The word citizen in a sentence

citizen — перевод на русский


Adolphe J. Giron, distinguished citizen.

Адольф Жерон, безупречный гражданин.

Sir .. I am a normal citizen.

Я обыкновенный гражданин.

I live here as a respectable citizen.

3наете, я здесь уважаемый гражданин.

Who is that citizen?

Что это за гражданин?

I am foreign-born, but since last month, I am a citizen of your great country.

Я по рождению иностранец, но уже месяц, как гражданин вашей страны.

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I understand that every citizen is worried.

Я понимаю опасения жителей.

He’s one of the most respected citizens of Lyons.

Один из самых уважаемых жителей Лиона.

Now, I know that this person has captured the imagination of many people in our city. And I want to say to our citizens murder is no answer to crime in a city.

Я понимаю, что этот человек захватил воображение многих жителей нашего города, и я хочу сказать им, что убийство — не панацея против разгула преступности в городе.

It seems apparent that our citizens are staying off the streets.

Поэтому предупреждаем её жителей — не высовывайтесь без нужды на улицу.

The global balance of terror pioneered by the U.S. and the Soviet Union holds hostage all the citizens of the Earth.

Равновесие сил устрашения, начатое США и Советским Союзом, держит в заложниках всех жителей Земли.

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Fellow citizens… our esteemed sheriff, Mr Joseph Keogh… has been suddenly called out of town on urgent business.

Горожане вашего шерифа, мистера Джозефа Кео внезапно вызвали из города по неотложному делу.

Your Excellencies, citizens, the Senate I have the honour of belonging to…

Ваши превосходительства, горожане, сенат, я имею честь принадлежать к…

What say the citizens?

. Что горожане говорят?

Return, good Catesby, to the gracious duke. Tell him, myself, the mayor and citizens… in deep designs in matter of great moment… no less importing than our general good… are come to have some conference with His Grace.

Вернитесь, Кетсби, к герцогу; скажите, что я, лорд-мэр, а также горожане с намереньем серьёзным, в важный час, пришли, чтоб с герцогом поговорить.

Sleep. citizens, sleep!

Спите, горожане, спите!

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It was our duty as citizens.

Это наш гражданский долг.

You may not realize it, but when we apprehend this man, you will have done your duty as citizens of your community.

Вы, может быть, этого не осознаете, но когда мы схватим этого человека, вы, тем самым, исполните свой гражданский долг.

-«Citizens’ committees.»

Гражданский комитет…

— Their Citizens’ Council.

Их гражданский совет. Как я склонен полагать:

I’m making a citizen’s arrest.

Я осуществляю гражданский арест.

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So, citizen, are you going to take this car or not?

Гражданка, машину брать будете?

Citizen, you’re not allowed.

Гражданка, нельзя!

Real bread, citizen?

Ты принесла нам настоящий хлеб, гражданка?

Model citizen.

Образцовая гражданка.

Dominique Vidal, French citizen.

Доминик Видаль, французская гражданка.

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Therefore, my faithful and beloved fellow citizens,

И поэтому, мои дорогие прихожане и возлюбленные сограждане,..

Fellow citizens… we are regional delegates of on a peace march…

Дорогие сограждане, мы, региональные представители марша мира…

Fellow citizens… (Cheering)

Дорогие сограждане…

Fellow citizens…


On account of the payroll thieves, fellow citizens.

Потому что существуют грабители зарплаты, дорогие мои сограждане.

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Citizens of distant epochs.

Людей разных эпох.

I’ll make of you decent citizens even if it takes me a lifetime!

Сделаю я из вас людей, хоть придётся лечить вас до конца жизни…

We’re a Iow society that forces its citizens to live with their suffering rather than let them die in peace.

Если общество заставляет людей мучиться, вместо того, что бы дать им умереть с миром.

I think it mean work cozening citizens of their money.

Какая низость — надувать людей за деньги.

He is trying to re-establish law and order. That won’t work if his soldiers are seen to be killing citizens without consequence.

Он пытается восстановить закон и порядок, а что он может сделать, если его же ветераны начнут безнаказанно убивать людей направо и налево?

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I cannot be citizen.

Я не смогу получить гражданство.

— I’m a French citizen.

— Да. Я получил гражданство.

An Englishman, naturalised U.S. citizen in 1946.

Англичанин, получивший американское гражданство в 1946 году.

