The word committee in a sentence

Definition of Committee

a group of people appointed or elected to work on project or study a problem

Examples of Committee in a sentence

Each committee member was given a different task to complete for the upcoming Relay for Life Event.


Earlier in the month, the committee held a meeting to try and determine where the missing funds were.


Taking his seat at the head of the committee, the chairman was I charge of leading the investigation into possible ethics violations.


The search committee was made up of four members who were independent from the state’s auditors.


Hospital administrators assured the patient’s family they would put together a committee to look into the tragedy.


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  1. Magazine Iskusstvo King was devoted to Tchaikovsky. In their obituaries, the film,


    ,of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Union of Soviet Film Makers
  2. The Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945. According to the rules of the Nobel,


    ,a maximum of three people may share the prize. Fleming’s Nobel Prize medal was
  3. Committee begins investigations of Americans who have aided the View Cong. The,


    ,intends to introduce legislation making these activities illegal. Anti-war
  4. Refer to an employment agency, labor organization, or joint labor-management,


    , and is generally an employer engaged in interstate commerce and having 15 or
  5. Of Independence, the Second Continental Congress resolved to appoint a,


    ,of 13 to prepare a draft of a constitution for a union of the states. The final
  6. Could be held only once in a lifetime. The Boyle also served as an executive,


    ,for the assembly, and oversaw the activities of certain other magistrates. The
  7. For Information Interchange (ASCII) was developed under the auspices of a,


    ,of the American Standards Association, called the X3


    , by its X3.2 (
  8. In Aruba to inform and prepare the people of Aruba for independence. In 1976,a,


    ,appointed by Cross introduced the national flag and anthem as the symbols of
  9. Charles H. Percy jointly wrote an» Additional Views» section appended to the,


    ,report, expressing a bit more strongly that the Phillips review should have
  10. Charles Grad dick. The state Democratic Party is five-member election contest,


    ,invalidated the primary election result claiming that thousands of Republicans
  11. Of Independence, drafted largely by Thomas Jefferson and presented by the,


    , was slightly revised and unanimously adopted by the entire Congress on July 4
  12. For not bringing this or other serious situations to the attention of the,


    , » Freshman Senators Edward Brooke and Charles H. Percy jointly wrote an »
  13. Which hosts the famous ATP Tournament once a year. Awards Since 1950,a,


    ,of Aachen citizens annually awards the Karlspreis (German for ‘ Charlemagne
  14. Discounted in studies of the question. Seaman’s’ establishment of the Gloving,


    ,in July 1961 represented a turning point in NASA’s mission mode decision.
  15. To the national government. On June 12, 1776,a day after appointing a,


    ,to prepare a draft of the Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental
  16. Had included in The Malay Archipelago. Mill asked him to join the general,


    ,of his Land Tenure Reform Association, but the association dissolved after Mill
  17. Pascal. Algol-W was intended to be the next generation ALGOL but the ALGOL 68,


    , decided on a design that was more complex and advanced rather than a cleaned
  18. Code typically makes a long part of the transmission unreadable. The standards,


    ,decided against shifting, and so ASCII required at least a seven-bit code. The
  19. Of governmental advisory boards, known as Shanghai/審議会 in Japanese. One such,


    ,operated in the late 1990s,and its work resulted in the 1997 Ainu Culture Law.
  20. Recognized that the mode decision was an important part of this question. The,


    ,recommended in favor of a hybrid COLOR mode, but its consideration of FOR —
  21. Himself leader and makes changes. Meetings will no longer be held; instead,a,


    ,of pigs will run the farm. Using a young pig named Squealer as a mouthpiece
  22. Represented a turning point in NASA’s mission mode decision. While the ad-hoc,


    ,was intended to provide a recommendation on the boosters to be used in the
  23. The


    believes it should have been informed of the situation. The,


    ,does not object to the position of the Administrator of NASA, that all details
  24. But by the fact of his having deliberately and against the whole voice of the,


    ,of his section of the British Association, brought about a discussion of on
  25. Of the Book in written format. After initial hesitation, Abu Bakr made a,


    ,headed by AYD in Habit which included the memorizers of the Qur’an and Umar
  26. On Eugenics, under the auspices of the American Breeders Association. The,


    ,unequivocally extended the principle to man. From 1912 until 1918 he was the
  27. No deputy older than 40. Over these departments was a central planning,


    ,headed by Speer, which took increasing responsibility for war production, and
  28. Volunteering information which led to the disclosure of Phillips’ memo. The,


