The word clue in a sentence

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The only clue was that air and water were somehow responsible.

Единственная подсказка была в том, что за это каким-то образом отвечают воздух и вода.

Then I realized that was the clue.

И тогда я понял, что в этом как раз подсказка.

But we found another clue that led us here.

Но мы нашли еще один ключ, он привел нас сюда.

A clue: the surnames have special resonance for Arsenal fans.

Вот вам ключ: их имена для болельщиков «Арсенала» обладают особым отзвуком.

But there was one final clue.

Но остаётся ещё одна, самая последняя зацепка.

You also just told me what the next clue means.

А еще ты только что подсказал мне, что означает следующая зацепка.

Maybe the spot’s the clue.

Может, грязное место на футболке — подсказка.

Anger is your clue that you are not taking responsibility.

А гнев — ваша подсказка, что вы не хотите принимать ответственность.

But it was a clue, a real clue.

Nature has not overlooked this important clue.

Минприроды не осталось в стороне от этого важного события.

I seriously have no clue what to do to help him.

Я действительно не имеют никакой идеи, что я должен делать, чтобы помочь ему.

Ask them if they have any clue.

Спросите их, будут ли они рекомендовать этого человека.

This perhaps provides a clue to further improving country-level coordination.

Это может подсказать направление дальнейших мер по улучшению координации на страновом уровне.

Perhaps nature can give us a clue.

Возможно, что природа таким образом преподносит нам испытание.

Especially after the clue that I gave you.

Особенно после тех объяснений, которые я вам сейчас дал.

There may be a clue in your last sentence.

Там, скорее всего, опечатка у вас в последнем предложении.

Americans have no clue the dire situation they face.

Американцы не имеют ни малейшего понятия о тяжелой ситуации, с которой они сталкиваются.

No clue how she plans to do this.

Никаких намёков на то, как она собирается это сделать.

Then I guess you’d better clue me in.

В таком случае, я думаю, тебе придется мне намекнуть.

No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain clue

Results: 7953. Exact: 7953. Elapsed time: 87 ms.


Corporate solutions



Grammar Check

Help & about

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

ключ, ключ к разгадке, нить, улика, раскрывать, сообщать, раскрывать тайну


- ключ к разгадке, путеводная нить

clue to a puzzle — ключ к решению головоломки

- улика
- амер. сведение, информация

not have a clue — ничего не понимать, не иметь никакого представления (о чём-л.); не находить объяснения (чему-л.)


- амер. сообщить (кому-л.) о (каком-л.) событии; раскрыть (новые факты и т. п.)
- раскрыть секрет, тайну (часто clue in)

Мои примеры


a faint clue to the origin of the mystery — слабый намёк на разгадку этой тайны / маленький ключик к разгадке этой тайны  
a small clue of yarn — маленький моток пряжи  
clinker clue — комки спёкшегося материала; комья клинкера  
clue in — раскрыть секрет; раскрыть тайну  
clue marker — маркёр, наносящий опознавательные метки  
diagnostic clue — диагностический критерий; диагностический ключ  
discover a clue — найти ключ  
find a clue — найти ключ  
foot clue — нижний угол паруса  
grope for a clue — искать ключ  
have a clue — понимать  

Примеры с переводом

I haven’t a clue how to talk to girls.

Я понятия не имею, как разговаривать с девушками.

“Guess who I met today.” “Can you give me a clue?”

“Угадай, кого я встретил сегодня.” “Можешь дать мне подсказку?”

Police have found a vital clue.

Полиция нашла жизненно важную улику.

It gives a clue as to how to proceed.

Это дает представление о том, как действовать далее.

I can’t imagine where you have hidden it, please clue me in.

Я не имею ни малейшего понятия, где вы это спрятали, расскажите мне, пожалуйста.

Those people ain’t got a clue.

Эти люди ничего не смыслят /не знают, не соображают, не понимают/.

Michael is all clued up about radio.

В том, что касается радио, Майкл дока.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

‘I haven’t a clue what’s going on.’ ‘That makes two of us.’

…employees regarded the latest turnabout as a sure sign that management hadn’t a clue as to what it was doing…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

clued  — проинформированный, располагающий информацией
clueless  — невежественный, необразованный, беспомощный, растерянный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: clue
he/she/it: clues
ing ф. (present participle): clueing
2-я ф. (past tense): clued
3-я ф. (past participle): clued

ед. ч.(singular): clue
мн. ч.(plural): clues

clue — перевод на русский


— I wanted to see if Steve left some sort of clue in the final rungs about how he would leave us.

Я хотел посмотреть, не оставил ли Стив подсказку на финальных ступенях о том, как он нас покинет.

Just to see if he can find anything that’ll give us a clue.

