The word clutch as used in

CLUTCH The word clutch, as used in connection with automobiles, indica перевод - CLUTCH The word clutch, as used in connection with automobiles, indica русский как сказать

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The word clutch, as used in connection with automobiles, indicates a device attached to cars having change speed gears of the sliding type, which permits the engine to be connected with, or disconnected from, the transmission, so that the car may, or may not, move while the engine is running. The clutch is connected and disconnected from the flywheel of the engine by a foot lever. When disconnected from the flywheel of the engine, there is no connection between the engine and rear-axle. When the clutch is connected with the flywheel of the engine, the power of the engine is transmitted to the rear-axle, if the gears of transmission are not in ‗neutral‘ position. If gears are in neutral position, the power of the engine will end at the end of the secondary shaft of transmission. If the clutch is ‗in‘ and the gears are meshed, the course of the power from the crankshaft of the engine will then be through gears, through drive-shaft, driving pinion, large bevel gear on differential, through differential gears to axle-hafts and wheels. The car will move and the clutch will permit the car move faster or slower. Clutches have two chief parts: one part (flywheel) is attached to the crankshaft of the engine, the other part (disk or cone) is attached to the main shaft of the transmission. When two parts are separated, i.e. when the ‗clutch‘ is thrown ‗out‘ by clutch pedal, they are independent of each other and the engine can run without moving the car. The left-foot pedal on all cars of standard design is the ‗clutch pedal‘


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


СЦЕПЛЕНИЕ Слово сцепления, как в связи с автомобилей, указывает устройство, подключенное к машинам с изменения скорости передач раздвижного типа, который позволяет двигателю быть связаны с, или отключен от передачи, так что автомобиль может, или может не двигаться в то время как двигатель работает. Сцепление подключен и отключен от маховика двигателя ножной рычаг. При отключении от маховика двигателя, нет никакой связи между двигателем и заднего моста. При подключении сцепления с маховиком двигателя мощность двигателя передается заднего моста, если gears передачи не в ‗neutral’ позиции. Если передач в нейтральном положении, мощность двигателя завершится в конце вторичного вала передачи. Если муфта ‗in’ и зацепление шестерни, курс власти от коленчатого вала двигателя будет затем через зубчатых колес, через вал привода, управляя шестерней, больших конических снастей на дифференциал, через дифференциальных передач axle рукоятки и колеса. Автомобиль будет двигаться, и сцепление позволит автомобиль двигаться быстрее или медленнее. Муфты имеют две главные части: одна часть (маховиком) присоединяется к коленчатого вала двигателя, другая часть (диск или конус) присоединяется к основной вал передачи. Когда две части разделены, то есть когда ‗clutch’ бросили ‗out’ педаль сцепления, они независимы друг от друга и двигатель может работать без перемещения автомобиля. Левую педаль на все автомобили стандартного дизайна является ‗clutch педаль ‘

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Слово сцепление, используемое в связи с автомобилями, указывает на устройство , подключенное к автомобилям , имеющим скорость переключения передач скользящего типа, что позволяет двигателю быть связан с или отсоединяется от, передачи, так что автомобиль может или не может двигаться при работающем двигателе. Муфта подключается и отключается от маховика двигателя с помощью ножного рычага. При отключении от маховика двигателя, нет никакой связи между двигателем и задним мостом. Когда муфта соединяется с маховиком двигателя, мощность двигателя передается на задней оси, если зубчатые колеса коробки передач не в ‗neutral ‘положении. Если зубчатые колеса находятся в нейтральном положении, мощность двигателя закончится в конце вторичного вала коробки передач. Если сцепление ‗in ‘и зубчатые колеса находятся в зацеплении, ход мощности от коленчатого вала двигателя будет осуществляться через шестерни, через привод вала, ведущей шестерни, большая коническая шестерня на дифференциал через шестерни дифференциала для axle- рукоятками и колеса. Автомобиль будет двигаться и сцепление позволит автомобиль двигаться быстрее или медленнее. Лапках два главных частей: одна часть (маховику) крепится к коленчатому валу двигателя, а другая часть (диск или конус) прикреплен к основному валу трансмиссии. Когда две части разделены, то есть когда ‗clutch ‘отбрасывается ‗out’ с помощью педали сцепления, они независимы друг от друга , и двигатель может работать без перемещения автомобиля. Педаль левой ногой на всех автомобилях стандартной конструкции является педаль ‗clutch ‘

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • semper fortis
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  • время бесценно
  • semper fortis
  • время бесценно
  • NICO: Nico Antonescu. Es freut mich sehr
  • BUSINESS HOUR The standard working day i
  • Processing: Left the place of internatio
  • BUSINESS HOUR The standard working day i
  • Лучше
  • I have to go away on business!
  • серая шерсть
  • Television viewing is the most popular e
  • I have to go away on business!
  • keep somebody’s company, look alike, loo
  • Привет дорогой продавец, где мои заказ о
  • Television viewing is the most popular e
  • она находится на полке
  • keep somebody’s company, look alike, loo
  • lig.transvensum
  • Business is a word that is commonly used
  • анархист
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сцепление, муфта, выводок, хвататься, схватить, зажать, надежный


- когти; лапа с выпущенными когтями

in the bear’s clutches — в лапах у медведя, в медвежьих когтях

- рука, лапа
- сжатие, захват, хватка

to make a clutch (at) — схватить захватить (что-л.)
he lost his clutch on the rope and fell — у него разжались пальцы, и он упал /сорвался/ с каната

- власть; тиски; лапы, руки

in the clutch of poverty — в тисках нищеты
to get /to fall/ into smb.’s clutches — попасть в чьи-л. когти
to get out of smb.’s clutches — вырваться из чьих-л. когтей
the thief was in the clutches of the police — вор попался в руки полиции
in the clutch — в критическом положении
he seems to be at his best in the clutch — в острые моменты он всегда показывает себя с наилучшей стороны

- сцепление, муфта

friction clutch — фрикционное сцепление
to throw in [out] the clutch — включить /выключить/ сцепление /муфту/
clutch case — авт. картер сцепления
clutch facing — накладка /фрикционная облицовка/ сцепления
clutch slip — авт. пробуксовка сцепления

ещё 7 вариантов


- схватить, стиснуть; зажать

the mother clutched her baby in her arms — мать крепко прижимала ребёнка

- схватиться, ухватиться

to clutch at a branch — ухватиться за сук
a drowning man will clutch at a straw — утопающий (и) за соломинку хватается

- высиживать (цыплят и т. п.)
- оцепенеть (от страха, волнения); перестать соображать (обыкн. clutch up)


- без ручки, без ремня

clutch bag /purse/ — сумочка, которую нужно держать в руке или подмышкой

- без застёжек

clutch coat — пальто без пуговиц

- амер. разг. надёжный; ≅ выручит в трудную минуту

a clutch player — игрок, на которого можно положиться

Мои примеры


the fell clutch of circumstances — жестокая сила обстоятельств  
to come through in the clutch — пройти через серьёзные испытания  
clutch is harsh — сцепление работает резко  
clutch slips — сцепление проскальзывает  
to disengage a clutch — выключать сцепление  
to catch / clutch / grasp at a / any straw — хвататься за соломинку  
clutch pedal clearance — свободный ход педали сцепления  
cantilever clutch-controlled — координатно-измерительная машина с горизонтальным рукавом  
automatic centrifugal clutch — автоматическое центробежное сцепление  
pressure circulated oil clutch — муфта с циркуляцией масла под давлением  

Примеры с переводом

She clutched her purse.

Она схватила свой кошелёк /свою сумочку/.

He had a book clutched in his hand.

В руке у него была зажата книга.

The child clutched at his mother in fear.

Ребёнок в страхе прижался к матери.

She engaged the clutch and the car moved.

Она отпустила педаль сцепления, и машина тронулась. (досл. она задействовала педаль сцепления)

The climber clutched at the swinging rope, but missed.

Скалолаз попытался схватить болтавшуюся верёвку, но не смог.

He popped the clutch too quickly and stalled the car.

Он слишком резко отпустил сцепление, и машина заглохла.

The child clutched the doll to her and would not show it to anyone.

Девочка прижала к себе куклу и никому не хотела её показывать.

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The clutch sounds rough — better get it checked.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

clutchy  — волнующий, тревожный,

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: clutch
he/she/it: clutches
ing ф. (present participle): clutching
2-я ф. (past tense): clutched
3-я ф. (past participle): clutched

ед. ч.(singular): clutch
мн. ч.(plural): clutches



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1.59 Mб


Электронный архив УГЛТУ

Вспомните грамматический материал, связанный с выполнением этого задания (словообразование, конверсия).

demand — to demand саll — to call

run — to run balance — to balance start-to start

load to load form — to form

Задание 5

Определите значения корневых и производных слов от них и объясните причины изменения их значения. Вспомните грамматический материал, связанный с выполнением этого задания.

consider, considered, considerable, considering able, to be able, ability, disability, disabled engine, engineer, engineering

consume, consumer, consumption obtain, obtained, obtainable

flex, flexible, flexibility

advance, advantage, disadvantage

Задание 6

Найдите значения слов и отработайте их произношение:

ingenious device, must be able to move, power plant, power output, fuel consumption, to run smoothly and properly, problem worked at.

