The word clan means

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A clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship[1]
and descent. Even if lineage details are unknown, clans may claim descent from founding member or apical ancestor. Clans, in indigenous societies, tend to be endogamous, meaning that their members can marry one another. Clans preceded[citation needed] more centralized forms of community organization and government, and exist in every country.[citation needed] Members may identify with a coat of arms or other symbol to show that they are an independent clan[clarify]. Kinship-based groups may also have a symbolic ancestor, whereby the clan shares a «stipulated» common ancestor who serves as a symbol of the clan’s unity.


The English word «clan» is derived from old Irish clann[1] meaning «children», «offspring», «progeny» or «descendants»; it is not from the word for «family» or «clan» in either Irish[2][3] or Scottish Gaelic. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word «clan» was introduced into English in around 1425, as a descriptive label for the organization of society in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands.[4]

None of the Irish and Scottish Gaelic terms for kinship groups is cognate to English clan; Scottish Gaelic clann means «descendants»:

  • fine [ˈfʲɪnʲə] means (English) «clan»
  • teaghlach means «family» in the sense of the nuclear family, or can include more distant relatives living in the same house
  • líon tí means either «family» in the sense of «household», or everyone who lives in the house, including non-relatives
  • muintir means «family» in the broad sense of «kinsfolk»[3]

Clans as political units[edit]

In different cultures and situations, a clan usually has different meaning than other kin-based groups, such as tribes and bands. Often, the distinguishing factor is that a clan is a smaller, integral part of a larger society such as a tribe, chiefdom, or a state. In some societies, clans may have an official leader such as a chief, matriarch or patriarch; or such leadership role is performed by elders. In others, leadership positions may have to be achieved.

Examples include Irish, Scottish, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese clans, which exist as distinct social groupings within their respective nations. Note, however, that tribes and bands can also be components of larger societies. The early Norse clans, the ætter, are often translated as «house» or «line». The Biblical tribes of Israel were composed of many clans.[5] Arab clans are sub-tribal groups within Arab society. Native American and First Nations peoples, often referred to as «tribes», also have clans. For instance, Ojibwa bands are smaller parts of the Ojibwa people or tribe in North America. The many Native American peoples are distinguished by language and culture, and most have clans and bands as the basic kinship organizations. In some cases tribes recognized each other’s clans; for instance, both the Chickasaw and Choctaw tribes of the Southeast United States had fox and bear clans, who felt a kinship that reached beyond their respective tribes.

Apart from these different historical traditions of kinship, conceptual confusion arises from colloquial usages of the term. In post-Soviet countries, for example, it is quite common to speak of «clans» in reference to informal networks within the economic and political sphere. This usage reflects the assumption that their members act towards each other in a particularly close and mutually supportive way, approximating the solidarity among kinsmen. Similar usage of the term applies to specific groups of various cultures and nationalities involved in organized crime. Polish clans differ from most others as they are a collection of families who bear the same coat of arms, as opposed to claiming a common descent (see Polish heraldry). There are multiple closely related clans in the Indian subcontinent, especially South India.

Romani people have many clans which are called vitsa in Romani.


Clannism (in Somali culture, qabiilism)[6] is a system of society based on clan affiliation.[7]

The Islamic world, the Near East, North and East Africa in general, and Somali culture specifically, is patriarchal[8] and traditionally centered on patrilineal clans or tribes.[9]

Clans by continent or region[edit]

  • Diarra (Jara)
  • Habesha
  • Great Lakes,
  • Serer clans (Serer maternal clans, Guelowar, Joos, Njuufeen, Fayeen),
  • Kalenjin ortinuek,
  • Somali
  • Tswana people
  • Anishinaabe,
  • Cherokee,
  • Iroquois,
  • Omaha clans,
  • Muscogee Clans
  • Asia
  • Central Asian,
  • Baloch,
  • Ao Naga,
  • Angami Naga,
  • Bon-gwan (Korean names),
  • Chinese (family name)
  • Japanese,
  • Luwang,
  • Mangang,
  • Punti,
  • Khuman Salai,
  • Angom,
  • Moilang,
  • Kha Nganpa,
  • Salai Leishangthem,
  • Kazakh,
  • Manchu (names),
  • Minangkabau (names),
  • Mongolian,
  • Ngoche,
  • Pashtun
  • South Asia
  • Ahir,
  • Arain,
  • Bhuiyar,
  • Bunt,
  • Chero,
  • Gakhars,
  • Gurjar (Gujjar),
  • Dhangar (Gadariya),
  • Jat,
  • Khatri,
  • Kshatriya,
  • Chowdary,
  • Reddy,
  • Maratha,
  • Meena,
  • Mukkulathor,
  • Nai,
  • Nair (Malayala Kshatriya),
  • Patel,
  • Rajput,
  • Sengunthar,
  • Tarkhan,
  • Vellalar,
  • Yadav
  • Middle East
  • Arab,
  • Israelite,
  • Parthian,
  • Kurdish,
  • Syriac
  • Eurasiaa
  • Armenian nobles,
  • Bashkir,
  • Chechen Teips,
  • Nakhchivani,
  • Turkish,
  • Russian nobles,
  • Yeraz
  • Europe
  • Spanish nobles,
  • Irish,
  • Irish and Scottish septs,
  • Brussels,
  • Irish and Scottish Chiefs of the Name,
  • Norse,
  • Polish,
  • Scottish (Scottish clan chief),
  • Armigerous,
  • Albanian,
  • Montenegrin,
  • German nobles,
  • French nobles
  • Oceania
  • Rapa Nui,
  • Māori
  • a Meaning the transcontinental area between Asia and Europe.