Возможно, он найдет какую-нибудь подсказку.

We might pick up some kind of clue there.

Мы могли бы найти там подсказку.

We should have followed that clue he gave us.

Мы должны проверить ту подсказку, которую он дал нам.

Why leave that man in the hangar to give us a clue?

Почему этот человек в ангаре, дал нам подсказку?

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Did they find any clues?

— Не важно. Они нашли какие-нибудь улики?

I don’t want any clues.

Где улики?

What do I want with clues?

Я хочу убить тебя. Зачем мне понадобились улики?

What do you think people do? Leave clues around?

По-твоему, здесь повсюду оставили улики?

Of course, I can’t promise anything, but if you’d like to accompany me around the house, we might find the clue to prove my theory.

Конечно, я не могу ничего гарантировать, но если вы со мной пройдетесь, мы можем найти улики…

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Like I haven’t got a clue how I’m going to bring this baby up.

Потому что я понятия не имею, как мне поднять этого ребёнка в одиночку.

Of course, the people out there don’t have a clue. If somebody is hungry, the others are too. They stick together.

Конечно люди и понятия не имеют всем хочется есть… все держаться друг за друга.

The Intelligence department had no clue.

Отдел разведки не имел понятия.

That, Sergeant Benton, means that I haven’t got a clue what I’m doing.

Это, сержант Бентон, означает, что я понятия не имею, что делаю.


Понятия не имею, но я ношу имя Ричард Джей Лумис.

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Well, the first clue came quite by accident.

Первая зацепка появилась случайно.

There’s your first clue, Sherlock!

Эта наша первая зацепка, Шерлок.

Let’s go. It’s not a clue.

Это не зацепка.

It is our only clue.

Оно наша единственная зацепка.

Let’s at least pretend we got a fucking clue.

Давайте хотя бы сделаем вид, что у нас есть зацепка.

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I don’t know which, but this is another clue.

Не знаю, к какому. Может быть тоже ключ, нет?

I think, perhaps, we’ve been given nothing else but clues.

Думаю, возможно, у нас нет ни чего больше, но ключ.

I think the clue we need is here on Titan 3.

Думаю, ключ находится здесь, на Титане 3.

It is a vital clue to her whereabouts.

Это жизненно важный ключ к её местонахождению.

There’s a clue at Leo’s house.

Ключ к ней — в доме Лио.

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I have no clue how I ended up finding that body.

Понятия не имею, как меня занесло искать это тело.

They have no clue that they are marching.

— Я понятия не имею, где она.

You want to know something? I don’t have a clue. — No?

Если хочешь знать, я понятия не имею.

— Haven’t a clue.

Понятия не имею.

No, not a clue.

Нет, понятия не имею.

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I don’t have a clue. Around forty, fifty.

Не знаю. 40-50.

— I have no clue.

— Да не знаю я.

I don’t have a clue… where to.

Я не знаю… куда.

I haven’t a clue, and I don’t think it makes much difference if I did.

Не знаю, и не думаю, что это изменило бы хоть что-нибудь, если бы я знал.

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I haven’t a clue.

И я не понимаю.

I don’t have a fuckin’ clue what this is about, so I don’t.

Я не понимаю, что за хуйня происходит.

Nicholas, I haven’t a clue what this is all about, but your taste in champagne is excellent, as always.

Николас, я не понимаю, что это значит, но шампанское у тебя изумительное, как всегда!

I don’t have a clue what’s going on anymore

Я больше не понимаю, что происходит.

Whoompa, whoompa, pbbth. — Not a clue.

Ничего не понимаю.

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He didn’t have a clue.

Он ни о чём не догадывается.

And somewhere out there I’ve got a dad who hasn’t got a clue what I’m like.

А где-то там ходит мой отец, который даже не догадывается, какой я.

Anyone got a clue how liver cells got into the kid’s armpit?

Кто-нибудь догадывается, как клетки печени попали в подмышку парня?

— He doesn’t have a clue.

— Он даже не догадывается!

— Believe me, he hasn’t got a clue.

Поверь, он ни о чём не догадывается.

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Five crewmen in comas, and we don’t have a single clue?

Пятеро рядовых в коме, и у нас ни единой догадки?

-Any clues here?

— Какие-нибудь догадки?

Does anyone have the faintest clue what an arthropod might be?

У кого-нибудь есть догадки, что может означать это слово?

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He had no clue they were of interest

«What makes you think she’d have any clue?» Ava asked

‘No … but as I said, I haven’t had anything to do with her for a couple of years … why would anyone shoot her?’ I said, scouring my memories for any inkling which might give a clue

Aldman believes there is a clue in their mantra: “We are with you in the Situation Room, Wolf Blitzer

The exception was when there was news, a clue, a connection, a hint of warmth on the trail

Any hint or clue

«The Gardai say they haven’t a clue

Johnny had not a clue, but he knew instantly that he was prey

«You don’t have a fucking clue mate do you?»