Задание 7

Дополните словосочетания, используя материал Заданий 2 и 5:

_______ output, fuel ____ ,to run ______ and______

ingenious ______ , must be _____ to move, power ____ , problem _______ at

Задание 8

Определите значения слов, используя словарь, и упростите предложения, исключив слова, не влияющие на основную мысль предложения. Определите, какими словами выражены члены предложения (подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство, определение).

One more important problem worked at by the designers is the engine reliability. The engine is to have a long life, with maximum of lime between overhaul periods.


Электронный архив УГЛТУ

Both in the past and today the designers work at the problem of getting lower specific fuel consumption.

Задание 9

Составьте словарик слов и словосочетаний, выделенных в тексте жирным шрифтом.


The word engine originally meant any ingenious device, and came from the Greek word ingenious, clever. Any kind of vehicle must be able to move. The ability to move demands power. A machine that produces mechanical power or energy is called an engine or a power plant.

Engines present one of the most interesting groups of problems considered in the engineering field. One of the main problems is receiving the maximum possible power or thrust for minimum weight. The weight is included in the factor called the weight/power ratio, which may be defined as the weight in pounds per horse power output.

Another important problem is that of fuel. Both in the past and today the designers work at the problem of getting lower specific fuel consumption Specific fuel consumption is obtained by dividing the weight of the fuel burned per hour by the horse power developed;

Another possible problem considered in any engine is its flexibility. Flexibility is the ability of the engine to run smoothly and perform properly at all speeds and through all variations of atmospheric conditions.

One more important problem worked at by the designers is the engine reliability. The engine is to have a long life, with maximum of time between overhaul periods. In some cases the problem of balance is one of the main. Balance has several possible meanings but the principle factor is freedom from vibration. Besides any engine must be started easily and carry its full load in a few minutes. There are gasoline engines, diesel engines, gas turbines, steam engines, jet engines and rocket engines. Each of them has certain advantages and disadvantages over other forms of power plants.

Задание 10

Определите значение слов и словосочетаний, описывающих технические характеристики двигателя:

weight/power ratio, specific fuel consumption, flexibility, reliability, balance, weight in pounds per horse power output, dividing the weight of the burned fuel per hour by the horse power developed, the ability of the engine to run smoothly and perform properly at all speeds, to have a long life with maximum of time between overhaul periods, freedom from vibration.


Электронный архив УГЛТУ

Задание 11

Заполните пропуски в предложениях в соответствии с содержанием текста.

A machine that ___mechanical power or energy is called an engine or а ___ plant.

One of the main problems is _ the maximum possible power or

___ for minimum weight.

The weight is included in the factor called the weight/power

, which

may be___ as the weight in pounds per horse __ output.

Flexibility is the ___ of the engine to run ____ and perform

properly at all speeds and through all

of atmospheric conditions.

The engine is to have a __ life, with maximum of time between

___ periods.

There are ___engines, ______ engines, ______ turbines,…………………..

.engines, ________ engines and _____ engines. Each of them has certain _ and _______ over other forms of ____plants.

Задание 12

Ответьте на вопросы. На основе ответов на вопросы кратко перескажите основное содержание Текста 2а

What did the word engine originally mean?

What machine is called an engine or a power plant? What is one of the main problems engines present? What is the weight/power ratio?

What is flexibility of the engine? What engines do you know?


In the face of growing competition from diesels and alternative power sources, some of the latest prototype and production gasoline-fueled engines show how continued engineering development is meeting demands for more power, reduced fuel consumption and emissions, and more efficient packaging.

Considerable progress has been made in development of the internal combustion engine over its more than 100-year history, particularly in recent years. Examples include the adaptation of spark-ignition (SI) engines to threeway catalysts and the introduction of direct injection in diesel engines. However, even greater demands range from more stringent emissions


Электронный архив УГЛТУ

legislation, manufacturers’ commitments to reduce C02 emissions, and customer requests for higher performance and greater comfort without prejudice to safety.

European limits on hazardous emissions were reduced in 2000 and will be tightened in 2005. Limits for 2005 on HC, NOx, and particulates will be onefifth of today’s levels, and new test cycles with no warm-up period will be mandated. In the U.S., legislation will demand ultra-low-emission vehicles (ULEV) and, from 2003 onward, California will require a greater mix of zero or near-zero-emissions vehicles.

Greenhouse effect concerns have led most European car manufacturers to commit to introducing cars that, on average, emit less than 140 g/km (225g/mi) C02 by 2008. This corresponds to a reduction of more than 25% in fuel consumption compared with 1990.

Customers will require even greater safety and comfort that, in most cases, can only be fulfilled with higher vehicle mass, which conflicts with demands for less energy consumption. In addition, vehicle performance must be maintained, and the costs of ownership cannot rise.

The main target for advanced spark-ignition engine development is improvement in fuel economy, thus a reduction in C02 emissions. Technical solutions include supercharging and turbocharging, fully variable-valve timing, and direct injection.

Задание 13. Addresses in English. Готовимся к Интернетэкзамену.


ZIP Code (AmE) = Postcode (BrE) – a group of numbers; or letters and numbers, that you write at the end of the person’s address to help the post man find the exact one where they live.

Title –a word or abbreviation that is used before someone’s name to show their profession, social status etc. (ex. ‘Doctor’, ‘Mrs’, etc.)

Match the parts of the address (a – h) and their names (1 – 8)

1 title

(a) Mr.

(b) John

2 first name

(c) Black

3 surname

(d) 10,

4 house number


Oxford Street

5 street name



6 town/city

(g) WI 9FL

7 postcode (ZIP code)

(h) UK

8 country


Электронный архив УГЛТУ


Задание 1

а) Определите с помощью словаря возможные варианты значения слов: ignite, ignition, reduce, disadvantages.

б) Нe прибегая к словарю, попытайтесь определить значения применительно к контексту слов и словосочетаний, вспоминая терминологию из пройденнoго материала, других учебных предметов и различных областей деятельности человека:

1890, Rudolf Diesel, a German, engine, name, diesels, no ignition system, electricity, ignite, contact, hot air in the cylinder, operation, air, compressed, temperature, compressed mixture produced more power, diesel engines, simple in design, disadvantages, passenger-car engines, noise, smoke, companies, to reduce noise and smoke.

Задание 2

Отработайте произношение под руководством преподавателя и определите значение возможно большего количества слов из каждого столбика, учитывая варианты значения слов:
















Задание 3

Подберите соответствующие значения к словам из Задания 2.

Пространство, исследовать, стучать, привыкать, сокращать, различать, изобретать, нести, подавать, зажигать, зажигание, давление, жидкость, применять, цель.

Задание 4

Определите значение корневых и производных от них слов и объясните причины изменения их значения. Вспомните грамматический материал, связанный с выполнением этого задания.

Invent, inventor, invention, invented, inventing bear, bore, born, bearing, unbearable, unbearably ignite, igniter, ignition

purpose, purposeful, purposeless, purposed entire, entirely.


Электронный архив УГЛТУ

Задание 5

Определите значения однокоренных глаголов и существительных. Вспомните грамматический материал, связанный с выполнением этого задания (словообразование, конверсия):

to purpose – purpose to bore – bore

to take – take to heat – heat

to weight – weight to power – power

Задание 6

Отработайте произношение под руководством преподавателя:

the engine that bears his name, ignition system, to be fed with electricity, the operation performed, warm-up period.

Задание 7

Прочитайте и найдите значения предложений. Вспомните грамматический материал, связанный с выполнением этого задания.

The higher the pressure, the higher the temperature. Their weight is more than that of a gasoline engine. The cost of a heavier fuel is less than that of a light one.

The fuel consumption of a diesel is much less than that of gasoline engines.

Задание 8

Составьте из приведенных ниже слов (предлогов, артиклей и т.д.) возможные словосочетания из двух и/или более слов.

Electricity, the, that, his, ignition, lo, be, warm-, system, the, performed, up, bears, period, name, operation, with, fed, engine.

Задание 9

Дополните словосочетания, используя материал Заданий 3 и 4: to be ____ with electricity, the operation , warm-up

the engine that ___ his name, ___ system.

Задание 10

Упростите предложения, исключив слова, не влияющие на основную мысль предложения. Определите, какими словами выражены члены предложения (подлежащее, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство, определение).


Электронный архив УГЛТУ

As distinguished from gasoline engines diesels have no ignition system fed with electricity.

Their advantage is that they are simple in design and use much heavier liquid fuels than gasoline engines.

All the companies investigating diesels are trying to reduce noise and smoke, but the problems are not yet entirely solved.

Задание 11

Составьте словарик незнакомых слов, выделенных в Тексте 3 жирным шрифтом.


In 1890s, Rudolf Diesel, a German, invented the engine that bears his name. As distinguished from gasoline engines diesels have no ignition system fed with electricity. The fuel is ignited simply by contact with very hot air in the cylinder.

