The word company in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Each one on social media sharing this important day for our company.

Les médias sociaux partageront ce jour important pour notre entreprise.

A measure which is of strategic importance to a company or department.

Calcul d’importance stratégique pour une entreprise ou un ministère.

The company recently poured a lot of money into outfitting this laboratory.

La société a récemment beaucoup investi pour équiper ce laboratoire.

Her husband works for a company that produces medical equipment.

Son mari travaille pour une société qui produit de l’équipement médical.

Contacted the company that makes these doors under false pretenses.

J’ai contacté la compagnie fabriquant ces portes sous de faux prétextes.

Jewel is hardly qualified to imply that the company is corrupt.

Jewel est mal placée pour insinuer que la compagnie est corrompue.

This first objective contributes strongly to the notoriety of the company.

Cette première contribue très fortement à la notoriété de l’entreprise.

The company will therefore benefit directly from the single platform.

L’entreprise tirera donc profit de manière directe d’une plate-forme unique.

These restricted accesses are issued and managed by your company directly.

Ces accès restreints sont octroyés et gérés directement par votre société.

The undertaking offer of this company is therefore not acceptable.

L’offre d’engagement de cette société n’est donc pas acceptable.

Not to mention dozens of employees rendered useless to the company.

Sans oublier des douzaines d’employés rendus inutiles à notre entreprise.

Their link with their former company is therefore not severed abruptly.

Ils ne sont donc pas coupés brutalement de leur ancienne société.

Now, your husband recently contracted a private security company.

Maintenant, votre mari a récemment contacté une société privée de sécurité.

Clients will only have access to projects conducted for their company.

Les clients ont seulement accès aux projets réalisés pour leur compagnie.

Engineering company, we offer you innovative products and services.

Société d’engineering, nous vous offrons des produits et services innovants.

Every company meeting certain criteria should file its annual accounts.

Toute entreprise qui répond à certains critères doit déposer des comptes annuels.

Your company can create multiple address lists for different purposes.

Votre entreprise peut créer plusieurs listes d’adresses à des fins différentes.

Our innovative products support you in designing your company of tomorrow.

Nos produits innovants vous aident à modeler votre entreprise de demain.

Our company will continue our efforts and be devoted to innovation.

Notre compagnie continuera nos efforts et sera consacrée à l’innovation.

Our company guarantees a fast and discreet realization of your projects.

Notre société garantit une réalisation rapide et discrète de vos projets.

icon forward

The Company provides the service»as is» and»as available.


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La COMPAGNIE fournit le site« tel quel» et« tel que disponible».


150;2006 date location company event report no.


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Mc example company ltd 123 gas pump alley.


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COMPAGNIE MODÈLE MC LTÉE 123, avenue du Bec à gaz.


Specifically, without limitation, the company does not warrant that.


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The company you choose will help you through this process.


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Le prestataire que vous choisirez vous aidera dans ce processus.


A company from Madrid that wants to build a theme park.

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Une boite de Madrid… qui veut construire un parc à thème.

The company is based in Brussels-Belgium.


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Le siège est basé à Bruxelles.


These are the basics of the Swiss Joint Stock Company and the main advantages.


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Ce sont


bases de la Societe Anonyme suisse et ses principaux avantages.


The Swiss Joint-Stock Company And Its Advantages.


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In particular the transport company, shipment route, packaging.


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En particulier la société de transport, l’expédition, l’emballage.


Mommy and Daddy have company, and you need to go back up to bed now.

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Maman et papa ont des invités et tu dois retourner te coucher.

It even happens that the company renews this trial period.


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Il arrive même que l’employeur renouvelle cette période d’essai.


Our cable company dropped the hockey channel Right before the play-offs.

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Le fournisseur du câble a stoppé


chaîne du hockey avant



Chinese production company Alpha Pictures invested $2.2 million.

