The word communicate in a sentence

Synonym: convey, enlighten, inform, report, tell. Similar words: communicate with, communication, telecommunications, incommunicado, community, municipal, dedicate, indicate. Meaning: [-keɪt]  v. 1. transmit information 2. transmit thoughts or feelings 3. transfer to another 4. join or connect 5. be in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas 6. administer communion; in church 7. receive Communion, in the Catholic church. 

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1 Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.

2 I communicate with him regularly by letter.

3 A politician must be able to communicate.

4 Children have to learn to communicate effectively.

5 He asked me to communicate his wishes to you.

6 Shool children often communicate colds to each other.

7 New technology has made it possible to communicate more easily.

8 We can now communicate instantly with people on the other side of the world.

9 His skill lies in his ability to communicate quite complex ideas very simply.

10 Group members have to communicate with each other through role-play.

11 Animals communicate in various ways.

12 We learn a language in order to communicate.

13 Candidates must be able to communicate effectively.

14 He didn’t communicate his ideas well in his speech.

15 How did people communicate in the days before email?

16 The twins seemed to be able to communicate telepathically.

17 I find I just can’t communicate with her.

18 They can communicate even when they strongly disagree.

19 They successfully communicate their knowledge to others.

20 I used to communicate with her telepathically.

21 They communicate in sign language.

22 They had to communicate through signs and grunts.

23 We only communicate by email.

24 Now he can only communicate through a voice synthesiser.

25 The police communicate by radio.

26 We usually communicate by letter.

27 They communicate entirely by gesture.

28 She and I don’t communicate any more.

29 By the age of two most children have begun to communicate verbally.

30 When Barbieux started his blog,[] his aspirations were small; he simply hoped to communicate with a few people.

More similar words: communicate with, communication, telecommunications, incommunicado, community, municipal, dedicate, indicate, delicate, complicated, sophisticated, immune, munitions, clinical, technical, ironically, mechanical, indicator, educate, locate, medication, indication, publication, application, implication, accommodate, category, advocate, truncated, identification. 

You need to communicate with your customers so they can see what products and services you have to offer

order to communicate with God is our communion with

communicate with Him, the more you know Jesus better

communicate with Him throughout that day concerning

· Be a «hip» grandparent and use the Internet to communicate

Children are fascinated with computers, and teens use email to communicate with friends next door! If you keep tabs on their lives via email, you will be a modern grandparent

Email is the best way to communicate with your older, busy grandchildren

It’s only this last year that I can communicate with them

sires to communicate with us

you and communicate with them

ciples how to communicate with the Father

It is easy for little children to communicate with their parents

‘The speed with which they communicate takes my breath away sometimes

We could almost communicate by raising flags …

You can communicate like this? But she doesn’t answer, just gets up and walks seductively over to him

I tried to rationalise my way through the long days, assuming that it must be far too risky for my fellow prisoners to communicate every day

Now it was a voyage of centuries to communicate with home

This is how you will communicate with your own dragon

The dragonets were delighted, and began to keen, even in their eggs; but they were upset when they realized that they couldn’t communicate with the large dogs

«They did their work during eclipse and they have not attempted to communicate with us

She knew that Andrew would be unable to communicate to anyone for a while

And you must come also Lady Emily; how else will we be able to communicate if you do not

We all communicate telepathically

How does IIS communicate at runtime with ASP

When you’ve been doing your best to communicate and neither of you speaks much of the other’s language you resort to the universal language of mime, grunts and nodding just like we did in the beginning, and suddenly you make a breakthrough, well the gratitude you feel is huge

However, if they are using quantum entanglement to communicate, only Thom’s instruments would detect it

course, there are two ways to communicate: gently with love or and

That is a very unloving, non-‐truthful way to communicate

Always ful y communicate what you

who or what had required the lady to communicate the messages

to communicate to her

“It’s frustrating, knowing things and not being able to communicate them

Trouble is, that caused me a lot of pain, and there was no way to communicate it

Other groups had been directed to communicate with the

“No, we have few parasites on us right now, but most humans take action against most parasites sooner or later, that’s probably had more to do with our success as a species than the fact that we can communicate or the fact that we are an invasive species with few natural parasites

Ben suggests that if David is going to communicate with us by e-mail, as he has said he intends to, then if he could include some titbits of information about the town where they are at the time, we can print off the e-mails, and then stick his messages around the map with a string linking the message with the appropriate place

Life, David had it – we could communicate, touch and share together … and now he’s lost it

“I’ll keep that in mind when I communicate with him

Words should be to communicate not deceive

I grew up with parents who love me but were unable to communicate how to be close to other people, to be able to tell people that you like them or love them

He could only communicate with them for about an hour at dawn and another hour and a half at dusk

God can communicate to us through m ny ways

Expand your expectations about how God is about to communicate with you

God is passionate about you and want to communicate with you

By this passage it is revealed that God is a communicator, and it is God’s nature to communicate his heart

It is important for a people to communicate to their Father with more than letters

He was unable to communicate with Argos on any level

trying to communicate and negotiate in a foreign

the jealousy of strangers, the aversion to take apprentices, or to communicate the secret of