    ,noted in its final report NASA’s testimony that» the findings of the Phillips
  29. Auspices of a


    of the American Standards Association, called the X3,


    , by its X3.2 (later X3L2) sub


    , and later by that sub


  30. Acolytes. In 1952,he was brought before a United States Senate investigative,


    , Martin Gardner devoted an entire chapter of Fads and Fallacies in the Name of
  31. Field, and early EBCDIC, more than 64 codes were required for ASCII. The,


    ,debated the possibility of a shift key function (like the Ballot code),which
  32. Many special signs commonly-used as separators were placed before digits. The,


    ,decided it was important to support upper case 64-character alphabets, and
  33. For the parentheses. The @ symbol was not used in continental Europe and the,


    ,expected it would be replaced by an accented À in the French variation, so the
  34. Of the 13 was excellent. » Both John Backus and Peter Nair served on the,


    ,which created ALGOL 60 as did Wally Furze, who later created Logo. ALGOL 60
  35. To propose independence, and he did so on June 7,1776. On the 11th a,


    ,was created to draft a document explaining the justifications for separation
  36. Is generally considered the first). History ALGOL was developed jointly by a,


    ,of European and American computer scientists in a meeting in 1958 at ETH Zurich
  37. With foreign governments. Drafting The Second Continental Congress appointed a,


    ,to draft the Articles in June 1776 and sent the draft to the states for
  38. Decided against shifting, and so ASCII required at least a seven-bit code. The,


    ,considered an eight-bit code, since eight bits (octets) would allow two
  39. Texts in the possession of various Sahara, Zayd in Habit and members of his,


    ,verified the reading by comparing with those who had memorized the Qur’an.
  40. Close this initiative. After carrying out a routine review, the faculty review,


    ,said that the initiative had not met its research and teaching standards.
  41. First occurred in the fall of 1867. On November 21, 1867,the House Judiciary,


    ,produced a bill of impeachment that consisted of a vast collection of
  42. Cinema who had died in the preceding 12 months, a selection compiled by a small,


    ,of Academy members. This segment has drawn criticism over the years for the
  43. Missions of Paris» who was looking for a medical doctor. However,the,


    ,of this French Missionary Society was not ready to accept his offer
  44. Character matching and the construction of keyboards and printers. The X3,


    , made other changes, including other new characters (the brace and vertical
  45. The contractor later made significant progress in overcoming the problems,the,


    ,believes it should have been informed of the situation. The


    does not
  46. Is now the Gabon, in Africa (then a French colony). He refused to attend a,


    ,to inquire into his doctrine, but met each


    member personally and was
  47. Two are occasionally retronamed ANSI X3.4-1967,and ANSI X3.4-1968). The X3,


    , also addressed how ASCII should be transmitted (the least significant bit first)
  48. Require all data transmission to send eight bits when seven could suffice. The,


    ,voted to use a seven-bit code to minimize costs associated with data
  49. He refused to attend a


    to inquire into his doctrine, but met each,


    ,member personally and was at last accepted. By concerts and other fund-raising
  50. In the region to 68. Artur Aghabekian, chairman of the Armenian parliament’s,


    ,on defense and security, cited the need to double the forces to help Kosovo

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word committee, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use committee in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «committee». In addition, we also show how different variations of committee can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are committee’s, committeeman, committeemen, committees, committees’ and committee—the. If you click on the variation of committee that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Committee in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word committee in a sentence.

