The word client in a sentence

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1. The lawyer proved the innocence of his client.

2. A lawyer acts for his client.

3. I have a client with me right now.

4. Discussions between a lawyer and client are privileged communications.

5. She has an appointment with a client at 10.30.

6. I’ve got a client with me at the moment.

7. The secretary led in the client.

8. The boss asked the secretary to let the client up.

9. «It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me,» said his lawyer.

10. Enviros Consulting has a client base of more than 2,000 organisations worldwide.

11. Mr Black has been a client of this firm for many years.

12. My client was unable to meet her rent payments.

13. He’s out to lunch with a client.

14. He refused to reveal the identity of his client.

15. The lawyer produced a clever defence of his client.

16. She was engaged in conversation with a client.

17. The court’s judgement was favourable to their client.

18. I will be lunching with a client.

19. My client wishes to remain anonymous.

20. The lawyer explained the legal technicalities to his client.

21. Mr Thomas is seeing a client at 2:30.

22. Now and then I referred a client to him.

23. The property is currently under offer to a client.

24. He lunched with a client at the Ritz.

25. He advised his client to plead insanity .

26. Do you have a client named Peters?

27. A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client

28. Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off.

29. We will review the case and make a recommendation to the client.

30. The dealer had offloaded some of the shares onto a willing client.

More similar words: alien, lenient, patient, ancient, nutrient, scientist, transient, recipient, efficient, ingredient, sufficient, scientific, orientation, entertainment, sentiment, clip, click, cling, cliff, lie in, lie on, clinic, lie down, relief, decline, climate, relieve, supplier, believe, Charlie. 

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  1. Mandatory certification or assurance of the work is required. Depending on the,


    ,’s needs and the jurisdiction’s requirements, the spectrum of the architect’s
  2. Its applets through several features: * Applets execute only on the «,


    ,» platform environment of a system, as contrasted from» servlet «. As such, an
  3. Among them. The architect participates in developing the requirements the,


    ,wants in the building. Throughout the project (planning to occupancy),the
  4. Called AOL Open Ride, which combined a web browser, instant messenger, email,


    , and media player. * On February 16, 2007,it was announced that AOL began
  5. UAT is one of the final stages of a project and often occurs before a,


    ,or customer accepts the new system. Users of the system perform these tests
  6. Had received specific instructions from Augustus, ordering him to attack the,


    ,state. Later, Primus testified that the orders came from the recently deceased
  7. Defunct AIM Phone line service in November 2007. It did not depend on the AIM,


    ,and could be used with only an AIM screen name via the Reconnect feature or a
  8. Cost of the IT installations. This can be at preferential rates, as the sole,


    ,using the IT installation is the bank. If the bank can generate 5 % interest
  9. Buddies Only, or Privacy refers to the option on the AOL Instant Messenger,


    ,to allow only users on a user’s buddy list to contact them. This is to prevent
  10. Or reinforce a character’s drama. For example, bitter divorce litigation of a,


    ,might provide a backdrop for Ally’s decision to break up with a boyfriend.
  11. To the required use. In that, the architect must meet with and question the,


    ,extensively to ascertain all the requirements and nuances of the planned
  12. By the system provider from acceptance testing by the customer (the user or,


    ,) prior to accepting transfer of ownership. In the case of software, acceptance
  13. ABC (Yet Another BitTorrent Client),a free software, open source BitTorrent,


    ,based on Tornado * ABC, a line of computer models designed by Dataindustrier
  14. That no other machine had already registered the same name. Then later, when a,


    ,wanted to access that service, it used NBP to query machines to find that
  15. For a maximum of 200 buddies to be stored. Also, in the 4. X versions, the AIM,


    ,for Microsoft Windows added the ability to play games against one another using
  16. Based on a nominally shared transmission system, like Ethernet, but in which «,


    ,» nodes cannot communicate with each other, only with the server/provider. A
  17. Materialized and without English or French support, the Russians and their,


    ,state, Serbia,were compelled to accept the Austrian-Hungarian annexation of
  18. Is co-ordinated to construct the design. Design role The architect hired by a,


    ,is responsible for creating a design concept that meets the requirements of
  19. Users of the system perform these tests, which developers derive from the,


    ,’s contract or the user requirements specification. Test-designers draw up
  20. ATP transactions. Even while it was busy servicing a print job from one,


    , a PAP server could continue to respond to status requests from any number of
  21. It also allowed the server to send asynchronous attention messages to the,