If there was a scrounge lurking down here he intended to make peace with him if possible, if the person still had enough mind left to communicate with

He knew Alfred and Vic could communicate with each other thru the channels on the ship much quicker and faster than they could by speaking using audio

«Actually someone I communicate with via suntower has communicated with her via suntower

They will want to communicate with us

«The Kassikan knows how to communicate with them now, thru me and Ava

communicate his thoughts to his fellows

can communicate only inside of the same culture and at

The one failing here is that we have no way to communicate with our body systems

so that we wil be able to communicate in this

Perfect awareness—having passed the swell of time, I remain in history—looked at as an ass for assuming To communicate what I might—repressing some saving Grace from myself, not knowing if I deserve it—“I would Have it as it is, rather than not have it at all?”—Should A saving grace be given to thieves, tress-passers, Law-breakers—a solution is pain reduction, and life sustenance, Not pride games and social repression—the endorphins Replete of all respect find endurance through pompous Wanderings of the ego in control—the ego who would Take the blame and ends up being the only one to know Its great reward—to hide this scar, to pretend it did not 68

Herold Could continue pursuing art with the confidence that she was Exploring and experimenting and trying to communicate The incredible experiences that she herself could barely believe

And what will happen when I communicate

Webinars and screen sharing are great ways to communicate your ideas

What we have here is failure to communicate

Can you communicate clearly and explain yourself in a way that is accessible

“Wait, I thought you needed something that represented a specific person in order to communicate with the dead?”

The possibilities of communicating with the first witches from your line would be amazing, but I had a feeling it would take a lifetime to communicate with all your ancestors

can come together to communicate their love of a certain topic

Horrifying Hippo would simply open his mouth wide—but in this case, with a special body position that would clearly communicate that he was not feeling threatened but inviting the Cleaners to give him a hand—and with that, a whole school of the rambunctious, proficient little helpers would scurry over and begin their laborious process with great dedication and skill

He believes the gods are trying to communicate with him

To dream of cable television signifies your openness and how you communicate with others

The Universe speaks emotions and that is how we communicate directly with it

Frithjof Schuon shows the difficulty of understanding experience, especially Divine experience, when he describes how hard it is for God to communicate with humans:

Similarly, the experience of unconditional happiness is difficult to communicate

” There was a pause as the Elf adjusted her mind to the realization none of them were actually using words to communicate

They switched to telepathy, travelling to their secret mind-arena where they could communicate in private

Language is not a barrier in the spiritual realm and thus the spirits can communicate with mediums even if they were not multi-lingual during their former lives

So, it might or might not be the spirit whom the sitter/client wishes to communicate with

Bob Olson, a former private investigator and skeptic of afterlife and mediums have tested many psychic mediums before concluding that there are indeed genuine mediums who can communicate with the ‘dead’

People give presentations because they want to communicate in order to:

The affirmative thoughts communicate with our biological selves at cellular level i

As he rode back over to the city from Observatory Hill, Martin realized he needed to communicate with Maria to find out if she might have some collateral information on Sloan

‘He claimed he was chosen – a conduit for an ancient civilization to communicate with “earthlings”

This made me wonder if the turtles were somehow able to communicate intelligence to the other creatures on the island

Once, he had tried to communicate with its earlier version – to no avail, perhaps as a mere mortal he was not worthy of a response

‘I understand you are loyal to your original creators, and so wish to communicate with them your existence

He tried the remote interface port – a simple gold node; his suit emitted an EM signal in an attempt to communicate with the ship’s control systems and pump in enough power to activate the lock mechanism

“It is true Mary, he cannot speak but he and I communicate

The weaknesses were that the machines could only communicate in one direction at a time and the transmission speed was very slow, only a few characters per second

As limited as it was, the ULR was the only way to communicate with Earth without a decade long transmission time

” replied Jim, “It was the only way we could reliably remove your ability to communicate with Earth

A Guardian within each group had a radio to communicate with the other groups

Raiya was looking at Roidon as if trying to communicate telepathically;

“Could you communicate with them?” asked Chris

Steve discovered that you have been using the Hesperian’s systems to communicate covertly with Earth

You will still be permitted to trade with operations on Mars, and to communicate with them, but Jupiter vessels travelling within Martian orbit will be deemed hostile and be treated accordingly

communicate Jesus is the vine and we are the branches

You may still communicate with her through the kigare during the challenge, this will be vital when you are both stretched to your limits

They could not communicate with images to form words as they had in the Chameleon Arch

Tucker, and mates were received on board the Shenandoah while Lieutenant Scales was put in charge of the prize and directed to communicate with the Milo and make sure that Captain Hawes kept company with the Thornton while it followed the

Here we just see how God communicated with His

«One of the ancient wizards I’ve communicated with

She communicated with the Brazilian on the ground

«I’ve been gone two days longer than that, you’ve communicated with him more recently than I have

It is wrong to put them above the Holy Spirit and make it so that the only way people are directed and communicated through is if they have some sort of title or credential

