The word cold in example sentences

Sentences with the word Cold?



  • «fatty tissue protected them from the severe cold«
  • «bugle beads all aglitter»; «glinting eyes»; «glinting water»; «his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent»; «shop window full of glittering Christmas trees»; «glittery costume jewelry»; «scintillant mica»; «the scintillating stars»; «a dress with sparkly sequins»; «`glistering’ is an archaic term»
  • «The cold water quenched his thirst»
  • «my foot is asleep»; «numb with cold«
  • «The room was bathed in sunlight»; «I was bathed in a cold sweat»; «veal bathed in a rich creamy sauce»
  • «The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger’s car»; «The deputy ragged the Prime Minister»; «The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup»
  • «bitter cold«; «a biting wind»
  • «it was bitterly cold«; «bitter cold«
  • «he’s a blasted idiot»; «it’s a blamed shame»; «a blame cold winter»; «not a blessed dime»; «I’ll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I’ll do any such thing»; «he’s a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool»; «a deuced idiot»; «an infernal nuisance»
  • «the air conditioning was blasting cold air at us»
  • «the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit»; «the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces»; «a ruinous war»
  • «her cheeks blushed in the cold winter air»
  • «blustering (or blusterous) winds of Patagonia»; «a cold blustery day»; «a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind»
  • «Boreas was pictured as bearded and powerful and winged and draped against the cold«
  • «the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold«
  • «she walked briskly in the cold air»; «`after lunch,’ she said briskly»
  • «a callous indifference to suffering»; «cold-blooded and indurate to public opinion»
  • «an ability to interest casual students»; «showed a casual disregard for cold weather»; «an utterly insouciant financial policy»; «an elegantly insouciant manner»; «drove his car with nonchalant abandon»; «was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner»
  • «did you catch a cold
  • «catching cold is sometimes unavoidable»; «the contracting of a serious illness can be financially catastrophic»
  • «the dank climate of southern Wales»; «plants from a cold clime travel best in winter»
  • «a cold climate»; «a cold room»; «dinner has gotten cold«; «cold fingers»; «if you are cold, turn up the heat»; «a cold beer»
  • «a cold unfriendly nod»; «a cold and unaffectionate person»; «a cold impersonal manner»; «cold logic»; «the concert left me cold«
  • «a cold trail»; «dogs attempting to catch a cold scent»
  • «a cold bluish grey»
  • «had her lines cold before rehearsals started»
  • «cold fury gripped him»
  • «a cold audience»; «a cold response to the new play»
  • «the boxer was out cold«; «pass out cold«
  • «cold in his grave»
  • «in cold blood»; «cold-blooded killing»; «insensate destruction»
  • «was cold to his advances»; «a frigid woman»
  • «the coldness made our breath visible»; «come in out of the cold«; «cold is a vasoconstrictor»
  • «he shivered from the cold«; «the cold helped clear his head»
  • «will they never find a cure for the common cold
  • «I told him cold turkey»
  • «he quit smoking cold turkey»; «she quit her job cold turkey»
  • «she poured cold water on the whole idea of going to Africa»
  • «She cold-shouldered her ex-fiance»
  • «the common man»; «a common sailor»; «the common cold«; «a common nuisance»; «followed common procedure»; «it is common knowledge that she lives alone»; «the common housefly»; «a common brand of soap»
  • «The cold air condensed the steam»
  • «`hot’ and `cold‘ are contrary terms»
  • «the cold crystalline water of melted snow»; «crystal clear skies»; «could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool»; «lucid air»; «a pellucid brook»; «transparent crystal»
  • «a cutting wind»; «keen winds»; «knifelike cold«; «piercing knifelike pains»; «piercing cold«; «piercing criticism»; «a stabbing pain»; «lancinating pain»
  • «extremely cold«; «extremely unpleasant»; «she is super smart»; «the night was deathly cold«; «as a child, I was deathly afraid of snakes»
  • «She stood in for the soprano who suffered from a cold«
  • «devilish schemes»; «the cold calculation and diabolic art of some statesmen»; «the diabolical expression on his face»; «a mephistophelian glint in his eye»
  • «a race against hail or cold rains or some other elemental catastrophe»- J.K.Howard
  • «extreme cold«; «extreme caution»; «extreme pleasure»; «utmost contempt»; «to the utmost degree»; «in the uttermost distress»
  • «My cold is gone—I feel fine today»; «She felt tired after the long hike»; «She felt sad after her loss»
  • «I feel like staying in bed all day»; «I feel like a cold beer now»
  • «The soldiers were fired»; «Surrender fires the cold skepticism»
  • «She gave him a black eye»; «The draft gave me a cold«
  • «The word `hot’ tends to cooccur with `cold‘»
  • «his cold deprived him of his sense of taste»
  • «the cold castle walls were covered with hangings»
  • «The cold hardened the butter»
  • «He was inured to the cold«
  • «When you have to hiccup, drink a glass of cold water»
  • «let’s huddle together—it’s cold
  • «the cold neutrality of an impartial judge»
  • «he cold-bloodedly planned the murder of his boss»
  • «The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-cold War period»
  • «they said the car would break down and indeed it did»; «it is very cold indeed»; «was indeed grateful»; «indeed, the rain may still come»; «he did so do it!»
  • «Your children have infected you with this head cold«
  • «his father’s cold and distant demeanor inhibited him emotionally»
  • «they are extremely inhospitable these days»; «her greeting was cold and inhospitable»
  • «The cold water invigorated him»
  • «it was rather cold«; «the party was rather nice»; «the knife is rather dull»; «I rather regret that I cannot attend»; «He’s rather good at playing the cello»; «he is kind of shy»
  • «bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights»
  • «he has a cold in the nose»
  • «He nursed his cold with Chinese herbs»
  • «She offered us all a cold drink»
  • «ale on tap»; «hot and cold running water on tap»
  • «call me only if your cold gets worse»
  • «a toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface»; «a cold penetrating wind»; «a penetrating odor»
  • «The cold pierced her bones»; «Her words pierced the students»
  • «it’s so plaguey cold
  • «the best results are generally obtained by inserting the needle into the point of maximum tenderness»; «after taking a cold, rawness of the larynx and trachea come on»
  • «she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors»
  • «refrigeration by immersing the patient’s body in a cold bath»
  • «it was seasonably cold«
  • «the sluggishness of the economy»; «the sluggishness of the compass in the Arctic cold«
  • «a cold snap in the middle of May»
  • «His whole frame suffused with a cold dew»
  • «only the fittest animals were survivors of the cold winters»
  • «the cold glasses were streaked with sweat»
  • «a treated cold is usually gone in 14 days; if left untreated it lasts two weeks»
  • «it was unseasonably cold«
  • «…was wont to complain that this is a cold world»- Henry David Thoreau
  • «verbal adjectives like `running’ in `hot and cold running water'»
  • «the child worked at the multiplication table until she had it down cold«
  • «I feel worse today»; «her cold is worse»
  • «Zip up your jacket—it’s cold«

