The word clean in example sentences

clean — перевод на русский


«But my teeth are nice and clean, mother!»

«Но мои зубы совсем чистые, мам!»

— and all your clean towels.

И все имеющиеся чистые полотенца.

Get me a ball of twine, clean towels and the scissors.

Принеси мне шпагат, чистые полотенца и ножницы.

Hands clean?

Руки чистые?

Asta, are your hands clean?

Аста, руки чистые?

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Well, I gotta clean the music room.

Ну, я должен убрать музыкальный класс.

You better get down and clean up that pile of dirt right away.

Тебе лучше спуститься и сразу же убрать ту кучу грязи.

Now you can clean the table.

Теперь ты можешь убрать со стола.

If I had to pick someone to clean, it would just not him.

Если бы я выбирал, кого убрать, то это был бы точно не он.

I can’t clean it up.

Я не могу убрать всё это.

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Yeah, you can clean up the floor.

Да, ты можешь почистить пол.

Have them cleaned and pressed.

Почистить и погладить.

I think that this is a good opportunity to clean the bus.

Вот прекрасная возможность почистить автобус.

Got to clean these here rabbits, Ethan.

Нужно почистить кроликов, Итан.

Of course, we’ve had it cleaned.

Конечно, мы бы его почистить.

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I’ll clean it myself.

— Я буду чистить сам.

Waco, let’s clean Lulubelle out.

Вако, иди чистить Лулабелль.

He stopped cleaning his pipe and he tried to hide his hands like he was guilty or something.

Он бросает чистить трубку и пытается спрятать руки,.. ..как будто он виновен в этом, или вроде того.

— You’ll clean the animal cages.

Вы будете чистить клетки животных.

You’re not in the habit of cleaning your lathe.

А то у вас нет привычки чистить станок.

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You can work that out carrying garbage, keeping the camp clean, things like that.

Но это можно отработать — выносить мусор, убирать территорию и так далее.

I… I could clean the house..

Я…я могу убирать..

But you gotta have a house to clean.

Но нужно иметь дом, чтобы убирать, нужно иметь детей, чтобы для кого-то готовить.

He’ll come in and he’ll cook for you and clean up, do your laundry and so forth.

Он будет готовить тебе, убирать, стирать и ну т.д.

Quickly clean your hovels!

А ну, марш убирать свои берлоги!

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Joshy, I needed that sage to cleanse the house of evil spirits. Ghosts are obsessed with me.

Джоши, мне нужен шалфей, чтобы очистить дом от злых духов.

I want to clean my past and live peacefully.

Я хочу очистить свое прошлое и жить мирно.

Senko is right, we first must clean our past.

Сэнко прав, мы должны сперва очистить наше прошлое.

The men have gone to clean out the woods where you were attacked.

Они решили очистить леса, где на тебя напали.

We’re gonna clean up this town.

Мы собираемся очистить этот город.

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Хотите отправить это в чистку?

I was just getting some clothes ready to go to the cleaners.

Я собирала одежду, которую отдам в чистку.

I had to send his grey coat to the cleaners.

Я отправила его бежевое пальто в чистку.

Take this uniform to the cleaner’s.

Этот мундир отнесите в чистку.

Can you send this to the cleaners for me?

Можешь отдать в чистку?

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Mrs. Maggione will give it a good cleaning.

Миссис Маджиони сделает уборку.

We’d have had the place kind of cleaned up.

Мы бы затеяли уборку.

Before I started cleaning house?

Не начиная уборку?

She’s done with her house cleaning now.

Она закончила уборку.

I’II fiinish cleaning up.

А я пока закончу уборку.

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— I just remembered. I have to clean my rifle.

— Но я вспомнил, что забыл вычистить винтовку.

I’m going back to my motel and I’m gonna clean up all the slop and garbage and the smell.

Я вернусь в свой мотель и я собираюсь вычистить всю гниль и мусор и всё, что плохо пахнет.

Whoever becomes the President should just… really clean it up, know what I mean?

Кто бы ни стал президентом, он должен вычистить все как следует, понимаете?

Some fragments caked up… and we’ve got to clean it all out and repressurize it.

[Паркер по радио] Кое-что расплавилось… нам придется все вычистить и загерметизировать заново.

Why doesn’t your husband have the moat cleaned out?

Почему ваш супруг не прикажет вычистить этот ров?

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Caroline, we must allow Mr. Elliott to clean his room, mustn’t we?

Кэролин, мы позволим мистеру Эллиоту прибраться в комнате, не так ли?

Now I have to clean up in here.

Теперь мне надо здесь прибраться.

Uh, sh-shall we clean up, sir?

Нам тут прибраться, сэр?

Well, I guess I better clean up.

Я думаю, мне лучше прибраться.

I can chop wood, do the washing, do the housework, clean out a well and fix leaks.

Я могу колоть дрова, стирать, работать по дому, прибраться и заделать дыры.

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Raise taxes, modify NAFTA, and invest in clean renewable energy ‘; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =’ Here are two main points I am making you may want to read before or instead of reading the rest of this message: (1) raise taxes on the very wealthy, and (2) rebuild the US manufacturing sector via a ‘clean, renewable energy economy. ‘ ❋ Unknown (2009)

Bring a sponge «— he corrected himself —» a clean rag will do — only it must be _clean_ «— this to Mrs. Volsky,» you ❋ Unknown (1937)

He hath bidden me bring thee to him, clean, _clean_. » ❋ Bernie Babcock (N/A)

And then he will be clean — brave and strong and _clean_! » ❋ Unknown (1921)

First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean «(Mt ❋ Unknown (2009)

«»I must be clear, the label ‘clean energy’ is not reserved solely for renewables,» said Christopher Guith, vice president for…» ❋ Forbes (2011)

The term clean coal means different things to different people. ❋ Unknown (2009)

What the coal industry uses the term clean coal to mean anything that is built post-1970, regardless of the fact that it’s spewing out large amounts of carbon dioxide. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I don’t use the term clean coal because I think it’s misused. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The term clean has morphed into the term clean enough. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The funds that went to accounts registered in the Cayman Islands in order to pay for the three mystery companies were used, Takayama said, to hide losses — Takayama used the phrase «clean up» in his press conference — on other investments Olympus had made going back more than a decade earlier. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The only other countries with such clean governments Although I use the word clean lightly are the Scandinavians, Germany, the Low Countries, Switzerland, Austria, Canada and Australia. ❋ David Mitchell (2011)

Tennessee coal sludge disaster ‘shows that the term clean coal is an oxymoron.’ ❋ Unknown (2009)

But the term clean coal was confusing, he said, because in the past it was used to describe other coal energy processes. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Hu urged the party to strive to eradicate corruption and to create what he described as a «clean government». ❋ Unknown (2011)

‘Dude, [I’m a] [month] clean now’ ❋ ToriTheMarshmallow (2016)

[Yo], that [suit’s] clean!!! ❋ Cleetus Wilburn (2001)

[I’ve] been clean for 3 months [now]. ❋ Random-peep (2017)

«[I’ve been] clean for [3 weeks]» ❋ Guy Johnson (2003)

His [new] [Mercedes] is clean ❋ That Dozen (2005)