    See also[edit]

    • Clan (video gaming)
    • Endogamy
    • Extended family
    • Uradel
    • Gotra


    1. ^ a b
      Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). «Clan» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 6 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 419–421.
    2. ^ Dineen, Patrick S. (1927). Foclóir Gaeďilge agus Béarla [Dictionary of Irish and English]. Dublin and Cork, Ireland: The Educational Company of Ireland.
    3. ^ a b Ó Dónaill, Niall (1992). Foclóir Gaeilge–Béarla [Irish–English Dictionary]. Dublin, Ireland: An Gúm. ISBN 1-85791-037-0.
    4. ^ «Clan». Online Etymology Dictionary.
    5. ^ See, for example, 1 Chronicles 4 and Numbers 26 in the Old Testament.
    6. ^ Farah, Abdulkadir Osman (25 October 2012). Transnationalism And Civic Engagement. p. 25. ISBN 9781912234776.
    7. ^ Banana, Canaan (1996). The church in the struggle for Zimbabwe. p. 41.
    8. ^ Asuelime, Lucky (2014). Selected Themes in African Political Studies: Political Conflict and Stability. p. 15.
    9. ^ Warah, Rasna (2014). Selected Themes in African Political Studies: Political Conflict and Stability. p. 45.
    • 1

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > clan

    • 2

      Персональный Сократ > clan

    • 3

      clan клан, микроассоциация

      English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > clan

    • 4

      1. [klæn]

      the Kennedy clan — клан /семейство/ Кеннеди


      клика, групп(к)а, компания, братия

      2. [klæn]


      объединяться в групп(к)у, клику

      НБАРС > clan

    • 5

      имя существительное:

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > clan

    • 6

      1. n клан, род

      2. n разг. семейство, клан

      3. n этн. род

      4. n редк. племя

      5. n пренебр. клика, группа, компания, братия

      6. n геол. химическая серия

      7. v редк. объединяться в группу, клику

      Синонимический ряд:

      1. clique (noun) cabal; camarilla; camp; circle; clique; in-group; mob; ring

      2. group (noun) coterie; extended family; group; nation; organization; race

      3. relations (noun) ancestry; family; folk; house; kin; kindred; kith; lineage; relations; stock; tribe

      English-Russian base dictionary > clan

    • 7

      klæn сущ.
      1) а) род, племя, клан (группа родственников, происходящих от одного предка и объединенные вместе) rival clans ≈ соперничающие кланы Syn: tribe б) родовая община, клан ( у шотландцев и ирландцев)
      2) презрит. круг людей, связанных общими интересами;
      содружество, община;
      клан powerful clan of industrialists from Monterrey ≈ могущественная группа промышленников из Монтеррея Syn: faction
      клан, род (у шотландцев и ирландцев) — * Mac Gregor клан Мак-Грегоров — the Campbell * клан Кемблов (разговорное) семейство, клан — the Kennedy * клан Кеннеди (этнография) род (первобытного общества) (редкое) племя (пренебрежительное) клика, группка, компания, братия — the learned * ученая братия — a * of crows туча воронья — the * of local political bosses группка местных политических боссов (геология) химическая серия( изверженных пород) (редкое) объединяться в группку, клику
      clan клан, род (в Шотландии) ~ клика

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > clan

    • 8


      clan клан, род (в Шотландии) clan клика

      English-Russian short dictionary > clan

    • 9

      1. клан, микроассоциация 2. химическая серия изверженных горных пород
      igneous rock clan химическая серия изверженных пород

      * * *

      English-Russian dictionary of geology > clan

    • 10

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > CLAN

    • 11

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > clan

    • 12


      1) клан, род



      клика, группировка, камарилья

      Politics english-russian dictionary > clan

    • 13



      1) род, племя, клан




      клан, группировка, альянс


      4) мафиозный клан; преступный синдикат


      Англо-русский современный словарь > clan

    • 14

      1) клан, род

      2) содружество, община



      химическая серия изверженных горных пород

      English-Russian scientific dictionary > clan

    • 15

      Англо-русский экономический словарь > clan

    • 16

      Англо-русский технический словарь > clan

    • 17

      1. клан; у кельтских народов — род;

      2. группа лиц, связанных общими интересами;

      3. криминальная группа.

      * * *


      1) клан; у кельтских народов — род;

      2) группа лиц, связанных общими интересами;

      3) криминальная группа.

      Англо-русский словарь по социологии > clan

    • 18


      род, племя, клан

      родовая община, клан

      круг людей, связанных общими интересами; содружество, община; партия; клан

      Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > clan

    • 19

      English-russian biological dictionary > clan

    • 20


      1) клан, род (в Шотландии)

      2) клика

      * * *

      1 (n) братия; группа; клан; компания; племя; род; семейство; химическая серия

      2 (v) объединиться в группу; объединяться в группу

      * * *

      а) род, племя, клан б) родовая община, клан

      * * *

      [ klæn]
      клан, род, клика

      * * *




      * * *

      1) а) род, племя, клан
      б) родовая община, клан (у шотландцев и ирландцев)
      2) презрит.
      круг людей, связанных общими интересами; содружество

      Новый англо-русский словарь > clan


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • clan — clan …   Dictionnaire des rimes

    • Clan — clan …   Dictionary of sociology

    • CLAN — Dans son acception minimale, qui est aussi celle du langage courant, le terme «clan» désigne un groupement fondé sur la parenté: ses membres se reconnaissent descendants d’un même ancêtre. Cette signification fondamentale du clan en fait… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • clan — clan·des·tine; clan·des·tine·ly; clan·des·tine·ness; clan·des·tin·i·ty; clan·gu·la; clan·jam·frey; clan·less; clan·nish; clan·ship; clan·wil·liam; cy·clan·thus; le·clan·ché; matri·clan; pat·ri·clan; cy·clan·de·late; clan; clan·nish·ness; …   English syllables