‘No, he doesn’t have a clue what to do with a crying female, does he?’ I said smiling despite myself

The first clue he found was in a signal search, there was a CLX2 listed in the connection list of a substrate function, he needed to see what that lead to

Bahkmar wished he was a good enough technician to repair Moamar’s brain, but how the mind that was being simulated actually worked was not understood and he would not have a clue how to start

That conversation gave him a clue in his search, he could find their veron grant line and see where it lead

The girl’s last statement was enough of a clue to make the final connection in the boy’s mind

«Not a clue, I haven’t been called for duty since the end of that meeting

Mother’s name presented a problem – Kara didn’t have a clue what Karentze had called herself

’ Kara said absently, her mind occupied in trying to recall any detail of the two men that might give a clue as to why they had attacked her

She lay back against the pillows and closed her eyes, scouring her brain for any clue as to what might have caused this situation

or creating something, this is a clue

But doing what is supposed to come natural to a woman, I… I don’t have a damn clue! I don’t…” she said softly as tears began to flow

He taught me nothing; he didn’t have a clue

A gentle drone disturbed my sleep growing louder by the second and I hadn’t a clue what it was until I stretched and felt something moving on the bed

No other signs or advertisements gave a clue as to what was inside but it looked like somewhere interesting and my curiosity peaked again

Without moving, I search with my eyes for a clue to where in the rocks the Element might be …

And computers … wonderful tools, but a society has been created which is so dependent on the things that, should a major catastrophe wipe them out, vast numbers of people would not have the first clue how to survive

The fact that she wasn’t was an important clue to her real motive

We set off without a clue as to what we’d find in Faria but it was much more serious than we could’ve imagined

Most people are quite happy to comply with the request, curious as to who received the anonymous letters and what they had said … I become pretty convincing at not having a clue … if they only knew …

Ben didn’t have a clue

He had tried to feel Alan out, trying to get some clue as to whether he might be the one who had her encapsulated, whether he could get her back

He was hoping for something that would give him a clue to the enemy’s vulnerability, or even some clue as to what it really is

convinced that he would at last find a clue to the whereabouts of

She had no clue what was going on in today’s conversation, for all he knew Patass was describing every position they’d used, how she was at it, how overcome she was by his romance and the way she flopped like a carp during her first orgasm

causing this, I had no clue what you were talking

Didn’t have the first clue about planning permission and all that, she didn’t

not an internet marketer so he really had no clue of what was needed on the site,

I remember that one of our number didn’t have a clue how she had become pregnant in the first place let alone what was going to happen to her during birth

Not until she saw the hardware indirect in her invocation did she have a clue what was going on

’ I replied completely forgetting that she hasn’t a clue what has been going on since I last saw her

The receptionist, ostensibly busying herself with some papers, is obviously earwigging for all she is worth but she looks puzzled so probably doesn’t have a clue what we are talking about

“I wouldn’t have the foggiest clue, you might just inhale it for all I know

‘Do a lot of this sort of thing, do you?’ she asked, aware that she hadn’t got the first clue what his speciality might be

Was it a clue to why she had done what she did? Was this a picture of the pressure she felt?

She turns to Jock, ready for a general tutting about the youth of today, expecting him to be so engrossed in the back pages of the Mail that he won’t have a clue what she is going on about

‘I really don’t have the first clue

He made sure he stayed calm and said, “I’m sure I haven’t the slightest clue,” with so little emotion that even a keda wouldn’t have been able to smell a thing

It was no act, he hadn’t the first clue what could have made this mess

All faces turned to the windows for some clue to the sudden inconvenience, though from their vantage point within the series of train cars and lacking a proper field of view, ready explanations were not forthcoming

When I said it is ancient beyond fathoming, I mean its origins are lost in the mists of time just as the origins of language itself, and this diagram handed on from age to age remains our only clue

the three cards buried in the tan envelope in the board game Clue

That was a clue, one of many he should have noticed in the last year

That was another clue wasn’t it? If he had read this before he would certainly have figured it out from that

Only some ultra-experimental music he’d once heard gave him any clue as to what that must feel like

give him a clue where to begin

The red wood was her first clue, but back then, they didn’t have a need for such a thing

the body in the desperate hope of finding a clue that had

Otto followed its movement as if it were a clue as to what Babs was thinking

To this day I don’t exactly know what J3/J5 means; something to do with missions and operations but I don’t have a clue

It took years of careful observation and correlation before she got a single clue how a session would begin