1. [my room] is clean [grandma].
2. wanna [make out]? im clean. ❋ Noni Shy (2009)

You those [dubs] of clean are [fire]. We are going to be discoing through [the 80’s] again ❋ WastedSoldier (2005)

[dawg], [went] and got clean on [us] ❋ Drtysouf83 (2003)

«I [downloaded] [the clean] [mix] of that song.» ❋ SoS (2003)

Yo, [dis] [niggas] clean, [let] him in ❋ Foo Monay (2004)

They cost more than a natural quilt, but can be kept clean outdoors

Do not clean the ears with pins, keys, pens, etc

Sewer sludge can be processed correctly with an end result of good, clean, safe compost7

He doesn’t know why he gets clean water

It’s been picked really clean, but I think there’s some green ones still

And it blew every bad thing clean out of the body

We cannot survive a moment without clean AIR, drinking WATER and EARTH to grow food for us

Topher watched the doctor rub his hands along the sides of his clean, white coat

Pour into a clean dark glass container

Neat, clean tatami mats line the floors

I’ll never forget the time he decided to spray paint the kitchen walls … I’d left a basket of clean washing in there … fortunately there was a fairly substantial towel on the top of the basket which took the brunt of the paint but I could have killed him when I found out

What trouble could Peter have been in? But he was half smiling, his head turned a little to one side, looking at me sideways, as though willing me gently to come clean, to myself as well as to him

’ He said, digging out a clean hanky from his pocket and wiping my eyes with it

The bit I have seen so far looks lovely and clean – thank you

‘Though he has a nice line in producing a clean hanky when it is needed

«I’ll clean up,» he said, «but I want to know what’s happening

She came apart clean

The bucket, for instance, felt clean and dry, but bathed in the aromas of moulded plastic and disinfectant I could sense a mixture of bleach and the faint tang of stale urine

He was a tall, lean man with only a clean goatee, a pencil mustache and a brush of brown hair, dressed in his trimly tailored commandant’s uniform with shined boots and fez

Before I ate I went down to the bathroom, washed and sluiced, and tried to rub my teeth clean with my fingers

The sensation of fresh cotton against my clean skin after my shower was so simple and so beautiful

I have some recollection of movement during these days, of hands lifting my body and bathing me, of the mattress floating away on a Mediterranean breeze to be replaced by something fresh and clean

With the junks and Tipperary and all the Lancers hurtling faster than light towards the Mizar system, it almost seemed for a moment as if they’d made it, as if they’d got away clean, but Jordo had been flying his fighter backwards for at least ten seconds now, staring at the transit’s opening onto the Algol system as it receded

The Doctor was in his mid forties I guessed, wearing an open neck shirt, jeans, grey at the temples, clean shaven, blue eyes, cold hands

The simple fact that there was no tray, that I was rushed through my ablutions, that I was made to change out of my underground clothes into a new pair of jeans and a clean, white shirt, all of these became portents

For quite a long time we’ve been learning nothing new, maybe because Alexander seems to have become too skeptical about anything: “There are no spirits; spiritualism is fraud” … “(Self)hypnosis is harmful to the human mind” … “There is no such thing as magic” … “There are no astral worlds” … “There is nothing beyond matter” … “Telepathy requires a perfectly clean subconscious, so it is unfeasible” and so on

One would then run some thongga to clean up what the karga wouldn’t eat, or, if you had a fence, lentosaur, a better tasting animal but slow and soft and vulnerable to predators on the open prairie

Towel: If you are using a nice, clean towel, you will have good health and family happiness; if it is worn out and dirty, it means the opposite

Yet how many evangelists’ stomachs look as though they have eaten plenty – whether clean or not? This is an issue that we need to note and understand

«I’m sure you heard about our son, there’s no way gossip like that stays clean on a ship like this

It still had his major’s duty-suit on and that was still relatively clean, not much dust settles in the vacuum of space

For now having the skins and a chance to get clean water was enough

clean at the same time as Cosmicblasto

He continued to clean the bakery

bakerfolk had stressed how important it was to maintain a clean

How do you know who will survive? God preserves only those who are clean in heart

She found a pimia vine, their leaves are pretty clean and soft enough to stick to it

The cat, for all of its clean savagery is really dead cute,

Daniel woke one morning and the mountain was covered in a blanket of snow, the air was cool, crisp and clean

scoured clean by frost and ice, streak the walls of slowly

with his clean hands splayed out,

The wound is fairly clean, if ragged, the projectile went through the fleshy part of his outer arm just below the shoulder

that never heal for want of clean water

Uncle Pani’s apartment was all white, very clean and probably prepared especially for the family

‘There’s a clean bandage in there as well

The mortar is picked clean of moss,

Suddenly struck by a thought, I go through my clothes, trying to find something to wear … there’s a skirt and top I haven’t worn yet … I hold them up against myself, rising on to my toes in an attempt to see what they look like in the small mirror on the wall … at least they are clean

He’s arrayed in clean hosen and tunic

scouring the bones clean,

The family made its usual peremptory visit to the world of personal hygiene, got dressed in whatever reasonably clean clothes came to hand and set out on the number seventy-eight bus that would, with a couple of changes, take them to the black heart of the city

Sufferers from all stomach and internal complaints would do well to practice the art of clean eating

I watched a nurse come in quickly and clean it up

After all, how distant can you be with a man who has wound bandages round your upper leg? We debate whether I should put my stained hosen back on again or not – opting to leave the clean ones for tomorrow … I’ll have to wash this pair out as soon as I get the chance

‘Yes, it is a pleasure being clean shaven again

Elizabeth helped Kate clean up the kitchen, and went around picking up all the excess glasses around the house

The clean tang of high tide brushed his nostrils

By the time that he reached the far end of the football pitch both he and the ball were still perfectly clean, something hitherto entirely unheard of

Clean and Fluid code with new syntaxes to include server side code in to HTML

“That is Lucent Lake, the waters are clean and fresh and the fish are edible

The house is remarkably clean considering that no-one has lived here for several weeks, and, seeing my surprise, Ms Jones tells me that David’s cleaner had been coming in to check on the place regularly

and help me clean the

Following a polite if sparse cremation service held in the clean but anonymous halls of blonde wood and magnolia paint at the local crematorium, and with the memory of the pastor’s mistaken belief that his wife’s name was Aileen twitching behind his eyes, Ken carried out Eileen’s last wish, which was to have her ashes scattered on the garlic beds

This will leave your smoker clean and ready for the next use

Take a clean sheet of paper and write out everything that is bothering you

expelled it — and with good reason and it was resting, clean in the corner of his bed

worked every hour of the day keeping the house clean and her

Through blurry vision, I see a clean linen handkerchief appear below pew level

There is a door entry system into the main hall leading to stairs and a lift – all very clean

She was given a big pitcher of water, a cup, a bowl of calamari chowder with plenty of potatoes and what appeared to be leeks, and a clean piece of rag

the melody, the clean shaven young man asked for a few pounds to

She had to get pretty intimate with him to get him as clean as she wanted

Children were clean, happy and healthy, but loud

I’ve changed into a clean pair of jeans and a pretty top — mainly for my benefit

Her hair was heavy and layered, quite clean, even by 22nd century mortal standards