The operation performed is like this: when taken in the cylinder the air is highly compressed, the temperature rises so the heated fuel-air mixture burns.

The higher the pressure, the higher the temperature. Besides the compressed mixture produced more power than that uncompressed.

Diesel engines power many of the used vehicles and other equipment. They are usually used in cases where engine weight is not a prime factor. Their advantage is that they are simple in design and use much heavier liquid fuels than gasoline engines. The cost of a heavier fuel is much less than that of a light one. Besides the fuel consumption of a diesel is much less than that of gasoline engines.

Although applied for many purposes diesel engines have certain disadvantages. Their weight is more than that of a gasoline engine of the same power and it occupies much space. The disadvantages of diesels as passengercar engines are slow performance, noise and smoke.

All the companies investigating diesels are trying to reduce noise and smoke, but the problems are not yet entirely solved. Diesel engines clatter when started on a cold morning. And the warm-up period for all diesels seems too long to drivers accustomed to gasoline models.

Задание 12

Определите, что является общим для следующих предложений. Вспомните грамматический материал, связанный с выполнением этого задания.


Электронный архив УГЛТУ

The fuel is ignited.

The air is highly compressed.

The problems are not yet entirely solved.

Задание 13

Ответьте на вопросы. На основе ответов на вопросы кратко перескажите основное содержание Текста 3а.

Who invented diesel engine?

Do diesel engines have ignition system fed with electricity? How is the fuel ignited in the diesel engine?

What is the operation performed?

Do diesel engines power most of vehicles and other equipment? What is the advantage of diesel engines?

What are disadvantages of diesels as passenger-car engines?

Are the companies trying to reduce noise and smoke of diesel engines?

Text 3а. CLUTCH

The word «clutch», as used in connection with automobiles, indicates a device attached to cars having change speed gears of the sliding type, which permits the engine to be connected with, or disconnected from, the transmission, so that the car may, or may not, move while the engine is running.

The clutch is connected and disconnected from the flywheel of the engine by a foot lever. When disconnected from the flywheel of the engine, there is no connection between the engine and rear-axle.

When the clutch is connected with the flywheel of the engine, the power of the engine is transmitted to the rear-axle, if the gears of transmission are not in «neutral» position. If gears are in neutral position, the power of the engine will end at the end of the secondary shaft of transmission.

If the clutch is «in» and the gears are meshed, the course of the power from the crankshaft of the engine will then be through gears, through driveshaft, driving pinion, large bevel gear on differential, through differential gears to axle-hafts and wheels. The car will move and the clutch will permit the car move faster or slower.

Clutches have two chief parts: one part (flywheel) is attached to the crankshaft of the engine, the other part (disk or cone) is attached to the main shaft of the transmission.When the two parts are separated, i.e. when the «clutch» is thrown «out» by clutch pedal, they are independent of each other and the engine can run without moving the car. The left-foot pedal on all cars of standard design is the «clutch pedal».


Электронный архив УГЛТУ

Задание 14. Envelope. Готовимся к Интернет-экзамену

Here is an envelope. Match numbers 1 – 6 with the names of the parts of the envelope.

(1)Hanston Electrics,

48 (2) Golden Road,

Manchester (3) M11 4NS


(4) The Music Shop,

45 (5) Winston Road,

London (6) WC2 10 H

The ZIP Code in the return address

The addressee’s company name

The sender’s name

The street name in the mailing address

The ZIP Code in the mailing address

The street name in the return address.


Задание 1

а) Определите с помощью словаря возможные варианты значения слов: manufacturer, fan, cooling, flow, critical.

б) He прибегая к словарю, попытайтесь определить значение применительно к контексту слов и словосочетаний, вспоминая терминологию из пройденного материала, других учебных предметов и различных областей деятельности человека:

manufacturer, cooling system components, vehicle design, concept stage, optimum radiator location, basic details of radiators, problems, engineering aspect, the design and installation of radiators, optimum air flow, selection of cooling system, fan diameter, fan location, critical, efficient operation and economy, air flow testing, to maximize fan efficiency,

to minimize turbulence.



involve stage location provision important




restriction grill(e) entrance exit shape

flow installation fan critical area

available provide improve distribution prior

Электронный архив УГЛТУ

Задание 2

Отработайте произношение под руководством преподавателя и определите значение возможно большего количества слов из каждого столбика, учитывая варианты значения слов:

shroud clearance guard requirement tolerate mode

Задание 3

Подберите соответствующий столбик значений к словам из Задания 2.































Задание 4

Определите значения однокоренных глаголов и существительных. Вспомните грамматический материал, связанный с выполнением этого задания (словообразование, конверсия):

face — to face

move — to move

project — to project

space — to space

result — to result

shape — to shape

design — to design

increase — to increase

detail — to detail

guard — to guard

flow — to flow

Задание 5

Объясните причины изменения значений слов корневых и производных от них слов. Вспомните грамматический материал, связанный с выполнением этого задания.

Radiate, radiation, radiator locate, local, location, located

provide, provider, provision, provided distribute, distributor, distributing, distribution.


Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #



  • IPA(key): /klʌt͡ʃ/
  • Rhymes: -ʌtʃ

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English clucchen, clicchen, cluchen, clechen, cleken, from Old English clyċċan (to clutch, clench), from Proto-Germanic *klukjaną, from Proto-Germanic *klu- (to ball up, conglomerate, amass), from Proto-Indo-European *glew- (to ball up; lump, mass).
Cognate with Swedish klyka (clamp, fork, branch). The noun is from Middle English cleche, cloche, cloke («claw, talon, hand»; compare Scots cleuk, cluke, cluik (claw, talon)), of uncertain origin, with the form probably assimilated to the verb.

Alternative etymology derives Old English clyċċan from Proto-Germanic *klēk- (claw, hand), from Proto-Indo-European *glēk-, *ǵlēḱ- (claw, hand; to clutch, snatch). If so, then cognate with Irish glac (hand).

Alternative forms[edit]

  • cletch, clitch, cleach (dialectal)
  • cleak, cleek, cleik, click (dialectal)
  • clouch (obsolete)


clutch (third-person singular simple present clutches, present participle clutching, simple past and past participle clutched)

  1. To seize, as though with claws. [from 14th c.]

    to clutch power

    • a. 1700, Jeremy Collier, A Thought
      A man may set the poles together in his head, and clutch the whole globe at one intellectual grasp.
    • c. 1606 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Macbeth”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act II, scene i], page 136, column 1:

      Is this a Dagger, which I ſee before me, […] ? / Come, let me clutch thee: / I haue thee not, and yet I ſee thee ſtill.

  2. To grip or grasp tightly. [from 17th c.]

    She clutched her purse tightly and walked nervously into the building.

    Synonyms: clasp, grasp, grip; see also Thesaurus:grasp
    • c. 1596 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Life and Death of King Iohn”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act II, scene ii], page 8, column 1:

      Not that I haue the power to clutch my hand,

  3. (video games) To win in a 1vX (one versus X) situation.
    • For quotations using this term, see Citations:clutch.
  4. (video games, by extension) To unexpectedly or luckily succeed in a difficult activity.
Derived terms[edit]
  • a drowning man will clutch at a straw
  • clutch at a straw
  • clutch at straws
  • clutch one’s pearls
  • double-clutch
  • pearl-clutching

to grip or grasp tightly

  • Armenian: կառչել (hy) (kaṙčʿel)
  • Basque: heldu, eutsi
  • Bulgarian: сграбчвам (bg) (sgrabčvam), вкопчвам се (vkopčvam se)
  • Catalan: aferrar (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 抓住 (zh) (zhuāzhù)
  • Esperanto: alkroĉiĝi, alkroĉi sin
  • French: agripper (fr), serrer (fr)
  • German: schnappen (de), packen (de), ergreifen (de)
  • Greek: γραπώνω (el) (grapóno), αδράχνω (el) (adráchno)
  • Hungarian: szorít (hu), szorongat (hu)
  • Italian: avvinghiare (it)
  • Japanese: 掴む (ja) (つかむ, tsukamu)
  • Macedonian: фаќа (faḱa), зграпчува (zgrapčuva)
  • Maori: whakakopa, kapokapo
  • Portuguese: agarrar (pt)
  • Romagnol: abranchêr, branchêr
  • Romanian: agăța (ro), apuca (ro)
  • Russian: схва́тывать (ru) impf (sxvátyvatʹ), схвати́ть (ru) pf (sxvatítʹ), зажима́ть (ru) impf (zažimátʹ), зажа́ть (ru) pf (zažátʹ)
  • Serbo-Croatian: zakačiti (sh), закачити
  • Spanish: aferrar (es)
  • Turkish: kapmak (tr), yakalamak (tr), tutmak (tr)
  • Ukrainian: затиска́ти impf (zatyskáty), зати́снути pf (zatýsnuty)


clutch (plural clutches)

A vintage clutch with a fold-over closure, made of red snakeskin.
  1. The claw of a predatory animal or bird. [from 13th c.]
  2. (by extension) A grip, especially one seen as rapacious or evil. [from 16th c.]
    • 1676, Ed[ward] Stillingfleet, “An Answer to T[homas] G[odden]’s Charge of Contradictions, Paradoxes, Reproach of the Second Council of Nice, School Disputes; and to His Parallel Instances”, in A Discourse Concerning the Idolatry Practised in the Church of Rome, [], London: [] Robert White for Henry Mortlock [], →OCLC, part II (Being a Particular Defence of the Charge of Idolatry against the Church of Rome in the Worship of Images), page 786:

      I muſt have great leiſure, and little care of my ſelf, if I ever more come near the Clutches of ſuch a Giant, who ſeems to write with a Beetle inſtead of a Pen; []

    • 1785, William Cowper, “Book V. The Winter Morning Walk.”, in The Task, a Poem, [], London: [] J[oseph] Johnson; [], →OCLC, page 197:

      Should when he pleaſes, and on whom he will / Wage war, with any or with no pretence / Of provocation, giv’n or wrong ſuſtained, / And force the beggarly laſt doit, by means / That his own humour dictates, from the clutch / Of poverty, that thus he may procure / His thouſands weary of penurious life / A ſplendid opportunity to die?

