The word commercial in a sentence

Synonym: commercial message. Similar words: summer, comment, commence, comment on, recommend, merchant, from memory, at the mercy of. Meaning: [kə’mɜːʃl]  n. a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television. adj. 1. connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises 2. of or relating to commercialism 3. of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior. 

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1. The plane did not fly the usual commercial route.

2. I work for a commercial radio station.

3. She is developing the commercial side of the organization.

4. The commercial telephone service was no longer operative.

5. They levied religious taxes on Christian commercial transactions.

6. Existing commercial broadcasters claim the new stations are illegal.

7. Commercial television is a medium for advertising.

8. The pension funds are administered by commercial banks.

9. Commercial exploitation of resources threatens our survival.

10. A commercial agent manages the business affairs of company.

11. The commercial future of the company looks very promising.

12. Commercial television is an effective medium for advertising.

13. Her novels are well written and commercial as well.

14. Her father was a commercial traveller who sold kitchenware.

15. This is only a commercial book.

16. The sale was handled by Adams Commercial.

17. Our top priorities must be profit and commercial growth.

18. He was accused of commercial opportunism.

18. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

19. Despite his great commercial success he still yearns for critical approval.

20. Don’t forget this is a commercial enterprise — we’re here to make money.

21. It calls for the exclusion of all commercial lending institutions from the college loan program.

22. Although the mill is no longer in commercial use, it is maintained as a working museum.

23. A commercial college teaches things that would be useful in business.

24. Each company is fighting to protect its own commercial interests.

25. They commenced large-scale commercial manufacture of the chairs in January.

26. The hope is that this area will develop into a vibrant commercial centre.

27. They cynically tried to trade off a reduction in the slaughter of dolphins against a resumption of commercial whaling.

28. Attention is drawn to a special voluntary course in Commercial French.

29. Docklands in its heyday was a major centre of industrial and commercial activity.

30. He is interested in buying the club as a commercial undertaking.

More similar words: summer, comment, commence, comment on, recommend, merchant, from memory, at the mercy of, recommendation, racial, social, special, crucial, official, socially, officially, judicial, specialty, especially, financial, specialize, specialist, artificial, commencement, social services, financial crisis, carcinomas, per cent, fierce, perceive. 

коммерческий, торговый, доходный, реклама, коммивояжер


- торговый, коммерческий

- доходный, прибыльный, выгодный; рентабельный

commercial film — коммерческий (кино)фильм
commercial broadcast — радиопередача реклам и объявлений

- промышленного значения

commercial quantities of oil — промышленные запасы нефти

- серийный
- спец. технический (в отличие от химически чистого материала)

commercial soda — техническая сода
commercial tests — промышленные испытания


- реклама и объявления
- рекламная, коммерческая передача; передача (концерта, викторины и т. п.), оплаченная фирмой в рекламных целях
- коммерческое телевидение (тж. commercial television)
- коммерческое радио (тж. commercial radio)
- разг. коммивояжёр

Мои примеры


a clerk in a commercial firm — служащий /работник, продавец/ в коммерческой фирме  
the commercial hub of the region — коммерческий центр региона  
business / commercial centre — деловой центр, район  
commercial cargo — коммерческий груз  
commercial business — торговое предпринимательство, торговля  
commercial credit — коммерческий кредит  
commercial facilities — торговые предприятия  
commercial risk — коммерческий риск  
commercial deposit — промышленное месторождение  
commercial frequency — промышленная частота  
commercial grade — товарный сорт  
commercial manufacture — выпуск продукции на рынок  

Примеры с переводом

The film was a huge commercial success.

Фильм имел огромный коммерческий успех.

It was presented without commercial breaks.

Её (т.е. передачу) показали без перерывов на рекламу.

Commercial establishments remain closed today.

Торговые предприятия сегодня остаются закрытыми.

We’ll take a look at the weather right after this commercial break.

Сразу после рекламной паузы мы предложим вашему вниманию прогноз погоды.