    • Clan So — Clan Sō Le clan Sō (宗氏 shi) était un clan du Japon médiéval qui a gouverné l île Tsushima de la période Kamakura à la période Edo les historiens pensent que le clan descend du clan Koremune, qui occupait le poste de dazaifu dans la province de… …   Wikipédia en Français

    • clan — CLAN, clanuri, s.n. 1. Comunitate gentilică caracteristică comunei primitive, formată din oameni legaţi prin relaţii de rudenie şi de limbă. 2. (peior.) Clică. – Din fr. clan. Trimis de hai, 21.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  CLAN s. v. bandă. Trimis de …   Dicționar Român

    • Clan (TV) — Création 12 décembre 2005 Propriétaire Radio Televisión Española Slogan « Parte de ti » Format d image …   Wikipédia en Français

    • Clan — (kl[a^]n), n. [Gael. clann offspring, descendants; akin to Ir. clann, cland, offspring, tribe, family; perh. from L. plania scion, slip, cutting. Cf. {Plant}, n.] 1. A tribe or collection of families, united under a chieftain, regarded as having… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • clan — 1. (klan) s. m. En Écosse et en Irlande, parmi les Gaëls, tribu formée d un certain nombre de familles, régie par des coutumes déterminées, et ayant un chef appartenant à une famille éminente qui le fournit héréditairement. Un clan de montagnards …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

    • clan — s.m.inv. 1a. TS stor. presso i popoli gaelici, gruppo familiare i cui membri discendono in linea maschile da un progenitore comune: i clan scozzesi, il clan dei McDonald 1b. TS etnol. gruppo sociale chiuso, l appartenenza al quale si basa su… …   Dizionario italiano

    • clan — [klæn] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Scottish Gaelic; Origin: clann family, race, clan , from Old Irish cland new growth on a plant, offspring , from Latin planta; PLANT1] 1.) a large group of families that often share the same name ▪ the Campbell clan ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    клан, род, клика


    - клан, род (у шотландцев и ирландцев)

    clan Mac Gregor — клан Мак-Грегоров
    the Campbell clan — клан Кемблов

    - разг. семейство, клан

    the Kennedy clan — клан /семейство/ Кеннеди

    - этн. род (первобытного общества и т. п.)
    - редк. племя
    - пренебр. клика, групп(к)а, компания, братия

    the learned clan — учёная братия
    a clan of crows — туча воронья
    the clan of local political bosses — группка местных политических боссов

    - геол. химическая серия (изверженных пород)


    - редк. объединяться в групп(к)у, клику

    Мои примеры


    clan / pack of hyenas — стая гиен  
    hereditary clan — наследственный клан  
    clan limits — границы интервалов  
    clan of crows — туча воронья  
    clan society — клановое общество  
    clan tartan designs — рисунки шотландки пёстротканной  
    head of a clan — вождь племени  
    clan structure / system — клановость  

    Примеры с переводом

    The tribe is divided into clans.

    Племя разделено на кланы.

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    The whole clan will be here over Christmas.

    The whole clan gets together for the holidays.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    clannish  — клановый, родовой, приверженный к своему роду, обособленный, ограниченный
    clanship  — обособленность, кружковщина, принадлежность своему роду
    clanism  — семейственность, групповщина

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): clan
    мн. ч.(plural): clans



    Borrowed from Irish clann (offspring, children of the family) and Scottish Gaelic clann, both from Old Irish cland, borrowed from Old Welsh plant, itself borrowed from Latin planta (shoot, offspring). Doublet of plant.


    • IPA(key): /klæn/
    • Homophone: Klan
    • Rhymes: -æn


    clan (plural clans)

    1. (anthropology) A group of people all descended from a common ancestor, in fact or belief, especially when the exact genealogies are not known.
      Coordinate term: lineage
      Hyponym: descent group
    2. A traditional social group of families in the Scottish Highlands having a common hereditary chieftain
    3. Any group defined by family ties with some sort of political unity.
      • 1923, P.G. Wodehouse, The Inimitable Jeeves:

        As a rule, you see, I’m not lugged into Family Rows. On the occasions when Aunt is calling to Aunt like mastodons bellowing across primeval swamps and Uncle James’s letter about Cousin Mabel’s peculiar behaviour is being shot round the family circle… the clan has a tendency to ignore me.

    4. (video games) A group of players who habitually play on the same team in multiplayer games.
    5. A badger colony.

    Derived terms[edit]

    • clan control
    • clan endogamy
    • clan mate
    • clannish
    • matriclan
    • patriclan


    • Catalan: clan
    • Dutch: clan
    • French: clan
      • Turkish: klan
    • Galician: clan
    • German: Clan
    • Italian: clan
    • Polish: klan
    • Russian: клан (klan)
    • Portuguese: clan, clã
    • Spanish: clan