The other two were in clean loincloths

I know which group I belong in … However, after a considerable battle, which leaves me breathless and wondering yet again if I ought to go down to the gym more often, I have a nice clean set of bedding and a pile of bedclothes which I can shove into the washing machine

service held in the clean but anonymous halls of blonde wood and

In another place, at another sunset time, with sangria and the sound of waves breaking on clean white sand, she might even find it attractive

There are some clean towels in the little cupboard by shower

She shudders, thinking about where the toothbrush has been, but her need to clean herself, to descale her mouth is greater than her distaste for the strange, thin man in the laboratory

That was true, so he decided it was time to clean up

‘Sorry, Dave, I spoke to Mum on Sunday evening and she suggested it then … I meant to mention it but it went clean out of my head

You’ll be okay, so long as you’re clean in the affair

“I’ll clean it up later on, then,” Alistair concluded, returning the

A nice clean

The skirt, faded from age and wear, but clean, ended at the woman’s waist, and was topped by a yellowed white blouse, partially covered with a light brown cloak

‘The good news is that it’s a clean flesh-wound,’

It was my job was to make sure the carpet in the front room was clean and I also had to wash the kitchen floor at least once a week … whenever it needed doing really

Under fluorescent light reflected off the wipe clean interior of the saloon she looks deathly pale

She let her mind wander as her hands toiled in the hot water, scrubbing the pans and revelling in the satisfaction of making clean order out of dirty chaos

Mickey had pleaded with Chrissie to help him clean and dress the body

As she worked, she thought of Billy – she’d never considered it before but he must do all the housework at the house … maybe next time she went there she would offer to help … there was something strangely satisfying about making things clean and tidy

Every morning they were at the boat waiting for their mother, every evening they could now stay awake through supper, even helping to clean up afterwards

‘If you’ve got a clean pair of socks in that bag of yours, you’d be best advised to put them on

clean up and when he was finished he turned and

Just as well that he’d given Ozzie and Chrissie sufficient time to get away … with a bit of luck, they’d have left the place clean and tidy – Chrissie seemed to be particular like that

It was tidy and clean – obviously Chrissie had straightened it up after Kev left

The door opened and they went in — again, the room was tidy and clean, though it caused comment when Mrs Brown discovered Mickey’s clothing in the cupboard

She had been all thru him before, she knew he was clean

He can see hands, long slender hands, well groomed and clean

They both cleaned up at a public bath, had a passable meal, took as much fuel as there was, and he charged off into Dawnsleep while she huddled in both quilts in the chilly cabin

cleaned even though it relied entirely on solid fuel

They have cooked, cleaned, sewed, served and been ready for

While he changed the DVD, she cleaned up and got them two more beers

She had no idea why they were suddenly starting to be useful, but with a fresh packet of fags laying open on the kitchen table, with the kitchen cleaned, with something smelling lovely bubbling away on the cooker and with a head that was hosting a motorway maintenance crew, she didn’t feel inclined to argue

During the week Cyberia cleaned the house, cooked meals and performed a range of other wifely duties while her husband, under the guise of bringing euphonic enlightenment to the masses, rescued black bin liners full of old clothes, books and partially complete jigsaw sets from the doorways of London’s charitable retail outlets

My father cleaned the puke off his shoes and we bolted for home

After the doctor cut the cord and cleaned and medicated his eyes, Daniel wrapped the baby in a large towel and then in a blanket

‘Crunchy black shiny bits? What crunchy black shiny bits?’ He cleaned his empty plate in some sand, ‘Crunchy black shiny bits

Arrangements were made, the bed sitting room was cleaned and a week later Annie moved her bin liners and her rucksack into her new home

Then, while Lucy, working on auto-pilot, cleaned the kitchen up again, her mother moved the torso, the head, the hoodie and two black bin liners full of soiled cleaning materials to an as yet unfilled area in the new patio base and proceeded to bury Alan’s mortal remains under lumps of hardcore and a layer of gravel

old soldier who’d cleaned her shoes outside the church all those

She scooped it up, cleaned it as best as she could under the circumstances, and wrapped it in a piece of cloth cut from the coat she was wearing; (to Tarak’s dismay), then she placed it close to her heart

cleaned every last inch of the kitchen

cleaned, with something smelling lovely bubbling away on the

During the week Cyberia cleaned the house, cooked meals

The housekeeping crew that had arrived before them had thoroughly cleaned and dusted the room

Looking in the mirror he brushed his hair back, cleaned his teeth, and checked out his reflection

Besides that place needs to be cleaned up

the covers, cleaned his head wound and used butterfly Band-Aids on the open tear

He had skinned and cleaned it as best he could and cooked it on a large flat rock he placed in the fire

The three men cleaned their plates rapidly, focussing on their food

” He eyed the print for awhile, she cleaned the ink off her thumb

They were all well cleaned and nicely battered, toasted to perfection and served inverted, hottest on the bottom, so they could commence powering thru them as soon as the basket was set in front of them

cleaned the wound as best he could

She cleaned the wound thoroughly and applied a

God knows when he last cleaned the bugger

“In a temporary cubbie in the pyramid that I never cleaned out when I went north,” Ava answered

Even Billy is aware of the odour; stage sweat, the remains of half cleaned Leichner, disinfectant, grime, sleep and sheer bloody terror

You should see some of the toilets I’ve cleaned in the

‘This room has been completely cleaned by the look of it

While they cleaned and tidied up, White Feathers and his father chatted

They ate, talked, played and read aloud, cooked, cleaned, washed and mended, paced, hummed, sang and told stories always with the twins in someone’s arms, lap, or perched on a hip

As overcome as she had been by Tdeshi’s hormones lately, she would invite him to her room for sex where he would fuck her lights out and she would wake up for Afternoonday with all her notes and data cleaned out

“After he cleaned himself up and

Kaitlyn mothered her, read to her, fetched and cleaned her, dressed and bathed her until at last Yolanda was inured to the constant motion of shipboard life

His eyes blurred with tears as he cleaned up the mess he’d made

He had already cleaned the entire mansion without a single word of complaint, and was waiting for more orders from Julia

After she had cleaned herself up she sat down on the floor next to the bed

Max put the stain rag in paint thinner and cleaned up his station

So I cleaned up the house as best I could and started watching a basketball game and got ready for Saad to come over

Jim agreed to stay behind to see to it that the mess was cleaned up

No doubt the baby had been cleaned and stuffed with a passionberry jelly, while the remainder of the egg was stuffed with a rinko-nut mix

Using a special tool, that had been cleaned and stuffed, left in the remaining eggwhite and steam baked til it’s all falling apart for the pickings

The aeroplane had been cleaned and the catering service was sliding the last of the food carts into the galleys when Sue entered the aeroplane

He would be a scav if he cleaned that area out, maybe even a scrounge for selling the paper

The rooms were cleaned out

Parts had been removed and cleaned and were arranged in orderly piles, along with some carefully hand-drawn prints

The citizens of Shattered Rock had cleaned house in order to blockade the roads, creating solid walls of tables, chairs and other miscellaneous house furniture

The old man said nothing as she cleaned the wound, closed it with the Dermabond glue and wrapped a bandage around his head