    , Applejack Transaction Protocol ATP was the original reliable transport-level
  22. Management responsibility for a variety of projects or project teams, including,


    , contact,scheduling, and budgeting. *Senior Architect / Designer: Licensed
  23. Displays no advertisements. Both are available from the App Store. The AIM,


    ,for iPhone and iPod Touch supports standard AIM accounts as well as Mobile Me
  24. Nutella protocol at all, but instead operates on the same network as the mesh,


    , In August 2006,Music Lab released another version optimized for video download
  25. A page that contains an applet, the applet’s code is transferred to the,


    ,’s system and executed by the browser’s Java Virtual Machine (JVM). An HTML
  26. In many other jurisdictions it is for the defense lawyer to mitigate on his,


    ,’s behalf, and the defendant himself will rarely have the opportunity to speak.
  27. Of the system, emulating real-world usage conditions on behalf of the paying,


    ,or a specific large customer. If the software works as intended and without
  28. Or» licensed» copy to do away with the advertisements. The Eudora e-mail,


    ,is an example of an adware» mode» in a program. After a trial period during
  29. Miss Amy Barnaby, and saved her from having to face justice by blackmailing his,


    ,Sir Joseph Higgins, who himself was plotting murder and was unwise enough to
  30. Straight relationship between the artist, or directly the art and its user, its,


    , Art is then less distant from user, more directly approaching him, solving the
  31. Colorized menus, and thus, ANSI support was a sought-after feature in terminal,


    ,programs. The development of ANSI art became so popular that it spawned an
  32. Requirements. A Subject-Matter Expert (SME),preferably the owner or,


    ,of the object under test, provides such confirmation after trial or review. In
  33. Connected through network to a blade server for central management, to reduce,


    ,form factor sizes with AMD Trinity features. * Torrent, coprocessors support
  34. Protocols were expected to use dynamically-assigned socket numbers at both the,


    ,and server end. Because of this dynamism, users could not be expected to access
  35. Approval of the Senate. He was defended by Arena, who told the trial that his,


    ,had received specific instructions from Augustus, ordering him to attack the
  36. Allows the implementation of the module to be changed without disturbing the,


    ,programs. The term abstract data type can also be regarded as a generalized
  37. Sent the other an ATP request which basically meant» send me more data «. The,


    ,’s response to the server was to send a block of PostScript code, while the
  38. In real time. It was released by AOL in May 1997. Stand-alone official AIM,


    ,software includes advertisements and is available for Microsoft Windows
  39. Harry and Maine Gullichsen. It was Maine Gullichsen who acted as the main,


    , and she worked closely not only with Altar but also Amino Alto on the design
  40. The Mayerson Law Offices, P. C., with Sgt. Charles E. Hart as their principal,


    , filed the first Agent Orange class action lawsuit, in Pennsylvania in 1980
  41. Responsible for creating a design concept that meets the requirements of that,


    ,and provides a facility suitable to the required use. In that, the architect
  42. Item number» may be performed by a courtesan (ta waif) dancing for a rich,


    ,or as part of a cabaret show. The actress Helen was famous for her cabaret
  43. In an amount the media and advertising could have been purchased for had the «,


    ,» bought it themselves (contract to eliminate ambiguity and risk). Internet
  44. Business are as important as design. An architect accepts a commission from a,


    , The commission might involve preparing feasibility reports, building audits
  45. Keep order while the parties talked, but meantime, Pakistan urged on its Afghan,


    ,Gulbuddin Hekmatyar …. Massed, with UN help tried to avoid civil war in the
  46. AIM Express supports many of the standard features included in the stand-alone,


    , but does not provide advanced features like file transfer, audio chat, video
  47. To allow allied kingdoms their independence only for the lifetime of their,


    ,king, who would agree to leave his kingdom to Rome in his will: the provinces
  48. Empire in Macedon. These ‘derides’ were gradually incorporated into the Roman,


    ,state, and later province, of Thracian. Revival in Late Antiquity During the
  49. Governor of Ifriqiya (roughly, modern Tunisia) and a former Umayyad,


    , The ambitious In Habit, a member of the illustrious Fired family, had long
  50. Mechanical, and electrical engineers and other specialists, are hired by the,


    ,or the architect, who must ensure that the work is co-ordinated to construct

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“I have a client who thinks there’s a serial killer in the streets

‘What is my client here for, Inspector?’ he asked – it’s obvious that he knows DI Ditton