She did not know how to contact his children, and she would die before she communicated with his wife

intelligence was communicated by field telephone, in order to

world,” Briz continued, “And the stories certainly communicated a

news they have already communicated in their letters

“And I would later arrange for my reports to be communicated back

had communicated many times with the manager over the

that God called to repent, He communicated the consequences

«I’m glad you told me because it confirms what Nimblefax had said, or rather communicated to me, I was asked to go along with this little ploy of Grandpa’s

«Actually someone I communicate with via suntower has communicated with her via suntower

The moment he sensed their presence, Ollius communicated telepathically with them

The philosopher then comes in to propose that the human mind is programmed to receive, treat, and transmit information communicated to him by a vastly Superior Intelligence

He communicated little through the flap in his head, nor did he attempt to connect with them telepathically

The two small moons above them communicated a mixture of yearning and fear

We’ve communicated with them and sent a new password that is also in your command module

Using paper cut-outs to represent the little girl, myself, and the goats I communicated to her the idea of sneaking up on the animals and committing what could rightfully be called a “kidnap

At times, Joseph and I communicated as much without words as with

He and I communicated better when we were in the hills, so I left orders for the others

San Francisco harbor until he had communicated with another

Aside from the terrorist, he doesn’t appear to have communicated with anybody

Wherever they are they have not communicated outside of their immediate proximity

Gerrid knew L-Seven-Six would have a new and more creative method of punishment after a second block, but for some reason the EI hadn’t communicated for a while

He caught me with a hand on my shoulder, holding me at a distance even as his keen regard communicated with perfect clarity all the things he would like to be doing to me instead

He left orders for his aide-de-camp that he was not to be disturbed or communicated to in any way while he was out having his walk

The signals’ officer then communicated it by a hand gesture to a soldier who held two colored flags

communicated everything they know that should have been communicated to the states and so it is

Like a bolt out of the blue, a mental impression communicated itself to me

) An intercom from the guard booth communicated with each girl’s room

Since leaving London, I have not communicated with my dear wife in any way, partly out of fear that such communication can somehow lead to my whereabouts, although now I must do so in order to inform her of our plans

They communicated telepathically

It was communicated in no uncertain terms that you are the son of an SDPD cop, and if any harm comes to you that every known or suspected Russian Mafioso will be hounded until they are all either in jail or deported, that is, if they survive the arrest

9 So he communicated the matter with Raguel,

Elena could feel the position of every shadow as she was now connected to them and, when she was pleased with their positioning, she communicated with Kali and Akira, through their minds, to inflict pain on every titan that was there, but she told them to leave out Isodor

As two creatures entered, the leaders of the Cerberus, they communicated all that they knew

When we communicated in the dream world, neither he nor his mother had let on

Service Management Policy is established in the organization and its communicated and understood by all the employees

Documents should be created, reviewed, approved and changes are controlled, communicated and available for use, versioning and naming conventions to be followed, archive the obsolete documents and track the customer given/third party documents separately

communicated with them his secret counsel, and concluded the afflicting of the whole Earth out of his own mouth

‘If you were communicating without using your voice and communicated like us, you could interpret more information at the same time

The guardian looked at Ogg and communicated with

I wished my government communicated this fast

The ability to speak and to form words allows intelligent thought to be communicated

decision had been communicated to Ouellette while he was vacationing in Quebec

I communicated this plan (with deliverables and deadlines) to the senior

anecdote or witticism has already been communicated to the audience

and completion is communicated to the group

This is a subtle point where someone has performed some excellent work and even communicated that fact

witticism has already been communicated to the audience

is communicated to the group

Our visitor has not communicated any specific threat, internally or externally, to our planet

addition to 3, but again, our focus is upon those aspects communicated

but contexts are communicated as well and are therefore subject to de-

tion that can be communicated, but what matters to us is that an instance of information, whatever that may be, is created

He has communicated

Dilimon and Yalla left by the doors to the deck, already mumbling as they magically communicated with the other Sentries who would assist them in their scan for the powerful

message that needs to be communicated

They communicated to the guards following with Yania that they would have to stop quickly at the nearest bathroom

Seeing that he no longer had enough monsters for an attack, the remaining general had communicated to the bridge that the snakes had gone mad and killed all the monsters, and he had asked to be released from duty, claiming posttraumatic stress syn-drome

Ministers shall be communicated to the Secretary General of the Council of

Mark turned back to the two females, who had cast Speaking and stood giggling together as they psionicly communicated

“Tselel Legeon!” With her eyes Leora communicated to Cody that there was need for him to hurry

what, but at least we had communicated

One of the elves who serve you, one of the Devoted, has released a Reading of her observations of you at Hilia after the attack, and while she was never close enough to discern your personal conversation, your speech after the dinner outside your cottage was well communicated

9 So he communicated the matter with Raguel and Raguel said to Tobias Eat and drink and make merry: 10 For it is meet that you should marry my daughter: nevertheless I will declare to you the truth

Gaktanbak turned to the most ornately uniformed Sylvan beside him and communicated privately for a moment, and the Sylvan twitched her long, pointed ears, and disappeared