Even the street signs had been cleaned and polished

returned, but it must be cleaned up of the impurities

went into rehab and cleaned up his life

She cleaned and

He only cleaned his sword off in the water, a bleak look mired in his eyes

I cleaned my tear-streaked face, composed my expression as best I could, and went to him

She knelt by the water’s edge, wet a piece of cloth she’d brought, and cleaned my legs

If the desk is cleaned out, then it suggests that you need to find more productive ways to spend your time

But in the morning when she brought milk to the house, Nerissa stayed and cleaned the

Maybe if she went in there and cleaned, the noise

She cleaned the bedchamber, scrubbed all the cookware, and fixed the

In a record-breaking thirty minutes Danny had been washed, dressed, shaved and teeth cleaned

Could you have it cleaned up? Completely please

I cleaned and dressed the wound as if she were alive, bandaging it tightly in hopes to stave off an infection that would never happen now

Again, he cleaned the dried blood before slipping his gym shorts over her

I cleaned the sand from my jug, too

We had consolidated the trench and cleaned most of the rubbish out of it and the dead Turk bodies that had been left behind

“Right you fucking heroes before you start getting carried away with your tales of daring do get your rifles cleaned

They cleaned the house and saw to Joseph»s body

There were dirty cooking containers; eating dishes weren»t cleaned

I cleaned my rifle and then we returned to our own sector with the Fusiliers thanks ringing in our ears when we got there more congratulations were heaped on us and I was told how proud the Company and Battalion were of me

I rose and cleaned the table, then we walked to the door

couldn’t have been cleaned since it left the

It was really bad and everyone in the Battalion was in the same boat we cleaned the old straw out of the barns and replaced it with new stuff burning the old straw and killing our tormentors at the same time

She felt that she had cleaned up behind Jack

his throat loudly, adjusted and cleaned his spectacles and walked over to the table

We watched and chatted to the girls as they washed up and then they shooed us out while they cleaned the kitchen

cleaned thoroughly in preparation for the paroled prisoners of

He looked down at his chest, where the cuts from the previous night had been cleaned and soothed with cream

The Milo crew was busy getting the ship cleaned up, painted, and repaired after the ordeal they had gone through in the Bering Sea

The kid had been cleaned and its copper colored fur was still damp

They cleaned up the mess and then stood in awkward silence, watching Brutus

He fumbled around the room again after being struck by the terrible paranoia that maybe a previous inmate had died in here and they hadn’t cleaned the body away

“That’s just it, he isn’t in, I went by a week ago, and it’s cleaned out, but someone had been there, it was too clean

was still Soot proof, made my way to the bathroom, cleaned up and went back downstairs

Mother enjoyed having a young lady there, Paul cleaned his glasses to have a better look, then grinned stupidly every time Felicity opened her mouth

Come to think of it, there were no papers or ashtray in my little office either, and I had just recently cleaned it, so I felt on an equal basis with him

She had a call girl type neighbor across her hall, she cleaned houses, but may have had only one client, and that was only from time to time

His wound had been cleaned and dressed

Roy cleaned up a few things, hid the other gun and replaced the shotgun under the

appears that someone cleaned all of the fingerprints off of them

He said that church members had cleaned it up a bit, and thrown away most of the perishable items, but that the power and water were still on

I considered myself lucky, and cleaned up the mess before I

The windows were open, and were freshly cleaned

“I haven’t cleaned the refrigerator or the stove yet, been concentrating on the walls and floors

I pulled into it, and Felicity and I spent some time removing the glass and debris from the car, and cleaned it up as best we could

vacuum machine, and cleaned the interior

She cleaned up

You cleaned the cleaning supply closet?”

The radiator was protected by armour vents which opened up in the form of a hinged door so that it (and the radiator) could be cleaned of grass (a killer for radiators for the seeds blocks the air flow and may cause a fire if dry enough)

Rain water harvesting, cleaning of small tanks before rainy season, closing of running taps, not allowing drawing of water directly from mains through electric motor, recycling water for WCs etc are some of the areas where we can generate awareness and guide others to act

It is fun clearing up the sitting room of the annexe … I know Stephen said to leave it until we know for definite that Liz is coming, but I had nothing much to do this afternoon and sometimes a good cleaning session is therapeutic

Dave finishes cleaning a fish he has just caught, takes a strip of the flesh and re-baits the hook, tosses it over the side

Russ shakes his head, glances over at Abdullah, who is cleaning his ear with the barrel of his pistol

’ I said wearily to Molly as we resume our cleaning of the kitchen cupboards once I have reported on Stephen’s call

Worst part was cleaning out the crew

‘Oh, it was only a case of unscrewing the U bend and cleaning it out, Nick, those things get really clogged up with gunk sometimes

The cleaning has been my salvation to some extent

After terminating the call and feeling irrationally pleased with herself that she knew how to, she pottered around the house, cleaning and tidying … it was satisfying

She’d been amazed by the overabundance of cleaning materials that she had correctly guessed would be stored in the cupboard under the sink – some things defy cultural differences! Kneeling on the floor, all the better to examine the various spray containers and bottles piled in there, her amazement turned into confusion … there were plastic spray bottles for limescale removal, disinfecting the worktops … apparently killing 99% of all known germs — though that did raise the question of what danger the remaining 1% presented if it was so vital to get rid of the things … bottles of cream for cleaning the sink and another, lavender scented, for polishing wood, a big bottle of bleach that at least smelt familiar, and noxious substances for cleaning the oven that had signs warning of danger plastered all over them … it was an education

was responsible for cleaning the shop side

And from inside I caught the smell of cleaning fluids, lunch and the sound of gentle, delicate music

And once you have established the habit of doing Yoga postures first thing in the morning it should become as much a part of your routine as having your morning bath or cleaning your teeth

After days of cleaning up after me, my mother went to the nurse’s station and screamed

During cleaning it became clear that at some time in the distant past part of the church had been a temple dedicated to Pallas Athena and although it was not unusual for the locals to mix their beliefs, the church authorities were rather embarrassed and the work came to a standstill until it could be determined who would provide funds for the work to continue

When Kate returned with the bag, Elizabeth was holding a screaming baby boy as the doctor was cleaning out his eyes

Then, while Lucy, working on auto-pilot, cleaned the kitchen up again, her mother moved the torso, the head, the hoodie and two black bin liners full of soiled cleaning materials to an as yet unfilled area in the new patio base and proceeded to bury Alan’s mortal remains under lumps of hardcore and a layer of gravel

in a bit of office cleaning?”