  1. The bills died in committee.

  2. The committee was told by J.

  3. That bill died in committee.

  4. The committee is overseen by the U.S.

  5. The committee was chaired by Philip N.

  6. The committee established a Franklin K.

  7. The committee recommended the bill pass.

  8. Caroe and a restoration committee formed.

  9. House committee: «The planet has a fever.

  10. A mortuary committee chaired by Alderman R.

  11. The committee was chaired by Stimson, with James F.

  12. Morris, head of the academy’s exhibitions committee.

  13. Watson will chair Kering’s sustainability committee.

  14. I won’t be chairman of the national committee again!

  15. The Senate committee asked the GAO to review the U.S.

  16. Johnson continued his opposition to spending, chairing a committee to control it.

  17. The committee adjourned, to meet again in executive session to consider the bill.

  18. The committee then approached the sculptor Charles Sargeant Jagger in early 1921.

  19. On November 19, committee chairman Charles Moore wrote to Mint Director Robert J.

  20. In 1956, a committee headed by Tun Abdul Razak re-evaluated the education system.

  21. In 1926, recommendations by the committee prompted the Coolidge administration to commission Lewis M.

  22. In the reshuffle of committee assignments that followed, Borah was given a seat on Foreign Relations.

  23. This further encouraged the committee, after the invasion of Hungary, to try negotiating with the SS.

  24. The Salt Lake Organizing Committee forced Joklik and committee vice president Dave Johnson to resign.

  25. The committee decided to head for Odessa flying a red flag and arrived there later that day at 22:00.

  26. In Weintraub’s phrase, «even the Nobel prize committee could no longer ignore Shaw after Saint Joan».

  27. Each member of the committee was assigned an area of responsibility, while Bush handled coordination.

  28. Only the part of B&PCR’s first extension as far as Museum Street was considered by the committee.

  29. The joint committee organising the British response to this resolution contained a difference of view.

  30. DeWine later worked on the intelligence committee with Glenn and watched his second launch into space.

  31. Evarts to lead a special cabinet committee charged with drawing up new rules for federal appointments.

  32. The list consists of programs that a NASSP committee believes meets their requisite quality standards.

  33. In response to the Allied Big Week, Adolf Hitler authorized the creation of a Fighter Staff committee.

  34. That committee reported back on April 16, with an amendment that raised the minimum mintage to 25,000.

  35. Ultimately, the bill was reported out of committee on April 9 by a 12–4 vote without a recommendation.

  36. Cherwell managed to persuade Churchill to propose to Cabinet that a small committee be established to examine the matter.

  37. The new constitution was based on a copy of the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution provided by one of the committee members.

  38. The tournament committee invited the University of Washington Huskies to participate in the 1924 game, and they accepted.

  39. The committee met on 14 July and decided all cemeteries should have a general theme, though one had not yet been decided.

  40. The committee planned to incorporate its memorial into a larger monument proposed by the Royal Navy for Trafalgar Square.

  41. That committee reported back on the 16th, recommending an amendment to require that not less than 25,000 coins be struck.

  42. Over twenty volunteer organizations met to establish a long-term committee to find resources for disaster recovery needs.

  43. Tufnell was part of the committee overseeing the process, but found that the Greeks strongly opposed the British designs.

  44. She bowed to the inevitable and submitted her resignation from the committee to the Duchess of Portland in the same year.

  45. Tolman assembled a committee, which took a list of the Manhattan Project’s activities and assigned each a classification.

  46. Clark leads a political action committee, «WesPAC», which he formed after the 2004 primaries and used to support Democratic Party candidates in the 2006 midterm elections.

  47. While Eisenhower affirmed that the RNC had the power to elect a replacement candidate, Eisenhower indicated that the committee would, most likely, be guided by his wishes.

  48. The LIHG passed a resolution that its teams would only play against teams approved by the CAHA and the AHAUS, which was accepted by the Swiss Olympic organizing committee.

  49. At a public meeting on 29 March, the committee agreed to abandon the scheme and that «a memorial worthy of the city be erected on the ground near the main entrance gates».

  50. Further disagreements between Fender and the Surrey committee over his approach and tactics led the county to replace him as captain in 1932 and to end his career in 1935.

Committee’s in a sentence

Committee’s is a variation of committee, below you can find example sentences for committee’s.

  1. That committee’s chairman, Oklahoma’s Robert L.

  2. The committee’s final report was released in June 1919.

  3. The full Assay Commission adopted that committee’s report.

  4. The targeting committee’s list included 18 Japanese cities.

  5. The committee’s first task was to consider a new battleship.

  6. The committee’s whitewash caused Buddhist protests to escalate.

  7. The committee’s investigation lasted from May 1911 to April 1912.

  8. However, some of the committee’s selections have caused controversy.

  9. The committee’s efforts were successful, and a game was scheduled on June 19.

  10. Still, two or three hundred remained, awaiting the election committee’s findings.

  11. The committee’s report and hearings were instrumental in fostering anti-Bolshevik opinion.

  12. In any event, Blaine had the letters and refused the committee’s demand to turn them over.

  13. The committee’s work continued even after the agency was declared unconstitutional in 1935.

  14. Oliphant then set out to find out why the committee’s findings were apparently being ignored.

  15. He met Chandler and the rest of the anti-Grant cabal at the entrance of the committee’s suite.

  16. Armed men from eastern Kentucky filled the capital, awaiting the contest committee’s findings.

  17. The committee’s work culminated with the resignation of President Richard Nixon in August 1974.

  18. The committee’s mandate did not include the use of the bomb—its use upon completion was presumed.

  19. Bakke received 468 points out of a possible 500 on the admissions committee’s rating scale in 1973.

  20. The committee anticipated that the same artist would first design the committee’s medal and then the coin.

Committeeman in a sentence

Committeeman is a variation of committee, below you can find example sentences for committeeman.