    • 1831, Thomas Carlyle, chapter III, in Sartor Resartus: The Life and Opinions of Herr Teufelsdröckh. [], London: Chapman and Hall, [], →OCLC, book first, page 12:

      The more cunning heads thought it was all an expiring clutch at popularity, on the part of a Minister, whom domestic embarrassments, court intrigues, old age, and dropsy soon afterward finally drove from the helm.

    • 1919, W[illiam] Somerset Maugham, chapter LVII, in The Moon and Sixpence, [New York, N.Y.]: Grosset & Dunlap Publishers [], →OCLC, page 303:

      You scold yourself; you know it is only your nerves—and yet, and yet … In a little while, it is impossible to resist the terror that seizes you, and you are helpless in the clutch of an unseen horror.

  3. A device to interrupt power transmission, commonly used to separate the engine and gearbox in a car. [from 19th c.]
    Hyponyms: centrifugal clutch, dog clutch, friction clutch
  4. The pedal in a car that disengages power and torque transmission from the engine (through the drivetrain) to the drive wheels.
  5. Any device for gripping an object, as at the end of a chain or tackle.
  6. A fastener that attaches to the back of a tack pin to secure an accessory to clothing. (See Clutch (pin fastener).)
  7. A small handbag or purse with no straps or handle.
    Synonym: clutch bag
    • 1898, J. Meade Falkner, chapter 4, in Moonfleet, London; Toronto, Ont.: Jonathan Cape, published 1934:

      The clutch which I had made to save myself in falling had torn away from this chin-band and let the lower jaw drop on the breast, but little else was disturbed, and there was Colonel John Mohune resting as he had been laid out a century ago.

Derived terms[edit]
  • camel clutch
  • clutch artist
  • clutch bag
  • clutch pedal
  • dual-clutch gearbox
  • ride the clutch
  • twin-clutch gearbox

device to interrupt power transmission

  • Armenian: կցորդիչ (hy) (kcʿordičʿ)
  • Basque: enbrage
  • Bulgarian: съединител (bg) m (sǎedinitel), амбриаж m (ambriaž)
  • Catalan: embragatge (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 離合器离合器 (zh) (líhéqì)
  • Czech: spojka (cs) f
  • Danish: kobling c
  • Dutch: koppeling (nl), klauw (nl) f
  • Esperanto: kuplado, kluĉado, kluĉilo
  • Estonian: please add this translation if you can
  • Finnish: kytkin (fi)
  • French: embrayage (fr)
  • Georgian: ქურო (kuro)
  • German: Kupplung (de) f
  • Greek: συμπλέκτης (el) m (sympléktis)
  • Hebrew: מַצְמֵד (he) m (matsméd), קְלָאץ׳‎ m (k’lách) (slang)
  • Hindi: please add this translation if you can
  • Hungarian: tengelykapcsoló (hu), kuplung (hu)
  • Icelandic: kúpling (is)
  • Indonesian: kopling (id)
  • Irish: ál (ga)
  • Italian: frizione (it)
  • Japanese: クラッチ (ja) (kuratchi)
  • Khmer: please add this translation if you can
  • Korean: 클러치 (ko) (keulleochi)
  • Latvian: sajūgs m, uzmava f
  • Lithuanian: please add this translation if you can
  • Macedonian: квачило n (kvačilo), спојка f (spojka), куплунг m (kuplung)
  • Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: clutch m, kløtsj m, kobling (no) m or f
    Nynorsk: clutch m, kløtsj m
  • Persian: کلاچ (fa) (kelâč)
  • Polish: sprzęgło (pl) n
  • Portuguese: embraiagem (pt), embreagem (pt) f
  • Romanian: ambreiaj (ro) n
  • Russian: сцепле́ние (ru) n (sceplénije), му́фта (ru) f (múfta)
  • Serbo-Croatian: квачило n, спојка f, куплунг m, kvačilo (sh), spojka (sh), kuplung (sh)
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: kuplowanka f, kuplunga f
  • Spanish: cloch (es) m (Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua), cloche (es) m (Caribbean Islands, Colombian Atlantic Coast, Venezuela), clutch (es) m (Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru — pronounced ‘cloch’), croche m (Venezuela), embrague (es) m (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Spain, Uruguay), clutch (es) m (N Mexico)
  • Swahili: klachi
  • Swedish: koppling (sv)
  • Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Turkish: debriyaj (tr)
  • Vietnamese: please add this translation if you can
  • Welsh: cydiwr

The pedal in a car that disengages power transmission

  • Basque: enbrage
  • Bulgarian: съединител (bg) m (sǎedinitel), амбриаж m (ambriaž)
  • Catalan: embragatge (ca) m
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 離合器踏板离合器踏板 (líhéqì tàbǎn)
  • Czech: spojka (cs) f
  • Danish: kobling c, koblingspedal c
  • Dutch: ontkoppelingspedaal (nl) m
  • Esperanto: kluĉpedalo, kluĉilo
  • Finnish: kytkin (fi), kytkinpoljin (fi)
  • French: pédale d’embrayage, embrayage (fr) m
  • German: Kupplungspedal (de)
  • Greek: συμπλέκτης (el) m (sympléktis)
  • Hungarian: tengelykapcsoló-pedál, kuplungpedál, kuplung (hu)
  • Icelandic: kúpling (is) f
  • Indonesian: pedal kopling
  • Irish: crág f
  • Italian: frizione (it) f
  • Latvian: sajūgs m
  • Macedonian: квачило n (kvačilo), спојка f (spojka), куплунг m (kuplung)
  • Norwegian: clutchpedal m, kløtsjpedal m, koblingspedal m
  • Polish: sprzęgło (pl) n, pedał sprzęgła m
  • Portuguese: embraiagem (pt) f, embreagem (pt) f
  • Romanian: pedală de ambreiaj f
  • Russian: педа́ль сцепле́ния f (pedálʹ sceplénija)
  • Serbo-Croatian: квачило n, спојка f, куплунг m, kvačilo (sh), spojka (sh), kuplung (sh)
  • Spanish: cloch (es) m (Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua), cloche (es) m (Caribbean Islands, Colombian Atlantic Coast, Venezuela), clutch (es) m (Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru), croche m (Venezuela), embrague (es) m (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Spain, Uruguay)
  • Swahili: klachi
  • Swedish: kopplingspedal (sv), koppling (sv) c
  • Tagalog: daklot (tl)
  • Turkish: debriyaj (tr)
  • Ukrainian: педа́ль зче́плення f (pedálʹ zčéplennja)

Etymology 2[edit]

Variant form of cletch, from Middle English cleken (to hatch), perhaps from Old Norse klekja (to hatch).


clutch (plural clutches) (collective)

  1. A brood of chickens or a sitting of eggs. [from 18th c.]
    • 1976, Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, Kindle edition, OUP Oxford, published 2016, page 82:

      For instance, baby chicks influence their mother’s behaviour by giving high piercing cheeps when they are lost or cold. This usually has the immediate effect of summoning the mother, who leads the chick back to the main clutch.

  2. A group or bunch (of people or things). [from 20th c.]
    • 2012 September 22, “Innovation in Government: Britain’s Local Labs”, in The Economist[1]:

      No longer would Britons routinely blame the national government when things went wrong. Instead they would demand action from a new clutch of elected mayors, police commissioners and the like.

    • 2021 February 3, Drachinifel, Guadalcanal Campaign — Santa Cruz (IJN 2 : 2 USN)[2], archived from the original on 4 December 2022, 15:30 from the start:

      And, so, although the Zeros knocked out four dive bombers (two of them permanently and two forced to abort), the other eleven made it to a position above Shōkaku, which pulled a neat evasive turn that sent the first clutch of thousand-pound bombs into the sea.

