The word commodity in a sentence

товар, продукт, предмет потребления, удобство


- часто pl предмет потребления, товар, особ. товар широкого потребления

staple commodities — главные продукты, основные товары
commodity production [grain] — эк. товарное производство [зерно]
commodity exchange — товарная биржа
commodity turnover — товарооборот

- эк. продукт

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Time is a precious commodity.

Время — бесценная вещь.

Oil is a commodity in high demand.

Нефть — это товар повышенного спроса.

Labour is bought and sold like any other commodity.

Труд покупается и продается, как любой другой товар.

Time is valuable commodity to us all.

Время дорого нам всем.

Commodity prices fell sharply.

Цены на сырьё резко упали.

This commodity bundle is preferable.

Этот набор благ более предпочтителен.

A «ceiling» was set upon all commodity prices.

На все товары широкого потребления установлен потолок цен.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…an item that would be too expensive to produce, and attractive to too few people, to ever be considered a salable commodity…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): commodity
мн. ч.(plural): commodities

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word commodity, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use commodity in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «commodity».

Commodity in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word commodity in a sentence.

  1. The metal became an exchange commodity in the 1970s.

  2. Rabbits remained a rare and highly prized commodity.

  3. In any market, through competition, the hardware eventually becomes a commodity ..

  4. Marketing has significantly affected the image of diamond as a valuable commodity.

  5. This was resolved only when the commodity loaded ships started to arrive on 15 June.

  6. During the Middle Ages, its use for dyeing made it a commodity of international commerce.

  7. Sales were poor, and in September 1980, the Mint announced that a private firm, commodity traders J.

  8. Coffee was quickly becoming Brazil’s most important export commodity and was a highly lucrative crop.

  9. Due to growing international demand, coffee had become the most valuable export commodity for Brazil.

  10. We have recommended banning using misappropriated government information to trade in the commodity markets.

  11. After a rise in commodity prices, the Mint to sought to replace the large copper cent with a smaller version.

  12. When the wagons of salt were seen outside the city gates, they were immediately admitted, salt being a valued commodity.

  13. After the Crusades, alum was a commodity of international commerce; it was indispensable in the European fabric industry.

  14. In mid April 2021, iridium reached a price of US$6,400 per troy ounce on Metals Daily (a precious metals commodity listing).

  15. The horns have been a traded commodity for more than 2,000 years in China, where they are believed to have healing properties.

  16. This trip included a meeting with cooperative pioneer Aaron Sapiro in San Francisco and a visit to Chicago’s commodity market.

  17. When Russia occupied Siberia, the ivory trade grew and it became a widely exported commodity, with huge amounts being excavated.

  18. From the 19th century and onwards, woolly mammoth ivory became a highly prized commodity, used as raw material for many products.

  19. Silver, on the other hand, though widely mined, could not be presented for conversion into coin, but had to be sold as a commodity.

  20. She said that Columbia had regarded her as a commodity, with her separation from Mottola exacerbating her relations with label executives.

  21. Feeding horses was a major issue, and horse fodder was the single largest commodity shipped to the front by some countries, including Britain.

  22. Because both methanol and carbon monoxide are commodity raw materials, methanol carbonylation long appeared to be attractive precursors to acetic acid.

  23. The scene where Valentine and Winthorpe enact their plan against the Dukes was filmed at the COMEX commodity exchange located inside 4 World Trade Center.

  24. While the rest of the population lacked nearly every conceivable essential commodity, the shops, homes and stores of Amin’s henchmen…were filled with goods.

  25. During the 1st century BC silk was still a rare commodity in the Roman world; by the 1st century AD this valuable trade item became much more widely available.

  26. MPPs have many of the same characteristics as clusters, but MPPs have specialized interconnect networks (whereas clusters use commodity hardware for networking).

  27. Passenger rail service ended as commodity shipments of grains, oil and gas by-products, and forestry products became more important in the resource-based economy.