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Le société de production chinoise Alpha Pictures investit 2,2 millions$ dans



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Company representatives may not initiate

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Les représentants des marques ne peuvent pas

Three months later, Killian’s company has gone bankrupt.

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Trois mois plus tard, le groupe Killian est en faillite.

The two later formed production company Wonderland Sound and Vision in 2001.

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Ensemble ils créent en 2001 la société de production Wonderland Sound and Vision.

The newly independent company has been named as Clarivate Analytics.

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Le nouveau business indépendant a pris le nom de»Clarivate Analytics.

He began an independent film distributing company called Oscilloscope Pictures.

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Il commence sa carrière dans sa compagnie de distribution de films indépendants

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Elorg was sold to the Tetris Company in January 2005 for $15 million.

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Elorg est vendu à la Tetris Compagny en janvier 2015 pour 15 millions de dollars.

The Lexus auto company trains its salespeople in Ogasawara Ryū Reihou.

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Le constructeur automobile Lexus forme ses vendeurs au ryū Reihou d’Ogasarawa.

His group has been harassing me and my company for years.

Additionally, the company has nine district heating plants in Helsinki.

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Helsingin Energia a aussi 9 usines de chauffage urbain à Helsinki.

Results: 224903,
Time: 0.0344





  • Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.
Inflections of ‘company‘ (n): npl: companies
Inflections of ‘company‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

Sur cette page : company, ship’s company

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
company n (business) entreprise, société nf
  Mike works for a large company.
  Mike travaille pour une grande société.
company n (companionship) compagnie nf
  Sheila enjoys Clive’s company.
  Sheila apprécie la compagnie de Clive.
Traductions supplémentaires
Anglais Français
company n (group of people) troupe nf
  A company of protesters met at the town square.
  Une troupe de manifestants s’est réunie sur la place de la ville.
company n (social gathering) compagnie nf
    invités nmpl
  After dinner, Uncle Arthur regaled the company with another of his lengthy anecdotes.
company n (fellowship, guests) invités nmpl
    visite nf
    compagnie nf
  We’re having company over to visit.
  On reçoit des invités chez nous.
  Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. On a de la visite !
company n (military: unit) (unité militaire) compagnie nf
  Private Stevens is assigned to B Company.
  Le soldat Stevens est affecté à la compagnie B.
company n (ship’s crew) (marine, nautisme) équipage nm
  The ship’s company went to sleep for the night.
  L’équipage du navire est parti se coucher.
company n (firemen and equipment) compagnie nf
  The company of firefighters raced to the blazing building.
  La compagnie de pompiers s’est précipitée vers le bâtiment en feu.
company⇒ vi archaic (associate) s’associer⇒ v pron
company [sb] vtr archaic or regional (accompany) accompagner⇒ vtr

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Principales traductions
Anglais Français
ship’s company,
(nautical: ship’s crew) (Nautique) équipage nm

WordReference English-French Dictionary © 2023:

Formes composées
company | ship’s company
Anglais Français
affiliated company n often plural (stock owned by another) société affiliée nf
    filiale nf
be in good company v expr (have the same problem as many others) ne pas être le seul loc v
captive company n (business owned by another) société captive nf
company account n (bank account in business name) compte en banque de la société nm
company account n (customer account in business name) compte de client professionnel nm
company car n (vehicle supplied by employer) voiture de fonction nf
    véhicule de service nm
company headquarters n (head office of a business) siège de la société nm
Note: used with a singular or plural verb
  The company headquarters are located in New York.
  Le siège de la société se trouve à New York.
company law n (law: for businesses) droit des sociétés nm
company limited by shares n (law: business with shareholders) société en commandite par actions nf
company man n (loyal male worker) employé modèle nm
    homme loyal à son entreprise nm
company name n (business title) dénomination sociale nf
company package n (set of benefits from an employer) avantages salariaux nmpl
company philosophy n (ethos of a business organization) éthique de l’entreprise nf
company policy n (rule established by a company) politique d’entreprise nf
company report n (business: activities log) rapport d’entreprise nm
  A company report should be sent to investors on a monthly basis.
company secretary n (senior position in a company) secrétaire général, secrétaire générale nm, nf
company store n dated (store for employees) (magasin pour ses employés) économat nm
company town n US (city: owned by one business) cité ouvrière (bâtie par une entreprise) nf
    logements construits par la société nmpl
  All of the company’s employees were required to live in the company town.
company town n US, figurative (city: one big employer) cité industrielle nf
  Hershey, Pennsylvania, home of the chocolate of the same name, is a company town.
company woman n (loyal female worker) employée modèle nf
    femme loyale à son entreprise nf
consulting company n (business paid to advise) société de conseil nf
controlling company n (finance: majority shareholder) société dominante, entreprise dominante nf
defunct company n (not operational) société défunte nf
dissolution of a company n (terminate business) dissolution d’une société, dissolution d’une entreprise nf
dormant company n UK (business: limited transactions) société en sommeil nf
family company n (business: family-owned) entreprise familiale nf
fire company n (organization of fire fighters) corps de pompiers, corps de sapeurs-pompiers nm
fire company n (fire insurance company) compagnie d’assurance contre l’incendie nf
gas company n (public company selling gas) compagnie de gaz nf
  The gas company raised its rates for the winter.
  La compagnie de gaz a augmenté ses prix pour l’hiver.
good company n invariable (pleasant, welcome companion) bonne compagnie nf
healthcare company,
health-care company
UK (makes pharmaceuticals) laboratoire pharmaceutique nm
healthcare company,
health-care company
US (provides medical insurance) mutuelle, assurance santé nf
holding company n (business) (anglicisme) holding nm
    société de portefeuille nf
in mixed company adv (with both women and men present) en présence d’hommes et de femmes loc adv
   (pour les femmes) en présence d’hommes loc adv
  Grandma thinks it is best not to discuss sex in mixed company.
  Mamie pense qu’il vaut mieux ne pas parler de sexe en présence d’hommes.
in-company adj (within a single company) en entreprise, en interne loc adj
insurance company n (company that sells insurance policies) compagnie d’assurance, compagnie d’assurances nf
   (familier, courant) assurance nf
  After the accident, my insurance company refused to pay for repairs to my car.
  Après l’accident, mon assurance a refusé de prendre en charge les réparations de ma voiture.
inter-company adj (between companies) inter-entreprises adj
joint-stock company n (shareholders own stock) société par actions nf
keep [sb] company vtr + n (prevent being lonely) tenir compagnie à [qqn] loc v
  Brian has his dog to keep him company.
  Brian a un chien pour lui tenir compagnie.
keep company v expr dated (lovers: court) (amoureux) se fréquenter⇒ v pron
  Mary and Bob were keeping company before she met Jim.