I think the example I used was cleaning the loo

But, you had to admire the way she took the reins firmly in her hands, working through the house, cleaning, repairing and clearing out the junk – just as well really, her mother was a poor thing and couldn’t manage at all

The cleaning takes all morning, partly because I keep stopping to drink some water … I’m feeling bloody minded and refuse to take painkillers for the headache I am convinced had its origins in that bottle of wine

After cleaning up he towel dried

’ I started, hearing him coming along the hall from the bathroom where he has been cleaning up

This news, tragic for others, makes the price to be paid for the shirt in the white plastic dry cleaning bag by the door seem trivial

Fired by her rediscovered domesticity, she dug around in the cupboard and found cleaning materials, spending several satisfying hours cleaning the sitting room and putting it straight, and then attacking the bedrooms one at a time

Pausing in her work of cleaning the men’s bathroom, she closed her eyes and tried to access the house … nothing

She fills the kettle as he scrubs the grass stains off his hands at the sink and chats on about the cleaning she has been doing

A real rich man would also use fine furs during, but the cleaning staff and the wear were beyond his cash flow, and she understood that

be cleaning his pants out instead of shoveling applesauce into his mouth

Cleaning things up

When he was tall enough to see over the counter in the hardware store he was given new chores: counting and recording stock on shelves once a week, restocking, cleaning the shopfront windows and the countertops

“I told her the outhouse was needing maintenance and cleaning

It was while she was cleaning her teeth in the bathroom, her mind busy with mentally sorting out what they could take and what they would have to leave behind, that she had heard the doors to the sitting room clatter

cleaning up the needle-infested house and then getting it in livable order

cleaning crew and that took up a lot of their time

them out of the students’ hands and cleaning them off the floor

He nodded approvingly as he passed a woman giving some serious cleaning to a floor

fixed it up, supposedly cleaning the mud vein out

it was over a little thing like I missed a crumb when cleaning the floor; sometimes

In order to keep us fed and clothed, Mum had taken cleaning jobs and, occasionally, something better paid turned up, but I know it was hard for her keeping things going

Looks as though you’re going to have the day to myself tomorrow – maybe you could catch up on the cleaning and deal with the washing; don’t know how you stand the excitement

The whole border could do with a serious dig over … maybe when you’ve finished the cleaning

‘Have you put the washing machine on? Give it five minutes to fill then you can have your showers – any chance you two could see to the cleaning of the bathroom when you have finished?’

industrial cleaning agent the district had recently purchased

“I found some love letters from his girlfriend when I was cleaning out his

He was cleaning the hooves of a recently stabled mare ridden into town by an annual visitor at the opening of the summer season

“You doing more than just cleaning for Chatterling or what?” I said with a

“This Woman, I promised my hand in Marriage if she would give me all the planets she owned! Now she’s an underpaid grunt who spends the rest of her life cleaning up the eternally toxic clusters of Klept-058!” Olorhleng said proudly

he rubbed on his head and hair, with the motion of a cat cleaning its face with its

When they’d finished refilling each stall with fresh straw, they moved on to cleaning up her milking facility, so it would be ready to start operations the next week

cleaning up the outside of the church

The second afternoon she went on to the care and cleaning of the guest rooms, and all the regulations required by the state

janitor cart, topping off the bottles of cleaning solution, replacing dirty rags with

up from cleaning his boots

They’d all be glad to see a resurrection or even a cleaning out

grass, cleaning the house, even making sure the bees in the basement never ran dry

washing hair, changing clothes and cleaning teeth

Right now he was disassembling, cleaning, numbering and drawing parts

Louise washed first, cleaning the blood and sweat and urine off herself, then she wrapped up in a towel

The continual consumption of the precious metals in coin by wearing, and in plate both by wearing and cleaning, is very sensible ; and in commodities of which the use is so very widely extended, would alone require a very great annual supply

They approached a monk who was busy cleaning

that I was the best in cleaning

Lady Phyllis and her friends while I was cleaning up their feast

She fully took on her duties of mother and home manager, keeping her children up to par with their studies and involved in extracurricular activities while cooking and cleaning as would be expected of a responsible housewife

(Hey, it’s not just us humans who get obsessed about corporal aesthetics!) For that reason and when necessity called—due to there not being any jumbo-sized showers or hippo medical facility specialists available in his domain—he would frequently visit one of the local cleaning stations and call upon the Courageous Cleaners to assist him with his personal care

Whenever they did chores together, whether it was sheep tending or house cleaning or

To see old, tattered rags in your dream indicate that you are cleaning up old problems and issues

She could give the house a thorough cleaning

Plastic shelves stood against the wall, packed with cardboard boxes, most of them labeled with alcoholic beverage brands and a couple branded as cleaning supplies

The surgeon couldn’t do anything more other than cleaning the wounds to stop infection and closing up the open flesh

He’d seen the signs with every cleaning of the wounds – it wasn’t getting any better

washing the injuries and cleaning away the dried blood, he asked her very plainly if there were wounds that he presently could not see

” He got up, took his empty tray over to the cleaning area and walked out the front door

He would help with the cleaning or repairs when Gerill left for patrols, and he could tell that the Thane, though he did not say so, was pleased with the effort

So having listened to the advise me and Elijah sat down then taking our cleaning kits out we started to give our rifles a good clean for after all our lives depended on them

As I was cleaning my rifle my stomach churned over and I leant over to one side and threw up I suppose it was both fright and nerves that was causing this but I can honestly say that I had never been as scared in my life

” Elijah looked up from cleaning his rifle and replied

” Having just finished cleaning our rifles and making Charlie feel more at home we stood up just in time to receive the order to move onto our next objective

” I let her hand go, stood and began cleaning the table

I had just oiled and put my rifle back together Elijah having finished minutes before but he was not as fastidious as me with his cleaning he handed me a smoke which I lit

Then the image changes to Charlie appearing as we were cleaning our rifles after the landing and him playing hell because we hadn’t waited for him

We started cleaning our rifles for the hundredth time and we had just finished tying rags round the breech to try to keep the dust out when the midday rations arrived

I knew Ruth was probably cleaning or supervising the cleaning of the rooms and Matthew was bustling about, making sure there were sufficient supplies for the Inn

We settled down in these trenches cleaning them out and making them more comfortable for us to live in

He picked up a powerful cleaning solution and some paper towels

He started into the cleaning

The smell of the bacon cooking was heavenly and the cleaning and shoring work had given us an appetite and this would fill the hole

safety and in giving the ship a general house cleaning

” The kitten’s idea of sharing was to settle into the middle of the rug and begin cleaning her private parts

“Would Sir not like some clean underwear as well or maybe I could take our Sir’s suit for cleaning

cleaning that is a perfect complement for the fast paced lifestyles of many individuals

After getting a manicure use rubber gloves to protect your hands from water or cleaning solvents

“If I find who let her out, that person is cleaning the fridge,” I snapped at the third

doll, while Harry sat in the sun cleaning himself and looking at us as if we were nuts

busy cleaning up and entertaining each other with stories and

So… my question to you Herbie, you dumb motherfucker, is do you want to be cleaning urinals in the Fargo office by the end of the week or do you want to try and figure out who killed Tony Reilly?”