— Okay. — Uh, Noonan’s got two women friends… that he’d like to see made American citizens, no questions asked.

У Нунана есть две подруги… которым бы он хотел помочь получить… американское гражданство без лишних вопросов.

— They’re Danish citizens.

— У них датское гражданство.

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— They made the mistake… of putting the senior citizens’ band in front.

Они совершили ошибку, поставив первым оркестр пенсионеров.

We know you will find the tranquility of Twilight City very gratifying and the smiling faces of our senior citizens richly rewarding.

ћы знаем ¬ы найдЄте спокойствие сумрачного города очень при€тным и улыбающиес€ лица наших пенсионеров лучша€ тому примета.

Not to mention, no girl will ever set foot in Kappa Tau once they know we’re recruiting senior citizens as pledges.

Не говоря уже о том что ни одна девчонка и носа не покажет в КТ, когда станет известно, что мы принимаем в новички пенсионеров. Фигня.

Look, no more driving senior citizens around for cash, No more sleeping on benches.

Все, больше никаких такси для пенсионеров и никаких ночевок на скамейках.

What are we, a couple senior citizens?

Мы же с тобой не парочка пенсионеров?

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But I found, Chauncey, that I was able to contribute more as a private citizen.

Но я обнаружил, Чонси, что… могу внести куда больший вклад как частное лицо.

And carried to the extreme… if a police officer doesn’t have sufficient cause to obtain a warrant… he can get a private citizen to do his dirty work.

(Судья Дженсен) И наоборот… если офицер полиции не имеет достаточных причин получить ордер… он может попросить частное лицо сделать за него всю грязную работу.

As a private citizen, I want to thank you for what you’ve done this day.

Но как частное лицо, я хочу поблагодарить вас за то, что вы сделали сегодня.

But as a private citizen.

Но как частное лицо.

Private citizen, who’s fought all the wars any man could want.

Я частное лицо с меня хватит войны.

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гражданин, гражданка, горожанин, горожанка, штатский


- гражданин; гражданка

fellow citizens — сограждане
naturalized citizen — натурализованный гражданин
to become a citizen — амер. получить гражданство (США)
citizen of the world — «гражданин мира», космополит

- городской житель, житель (такого-то) города

a citizen of Boston — житель г. Бостона

- ист. горожанин; горожанка

both citizens and peasants — как горожане, так и крестьяне

- гражданское лицо (в отличие от военного, полицейского и т. п.); штатский (человек)

private citizen — одинокий гражданин, одинокий человек

- pl. (гражданское) население (особ. достигшее избирательного возраста)

a mass meeting of citizens — массовый митинг населения /граждан, избирателей/
police in citizens’ clothes — полицейские в гражданской /штатской/ одежде
citizens’ military training camp — воен. лагерь вневойсковой военной подготовки

- пренебр. добропорядочный обыватель; мещанин (тж. solid citizen)
- арх. житель (какой-л. страны)

to one of the citizens of that country — библ. к одному из жителей страны той

Мои примеры


a leading citizen of the town — один из ведущих жителей города  
respect for law which every right-minded citizen ought to have — уважение к закону, которым должен обладать каждый благонамеренный гражданин  
eminent / prominent citizen — известный гражданин, знаменитый человек  
senior man / citizen — пожилой человек, гражданин  
respectable / solid / leading citizen — уважаемый гражданин  
law-abiding citizen — законопослушный гражданин  
native-born citizen — уроженец  
new citizen — приезжий  
the citizen of Manchester — житель города Манчестер  
natural-born citizen — подданный в силу рождения; гражданин по рождению  
senior citizen center — клуб для старшего поколения  
citizen’s property liability — имущественная ответственность гражданина  

Примеры с переводом

He is a French citezen by birth.

Он гражданин Франции по рождению.

This impinges on my rights as a citizen.

Это ущемляет мои гражданские права.

When you have resided in the country for five years, you may become a citizen.

После того, как ты прожил в этой стране пять лет, ты можешь стать её гражданином.

This new law strikes at the rights of every citizen.

Новый закон ущемляет права всех граждан.

He became a citizen in 1978, thereby gaining the right to vote.

Он стал гражданином в 1978 году, получив тем самым право голосовать.

We need our schools to teach students to be good citizens.

Нужно, чтобы наши школы научили учеников быть хорошими гражданами.