Yazadril hugged Nemia with one arm as he and the rest of the delegates hurriedly communicated the urgent news to their people

“I have said that I should not be directly obeyed as Key to The Just Alliance, except for during the most pressing and dire of circumstances, and only then if I have unique and crucial knowledge of how to proceed that cannot be effectively communicated to everyone who needs to know it in a short enough time for it to be most effective

They also doubted that any mortal on Kellaran could ever learn to communicate with their people directly, since the sphere dwellers communicated by means of taste, scent, and magnetic fields

2 So he called to him all his officers and all his nobles and communicated with them his secret counsel and concluded the afflicting of the whole Earth out of his own mouth

Still, the faint green echo had communicated, she sensed it, though its sound was in colour

I mentally communicated, “I want to know why I was on that beautiful ship, why it was where it was, and how it relates to present circumstances

He understood something else too; why the cane had communicated with him in this way, and what it was now intending to do

As they silently communicated, Tesar’s face registered the seriousness of Nuke’s message

He sent her a cordial letter in response, which I think was the last time he communicated with her through Marjie

communicated with devices that circle the earth (in fact, some of

His watch was the main way he communicated with the

One of the ways that Underworlder spies communicated

“Yes, Brad, Lope! By controlling fire, she has communicated to us

He Who Does Not Want To Hear About It had not communicated to them at all after pointing in the direction they were to run

This communicated the same insult as to an Earther, and the crowd—nearly all male—became maddened

If you have this pattern, you end up making a judgment about what is being communicated, because

No wonder it becomes difficult to really get the intent of what is being communicated

One of the situations that he was laughing was over was that his dad and uncle (who were brothers and pastors) had not really communicated with each other in over 20 years

Tamar had communicated just before her departure that the prize crystal was being drawn from the ground today and once it was on the surface and away from the interference of the other stones in the mine the Brotherhood of Keth could claim their prize and transport it back to their master

I have communicated with Tamar and they have contained the crystal and the threat to the nation

You see the pickup line approach has a huge flaw — it indirectly communicates that you’re very interested in her from the very beginning

who communicates with spirits be telling me the same thing I had

After He communicates, it is necessary for us

The transmitter communicates information to the brain from the computer, and vice versa, and the liquid alters the brain to put it in a simulation state

IT’S STRANGE TO see people you don’t know well in the morning, with sleepy eyes and pillow creases in their cheeks; to know that Christina is cheerful in the morning, and Peter wakes up with his hair perfectly flat, but Cara communicates only through a series of grunts, inching her way, limb by limb, toward coffee

Quality policy which is appropriate for the business and which communicates the intent of quality activities in the organization to be documented and maintained

Information Security policy which is appropriate for the business and which communicates the intent of ISMS activities in the organization to be documented and maintained

communicates a commitment to the founding

It has one billion alien languages built in with a universal translator and it communicates in milliseconds

the self communicates with is also a part of the same Entity

You need to have a crystal clear understanding of the needs and challenges of your target audience so that you can publish content that consistently communicates your brand promise, and is useful and relevant to their needs

He hangs up, and communicates with his partner in Italian, and mentions the name Van-Bailey again

believe that man communicates directly with God and that no priest is necessary to

It communicates with itself

Your dad still communicates with you

A script is a well-thought-out, rehearsed statement that best communicates a response to a

Are you? If you are concerned, do something that clearly communicates to the people that you not only are listening but that you can hear

It communicates that they are only interested in their looks and not who they are as a person

Even Brinkley’s replacement can’t tell us who appointed him, who he communicates with on a regular basis

always communicates with us through action

You scream and shout, but nothing answers, nothing communicates with you

And at last the man-beast puts aside his music-maker and communicates with Galluk, though not through language

communicates its oscillations to the man who recites the mantra and also to

So irrespective of whether the individual is aggressive, defensive, or even violent, when the word love is genuinely projected surface reality communicates directly with an individuals’ core

one’s identity and communicates to oneself and others in a multitude of ways

Thus, indicating your professional goals can be a wise decision, or at least make your resume in a way that it communicates it

This one communicates now with the two sentient beings simultaneously in your prime languages, directing waves to individuals

This one rarely communicates with fleeting beings, but the organized sounds amused

«Two: There’s little doubt that the subconscious mind communicates to the

basic way a cat communicates with us

communicates that you are willing to lend a hand; it allows you to offer

communicates the wrong message to the dog

She communicates with spirits who have contacted us, to find out why they need our help

Attention and awareness to how the coach communicates

cutting its dividend, or communicates expectations thereof, the proposed dividend yield

Help us put out a statement that communicates this intent

communicates itself to us

You see words communicate language, but our voice communicates the spirit

A friend connects and communicates heart to heart

God does not speak with words, He communicates with people through mediators, archangels, who bring His will to the consciousness of people

The body communicates through feelings and sensations

Amy shoots him a look that communicates both revulsion and disbelief

When he enters the war with his division, he keeps in contact with his higher commander especially in the thick fight when the war status escalates and comes to a head, and when there becomes no room for moving or manoeuvring, and he senses a real danger pervading the division, he does nothing but holds the field telephone and communicates with his wise merciful commander informing him about the painful military fact and asking for his wise discerning opinion to accomplish it at once