    group having common ancestor

    • Albanian: fis (sq), farefis (sq), farë (sq)
    • Armenian: ցեղ (hy) (cʿeł), տոհմ (hy) (tohm)
      Old Armenian: ցեղ (cʿeł), տոհմ (tohm), զարմ (zarm)
    • Avestan: 𐬬𐬍𐬯(vīs)
    • Bashkir: ырыу (ırıw)
    • Basque: jas
    • Berber:
      Tashelhit: afus m
    • Bulgarian: клан (bg) m (klan)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 家族 (zh) (jiāzú), 一族 (zh) (yīzú)
    • Czech: klan m, rod (cs) m
    • Dutch: clan (nl) m, stam (nl) m, sibbe (nl) f
    • Esperanto: klano
    • Finnish: klaani (fi)
    • Galician: clan m
    • Georgian: კლანი (ḳlani)
    • German: Clan (de) m, Sippe (de) f
    • Hausa: zuriya (ha)
    • Hebrew: חמולה (he) f (khamúla)
    • Hindi: खानदान (hi) (khāndān)
    • Hungarian: klán (hu)
    • Ido: klano (io)
    • Indonesian: klan (id)
    • Irish: clann (ga)
    • Italian: clan (it) m
    • Japanese: 一門 (ja) (いちもん, ichimon), 一族 (ja) (いちぞく, ichizoku), 一家 (ja) (いっか, ikka), クラン (kuran)
    • Latin: familia (la), gens (la)
    • Manchu: ᡶᠠᠯᡤᠠ (falga)
    • Maori: hapū, mātāwaka, matawaka
    • Navajo: dóoneʼé
    • Nepali: कुल (ne) (kul)
    • Ngarrindjeri: laklinyeri
    • Ngazidja Comorian: mɓa class 9/10
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: klan m
      Nynorsk: klan m
    • Old Persian: 𐎻𐎰 (vi-θ /viθ/)
    • Pashto: خېل (ps) m (xel)
    • Persian: ویس (fa) (vis), طایفه (fa) (tâyefe)
    • Polish: klan (pl) m, ród (pl)
    • Portuguese: clã (pt) m
    • Russian: клан (ru) m (klan), род (ru) m (rod)
    • Scottish Gaelic: clann f, cinneadh m
    • Serbo-Croatian: zadruga (sh) f, rod (sh) m, svojta (sh) f, bratstvo (sh) n
    • Spanish: clan (es) m
    • Swedish: klan (sv) c, stam (sv) c
    • Tagalog: angkan
    • Tocharian B: kottär
    • Tok Pisin: pisin (tpi)
    • Ugaritic: 𐎜𐎎𐎚 (ủmt)
    • Ukrainian: рід m (rid)
    • Volapük: dafamül
    • Welsh: clan m, claniau m pl

    group of relatives with some degree of political organization

    • Danish: klan c

    group of players who habitually play on the same team in multiplayer games

    • Czech: klan m
    • Marathi: क्लॅन f (klĕn)
    • Polish: klan (pl) m
    • Portuguese: clã (pt) m
    • Russian: клан (ru) m (klan)

    See also[edit]

    • clan lab


    • Lanc, NLCA, NaCl



    clan m (plural clans)

    1. clan



    Borrowed from English clan, from Scottish Gaelic clann (progeny, race), from Old Irish cland, from Old Welsh plant, from Latin planta (shoot, offspring). As such, it is a doublet of plant (plant, flora).


    • (Netherlands) IPA(key): /klɛn/
    • Hyphenation: clan
    • Rhymes: -ɛn


    clan m (plural clans, diminutive clannetje n)

    1. clan, kin group, esp. in relation to the Scottish Highlands or Scotland in general
    2. (gaming) a group of gamers playing on the same team, a clan


    • Afrikaans: clan
    • Indonesian: klan



    Borrowed from English clan, from Scottish Gaelic clann (progeny, race), from Old Irish cland, from Old Welsh plant, from Latin planta (shoot, offspring), and therefore a doublet of plante.


    • IPA(key): /klɑ̃/


    clan m (plural clans)

    1. clan


    • Turkish: klan

    Further reading[edit]

    • “clan”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.



    from Irish clann (offspring, children of the family) and Scottish Gaelic clann, both from Old Irish cland, borrowed from Old Welsh plant, itself borrowed from Latin planta (shoot, offspring). Doublet of planta.


    clan m (plural clans)

    1. clan


    • (clan): tribo



    Unadapted borrowing from English clan, from Irish clann (offspring, children of the family) and Scottish Gaelic clann, both from Old Irish cland, borrowed from Old Welsh plant, itself borrowed from Latin planta (shoot, offspring). Doublet of pianta.


    • IPA(key): /ˈklan/, /ˈklɛn/[1]
    • Rhymes: -an, -ɛn
    • Hyphenation: clàn


    clan m (invariable)

    1. clan
    2. team
    3. gang


    1. ^ clan in Luciano Canepari, Dizionario di Pronuncia Italiana (DiPI)



    clan m (plural clans)

    1. Alternative spelling of clã



    From French clan.


    clan n (plural clanuri)

    1. clan




    from Irish clann (offspring, children of the family) and Scottish Gaelic clann, both from Old Irish cland, borrowed from Old Welsh plant, itself borrowed from Latin planta (shoot, offspring). Doublet of planta.


    • IPA(key): /ˈklan/ [ˈklãn]
    • Rhymes: -an
    • Syllabification: clan


    clan m (plural clanes)

    1. clan

    Further reading[edit]

    • “clan”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014

    Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

    This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

    Asked by: Prof. Ona Green

    Score: 4.8/5
    (22 votes)

    a group of families or households, as among the Scottish Highlanders, the heads of which claim descent from a common ancestor: the Mackenzie clan. a group of people of common descent; family: Our whole clan got together for Thanksgiving.

    What does my clan mean?

    : a large group of people who are related. : a large family. : a group of people who are similar or who are interested in the same thing.

    What does clan mean in Gaelic?

    The Clan is a concept which dates back to the 12th Century. The Scottish clans were originally extended networks of families who had loyalties to a particular chief, but the word ‘clan’ is derived from the Gaelic ‘clann’, meaning literally children.

    Is it bad to use the word clan?

    Andersen argues that the term “Clan” is not in itself racist, but “the issue is the context.” “In Canada that term is fine, but in the U.S. it is as bad as a pretty bad swear word,” she wrote.

    Is clan a family?

    A clan is an extended family. … Families that are related to each other, whether through marriage or as distant cousins, are members of the same clan. If you get together with a big family group every summer, you can say you vacation with your clan.

    32 related questions found

    What is the best clan name?

    Clan Name Ideas

    • Mighty Brawlers.
    • Savage Beauties.
    • Grenade Guys.
    • Sexy Players.
    • Band of Brothers.
    • Untamed Warriors.
    • Thunder Clan.
    • Brotherhood of the Immortals.