  Mary et Bob se fréquentaient avant qu’elle ne rencontre Jim.
limited company n UK (business structure) société à responsabilité limitée nf
limited liability company,
Limited Liability Company
(business structure) (équivalent, France) société à responsabilité limitée nf
   (équivalent, France) SARL nf
liquor company n (manufacturer of alcoholic drinks) producteur de boissons alcoolisées nm
member of a company n (business: shareholder) actionnaire nmf
  The annual general meeting of the members of the company will take place next week.
misery loves company expr ([sb] unhappy likes unhappy people) ne pas vouloir être le seul à souffrir loc v
    on se sent mieux quand d’autres souffrent aussi
money lending company,
money lender
(loan firm) société de prêt nf
mortgage company n (business providing loans to property buyers) société de crédit immobilier nf
mother company n (business that owns a subsidiary) société mère nf
multinational company
(international company) multinationale nf
  Huge multinationals are dominating the oil industry.
  Les énormes multinationales dominent l’industrie du pétrole.
multinational corporation,
multinational company
(international business) multinationale nf
mutual fund,
open-end investment company
(investment program) société d’investissement à capital variable nf
    SICAV nf inv
    fonds commun de placement nm
mutual insurance company n (business: owned by policyholders) société mutuelle d’assurances nf
parent company n (firm that owns majority of shares) maison mère, société mère nf
part company v expr (end relationship) se séparer de v pron
pleasant company n ([sb] enjoyable to be with) agréable compagnie nf
  Yes he has some odd habits, but over all he’s very pleasant company.
  C’est vrai, il a des drôles de manies, mais en général il est d’agréable compagnie.
    bonne compagnie nf
  C’est vrai, il a des drôles de manies, mais en général il est de bonne compagnie.
public company n (shares traded publicly) société faisant appel à l’épargne publique nf
    société anonyme avec appel public à l’épargne nf
  Iconix trades as a public company on the NASDAQ.
  Iconix opère sur le marché du NASDAQ en tant que société anonyme avec appel public à l’épargne.
record company n (business: sells recorded music) maison de disques nf
record-company n as adj (of a record company) de maison de disques loc adj
  He is a record-company executive.
registered company n (business: officially recognized) société immatriculée nf
repertory company
(stock theater company) (Théâtre) compagnie de répertoire, compagnie à répertoire, troupe à répertoire nf
  Joel started his acting career working for a repertory company.
research company n (business providing market analysis) société d’analyse des marchés nf
sea carrier company n (transport goods by sea) entreprise de transport maritime nf
shelf company n UK (inactive business) société inactive nf
shipping company n (business that sends goods overseas) (mer) compagnie maritime, compagnie de navigation nf
   (terre) messagerie nf
  Some shipping companies only send goods within the country.
sister company n (associated business) société-sœur nf
sister company n (business with same owner as another) société filiale nf
software company n (business that creates computer programs) (courant) entreprise d’informatique nf
   (technique) société de service et de conseils en informatique, ou SSCI nf
   (technique, acronyme) SSII nf
  On a fait appel à la meilleure SSII pour réussir ce gros projet informatique.
startup company,
also UK: start-up,
start-up company
(new business) (anglicisme) start-up nf inv
  Kirsten quit her job at a software company to join a startup. Most start-up businesses fail within the first two years.
  Kirsten a quitté son emploi dans une société de logiciels pour rejoindre une start-up. La plupart des start-ups font faillite au cours des deux premières années.
state-owned company n (business: run by government) entreprise publique nf
  Amtrak is a good example of a state-owned company.
surviving company n (business: remaining firm) entreprise survivante nf
tour operator,
tour company
(agent organizing package holidays) voyagiste nm
    tour-opérateur, tour-opérator nm
  Quite a few tour operators have gone out of business recently.
  Un assez grand nombre de voyagistes ont plié boutique ces derniers temps.
trust company n (savings bank) société de fiducie nf