Derived terms[edit]
  • clutch initiation
  • subclutch

A group or bunch

  • Bulgarian: люпило (bg) n (ljupilo)
  • Esperanto: ovaro
  • French: nichée (fr) f, couvée (fr) f
  • Galician: niñada (gl) f
  • Greek: νεοσσιά (el) f (neossiá)
  • Russian: вы́водок (ru) m (vývodok)
  • Spanish: nidada f


clutch (third-person singular simple present clutches, present participle clutching, simple past and past participle clutched)

  1. (transitive) To hatch.

Etymology 3[edit]

Unknown; possibly analagous to clinch, pinch, which have similar senses.


clutch (plural clutches)

  1. (US) An important or critical situation.
    • 1951 October 8, LIFE, page 48:

      And when it came to the clutch, Johnny Mize, who was washed up five years ago, would crack out a pinch double, or Mickey Mantle, who is not yet ready for the big leagues, would slam out a home run.

    • 1985 June 1, Johannes Telesaar, “Camarillo Loses in the 4-A Final by a Foot at First”, in Los Angeles Times[3]:

      He is the player who has come through so often in the clutch during his days at Camarillo.

    • 2013 May 14, Comeback: The Fall & Rise of the American Automobile Industry[4], Simon and Schuster, →ISBN:

      Stempel came through in the clutch again. GM’s across-the-board launch of the catalytic converter was a coup that left Ford and Chrysler gaspind in the dust.

    • 2016 May 1, Frank Bruni, “Jodie Foster Is Still Afraid of Failure”, in The New York Times[5]:

      But not just strong women: women who don’t turn to a man in the clutch; women whose strength is inseparable from the walls they’ve built around themselves.

  2. A difficult maneuver


clutch (comparative more clutch, superlative most clutch)

  1. (US, Canada) Performing or tending to perform well in difficult, high-pressure situations.
    • 2006, Bryan Hogan, Three Days for Goodbye[], page 19:

      NC State made the most of their overtime possession scoring a touchdown on some very clutch plays.

    • 2009, Scott Trocchia, The 2006 Yankees: The Frustration of a Nation, A Fan’s Perspective, page 21:

      I start with his most obvious characteristic: he was clutch. He is Mr. Clutch. In the last chapter I mentioned that Bernie Williams was clutch, which was a valid assessment, but nobody on the Yankees was as clutch as Jeter was.

    • 2009, Mark Stewart, Clutch Performers, →ISBN, page 34:

      It doesn’t get more clutch than that!

Derived terms[edit]

  • clutch artist
  • clutch hitter


  • clutch at OneLook Dictionary Search
  • “clutch”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.


  • cultch

Norwegian Bokmål[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • kløtsj


From English clutch.


clutch m (definite singular clutchen, indefinite plural clutcher, definite plural clutchene)

  1. a clutch (device between engine and gearbox)
  2. clutch pedal
    trå in clutchen — step on the clutch


  • kobling
  • kopling


  • “clutch” in The Bokmål Dictionary.

Norwegian Nynorsk[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • kløtsj


From English clutch.


clutch m (definite singular clutchen, indefinite plural clutchar, definite plural clutchane)

  1. a clutch (device between engine and gearbox)
  2. (short form of) clutch pedal (as in English)


  • kopling


  • “clutch” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.



  • IPA(key): /ˈklot͡ʃ/ [ˈklot͡ʃ]
  • Rhymes: -otʃ


clutch m (plural clutches)

  1. Alternative form of cloche

Do you know the definition of clutch? This article will provide you with all of the information you need on the word clutch, including its definition, etymology, usage, example sentences, and more!

What does the word clutch mean?

According to Collins English Dictionary, the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language and How Stuff Works, the word clutch has various different meanings. The most common meaning is a verb that refers to the action of grabbing or holding something. The word clutch can also refer to a strapless purse or handbag, named as such because you must clutch it in order to carry it. You can also say that someone or something is “coming in clutch” which means that they are able to help in a critical situation just in the nick of time, like a clutch pitcher or a clutch hitter in baseball. Clutch can also be used as a mount to refer to a number of eggs or brood of chickens. The pronunciation of clutch is klʌtʃ. 

With regard to automobiles like cars and trucks, the clutch is used as a noun. This device mechanism is used in manual transmission cars by the driver, but people who drive automatic transmission or power transmission cars can have clutches too. The clutch is a device that connects the two rotating shafts – one shaft is driven by a motor or pulley, the other which drives the device. In a car, a clutch is needed because the engine always spins but the wheels do now. This means that you need a clutch to disconnect the wheels from the engine. Clutches use friction to work between a clutch plate and a flywheel. The flywheel connects to the engine and the pressure plate connects to the transmission. This uses pressurized hydraulic fluid to engage and disengage planetary gears. The pedal acts as a lever to operate the clutch. Depending on the year’s model, the way this mechanical device using the parts of a driving mechanism works is slightly different. However, they all use the same basic mechanisms in the driving shaft or driven shaft to spin the flywheel and have the car change gears via engine rotation. Other things like a drill chuck can have a clutch plate that allows it to operate at different speeds using a clutch disc and friction material with torque.

Many different languages around the world have their own words for clutch. You may notice that some of these translations of clutch look and sound similar to the word clutch. These are called cognates, which are often formed when two words in different languages have the same root or language of origin. This list of translations of the word clutch is provided by Word Sense. 

  •  Dutch: koppeling‎, klauw‎ (fem.)
  •  Nynorsk: clutch‎ (masc.), kløtsj‎ (masc.)
  •  French: embrayage‎
  •  Finnish: kytkin‎
  •  Bokmål: clutch‎ (masc.), kløtsj‎ (masc.), kobling‎ (masc.) (f)
  •  Welsh: cydiwr‎
  •  Hungarian: tengelykapcsoló‎, kuplung‎
  •  German: Kupplung‎ (fem.)
  •  Romanian: ambreiaj‎ (neut.)
  •  Macedonian: квачило‎ (neut.), спојка‎ (fem.), куплунг‎ (masc.)
  •  Hebrew: מַצְמֵד‎, קְלָאץ׳‎ (slang)
  •  Greek: συμπλέκτης‎ (masc.), αμπραγιάζ‎ (neut.) (slang, from French)
  •  Persian: کلاچ‎ (kelâč)
  •  Catalan: embragatge‎
  •  Polish: sprzęgło‎ (neut.)
  •  Russian: сцепле́ние‎ (neut.), му́фта‎ (fem.)
  •  Czech: spojka‎ (fem.)
  •  Latvian: sajūgs‎ (masc.), uzmava‎ (fem.)
  •  Irish: ál‎
  •  Icelandic: kúpling‎
  •  Bulgarian: съединител‎ (masc.), амбриаж‎ (masc.)
  •  Swedish: koppling‎
  •  Japanese: クラッチ‎ (kuratchi)
  •  Esperanto: kuplado‎, kluĉado‎, kluĉilo‎
  •  Georgian: ქურო‎
  •  Armenian: կցորդիչ‎
  •  Spanish: cloch‎ (masc.) (Colombia Costa Rica Honduras Mexico Nicaragua), cloche‎ (masc.) (Caribbean Islands, Colombian Atlantic Coast, Venezuela), clutch‎ (masc.) (Colombia El Salvador Guatemala Mexico Panama Peru – pronounced ‘cloch’), croche‎ (masc.) (Venezuela), embrague‎ (masc.) (Argentina Bolivia Chile Ecuador Paraguay Spain Uruguay), clutch‎ (masc.) (N Mexico)
  •  Italian: frizione‎
  •  Serbo-Croatian: квачило‎ (neut.), спојка‎ (fem.), куплунг‎ (masc.), kvačilo‎, spojka‎, kuplung‎
  •  Danish: kobling‎ (common)
  •  Portuguese: embraiagem‎, embreagem‎ (fem.)
  •  Turkish: debriyaj‎
  •  Mandarin: 離合器‎, 离合器‎ (líhéqì)

What is the origin of the word clutch?

According to Etymonline, the word clutch comes from the Middle English clekken, Middle English clucchen and Old English clyccan and has been used since the early c14. This is a variant of clicchen. This came from a Northern English dialect. It is related to the Old Frisian kletsie, Scots cleck, Old Norse klekja, and Swedish klyka.

What are synonyms and antonyms of the word clutch?

There are many different words that can be used in place of the word clutch. These are called synonyms, which are words and phrases that have the same meaning as another word or phrase. Synonyms are a useful English language grammatical device to know if you are trying to avoid repeating yourself as well as if you are trying to expand your vocabulary. This list of synonyms for the word clutch is provided by Power Thesaurus.

  •  pluck
  •  prehend
  •  catch
  •  freeze up
  •  coupling
  •  hold fast
  •  take
  •  group
  •  clutches
  •  gather
  •  cluster
  •  clutch pedal
  •  lay hold of
  •  bunch
  •  hold tightly
  •  cuddle
  •  cling
  •  enfold
  •  hug
  •  snag
  •  clasp
  •  gathering
  •  clinch
  •  pack
  •  hang on
  •  gripe
  •  press
  •  get hold of
  •  snatch
  •  hold
  •  grapple
  •  grips
  •  clutch bag
  •  batch
  •  nab
  •  grip
  •  become hysterical
  •  clench
  •  hold tight
  •  embrace
  •  take hold of
  •  cling to
  •  squeeze
  •  hold close
  •  grab
  •  chicks
  •  seize
  •  envelop
  •  collection
  •  grasp

There are also many different words and phrases that mean the opposite of the phrase clutch. These are called antonyms. Antonyms are also a useful device to know if you are working on your vocabulary. This list of antonyms for the word clutch is also provided by Power Thesaurus. 