  1. Batterman, Lundin’s 41st ward committeeman, supported Robertson before crossing over to Thompson.

  2. In 1949, Sawyer served as a Democratic committeeman and Clark and Dilworth won city offices that year.

  3. Farley, the New York city committeeman; then when you flop coins you will always have the head of Farley».

  4. To help improve discipline, Bradman became a committeeman of the SACA, and a selector of the South Australian and Australian teams.

  5. In 1988, Nunn unsuccessfully challenged Congressman Jim Bunning in his bid to retain his position as Kentucky’s Republican national committeeman.

  6. He worked very hard and well: a good chairman, a good committeeman, always very businesslike.» As chairman of the Lord President’s Committee, he exerted great influence over the wartime economy.

Committeemen in a sentence

Committeemen is a variation of committee, below you can find example sentences for committeemen.

  1. The brothers were very active there serving as jurymen, constables, committeemen and commissioners to the Provincial Assembly.

Committees in a sentence

Committees is a variation of committee, below you can find example sentences for committees.

  1. Examples of such committees include:.

  2. He served on the following committees:.

  3. The Privy Council comprises a number of committees:.

  4. The chairman divided the members into the committees.

  5. John Moroney was appointed secretary of both committees.

  6. The two committees were jointly chaired by Senator Richard Russell, Jr.

  7. Unlike the original two committees, they had written terms of reference.

  8. A series of government committees failed to address the force’s problems.

  9. There are five committees within the board which oversee specific matters.

  10. The members of those five committees are composed of Town Council members.

  11. The city and county memorial committees conspicuously failed to co-operate.

  12. Adams and the correspondence committees promoted opposition to the Tea Act.

  13. There, Bannister’s work was segregated and ignored by the judging committees.

  14. Nobel Prize nominations were vetted by committees of five, one for each award.

  15. On August 16, delegations from other strike committees arrived at the shipyard.

  16. Similar committees also existed in Germany, France, Belgium, and other nations.

  17. Nonetheless, he continued to work on a number of committees and advisory boards.

  18. In the wake of his appeal, support committees were formed throughout the country.

  19. He also met with members of civic committees to raise money for a local monument.

  20. Individual committees worked to desegregate various public facilities in Memphis.

Committees’ in a sentence

Committees’ is a variation of committee, below you can find example sentences for committees’.

  1. It is also designed to increase Members’ and EP committees’ capacity to scrutinise and oversee the European Commission and other EU executive bodies.

Committee—the in a sentence

Committee—the is a variation of committee, below you can find example sentences for committee—the.

  1. His disinclination to play amateurs in the Surrey team unless they were talented enough was opposed by the Surrey committee—the Surrey president, H.

Synonyms for committee

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word committee has the following synonyms: citizens committee and commission.

General information about «committee» example sentences

The example sentences for the word committee that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «committee» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «committee».

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1) The committee has decided to dismiss him.

2) Mrs Meddeman heads the fund-raising committee.

3) The committee ultimately adopted his suggestions.

4) The committee lacked a correct estimate of his ability.

5) The committee voted to re-elect him chairman.

6) Without the chairman’s support, the committee is impotent.

7) Such decisions are outside the remit of this committee.

8) The committee are busy laying down a general policy.

9) Two members were turfed out of the committee.

10) A committee was constituted to investigate into.

11) Your suggestions are being followed up by our committee.

12) The committee backtracked by scrapping the controversial bonus system.

13) The committee came forward with one viable solution.

14) We banded ourselves together and organized a committee.

15) He steamrollered the plan through the committee.

16) They appointed him to the committee.

17) The committee was reconstituted after May 26.

18) The committee was composed entirely of specialists.

19) She was the unanimous choice of the selection committee.

20) The committee is made up of six women.

21) Moderates have displaced the extremists on the committee.

22) The committee will report on its research next month.

23) The committee consists of thirty members.

24) Lord Stansfield will chair the committee.

25) A committee will arbitrate between management and unions.

26) The committee can integrate the different plans.

27) She has recently been appointed to the committee.

28) The committee is reviewing the current arrangement/situation.

29) The committee have thought carefully over this plan.

30) The committee will need time to assimilate this report.

More similar words: summit, admit to, commission, commissioner, little by little, fit to, little, submit, permit, a little, pittance, teen, swimming, transmit, steel, steer, steep, immigrant, to the limit, limitation, fifteen, teenage, programming, immigration, teenager, repartee, volunteer, self-esteem, letter, matter. 