Their music is too commercial.

Их музыка слишком коммерческая.

Is the property or any part thereof used for commercial activity?

Используется ли данная собственность или какая-либо ее часть в коммерческих целях?

Canadian Commercial Corporation

Канадская коммерческая корпорация (занимается куплей-продажей товаров на государственном уровне и содействует экспорту канадских товаров)

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Gibbons failed to see the commercial value of his discovery.

When he purchased the company it was a thriving commercial enterprise.

The company offers insurance for commercial and residential customers.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

commercialese  — стиль коммерческих документов
commercialism  — торгашеский дух
commercialize  — превращать в источник прибыли, ставить на коммерческую ногу
commercialist  — торгаш
commercially  — в торговом отношении, с коммерческой точки зрения, в больших количествах, в…
commerciality  — меркантильность, торгашество
uncommercial  — некоммерческий, неторговый, или радиоролик

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): commercial
мн. ч.(plural): commercials

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word commercial, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use commercial in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «commercial».

Commercial in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word commercial in a sentence.

  1. It was a commercial failure.

  2. It was also a commercial failure.

  3. The film was a commercial success.

  4. The song was a commercial success.

  5. Myst was an immense commercial success.

  6. Of the three main commercial networks:.

  7. The bridge was not a commercial success.

  8. In another commercial failure, Sooraj R.

  9. Saathiya emerged as a commercial success.

  10. It was a critical and commercial failure.

  11. The memoirs were a commercial and critical success.

  12. Star Control 3 was considered a commercial success.

  13. The commercial utilizes a practical puppet for E.T.

  14. Despite mixed reviews, it was a commercial success.

  15. Hankey commercial, the baby originally held the Mr.

  16. James attributed this rise principally to «the stiff breeze of the commercial, ..

  17. The RPG was never released while the 64DD went on to become a commercial failure.

  18. Phallus indusiatus has been cultivated on a commercial scale in China since 1979.

  19. Despite the commercial success, critics gave Sweet Home Alabama negative reviews.

  20. Kong: Skull Island was a commercial success, grossing over $566 million worldwide.

  21. City officials were concerned about the impact to commercial and industrial business in Grand Rapids.

  22. Ranaut later played the eponymous lead in the musical drama Rajjo, a critical and commercial failure.

  23. Lethbridge serves as a hub for commercial activity in the region by providing services and amenities.

  24. Today commercial parrot food is supplied to all individuals of breeding age on Whenua Hou and Anchor.

  25. A commercial success, Watchmen has received critical acclaim both in the comics and mainstream press.

  26. Homes, fences, and signs were damaged in both residential and commercial districts of the metropolis.

  27. Hillsboro’s primary commercial cores are concentrated along Tualatin Valley Highway and Cornell Road.

  28. Kirk is in fact an aspiring actor who was only trying out for the part of a woodsman in a commercial.

  29. Siti Akbari was a commercial and critical success, seeing two reprints and a film adaptation in 1940.

  30. In 2007, Grasshopper Manufacture released Suda51’s No More Heroes to critical and commercial success.

  31. Initially a commercial venture, the British government assumed responsibility for the colony in 1808.

  32. Many of the apartments are furnished, but some of the upper-floor commercial spaces come unfurnished.

  33. The commercial was handled by the advertising agency Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO, with a budget of £1.3M.

  34. To sustain this activity, a range of commercial activities was hoped to generate the required funding.

  35. Hamasaki herself starred in the TV commercial for the game, which was first broadcast on September 17.

  36. On the eastern edge of Cheboygan the highway intersects F-05 before following State Street through a commercial district.

  37. The remaining windows on the first floor are stainless-steel show windows, which illuminate the commercial spaces inside.

  38. Gateshead Council invited tenders in August 2008 from commercial organisations interested in undertaking the development.

  39. With the company in need of a broad commercial success, EA invested in Accolade in 1997 and took over their distribution.