The car rocked from the impact as if hit by a high velocity cleaning jet

After cleaning his boots in the dim glow of the removed torch, he walked around the cell thinking about the previous day’s events

Mother was cleaning up after us, and said to me, “If you want to spend some time with

I scanned the few items that were posted on it, but didn’t find anything from a cleaning lady, or cleaning service at all

STUDENT 3 sits on steps leading up to the second floor, cleans his toenails with a large knife

He takes off his specs and carefully cleans the lenses on his dressing gown

Alexis turned and pointed to the blackening sky in the west, breathless he screamed, ‘Did you hear that boss? Did you hear the snorting of her holy horses? She washes the flecks of sweat from their mouths as they champ the bit and cleans the clotted foam

Then she wets toilet tissue and cleans up the cut, which is no more than half a centimetre in length but it hurts like hell

but cleans the well that, naturally, there is in us (so

Cleans off the dead, dirty skin cells

As said before Coke cleans blood very well which certainly was needed

My father cleans the skin around my wound with something cold

pany cleans and restores areas in homes,

Ethanol is like a cleaning solvent; it goes in and cleans contaminants from both the storage tanks, gas tankers and your gas tank

Carbon is a byproduct from running fossil fuels that builds up in your engine, (not as bad as it once did) so to get things back to normal, this service goes through and cleans the throttle plate, idle air control valve, intake manifold, backs of the valves, tops of the pistons, O2 sensor and the front of the catalytic converter

Hillary, the cute one, comes over with water and menus then cleans the table

«You’re not the one who cleans the bathrooms

The house is big and the architect is a bit old but the place still cleans

Justice is served for the victims when a judge rules against the criminal and awards the plaintiffs with remuneration, and the guilty party cleans up the mess it made

«Who cleans the trailer?»

“He cleans his ears out with it,” I said, jumping in to save my friend from anymore embarrassment

Jamil moves forward and cleans his blood with his own handkerchief and showed that to Frank

Boric acid eyewash may help relieve the discomfort associated with pink eye, as it cleans and soothes the infected eye

You may use warm soap wash-cloth and this furniture cleans quite easily

the air cleans away the smell and dirt

We give up our authority for His authority, our way for His way, and then in that process, He cleans our inner parts up, and that’s what makes us holy and acceptable

cleans out her voice mail inbox so you always have to call her 5 million times to get

Such link cleans the spirit’s surface and returns it pure and clean with no defect in it

For example, the camel carries our belongings, the horses and the mules draw, the bulls plow, the sheep supply you with wool and milk, the hens produce eggs, the hyena cleans the wild from carrions so as to keep the environment disinfected and of fresh air, the dog guards, the cat rids the house from insects, the bees make honey and help in pollinating the flowers… and so on

By such entering into God’s, that is by such communication with Him, the Godly light cleans the surface of the spirit and makes it cured of its defects and diseases, thus it returns pure and immaculate, having put on garment of perfection and virtue and become collored with a stain from Al’lah than which none has better; and thus it becomes happy and blissful

It’s disturbing, but he of the inappropriate King-Arthur-esque come-ons cleans up nicely

maintains cleanliness and order in the house: cleans, washes, sweeps, etc

Who maintains, cleans and reforms all these drains and underground passages of these polar waters?

It puts an end to its bad tendencies; it cleans it of any low inclinations and mean yearnings which may have been attached to it in the past

Gin has also created several private label products, including one that cleans leather

Miss Avery cleans off Becky’s fruit covered face

(He cleans, and clears up, looking at him

My grand mother sobbed at this point but quickly cleans her eyes, drew me closer to her side and said to me, “We have consulted and appeased all shrines and deities in our land, and we have their assurances that nothing untoward would happen to you

He squats at my feet, removes my shoe, cleans my foot, and then takes my shoe to the bathroom to rinse it under the sink

A fly lands on the screen and merrily cleans its teeth

Cleans, flushes and recycles fluid automatically

The reef cleans itself, replenishes itself, feeds itself, and thus is the circle-of-life

Another fish that cleans

earth material which cleans the water, or polishes the water

usually cleans up the mess, it doesn’t mean that only females

your father cleans up the stain and your mother stitches the torn sofa, they’ll fall in

Since chloride of potassium ( potassium chloride,KC1) helps to cleans out the blood

these slums can be cleaned up simply by community support and as the rest of the city cleans up

The truth CLEANSES you of evil: it cleans you out

When they peak inside, they see the maintenance man, way in the distance! They see him cleaning around the mineral bath with a plugged in radio nearby, playing reggae music! Missy and the triplets become frightened! They try to keep quiet so the maintenance man would not see or notice them! They start to back up! As they back up, they suddenly spot Dana inside the mineral bath place! They spot her way in the distance, standing several feet behind the maintenance man! They see Dana quietly standing behind the maintenance man as he cleans around the mineral bath! They see Dana angrily staring at the maintenance man! The maintenance man does not see or notice Dana! He does not know that she is standing there, several feet behind him, angrily watching him! His radio is playing a few feet away from Dana! Therefore, he does not hear Dana or know that she is standing there angrily staring at him! As the maintenance man continues to clean around the mineral bath, Dana suddenly picks up a big rag that is on the floor! She takes the rag and grabs the big radio with it! She picks up the loud radio and starts to run straight towards the maintenance man with the radio in her hands! She angrily shoves the radio hard into the maintenance man and pushes him right into the mineral bath as he begins to shout! Dana continues to hold on to the radio as she catches her balance! The maintenance man makes a big splash as he goes down under the water! Then an angry Dana holds the radio high up in the air and throws the plugged in radio right into the water right on top of the man! The radio hits the water and starts to spark up and smoke heavily! The maintenance man begins to scream and yell in pain! He is being electrocuted! Missy and the triplets watch frighteningly from the gate entrance! The radio continues to spark up in the water as the maintenance man’s body jerks and shakes! He continues to yell and scream as blood comes from out of his eyes, nose and mouth! Then his screaming stops! His body then becomes still and lifeless! He is dead! His body lays in the water as the heavy electric sparks continue to come from the radio! Missy and the triplets watch horrified from the gate entrance as Dana angrily stands over the edge of the mineral bath, glaring at the maintenance man’s dead body! Missy and the triplets see the maintenance man’s body floating! They see his eyes wide open! A frightened Missy starts to scream! Dana quickly turns her head around and sees Missy and the triplets standing frighteningly at the gate entrance, looking on! Dana angrily rushes towards them! Missy and the triplets frighteningly turn around and run out of the place! Dana angrily chases after all of them! She catches up to her sisters outside and angrily grabs them all! She jerks and pulls on her sisters as she shouts, «WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING OUT OF THE CAB?» Missy and the triplets are all scared as they frighteningly stare at Dana! They cannot believe what she had just done! They do not know what to do or say! Dana looks back towards the mineral bath place! Then she takes each of her sisters by the hand and quickly walks away with them! They start to go through the tropical weeds, grass, bushes and trees again!

1 John 1:7: «But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleans us from all sin

You must have a clean conscious in the heart not to want any flesh and blood killed and that you fight only evil spirits otherwise you could be responsible for sin and crime against TRUE GOD and creation, if your heart is not clean you must look into scripture and pray that TRUE GOD CLEANS IT and forgives you for negative thinking

“You know, there is this organic watermelon smelling spray that cleans my stove top

He cleans the guest rooms

I know it was her own joke with herself: Nick won’t eat his vegetables, Nick never cleans out the fridge, Nick won’t think to look here

Mosa cleans the dusty pads of her huge paws as the large cats lie together under the blaring-blue California sky

The Market Cleans House

For one thing, there was the awkwardness of seducing a person who cleans your house: one feels like some Tolstoyan cad

And the young men and the old of Kilcock blundered in for the stuff that cleans mirrors and makes headlights shine

“The Italian woman who cleans this place came in this morning with her mop and pail, and Carlotta commenced chattering with her at once, and the woman laughed, so that I asked her what she was saying

Sentences with the word Clean?