In a democracy, every citizen should have the right to vote.

При демократии каждый гражданин должен иметь право голоса.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): citizen
мн. ч.(plural): citizens

Synonym: inhabitant, occupant, resident. Antonym: alien, countryman. Similar words: citizenship, exciting, criticize, dozen, frozen, cite, city, deficit. Meaning: [‘sɪtɪzn]  n. a native or naturalized member of a state or other political community. 

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1. As a citizen, you should obey these rules.

2. Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.

3. Every citizen must pay taxes.

4. An honorable Chinese citizen should be jealous of his own rights.

5. Six years of total war had left no citizen untouched.

6. We, the people, still believe that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity.

7. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.

8. Every citizen should uphold the Constitution.

9. She became a US citizen.

10. When did you become a US citizen?

11. I don’t appreciate being treated like a second-class citizen.

12. She is a prominent citizen of the town.

13. She’s an American citizen but lives in Canada.

14. He applied to become an American citizen.

15. I invite every citizen to carefully study the document.

16. Every citizen could buy shares in privatized state property.

17. Any public-spirited citizen would have done the same.

18. The king was visiting France as a private citizen.

19. He was naturalized as a British citizen in 1940.

20. He became a British citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.

21. He went into TV and got his first break playing opposite Sid James in the series «Citizen James».

22. 10.One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.

23. Jeff has permanent residence in Canada, but is still a US citizen.

24. She’s Italian by birth but is now an Australian citizen.

25. One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a delinquent into a solid citizen.

26. It was argued that the civil and political status and rights of the citizen must be enshrined in a bill of rights.

27. He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark,( but he became a British citizen at the age of 30.

28. No one who ignores the law can call themselves a good citizen.

29. Before becoming a full-blown director, he worked as the film editor on Citizen Kane.

30. She is German by birth but is now a French citizen.

More similar words: citizenship, exciting, criticize, dozen, frozen, cite, city, deficit, excited, explicit, publicity, prize, excitement, size up, electricity, realize, utilize, emphasize, organize, minimize, apologize, authorize, organized, specialize, first prize, jeopardize, demoralize, characterize, as it is, critic. 

Definition of Citizen

a legally recognized resident of a city, state, or town

Examples of Citizen in a sentence

The path to becoming a citizen is a long one for illegal residents or those who have previously committed crimes.


As a citizen of the United States, you are promised some inalienable rights that visitors do not possess.


As a law-abiding citizen of the U.S. you are able to own a handgun, Canadians do not have this same right in their country.


The man was a stand up citizen, always helping others in city and even in surrounding areas.


Although she wasn’t born here, the Chinese immigrant is now a naturalized citizen and protected from deportation.


Other words in the People category:

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Prominent citizen, friend of the White House.

Every fourth citizen— a native of the countries located in the former Soviet Union.


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Каждый четвертый горожанин— выходец из стран, расположенных на территории бывшего Советского Союза.


Become a citizen of the world HOUSE-3 know yourself and communicate with all residents play!!


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Стань жителем мира ДОМ- 3 познай себя и общайся со всеми жителями игры!!!!


We have got a very persistent citizen waiting to ask you some questions.

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У нас здесь очень упорный горожанин ждет тебя, чтобы задать несколько вопросов.

Hey, we are private citizens having a conversation with another citizen.

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Эй, мы просто жители, которые хотят поговорить с другим жителем.

Jim’s mandatory citizen registration?

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Обязательная регистрация жителей, от Джима?

The same senior citizen wearing a gray suit was seen fleeing both locations.

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Один и тот же пожилой горожанин в сером костюме промелькнул в обоих этих местах.

Mr. Ko Tin Htay is a citizen of Myanmar.


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Г-н Ко Тин Хтай является жителем Мьянмы.


The question about Ukrainian citizen Savchenko and the conditions for her release.

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Последний вопрос по гражданке Савченко, при каких условиях она может быть отпущена.

The biography of Kirby in Super Smash Bros.

Brawl says Kirby is a citizen of Dream Land.

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Биография Кирби в Super Smash Bros. Brawl отмечает,

что Кирби является жителем Страны Снов.

Models of Citizen Inclusion» and Exhibit Opening.


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Модели включения горожан» и открытие выставки.


Application for citizenship by a man married to a citizen— this is a new Section.


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Заявление о предоставлении гражданства мужчины, женатого на гражданке— это новый раздел.


