked to my motion over the ground,” she started walking beside him with quick little steps to match his pace, “And I’ll reduce the horizontal component by a ratio equivalent to the proportional difference between your pace and mine

Career services are likely to remain a strong component of EMBA Programs in the years to come, say Worth and Dearing

1941 (30 June) The Coast Guard Reserve military component was formed

how much responsibility this component has with respect to our psychological

constructive component and create new beauty

On average, the states component amounted to

Patient education is a component of good health care

I do not doubt that fee-for-service is a component of this problem, but are there

from the physical component and shifted onto the affective one, either through

According to Science Reporter J R Minkel, in his article ‘If the Universe Were a Computer,’ information theory says that every physical system, from a glass of water to a microchip, holds 1s and 0s in the states of its component particles

• The ordinary plasma component is responsive to

counter with the ordinary plasma component of the

the dark component is still there and can be seen by

around the visible component of the Earth within a

around the visible component of the Earth within a radius of approximately 70,000 km

around the visible component of the Earth, which would have a mean density of 10-14 kg cm−3

around the visible component of the Earth composed largely of plasmas of dark matter particles which

It therefore logically follows that a dark matter halo exists around the visible component

particles around the visible component of the Earth within a radius of approximately

visible component of the Earth with a mean density of 10-14 kg cm−3 [2]

  • Use the word COMPONENT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The 3rd component is a shrinking agent used by Chinese paper makers.

Exposed to the spectrograph, the smudge was broken down… into its component parts and photographed.

So just picture to yourselves a huge lazy Seine, like an assembly line running backwards, gradually coming to pieces at each new dollhouse settlement, until it reaches its destination somewhere up north, broken down into its component parts… and spread out over an estuary 120 miles wide.

Lou bookman, A fixture of the summer. A rather m inor component To a hot july. A nondescript Commonplace little man,

Formally, a fixture Of the summer, Formally, a rather m inor component to a hot july.

As of its arrival, it became an enigma, a seven-ton puzzle made out of aluminum, steel, wire and a few thousand other component parts none of which add up to the right thing.

I’d like to drink to the great component that he’s introduced to his installation.

«And when your lower octane component mixes with your nuclear distillate…» «on a ratio three times the quotient…» «of your reverse thrust manipulator…»

( man ) The exploration of human behaviour under simulated conditions of stress is a commonplace component of the machinery called war.

There’s no component problem.

In the formula that Nilssen sent, the Germans have added a new component to the equation…

A major component of human bone.

Do you know how many component parts to the number 23 transistor we’ve exported this year alone?

To function as they do, each android mind must be one component of a mass brain, linked through a central locus.

For each component, each circuit we designed.

A major component of our democratic society which states that an individual is guaranteed the rights to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

He applies the oil thinly, to permit the canvas texture to remain a visible component of the finished work, to emphasize its flat surface.

Bring that circuit component over here.

Perhaps the most significant psychological feminine component known to mankind.

State stray, strap strident, stalagmite statute, status ploy boy yearling infant, babe, baby welt, chapped, sore, rapous rapacious, wild, agrestic domestic bucolic, idyllic Arcadian, pastoral pastures pasteurization deportation, separation annihilation masturbation craving, turgid languid, lurid father fatherly, godfather paternal, patriarch patronize electron, neutron, fuse tube, the radio tube… is made up of a glass container inside of which the component parts are placed in a vacuum. Main parts: «plate,» «filament,» «catrode» cathode…

It had one organic component — the cerebral cortex of a pig.

So, what he did was to put together few ideas thats, oh, a dozen people had tried before him and failed with, introduced one new major component, and had himself a disastrous accident, that showed him exactly how to make the thing work properly.

His new component was that:

Every component, every one of them… is tested and then is tested again.

I’m not talking about incest. But there is a certain sexual component to father-daughter relationships.

No, because you supplied him with the vital component he needed.

Wait a minute, when I made that component, I rigged it so it could only go back in time for two minutes.

component, therefore, unstable and liable to deteriorate.

All component parts are functioning normally, master.

All component parts functioning normally.

Paradoxically, the solution is to introduce a random component into the tachyonic emission, as long as we can deduct…

A typical component of «surfeit»… is that you feel unbearably surfeited… when asked to elucidate the reason for that state of surfeit.

Have you explored your feminine component?

He can neither define nor distinguish his feminine component He repeats himself

As far as I can tell, the visual component is inert.

I’m, um, making room for a new component.

That leaves us 5 minutes and 22 seconds for the final component.

You’d better recheck the entire component assembly on the computer feed in the complete cross fertilisation and compatibility data.

component inventory by tables:

Proceed by tables to final component assembly.

Final component assembly.

Ultimate component, Dr MacMillan, please.

There’s a vital physical component, bordering on the passionate.

The so-called astronaut would merely be a redundant component.

Mok himself searches or the last crucial component… a very special voice.

I don’t suppose I can interest you… in a high-end audio-visual component system for your home or office?

Yes, but only by attaching a component directly.

That’s how bureaucrats tend to view component parts, even when they are combined to create something substantial.

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