  40. Other bands, such as Cradle of Filth and Dimmu Borgir, embraced a more commercial sound and production aesthetic instead.

  41. The road curves more gently and takes longer straightaways, with lower density of residential and commercial development.

  42. In spite of its critical and commercial success, Morrowind did not win any end-of-year press awards for its Xbox release.

  43. The critical and commercial success of the film of David Copperfield led to an invitation to return to Hollywood in 1936.

  44. After Berry left the band in 1997, the band continued its career in the 2000s with mixed critical and commercial success.

  45. Medica, Battat, and Selvin used most of the money to produce and air a television commercial that viewers would remember.

  46. The City was then, as now, the commercial heart of the capital, and was the largest market and busiest port in England, dominated by the trading and manufacturing classes.

  47. The legal dispute was conceded in May 2012, with Valve gaining franchising rights for commercial use to the trademark, while non-commercial use remains open to the public.

  48. With 4.96 million copies sold, the original PlayStation version of Resident Evil 2 was a commercial success, and is the franchise’s best-selling game on a single platform.

  49. These Victorian era developments shifted the commercial focus away from Chadderton Fold to the major arterial Middleton Road, by Chadderton’s eastern boundary with Oldham.

  50. Permits are available for the use of powered boats on the lake for use in rescue, training, commercial purposes or special interest (such as historic steam-powered boats).

Synonyms for commercial

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word commercial has the following synonyms: commercialized, commercialised, mercantile, mercenary, moneymaking, technical, inferior, transaction, dealing, dealings and commercial message.

General information about «commercial» example sentences

The example sentences for the word commercial that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «commercial» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «commercial».

commercial — перевод на русский


Wow, you have all those fancy cards I see commercials for.

У тебя одна из тех карточек, ради которых я смотрю рекламу.

They use it to eliminate commercials.

Они используют его, чтобы устранить рекламу.

— The factory I worked in… they shot a commercial for bananas.

Завод где я работала… Они делали рекламу бананов.

Now the Chairman, District Veterinary Surgeon Roger Uddersfield… will present today’s commercials.

«так директор радиокомитета, районный ветеринар –угер …юртаппен, представл€ет сегодн€шнюю рекламу.

Well, I do commercials, sort of.

Я делаю рекламу на радио.

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They made a reservation for you on a commercial flight into New York City. Sending a car to take you and the young lady to the airport.

Они зарезервировали для вас место на коммерческий рейс до Нью-Йорка и прислали машину, чтобы отвезти вас и юную леди в аэропорт.

Commercial course.

Коммерческий, конечно.

This is commercial towing vehicle Nostromo… out of the Solomons, registration number… 1— 8-0-niner-2-4-6-0-niner. Calling Antarctica Traffic Control.

[Рипли] Это коммерческий тягач Ностромо… следующий с Соломонов, регистрационный номер… 1-8-0-9-2-4-6-0-9… вызывает службу управления полетами Антарктика.

Commercial towing vehicle Nostromo out of the Solomons… registration number 1— 8-0-niner-2-4-6-0-niner.

Коммерческий тягач Ностромо, следующий с Соломонов… регистрационный номер 1-8-0-9-2-4-6-0-9.

I hate to bring this up, but, uh… this is a commercial ship, not a rescue ship.

Не хотелось бы об этом напоминать, но это коммерческий корабль, а не спасательный.

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Commercial two. Just the way I like it!

Рекламный ролик №2 Ах…

We may see this one day yet, but this is the ultimate television commercial they want to do;

Возможно, мы его когда-нибудь ещё увидим — самый главный рекламный ролик на ТВ

I’m shooting a quick commercial parody for a video game.

Я снимаю пародию на рекламный ролик компьютерной игры.

Sorry, did I mess up the commercial?

Простите, я испортил рекламный ролик?

We’ll have to return the down payment for the commercial!

Нам придётся вернуть задаток за рекламный ролик.

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You can’t show that commercial.

Этот ролик нельзя показывать.