Thus the word (mine) means Fasting communicates your spirit with Me (God)

Our social-cultural mind is a field effect that communicates to itself through our instinctual adaptation to the traditional mores, customs and thought structures that comformicate our minds in how to frame the world

short-term memory communicates with the cortex through what we call simple human will or effort;

communicates ideas and features in a manner that makes the copy of

As a piece of art communicates about the artist,

Storytelling is a highly efficient form of information sharing because it communicates data, contextual rules, and subtleties of behavior that may be difficult to state explicitly

As defined in Chapter 1, Knowledge Management is a deliberate, systematic business optimization strategy that selects, distills, stores, organizes, packages, and communicates information essential to the business of a company in a manner that improves employee performance and corporate competitiveness

says: «The Internetcan have a profound influence on the organization of the Government of Canadaand how it provides services to and communicates with Canadians

This communicates that you are interested in what they are saying,

“I think she still communicates with, Dove, wasn’t it?” Alexander remarked

If, however, in your question you mean Stereo-Doubles of another “personality” that lives and communicates near you, then the answer is no

In addition, we endow such characters with our own psychisms, because when the child imagines that it communicates with a dwarf, it can picture only the dwarf it wishes to see, — with the same character traits, which the child wants to have

to be mentioned – clearly communicates its intent to us each morning

“We know he uses a screen and with this screen he communicates with his leader

can be viewed when a manager communicates to the customer and the team member looks

The HelloWorldApplet that communicates with HelloWorldServlet

Once the applet loads in the browser, the applet communicates over HTTP to the Web application’s HelloWorldServlet

Once the applet loads into the browser, the applet communicates over HTTP to the Web application’s HelloWorldServlet

� Communication through crying certainly communicates need and, often, anxiety about that need

� We think we do that with language in the same way we believe the consequences we make up as a preventative measure, «no desert,» «go to your room,» a swat with some force, and all that arsenal, actually communicates in a positive way to the child

Creator communicates with us using symbols and symbolic thought

The Creator communicates with us using symbols and symbolic thought because that is the natural

are heavily symbolic, and why our Creator communicates to us using symbolic signs and situations

When a visitor communicates to you via email, it is best to use a web form

Now Vegetation brightened the desert globe of land and water, and the living creature came forth, bred of earth and moisture, as, says our primitive cosmogony, ‘Let the waters bring forth!’—’Let the earth bring forth!’—in this, according with the latest thought of those who see in what we term matter the possibility of life; but not according with that latest thought, if it be meant to exclude the all-pervading action of the Eternal Cause, which lives and operates through all causes that are visible, and communicates some of His own mysterious energy even to the Atom which has sprung from the depths of His Being

A good leader speaks clearly in a way that communicates his directives so that others understand them

Priest — is the one who communicates with God

Through these «doors» the Creator communicates with the world that creates

Here so the chakras and communicates with the outward things – energy or particles (they also transmit an energy)

More energy chakra is more open, it more intensively communicates with the world

Consider, I said, Glaucon, that even the badness of food, whether staleness, decomposition, or any other bad quality, when confined to the actual food, is not supposed to destroy the body; although, if the badness of food communicates corruption to the body, then we should say that the body has been destroyed by a corruption of itself, which is disease, brought on by this; but that the body, being one thing, can be destroyed by the badness of food, which is another, and which does not engender any natural infection—this we shall absolutely deny?

The mohajirs almost all support a party called the MQM led by Altaf Hussain, who lives in exile in London and communicates with his people by Skype

And as it happens, it’s the rover that communicates with Pathfinder

They retired to a corner of the lobby by which the stage communicates with the wide passage leading to the foyer of the ballet

The right word is always a power, and communicates its definiteness to our action

Intuition often communicates its message through sensations in the body, which is why it is often described as a gut feeling

Figure 2-6 Each layer in the OSI model communicates with the layer above and below it

A virtual LAN (VLAN) is a group of systems on a switched network that functions as a subnet and communicates with other VLANs through routers

The user protocol interpreter communicates with the server protocol interpreter using text commands that are passed over the control connection (see Figure 16-1)

When the commands call for a data transfer, one of the protocol interpreters triggers a data transfer process, which communicates with a like process on the other machine using the data connection

POP3 is similar to SMTP in that it relies on the TCP protocol for transport services (using well-known port 110) and communicates with clients using text-based commands and responses

Since the I/O Manager communicates with all of the drivers in the same way, the request can be satisfied without the file system having any direct knowledge of the disk device where the file is stored

Start by viewing the proxy statement section titled Compensation Discussion and Analysis, where the compensation committee of the board of directors communicates how it sets the compensation package for the top executive officers and employees

10 Early on, Cisco communicates openly with the employees of the acquired firm and gives them essential information about its plans for the business

Your private keys are saved on the same device that connects to the Internet and communicates with the Bitcoin network (the defining feature of a hot wallet); therefore, you need to be vigilant about protecting your device from malware, viruses, and other hacking attempts that could lead to theft