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A year later he became honorary citizen of The Hague.

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Год спустя стал почетным жителем Гааги.

All the victories achieved are the result of the productive work of every citizen.


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Все достигнутые победы- это результат плодотворного труда каждого из горожан.


So like any law-abiding citizen, he goes to the police.

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Как законопослушный горожанин, он пошел в полицию.

Don’t cover the ad with your back, just keep on walking, citizen.


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Не нужно заслонять рекламу своей спиной, иди мимо, горожанин.


In 1978, Taharlev then married Linda, a United States citizen.

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В 1978 г. Тахарлев женился на Линде, гражданке США.

From 1945 to 1970 he was married to British citizen Joan Mary Tindale.

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В 1945- 1970 был женат на британской гражданке Джоан Мэри Тиндейл.

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Well, I want every citizen to feel welcome and included here.

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Что ж, я хочу, чтобы все горожане чувствовали себя нужным, и знали, что здесь им рады.

The primary responsibility of peaceful coexistence lies with each State and each citizen.


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Главная ответственность за мирное сосуществование лежит на каждом государстве и его гражданах.


Citizen Participation Act(Act No. 475) 50-52 20.


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Act No. 475(Citizen Participation Act) complements the legal framework of the regional autonomy process.


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Закон№ 475 об участии граждан дополняет правовой режим региональной автономии.


Every citizen shall have only one vote.


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The Citizen(Johannesburg), 31 May 1993.


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Ситизен«( Йоханнесбург), 31 мая 1993 года.


The Citizen(Johannesburg) and Business Day(Johannesburg), 7 October 1992.


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Ситизен«( Йоханнесбург), и» Бизнес дэй»( Йоханнесбург), 7 октября 1992 года.


The Citizen(Johannesburg), 30 September 1993.


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Ситизен«( Йоханнесбург), 30 сентября 1993 года.


The Citizen(Johannesburg), 14 July 1993.


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Ситизен«( Йоханнесбург), 14 июля 1993 года.


The Citizen(Johannesburg), 1 March 1993.


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Ситизен«( Йоханнесбург), 1 марта 1993 года.


Recognising the void that suddenly lands on the senior citizen in terms of emotional support hitherto provided by joint families, Government, NGOs and Associations of senior citizens can institute this highly effective “treatment” programme

His guard leant against the wall and, having struck a match along Citizen

Force Nouveau, was bounded by the fragile skeleton of sanity marked out by Citizen

Then he walked out of the cell and stood directly in front of Citizen Marat’s head

citizen of the community, or he began the church at this location

He continued to curse the dog that dared to stalk his halls this early in the day, but thought better of raising his voice in anger when he saw the shaggy shape of the bear that marked Citizen Danton out from the usual visitors

Perched on a silver spike, trailing leads and luridly coloured pipe work, Citizen Marat’s head stared back at the committee chairman with eyes as clear and blue as a bright summer afternoon

His guard leant against the wall and, having struck a match along Citizen Marat’s noble nose, lit a cheroot while the gaoler fumbled with his keys

His existence, such as it was in the bosom of La Force Nouveau, was bounded by the fragile skeleton of sanity marked out by Citizen Marat’s regular outbursts

From the passageway the digitally enhanced voice of Citizen Marat burst into life once more, corroding the moment of doubt into a thousand flakes of brittle rust

Standing in front of him was a man he had once known as a brother, a man for whose freedom he had fought, but who now visited upon him the solitude of imprisonment and Citizen Marat’s never ending, reedy, mechanical voice

In a corner, Citizen Marat’s severed head, trailing veins and cables, ground out one last phrase on behalf of the revolutionary committee of the brotherhood of new men before dropping its eyelids and falling permanently silent

“Do you have what it takes to be a Citizen?

just a naturalised citizen of this sad and wasted world

The only saving grace was that the headlines painted a picture of a plucky citizen coming to the aid of a poor victim of racial abuse

The final denouement was the revelation that the young man in question was waiting for his appeal for asylum to be heard by the government and he was not yet, by any right, a citizen of the country

«Oh, nothing’s lacking», replied the senior citizen of the night

citizen coming to the aid of a poor victim of racial abuse

pride in being the citizen of a certain country

15And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his

To have as your own neighbor: a world renowned, internationally acclaimed Master Rod and Reel Craftsman should fill every citizen in this village with immense pride—just at his residence here, let alone his acquaintance