Asked by: Devyn Becker

Score: 4.4/5
(36 votes)

Committee is a collective noun. A committee is made up of multiple people, but the word itself is singular in form. In American English, collective nouns take is. In British English, collective nouns can take is or are.

What is the plural form of committee?

The plural form of committee is committees.

Is a committee it or their?

A committee is made up of people, but it is not a person. A person is, at least traditionally, either «he» or «she.» A committee is «it» if you are referring to it as a single entity, «they» if you want to emphasize the individuals in it.

What is the singular form of committee?

committees — Simple English Wiktionary.

Has or have with committee?

The correct answer is ‘it has reached a decision‘. The subject of the given question (the committee) is singular. ‘The committee’ is a collective noun . It is generally followed by a singular verb and uses a singular pronoun.

40 related questions found

How do you use the word committee in a sentence?

Committee in a Sentence ?

  1. Each committee member was given a different task to complete for the upcoming Relay for Life Event.
  2. Earlier in the month, the committee held a meeting to try and determine where the missing funds were.

Is bread and butter singular?

If the two nouns joined by and represent a singular idea, then the verb is singular. E.g. Bread and butter is available on request.

Is the word committee singular?

Committee is a collective noun. A committee is made up of multiple people, but the word itself is singular in form. In American English, collective nouns take is. … But even in American English, a collective noun can take are when you need to emphasize the individual members of the group.

What is an example of committee?

Examples are an audit committee, an elections committee, a finance committee, a fundraising committee, and a program committee. … Committees may be formed to do research and make recommendations on a potential or planned project or change.

What verb is used with committee?

We often use singular nouns that refer to groups of people (for example: team, government, committee) as if they were plural. This is because we often think of the group as people, doing things that people do (eating, wanting, feeling etc). In such cases, we use a plural verb.

Does is singular or plural?

We use do/does or is/are as question words when we want to ask yes/no questions. We use does and is with third person singular pronouns (he, she, it) and with singular noun forms. We use do and are with other personal pronouns (you, we they) and with plural noun forms.

Is have singular or plural?

Have is both singular and plural. For example, in the simple present tense, ‘have’ is used in the first and second person singular.

Where do we use plural?

A plural noun is a word that indicates that there is more than one person, animal place, thing, or idea. When you talk about more than one of anything, you’re using plural nouns. When you write about more than one of anything, you usually use the same word, simply adding an s, es, or ies to the end.

What is another word for committee?

Synonyms of committee

  • assembly,
  • body,
  • congress,
  • convocation,
  • council,
  • synod.

What is the plural of jury?

noun. ju·​ry | ˈju̇r-ē , ˈjər- plural juries.

What is the plural of ox?

noun. ˈäks plural oxen ˈäk-​sən also ox.

What are some examples of standing committees?

  • Aging.
  • Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.
  • Appropriations.
  • Armed Services.
  • Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
  • Budget.
  • Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
  • Energy and Natural Resources.

What are the 5 types of committees?

There are five different types of committees—standing committees, subcommittees, select committees, joint committees, and the Committee of the Whole.

  • Standing Committees. …
  • Subcommittees. …
  • Select Committees. …
  • Joint Committees. …
  • Committee of the Whole.

Who are the committee members?

The roles of people on your committee or management team could be:

  • president/chairperson.
  • secretary.
  • treasurer.
  • team manager.
  • marketing and promotions officer.
  • health and safety officer.
  • volunteer coordinator.

Is everybody or are everybody?

Everybody/everyone is is correct because although you are talking about a group of people, it has been made into one singular group. Everybody is happy that we are going to Spain next year. Everyone is welcome in our house.

Is crowd is a collective noun?

Crowd also means to cram closely together. Crowd has several other senses as a noun and a verb. The word crowd can be used to describe any large group of people.

Which is correct bread and butter is are our daily food?

Answer: Bread and butter is our daily food.

Which is correct bread and butter is or are?

If you’re referring to bread and butter as two separate things, you need «are». If you mean bread which has butter spread on it, then you need «is». «Bread and butter is delicious with a banana.»

What is the meaning of his only bread and butter?

adjective. providing a livelihood or basic source of income; supplying the basic needs of life: a bread-and-butter job; the agency’s bread-and-butter account.

What does committee mean in a sentence?

1a : a body of persons delegated to consider, investigate, take action on, or report on some matter an advisory committee specifically : a group of fellow legislators chosen by a legislative body to give consideration to legislative matters The bill has been sent back to committee.

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