The word classy is not classy

To judge by the way the term is thrown around in certain circles, classy is now the ultimate compliment and classiness the ultimate goal. Wikihow.comoffers both a 9- and a 16-step blueprint for «how to be a classy girl.», a favorite guilty-pleasure celebrity site of mine (most recently for its slideshows of Kate Middleton’s maternity looks), yields close to a thousand results describing women as classy. But here’s the thing all classy ladies should know: you just can’t add a classy touch to a crop top. Use of this c-word is as déclassé as paper cups at a black-tie wedding.

Class is like money: it is both secret and obvious. For those who possess either,it’s impolitic to discuss the existence of a trust fund, a triple legacy at Yale, or an impending ambassadorial appointment in the family. It is equally impolitie to call attention to the same indicators in someone else. Admire the Giacometti or the Richter over the mantel, but don’t lavish compliments on the owner’s taste. If the hostess is wearing custom Chanel, you can say that she looks lovely, but for heaven’s sake don’t ask where she picked it up. Among those with a claim to refinement, describing a person—almost always a woman—as classy marks the speaker as somebody without a grasp on the subtleties of privilege. Those who use the word classy without irony aren’t.

Rather than relying on the term to characterize all things mannerly and well-kempt, use your words. That classy woman would prefer to be called elegant. Usually, we say classy when we simply mean good. So let’s just call a spade a spade: A good meal, a beautiful dress, an incredible home. Classic is fine too, because it means traditional or beautiful—but not high-class.

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Ladies, the Real Housewives of New York will tell you (over and over) that money can’t buy you class. But it can buy you a primer in etiquette.

Asked by: Tad Sanford

Score: 4.3/5
(67 votes)

(ˈklɑːsɪ) adj, classier or classiest. informal elegant; stylish.

Is Classily a real word?

Classily meaning

In a classy manner.

What kind of word is classy?

adjective, class·i·er, class·i·est. Informal. of high class, rank, or grade; stylish; admirably smart; elegant.

What does it mean to say someone is classy?

If you describe someone or something as classy, you mean they are stylish and sophisticated. [informal]

What does the word Massy mean?

Definition of ‘massy’

massive; weighty, bulky, etc. Derived forms. massiness (ˈmassiness) noun. Word Frequency.

36 related questions found

What’s the opposite of classy?

Opposite of elegant, highly stylish or fashionable. dowdy. graceless. inelegant. styleless.

What is massy and classy?

As adjectives the difference between massy and classy

is that massy is heavy; massive while classy is elegant, highly stylish or fashionable.

Is being classy a good thing?

When you see someone dressed well and say, «That is a classy look,» that means it’s a timeless, flattering style that accentuates the person’s strong features. But, it’s also respectful and modest, showing good taste and high standards. … The person I wish to attract will be attracted to these traits.

What is a classiest?

: having or showing class: such as. a : elegant, stylish a classy clientele a classy hotel. b : having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior a classy guy a classy gesture.

What defines a classy woman?

A lady displays self-respect, class, appreciation, and etiquette. She does not allow her mood to affect her manners. Being a classy lady doesn’t mean that you should be snobby or stuck up, but that you should have dignity, consideration, and moderation in your daily actions.

What is a big word for beautiful?

Some common synonyms of beautiful are comely, fair, handsome, lovely, and pretty. While all these words mean «exciting sensuous or aesthetic pleasure,» beautiful applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses and stirs emotion through the senses.

What is wrong with the word classy?

«Colloquially, the word classy is use to describe something sophisticated, fancy, and upscale – but what you’re basically saying when you call something or someone classy is “upper-class.” By calling a place or someone’s behavior unclassy is essentially equating them with the lower class, implying that the lifestyle of …

How do you say someone is classy?

synonyms for classy

  1. chic.
  2. elegant.
  3. fashionable.
  4. high-class.
  5. posh.
  6. dashing.
  7. exclusive.
  8. in vogue.

What’s ratchet mean?

Ratchet is a slang term that can mean “exciting” or “excellent,” often used as a term of empowerment among women. Some may also use ratchet for when they are feeling “bad” in some way. The term has been previously used, however, as an insult characterizing a woman as being “overdramatic” or “promiscuous.”

How can I be elegant and classy?

How to speak with elegance:

  1. Smile often and make eye contact.
  2. Speak clearly and avoid using slang that isn’t familiar to the people you are talking to.
  3. Avoid being a drama queen. …
  4. Don’t constantly brag about yourself.
  5. Don’t provide too much personal information. …
  6. Be a good conversationalist.