Hexagon oil commercial number one.

Рекламный ролик «Шестиугольника» Номер Один…

Dad, was that your commercial?

Папа, это был твой ролик?

— Okay, everyone. — I found his commercial.

Я нашел его рекламньIй ролик.

Did I wonder into a Beltone commercial here?

Я что попал в рекламный ролик компании Беллтон?

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All commercial announcements will be omitted.

Другие рекламные объявления будут пропускаться.

— I watch the sauce during commercials.

— Я слежу за соусом в рекламные паузы.

Doesn’t this family know any songs that aren’t commercials?

Неужели в этой семье знают только рекламные песенки?

Yoko’s Thought Up Commercial

Рекламные идеи Ёко

Jin found out that not only does Bangkok have supermarkets, billboards and commercials everywhere, but it also has language schools.

Джин обнаружила, что в Бангкоке есть не только супермаркеты и рекламные щиты, но и школы иностранных языков.

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The planet Ariannus is vital as a transfer point on regular space commercial lanes.

Планета Арианна — важная транзитная точка для торговых полетов.

But because Spanish ports and vessels were closed to the Dutch the economic survival of the tiny republic depended on its ability to construct, man and operate a great fleet of commercial sailing vessels.

Но так как испанские порты и корабли были недоступны для Голландии, экономическое выживание крошечной республики зависело от способности построить и отправить в плавание флот торговых морских судов.

Commercial and military vessels became more abundant.

Появилось много торговых и военных кораблей.

I would like to talk to you about commercial lending rights.

Я хотел бы поговорить с вами о торговых займах.

But… we let these knuckleheads know that if they move to these areas… away from the residential streets away from commercial areas, away from schools… if they take their shit down the road they go about their business without any interference from us.

Но… мы дадим понять этим придуркам… что если они переместятся в эти районы… вдали от густонаселенных улиц… вдали от торговых районов, вдали от школ… если он заберут с собой дерьмо… они смогут заниматься своими делами безо всякого вмешательства с нашей стороны.

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You know what, we’ll just fly commercial.

Знаете что? Мы полетим коммерческим рейсом.

Rutledge was flying commercial and had just left L.A.

Ратледж летел коммерческим рейсом и только что покинул Лос-Анджелес.

Correct. You fly commercially into Rafic-Hariri tomorrow afternoon, you grab a cab downtown, and you check into the Commodore.

Вы летите коммерческим рейсом в Рэфик-Харири завтра днем, берете такси до центра города, и заселяетесь в Коммодор.

You were gonna fly him commercially?

Вы собирались лететь с ним коммерческим рейсом?

I’m not quite ready to fly commercial yet, so—

Я еще не готов лететь коммерческим рейсом, так что…

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Final commercial.

Последняя рекламная пауза.

Here comes the commercial.

Рекламная пауза!

Hey, the commercial’s over.

Рекламная пауза закончилась.

— Is it a commercial?

Рекламная пауза?

We’ll also listen to some commercials meanwhile

А сейчас рекламная пауза.

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But that’s commercial parmesan.

Но это промышленный пармезан.

P.V.C. Tube. Commercial hair spray as an accelerant.

ПВХ труба, промышленный лак для волос в качестве ускорителя

It’s from a restaurant ventilation system, commercial grade, and… It needs servicing.

Он от системы вентиляции ресторана, промышленный класс, и… ему нужен ремонт.



Most commercial security systems use magnetic sensors.

Большинство промышленных систем безопасности используют магнитные сенсоры.

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You’re just putting that in… because it’s commercial.

Ты пишешь об этом, потому что это коммерция.


Это коммерция.

German Commercial Correspondence.

Немецкая коммерция.

It’s commercial, man, you know, no charm.

Это лишь коммерция, бездушная.