English Collocation

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Used with adverbs:

«It can be bitterly cold in Alaska.«
(bitterly, extremely, freezing, terribly, very)

«I’ll bring a jacket because it is fairly cold outside.«
(fairly, a bit, a little)

Used with verbs:

«Your dog looks cold.«
(looks, seems, feels, be: is/am/are)

«The food grew cold.«
(grew, became, got, turned, went)

«The weather will stay cold until spring.«
(stay, remain, be)

«The rain is making me cold.«
(be + making)

«You should keep the drinks cold.«

«This dish is supposed to be served cold.«
(served, eaten)

Used with nouns:

«This motel has only cold water.«
(water, showers, baths)

«There’s cold air blowing into our bedroom.«

«She won’t live in cold climates.«
(climates, weather)

«The villain has a cold heart.«

«He killed her in cold blood.«

«I felt a cold chill.«
(chill, draft, sweat, wind)

«Do you like cold chicken?«
(chicken, pizza, food)

«It was a very cold night.«
(night, morning, day, week, month, winter)

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Used with adjectives:

«They were lost in the bitter cold.«
(bitter, biting, extreme, freezing, winter)

«Her son has a nasty cold.«
(nasty, bad, mild, slight, chest, head)

«We need to find a cure for the common cold.«

Used with verbs:

«I felt the cold coming in through the window.«

«Make sure to stay out of the cold.«
(stay, keep)

«She has a bad cold.«
(has, be + suffering from, be + nursing)

«He caught a cold from his wife.«

Used with prepositions:

«They were fighting against the cold.«

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Recent Examples on the Web

French winegrowers battling unseasonably cold weather resorted this week to lighting candles and other small fires to protect their vineyards from a potentially devastating frost.

Erin Cunningham, Washington Post, 7 Apr. 2023

His friends and colleagues at the time included Lewis Lapham, Jimmy Breslin, Nora Ephron, and Tom Wolfe, who recalled Portis’s sudden departure from the profession in 1964: Portis quit cold one day; just like that, without a warning.

Scott Bradfield, The New Republic, 7 Apr. 2023

Dinosaur body temperature Did dinosaur blood run cold, like a lizard, or warm, like a bird?

Katie Hunt, CNN, 7 Apr. 2023

Honda is recalling 563,711 older-model CR-Vs in 22 cold-weather states and Washington, D.C., because an accumulation of road salt can cause the vehicle’s rear trailing arm to corrode and detach, which could lead to a crash.

