The word climate in a sentence

климат, атмосфера, состояние общественного мнения, настроение


- климат

mild [healthy, scorching, dry, humid, wet /damp/] climate — мягкий [здоровый, знойный, сухой, влажный, сырой] климат
temperate /moderate/ climate — умеренный климат

- район, область с определённым режимом погоды
- атмосфера, настроение, умонастроение

climate of opinion — общественное мнение
climate of confidence — атмосфера доверия
international climate — международная обстановка


- амер. акклиматизировать
- акклиматизироваться

Мои примеры


a country with a cold climate — страна с холодным климатом  
a climate marked by heavy fogs — климат, который отличается сильными туманами  
a dry climate kind to asthmatics — сухой климат, благоприятный для астматиков  
arid climate — сухой климат  
humid climate — влажный климат  
temperate climate — умеренный климат  
tropical climate — тропический климат  
to harden to a climate — привыкать к климату  
inhospitable climate — суровый климат  
artificial climate — искусственный климат  
change climate — изменять настроение; изменять атмосферу  
climate data program — программа сбора климатических данных  

Примеры с переводом

The climate there is very harsh.

Климат там — очень суровый.

This climate doesn’t agree with her.

Этот климат ей не подходит.

He had to adjust to the new climate.

Ему пришлось приспосабливаться к новому климату.

He got accustomed to the warm climate.

Он привык к жаркому климату.

These trees only grow in humid climates.

Эти деревья растут только в условиях влажного климата.

We need to assess the impact on climate change.

Нам необходимо оценить влияние на климатические изменения.

These flowers will not grow in cold climates.

Эти цветы не растут в холодном климате.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Los Angeles’ warm, dry climate

…Hawaii is known for its delightfully clement climate….

…struggling to survive in that hot and thirsty climate…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): climate
мн. ч.(plural): climates

climate — перевод на русский


Is it? Take its climate.

Возьмите хотя бы климат.

Yeah. I guess the climate agrees with me.

ƒа. ажетс€, климат идет мне на пользу.

Ideal climate, year round. No fog.

Идеальный климат, круглый год.

The climate at the Lido has done her a lot of good.

Климат Лидо хорошо на нее действует.

We have the high ideal… but they have the climate.

У нас — высокий идеал… а у них — климат.

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Its great dust storms and the resulting cooling of its surface played a role in the discovery of nuclear winter the catastrophic climate change on Earth predicted to follow nuclear war.

Его сильные песчаные бури, а в результате — быстро остывающая поверхность, сыграли важную роль в открытии «ядерной зимы» — катастрофического изменения климата на Земле, по прогнозам, следующего за ядерной войной.

We found evidence of a cataclysmic climate shift, which occurred 10,000 years ago.

Мы обнаружили свидетельство катастрофического изменения климата произошедшего 10,000 лет назад.

My model is a reconstruction of a prehistoric climate shift.

Моя модель реконструкция доисторического изменения климата.

I think we’re on the verge of a major climate shift.

Я думаю, мы на рубеже значительного изменения климата.

So the angle that I’m gonna go for is that it’s really about climate change.

Итак, точка зрения, которой я придерживаюсь, это то, что это действительно касается изменения климата.

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Antilock brakes, automatic climate control…

Антиблокировочная тормозная система, климат-контроль…

Niles, the climate control is on.

Найлс, включен климат-контроль.

Climate control.

Климат-контроль. Мерседес — двухзональный.

And besides the full off-road hardware, standard kit includes sat-nav, electric leather seats, climate control, and a ten-speaker stereo system.

А кроме полного привода в стандартную комплектацию входит навигатор, кожаные сиденья с электроприводом, климат-контроль, и стерео система из десяти динамиков.

Well, it’s climate controlled, 24-hour security.

Да уж, здесь есть климат-контроль, круглосуточная охрана.

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Not really dressed for this climate, am I?

Я одета совсем не по обстановке, не так ли?