Here you could tour the basin floor for decades and have no clue but a map and a signpost to tell you where you were or where you were going

including glory! Most believers have no clue about what this

He put tiny entries for them all on his own clue sheet in case he got desperate enough to chase leads such as those

«I see that was way too big a clue

«I have no clue,» she said, «Maybe they just skipped that day

He noted them, having to write small between the lines on the tattered clue sheet by now

The only real clue was he didn’t smell like a man unless the man bathed in used cooking oil

‘The clue is in the disappearing weapon

went, with not the slightest rumour or clue as to the

I hadn’t the slightest clue that it would be so

held the clue to whatever he did in this room

The only clue I have is this stupid journal

that I didn’t have a clue about what to speak, and my brother-in-

arrived at such an obscure station?” I haven’t a clue

Your dream may lend a clue to the source of the irritation

The Imperial only left him with the clue that she had friendly connections in Solitude and he might well try there with some luck

Why was she so afraid? I looked to Seth for a clue, but he was as frightened as she was

They were watching me with those red eyes, not able to process the thought that would clue them in on their mortal danger

” This gives us a clue that everything is still going according to a divine plan

He had no clue, but that if he got more information, he would be glad to pass that on to Martin

He was impressed with the old man and he had picked up another clue about Sloan’s destination when the old man had said what Martin already knew, that Sloan had talked about Scotland many times

If Maria came through with any clue at all, he would have additional support for his request to Security to allow an official search for Sloan

The only clue in its fleeting telemetry indicated a drastically dilated timescale by the order of at least a billion to one

He briefly thought about going back over the earlier material he reviewed which gave him his first clue as to Sloan’s intent

Elizabeth smiled and began, “Kurt, after my parents died, I didn’t have a clue what to do

Except for two visits from the Administration’s real estate people last month, I’ve had no visitors in the past year,” she said, paused, and went on, “This place is all I know and as I’ve said, I haven’t a clue what I’m going to do

He set about reliving the previous couple of days in his mind, trying to find some clue as to the identity of the traitor

Do you have a clue why I would be interested in this system? Do you know who built the water system?” he quietly asked Martin

None of those here had any clue as to what he had gone through to get where he was this morning

I hadn’t a clue that this whole thing was such an international affair

Just an elongated blob, which all but vanished, the only clue: the spacial distortion itself, massive graviton flux

The damaged flight deck’s control panel rendered no clue as to any escape procedure; he was sure that would be the activation point

“You hadn’t got a clue!” she replied, “And I never thought of myself as a ‘saboteur’

Chris studied the stone block again for a moment, “Okay, it’s not the sort of thing we’d build, and I’ve no clue how it got here, but I don’t like the idea of aliens putting this here

“Give me a couple of minutes,” said Brian, “I’ve got a couple of things that might at least give us a clue what it’s made from

Bleedin’ phone on the go, not a clue what

«I haven’t a clue, but I bet you it’s there

Why did Jesus pause and not read the entire passage? Would the prophecy’s fulfilment be true if he included the part that was left out and told his peers that the prophecy was fulfilled on that day? This gives us a clue to something which is in the future

listening had a clue what they were talking about, any more than Danny would have understood a

even if he didn’t have a clue who she was

Then a wise friend clued me in

Round every corner you will hear ‘Where you come flom?’ For some reason, maybe because I work all day on a laptop, the staff seems to think I’m clued up on many things

The embers in the stone fireplace kept the coffee hot and clued him to the fact that Nick was around

What clued me in to the fact that it was Chicago was the trains—constantly running, all over the city, like the El in present-day Chicago

was pretty clued up on this matter, evolution had deemed it so

Vic started laughing; he’d noticed that AJ, although younger than Hobbs, was a bit more clued up

I still hadn’t clued in

of my thighs, I clued in

Many marketers in the know are clued up about exactly how valuable such a list is

Many marketers in the know are clued up about exactly

He depends on his plant manager to keep him clued up, a bloke called Nick Adams

If you’re fair with him he’ll keep you clued up with what’s really going on in the plant

Darren was clued up enough to know that the worst thing he could do would be to start wandering up the trails trying to find his colleague

She was very clued up and I’d be

“Stas, you should have clued us in to what was going on,” Andrew said with a smile

If the lushness of her figure had not clued him in, the trembling in her hand certainly would have

I would appreciate it if you clued me in

the body should have clued them in

Oak didn’t understand why they were jolted to a stop until he quickly clued in that it was because of Blackthorn

She cast anchor, clued up sails, and on the deck was Captain Gaumard giving orders, and good old Penelon making signals to M