Hasting, nearly word for word, to spread through the village into the ears of every citizen and almost all the visitors

record as a post master and his spotless record as a citizen, they tracked him down

Since the time of Christ no government had power over any square inch of territory or a single citizen of population

interrogate a French citizen? But what can I do? Nothing

If you are married to an American citizen, are coming to the United States to marry an American citizen, you are not subject to any quotas and would be issued a visa to come to this country

In the US she stayed with her friends and one of them had support her until she got a green card for getting a job and then she got married to an American, so finally she’s an American and citizen by now

If we wanted to leave the US before you were a citizen we could

I freely received His gift, I am now a citizen of heaven above

scholars are saying is that every citizen is equally qualified for office

As such, he faithfully complied with body, mind, and pocketbook to the best of his abilities with the premises and objectives of the material-world maxims, wanting to be a model citizen respected among his peers for his conformity and his open willingness to be “one of the gang

As such, he had faithfully complied with body, mind, and pocketbook to the best of his abilities with the premises and objectives of the material-world maxims, wanting to be a model citizen respected among his peers for his conformity and his open willingness to be “one of the gang

A merchant, it has been said very properly, is not necessarily the citizen of any particular country

Which meant that while she’d never be a citizen, she could mix into the population of valued foreigners allowed to live on Ithaca

He quickly learned of a leading citizen who was known to enjoy boat racing

It wasn’t like she’d killed a leading citizen

I’ve known Zarko since he was a baby and he has grown up to become an exceptional citizen of Babylon, in whose hand I can entrust my life

«By way of example, today I visited a most irresponsible citizen in Cardew Street

To remedy this disorder, for such it was supposed to be, a law was made, restricting the quantity of land which any citizen could possess to five hundred jugera; about 350 English acres

I want the citizen

It was no longer possible to distinguish between who was, and who was not, a Roman citizen

Martin knew how tough Columbia’s security was on transit visas, especially for a citizen and employee of Atlantica

Tell her, if you would, that I took your request as a citizen very seriously and that I was abiding by the Code in recommending you talk with her

Martin saw an announcement this past summer that the Administration had decided to use it as a storage facility, however there had been a groundswell of citizen opposition to this plan

In all the different republics of ancient Greece, to learn his military exercises, was a necessary part of education imposed by the state upon every free citizen

A private citizen, who, in time of profound peace, and without any particular encouragement from the public, should spend the greater part of his time in military exercises, might, no doubt, both improve himself very much in them, and amuse himself very well; but he certainly would not promote his own interest

In the republics of ancient Greece and Rome, each citizen, as long as he remained at home, seems to have practised his exercises, either separately and

sovereign renders unnecessary that troublesome jealousy, which, in some modern republics, seems to watch over the minutest actions, and to be at all times ready to disturb the peace of every citizen

In the republics of ancient Greece, every free citizen was instructed, under the direction of the public magistrate, in gymnastic exercises and in music

The state required that every free citizen should fit himself for defending it in war, and should upon that account, learn his military exercises

Their reward consisted altogether in what they got from their scholars ; and a citizen, who had learnt his exercises in the public gymnasia, had no sort of legal advantage over one who had learnt them privately, provided the latter had learned them equally well

The obligation which every citizen was under, to serve a certain number of years, if called upon, in the armies of the republic, sufficiently imposed the necessity of learning those exercises, without which he could not be fit for that service

But where every citizen had the spirit of a soldier, a smaller standing army would surely be requisite

But in the ancient republics of Greece and Italy, every citizen was a soldier, and both served, and prepared himself for service, at his own expense

The proprietor of land is necessarily a citizen of the particular country in which his estate lies

proprietor of stock is properly a citizen of the world, and is not necessarily attached to any particular country

or the fiftieth penny, as it was called, was imposed upon the whole substance of every citizen

Every citizen assesed himself, and paid his tax, in the same manner as at Hamburg, and it was in general supposed to have been paid with great fidelity

an excellent citizen, had not the laws of his country made that a crime which nature never meant to be so

And bear in mind, if you are a senior citizen, you are in everlastingly deep trouble

Obamacare would require another fifty federal bureaucracies, which, to this citizen, would be a stretch too much

Hence, the proposition is convertible into this: a government ought to mold children into good citizens, using its own discretion in settling what a good citizen is and how the child 64