But don’t you feel such shows contribute… to a social climate of violence and sexual malaise?

Hо не считаете ли вы, что подобные шоу способствуют социальной обстановке насилия и сексуальных извращений?

Not in the present climate.

В данной обстановке.

I don’t even like saying who I voted for cos I don’t want to be uncomfortable around people who… in that climate.

Не хочу даже говорить за кого я голосовала потому что не хочу быть стесненной среди людей, которые… в такой обстановке.

I believe that Mr Weston feels that in the current climate…

! Полагаю, что, по мнению мистера Вестона, в сложившейся обстановке…

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Kepler was ill-suited for such games and the general climate of intrigue offended his sense of propriety.

Кеплер не подходил для таких игр, и общая атмосфера интриг оскорбляла его чувство приличия.

Your school that was cold, the food was grey, the climate was dismal.

Ваша школа было холодной, еда — невкусной, атмосфера — мрачной.

The work climate is great.

Рабочая атмосфера замечательна.

Once a climate of fear has been achieved, the public begins to self-censor, to shut down.

После того, как создана атмосфера страха, народ боится высказываться, замолкает.

Almost all of them mentioned that the climate At american lingerie didn’t suit them.

Почти все из них сказали, что атмосфера в «Американском женском белье» им не подходит.

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The clock of climate change is ticking in these magnificent landscapes.

Часы климатических изменений уже тикают в этих величественных ландшафтах.

I was a math major in college, and, in my spare time, I developed an algorithm for analyzing climate data.

Я изучал математику в колледже, а в свободное время, разрабатывал алгоритм для анализа климатических данных.

— No. — How about climate change?

— Как на счёт климатических изменений?

It’s not just the denial of climate change that’s holding us back, even the location of the base is further evidence that we’re stuck in old thinking.

Что? Мы не просто отрицаем, что откатываемся назад из-за климатических изменений, а еще и живем прошлыми понятиями, учитывая само местоположение базы.

But I did spend a glorious month submitting to the healing hands of an utterly divine lighthouse keeper on Bramble Cay… a low-lying island that’s rapidly being submerged by rise in the sea levels due to climate change.

Зато я провёл восхитительный месяц, отдавшись в целительные руки чрезвычайно божественной смотрительнице маяка на Брэмбл-Кей… невысоком острове, быстро погружающемся под воду в результате климатических изменений.

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Good climate, beaches.

Погода, пляжи.

‘Either the climate wasn’t quite right ‘in the later part of the afternoon… ‘or the day was half an hour too long… ‘… or the sea was just the wrong shade of pink. ‘

«о погода была не такой Ево второй половине дн€Е «о световой день длилс€ на полчаса дольше, чем надоЕ

Due to unknown reasons, this year’s climate has been abnormal.

По неизвестным причинам, погода остается ненормальной.

Filthy climate, vile food, beastly people.

Мерзкая погода, отвратная еда, дикие люди.

Climate change, a change in current change the routes of trade winds.

Изменится погода, ветра, Движения пассатов.

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In the supplied documentation, you’ll find countries listed in order of tendency to create a business-friendly environment… an investment-favourable climate.

Вот документы, где можно видеть классификацию стран, способных создать благоприятные условия для деловой активности.

‘Cause I don’t think this is the right climate to be growing coffee beans.

Потому что я не думаю, что здесь подходящие условия для выращивания кофейных зёрен.

You yourself said that this is the most difficult fund raising climate you’ve ever faced.

Ты сама говорила, что никогда еще тебе не приходилось работать в таких сложных финансовых условиях.

From other countries’ experiences we know that serious problems can only get resolved in a climate of genuine democracy.

Из опыта других стран мы знаем, что серьезные проблемы можно получить только… в условиях подлинной демократии.

My God, the climate.

Боже, какие условия.

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Because despite climate change, people haven’t changed in the least.