  • «blank pages»; «fill in the blank spaces»; «a clean page»; «wide white margins»
  • «clean bouncy hair»; «a lively tennis ball»; «as resilient as seasoned hickory»; «springy turf»
  • «I can breathe better when the air is clean«; «The patient is respiring»
  • «they were careful when crossing the busy street»; «be careful to keep her shoes clean«; «did very careful research»; «careful art restorers»; «careful of the rights of others»; «careful about one’s behavior»
  • «the char will clean the carpet»; «I have a woman who comes in four hours a day while I write»
  • «children with clean shining faces»; «clean white shirts»; «clean dishes»; «a spotlessly clean house»; «cats are clean animals»
  • «a clean voting record»; «a clean driver’s license»
  • «a clean test flight»
  • «a clean getaway»; «a clean sweep»; «a clean break»
  • «after a long dependency on heroin she has been clean for 4 years»
  • «led a clean life»
  • «a clean bill of health»; «a clear winner»
  • «efforts to obtain a clean bass in orchestral recordings»; «clear laughter like a waterfall»; «clear reds and blues»; «a light lilting voice like a silver bell»
  • «fair copy»; «a clean manuscript»
  • «clean water»; «fresh air»
  • «he landed a clean left on his opponent’s cheek»; «a clean throw»; «the neat exactness of the surgeon’s knife»
  • «a clean fight»; «a sporting solution of the disagreement»; «sportsmanlike conduct»
  • «a clean fuel»; «cleaner and more efficient engines»; «the tactical bomb is reasonably clean«
  • «a clean (or uninfected) wound»
  • «good clean fun»; «a clean joke»
  • «clean forgot the appointment»; «I’m plumb (or plum) tuckered out»
  • «clean the spots off the rug»
  • «clean grain before milling it»
  • «clean up before you see your grandparents»; «clean your fingernails before dinner»
  • «clean the stove!»; «The dentist cleaned my teeth»
  • «clean the turkey»
  • «clean up before you go to the party»
  • «a clean-cut and well-bred young man»; «the trig corporal in his jaunty cap»; «a trim beard»
  • «as clear as a whistle»; «clear footprints in the snow»; «the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather»; «a spire clean-cut against the sky»; «a clear-cut pattern»
  • «clear water»; «clear plastic bags»; «clear glass»; «the air is clear and clean«
  • «dirty unswept sidewalks»; «a child in dirty overalls»; «dirty slums»; «piles of dirty dishes»; «put his dirty feet on the clean sheet»; «wore an unclean shirt»; «mining is a dirty job»; «Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves»
  • «a dowdy grey outfit»; «a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room»
  • «they tried to stop the escape of gas from the damaged pipe»; «he had to clean up the leak»
  • «clean expository writing»
  • «the thieves made a clean getaway»; «after the expose he had to take it on the lam»
  • «a healthy diet»; «clean healthy air»; «plenty of healthy sleep»; «healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy»; «the salubrious mountain air and water»- C.B.Davis; «carrots are good for you»
  • «clean off the dirt»; «he shaved off his mustache»
  • «he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks»
  • «clean it well, preferably with warm water»; «I’d rather be in Philadelphia»; «I’d sooner die than give up»
  • «replace the book on the shelf after you have finished reading it»; «please put the clean dishes back in the cabinet when you have washed them»
  • «clean-scented laundry»; «a manure-scented barnyard»
  • «clean up the spills»
  • «steam-clean the upholstered sofa»
  • «they skimmed over the surface of the water»; «a brush small enough to clean every dental surface»; «the sun has no distinct surface»

A clean river flows through our town

A regular sweeper should be fixed to clean the streets and lanes.

A student’s mind is like a clean slate.

Am I the one who has to clean up the mess?

Are my shoes clean ?

Bring me a tumbler full of dean water.

Clean all the rooms.

Clean properly.

Clean the cauliflower well and cut short the stalk.

Clean the floor with dettol and water.

Clean the wound and dress it.

Clean you teeth every morning.

Clean your nose daily.

Did you clean your room properly?

Did you clean your room?

Do you clean your teeth after meals?

Do you help me clean the blackboard ?

Do you keep your pets clean?

Does she clean utensils ?

Eat clean and fresh food.

Every Saturday we clean the whole house.

Floor of the room is not clean.

Get down on your knees and clean it.

Get information on Clean Mouth.

Have these foods to clean up your intestine.

He always wears neat and clean uniform.

He doesn’t want to clean his room.

He had to clean his room.

He has had a clean record for the past ten years.

He has to clean the floors.

He has to clean the room.

He keeps himself clean by taking a daily bath.

He keeps the canteen neat and clean.

He kept the shrine clean and tidy.

He made a clean breast of his crime to the police.

He made a clean breast of his crime.

He made a clean breast of his fault.

He made a clean breast of his relations with his secretary before his wife.

He made a clean sweep of his enemies.

He put on clean trousers.

He showed a clean pair of heels.

He starts to clean his room.

He swept the floor clean.

He tries to clean it up.

He’ll make someone clean the room.

His mother made him clean the bathroom.

How To Clean Bean Bags At Home?

How To Clean CDs & DVDs?

How To Clean Ceiling Fans?

How To Clean Makeup Brushes?

How To Clean Rug Mats?

How To Clean Up A Rangoli?

How do you expect your kid to keep his nose clean, if you don’t.

How often do you clean your refrigerator?

I am very particular about keeping his surrounding clean.

I can play a clean game of chess.

I clean my car two times a week.

I clean my teeth with a toothbrush.

I clean up my room every Sunday.

I keep my house neat and clean.

I keep my room clean and neat.

I must clean the bathroom right away.

I need to clean my shoes.

I saw her clean the room.

I take care of myself by keeping my skin clean.

I want to clean the house before my parents return.

I want to make a clean breast of it.

I wished to make a clean sweep of it.

I’ll clean up the kitchen later.

I’m looking for something to clean the carpet with.

If you make a clean breast of your guilt, you may be forgiven.

In order to use it again, you have to clean it after each application.

It helps you to clean your body system and keeps you more healthy.

It is a very clean process.

It is kept clean at all hours of the day.

It is kept neat and clean.

It was quite neat and clean.

Keep the burner clean for a good flame.

Keep the room clean.

Keep your home clean.

Keep your kidney clean because it helps in cleaning your blood and filtering waste products from body .

Keep your streets and drains clean.

Keeping the kitchen tiles clean is ideally important to ward off germs.

Let us clean the house.

Let’s clean our room.

Let’s clean the entire office next Saturday.

Let’s clean the garden.

Let’s scrap everything and start over again with a clean slate.

Mother made me clean the bathroom.

My hands are clean.

My mother keeps the house neat and clean.

My mother put clean sheets on the bed.

Our classroom is so clean, not a peck of dust can be seen anywhere.

Our films were clean and socially purposeful in the past.

Our teacher made us clean the room.

People clean their houses.

Plants clean up the air and keep it fresh.

Please clean those dishes.

She has a clean heart.

She helped her mother clean the house.

She made a clean breast of her fault, so the teacher excused her.

She put clean sheets on the bed.

She scraped her shoes clean before she entered the house.

Store the food in clean utensils.