Accueil > Dictionnaire > English-French Dictionary > Company in French

Translations of « company » in French

Most common translations :

  • socier


  • société


  • firme


  • compagnie



company ˈkʌm.pə.ni

  1. Société (4: commerciale, industrielle, financière), firme, entreprise.

      The company made a large profit last year.
      While the popularity of cheques as a payment method has diminished in recent years, some companies still issue them to pay employees or vendors. — (Ben Stephenson, The Python Workbook (2nd edition), Springer, 2019, p. 105)
  2. Compagnie (1,2,3,5,6).
  3. Entourage

    • We’re having company for dinner tonight.
    • I don’t like the company he keeps.
    • He’s going around with bad company.

Wiktionary — licence Creative Commons

Examples of usage of « company » in English / French

  • Enter the registered name of the company.

    Saisissez la dénomination sociale de l’entreprise.
    The Company Tax Return guide — GOV.UK
  • Advanced Instruments is a global life sciences company which delivers solutions to the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, clinical and food & beverage industries.

    Advanced Instruments est une société internationale spécialisée dans les sciences de la vie qui fournit des solutions aux secteurs de la biotechnologie, de la pharmacie, de la clinique et de l’alimentation.
    The Business Magazine, Hampshire life sciences firm SAL Scientific acquired by US company — The Business Magazine
  • Complete these supplementary pages if the company is close, and in this period:

    Complétez ces pages supplémentaires si l’entreprise est proche, et dans cette période :
    Supplementary pages CT600A (2015) version 3: close company loans and arrangements to confer benefits on participators — GOV.UK
business french vocabulary

Last updated:

August 25, 2022

60+ Essential French Vocabulary Words and Phrases for Business Success

Get ready to cross into new territory.

When you first set foot into a French société (company), it’ll be very different from your French classroom or online course.

The French business world is a subculture, and like any other, has developed its own lexicon.

So you’re going to need a map to guide you along, keeping you from getting lost.

Luckily, that’s exactly what I’ve put together here.

After more than a decade of navigating this strange, lovely place, I’ve come up with a shortlist of the most essential vocabulary for French business.

This will be useful whether you’re a seasoned learner or just starting out on your French language adventure.

I’d suggest learning and practicing these according to your own particular learning style. You may also want to check out our in-depth discussion of other aspects of business French.

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Business French is a different ballgame, and if you ever need extra help beyond this list of vocab, you can always refer to the business section on FluentU.

business french vocabulary

But for now, let’s get into this list.

Understanding the French Business Environment

Business Greetings

You know bonjour (hello, good day), but don’t make the very typical Anglophone mistake of greeting someone with it in the hallway after you’ve already used it at the beginning of the day. It’s employed strictly once per day. After that, you could say salut (hey)—but most French coworkers are more likely to just nod, or say nothing.

Handshakes (se serrer la main) are expected, while colleagues in smaller and more informal businesses may greet each other with la bise (kisses on the cheek) in the morning if they like each other—or pretend to. The number of kisses varies according to region, but in Paris it is often two kisses beginning on the left.

Formality: Tu vs. Vous in the Office

Which form of “you” should you use in the office, the informal tu or the formal vous? You’ll have to listen carefully to your colleagues to determine the correct level of formality for each situation and each particular business’s culture; when in doubt of course stick to vous.

That said, you’ll sometimes find tu used among workers at all levels in arts organizations, nonprofits and smaller companies. It’s also common for colleagues to use tu among themselves, but vous with the bosses. Some higher-ups don’t like this separation and will ask you to use tu; others definitely prefer to enforce it.

Vous is almost always used in meetings with those outside of your own company. Monsieur (sir) and madame (ma’am) are also used much more than their English counterparts, and can come in handy when you forget someone’s name!

Words for the (Limited) Role of Socializing in Business Relationships

Foreigners working in France are often surprised by the limited amount of socializing that goes on between les collègues (coworkers). Nevertheless, it is possible to transition to pote de travail (work buddy).

Opportunities to make a more social connections include the increasingly common team buildings (team-building events; ignore what dictionaries might tell you, as the shortened anglicism is usually used) and les formations de travail (training sessions), which companies are required to provide for their employees, and which employees famously don’t take too seriously and use as opportunities to socialize.

French Vocabulary for Business Organizations

The Word “Company” in French

Beware of the French word for a company, une société. It is also of course used in the same senses as the English “society,” but its second meaning as “company” is just as common (and now you know what French people mean when are attempting to speak English and ask, “What society do you work for?”).

Another term for a company is entreprise and a common informal term is boîte.

Types of Companies in France

  • Une société par actions (A joint-stock company)
  • Une société à responsabilité limitée (A limited-liability company)
  • Une multinationale (A multinational company)
  • Une maison mère (A parent company)
  • Une association (à but non lucratif)  (A non-profit organization)
  • PME – petite et moyenne entreprise)  (SMB – small and medium-sized business)

Getting Things Done in French Businesses

Updates During the French Business Day

One of the more frequent things you will be asked for in a French office is to mettre à jour (update) someone about something. The noun form is une mise à jour.