She is placed in a lower hall of the church which communicates with the street, and into which no man may enter save the doctor of the dead

«No; I have the key to the door which communicates with the convent; the porter has the key to the door which communicates with the church

This communicates with the abyss

It communicates to those whom it seizes an indescribable and extraordinary power

“No, certainly, not often; because Miss Temple has generally something to say which is newer than my own reflections; her language is singularly agreeable to me, and the information she communicates is often just what I wished to gain

Praying and communicating with God

you, where I will hear you communicating your love to

Communicating good and bad news is an art that should be developed by doctors

Communicating with God goes beyond prayer

Communicating with God is a skill that we

through communicating with Him

It is good to hear from a friend of my sister, though I do not remember communicating before

What John is communicating is that the religious system that would be elitist is over

is how your tiny inner self is used to communicating with the

communicating with people try to use grammar that is correct and not offensive

communicating with them online

We are communicating our differences

Whatever energy resides within is your method of communicating to

communicating with the universe (God)

anger constructively in communicating our needs without belittling or destroying

Desa didn’t see them as three humans sitting across the coach, she saw three machines disguised as humans that might be communicating with the ghosts of human souls in the starship high above Narrulla

At first, Adros thought he was communicating with more new arrivals

Monk-Key 1 responded, “The cross wiring of the random Emotions sets forth new considerations of word relations Which while not communicating in standard idiom still Manage to produce idioms randomly to the accommodation Of sustained communication without linear deliberation—

The possibilities of communicating with the first witches from your line would be amazing, but I had a feeling it would take a lifetime to communicate with all your ancestors

They have no secrets, such as those of the greater part of manufacturers, but are generally rather fond of communicating to their neighbours, and of extending as far as possible any new practice which they may have found to be advantageous

Alternatively, the song may be communicating some advice about a situation or relationship

Some cues from others are objective and obvious, clearly communicating their judgments of both acceptable and unacceptable behavior

Communicating with other nearby spiritual beings via telepathy

It seemed crazy that with their level of technology they did not have any means of communicating over just a few kilometres, but the fact was their stock of personal communicators was stored in the mid-section

Torbin tried communicating, he put out an all-channel comm

Though Torbin knew they were communicating, he heard nothing

Ever since the ally Elusiver (imagined or not) had made its presence known, the computer ceased communicating with him

” replied the communications officer, “But I can hear them communicating with their vessels

“The Angel and Jesus were communicating, I think

subconsciously communicating the fact that you are good in bed

don’t need a guide to relationships and communicating with the

He said after a while, ‘entering TIAR and communicating with its controller would surely have been a fascinating experience, however the Temporal Directive prevents such action

“We haven’t mentioned it to them and they aren’t communicating with us

The big cat was stalking him again, edging him nearer the door, almost as though the animal was somehow communicating with those outside, herding him towards them

“Who me?” William was communicating with someone! He just realized that he had confirmed that these people were real and that he was somewhere in turn of the century America

Corporations footing the bill should be allowed (some) input into areas directly affecting a company‘s performance; for example, suggested coursework compatible with a company‘s business requirements or communicating effectively

Through communicating with Houdini about coping with strangers and visitors, we

After communicating the memory and

art of communicating with animals

When he got there, Hilderich was not communicating

“Well, when will they be back?” Brendan focused on communicating as ambiguously and obscurely as he could and still get it across

Nevertheless he thought that actually communicating was wonderful indeed so he didn’t give it a second thought and smiled

Though it had little in the way of communicating sentiment and feeling and lacked a facial expression, the flatly lit red thick line in the middle of the black band felt to Hilderich almost as if it wanted to burn through him with enjoyable deliberation

rationalized that the dragons were communicating with

as the benefits already highlighted of communicating effectively

radiating information and communicating with others even though

These are also ways of communicating

are constantly radiating information and communicating with other

without actually communicating with words

You may think that you are communicating effectively but even so

of communicating and responding – two essential things in life!

There are innumerable accounts of Shri Maharaj communicating with

The family patriarch is charged with the responsibility of communicating the family’s rules, obligations, and duties to each member of the family so they are aware of the risks and rewards of inclusion

“Here it is: One billion selected stars times point five, times three, times point zero one, times point zero one, times point zero one which comes to fifteen hundred presently communicating

communicating with or about the company, then the

the desire to experience hard experience, experience in communicating with others in the natural harmonious atmosphere, through training you can slowly natural harmonious social with others

We were quite well fed that evening, although we had a lot of trouble communicating

He explained that this was a means of communicating among the local people here

I assured him we would have no trouble communicating with the other headmen

Akira and the rest have all been communicating with Elena through her dreams

seem to indicate that he is communicating on two levels at once, the first is that this his

The nanoscanners detect the group of sharks communicating with each other using a magnetic radar system in the tips of their noses

They begin communicating in a high-speed alien language

‘If you were communicating without using your voice and communicated like us, you could interpret more information at the same time

Since they know our communicating methods, they stopped and blocked our ship from communicating with us after it was captured

“What is the rush with you aliens, with talking so fast,” Jaden pauses then continue, “Oh I’m sorry I mean communicating so fast? What is with the fax sounds I have been hearing when I was being rescued and now?”