    How is clan different from a family?

    is that clan is (anthropology) a group of people all descended from a common ancestor, in fact or belief while family is (lb) a group of people who are closely related to one another (by blood or marriage); for example, a set of parents and their children; an immediate family.

    What does clan mean in Africa?

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In the African Great Lakes region, the clan is a unit of social organisation. It is the oldest societal structure in the region, other than family and direct lineage. The structure is found in modern-day Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda.

    Is everyone in a clan related?

    The answer is No. Not all clan members are related, even if they have the same surname. The fact of the matter is people would take/adopt the surname of the chief/lord to show allegiance, solidarity, for basic protection or for much needed sustenance. In other words to show that they were part of his clan.

    What is the difference between a tribe and a clan in the Bible?

    Clan is a group of people who have actual or perceived ancestry. They are also called sub-groups of tribes. Tribe is a group of people who share almost the same ancestry and mostly self-sufficient.

    What was the most powerful Irish clan?

    O’Brien: The O’Briens were one of the most powerful clans in Ireland. The majority of them originated in Munster, particularly county Clare. The name was made famous by Brian Boru, who was King of Munster and later became the High King of Ireland, the richest and most respected person in the country.

    What is the four clan rule?

    ii) The Four Clan Rule : In Irawati Karve’s (1953: 118) words, according to this rule, a man must not marry a woman from (i) his father’s gotra, (ii) his mother’s gotra, (iii) his father’s mother’s gotra, and (iv) his mother’s mother’s gotra. … The marriages are always arranged from lower to higher house.

    Did Ireland have clans like Scotland?

    Like the Scottish clans, the chief of each Irish clan was responsible for maintaining and protecting their clan and the property, and the clan was composed of those who were related by blood as well as those who were adopted or fostered into the clan.

    What is a clan Somalia?

    They are organized into clan groupings, which are important social units; clan membership plays a central part in Somali culture and politics. Clans are patrilineal and are typically divided into sub-clans, sometimes with many sub-divisions. … Somali society is traditionally ethnically endogamous.

    What is clan give example?

    Frequency: A group of people with interests in common; clique; set. … The definition of a clan is a close-knit group who are related or who share a strong common interest. The Jones family and all of the descendants of that family are an example of the Jones clan.

    What is a clan symbol?

    A clan badge, sometimes called a plant badge, is a badge or emblem, usually a sprig of a specific plant, that is used to identify a member of a particular Scottish clan. They are usually worn in a bonnet behind the Scottish crest badge, or attached at the shoulder of a lady’s tartan sash.

    What clan is jiraiya from?

    Jiraiya is a ninja who uses shapeshifting magic to morph into a gigantic toad. Heir of the Ogata clan, Jiraiya fell in love with Tsunade, a beautiful young maiden who has mastered slug magic. His arch-enemy was his one-time follower Yashagorō, also known as Orochimaru, a master of serpent magic.

    Who is Naruto’s brother?

    Itachi Uchiha (Japanese: うちは イタチ, Hepburn: Uchiha Itachi) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto.

    Who is the strongest Uchiha?

    1 STRONGEST: Sasuke Uchiha

    Undoubtedly, the strongest Uchiha of all-time, Sasuke gained the Mangekyo Sharingan after the death of Itachi Uchiha. His eyes granted him the power of Amaterasu and Flame Control. Along with that, Sasuke also gained the ability to use Full-body Susanoo, making him extremely powerful.

    Are clans blood related?

    Membership in a clan is usually determined by blood relations and genetics, which is vital in the usage of kekkei genkai and secret techniques. … While clans may be composed of many individuals and extended families, many clans mentioned and seen in the series were somewhat limited to a nuclear family.

    What is the history of clan name?

    Where do clan names come from? It was often thought that people with a clan surname were direct descendants of the clan chief. But sometimes it was common to adopt a surname when land was taken over to show solidarity and ensure protection with the clan.

    What is a clan totem?

    A totem (Ojibwe doodem) is a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol that serves as an emblem of a group of people, such as a family, clan, lineage, or tribe, such as in the Anishinaabe clan system.

    What clan is Kakashi from?

    The Hatake Clan (はたけ一族, Hatake Ichizoku) is one of the many clans that reside in Konohagakure. Its only known members are renowned ninja: Konoha’s White Fang (木ノ葉の白い牙, Konoha no Shiroi Kiba) Sakumo, and his son Copy Ninja Kakashi (コピー忍者のカカシ, Kopī Ninja no Kakashi).

    What do family members have in common?


    • They eat together. …
    • They respect another. …
    • They have an open communication. …
    • They share jokes or funny stories. …
    • The family becomes a priority. …
    • They are supportive of each other… …
    • Family members disagree. …
    • There have family rituals.

    What is meant by clan in the Bible?

    group of people related by blood or marriage.



    : a Celtic group especially in the Scottish Highlands comprising a number of households whose heads claim descent from a common ancestor


    : a group of people tracing descent from a common ancestor : family

    The whole clan gets together for the holidays.


    : a group united by a common interest or common characteristics


    Example Sentences

    The tribe is divided into clans.

    The whole clan gets together for the holidays.

    Recent Examples on the Web

    The orca believed to be her mother, called Ocean Sun, continues to swim free with other members of their clan – known as L pod – and is estimated to be more than 90 years old.

    Freida Frisaro And Gene Johnson, The Christian Science Monitor, 31 Mar. 2023

    The orca believed to be her mother, called Ocean Sun, continues to swim free with other members of their clan — known as L pod — and is estimated to be more than 90 years old.

    Freida Frisaro And Gene Johnson, Anchorage Daily News, 31 Mar. 2023

    But because of the disagreements with Din’s cult in the past, the Watch welcoming her to their clan with open arms is a surprise to her.