Потому что, несмотря на климатические изменения, человек не меняется совсем.

Understanding our impact on the carbon cycle and climate change is the key to our continued existence as a species on this planet, so really, if anything…

Понимание нашего влияния на цикл углерода и климатические изменения — это ключ к продолжению нашего существования как вида на этой планете, поэтому, если что…

From the Copenhagen Climate Conference in 2009. Do you know who that is?

Это с конференции в Копенгагене, посвященной климатическим изменениям. 2009 год.

Climate issues are exposed.

Хотя климатические изменения уже становятся очевидными даже простым людям.

In addition to dancing, she is also interested in climate change and Jennifer Weiner novels.

В дополнение к танцам, она также интересуется климатическими изменениями и романами Дженнифер Уайнер.

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Definition of Climate

the temperature and weather associated with an environment or area

Examples of Climate in a sentence

Skiing resorts typically are located in a colder climate so that snow will fall naturally during the season.


Meteorologists will analyze the climate of a region which allows them to make better predictions of the weather.


If you live closer to the equator, then your climate will most likely be one of the hottest temperatures on earth.


As the temperature on Earth gets warmer every year, the changing climate will affect the jobs that rely on that weather.


My family decided to live in an area where the climate and geographic features cause the temperature to vary from season to season.


Other words in the Weather category:

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Short & Simple Example Sentence For Climate | Climate Sentence

  • Its climate is just like ours.
  • What kind of climate has it?
  • Why is the climate very cold?
  • How would the climate change?
  • Do you know anything about the infernal climate there?
  • The climate became warm and sunny.
  • A good climate has to have dust to season it.
  • O blessed climate of Crete!
  • A warm climate had always suited Augustus.
  • Why do they not build these on the mountains where the climate is pleasant?
  • The difference of climate has a more solid and vigorous influence.
  • The climate is warmer by many degrees than it is entitled to by latitude.
  • On the other hand, my health is broken, this climate is killing me.
  • He is as civil and courteous as the Climate in which he was born is sharp.
  • He was daft, you know, about the climate on this particular stretch of coast.
  • Here, at last, were climate and condition friendly to the working faculty.
  • It resembles the climate of Italy, but is rather warmer and dryer.
  • They seem made for the climate, and by Jove, the climate for them.
  • Why doesn’t he need to seek a milder climate in Porto Rico?
  • Our climate is good, for we are in the North Temperate Zone.

How To Use Climate In A Sentence?

  • Why the very vicissitudes of a continental climate are more trying than any severity in our own.
  • He was again fortunate in escaping the dangers of a climate so fatal to his countrymen.
  • If we should travel north we should find the climate growing colder and colder.
  • He is certainly an inhabitant of a warmer climate than this, being very sensitive to cold.
  • The climate is mild and not subject to extremes; in the west it is especially humid.
  • This fact, however, does not prove that a moderate and equable climate predisposes to suicide.
  • The scene resembles a Norwegian fiord, translated into tropical terms of climate and vegetation.
  • The climate of the British dominions in the south of Africa is one of the finest in the world.
  • The climate of Fall River is very similar to that of English spinning districts.
  • Our coldest winter days are not nearly so cold as the climate of the North and South Frigid Zones.
  • She had been to her doctor, and again he had emphasized the need of a change of climate and of nourishing food.
  • It generally contains thirty religious, according as the climate and other accidents of this country permit.
  • Still, somehow, there seemed to be a spiteful resistance in the climate to such efforts at embellishment.
  • A cool and healthy mountain climate gives unwonted zest for the lovely excursions of which Garoet is the centre.
  • Polar bears must have gone several thousand miles, and so sudden a change in climate must have been exceedingly trying upon their health.
  • Without fear, without enthusiasm, impervious to disease and climate and sentiment, he was lean and bitter and deadly as a snake.
  • The climate of the country, despite the moisture, is one conducive to good health, owing to the absence of any extreme vicissitudes.
  • The suicide belt, therefore, lies in the north temperate zone, where the climate is most favorable to human development and happiness.
  • The climate is so warm in the valleys that the people living there cannot work so hard as they do in the United States.
  • The climate and geography, I said, were factitious, as if the hands of man had arranged the conditions.