We don’t want them communicating with each other since we haven’t figured out why our bodies can’t make it into your galaxy

They sound like whales in the sea communicating with each other

In addition, if you change your vision and follow the signal waves, you’ll notice it is communicating with another shark by the shore in the ocean

I analyzed how well you flew our ship back on Earth and how your mind was able to adapt to out of body communicating

open, though, because that is where He does his best communicating

Despite what we think, the world can do without communicating with us for 90 minutes

But by its actions, it was possible to deduce this one fact: all the alien nanoparticles were coordinating their actions and communicating with each other for a greater purpose

Separated from reality, dwelling in the land of fantasies and ideologies and theoretical equations, disconnected from the real world—that world of touch and sight and sound and smell and taste, that world of action and interaction, that world of thinking and communicating, that world of experience and intuition, that messy world of living and loving—isolated from everything good and tangible, they have doomed all life to death

Carlos, five years old, spoke beautiful Spanish but had forgotten his English and had a difficult time communicating with his old friends

session has been designed to help aid you in communicating and building a deeper connection with

communicating with loved ones more difficult, and that’s aside from gritting your teeth against the

something good about them? Are they good at communicating,

posting updates and communicating with other users in your niche

firmness of wood—she posits a more pliable communicating medium that bends at the air-water

one’s stomach, it can be said that one is communicating or coming-into-

computers that exchange binary strings are communicating

typically not communicating; they are not listening to one another

Communicating with us

It is all the communicating C Mobius rings and

not communicating with me anymore

Desire it, and you will succeed! It was the Spirit of Kami, communicating telepathically

And that I vibrated at strange frequencies, and that since I could hear him communicating with me mentally, that I should be able to ride his Translocation spell

communicating better, about how she needed him to

resorted to communicating with me through his very expensive Washington, DC, attorney, and soon we just fell out of touch

When communicating with nature, don’t

They were communicating purely by thought once again

Suddenly rulers all over the room were hurriedly communicating with their subordinates

A Russian was going crazy, communicating with his base

He had been told to speak to you for your entertainment and to practice the art of communicating with humans

That Force is certainly capable of communicating with words or thoughts if It chooses to do so, but It doesn’t always communicate that way

Without my knowledge, she was communicating with men in Egypt who spoke English because of their military backgrounds, and both of them were making her offers she found hard to refuse

Navy cooperated in tracking, communicating with, and ultimately searching for Earhart and Noonan

communicate (v): to share information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body, or using other signals

Use “communicate” in a sentence

We communicate with each other by telephone every day.
You need to communicate your ideas more effectively.
Pilots communicate with the airport by radio.
It’s important to communicate effectively with others.

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  • Use the word COMMUNICATE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

«communicate with our agents at once!

I’m at the Hotel Belvedere if you should wish to communicate with me.

The sufferings of the spirit are so difficult to communicate… even to those who love you.

Can we not imagine that Atlantis was not … completely covered by the sands of the Sahara, and that there might be parts that emerge and provide shelter and a center of resistance to the tribes in the South End, That communicate with the surface and are not … a chimera?


Nor make any effort to communicate with us.

You see, Mrs. Alison must communicate with her parents in Vienna.

«communicate with Herbert MacCaulay.»

Radio equipment gave the voyagers the possibility to communicate with each other

Will you—? Will you permit me to communicate with Mr. Lorry of Tellson’s Bank who is now in Paris?

How would he communicate?

They’re knowledgeable and they can communicate that knowledge.

Anyone in this great settlement knowing the whereabouts of William Chandler… will please communicate with station ZHM, Singapore.

We must immediately communicate with Stockholm.

We ourselves may communicate with Sweden this afternoon.

What name shall I communicate to Mr. Loder?

I don’t want you even to communicate with me… unless you have some vital information or… or your life is in danger.

Humbly request you penetrate beyond the mystic veil of life… and communicate with friend recently departed.

Have you ever tried to communicate with my uncle since his death?

Now, tonight we may communicate with Sir Charles.

But you cannot even communicate with him, my dear.

Garrison will communicate with me.

Very well, sir. Do you wish me to communicate that to my friend?

If he were alive, you feel sure he’d communicate with you?

communicate to A-104 to submerge immediately.. and to call A-103 with the underwater signaler.

communicate to all the seaplanes to return to base.

communicate Titano ship to switch telephony to wavelenght 320.

«Do not communicate with me.

I believe Dr. Tobel meant to communicate with us by that means.

Any person who attempts to escape or communicate with the outside world will be shot.

If we succeed in holding this hotel until 4:00 until the patrol plane flies over Trollness we’ll be able to communicate with the outside.

Let us hope that the plane starts looking for us when we do not communicate.

And do not communicate with me.

That’s how the dead are supposed to communicate with the living.

Not recently, except my cousin in the civil service… and he wouldn’t be likely to want to communicate with me.

Gentlemen, would you permit me to communicate with Master John Wilkes?