    Lauren Morgan,, 17 Mar. 2023

    Red carpets and Instagram feeds are filled with archival Versace (worn in the last year by Jenna Ortega, Bella Hadid, and Zendaya), Jean Paul Gaultier (Hadid, the entire Kardashian-Jenner clan, Olivia Rodrigo), and Valentino (Zendaya and Emma Chamberlain).

    Sarah Spellings, Vogue, 8 Mar. 2023

    The first to face this new big bad of the MCU’s Phases 5 and 6 will be the multigenerational Lang-Van Dyne-Pym clan, who can also collectively be called Ant-Mans and the Wasps.

    Tracy Brownstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 16 Feb. 2023

    The couple is now parents of five, having added four more kids to their clan after tying the knot.

    Wendy Geller, Peoplemag, 13 Feb. 2023

    The combo can trace its origins back to the Goitom family home in Addis Ababa, where the sisters would gather with their extended clan after church every Sunday and feast on a buffet that would include many of the same ingredients.

    Tim Carman, Washington Post, 30 Jan. 2023

    Beyond material assistance and cultural immersion—and, for many, a sense of diasporic homecoming—the residency functions as an entrée into the extended Wiley clan, a carrousel of notables who make Black Rock feel less like an arts nonprofit and more like a royal court.

    Julian Lucas, The New Yorker, 26 Dec. 2022

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘clan.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History


    Middle English, from Scottish Gaelic clann offspring, clan, from Old Irish cland plant, offspring, from Latin planta plant

    First Known Use

    15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of clan was
    in the 15th century

    Dictionary Entries Near clan

    Cite this Entry

    “Clan.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on clan

    Last Updated:
    6 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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    Merriam-Webster unabridged

    How can you claim that a prophesy about a leader appearing from a certain clan is fulfilled by Jesus, who merely happened to be born in town that shares its name with that clan? ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Among the tribes of the Siouan family the primary unit is the clan or gens, which is composed of a number of consanguinei, claiming descent from a common ancestor and having common taboos; the term clan implying descent in the female line, while gens implies descent in the male line. ❋ James Owen Dorsey (1871)

    Italy’s interior minister says the six victims were members of what he calls a clan in Italy’s southern region of Calabria. ❋ Unknown (2007)

    [Escalettes] talks of lobbying from the team of 1998, which he called a clan that was putting pressure on the selector, he is false. ❋ Unknown (2008)

    But if a culture is too tied up in clan loyalties, I doubt that North would see a transition to an open-access order as feasible. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Thanks to Gloria, the whole clan is headed to Hawaii for Jay’s birthday, assuming they all make it through security and onto the plane. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Somalis in Minneapolis who go home to join their clansmen in a multi-player civil war should not rightly be classified as would-be terrorists because their clan is somehow related to al-Shabaab, which may or may not have the potential to contribute to an al-Qaidi attack on American ‘interests’ somewhere in East Africa. ❋ Michael Brenner (2010)

    For al of the Palin clan, please don’t even think about her being a President for this country because it would be just like living in Iraq. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Forbes estimates the clan is worth at least $4 billion. ❋ Daniel Fisher (2010)

    We are now at the penultimate Season 12, and the Ewing clan is about to enter the 1990s. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Name calling by the hateful open borders clan is used to silence Americans from discussing immigration and advocating the enforcement of immigration laws. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    At this point, the whole Palin clan needs to step out of public view. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    We’re spending some time with two of the talented Culkin clan (Kieran and Rory) plus Emma Roberts to talk all about it. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    The aimless sixth season of Showtime’s pot-com has sent the Botwin clan on the lam. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    July 13th, 2009 10: 05 am ET the more levi can tell us about the «palin clan» the better. i only hope he is telling the truth. could you imagine a reality show about that family??? yeh, me neither. it’s unfortunate but republican women for the most part will listen to ANYTHING she has to say. the sad thing is they will believe what she says too. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    The incomparable Emerson clan is a hairbreadth away from unearthing the legendary site they’ve been searching for. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    [Quake] [II] clans. ❋ Gumba Gumba (2004)

    [Telstra] GameArena runs Clan [Ladders], where anything up to hundreds of clans usually about 8 ppl can come together and [fight on] common servers with constant rules. Ie: anti cheating etc
    In games such as Cs or Dod ❋ VisOne (2003)

    Clanners [need] to get [outside] more [often]. ❋ Filthy Sally (2007)

    my mothers mother is the head of the clan because she is decended from the [origional] founder by blood, this means that i am [a member of the family], i am also a ‘pure blood member’ because i am directly decended from the origional founder, although my father is loved by [all in the family], he will never be more than an assosiate because he is not blood related to the clan. ❋ London12 (2006)

    |[LAB]| are the little aussie [battlers] they are also known as [chopper] whores by fellow clans ❋ Blitz (2005)

    Casual Gamer (joined a CS server): «Hi!»
    Klanner #1: «STFU N00b! We r teh l33t0rz to teh maxx0rz!»
    Klanner #2: «Ya u gay azz fagg0t!»
    20 minutes later…
    Klanner #1: «Omgz! Lolz! Teh [fag0rt] has 15-30 kills! [Banz]!»
    Admin: «Bye faggot»
    Innocent casual gamer gets a [kickban]… ❋ Chang Tan (2004)

    person 1:[that game] was impossible to play once those clan members [joined].
    person 2: well at least we [hav] lives outside of the computer ❋ Asd (2004)

    [Halo’r] 1 «Dude, these clans are really [noobin] this [game up] today.»
    Halo’r 2. «Yea I can’t even spawn cause they are all using rocket launchers.»
    Halo’r 1. «They are all a bunch of bitches anyways, we know we’re better.» ❋ Punkhead (2005)

    [Ku Klux Klan] or [CLAN]!!!! ❋ Sean (2004)

    [Aww man], I just got [Clan-Clan’d]!
    Dude, I just Clan-Clan’d that [sucka]!
    «Did you hear? Some guy got Clan-Clan’d at the club last night?»
    «Yeah, I heard about that, I saw it on the news this morning.» ❋ Knubs 04 (2008)

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    The clan is nothing more than a larger family, with its patriarchal chief as the natural head, and the union of several clans by intermarriage and voluntary connection constitutes the tribe.