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Отправить комментарий

Unsolicited bulk email (UBE) or unsolicited commercial email (UCE), is the practice of sending unwanted e-mail messages, frequently with *commercial* content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients. ❋ Ann Althouse (2008)

BUT, where it gets distracting for me — and IMO bad for commercial fiction — is where the *commercial* aspect outweighs the *fiction* aspect. ❋ Unknown (2007)

I was wondering if you could give us the geographic breakout of the term commercial real estate and construction loans you have remaining on ❋ Unknown (2010)

In our release, you can see that nonperforming loan category totaled $89.7 million as of December 31, and that category includes commercial construction project, commercial lot loans as well as the term commercial loans. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The client desired t have a high listing for the term commercial photographer and we have him at number three as of the writing of this article. ❋ Unknown (2009)

For these reasons the term commercial speech should be interpreted broadly to encompass all expression by for-profit corporations. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The message of the commercial is also 100% correct. ❋ Unknown (2010)

For those who got their teenage music from AM Radio, anything that goes longer than 3 minutes without a commercial is a rock opera. ❋ Unknown (2009)

This commercial is actually banned in the states south of Kentucky. ❋ Unknown (2008)

«Every other commercial is about politics,» she said. ❋ Unknown (2008)

What they edited out of the commercial is the ~10-20 seconds of dead time while EDGE initiates communication with the network. ❋ Unknown (2007)

In you parlance, this commercial is also for the brain damaged, it just happens to be for brain damaged people like you. ❋ Unknown (2007)

(Full disclosure – that enticing specimen of a man in the commercial is myself) ❋ Unknown (2007)

Some of the things the Treasury has done, for example, standing behind what they call commercial papers. ❋ Unknown (2008)

I think we may very well see the same thing taking place in Iran, with most recent reports indicating that they are accelerating their own development of what they call commercial nuclear power, but which we feel will be a capability to develop a nuclear bomb. ❋ Unknown (2003)

We part on the borders of Cumberland, when he must return to his lodgings in Marybone, up three pair of stairs, and labour at what he calls the commercial part of his profession. ❋ Unknown (1917)

There are merchants who excuse themselves for deviation from truthfulness because of what they call commercial custom. ❋ Unknown (1867)

Mrs Hart declined to be drawn on what she called «commercial matters for the company to discuss with its bankers». ❋ Unknown (2012)

— this commercial says that this ([whatnot]) increases [98]% of (whatever). you think they actually did a study bout this..?
— [probably not], but it’s just a commercial..
— does this mean they can lie to people?
— pretty much.. ❋ Zoster (2008)

People don’t want to buy his [album] [anymore] because it’s too commercial, it has no [realness]. ❋ Spmack (2003)

Oh no! not another [goddamned] commercial. [Ughh]! This is torture! Shut up! SHUT UUUPPPPPPPP! Shut the F…………………[CK] UUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! (viewer kicks over his TV…..) ❋ Space Demon-69M (2019)

Tom : I got so pissed off at the commercial, I just [turned off] the TV and started [smashing] [bricks].
Rick : Just try watching infomercials. ❋ MSooRi (2009)

You [got] the commercial or [the kind] [bud] ❋ Chillcat (2003)

I was [trying to] [score] some [kind bud], but all I could find was commercial. ❋ Jimmy30000 (2005)

[Nimrod]:Blink 182 and [Sum41] are the best bands ever!
[Coolguy]:No they suck, they’re punk-pop and to make it worse they’re commercial. ❋ Khalil (2004)

Girl: you should really [do your homework].
Guy: I can’t [I’m in] [the middle] of a really good show
Girl: Oh look, its a commercialGuy: Damn. ❋ Vegetableheadperson (2011)

[Robot]: Let Us Smoke These [Commercial] Marijuana Leaves.
Robot: OK — Wow That Was Great I Feel High I Will [Do It Again] ❋ Ahem! Dumb. (2003)

cable and [satelite] providers that show commercials like [direct tv] and comcast, and [time warner] and eagle communications, and many others need to be replaced by companies that actually care about their customers. ❋ Hawn Gnarley (2014)

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