Hence his anxiety … To communicate their whereabouts … his accomplices as soon as possible.

I am instructed to communicate to him that he will come into a handsome property.

I want you just to communicate with him for me.

I communicate to Paris when ready.

We are going to try and communicate… with the soul of a woman who was famous for her love affairs.

In the meantime, I must insist on the preservation of appearances. At any rate, until I’ve taken the necessary steps to vindicate my honor… which I shall communicate to you.

He hasn’t been able to communicate that information to anyone yet.

I will tell my superior… and he will communicate with those higher up in the movement.

I know if Fenner is in Havana… he will communicate with you or he will come to see you.

I have been unable to communicate with Colonel Phillips to let him know that here on Leyte we are prepared to join in the undertaking.

When did you ever communicate with a person with a brain and feelings of my own?

It was hard work, but I derived great joy from it… and the play had so excited and moved me… that I wished to communicate, however imperfectly… some of that emotion to others.

Of course, from the very beginning… I realized I did not possess the knack of making myself liked, but… at the beginning, at least, I ÔÇö I did try very hard to communicate to the boys ÔÇö those boys sitting down there ÔÇö some of my own joy in the great literature of the past.

I suggest that Capt. Hendry communicate with his superior at once.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Communicate | Communicate Sentence

  • We will communicate with that boy by wireless.
  • Human beings communicate with each other in various ways.
  • If he could only communicate with Lenny!
  • He hated all aristocrats, and he refused even to communicate with me.
  • I am much troubled, and should like to communicate with her friends.
  • I forbid you to communicate with him until I give you permission.
  • He then turned the conversation, to communicate his plans for Helen.
  • Lenny couldn’t communicate mentally with anyone except his brother Rafe.
  • Then I—not Jimmy—shall communicate with him.

How To Use Communicate In A Sentence?

  • They were not allowed to write letters, nor to communicate with any member of their family.
  • If the mother possessed it, it would be useless for her to attempt to communicate it to him.
  • In the end he promised to perform this service, and to communicate the result that evening.
  • I bid him go forth in no pharisaical spirit, and invite him to communicate with me.
  • It was observant, but would not communicate its observations to any one, it was so miserly!
  • For the first time I observe the attempt to communicate to others some experience of his own.
  • However, she resisted the longing to communicate to Harriott even indirectly what had happened.
  • On the point, at the entrance, some natives had assembled, but I could not communicate with them.
  • Pennyloaf would dearly have liked to communicate with Jane Snowdon, but shame prevented her.
  • Last year the Jewish Society of London determined, however, to communicate with them.
  • It would be necessary for her to communicate with him before she would be able to explain her share in the mystery.
  • Surely there is nothing more important than the development of the principal instrument by which men communicate with one another.
  • Would you so far allow me to be relieved from my promise, as to communicate all you have said to me to the only married woman on board?
  • Each eager for improvement and for information, we had been so differently educated, that each had much to communicate and to learn.
  • Of course the two boys could not communicate with one another, but they said afterward that their thoughts were the same.
  • His companion was talking again, but just then, incongruously, made his need to communicate lose itself.
  • He recalled the small, inexpressive, commonplace words in which they had tried to communicate with each other; he repeated them over to himself.
  • But she still pressed and desired them to communicate their case to her; intimating, that she might be able to direct them to a remedy.
  • I wished much to communicate with them, and, not without hopes of quieting them, stood right in with the intention of landing.
  • Does he mean that God endeavours to communicate holiness, and fails in consequence of the necessary imperfection of the creature?
  • The allotted period had at length elapsed; the day arrived on which I was to communicate my decision to my uncle.
  • Being ignorant of everything connected with these matters, I beg you will be so good as to communicate your views and advice to the bearer.
  • They form a vast whole, whose different parts communicate by secret canals: what is saved by one, profits all.
  • If they communicate with me, I’ll let you know at once, and if you hear, do the same by me.
  • How could I communicate to another that certitude which was in my mind, the more absolute because without proofs that one could produce?
  • The two abused each other for a while, but Clem really desired to communicate her news, so that calmer dialogue presently ensued.
  • Any one knowing the fate of the dog is asked to communicate with Captain Smith, through this paper.
  • On the contrary the alcalde, not having any of these advantages, can have knowledge of but few things, if the parish priest does not communicate them.
  • Since human beings communicate with each other by means of speech and hearing through the air, it is with air that the acoustics of telephony principally is concerned.
  • The only help that can be received from without must consist of suggestions and illustrations, which can only serve to communicate to the mind some general ideas in respect to them.
  • To communicate with such imbeciles is to court an insult, or at least to expose the communicating spirit to an exhibition of revolting antics and limited intelligence.

Definition of Communicate

To impart | To share

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Also learn how to use these words in a sentence

On this page we are showing correct ways to write :

Communicate in a sentence

Communicate sentence

sentence with Communicate

Communicate used in a sentence

Communicate make sentence

make sentence with Communicate

make sentence of Communicate

Communicate sentence in english

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  • The word common definition
  • The word commodity in a sentence
  • The word committee in a sentence
  • The word commission means to
  • The word commercial in a sentence