  •  unfasten
  •  brain boner
  •  channel
  •  abdicate
  •  defined band of
  •  allow
  •  heavy backpack
  •  certainty
  •  large piece of luggage
  •  cure-all
  •  clemency
  •  ambiguous
  •  big backpack
  •  avulsion
  •  answer
  •  solution
  •  huge suitcase
  •  boon
  •  advantage
  •  affront
  •  large backpack
  •  heavy suitcase
  •  conclude
  •  massive suitcase
  •  elucidation
  •  free
  •  massive bag
  •  substantial bag
  •  disregard
  •  conclusion
  •  abandon
  •  huge bag
  •  let go
  •  burst
  •  careless
  •  broad
  •  large suitcase
  •  huge backpack
  •  blade of grass
  •  clarification
  •  come up with
  •  give
  •  large bag
  •  release
  •  suitcase
  •  calm
  •  big suitcase
  •  heavy bag
  •  big bag
  •  small proportion

Overall, the word clutch means various things. It can mean to hold tightly when used as a verb, or it can refer to a part of a car when used as a noun. 


  1. Clutch synonyms – 2 117 Words and Phrases for Clutch | Power Thesaurus 
  2. Clutch antonyms – 191 Opposites of Clutch | Power Thesaurus 
  3. clutch | Origin and meaning of clutch | Online Etymology Dictionary 
  4. How Clutches Work | HowStuffWorks 
  5. clutch: meaning, origin, translation | Word Sense 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

  • 1

    clutch [klʌtʃ]

    1) сжа́тие; захва́т;

    to make a clutch at smth. схвати́ть что-л.

    3) власть, тиски́;



    зажи́мное устро́йство; му́фта, сцепле́ние;



    схвати́ть; зажа́ть; ухвати́ть(ся)

    clutch [klʌtʃ]

    1) я́йца, на кото́рых сиди́т ку́рица

    2) вы́водок

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > clutch

  • 2

    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > clutch

  • 3
    clutch at

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > clutch at

  • 4

    CLUTCH, CLUTCH AT – см. catch

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > clutch

  • 5

    clutch 1. кладка яиц; 2. выводок; высиживать (цыплят) ; 3. гнездо с яйцами; 4. лапа с выпущенными когтями

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > clutch

  • 6
    clutch to

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > clutch to

  • 7


    муфта сцепления; замковое соединение ()

    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > clutch

  • 8
    clutch at

    clutch at something
    to grab at something
    ухватиться за что-то

    The little girl clutched at her mother’s arm. She clutched at the opportunity to get a job with that company.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > clutch at

  • 9

    Персональный Сократ > clutch

  • 10

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > clutch

  • 11

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > clutch

  • 12

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > clutch

  • 13

    Англо-русский технический словарь > clutch

  • 14

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > clutch

  • 15

    English-russian automobile dictionary > clutch

  • 16



    муфта сцепления || включать сцепление

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > clutch

  • 17

    1. n когти; лапа с выпущенными когтями

    2. n рука, лапа

    3. n сжатие, захват, хватка

    4. n власть; тиски; лапы, руки

    5. n тех. сцепление, муфта

    6. n тех. зажимное устройство; сцепка; захват

    7. n тех. кулачок

    8. a без ручки, без ремня

    clutch bag — сумочка, которую нужно держать в руке или подмышкой

    9. a без застёжек

    10. a амер. разг. надёжный

    11. v схватить, стиснуть; зажать

    12. v схватиться, ухватиться

    13. n гнездо с яйцами

    14. n выводок

    15. n группа людей

    16. n скопление животных, скопище однородных предметов

    17. v высиживать

    18. n сл. подонок, мерзавец

    19. v прост. оцепенеть; перестать соображать

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. catch (noun) capture; catch; grab; seizure; snatch

    3. drive train coupling (noun) automotive coupling; clutch pedal; connection; coupling; drive train coupling; friction clutch; pressure plate; stick shift; transmission

    4. group (noun) array; batch; battery; body; bunch; bundle; clot; clump; cluster; collection; group; knot; lot; parcel; passel; platoon; set; sort; suite

    5. hold (noun) clamp; clasp; clench; clinch; embrace; grapple; grasp; grip; gripe; handle; hold; tenure

    6. grab (verb) catch; clasp; clench; grab; grapple; grasp; grip; hang on; hold tight; nab; seize; snag; snatch; squeeze; take

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > clutch

  • 18

    имя существительное:


    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > clutch

  • 19


    clutch власть, тиски; to get into the clutches of moneylenders попасть во власть (или в лапы) ростовщиков clutch выводок clutch высиживать (цыплят) clutch тех. зажимное устройство; муфта, сцепление; to throw in (out) the clutch сцепить (разобщить) муфту, сцепление clutch pl когти, лапы clutch сжатие; захват; to make a clutch (at smth.) схватить (что-л.) clutch схватить; зажать; ухватить(ся); to clutch at a straw хвататься за соломинку clutch яйца, на которых сидит курица clutch схватить; зажать; ухватить(ся); to clutch at a straw хвататься за соломинку clutch власть, тиски; to get into the clutches of moneylenders попасть во власть (или в лапы) ростовщиков clutch сжатие; захват; to make a clutch (at smth.) схватить (что-л.) clutch тех. зажимное устройство; муфта, сцепление; to throw in (out) the clutch сцепить (разобщить) муфту, сцепление

    English-Russian short dictionary > clutch

  • 20


    1. 1)

    когти; лапа с выпущенными когтями

    in the bear’s clutches — в лапах у медведя, в медвежьих когтях

    2) рука, лапа

    2. 1) сжатие, захват, хватка

    he lost his clutch on the rope and fell — у него разжались пальцы, и он упал /сорвался/ с каната

    2) власть; тиски; лапы, руки

    to get /to fall/ into smb.’s clutches — попасть в чьи-л. когти

    to get out of smb.’s clutches — вырваться из чьих-л. когтей

    he seems to be at his best in the clutch — в острые моменты он всегда показывает себя с наилучшей стороны

    1) сцепление, муфта

    to throw in [out] the clutch — включить /выключить/ сцепление /муфту/

    clutch facing — накладка /фрикционная облицовка/ сцепления

    2) зажимное устройство; сцепка; захват

    3) кулачок

    1. без ручки, без ремня

    clutch bag /purse/ — сумочка, которую нужно держать в руке подмышкой

    2. без застёжек


    разг. надёжный; ≅ выручит в трудную минуту

    a clutch player — игрок, на которого можно положиться

    1) схватить, стиснуть; зажать

    2) схватиться, ухватиться

    a drowning man will clutch at a straw — утопающий (и) за соломинку хватается


    1. 1) гнездо с яйцами

    2) выводок

    2. 1) группа людей

    2) скопление животных, скопище однородных предметов



    подонок, мерзавец



    оцепенеть (); перестать соображать ( clutch up)

    НБАРС > clutch


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Clutch — Жанры Стоунер рок Хардкор Хард рок Фанк метал Блюз рок Годы 1990 настоящее время …   Википедия

  • Clutch — Clutch, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Clutched} (kl[u^]cht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Clutching}.] [OE. clucchen. See {Clutch}, n.] 1. To seize, clasp, or grip with the hand, hands, or claws; often figuratively; as, to clutch power. [1913 Webster] A man may set… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Clutch — (kl[u^]ch; 224), n. [OE. cloche, cloke, claw, Scot. clook, cleuck, also OE. cleche claw, clechen, cleken, to seize; cf. AS. gel[ae]ccan (where ge is a prefix) to seize. Cf. {Latch} a catch.] 1. A gripe or clinching with, or as with, the fingers… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Clutch — en concierto en Minneapolis, 2007 Datos generales Origen Germantown, Maryland …   Wikipedia Español

  • clutch — clutch1 or clutch bag [kluch] vt. [ME clucchen < OE clyccan, to clench (infl. in meaning by ME cloke, a claw) < IE * glek (> CLING) < base * gel : see CLIMB] 1. to grasp, seize, or snatch with a hand or claw 2. to grasp or hold… …   English World dictionary

  • clutch — ‘seize’ [14] and clutch of eggs [18] are separate words, although they may ultimately be related. The verb arose in Middle English as a variant of the now obsolete clitch, which came from Old English clyccan ‘bend, clench’. The modern sense of… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • clutch — clutch·man; de·clutch; un·clutch; clutch; …   English syllables

  • clutch — ‘seize’ [14] and clutch of eggs [18] are separate words, although they may ultimately be related. The verb arose in Middle English as a variant of the now obsolete clitch, which came from Old English clyccan ‘bend, clench’. The modern sense of… …   Word origins

  • Clutch — Clutch, v. i. 1. To reach (at something) as if to grasp; to catch or snatch; often followed by at. [1913 Webster] 2. to become too tense or frightened to perform properly; used sometimes with up; as, he clutched up on the exam. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • clutch — vb grasp, grab, *take, seize, snatch Analogous words: capture, *catch: hold, *have, possess, own clutch n *hold, grip, grasp Analogous words: seizing, grabbing, taking (see TAKE) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • clutch — [n] strong hold clamp, clasp, clench, clinch, connection, coupling, grapple, grasp, grip, gripe, link; concept 190 clutch [v] grab, snatch catch, cherish, clasp, clench, clinch, cling to, collar, embrace, fasten, glom*, grapple, grasp, grip,… …   New thesaurus

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Friction disk for a dry clutch

A clutch is a mechanical device that allows the output shaft to be disconnected from the rotating input shaft.[1] The clutch’s input shaft is typically attached to a motor, while the clutch’s output shaft is connected to the mechanism that does the work.