  28. Corpses and their component parts became a commodity, but although the practice of disinterment was hated by the general public, bodies were not legally anyone’s property.

  29. According to one story, Cibber encouraged his son to lead the actors in a walkout and set up for themselves in the Haymarket, rendering worthless the commodity he had sold.

  30. In the 1970s, the increased demand for aluminium made it an exchange commodity; it entered the London Metal Exchange, the world’s oldest industrial metal exchange, in 1978.

  31. Advocates of silver both sought a market for the commodity and believed that «free silver» or bimetallism would boost the economy and make it easy for farmers to repay debts.

  32. The Buonaccorsi handled banking and commodity trade activities, spreading their influence throughout Italy, France, Flanders, England and several places in the Mediterranean.

  33. Since bread was such a central part of the medieval diet, swindling by those who were trusted with supplying the precious commodity to the community was considered a serious offense.

  34. Williams (1932–2019) was an American trader and author of books on trading psychology, technical analysis and chaos theory in trading the stock, commodity, and foreign exchange (Forex) markets.

  35. Market officials were charged with maintaining order, collecting commercial taxes, setting standard commodity prices on a monthly basis, and authorizing contracts between merchants and customers.

  36. On the commodities trading floor, the Dukes commit their holdings to buying frozen concentrated orange juice futures contracts, legally committing themselves to buying the commodity at a later date.

  37. Packages of rations were «balanced»–arranged so they contained a complete set of commodities—so that the loss of some packages would not result in surpluses of one commodity and shortages of another.

  38. Production of Peace dollars resumed in 1934, due to another congressional act; this one requiring the Mint to purchase large quantities of domestic silver, a commodity whose price was at a historic low.

  39. An emphasis on exporting commodities rather than manufactured goods has underpinned a significant increase in Australia’s terms of trade since the start of the 21st century, due to rising commodity prices.

Synonyms for commodity

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word commodity has the following synonyms: trade good and good.

General information about «commodity» example sentences

The example sentences for the word commodity that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «commodity» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «commodity».

Definition of Commodity

an item that can be purchased and retailed

Examples of Commodity in a sentence

Oil is the country’s most profitable commodity.


During the summer months, the most sought-after commodity in the park is bottled water.


The most popular commodity on the stock market is the new airline stock.


In this cold weather, a coat is a commodity everyone should buy.


A cigarette is a common commodity in prison trades.


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commodity — перевод на русский


That’s Casablanca’s leading commodity.

В Касабланке это главный товар.

He does not want to sell a hot commodity.

Он не хочет продавать горячий товар.

You’ll find a more valuable commodity.

У меня в рукаве товар получше.

To market a commodity it is necessary to exploit.

Чтобы продать товар, его необходимо рекламировать.

I’m offering you my commodity — gold!

Я предлагаю вам свой товар — золото!

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I’m a commodities broker, attempting to establish ties with the Tigan family.

Я товарный брокер, пытаюсь установить отношения с семьей Тиган.

Says he’s a commodities broker.

Говорит, он товарный брокер.

— I’m a commodities broker.

— Я товарный брокер.

No, a commodities trading fund in Dubai.

Нет, товарный фонд в Дубае.

Born was appointed by president Clinton to chair the Commodity Futures Trading Commission which oversaw the derivatives’ market

Ѕорн была назначена президентом линтоном председателем омиссии по торговле товарными фьючерсами, котора€ следила за рынком деривативов.

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Compassion is a rare commodity these days.

Сочувствие — это такая редкость в наше время.

— Friends are a rare commodity.

Друзья в наше время — редкость.

Friends you can trust are a rare commodity.

Друзья, которым ты можешь доверять — редкость.

Honor is a rare commodity these days.

Честь это редкость в наши дни.

Hailey, oboists area rare commodity these days.

Хейли, гобоисты редкость в наше время.

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Cows are maimed and slaughtered and used as a commodity!

Коров калечат и забивают, и используют как предмет потребления!

The cow is a commodity!