Rob Wile, NBC News, 6 Apr. 2023

The case ran cold for more than two decades until new DNA analysis led police to charge Miller in 2015.

Lane Sainty, The Arizona Republic, 6 Apr. 2023

While colder days may be behind us, there’s never a wrong time to add staple pieces to your wardrobe.

Roxanne Adamiyatt,, 6 Apr. 2023

Enter Email Sign Up Related: Boston University stopped cold by Minnesota in the semifinals of men’s Frozen Four; Quinnipiac beats Michigan to reach final.

Conor Ryan,, 6 Apr. 2023

From fetching light fixtures to bold backsplashes, designers have no shortage of smart solutions to spiff up those cold culinary quarters.

Kelsey Mulvey, ELLE Decor, 6 Apr. 2023

Keep beef and poultry cold below 40 degrees and thaw frozen meat in the refrigerator.4 Ground beef should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees and whole cuts cooked to 145 degrees.

Rebecca Jaspan, Mph, Rd, Cdn, Cdces, Health, 6 Apr. 2023

Our favorite herbal supplements for colds contain echinacea, elderberry, ginger and Andrographis paniculata.

Joe And Teresa Graedon, oregonlive, 4 Apr. 2023

The Rockets throw the twelfth-most passes in the league, but rank stone cold last in assists, a testament to the fact that passes rarely arrive in the shooter’s pocket.

Mark Deeks, Forbes, 31 Mar. 2023

There’s also the fact that a malnourished and heavily pregnant Shauna has taken to eating bits of Jackie that have fallen off in the wintry cold, literalizing the intense, codependent, and sometimes borderline-homoerotic friendships that often form between young women.

Abby Monteil, Rolling Stone, 31 Mar. 2023

Unusual spring cold The North Bay is no stranger to cold snaps during the winter, with inland valleys around Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Napa often experiencing the chilliest air in the Bay Area.

Gerry Díaz, San Francisco Chronicle, 24 Mar. 2023

Allergy symptoms can often resemble those of a cold — especially in kids — Sharma, a pediatrician, said.

Noor Adatia, Dallas News, 10 Mar. 2023

New York City and Philadelphia will reach temperatures of 53 degrees and 55 degrees, respectively, on Wednesday, after a weekend of extreme cold.

Teddy Grant, ABC News, 5 Feb. 2023

The reality is, this sort of extreme cold doesn’t happen all that often, even in the Northeast.

CBS News, 3 Feb. 2023

First detected in the stream after the stream mouth emerged from glacial ice were larvae of chironomids, cold-loving midges.

Lesley Evans Ogden, Smithsonian Magazine, 4 Apr. 2023

The green mandarin that features in Armani Code Eau de Toilette was cold-extracted from fruits handpicked in Calabria, Italy—a sourcing method that helps support local farmers and invests in responsible agricultural practices.

Robb Report Studio, Robb Report, 3 Apr. 2023

Clothing choice in what appears to be below-zero weather is the low point here: they are all clad in metal armor, which is likely heavy, restrictive, and cold-conducting.

Benjamin Tepler, Outside Online, 14 Oct. 2022

The compilation was spurred by longtime Alaska journalist and writer Lael Morgan, who cold-called James and pitched him on the idea of a book focusing on Alaska literature.

Chris Bieri, Anchorage Daily News, 3 Mar. 2023

In short, the prankster pretended to be a cop and, over and over again, cold-called a series of fast-food restaurants, eventually convincing a manager at each one to strip-search a young female worker.

Chris Hachey, BGR, 15 Dec. 2022

The companies obtained phone numbers for elderly people throughout the country and cold-called them.

Adam Ferrise, cleveland, 15 June 2022

The turtle — 13 Kemp’s ridley and two green sea turtles — arrived at the National Aquarium in November 2021 after rescuers found the creatures stranded and cold-stunned off the coast of Massachusetts.

Kelli Bender,, 3 Mar. 2022

One of the massages, for instance, uses a CBD oil (featuring cold-pressed grapeseed oil, arnica, chamomile and Vitamin E) from Colorado’s Steamboat Springs.

Chadner Navarro, Robb Report, 2 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘cold.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Cold is the presence of low temperature, especially in the atmosphere. In common usage, cold is often a subjective perception. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Inasmuch as we’re still roasting in DFW, this is another delicious cold soup.


Which is no small thing, truly, but cold comfort in the face of holocausts or tsunamis, the deaths of parents or children.


I wasn’t afraid to make cold calls to help our business take off, and he never wanted to make a single sales call.


Try a teething ring or a cold washcloth.


Yes that’s exactly why I invented them to get all my nutrients in one meal that I can drink on the go and not have to worry about it going cold etc..