Take a clean corner of your house and make this design.

Take a clean towel and wipe it off.

The Headmaster ordered the peon to clean the table.

The accused made a clean breast of everything.

The air is no longer pure and clean.

The clean towels are in the drawer.

The floods made a clean sweep of the crops.

The floor is clean now.

The government has made efforts to make our country clean and green.

The nail went clean into the plaster.

The suit is clean enough for you to wear tomorrow.

The thief make a clean breast of the whole thing before the police officer.

The thief showed a clean pair of heels at the sight of the policeman.

There is an urgent need for people to help clean up the environment.

They just have to keep everything clean in order to relieve the anxiety.

This is not the way to clean things.

This oil can clean your hair.

Use a nail filer to clean the toenails.

Waiter, the spoon is not clean.

We all want to have a clean and dirt free home.

We are so irresponsible that we don’t keep our roads clean.

We clean our classroom after school.

We clean the house with water.

We clean the utensils with water.

We consider it our duty to keep it clean and beautiful.

We shall clean the house.

We should do our homework in clean and neat way at the right time.

We should keep our body clean.

We should keep our houses and environment clean.

What Happens If You Dont Clean Your Belly Button?

Why You Shouldn’t Use Cotton Buds To Clean Your Ears .

Why do you clean the house each week?

Will you help me clean the room?

You are ordered to clean the black-board.

You are to clean this room.

You had better make a clean breast of everything.

You must clean your room.

You must make a clean breast of what you saw at that time.

Your clothes should be clean and pressed.

Synonyms of Clean

Apple Pie Order

  • You will find everything in apple-pie order there.


  • The boxer went blank as he was hit on the head.
  • He looked blank when he heard the announcement of his promotion.
  • He drew a blank when I asked him what he remembered of the accident.


  • We should always look at the bright side of things.
  • You have a bright future before you.
  • He is bright and active.
  • The weather is too bright to last.
  • He blinked in the bright light.
  • He’s bright enough to solve the problem by himself.
  • He is what we call a bright boy.


  • Now apply this on your cleansed face and leave it on for at least minutes.
  • He cleansed the wound before putting on a bandage.


  • The line is not clear and so calls are maturing late.
  • This is to clear up the misunderstanding.
  • I want to make it clear that I have not changed my mind.
  • I have lots of work to clear up by the weekend.
  • All you have to do in writing is to keep it clear and interesting.
  • It is clear that he failed for lack of prudence.
  • I have some work to clear up.
  • He made it clear that he was against the plan.
  • It was not clear whether they had accomplished it or not.
  • She will soon clear away these dishes.
  • It was clear that she was not concerned with the matter.
  • It was not clear what she really meant.


  • Most delicate operations now can be successfully performed.
  • Cleaning glass windows is a delicate job.
  • This is one of the important winter gardening tips for protecting delicate flowers during winter.
  • Your heart is the most delicate organ in your body.
  • Our hands are delicate and need care.
  • She showed a great deal of wit in handling the delicate question.
  • The negotiations are at a very delicate stage.
  • The dancers look delicate in their white dresses
  • It’s a very delicate matter.
  • It’s a very delicate question.
  • He was a weak and delicate child.


  • Having a flawless skin is what people desire.


  • Sunlight is no less necessary to good health than fresh air.
  • Open the window and let in some fresh air.
  • For that reason it’s always held in a fresh atmosphere
  • Is there any fresh news?
  • Light is as necessary as fresh air is for health.
  • It is still fresh in my memory.
  • I ate a fresh lemon for the vitamin C.
  • We went out for some fresh air.
  • Do you have fresh strawberries?


  • She has a graceful carriage.
  • I am descended from a graceful family.


  • The governments should spend money in making the people aware of the need of healthy and hygienic style of living.
  • The hygienic conditions here are good.


  • The room is in immaculate order.


  • Our college canteen is always neat and dean.
  • She always keeps her room neat and tidy.
  • This hospital is quite neat and clean.
  • The room is very neat and clean.
  • There is no second beauty than carrying yourself neat and clean.
  • She has very neat handwriting.
  • Our school toilets are kept neat and clean by the school sweepers.
  • She is always neat and tidy.
  • It s a very neat and clean bazaar.


  • The ballot papers were orderly arranged.
  • He lives a very orderly life.
  • It should be arranged in an orderly and logical’ way.
  • I have an orderly lifestyle.
  • An orderly lifestyle and a regular diet are the keys to health.


  • They give us pure joy.
  • He is pure and bright.


  • He made a simple reply:
  • How to get rid of back fat through simple remedies?
  • It is as simple as that.
  • Reducing body fat is not as simple as it seems.
  • She loves simple and small things and they are enough to make her happy.


  • The sun is shining brightly.
  • The sun is shining brightly.
  • The sun was shining brightly.
  • The sun is shining hot.
  • The sun was shining and it was warm
  • His eyes were shining with joy.
  • The stars are shining in the sky.
  • The moon was shining bright.


  • I like sparkling and fruity wines.


  • He has always had a clean, spotless image.
  • An ideal teacher has spotless character.


  • My mind is as bright and clean as a stainless mirror.


  • I was going to tidy the flat, but I didn’t have time.
  • My hair is tidy now.
  • He is deaf and dumb.
  • He is a very tidy worker.
  • Today morning I went to tidy up the room and below the blanket I found your cell phone.
  • A tidy house helps get rid of stress puts you at good mood.
  • We will tidy up our room so that Mom is satisfied.
  • I always keep my room as tidy as I can.
  • He is such a tidy person. Every pot and pan is in its place.


  • I trim the hedge and weed the grass.
  • Please trim the wick of the lamp.
  • I asked the butcher to trim all the fat off of the meat.


  • I like vanilla ice cream.
  • I like vanilla ice cream very much.


  • It shrunk because I washed it.
  • He was washed away with the current of water.
  • When was the car washed by you?
  • The children washed their feet.
  • I washed my hands as usual.
  • He has not washed the car yet
  • He got his car washed at the filling station.
  • Yesterday I washed my hair. Today I’ll cut it.
  • Their have been washed away by the fury of the floods.
  • Have you washed your hands yet?
  • Was the car washed by your father?
  • I washed my hands of the whole business.
  • She washed the dishes and she dried them.


  • This white coat will look very nice on you.
  • Red wine or white wine, which one is more nutritious?
  • Having white hair is usually a sign of old age, but even young people may have white hair.
  • Why not try some of that white wine?
  • You are as white as a sheet.
  • Could I have a glass of white wine?
  • The shoes match this white skirt.







Spic and span





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Used with adverbs:

«Your apartment is extremely clean.«
(extremely, really, very, perfectly, totally)

«I try to keep the house fairly clean.«
(fairly, reasonably, relatively)

«The dishes are almost clean.«
(almost, nearly)

Used with verbs:

«This shirt smells clean.«
(smells, looks, appears, be: is/am/are)

«The house never stays clean.«
(stays, remains)

«I washed the bathtub clean.«
(washed, scrubbed, wiped)

«Please keep your bedroom clean.«
(keep, leave)

Next Word by Letter: clear

Previous Word by Frequency: blood

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  • The word clean in all languages
  • The word classy is not classy
  • The word classification in a sentence
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  • The word clan means