He clued me in about a horrible drive-by shooting at the La Salle Heights Church

Groza alerted and clued in other detectives on his two-way

She would want him to pursue her, she would leave enough clues to let him find out where she went

They were using that to try and find clues into the nature of information creation

There are a number of clues filled in with made up words, but the key letters are correct

unable to turn up any clues as to the identity of the conspirators,

where I might be able to find any clues as to the

It took him some time, but the pictures gave a lot of clues to what the sentence was about and he already knew how to talk pretty well

what was in the jars, but their exteriors offered few clues

” Otto watched for clues as to Bruce’s intentions

But you can get some clues if you look hard enough and question what you see

Finding the maintenance manuals for these androids had been one of his first clues that his parents weren’t real

“Looks the same, but is she? Look for clues

“I only wish that clues were a bit more forthcoming

Still, however, she contented herself with the hope that this man was someone whom she might be able to look toward for additional clues

Soon enough the thief was off, figuring that retracing the Breton woman’s steps would be the best approach to begin with until he found more clues

Consider where on the body was the bandage for more additional clues

Consider what movies you associate this celebrity with for clues as to where and what you want to achieve success in

Consider the subject of the textbook for additional clues

Hopefully, once we track him down, we can find some clues for the identity of our real rat

If I choose to stick to what I know to go after the previous men who were bugged in the hope of finding any clues about our rat, it would most likely end up being a waste of time and resources, not to mention that I’m not sure that there’s even a way to track them down now

Isin, at the science station continued to monitor the long range scanners for even a blip of indication that they might need to drop from wrinkle and investigate further clues of their prey’s presence in the region

Whether or not he would yield up such observations and clues was an entirely different matter

“No! Ravena’s the one who translated the clues, and

and there are virtually no clues or leads to

“So what other clues are there?”

What he felt sure of was that he had not eliminated clues left by the real murderer

If this had been a mystery story, the clues and foreshadowing were being laid out like pieces of a puzzle that I was too distracted to see

Adem had no idea how they were supposed to create these seals to imprison the Dark One, and no one yet had given him any clues

Yes, I noticed many clues that Amadeus was not normal

So what further clues could they have uncovered to give away his once secret alliance that wasn’t already revealed in the interrogation? It was simply a matter of procuring evidence

In truth, Toran had already checked the provenance of the data source with no clues rendered (which was just as bad as indicating the dubious origin of some anarchist group)

I admitted that I had put the word out that I would be there that night looking for clues as to Felix Jeffries’ whereabouts, but I told him that I wasn’t sure if Joe, Gibbons, or

Niagara would have left them with few clues, one way or the other

I was going to start there to see if they had any clues as to where she had lived

“Excuse my appearance, but I’ve been all over mom’s house looking for more clues on Felix

I turned the envelope around inspecting it for any clues and feeling the contents trying to make out what it was

The way it is made, also says a lot to us for each bomber has his own way of doing things despite training to avoid these obvious clues

On the other hand, I would have to say that anything is possible, and up until now I have found no clues as to what happened to my father

As he looked again at the ground beneath his feet, he was certain it held no clues

The biblical story is vague as to where the recalled events might have taken place, except for two real-world clues

The small storage room gave away few clues about his whereabouts; it could be underground, or in some old, disused building

Here are two clues, two keys to understanding that other beings live out of Eden: first, Abel was a keeper of flocks, and Cain a tiller

“What is it that clues you in? Tell me

Surely if there were serious trouble they wouldn’t invite him, would they? When she revealed the letter to him, she received no additional clues to the answers she sought

Jason and the two women sat down and poured over them for clues

Most houses had old bills, notes, messages, and a thousand other clues people littered across their homes

Sitting in the records room smoking, while Nick and a few yes men went rabid looking for clues

I’d taken a quick look around the van to see if there might be any clues to the identity of our pursuer and why he wanted the information we had badly enough to kill for it, but there was nothing

I don’t suppose he anticipated his clues still being in place after all this time

We both lapsed into silence and I concentrated on looking at the scenery and trying to struggle with the last few clues of the crossword puzzle in the newspaper

I will leave a series of clues indicating the location of the box that I hid in the cellar of the Ten Bells in Shrewsbury

He and I have talked at length about what to do, and I am satisfied that he understands my instructions and will carry them out should anyone mange to solve my clues and come here asking for him

I have given this whole thing a great deal of thought and have decided where to place clues; several clues that will lead to the location of the box

Once I have the clues in place, I will make some sort of arrangement to send for her and we can go to America together

Until then, I can take some comfort in the fact that I have covered my tracks as best I could, although in the event of my death, I hope the clues can be solved by the right person

However, I feel I must put my clues in place; that way perhaps I can afford to relax somewhat and put my efforts into the next stage of the plan, which is to move to America