In a motor vehicle, the clutch acts as a mechanical linkage between the engine and transmission. By disengaging the clutch, the engine speed (RPM) is no longer determined by the speed of the driven wheels.

Another example of clutch usage is in electric drills.[2] The clutch’s input shaft is driven by a motor and the output shaft is connected to the drill bit (via several intermediate components). The clutch allows the drill bit to either spin at the same speed as the motor (clutch engaged), spin at a lower speed as the motor (clutch slipping) or remain stationary while the motor is spinning (clutch disengaged).


Dry clutch[edit]

A dry clutch uses dry friction to transfer power from the input shaft to the output shaft, for example a friction disk pressing on a car engine’s flywheel. The majority of clutches are dry clutches, especially in vehicles with manual transmissions. Slippage of a friction clutch (where the clutch is partially engaged but the shafts are rotating at different speeds) is sometimes required, such as when a motor vehicle accelerates from a standstill; however the slippage should be minimised to avoid increased wear rates.

In a pull-type clutch, pressing the pedal pulls the release bearing to disengage the clutch. In a push-type clutch, pressing the pedal pushes the release bearing to disengage the clutch.

A multi-plate clutch consists of several friction plates arranged concentrically. In some cases, it is used instead of a larger diameter clutch. Drag racing cars use multi-plate clutches to control the rate of power transfer to the wheels as the vehicle accelerates from a standing start.

Some clutch disks include springs designed to change the natural frequency of the clutch disc, in order to reduce NVH within the vehicle. Also, some clutches for manual transmission cars use a clutch delay valve to avoid abrupt engagements of the clutch.

Wet clutch[edit]

In a wet clutch, the friction material sits in an oil bath (or has flow-through oil) which cools and lubricates the clutch. This can provide smoother engagement and a longer lifespan of the clutch, however wet clutches can have a lower efficiency due to some energy being transferred to the oil. Since the surfaces of a wet clutch can be slippery (as with a motorcycle clutch bathed in engine oil), stacking multiple clutch discs can compensate for the lower coefficient of friction and so eliminate slippage under power when fully engaged.

Wet clutches often use a composite paper material.[citation needed]

Centrifugal clutch[edit]

A centrifugal clutch automatically engages as the speed of the input shaft increases and disengages as the input shaft speed decreases. Applications include small motorcycles, motor scooters, chainsaws, and some older automobiles.

Cone clutch[edit]

A cone clutch is similar to dry friction plate clutch, except the friction material is applied to the outside of a conical shaped object.
A common application for cone clutches is the synchronizer ring in a manual transmission.

Dog clutch[edit]

A dog clutch is a non-slip design of clutch which is used in non-synchronous transmissions.

Single-revolution clutch[edit]

Cascaded-pawl single-revolution clutch in a teleprinter

The single-revolution clutch was developed in the 19th century to power machinery such as shears or presses where a single pull of the operating lever or (later) press of a button would trip the mechanism, engaging the clutch between the power source and the machine’s crankshaft for exactly one revolution before disengaging the clutch. When the clutch is disengaged, the driven member is stationary. Early designs were typically dog clutches with a cam on the driven member used to disengage the dogs at the appropriate point.[3][4]

Greatly simplified single-revolution clutches were developed in the 20th century, requiring much smaller operating forces and in some variations, allowing for a fixed fraction of a revolution per operation.[5] Fast action friction clutches replaced dog clutches in some applications, eliminating the problem of impact loading on the dogs every time the clutch engaged.[6][7]

In addition to their use in heavy manufacturing equipment, single-revolution clutches were applied to numerous small machines. In tabulating machines, for example, pressing the operate key would trip a single revolution clutch to process the most recently entered number.[8] In typesetting machines, pressing any key selected a particular character and also engaged a single rotation clutch to cycle the mechanism to typeset that character.[9] Similarly, in teleprinters, the receipt of each character tripped a single-revolution clutch to operate one cycle of the print mechanism.[10]

In 1928, Frederick G. Creed developed a single-turn spring clutch (see above) that was particularly well suited to the repetitive start-stop action required in teleprinters.[11] In 1942, two employees of Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Company developed an improved single turn spring clutch.[12] In these clutches, a coil spring is wrapped around the driven shaft and held in an expanded configuration by the trip lever. When tripped, the spring rapidly contracts around the power shaft engaging the clutch. At the end of one revolution, if the trip lever has been reset, it catches the end of the spring (or a pawl attached to it), and the angular momentum of the driven member releases the tension on the spring. These clutches have long operating lives—many have performed tens and perhaps hundreds of millions of cycles without the need of maintenance other than occasional lubrication.

Cascaded-pawl single-revolution clutches superseded wrap-spring single-revolution clutches in page printers, such as teleprinters, including the Teletype Model 28 and its successors, using the same design principles. IBM Selectric typewriters also used them. These are typically disc-shaped assemblies mounted on the driven shaft. Inside the hollow disc-shaped drive drum are two or three freely floating pawls arranged so that when the clutch is tripped, the pawls spring outward much like the shoes in a drum brake. When engaged, the load torque on each pawl transfers to the others to keep them engaged. These clutches do not slip once locked up, and they engage very quickly, on the order of milliseconds. A trip projection extends out from the assembly. If the trip lever engaged this projection, the clutch was disengaged. When the trip lever releases this projection, internal springs and friction engage the clutch. The clutch then rotates one or more turns, stopping when the trip lever again engages the trip projection.

Other designs[edit]

  • Kickback clutch-brakes: Found in some types of synchronous-motor-driven electric clocks built before the 1940s, to prevent the clock from running backwards. The clutch consisted of a wrap-spring clutch-brake that was coupled to the rotor by one or two stages of reduction gearing. The clutch-brake locked up when rotated backwards, but also had some spring action. The inertia of the rotor going backwards engaged the clutch and wound the spring. As it unwound, it restarted the motor in the correct direction.
  • Belt clutch: used on agricultural equipment, lawnmowers, tillers, and snow blowers. Engine power is transmitted via a set of belts that are slack when the engine is idling, but an idler pulley can tighten the belts to increase friction between the belts and the pulleys.
  • BMA clutch: Invented by Waldo J Kelleigh in 1949,[13] used for transmitting torque between two shafts consisting of a fixed driving member secured to one of said shafts, and a movable driving member, having a contacting surface with a plurality of indentations.
  • Electromagnetic clutch: typically engaged by an electromagnet that is an integral part of the clutch assembly. Another type, the magnetic particle clutch, contains magnetically influenced particles in a chamber between driving and driven members—application of direct current makes the particles clump together and adhere to the operating surfaces. Engagement and slippage are notably smooth.
  • Wrap-spring clutch: has a helical spring, typically wound with square-cross-section wire. These were developed in the late 19th and early 20th-century.[14][15] In simple form the spring is fastened at one end to the driven member; its other end is unattached. The spring fits closely around a cylindrical driving member. If the driving member rotates in the direction that would unwind the spring expands minutely and slips although with some drag. Because of this, spring clutches must typically be lubricated with light oil. Rotating the driving member the other way makes the spring wrap itself tightly around the driving surface and the clutch locks up very quickly. The torque required to make a spring clutch slip grows exponentially with the number of turns in the spring, obeying the capstan equation.

Usage in automobiles[edit]

Manual transmissions[edit]

Most cars and trucks with a manual transmission use a dry clutch, which is operated by the driver using the left-most pedal. The motion of the pedal is transferred to the clutch using hydraulics (master and slave cylinders) or a cable. The clutch is only disengaged at times when the driver is pressing on the clutch pedal, therefore the default state is for the transmission to be connected to the engine. A «neutral» gear position is provided, so that the clutch pedal can be released with the vehicle remaining stationary.

The clutch is required for standing starts and is usually (but not always) used to assist in synchronising the speeds of the engine and transmission during gear changes, i.e. while reducing the engine speed (RPM) during upshifts and increasing the engine speed during downshifts.