‘How exactly is my client linked to this unfortunate incident?’ Mr Merrett asked as I do as suggested, draping my jacket over the back of the chair

‘Inspector, it is nearly three thirty and my client has had nothing to eat

The aim of the counseling is to provide an opportunity for the client to live a more satisfying life

The client is willing to be treated and the counseling is voluntary

In such cases the counselor is well trained in his profession and can supervise the client and modify the approach based on the inputs from the client

He calls it getting to know the client

but what sort of mess is it going to leave my client in? She works in a school, Mum — one of those big private ones

‘My client … Liz Wynell … she used to be a member of the club

Can’t blame him for giving up with me really … I’ve not been an easy client and on top of that, I was pretty foul to him the other night … damn my temper!

What client would want to invest into

The artist was wiry, gangly, far too long for his trade but expertly hunched over his client

Once the last client was gone Travis introduced himself

He was a client of yours

«Occasionally there are orders now for living organs, live beating hearts to be removed and filmed for the pleasure of the client

«Then join us for Duskmeal, that is, if Kulai doesn’t have plans with the client, if he does, join me for Duskmeal

ROBERT: My first witness will demonstrate to the jury that my client is a loving, caring, and a considerate young man

Washington will help us see what a fine student and a superb athlete my client is

The accused is on trial for forcibly having sex with my client

ROBERT: Objection, your Honor, the counsel is harassing my client

One poured the wine and introduced himself as Manoli as he presented with great pride his signature salad, ‘This will be my first business and you are my first tourist client

He tried to ignore the letter and review the prior week’s client records, but the pictures of her face kept flicking across his mind

” The Sportsman continued, “Then this Tournament; I was entered and rooms arranged for me by a former client in repayment for services rendered

Spelman was not able to extricate himself from a engagement later with a valuable contact and potential international client

whose current employer was a client

I’ve a client coming at 11

‘This is absurd! My client has never contested the

‘I must object – my client was incarcerated at the

client than some naive girl with gold teeth

«I think the only thing we know about Alan and Desa is the client

«So you think you know a client of ours, what of it?»

«Generally Nidon-Mlarkile is loyal to a client but if there is any truth to what you say a few million could persuade us

«Why don’t you tell me what is true? You’re the second client in a row on this case who doesn’t want us to know anything about it

She’s your best lead and I meant what I said, I have to hear Alan’s side before I decide which client I’m working for on this case

Some will even claim that the society must be held fully accountable for not having fulfilled its obligation towards the accused, and will hold it financially and socially liable for all actions committed by their client

talks how long the client is wil ing to continue,

out of the truck to greet his next client

book, and then drove off to his next client

I’m not his only client

Client is dreaming as we speak, and the catcher should

wrote in his logbook, and then drove off to his next client

The Fixer thought back to his previous client

The client would have most likely given a

Another thing to check is that your email looks correct in different email programs, for example Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail, since what you see in your email client could be quite different to what the others see

Unusually this was an audio-only link; Deanna in any case refused the visual unit on the grounds of it being intrusive: if she looked less than terrific having, for instance, been awoken early, unmadeup, bleary-eye it would ill- behove her to be seen by a potential client

She guessed the other client must have left by another exit, not wanting to encounter the other waiting, speculating on that person’s neurosis

To provide more detail and insight into the attributes hidden in this passage: Imagine you were asked by a client to write a work of literature in such a way that it would meet very specific requirements and conform to his detailed design specifications

client to view her beach house

» Then reflect on the desire manifest by certain liberals/progressives to provide so many federal services that, at some point, every one of us will have become a client of the government (read: Nanny State

Sometimes a client will say, “Oh, gosh, my wife and I have

I also need to run this by an existing client of mine for any conflict of interest

a client I wanted to impress

Rita said she would turn up later, she had a client in a couple of hours and needed to shave her back in preparation

Gloria’s first client was a woman who was looking for a house

But her client was impressed with Gloria’s honesty

satisfied with doing the right thing by warning her client about the termites but in this instance her honesty really paid off

I emphasize this because often the way to make a friend is to spend more time with a client than is absolutely necessary to make a sale

butterflies or restoring Model A Fords are crashing bores, but if they are what fascinates a client, listen to their stories in a friendly way

This is especially true if you later have another client who’s interested in butterflies or Model A Fords

Then you can impress that client by asking intelligent questions

He reads the book until his client appears

check my client list to see if I’ve missed anything that I should be doing with or about any of them

Sometimes I’ll select a client and send them what amounts to “Hello, how are you? Remember me?” If I hear or