I arrived in Paris yesterday afternoon, with the intention of staying only a couple of days; long enough to place a clue and then I will at least be secure in the knowledge that my clues are in place, should something happen to me

I have my clues in place, all that remains is to make my way to Marseilles, find a ship, await the arrival of my wife and then sail from France to the United States

My plan is made, my clues are in place

when I realised the clues and put it all together

He saw members of the town CSI, investigating the footprints and searching for clues

I didn’t just listening to what they said, I also tried to study their body language for clues about possible hidden feelings

Matthew 6: 21 Luke 12: 33; and 1 Timothy 5:17 to 19 all give clues to what this

understand the Visioneer’s clues to a successful test

people had visited the sight looking for clues to something that he couldn’t fathom

clues and anything else to aid this case

They all whispered for clues as he passed but he gave nothing away

She wondered how he had never noticed her subtle clues to how she really felt about him but they were probably far too subtle out of a fear of rejection

«Having given you all these clues, can you not figure out the meaning of Sci–Coll for yourself? Try to guess what Sci–Coll stands for

results of that exercise should also give you some clues on how to improve

The strategy for dealing with this is to listen to clues from other

“There was some small chance that you would learn what you needed to know from clues you gained from Silaran earlier tonight, but your conversation with him took other paths, necessitating my intervention

But it is completely false! I was around the others on the case and knew the main leads and clues that the other detectives had gathered, and everything points to kidnapping

primarily the same clues and answers, but in different

“We can find few other clues from the assassination attempt

“And how many have figured it out, given the clues Nek provided?” Reen continued

So why will I direct my revenge to you when I know you’ll just get the clues immediately? So I directed my revenge to your precious Regine, who is not that smart we think she is

For a moment he concentrated, but the cane gave him no clues

The only clues in the Scriptures we have to uncover the meaning of the other two colours seen here are very scanty

answer, and then plucked out the few clues and hints that were

clues how to decode it

scoured the area for other clues, but couldn’t really find much

clues that it was possible to pass through there, which meant

look for me, or for clues of which direction I’d fled

that they’d grown used to scouring the land for clues

clues, I could bring to mind a long list of careless evidence that

continued to fan out in search of fresh clues, Mikkel doing a

ground for clues and spending the evenings looking over the few

So many unanswered questions swirling inside my head, and I had no clues to any of them

They put on their latex gloves and began to survey the area for any possible clues that would solve the puzzle

Nolan continued to look for clues while Stanton observed backup entering the warehouse roadway

Most of the clues were blind alleys

Sherlock Holmes was not going to crack this case through vague but revealing clues that pointed clearly to a suspect

Frank could now understand all the signals and did not need to look at others for clues

«And here we are whispering about them, and they watching us closely for clues

You guys didn’t have two clues

In the vision I was showing them my map, and how God had given me clues for them

That should give us some clues about what it’s up to, if all goes well

icon forward

Moreover, the clue can be found in the description of recent criminal events.


context icon

Тем более что подсказку можно найти в описании криминальных событий недавнего времени.


Our most important clue was also identified by Dr Watson.

context icon

Наша самая важная улика также была найдена доктором Ватсоном.

Only a magic wand helps:

Click on any square box to get a clue.


context icon

И только волшебная палочка

выручает: щелкни по любому квадратику, чтобы получить подсказку.


context icon

Зацепку, которую мы не можем понять.

The one clue I have is in that machine.

context icon

Единственная улика в мою пользу- в этой машине.

They could give us a clue to where Sean is.

context icon

Могли бы дать зацепку— где находится Шон.

Clue is rated as the top free menstrual

tracking app by the journal Obstetrics&.

context icon

Clue оценивается как верхней свободной менструальной приложение

отслеживания в журнале Obstetrics&.

So grab your clue and head on over to Professor Smartbrain.

context icon

Так что хватай свою зацепку и иди к профессору Умнику.

I have got an absolutely fascinating clue to tell you.

context icon

У меня есть абсолютно захватывающая улика, о которой я должен рассказать вам.

And they haven’t got a clue.

context icon

I just got a clue, didn’t I?

context icon

And never found the clue.

context icon

Last time, those lucky apps were Musical. ly, Clue, Prisma, Weedmaps and Pokemon Global Offensive.


context icon

В последний раз повезло приложениям Musical. ly, Clue, Prisma, Weedmaps и Pokemon Global Offensive.


See if there’s some clue as to why someone would want to run him over.

context icon

Посмотреть, есть ли там какие-нибудь подсказки относительно того, кто хотел его задавить.

You know, Monopoly, Parcheesi, Clue.

context icon

Монополия там, Парчиси, Улика.