But are they recognized in relation to social problems and governmental issues? I think not, at least not enough, at least by the decision makers in the seats of power, but I would encourage the thinking citizen to understand that there are social problems that are by no means solvable, but are subject to amelioration, for as the science of economics reminds us, there are tradeoffs, which should be taken advantage of

When a citizen lies to a public official, he commits a crime

His name and fame are the birthright of every American citizen

Murry had been in contact with an American citizen living in

He had it exactly right in stressing that governmental power is like the authority of a parent: and what he tells us is that, instead of acting as a parent should act in preparing a child for adulthood, government, especially at the national level, seeks to keep the citizen in perpetual childhood

The whole intention of his venture was to blend in, to become a normal citizen

Maybe after weeks of experiencing the curious physicality of being human and, by dint of that, a second-class citizen, he’d doubtless become frustrated at his lack of influence on events

How is it possible that a criminal can afford better medical aid than a good citizen?

“How is a good businesswoman—and a loyal citizen, I assure you—supposed to make a living with such stringent rules? I have children in need of new parkas

As it is oftentimes the case, it‘s the law-abiding citizen who desires a firearm for a variety of (legitimate) reasons; security, sport or collection, who finds himself entangled in so much Red Tape

What has not changed, however, are the underlying assumptions of Freedom and Natural Rights that every citizen is entitled and the protection of such inalienable rights by our government

In its quixotic attempt to eliminate handguns, New York City has conceived a hare brained plan whereby any citizen possessing a firearm may redeem it, no questions asked, in exchange for gift certificates

I am not speaking of income taxes, which every citizen is expected to pay his or her ―fair‖ share, however the (morally) insidious Estate or ―Death‖ tax, that truly constitutes a miscarriage of justice!

Although society‘s ultimate goal should be, wherever possible, the rehabilitation of its hardened citizens; and allowing that a rehabilitated, productive citizen must necessarily accrue to the mutual advantage of that society and that polite and polished manners otherwise enhance the quality of life or, if not for humane reasons only, its immediate objective should be maintaining the safety and security of its law-abiding citizens by keeping them out of harm‘s way

What our Founding Fathers (properly) understood by the Separation of Church and State was the essential right of every citizen to convene, for religious purposes, in houses of worship; allowing each to (freely) worship his or her God in his or her (own) manner) in accordance with his or her (own) private beliefs in conformance with his or her (own) conscience; unencumbered by central

Although it may be personally rewarding to see one‘s child financially secure, it is equally, (if not more so), important that that child develops into a model citizen, an example for others to follow, a kind and thoughtful human being, considerate of others and of sound (moral) character, an individual who serves his or her family, friends and the community in which he or she lives and works, with distinction

When principles of non-violence are either self-contained or practiced unconditionally under circumstances (otherwise) calling for a measured response, (sound) judgment and common sense appealing to the requirements of a peaceful, well-ordered society that every citizen (otherwise) owes an obligation, and whose conspicuous merits, perhaps laudable in some instances, however questionable at other times, and where (such) natural impulses are routinely rejected, even more remarkably when Property and Person and at times the Nation, are at risk by (anti-social) individuals determined to provoke harm; weighs in the balance, and where (institutional) recourse is problematical or uncertain, an (individual) is required, inasmuch as it lies within that individual‘s capacity to do so, to discourage such annoyances as they may present themselves to that individual as well as that individual‘s family and friends, however contrary to that individual‘s ―nature,‖ lest that individual‘s misplaced pacifism further encourage mischief makers and bullies alike, by providing license to habitually upset the harmony and safety of private and public concerns as it (otherwise) suits their primitive whims

These inalienable rights offer expression to multi-lateral decisions conforming to the right of every citizen to make comparable decisions

Everything being equal, however, the average citizen is oftentimes content to live and let live, to ―accept‖ what it may otherwise perceive as odd or peculiar in a manner consistent with an individual‘s right to privacy

I would be the first to argue that any orderly, well governed society requires the cooperation of all its (productive) citizens and that each should properly contribute his or her own proportionate ―fair‖ share of the burden otherwise required for public services available to every citizen regardless of income