    Charles Eastman



    From Scottish Gaelic clann family, descendants, from Latin planta sprout, plant1.


    Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






    Clan is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



    A clan is a group of people united by actual or perceived kinship and descent. Even if lineage details are unknown, clan members may be organized around a founding member or apical ancestor. The kinship-based bonds may be symbolical, whereby the clan shares a «stipulated» common ancestor that is a symbol of the clan’s unity. When this «ancestor» is non-human, it is referred to as a totem, which is frequently an animal. Clans can be most easily described as tribes or sub-groups of tribes. The word clan is derived from clann meaning children or progeny but not family in the Irish language and Scottish Gaelic languages. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word was introduced into English around the year 1425 as a label for the tribal nature of the Scottish Highlands society. Clans in indigenous societies are likely to be exogamous, meaning that their members cannot marry one another. Clans preceded more centralized forms of community organization and government; they are located in every country. Members may identify with a coat of arms or other symbol to show they are an independent clan.

    Definition of clan in the English dictionary

    The first definition of clan in the dictionary is a group of people interrelated by ancestry or marriage. Other definition of clan is a group of families with a common surname and a common ancestor, acknowledging the same leader, esp among the Scots and the Irish. Clan is also a group of people united by common characteristics, aims, or interests.


    Synonyms and antonyms of clan in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «clan» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «clan» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of clan to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of clan from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «clan» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish


    570 millions of speakers



    510 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi


    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic


    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian


    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese


    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French


    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay


    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    gia tộc

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish


    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian


    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish


    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian


    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian


    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek


    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of clan


    The term «clan» is very widely used and occupies the 8.567 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «clan» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of clan

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «clan».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «clan» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «clan» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about clan


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word clan.

    Dictators, unlike Democrats, depend on a small coterie to sustain their power. These backers, generally drawn from the military, the senior civil service, and family or clan members, have a synergistic relationship with their dictator. The dictator delivers opportunities for them to become rich, and they protect him from being overthrown.

    Friendship is held to be the severest test of character. It is easy, we think, to be loyal to a family and clan, whose blood is in your own veins.

    The clan is nothing more than a larger family, with its patriarchal chief as the natural head, and the union of several clans by intermarriage and voluntary connection constitutes the tribe.

    Dying people in pre-industrial cultures typically died in the context of an extended family, clan, or tribe.

    Men have looked upon the desert as barren land, the free holding of whoever chose; but in fact each hill and valley in it had a man who was its acknowledged owner and would quickly assert the right of his family or clan to it, against aggression.

    ‘Rapa Nui’ is about the conflict in the 1600s on Easter Island. It’s about the clash of the royal clan and the working class.

    I grew up with protests, marches, demonstrations, struggle. But I come from a clan of community workers.

    All of us grow up in particular realities — a home, family, a clan, a small town, a neighborhood. Depending upon how we’re brought up, we are either deeply aware of the particular reading of reality into which we are born, or we are peripherally aware of it.

    Last time I was in London, I visited Number 5, Bruton Street, which is the address I gave to Violet Bridgerton, the matriarch of the Bridgerton clan in my novels. It was a bit disconcerting to learn that it’s actually a pub.

    In response to the challenge of strangers, sport arose as a sublimated representation of a community’s armed might as well as its pride of place and clan.


    Discover the use of clan in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to clan and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


    The Clan of the Cave Bear (with Bonus Content): Earth’s …

    This eBook includes the full text of the novel plus the following additional content: • An exclusive preview chapter from Jean M. Auel’s The Land of Painted Caves, on sale in hardcover March 29, 2011 • An Earth’s Children® series …


    Clan Politics and Regime Transition in Central Asia

    This book is a study of the role of clan networks in Central Asia from the early twentieth century through 2004.


    A History of Clan Campbell: From Flodden to the Restoration

    Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life offers a bold new assessment of the role of the domestic sphere in modernist literature, architecture, and design.

    Alastair Campbell, Alastair Campbell Campbell of Airds, 2002

    Provides information about the life cycle and environment of honeybees through the story of Nyuki, from the hive called Clan Apis, as she matures from a larva into an adult bee and takes on more responsibilities within her community.


    The Wu-Tang Clan and RZA: A Trip through Hip Hop’s 36 …

    By delving into the motivation behind the creation of pivotal songs and albums and mining their dense metaphor and wordplay, the book provides an understanding of what made a team of nine friends and relatives from Staten Island with a love …


    The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers: Your Sacred Path to …

    Offers a visionary guide to self-knowledge, revealing the mysteries of the ancient female oral tradition.


    Modern Clan Politics: The Power of «Blood» in Kazakhstan and …

    Edward Schatz explores kin-based clan divisions in the post-Soviet state of Kazakhstan, demonstrating that, contrary to popular belief, kinship divisions do not fade from political life under modernity.


    The Rule of the Clan: What an Ancient Form of Social …

    A revealing look at the role kin-based societies have played throughout history and around the world A lively, wide-ranging meditation on human development that offers surprising lessons for the future of modern individualism, The Rule of …


    Clan of the Goddess: Celtic Wisdom and Ritual for Women

    Combining the enchantment of ancient magick with the playfulness of the Celtic spirit, Clan of the Goddess invites women to reclaim their feminine side and reconnect with the divine.