Корова – это предмет потребления!

Like you said,i’m a commodity now.

Как ты сказал, я теперь предмет потребления.

Personal info is the new commodity.

Личная информация — новый предмет потребления.

You’re becoming a commodity.

Ты становишься предметом потребления.

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One’s existence is limited by one’s commodities.

Само существование ограничено рамками потребления.

You need only look at their surroundings and their occupations, their commodities and their ceremonies, which are on view everywhere.

Стоит лишь взглянуть на их жизненную среду и их занятия, их предметы потребления и их церемонии, выставленные на всеобщее обозрение.

So it has a lot to do with choices and honoring people’s ability… to say what it is that they want to see… and also consumerism and art and commodity…

То есть там будет выбор и уважение права людей… говорить о том, что они хотят увидеть… и ещё консьюмеризм, и искусство, и предмет потребления.

Many outbreaks of rioting and unrest in such cities as Guangdong, China, London, and Chicago due to the shortages of such basic commodities as fuel, food and drinking water.

-Мятежи и массовые беспорядки в таких городах, как Кантон в Китае, в Лондоне и Чикаго из-за недостатка основных предметов потребления топлива, продовольствия и питьевой воды.

Forgive me. I tend to think in terms of commodities.

Я мыслю в терминах потребления.

Like, already it’s obvious that you see… the Seattle scene has become a marketed commodity.

Как, уже очевидно, что ты видишь… сцена Сиэттла стала рыночным продуктом.

1993, which was when the Apache web server project really got started, was also the beginnings of the popular ISP explosion when the Internet first became a mass market commodity and the idea of web-based electronic commerce and, and mass communication became real.

1993ий, когда проект Apache начался, был также началом взрыва популярности провайдеров когда Интернет впервые стал массовым продуктом и идея электронной коммерции и массовых коммуникаций стала реальна.

— I am not a commodity.

— Я не продукт.

— My story is not a commodity.

— Моя история не продукт.

Economics is the science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of commodities.

Экономика это наука, занимающаяся производством, распределением и потреблением продукта.

Commodities and art?

Сырьевые товары и искусство?

Another story making headlines this morning is, of course, Greece, whose prime minister officially requested activation of the EU/IMF bailout package, lifting the euro from its lowest level of the year and sending commodity prices soaring.

Этим утром в центре событий ещё один сюжет: Греция, чей премьер-министр попросил активировать программу помощи от Евросоюза и МВФ, поднимает курс евро с нижней годовой отметки и стремительно повышает цены на сырьевые товары.

Oh, mr. Mishkin writes economic forecasts for commodities.

Мистер Мишкин занимается прогнозами по сырьевым товарам.

weather derivatives are tradable commodities that protect business owners from future changes in the weather.

Погодный дериватив — сырьевой товар, который защищает бизнесменов, от изменений погодных условий.

You trade commodities based on weather patterns.

Торгуешь сырьевым товаром, основываясь на погодных условиях.

You rob us of perhaps our most cherished commodity, which is our respect for you… and our pride in working for you.

Возможно, вы лишаете нас самого ценного, что есть у нас. Это наше уважение к вам и гордость, что мы работаем с вами.

With a powerful magic that she cultivated with that most precious commodity… time.

С помощью сильной магии, которую она обрела и взрастила посредством самого ценного, что есть на свете — времени.

I’m a proven commodity who delivers outstanding billables.

Я — ценный экземпляр, приносящий большой доход.

You are the only commodity that they have.

Ты там единственный ценный сотрудник.

«Hundreds of thousands of Cubans are concerned directly or indirectly… «with the production or marketing of this commodity.

Сотни тысяч кубинцев так или иначе связаны с производством или продажей этого ценного продукта.

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Продовольственная безопасность и торговля сырьем.


Mr. Jean Paviot, Expert on Commodity Trade and Finance, France.


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Classical and structured commodity financing: trade financing, securitization, etc.