Definition of Climate

(poetic, obsolete) To dwell. | (obsolete) An area of the earth’s surface between two parallels of latitude. | (obsolete) A region of the Earth.

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Climate sentence in english

«And, of course, Istanbul is a wonderful place to live — with interesting culture, great nature and a fabulous climate, especially when you come from cold Denmark!


Well, it’s self-evident that putting all of one’s eggs in any single basket, no matter how safe and sound that basket may seem, is risky — extremely risky in today’s financial climate.


Their banners testified to the issue’s complexity: no-nukes signs next to calls for zero-carbon power, «grandparents for climate action» next to signs deploring pension funds» fossil-fuel investments.


Clarkson has been vegan since 2013, but began his journey in 2010, after concerns about climate change led him to join Meat Free Monday.


A record-breaking 433 social and environmental shareholder resolutions have been filed so far this proxy season, with political spending and climate change driving the majority of them, Proxy Preview highlights.


In a climate where banks are withdrawing from certain markets and lines…


«Above and beyond the motives, this publicity stunt, in the current climate, exposes faults in the security arrangements at the Eiffel Tower,» police prefect Michel Delpuech said.


A CB would also be nice to replace Mustafi but I don’t see us finding adequate quality in the current climate.


Cronin says current climate models don’t account for these sharp gradients, which could churn the atmosphere above.


«Now more than ever, we are excited to lead our company’s global effort toward a renewable future and, partnering with Enel, set an industry example of how major companies can help to make a difference in climate change,» he added.


New York collects about $ 728 million a year through RGGI, and has used the money to fund energy efficiency and alternative energy programs that are supposed to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and, in turn, combat climate change.


She hopes to pursue a higher degree in Food Science and Technology in the future so she can work towards mitigating problematic causes of climate change, poor human health, and animal cruelty by providing healthier and more sustainable plant-based food options.


Thomas said other plans by Jakarta to improve investment climate, including by easing rules on foreign ownership in some sectors, should make Indonesia more attractive for investors.


But he jumped at a chance to swat down a Republican senator who declared carbon constraints a threat to the U.S. economy, and he defended the need to abate climate change as a jobs and security imperative.


Many scientists are speaking out against Cabinet nominees who have expressed skepticism about well-established scientific facts in areas including global climate change and the efficacy of vaccinations.


That’s the other problem with McKenna’s claim that the problems with Canada’s climate strategy are all a relic of the dark Harper years.


At least 24 climate activists were put under house arrest, on the suspicion of preparing to attend the march.


«Together, we have won more than just a ban — today, we have a strong movement that must now use our people power to win the transition to 100 % renewable energy for New York by 2030 in order to fight climate change.»


(For a crisp, informed, and cliché-free reflection on climate change, see Thomas Derr’s «The Politics of Global Warming» in the August/September issue of First Things.)


The unique climate and myriad of soil types found in the Western Cape have brought nice notoriety to South Africa’s wine program.


«The New York City Council was proud to stand with environmental advocates, community groups, faith leaders and New Yorkers to pass legislation to make New York a more green and sustainable city and we’re confident Speaker Heastie and the State Legislature shares our commitment to protecting the environment and combatting climate change,» Council spokeswoman Robin Levine said.


We can’t say that climate change causes hurricanes, but it makes hurricanes more intense.


Arabica Kona, which is believed to have originated in Kefa and is the oldest known beans whereas coffee canephora (robusta), which is thought to originate in Uganda and grows in harsh climates where arabica will normally produces cherries.


«We need a state comptroller who will be a national leader in standing up for effective climate action, starting with divesting our state pension funds from fossil fuels.»