He’d met Monty, Esther’s Father at one of Monty’s dungeon parties where Nathan’s dominatrix girlfriend Clare had a client who was to be initiated by public humiliation instead of private

case, with no client, a missing person that may have just left on his own, one witness

She had a call girl type neighbor across her hall, she cleaned houses, but may have had only one client, and that was only from time to time

Lawyer, I did do that and, you can be sure I will do it again, but this time you will attend the death inquest with his wife as your client, for he will most certainly not survive to tell you his lies next time I see him

She’d have it on the way over to Mr Dunn’s, her next client

The first two is limited to which court is applicable, that is the Higher Courts and Lower Courts and is limited to a specific rate which can be charged to your client

The so called “attorney and own client” scale which means charge whatever you will get away with in normal non-legal English despite the different explanations from the law Society in this regard

Does not matter for it is time spend and time is money and thus charged to you, the client

However, since the US dollar is worth many times the local currency the worker in this case makes millions and the client don’t even realise it

However, you should remember that some webservers may start dropping/delaying connections if they see over 10 concurrent connections from the same client IP address

The so called “attorney and own client” scale which means charge whatever you will get away with in normal non-legal English despite the different explanations from the law society in this regard

You need to ensure the interests of your client and the academic answer is unpractical even if correct

The client was rather upset and we had to call in senior advocate to advise on legal privilege

As we saw this may have major implications for your client for you are dealing with a wild card who most probably cannot afford to pay any compensation to your client anyway, the so called “man of straw

» Obtaining pyrrhic victories is useless for your client and tend to make him most unhappy

Note that most forensic law specialists do not have any legal privilege which makes them extremely dangerous to you the client

Lowering the standards is another injustice to the client by the long haired liberals who forced it on the law faculties

My question is what do you do with the knowledge gained from your audit? The answer is you need to use the audit (as with any other evidence) to the advantage of your client and thus you are back to the practical applications of Forensic Law

Many times a client lost his life savings because he met a crooked businessman at an Embassy party and trusted him because of that

Every millionaire client I ever met lost his money at that 48 for some reason

Our client buys new equipment and hires people to do the work

The client is now trying legal remedies for breach but that will not be settled in the next five years and he is thoroughly nailed

So what do you do when a company makes you an offer? I had a client who refused to sell to a listed company and they destroyed him within a year

Many a client for some reason thinks it is appropriate to talk business in front of them

We make our own coffee and never allow the client to talk when anyone is around who we don’t trust

It indicates something serious is suspected or we would not bother to have you as a client

From experience I advise to take care not to promise what you cannot deliver to a client for that will haunt you forever

We had a client who was so impressed with us that he would call in the middle of the night to say he is in trouble at with the opposition after him

The end result is what the client desires and that will be established by the first consultation

What do we mean by client?

The party for which professional services are rendered, as by an attorney. noun

A customer or patron. noun

A person using the services of a social services agency. noun

One that depends on the protection of another. noun

A client state. noun

A computer or program that can download files for manipulation, run applications, or request application-based services from a file server. noun

In Roman antiquity, a person who was under the guardianship and protection of another of superior rank and influence, called his patron. noun

In a general sense, one who lives under the patronage of, or whose interests are represented by, another. noun

In the middle ages, any follower of a noble or knight; an inferior soldier, mounted or on foot; a vassal. noun

One who puts a particular interest into the care and management of another; specifically, one who applies to a lawyer for advice and direction in a question of law, or commits his cause or his legal interests in general to a lawyer’s management. noun

A citizen who put himself under the protection of a man of distinction and influence, who was called his patron. noun

A dependent; one under the protection of another. noun

One who consults a legal adviser, or submits his cause to his management. noun

A customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services. noun

The role of a computer application or system that requests and/or consumes the services provided by another having the role of server. noun

Person who receives help or advice from a professional person (ex. a lawyer, an accountant, a social worker, a psychiatrist, etc). noun

A person who employs or retains an attorney to represent him or her in any legal matter, or one who merely divulges confidential matters to an attorney while pursuing professional assistance without subsequently retaining the attorney. noun

Someone who pays for goods or services noun

A person who seeks the advice of a lawyer noun

(computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network noun

A customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services.

The role of a computer application or system that requests and/or consumes the services provided by another having the role of server.

One who receives help or services from a professional such as a lawyer or accountant.