(including) other inalienable rights, for that matter, afforded to every citizen; providing equal access and protection under the law and the right of every Individual to redress affronts to person and property without ruinous (material) effect on that individual or that individual‘s character or standing…

is what any citizen could become, not gifted with loads of money, backup armies or

would shatter the mind of the average citizen

Bring evidence that you are a citizen of the United States of America

―—what with the average, law-abiding citizen afraid to walk the streets at night and rising crime rates—‖

Along the way they tried to gain control of a South African English language newspaper called the «The Citizen» via the classic espionage methods of using front companies

The agreement read that any Polish citizen, who is in Russia, will be permitted to travel anywhere in Russia and settle in any small town but not close to the border

Although not every citizen, for whatever reason(s), is predisposed to defend his or her nation during a time of war, each should properly support the nation‘s war effort in some (other) manner by lending either moral or financial support to American troops who have selflessly placed themselves in harm‘s way so that others on the home front might live in peace

No individual is above the law but equal before the law, rather; that is to say, laws are not enacted for the private benefit of any one individual or group but conceived in a manner that seeks to promote equal protection for every citizen

For instance a recent failed attempt in Nigeria to rescue a British and Italian citizen caused a diplomatic breach between the UK and Italy since Italy was not informed before the failed rescue took place

International law enters the fray when a foreign citizen is rescued in a different country and the Corporate should be aware of this

That certain elements in our society consider tax-relief counter productive to the interests and material well-being of every citizen would be advised to sign up for an introductory course in Economics 101! (If in fact our college professors understand its basic premises) It was not owing to chance that Mr

Every citizen, in one way or another, is expected to participate in a constructive manner that accrues to the mutual benefit of every citizen living in a free and open society; that each individual is obligated to lend his or her unqualified, excepting such conditions were that society has spiritually and morally corrupted itself, support in the cause of freedom; and that the general welfare of that society should take precedence over the private belief system of any individual who continues reaping the benefits of living in that society

In a word, every citizen has a reciprocal civic responsibility for every other citizen to ensure their mutual safety; but not to secure a ―peace‖ at any price

Ask anyone living in the Middle East or other parts ―unknown‖ that the average citizen would be hard-pressed to find on a map

Militia movement, secessionists, and sovereign citizen groups

The sovereign citizen movement was an offshoot of the militias, essentially an attempt at paper terrorism trying to use arcane legal arguments to claim to be free of government control

“A citizen saw a very tall person with a bow,” said the other cop

The partnership will give citizens in developing countries who are used to mobile money another avenue to access money without traditional banks.


Cincinnati — An Ohio citizen‘s group that studies school policies has recommended that the state — which was the first to mandate that every public high school offer vocational training — restructure its vocational programs to place more emphasis on academics and promote closer links between schools and the employers for whom vocational students are preparing.


Witness, for example, the recent move in the U.S. by a citizen‘s group and Congressman Jim McGovern of Massachusetts to propose a «People’s Rights Amendment.»


Though preparedness is essential — «we treated live-streaming like a first class citizen in social from day one,» he says — trying to micromanage broadcasts in the moment can be a buzzkill.


Children learn violence in their homes and in their schools from adults whose best intentions are to train them to be obedient, law-abiding citizens.


Explore these NASA educational activities and citizen science opportunities that libraries may be interested in incorporating into programming in 2013 and beyond.


Antetomaso’s attorney, Nancy Bartling of Mineola, said Thursday that her client had «dedicated his life to the citizens of Oyster Bay,» and would defend himself vigorously against the charges.


It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.


I wouldn’t mind paying more for a school lunch (I am a U.S. citizen), if it meant my daughter would be getting a better quality and more tasteful meal.


You also must be a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old.


But Penn, like any citizen, has a right to defend himself and will no longer tolerate the reckless and malicious behaviour of others, who seek to aggrandize themselves or their projects at his expense.


How to drum up publicity for a campaign to tackle uncorrected poor vision, which affects 900 million Commonwealth citizens who do not have access to glasses?


You might think that dietitians in a country humane enough to provide its citizens with decent health care would steer clear of Big Food influence over its nutrition professionals.


I want to thank the citizens of the 15th Senatorial district and 33rdAssembly District who put their faith and confidence in me during the 11 years I had the honor to represent them in the state legislature.


In accordance with public policy being concerned about the well-being of its citizens, science policy’s goal is to consider how science and technology can best serve the public.


A certificate may not be issued to a citizen of a nation controlled by forces that are antagonistic to democratic forms of government, except to an individual who has been legally admitted to the United States through the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services.