What does keep it classy mean?

It means to have good behavior and actions. Examples: «We should keep the party classy» = we should make it a nice party «you are acting stupid. Keep it classy» = stop having bad manners.

What is classy style?

Dressing classy means dressing elegant and sophisticated. It’s also timeless and elegant.

How can you tell if a girl is classy?


  • Wears subtle make-up.
  • Ages gracefully.
  • Confidence.
  • Never drinks directly from the bottle.
  • Accepts compliments graciously.
  • Doesn’t wear heels higher than she can walk in.
  • Always smells nice.
  • Doesn’t downplay her intelligence.

What makes a woman a lady?

«Lady» is used before the family name of a woman with a title of nobility or honorary title suo jure (in her own right), or the wife of a lord, a baronet, Scottish feudal baron, laird, or a knight, and also before the first name of the daughter of a duke, marquess, or earl.

How do you stay classy?

How to be a Classy Lady in 7 Steps

  1. Hold Yourself As A Classy, High Value Woman. To market yourself as a classy lady, there are two aspects to this. …
  2. Develop Rituals That Support A High Self-Worth. …
  3. A Classy Woman Is A Woman Who Has Value To Give. …
  4. Focus On Taking Responsibility, Over Blaming. …
  5. Let Love Flow Through You.

What is not classy?

not classy; lacking in good taste or sense; crude: Always being late for appointments is unclassy.

Is elegant and classy the same thing?

As adjectives the difference between classy and elegant

is that classy is elegant, highly stylish or fashionable while elegant is characterised by or exhibiting elegance.

How do you dress classy?

  1. Focus on Fit. Tailored clothing is synonymous with looking classy. …
  2. Avoid Showing too Much. …
  3. Wear Neutrals. …
  4. Don’t Over Do Accessories. …
  5. Stick to Classics. …
  6. Keep Clothing Wrinkle Free. …
  7. Pay Attention to Details. …
  8. Wear Proper Undergarments.

What are the fanciest words?

We’ve rounded up the most beautiful words in the English language that are guaranteed to make you absolutely ebullient.

  • Petrichor.
  • Sumptuous.
  • Angst.
  • Aesthete.
  • Nadir.
  • Miraculous.
  • Lassitude.
  • Gossamer.

классный, шикарный, отличный, первоклассный, клевый


- «классный», первый сорт
- шикарный; стильный; одетый по последний моде

Мои примеры


classy fielder — отличный игрок в крикет  
classy chassis — сексуально привлекательная девушка; пышущая здоровьем девушка  
classy cotton — высококачественный хлопок; классный хлопок  
classy manners — прекрасные манеры  

Примеры с переводом

Caroline’s too classy to say anything nasty like that.

Кэролайн слишком утончённая натура, чтобы говорить такие ужасные вещи.

The spa boasts some very classy clients.

Спа-центр гордится некоторыми своими ВИП-клиентами.

Donating her salary bonus to charity was a really classy thing to do.

Отдать прибавку к зарплате на благотворительность было по-настоящему шикарным поступком с её стороны.

Возможные однокоренные слова

classic  — классический, образцовый, классик, классика
classical  — классический, гуманитарный
classify  — классифицировать, засекретить
classless  — бесклассовый
classable  — поддающийся классификации или определению, поддающийся классификации
classing  — оценка, классификация

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): classier
прев. степ. (superlative): classiest

When was the last time you used the word ‘classy’ to describe someone? Go on, think about it. What were the qualities of that person that made you describe them as such? Let’s define ‘classy’ and get to the meat of this exploration. 

From Merriam-Webster:

Classy. adjective ˈkla-sē
: having or showing class: as
a : elegant, stylish <a classy clientele>
b : having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior <a classy guy> <a classy gesture>
c : admirably skillful and graceful <a classy outfielder>

Elegant. Stylish. High standards of personal behavior. 

Classy. Exactly.

Now, think about the word ‘trashy’ as a contrast. Are you getting to where I am going yet?

These are terms rooted in social class, particularly the social classes of the British Empire. High class, middle class, low class. In this hierarchy, the upper class, or high class, is the upper echelon, the tip of the pyramid. We want to ‘go to there’ as a society but the pyramid is weighted toward the middle and lower classes.

Lower class is bad, then. Lower class is NOT ‘classy’; it is ‘trashy’. Lower class can try all it wants, it will never have the “high standards of personal behavior” that the upper classes have. Basically, this is what you are saying when you use the word ‘classy’ as an adjective. You’re being classist.