There’s a map or a clue to a map on the Statue.

context icon

На статуе есть карта. Или подсказка к местонахождению карты.

Ida Tin, Co-Founder, Clue.

context icon

Ида Тин, сооснователь Clue.

Every clue I have uncovered about her just leads to more questions.

context icon

Каждая зацепка, которую я получал о ней, скорее вызывала еще больше вопросов.

Hopefully, it will give us a clue as to where your brain thinks the problem is.

context icon

Надеемся, это даст нам зацепку: в чем твой мозг видит проблему.

context icon

You will have the word translation as a clue.


context icon

В качестве подсказки у вас будет перевод слова.


The fingernail was a clue to the second item’s location.

context icon

Ноготь был ключом к нахождению второго предмета.

This is the first real clue, the first anything, you have found in over 3 years.

context icon

Это первая настоящая зацепка, найденная вами за три года.

For the clue check your SNS and find the post from Saul about snooker.

context icon

Для подсказки проверьте свою ленту SNS, где вы найдете пост Саула о снукере.

context icon

The clue to success was the ability to integrate and coordinate the project.


context icon

Ключом к успеху оказалась способность применить интегрированный и координированный подход в осуществлении этого проекта.


The clue was right in front of my eyes.

context icon

Зацепка была прямо перед моими глазами.

Did the police find a clue or have a motive or!

context icon

А полиция нашла улики или мотив? Какой мотив!

If you look really stuck,

a button that when pressed will provide a clue will appear.


context icon

Если вы посмотрите действительно

застряли, кнопка, которая при нажатии обеспечит появится подсказка.


Results: 837,
Time: 0.0336





Table of Contents

  1. What is discrete sentence?
  2. Whats is the meaning of discreet?
  3. What is a context sentence example?
  4. What indicates that this is a definition clue?
  5. What is an example of clue?
  6. What is a clue word in reading?
  7. What are the 5 examples of context clues?
  8. What are the 7 types of context clues?
  9. What is an example of context?
  10. What are 4 types of context clues?
  11. How do you identify unfamiliar words?
  12. What are the examples of unfamiliar words?
  13. What are some unfamiliar words?
  14. How do you tell the meaning of unfamiliar words in sentence?
  15. Why is it important to identify and understand words you didn’t know?
  16. How do you understand a word you don’t know?
  17. What are the three types of compound words?
  18. Is breakfast a compound word?
  19. What is compound words and give examples?
  20. What is an Endocentric compound?
  21. What are 5 examples of a compound?
  22. What is a one word compound?
  23. Is pickpocket Endocentric or Exocentric?
  24. Is pickpocket an Endocentric compound?
  25. What does Exocentric mean?
  26. Is pickpocket a compound word?
  27. What is the verb of pickpocket?
  28. What do you call a pickpocket?
  29. What does pickpocket mean?

roll into a ball.

What is discrete sentence?

Using Discrete in a Sentence When to use discrete: Discreet is an adjective that means discontinuous or characterized by individual, separate parts. For example, The book is unusual in that it is separated into several discrete parts, which are totally unconnected.

Whats is the meaning of discreet?

1 : having or showing discernment or good judgment in conduct and especially in speech : prudent especially : capable of preserving prudent silence.

What is a context sentence example?

A context sentence is one that gives a word and its meaning in the same sentence. Example: The answering machine message was so inane that I could not get any meaning from it.

  1. Singularity is almost invariably a clue.
  2. Police have found a vital clue .
  3. I don’t have a clue.
  4. The police found no clue to her whereabouts.
  5. I haven’t got a clue.
  6. I hadn’t a clue to the meaning of “activism”
  7. The only clue to the identity of the murderer was a half-smoked cigarette.

What indicates that this is a definition clue?

Answer: What are context clues? Context clues are hints that an author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word within a book. The clue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers or it may follow in the next sentence.

What is an example of clue?

An example clue is a word or phrase that provides an example to illustrate the unfamiliar word. Look for words or phrases that introduce examples, such as for example, for instance, to illustrate, like, and such as.

What is a clue word in reading?

Clue words are the words that the lecturer uses to indicate the angle to take when you answer the question. Clue words tell you exactly what to do in an essay, so they are extremely important in essay exams.

What are the 5 examples of context clues?

The five types of context clues are:

  • Definition/Explanation Clues. Sometimes a word’s or phrase’s meaning is explained immediately after its use.
  • Restatement/Synonym Clues. Sometimes a hard word or phrase is said in a simple way.
  • Contrast/Antonym Clues.
  • Inference/General Context Clues.
  • Punctuation.

What are the 7 types of context clues?