Once the timer starts, I have eleven seconds to get in the shower and turn on the cold water.


Prepared seitan is sold in block, strip, and shaped forms which can be found in the cold section of some supermarkets, health food stores, cooperatives, or Asian food markets — most likely near the tofu.


No fancy cold brew equipment, no French press (although if you already have one, great!)


Refrigerate all the ingredients until they are quite cold.


I love to cook this up on a cold, wintry Sunday for a comforting evening meal — and the leftovers are perfect for reheating for lunches throughout the week!


this was pretty delicious out of the oven, but it is PERFECT as cold pizza!!!


High in Vitamin C and a true autumn fruit, Custard Apples let you stretch summer fruit treats just a little bit further, even as the weather turns cold.


James Stevenson, an analyst at IHS Markit, says the boost is largely due to 2017’s unseasonably cold weather and rising demand for coal from other nations.


Throw in what ever your favorites are but keep the spices and the lentils in for this scrumptious cold weather supper.


The next morning, I topped the cold oatmeal with sliced bananas and strawberries, drizzled it with coconut milk yogurt, dotted it all over with cinnamon peanut butter, and feasted.


Here’s another delicious soup for a cold day.


Come late spring when balmy evenings edge into Portland, Oregon, David Padberg, the chef at Raven & Rose, gives hot soups the cold shoulder.


Chill in freezer until dough is very cold, about 20 minutes.


Ok so Renault weren’t great this year but damn, Pastor, that’s cold!


Soup is a favorite winter meal of mine — a big hot bowl of soup on a cold day is just so warm and comforting!


I cuddled with Madeline today because it was so cold this morning..


I haven’t caught a cold or flu since I changed my diet several years ago, and this one simply caught me by surprise.


In this interview, Trinity tells us about her rule-free approach to self-care, her path to self-acceptance, and the importance of giving the body exactly what it’s craving, as well as a Geisha-approved moisturizer that works wonders for her skin, her number one cold remedy that’s likely in your kitchen right now, exercise, beauty, stress, and much more.


Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.Isn’t he/she now making a decision to not follow?


Add a bottle of Sweet Wine Blend and a liter of cold sparkling water.


Hi Karen, you can take them out the freezer and leave them out for about 5 minutes so they are not so hard or cold when you eat them.


Soak the noodles in cold water for 30-40 minutes (up to 1 hour, depending on the bean thread noodle brand), then drain.


I just arrived in Amsterdam and am very cold… warm gooey banana chocolate cake would be divine right now…


I managed it cold turkey because I held on to the thought that I could go back to it once the baby arrived.


And to most people, the sick sentence remains the same: it takes about a week to get over a cold if you just suffer through it, seven days if you take over — the-counter medicine.


Adjacent to the meat slicing facility is the 68,000 ft ² Millard cold storage facility, operated by Millard Refrigeration, a long-term partner of West Liberty Foods.


While still unproven, this particular innovation trend has caught the eye of larger brands such as Stumptown and Chameleon, both of whom unveiled sparkling cold brew lines with citrus flavors last year.


These are issues we could make meaningful progress on if not for the cold silence that has settled around Keystone.


Add enough cold filtered water to cover by a couple inches (about a gallon).


I live in snowy cold Norway and have been hooked on soups for the last few months.


Rinse them under cold water while gently rubbing them together to remove the excess starch.


Sprinkle the gelatin over cold water in a medium bowl and let it stand while you prepare the rest of the panna cotta.


Life has been totally crazy this week starting a new job, going to night class at UIC, and trying to get enough sleep to recover from a cold.


He did train himself to drink (and even like) kombucha, but there was still the desire for something «lemon-limey» and cold and refreshing to sip throughout the day.


They sound perfect, Auckalnd had a beautiful weather Fri and Sat but now a cold wet Sun and definitely baking weather!


I don’t know about you but I crave a big warming bowl of porridge when the weather is cold and the mornings are dark.


Love the idea and it probably sounds gross to some people but I actually think that eating them cold would be good.


If you intend to just sell juice without selling other beverages or smoothies, then all you will need to procure is a commercial cold press juicer.


I am usually not a fan of salads in the winter — I want hot and comforting food when it is cold out.


The date gives away the necessity of meeting well into a cold Ottawa night.


Because the refrigerator is so cold, the coconut oil would harden up quite a bit, so I don’t recommend it.


While it won’t quite reach Frozen Tundra levels in Green Bay this evening, it will be awfully cold for both teams.


Allow the eggs to sit in the cold water until they are cool enough to work with.


How it felt to be cold and how it smelled like gasoline and cement, how I tore so horribly because there was no midwife there to easily guide the baby safely out of me.


I caught the cold that’s been floating around my college recently, so I’ve been drinking ginger that’s boiled with turmeric and black pepper.


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