For example:

Ils mettent à jour ces stratégies au moins tous les trois ans. (They update these strategies at least every three years.)

Lorsque vous recevez une mise à jour…  (When you receive an update…)

When you’re discussing numbers such as items or prices, you might use actualisation (update of data).

Une actualisation des prévisions de trésorerie (An update of cash flow forecasts)

And then there’s une mise au point, which literally means “a bringing into focus,” which is used for meetings that update, define or further refine projects.

Types of Reports in French Businesses

Have you been asked to livrer (turn in) a report? The vocabulary used will be quite different depending on what your boss expects.

  • Un bilan is a published report, given to the media; it may also be called une annonce.
  • Un rapport de situation is a status update.
  • Une évaluation is an evaluation, such as of an employee.
  • Un compte-rendu is the minutes of a meeting, or a general write-up of a situation.
  • Un rapport annuel is an annual financial statement.

Here’s a good general guide for beginners to writing various types of business reports in French. Note that you will use formal and sometimes slightly more florid language than you might in the ultra-practical world of Anglophone business; check how other reports at your company are generally structured.

Dealing with Money in French

The one constant in any business culture, of course, is money.

One of the more general terms to know is le paiement (payment). More specifically, there is le salaire (salary) and les honoraires (fees).

Une avance is an advance payment and une échéance is a due date for a payment. Un règlement par virement bancaire is a payment by bank transfer.

These will be handled by la comptabilité (accounting department), often referred to as just la compta.

Le bénéfice is the profit of a company, and les biens are its assets. The adjective brut means gross (referring to salary or profits) and bénéfice net is net income or profit.

Business Telephone/Skype French Vocabulary

Whatever your level in French, you’ll want to have at least the basics for dealing with business calls.

Phone Greetings/Closings

The typical French phone opener allô ? is too informal for business. You should instead answer the phone by stating the name of the business, the type of business or the department. For example, you might say “Relations publiques, bonjour !” (“Public relations, good morning!”)

A simple au revoir is fine to end the call.

Connecting to the Correct Person

You may have to go through secretaries or colleagues to find the person that you want, in which case these phrases will be handy:

  • Pourrais-je parler à ______ ?  (May I speak with ______?)
  • C’est de la part de qui ? (Who is calling?)
  • C’est ______ à l’appareil.  (It’s _______ calling.)
  • Je vous le passe. (I’ll put you through.)
  • Ne quittez pas. (Please hold — formal). This literally means “don’t leave,” and if the song helps you remember this one, great—just definitely don’t model your French pronunciation on Nina Simone, however lovely she is. Go for Jacques Brel:
  • La ligne est occupée.  (The line is busy.)
  • Pourriez-vous rappeler ?  (Can you call back?)
  • Voulez-vous laisser un message ? (Would you like to leave a message?) – You’ll rarely be asked this though, as many don’t seem to want to go to the trouble. Which is why you might need…
  • Est-ce qu’il/elle peut me rappeler ?  (Can he/she call me back?)
  • Mon numéro téléphone est le _____.  (My telephone number is _____.)

Skype/Video Conferencing

As everywhere else, some businesses in France now take advantage of Skype and other forms of video and internet calling. You might be asked to have une vidéoconférence (a videoconference) or more simply to faire un Skype (discuss over Skype).

With the obvious advantages come disadvantages, and the necessity for more vocabulary. Be ready to say, for instance, la connection est très mauvaise (the connection is very bad) as well as pourriez-vous répéter ? (Can you repeat that?). You can also say la connection a été coupée (the connection dropped), whether you’re on video chat or a mobile phone.

If you have something to show someone, you might partager l’écran (share the screen) to show them.

Whatever your adventures in the French business world, may they be interesting, smooth and—of course—fructueux (profitable).

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can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

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