IRRI has released 230 improved rice varieties that produce more grain, are pest resistant, and tolerant of the effects of climate change such as flooding, drought, and salty soil.


Too easy to blame the BBC — given the current political climate, and the polling, if only you had got yourselves a decent candidate, one who Cameron wouldn’t have to abandon mid-campaign unless he cocks something up, you might be well on the way to winning next week.


The success of One Spark and Jacksonville’s business-friendly climate go hand-in-hand.


Given the current political climate (where some states want to be «sanctuaries» for non-citizens), it’s not hard to see a state like California (which is openly defiant on the issue) looking for ways to take the issue even further.


They claim that thousands of respectable scientists aren’t sure about climate change.


Among the implications of the study are that ocean temperatures in this area may be more sensitive to changes in greenhouse gas levels than previously thought and that scientists should be factoring entrainment into their models for predicting future climate change.


Other SDGs the dairy industry can address include promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12), combatting climate change (SDG13), protecting and restoring terrestrial ecosystems including biodiversity (SDG 15) and the sustainable management of water and sanitation (SDG 6) through the adoption of best practices, many of which have been proved effective in different contexts, the IDF says.


The role of multilateral and regional development banks in infrastructure, climate and other development financing needs to be significantly expanded, along with their support for efforts to establish and strengthen domestic policy frameworks.


Back to this year’s budget — there is one bright spot for climate: the government has renewed support for British Columbians who buy less-polluting vehicles, and is putting some funds toward building infrastructure to support the transition to electric transportation.


The Green Party supports using the existing Stock Transfer Tax to provide funds for mass transit and climate action rather than rebating $ 15 billion plus annually to Wall Street speculators.


Humans are driving climate change, federal scientists say.


We have increased our investment in measures to improve the energy efficiency of Scotland’s homes which, in addition to making fuel bills cheaper, has also helped to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from housing, consistent with our ambitions to combat climate change.


In early January, Walden Asset Management, a corporate client who uses Vanguard for their 401 (k) program, wrote Vanguard about its proxy voting practices with respect to social and environmental issues like political spending and climate change.


Some might wonder why wear a long tunic in a hot climate.


When I look at decisions to expand my business, if I look to hire new people, the reason I make the decision to do that is based upon what the economic climate is going to be and the economic activity of my industry,» said Rowen.


WHEREAS, Erie County has the responsibility to ensure the safety and security for all its citizens, including in responding to the threat of climate change;


I think mixing with shea and/or cocoa butter is a great idea, especially in warmer climates where melting is a problem.


«From building an economy that works for all Americans to the need to address campaign finance reform and climate change with much greater urgency, and I remain committed to fighting for those issues and working to make life better for families in our region.»


Despite the warm-up, I was still in the mood for something that would transport me to another climate, so I made coconut cashew granola that had a toasty and slightly tropical vibe.


Please recommend some mild peppers for northern Ohio’s short summer in a very changeable climate.


He warned that the economic climate of 2008 was «arguably the worst… in 60 years.


A unique pairing of Good Earth and Fine Wine, Banrock Station’s climate is ideal for producing wonderful fruit-driven, innovative wine styles, all of which can be enjoyed at our Wine Centre or over a relaxed lunch enjoying local produce dining at our café on the deck overlooking the wetland and network of self-guided walking trails.


They’ve posted multiple videos of the «Friends of Science,» another climate change denying group.


This means selectively investing in strong companies that stand out as leaders in environmental, social and governance practices, and those that develop products and solutions to help solve key sustainability themes such as water scarcity, climate change mitigation and access to food.


For example, those who think that the only valid ways in which the public should participate in climate discussions are found in the top-right quadrant will interpret any participation in other quadrants as hostile.


«I have asked head coach Larry Eustachy to temporarily step away from the men’s basketball program, as he has been temporarily placed on administrative leave while we conclude our climate assessment,» Parker said in a statement.


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