In conjunction and affiliation with the national Reform Party USA, Nevadans will be offered a sensible, formidable and soon-to-be-rising political party voting choice for all Nevada’s citizens to support.


The government will work toward liberty of its citizens.


This is entirely a citizen driven effort to restore security across the country.


It can be found here: What can UK citizens do to replace first past the post with a proportional representation voting system?


Up north, Heineman follows Nailer Foley, an impassioned army veteran who patrols the Texas border for cartel members with a volunteer group of citizens, some traveling hundreds of miles to join his cause.


«This is something I really think we need,» said Rickmon, a member of a citizen advisory committee established to help develop plans for what would be the township’s first recreation center.


Can’t our citizens realize that those in the galamsey areas voted for a man who promised not to stop them from such acts?


The findings suggest it is long past time for governments to begin looking at ways to encourage consumers and citizens to make the healthy choice and eat less meat — something Meat Free Monday has been advocating since 2009.


I hope there no other senior citizens being taken in by Ourtime.


When coupled with big data, citizen science projects will expand yet further.


The U.S. Attorney for the Southern district of New York, Geoffrey Berman, said in a statement that Percoco was found guilty of «selling something priceless that was not his to sell — the sacred obligation to honestly and faithfully serve the citizens of New York» and that «every school child knows» Percoco’s actions «violated the basic tenets a of democracy.»


The bill as proposed, which I’m guessing you haven’t even read, does impede your rights one bit as long as you are a law abiding citizen.


Our lawmakers must know and accept that science serves every one of us, every citizen and every society.


Explicit recognition of citizen science in published papers could promote the communication linkages necessary for broader impacts by helping shift public discourse associated with modern climate change from controversy to acceptance.


Many have a vision of a time when Americans were good citizens who went to church, when fathers went to work every day, mothers stayed home and took care of the children, and children obeyed their parents.


Part of their awareness as global citizens meant knowing how different media are used to persuade us into forming opinions and outlooks on the issues that affect us all.


«The average citizen should be concerned,» Thompson said.


He observed that other states were also free to acquire the machines and train their citizens on how to use them.


According to Sagay: «55 top government officials and private businessmen illicitly deviated in total N1.35 trillion roughly at that time $ 7.5 million to themselves at the expense of ordinary Nigerian citizens.


Though there is a law in place to outlaw name-calling, as responsible citizens we need to take a step towards this change.»


«As a senior citizen of our country, we want to urge him to go beyond talking generalities to giving us concrete examples that we can put our hands on and make an example for people to be deterred,» stated Hamid in an interview with Accra-based Citi FM.


The German ambassador to the Holy See was instructed not to take part in the solemn Easter ceremonies, and German missions throughout Europe were told that the German government «had to consider the Pope’s encyclical as a call to battle… as it calls upon Catholic citizens to rebel against the authority of the Reich.»


China is estimated to have a population of 240 million citizens over the age of 60 by 2020, according to the Brookings Institute.9


By this we mean a state where public institutions are separate from religious institutions and treat all citizens impartially regardless of their religious or nonreligious beliefs.


Mr. Carter is a private citizen who should not be involved in this matter.»


The Baptism of Our Lord in the Jordan This man will always draw crowds; split them too — just as this rock divides the Jordan’s flow — attract, repel, become the Shepherd who inspires hosannas and the Scapegoat no good citizen of Zion could prefer to bandits like Barabbas.


States are taking action on climate change and the environment — and being held accountable by their citizens.


It’s bad enough that Mr. Trump has treated Puerto Rico and its 3.1 million inhabitants almost as an afterthought, as if they were nationals of some foreign country rather than U.S. citizens.


Clocking in at just under three minutes, audiences are given a look at the casino planet of Canto Bight and its weird, if not wonderful, citizens.


Clearly there is a disconnect when it comes to physical punishment of the most vulnerable and defenseless of our citizens, our children.


Palantir is a company that is trusted to handle vast datasets on UK and US citizens for GCHQ and the NSA, as well as many other countries.


And when Trump released his revised executive order on immigration early this month, the biometric test requirement was pared down dramatically to exempt U.S. and Canadian citizens.


But just to add to it, being a spanish citizen and fluent speaking in spanish, it cant be that hard for him to settle down in Madrid.


He takes a motley group of citizens hostage in a designer bungalow and publicizes his act on Youtube.


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