A person who employs or retains an attorney to represent him or her in any legal matter, or one who merely divulges confidential matters to an attorney while pursuing professional assistance without subsequently retaining the attorney.

N. Person severely lacking in intelligence and common sense. See idiot and fuckwit. Urban Dictionary

A computer system or process requesting something from another system or process in a client-server relationship. The opposite of ‘server’. Urban Dictionary

An indirect way of saying penis. Urban Dictionary

A girl of urs that does what you want when you want it Urban Dictionary

When you like someone but are too timid to actually ask them out and instead purchase their business services to obtain a false sense of intimacy. Urban Dictionary

A man that seeks the services of a prostitute, usually in Poland, usally in a Fuck-house. Urban Dictionary

Very gay New Yorker Urban Dictionary

Someone who seeks medication from doctors and/or illicit drug dealers Urban Dictionary

Known as somebody attending a dick appointment Urban Dictionary

A good Minecraft win10 client in the year 2019 before the lazy developers forgot how to code and are pretty much yandev 2.0. They also have a toxic discord server with people complaining about it not working and other people trying to do the devs jobs for them. the discord server is pretty much useless and doesnt provide any help. Urban Dictionary

Sentences with the word Client?



  • «the guardian signed the contract on behalf of the minor child»; «this letter is written on behalf of my client«
  • «The plaintiff’s lawyer complained that he defendant had physically abused his client«
  • «you must respect the confidentiality of your client‘s communications»
  • «the flower arrangement was created as an echo of a client‘s still life»
  • «reinsurance enables a client to get coverage that would be too great for any one company to assume»
  • «The lawyers played back the conversation to show that their client was innocent»
  • «His colleagues worked out his interesting idea»; «We worked up an ad for our client«

  • Use the word Client in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Okay, the client is Heymont Brake and Tire.

In this Paris street scene by Louis Daguerre only the shoeshine man and his client stayed still long enough to leave a trace. So the first street scenes show artfully staged set-ups… ..or what look like post-apocalyptic ghost towns.

My client, Pacific Metropolitan.

Mr. Wexler is servicing a client at the moment.

Mrs. Caldwell was a valued client, yes. Yes.

«My client will pay $10,000 now and $20,000 upon delivery of the unopened case.»

Langelar wants Clara to meet a client… so just wait a bit.

Have you sent for my client?

If my client is guilty of murder, I want him punished.

My client was seen leaving the building bareheaded.

I now ask permission to reopen the case for the defense and to associate Stephen Ashe as counsel for my client.

has claimed that the fact that my client was acting compulsively warrants the death sentence.

Well, for the swell reason that we’ve got a client that’s paying us good old-fashioned American coin to have him tailed.

The counsel for the defense evidently has as poor a memory as his client.

Why is it necessary for my client to return at all?

Well, it rests entirely with my client… but I’d advise him to stay right here.

As a prospective client to a detective, let me ask you a question.

Well, as a detective to a prospective client, uh, no.

«A geisha tells a client she loves him.

My client begs the permission of the court… to question the defence witness herself.

Your Honour… my client has requested me, for some peculiar reason of his own… to cease contest of this suit.

My client is a gentleman, and worthy of respect.

Guy, I’m going to stay here and wait for my client.

You’re absolutely sure, Mr. Tonetti, that my client will be safe?

You know, you better get your britches half-soled… ’cause you’re gonna sit around a long time before you get your first client.

You know what happened to me before I got my first client, don’t you?

Uncle Billy, I got a client. — Well, who is it?

Ellie May, I got a client.

Well, Rome, you see how your mother feels about it… so, looks like you lost your first client.

I deny that my client ever burst into any place or anything.

Nevertheless, I shall demonstrate that my young friend’s client here… did burst into something.

I’ve got it. Tell her that I’m acting for a client.

I ask you, ladies and gentlemen, to look upon my client.

you’re going behind the bars with your murdering client.

For the prosecution making extravagant and maligning charges against my client without any substantiation other than his own imaginings.

Yes, he was a client of Tellson and Company’s Paris bank.

Just a minute, do you know who I am? I came here to see a client.

-That’s normal, as he’s an old client.

No, I mean about my client. — Oh.

In the interest of my client, the only other living relative… of the late Martin W. Semple… we cannot permit a fortune so huge to be dissipated by a person… whose incompetency and abnormality we shall prove beyond any reasonable doubt.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury the greatest fault my client possesses is his firm belief in his fellow men.




«My client is right,» I said, » and you know it.

That woman is my client‘s lawful-wedded spouse.!

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