The clutch is usually mounted directly to the face of the engine’s flywheel, as this already provides a convenient large-diameter steel disk that can act as one driving plate of the clutch. Some racing clutches use small multi-plate disk packs that are not part of the flywheel. Both clutch and flywheel are enclosed in a conical bellhousing for the gearbox. The friction material used for the clutch disk varies, with a common material being an organic compound resin with a copper wire facing or a ceramic material.[16]

Automatic transmissions[edit]

In an automatic transmission, the role of the clutch is performed by a torque converter. However, the transmission itself often includes internal clutches, such as a lock-up clutch to prevent slippage of the torque converter, in order to reduce the energy loss through the transmission and therefore improve fuel economy.[17]

Fans and compressors[edit]

Older belt-driven engine cooling fans often use a heat-activated clutch, in the form of a bimetallic strip. When the temperature is low, the spring winds and closes the valve, which lets the fan spin at about 20% to 30% of the crankshaft speed. As the temperature of the spring rises, it unwinds and opens the valve, allowing fluid past the valve, making the fan spin at about 60% to 90% of crankshaft speed.

A vehicle’s air-conditioning compressor often uses magnetic clutches to engage the compressor as required.

Usage in motorcycles[edit]

Motorcycles typically employ a wet clutch with the clutch riding in the same oil as the transmission. These clutches are usually made up of a stack of alternating friction plates and steel plates. The friction plates have lugs on their outer diameters that lock them into a basket that is turned by the crankshaft. The steel plates have lugs on their inner diameters that lock them to the transmission input shaft. A set of coil springs or a diaphragm spring plate force the plates together when the clutch is engaged.

On motorcycles the clutch is operated by a hand lever on the left handlebar. No pressure on the lever means that the clutch plates are engaged (driving), while pulling the lever back towards the rider disengages the clutch plates through cable or hydraulic actuation, allowing the rider to shift gears or coast. Racing motorcycles often use slipper clutches to eliminate the effects of engine braking, which, being applied only to the rear wheel, can cause instability.

See also[edit]

  • Clutch control
  • Coupling
  • Freewheel
  • Gear shift
  • Torque converter
  • Torque limiter


  1. ^ Sclater, Neil (2011). Mechanisms and mechanical devices sourcebook (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 212. ISBN 9780071704427. Retrieved 27 December 2020.
  2. ^ «How Clutches Work». 16 October 2007. Retrieved 24 December 2020.
  3. ^ Frank Wheeler, Clutch and stop mechanism for presses, US 470797, granted Dec. 14, 1891.
  4. ^ Samuel Trethewey, Clutch, US 495686, granted Apr. 18, 1893.
  5. ^ Fred. R. Allen, Clutch, US 1025043, granted Apr. 30, 1912.
  6. ^ John J. Zeitz, Friction-clutch, US 906181, granted Dec. 8, 1908.
  7. ^ William Lautenschlager, Friction Clutch, US 1439314, granted Dec. 19, 1922.
  8. ^ Fred. M. Carroll, Key adding device for tabulating machines, US 1848106, granted Mar. 8, 1932.
  9. ^ Clifton Chisholm, Typesetting machine, US 1889914, granted Dec. 6, 1932.
  10. ^ Arthur H, Adams, Selecting and typing means for printing telegraphs, US 2161840, issued Jun. 13, 1928.
  11. ^ Frederick G. Creed, Clutch Mechanism, US 1659724, granted Feb. 21, 1928
  12. ^ Alva G. Russell, Alfred Burkhardt, and Samuel E. Calhoun, Spring Clutch, US 2298970, granted Oct. 13, 1942.
  13. ^ «Clutch Patent».
  14. ^ Analdo M. English, Friction-Clutch, US 255957, granted Apr. 4 1882.
  15. ^ Charles C. Tillotson, Power-Transmission Clutch, US 850981, granted Apr. 23, 1907.
  16. ^ Yu, Liang; Ma, Biao; Chen, Man; Li, Heyan; Ma, Chengnan; Liu, Jikai (15 September 2019). «Comparison of the Friction and Wear Characteristics between Copper and Paper Based Friction Materials». Materials. 12 (18): 2988. Bibcode:2019Mate…12.2988Y. doi:10.3390/ma12182988. ISSN 1996-1944. PMC 6766303. PMID 31540186.
  17. ^ «What is Lock-up Clutch Mechanism?». Your Online Mechanic. Retrieved 17 July 2014.

Asked by: Ernestina Block

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(9 votes)

1 : to grasp or hold with or as if with the hand or claws usually strongly, tightly, or suddenly He clutched his chest and appeared to be in pain.

Is clutch a slang word?

What does clutch mean? In slang, clutch refers to something done (well) in crucial situation, such as clutch play in sports that pushes a team into victory. More broadly, clutch can characterize something as “excellent” or “effective.”

Is clutch a English word?

Meaning of clutch in English. to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain: Silent and pale, she clutched (onto) her mother’s hand. Clutching the money to his chest, he hurried to the bank.

What does it mean to call someone a clutch?

You might have heard the term “clutch” or “clutch player.” If someone comes through in the clutch, it means that they perform well at a critical moment. Time is about to run out, the team is down, and their season depends on getting a win.

What does clutch mean urban?

In slang, clutch refers to something done (well) in crucial situation, such as clutch play in sports that pushes a team into victory. … In slang, clutch refers to something done (well) in a crucial situation, such as a clutch play in sports that pushes a team into victory.

15 related questions found

What does clutch mean on Snapchat?

«An Unlikely Victory or Success» is the most common definition for CLUTCH on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. CLUTCH. Definition: An Unlikely Victory or Success.

What does coming in clutch me?

«coming in clutch» means that someone is coming in to help you right when you need them the most.

What is clutch in a car?

If you’ve ever driven a manual shift car, then you’re probably familiar with the clutch. It’s the third pedal that you have to press in order to change gears. … This is where the clutch comes into play. It can disengage the wheels without killing the engine.

How do you use the word clutch in a sentence?

Slang. to spellbind; grip a person’s emotions, attention, or interest: Garbo movies really clutch me. to try to seize or grasp (usually followed by at): He clutched at the fleeing child. She clutched at the opportunity.

How many is a clutch?

‘ ‘The female incubates the clutch of eggs, which can vary from 4 to 6, but usually consists of 5 eggs.

What type of word is clutch?

As detailed above, ‘clutch’ can be a noun, a verb or an adjective. Verb usage: She clutched her purse tightly and walked nervously into the building.

What is a clutch play?

If an activity is referred to as a clutch play, it means that the activity was the key to the success or failure of the venture. For instance, a clutch play in a baseball game may be striking out a batter with the bases loaded.

Which is the longest word in the English language?

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles, specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis.

What does clutch mean in fortnite?

Clutch under pressure. Clutch is an Epic Outfit in Fortnite: Battle Royale, that can be purchased in the Item Shop with the Hang Time Bundle for 1,800 V-Bucks. She was first released in Season 9 and is part of the Hang Time Set.

What is the principle of clutch?

The principle of clutch:

When two revolving friction surfaces are brought into contact and pressed, then they are united and start to revolve at the same speed due to the friction force between them. This is the basic principle of a clutch.

Do you use clutch when turning?

As long as the wheels are turning your engine is turning and won’t stall. Just engage clutch(or give gas) when you are approaching stall speed. You should avoid riding/slipping the clutch wherever possible.

What does clutch mean in football?

Clutch performance in sports is the phenomenon of athletes under pressure or «in the clutch», usually in the last minutes of a game, to summon strength, concentration and whatever else necessary to succeed, to perform well, and perhaps change the outcome of the game.

What does clutch mean in gaming?

Clutch means to come through in a difficult situation. For example, you have 1 hp left, and face two enemies for the win, and eliminate them both. Contrast with «Choke,» where you are in a situation that you probably should win, but fail.

Why is basketball called clutch?

In basketball, a player is considered clutch only after seeing him make a buzzer-beater on Sports Center. Most times the last shot will go to the team’s best player, putting even more pressure on him to perform. … Becoming the Most Valuable Player was not enough until he won every game, especially in the playoffs.

What is the shortest word?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea.

What word takes 3 hours to say full word?

The word is 189,819 letters long. It’s actually the name of a giant protein called Titin. Proteins are usually named by mashing-up the names of the chemicals making them. And since Titin is the largest protein ever discovered, its name had to be equally as large.

Which word takes 3 hours to say?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

Who is the most clutch footballer?

Messi, Ronaldo, Lewandowski and most of the other big-name scorers: clutch

  • Lionel Messi, Barcelona: 25 (16 goals, 9 assists)
  • Cristiano Ronaldo, Juventus: 24 (22, 2)
  • Romelu Lukaku, Inter Milan: 21 (17, 4)
  • Edinson Cavani, Man United: 20 (18, 2)
  • Mario Balotelli, Monza: 18 (17, 1)
  • Ciro Immobile, Lazio: 17 (15, 2)

What’s the difference between a racing clutch and regular clutch?

While a normal clutch features a springs and low-friction material used to absorb slipping and hard launches, a race clutch features ultra-grabby material that limit’s the driver’s ability to slip without overheating the disc.

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