7 Strategies For Using Context Clues In Reading

  • Word Parts. The idea: Break down the different parts of a word—base word (word stem or root word), prefixes, and suffixes—to figure out what it means.
  • Definition/explanation.
  • Synonym.
  • Example.
  • Antonym/contrast.
  • Analogy.
  • Appositive.

What is an example of context?

immediately next to or surrounding a specified word or passage and determining its exact meaning. An example of context is the words that surround the word “read” that help the reader determine the tense of the word. An example of context is the history surrounding the story of Shakespeare’s King Henry IV.

What are 4 types of context clues?

Four Types of Context Clues

  • Context Clue #1: Definition or Restatement.
  • Context Clue #2: Synonym.
  • Context Clue #3: Antonym /Opposite/Contrast.
  • Context Clue #4: Example or Explanation.

How do you identify unfamiliar words?

Below are five strategies I encourage students to use when they encounter new words in a text.

  1. Look at the parts of the word.
  2. Break down the sentence.
  3. Hunt for clues.
  4. Think about connotative meaning (ideas, feelings, or associations beyond the dictionary definition).

What are the examples of unfamiliar words?

7 Unfamiliar Words for Familiar Creatures

  • Camelopard. Camelopard is an archaic word for “giraffe.” It comes from Greek kamēlopardalis, from kamēlos (“camel”) and pardalis (“leopard”).
  • Antbear.
  • River Horse.
  • Reynard.
  • Cuddy.
  • Grimalkin.
  • Sea Devil.

What are some unfamiliar words?

A Mini-Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words

  • casuistry.
  • ululation.
  • pax.
  • frond.
  • antiphonal.
  • propitiate.
  • bourdon.
  • coign.

How do you tell the meaning of unfamiliar words in sentence?

use word parts (roots, prefixes, and suffixes) to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word. use context clues to confirm the meaning of an unfamiliar word. use a graphic organizer to achieve a deeper understanding of specific vocabulary words.

Why is it important to identify and understand words you didn’t know?

Answer. Explanation: Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing.

How do you understand a word you don’t know?

By learning about etymology, you can find new ways to define unknown words without using a dictionary.

  1. Start by looking at each part of the word in question.
  2. Prefixes are the first part of the word.
  3. “Anti” means “against”.
  4. “Extra” is a prefix that means “beyond”.

What are the three types of compound words?

Compound words can be written in three ways: as open compounds (spelled as two words, e.g., ice cream), closed compounds (joined to form a single word, e.g., doorknob), or hyphenated compounds (two words joined by a hyphen, e.g., long-term).

Is breakfast a compound word?

The word “breakfast” is a compound word, consisting of “break” and “fast”. In Old English, the word for breakfast was morgenmete. It was a compound word, with morgen meaning “morning”, and mete meaning “food” or “meal”.

What is compound words and give examples?

Compound words are formed when two or more words are joined together to create a new word that has an entirely new meaning. For example, “sun” and “flower” are two different words, but when fused together, they form another word, Sunflower.

What is an Endocentric compound?

Endocentric compound is a type of compound in which one member functions as the head and the other as its modifier, attributing a property to the head.

What are 5 examples of a compound?

Examples of some commonly used compounds and their molecular formula:

Compound Name Compound Formula
Acetic Acid C2H4O2
Sulphuric Acid H2SO4
Ammonia NH3
Methane CH4

What is a one word compound?

A compound word is formed when two words are combined to make a new word. It is one of the ways in which the English language is flexible and always changing, as compound words allow people to create new words as the need arises. For example, you might use “in” and “side” to create the compound word “inside”.

Is pickpocket Endocentric or Exocentric?

Examples of exocentric compounds include scarecrow, redhead, pickpocket, showoff and paperback. They’re called exocentric because a scarecrow isn’t a kind of crow and a redhead isn’t a kind of head.

Is pickpocket an Endocentric compound?

Headed compounds are endocentric. So: bigmouth is transparent and exocentric (it’s not a kind of ‘mouth’, but its meaning can be guessed), and so are pickpocket and killjoy. Caveman and steamboat are transparent and endocentric.

What does Exocentric mean?

: not having the same grammatical function as a nonmodifying immediate constituent —used of a compound (such as barefoot, which is unlike foot in function) or construction (such as in the yard in the sentence “they played in the yard,” which is unlike in or yard in function) — compare endocentric.

Is pickpocket a compound word?

The following are examples of English compounds: football (Noun + Noun) pickpocket (Verb + Noun)

What is the verb of pickpocket?

pickpocket. To pick pockets; to steal.

What do you call a pickpocket?

One who steals from the pocket of a passerby, usually by sleight of hand. bag-snatcher. cutpurse. thief. purse-snatcher.

What does pickpocket mean?

a person who steals money, wallets, etc., from the pockets of people, as in crowded public places.

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