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Классическое и структурированное товарное финансирование: торговое финансирование, секьютеризация и т. д.


Needs and adequacy of commodity sector assistance.


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Помощь сырьевому сектору: потребности и ее адекватность.


Commodity financing, commodity exchanges(e.g., warehouse receipt systems) and commodity risk management.


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Товарному финансированию, товарным биржам( например, системам обращения складских расписок) и управлению рисками в сырьевом секторе.


Rising prices in the commodity market is over, said the Australian Department of Resources.


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Рост цен на товарном рынке закончился, заявило Австралийское министерство ресурсов.


Alternative 3 commodity mercury in accordance with the[requirements] guidelines.


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Альтернатива 3 товарную ртуть в соответствии с[ требованиями] руководящими принципами.


INCA is the only international commodity agreement with a buffer stock arrangement.


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МСНК- единственное международное товарное соглашение, предусматривающее механизм создания буферных запасов.


Commodity finance is often provided through international banks.


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Сырьевое финансирование часто предоставляется с помощью международных банков.


Africa’s commodity economy had its own special problems

that required specific measures.


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Сырьевая экономика Африки испытывает свои собственные особые проблемы,

для решения которых требуются специфические меры.


November 2004- Banking training»International Trade and Commodity Finance», ING Bank NV, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


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Ноябрь 2004-» International Trade and Commodity Finance»( банковский тренинг« Международное торговое и товарное финансирование»), ING Bank NV,

ING Bank NV, г. Амстердам, Нидерланды.


Commodity— production aspect of marketing includes:

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Товарно— производственный аспект маркетинга включает:

Each commodity will be arbitrarily added a crossed

out price within the limits of these percentages.


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Каждому товару произвольно добавится зачеркнутая цена в границах этих процентов.


Some of these countries have been able to use their commodity base for vertical diversification.


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Некоторые из этих стран смогли использовать свою сырьевую базу для вертикальной диверсификации.


Regional total production and their profile by commodity are shown.


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На диаграмме показаны

значения суммарного производства по регионам с разбивкой по товарам.


Big viscosity of vegetable oilmakes it difficult to consider it as commodity fuel for the diesel engine.


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Большая вязкостьрастительного масла затрудняет рассматривать его как товарное топливо длядизельного двигателя.


Information on a commodity(a work, a service) shall compulsorily contain.


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Какая инофрмация должна быть о товарах работах, услугах.


That reflected the closer links between commodity markets and financial markets.


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Это отражает усиление связей между сырьевыми и финансовыми рынками.


State-owned enterprises can

purchase metal goods through Belarus’ Universal Commodity Exchange.


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Государственные предприятия смогут приобретать металлопродукцию через Белорусскую универсальную товарную биржу.


Also, the countries of the EAEU apply the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity.


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Также страны ЕАЭС применяют Товарную номенклатуру внешнеэкономической деятельности.


Chapter I sketches out the historical context for the development of commodity policies in developing countries.


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В разделе I описывается исторический контекст, в котором формировалась сырьевая политика развивающихся стран.


First, a producer value for each commodity within the Input-Output table is calculated.


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На первом этапе рассчитывается цена производителя по каждому товару в рамках таблицы» затраты- выпуск.


Second, a retail and wholesale margin are estimated for each commodity.


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На втором этапе оцениваются розничная и оптовая наценки по каждому товару.


Improving the management of commodity resources.


Introduction: rural poverty, commodity production and.


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Введение: сельская нищета, сырьевое производство.


For»Price is the money-name of the labour realised in a commodity.

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Что« стоимость вообще есть не что иное, как труд, воплощенный в товаре».

Panel on Improving the Management of Commodity Resources.


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Дискуссия по улучшению управления сырьевыми ресурсами.


Mr. André Soumah Managing Director, Commodity Price Risk Management S.A., Geneva, Switzerland.


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Г-н Андре Сума Директор- распорядитель,» Коммодити прайс риск менеджмент С. А.», Женева, Швейцария.


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