    The Clan Records: Five Stories of Korea

    In these stories, too, Kajiyama avoided the temptation to soften the often brutal consequences of the inhumanity of the Japanese occupation.

    Toshiyuki Kajiyama, Yoshiko Kurata Dykstra, 1995


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term clan is used in the context of the following news items.

    Could the Wu-Tang Clan Bring Back RadioShack?

    The struggling retailer emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy in April with its new parent company General Wireless co-running 1,700 of its … «Entrepreneur, Jul 15»

    ‘Sun God,’ son of Wu-Tang Clan’s ‘Ghostface Killah,’ busted on gun …

    Dennis Ames, the son of Wu-Tang Clan founding member «Ghostface Killah,» was arrested on gun charges Friday. Ames raps under the stage … «, Jul 15»

    Police shooting at Moonee Ponds linked to Williams crime clan

    Victoria Police are examining links between the wounding of a young police officer in Moonee Ponds and a firebomb attack and drive-by … «Sydney Morning Herald, Jul 15»

    Members of the Abu Alkian Clan in Israel are Joining ISIS

    The basic unit of organization is the clan, not the nation state. Now in the Bedouin village of Hura, recently adopted by the left as one of its … «FrontPage Magazine, Jul 15»

    Need a ‘CivMiner’ Clan, or Need Members? Trade Clan Codes Here.

    And if you’ve done so, then you might know that the clan system from CivCrafter is back. You can even import your clan from that game into … «Touch Arcade, Jul 15»

    Stretch & Bobbito Release Wu-Tang Clan, Big L & Slick Rick …

    Throughout the ’90s, DJ Stretch Armstrong & Bobbito García held their weekly radio show from Columbia University’s WKCR FM signal in New … «HipHopDX, Jul 15»

    Unused Shredder and Foot Clan designs for Teenage Mutant Ninja …

    With the sequel currently in production, some new concept art of unused designs have come to light from last year’s Teenage Mutant Ninja … «Flickering Myth, Jul 15»

    July 7, 1966: Kennedy clan takes Jasper vacation

    In the early evening the Kennedy clan, along with newspaper publisher Max Bell and his wife, and Toronto Telegram newspaper publisher … «Edmonton Journal, Jul 15»

    Gloves signed by Evans clan donated to Peterborough and District …

    The Boro Boys donated a pair of lacrosse gloves signed by the Evans family, including the late Mark Evans, to the Peterborough and District … «Peterborough Examiner, Jul 15»

    Sunday’s a day to shine for the Kurban clan at Sydney production of …

    KEITH Urban and Nicole Kidman have given their daughters their first taste of stardom, with the siblings making an onstage cameo at the … «The Daily Telegraph, Jul 15»


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    1. A traditional social unit in the Scottish Highlands, consisting of a number of families claiming a common ancestor and following the same hereditary chieftain.

    2. A division of a tribe tracing descent from a common ancestor.

    3. A large group of relatives, friends, or associates.

    [Middle English, from Scottish Gaelic clann, family, from Old Irish cland, offspring, from Latin planta, plant, sprout; see plat- in Indo-European roots.]

    Word History: The word clan is, from the etymological point of view, the same word as plant. Such a statement may at first appear unlikely to English speakers, since the two words begin with very different consonants. But to the speakers of the Celtic language of Ireland in the 400s, known as Old Irish, c and p sounded quite similar. When St. Patrick converted Ireland to Christianity in the 5th century, the Old Irish language had no consonant p. After their conversion, the Irish began to borrow many words from Latin, and when the speakers of early Old Irish tried to pronounce the sound p in Latin words, the best they could manage was a (kw) or (k) sound, spelled c in Old Irish. For instance, the Latin words purpura, «purple,» and Pascha, «Easter,» were borrowed as corcur and Casc. (Later, as their language continued to develop and change, the Irish learned to cope with p, and Modern Irish has many words containing this consonant.) The early Irish also borrowed the Latin word planta meaning «sprout» or «sprig,»—also the source of the English word plant—and pronounced it cland. In Old Irish, cland was used to mean not only «offshoot of a plant» but also «offspring,» «family,» and «clan.» The word cland was carried to the area that is now Scotland when speakers of Old Irish gained power in the region in the late 400s. The form of Old Irish spoken in Scotland eventually developed into the language now known as Scottish Gaelic. In Scottish Gaelic, cland developed the form clann, and it was from Scottish Gaelic that the word clan entered English in the 15th century, at first with reference to the clans of the Scottish Highlands.

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




    1. (Anthropology & Ethnology) a group of people interrelated by ancestry or marriage

    2. (Anthropology & Ethnology) a group of families with a common surname and a common ancestor, acknowledging the same leader, esp among the Scots and the Irish

    3. a group of people united by common characteristics, aims, or interests

    [C14: from Scottish Gaelic clann family, descendants, from Latin planta sprout, plant1]

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




    1. a group of families or households among the Scottish Highlanders, the heads of which claim descent from a common ancestor.

    2. a group of people of common descent; family: Our whole clan gathers for Thanksgiving.

    3. a clique, party, or other group united by some common interest.

    [1375–1425; late Middle English (Scots) < Scottish Gaelic clann, Old Irish cland offspring < Latin planta scion, plant]

    Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


    — Ultimately from Latin planta, «plant, sprout.»

    See also related terms for sprout.

    Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


     a social group of common descent; a collection of animals, plants, or lifeless things; a body of persons with a common interest. See also set, society.

    Examples: clan o’ bairns [‘children’], 1855; of the enlightened, 1790; of false traitors, 1552; of hounds, 1735.

    Dictionary of Collective Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


    A group of people who claim to be descended from the same ancestor through either male or female links or both. It may be impossible to trace these links.

    Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited

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