What is classism? Basically, it is being prejudiced against other classes than the one you are in—or, I suppose, the one you are in, as well. The mere fact that we have words in the common lexicon that describes one class (a minority class with a LOT of prestige and privilege) as being superior to other classes should be cause for concern. When we hear people using words like ‘ghetto’ and ‘trashy’ in the pejorative, unbeknownst to them that they are belittling the working and lower classes, there should be a pause. Only there isn’t one for most people. We use these words like they are going out of style. 

I hear ‘classy’ all over the place any more. In a country (the United States) where class divides are deeper and wider than ever, there is still a clamor to be ‘classy’ over ‘trashy’. Pull an Occupy Wall Street protester out of the pack and ask them: ‘classy’ or ‘trashy’? Which one is more attractive, better than the other? Maybe you should avoid asking a ‘trustafarian’ (another class-based word) but I digress. They’re going to choose ‘classy’ 9 times out of 10*. I liken this to the historic transformation of the words black and white to separate races, equating purity and goodness to whiteness, evil and darkness to blackness. The poor can never be dignified, can they? They can never be ‘classy’. Just as the rich can never be ‘trashy’ unless they were poor to begin with. Right?

Please don’t get me started on the use of ‘ghetto’ in the pejorative. This is not only classist but is generally racist, as well. You know why but you still use it, don’t you? *nods* I thought so. 

There are more adjectives to use than ‘classy’, ‘trashy’, and ‘ghetto’ for sure. If we are to reconcile the dangerous trend of neo-tribalism and advance as a society, we have to start thinking about the words we use. Particularly the words we don’t realize we ARE using. 

Instead of classy, try: genteel, couth, well-mannered, stylish

Instead of trashy or ghetto, try: uncouth, coarse, impolite, racy, and so on, depending on the particulars of what you are describing.

We shouldn’t ever forget the pain of the past but we can only move forward if we understand the pains of the past. It is just like recovering from trauma in your own life. Words build the bridge to recovery. Let us not keep widening the divide between the classes unintentionally. Using the pejorative and being negative in general is often not constructive but deconstructive. I guess you have to make a choice.

I am hoping that the Etymology and Culture series on this blog will help shed some light on the words we use every day and their origins in our culture. Blindly using words without understanding their history and deeper meaning is not good enough for us. I hope you will return for more installments. Send me any suggestions.

*=Completely unscientific data.

Tags: etymology and culture


  • #1


— posh, swish wr
elegant, stylish; notably superior mw
highly stylish, elegant and fashionable

What does classy mean to you?

To me it has something to do with: trendy, fur coats, world travel, and gourmet chocolate.:)

This whole thing started off of this thread:
so chek it out if you want background.

  • Anna Più

    • #2

    Hi Cowgirl;) ,
    For me it’s something innate in some people, not necessary related with travelling or high quality… a countryside person can also have classy… classy maybe it has also to be with how some people move… gestuality, way of walking…
    In my opinion, is not necessary to have classy to be cosmopolitan.


    Correct my mistakes please!


    • #3

    To me, perhaps, the word has evolved and evokes something more particular about the way a person behaves and how they treat their fellow man, which has absolutely nothing do with their class.

    Alas, it can easily be said that persons of class (situation/wealth) do not necessarily exhibit class (goodly manners) towards anyone else but their own.


    • #4

    What does »classy» mean in this context from the series Prison Break?

    Michael’s cellmate: What’s another word for «love»?
    Michael: What’s the context?
    Michael’s cellmate: Oh, you know. The «I love you so much «I ain’t never knocking over a liquor store again» context. Except, you know, classy. Mmm. I’m proposing to my girl, if you gotta know.


    • #5

    HE’s looking for a more «refined» or «elegant» way of telling her that he’ll do anything for her. His own way of saying it is a bit uncouth: «I love you so much «I ain’t never knocking over a liquor store again».


    • #6

    Thank you. But I haven’t got it completely yet. I don’t get the way he says »Except, you know, classy». Is he saying »you know I want something classy? If so, then why he uses »except»?


    • #7

    The «I love you […] liquor store again» context.But, you know, classy.

    He’s telling him what he wants to say, but he needs it to be said in a classy way.


    • #8

    Hi everyone.
    In many dictionaries the meaning of classy is «stylish or fashionable«
    But I don’t think the above definition fits my following sentence.

    The wine-tasting party is classy.

    What does classy mean?

    [ʹklɑ:sı] сл.

    1) «классный», первый сорт

    2) шикарный; стильный; одетый по последний моде

    Новый большой англо-русский словарь.

    Смотреть что такое «classy» в других словарях:

    • classy — adj. 1. having elegance or taste or refinement in manners or dress. Opposite of {styleless}. [informal] Syn: posh, swish, stylish. [WordNet 1.5] 2. exhibiting refinement and high character. Opposite of {low class} [informal] Syn: high class.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Classy — may mean: Possessing elegance, the attribute of being tastefully designed, decorated and maintaining refined grace and dignified propriety. Classy (magazine), a Japanese women s magazine The nickname of professional wrestler Fred Blassie This… …   Wikipedia

    • classy — 1891, from CLASS (Cf. class) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

    • classy — [adj] stylish, having panache chic, dashing, elegant, exclusive, fashionable, high class, in, in vogue, mod, modish, posh, select, sharp, superior, swank, swanky, tony, uptown; concept 589 Ant. inelegant, inferior, plain, unstylish …   New thesaurus

    • classy — ► ADJECTIVE (classier, classiest) informal ▪ stylish and sophisticated. DERIVATIVES classily adverb classiness noun …   English terms dictionary

    • classy — [klas′ē] adj. classier, classiest Informal first class, esp. in style or manner; elegant; fine classiness n …   English World dictionary

    • classy — UK [ˈklɑːsɪ] / US [ˈklæsɪ] adjective Word forms classy : adjective classy comparative classier superlative classiest informal 1) something that is classy is attractive, fashionable, and of excellent quality a classy hotel/ski resort 2) someone… …   English dictionary

    • classy — adjective (classier; est) Date: 1891 having or showing class: as a. elegant, stylish < a classy clientele > b. having or reflecting high standards of personal behavior < a classy guy > < a classy gestu …   New Collegiate Dictionary

    • classy — class|y [ klæsi ] adjective INFORMAL 1. ) something that is classy is attractive, fashionable, and of excellent quality: a classy hotel/ski resort 2. ) someone who is classy has the natural ability to choose the best thing or behave in an… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • classy — adjective /ˈklæs.i/ a) Elegant, highly stylish or fashionable. Thats a very classy outfit. b) Of a superior type; especially, exhibiting admirable personal qualities That was a classy response. Syn …   Wiktionary

    • classy — [[t]klɑ͟ːsi, klæ̱si[/t]] classier, classiest ADJ GRADED If you describe someone or something as classy, you mean they are stylish and sophisticated. [INFORMAL] The German star put in a classy performance… Both GM and Ford believe they need… …   English dictionary

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    Mr. Peanut is not classy.

    Другие результаты

    «He is not a classy driver in that respect.»

    Good English is not only classy but a possibility to continue studies and specializations in the best universities in the world, which are in fact, in countries where they speak English.

    Хороший английский — это возможность продолжить учебу и специализацию в лучших университетах мира, фактически в тех странах, где говорят по-английски.

    France is not always the classy, extravagant, and over-romantic place it is portrayed in movies and books.

    Париж, о котором вы еще не знали Франция не всегда является тем стильным, экстравагантным и романтическим местом, каким его всегда изображают в фильмах и в книгах.

    You know, that’s good, but it’s not classy.

    Not only will it drive traffic away from your site, but (aesthetically) it’s just not classy.

    Они будут не только забирать трафик с вашего сайта, но также (эстетически) они просто не стильные.

    I got ringworm, too, but it’s not classy like this.

    Dwight, you’re trying too hard, and that’s just not classy.

    Ты, конечно, стараешься, но все это не классно.

    It’s not classy, and I’m sorry, but if you could find a way to get over it, you know where to find me.

    Это неправильно, я прошу прощения, и если вы сможете простить мне такое поведение, вы знаете, где меня найти.

    I mean, if you want a classy place, you need classy bathrooms.

    Classy redesign apartment in 16th district of Paris in gorgeous 1930 classy building.

    Let me show you how a classy guy does classy stuff.

    Позволь мне показать тебе, как крутой парень, делает крутые штуки.

    Classy, bud, real classy.

    We’re in a classy place with classy clothes for classy people, okay?

    Whoever wears this surely looks chic and classy.

    Тот, кто носит его на себе, всегда бывает рассудительным и осторожным.

    I love being classy and as elegant as possible in my apartment.

    Я люблю быть стильной и элегантной, как это возможно, в моей квартире.

    From ashy to classy, baby.

    Теперь твои локти… всегда классные, детка.

    I always knew you were a classy girl.

    Я всегда знал, что ты — девушка с классом.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 1458. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 1667 мс


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