The word chop in sentence

Synonym: cleave, cut, sever. Similar words: chopping, hope, bishop, gift shop, workshop, hopefully, echo, school. Meaning: [tʃɒp]  n. 1. the irregular motion of waves (usually caused by wind blowing in a direction opposite to the tide) 2. a small cut of meat including part of a rib 3. a jaw 4. a tennis return made with a downward motion that puts backspin on the ball 5. a grounder that bounces high in the air. v. 1. cut into pieces 2. move suddenly 3. strike sharply, as in some sports 4. cut with a hacking tool 5. hit sharply. 

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1. Chop the carrots up into small pieces.

2. Chop the celery and add it to the salad.

3. Peel, core and chop the apples.

4. You’d better chop these branches off.

5. Pork chop is on today’s menu.

6. Chop some wood for the fire.

7. Chop the meat into cubes before frying it.

8. There’s not much meat on this chop.

9. We had to chop a way through the undergrowth.

10. I’m going to chop down this cherry tree; it has almost stopped producing fruit.

11. Stop chipping halfway , you cannot chop down deadwood ; and keep chipping a way, gold and stone can be carved.

12. Roughly chop the vegetables, and keep back a little to chop finely and serve as a garnish.

13. The tree is too big,you’ll have to chop back some of the branches.

14. Julian used an axe to chop down the old apple tree.

15. He struck off the branch with a single chop of the ax.

16. The iceboat set out to chop a hole in the ice.

17. He went outside to chop some more wood for the fire.

18. Roughly chop and parboil the potatoes.

18. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

19. The whole department has been given the chop.

20. Peel the cucumber and chop it into small cubes.

21. Chop the ingredients finely and mix them together.

22. Chop the potato into bite-sized pieces.

23. Chop the onions with a sharp knife.

24. Chop up three firm tomatoes.

25. Chop an onion and stir it into the sauce.

26. Chop up the onion into small pieces.

27. She cut down the sapling with one chop.

28. Chop the onions and carrots roughly.

29. Roughly chop the tomatoes and add to the onions.

30. A man must not presume to use his reasons, unless he has studied the categories, and can chop logic.

More similar words: chopping, hope, bishop, gift shop, workshop, hopefully, echo, school, choose, choice, reach out, each other, touch on, catch on, scholar, switch on, in school, at school, switch off, stretch out, watch out for, chocolate, not much of a, in search of, psychology, scholarship, cholesterol, after school, psychologist, psychological. 

chop — перевод на русский



Отбивные… нисколько!

What you gonna get, steak or chops?

Что ты получишь, стейк или отбивные?

Chops today, steak tomorrow.

Отбивные сегодня, стейк завтра.

Eggs and chops, please.

— Я возьмусь за отбивные, Вуди.

Pork chops and sweet peas.

Что это? Свиные отбивные и душистый горошек.

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The only way anybody could get that ring would be to chop off my finger.

Чтобы снять с меня это кольцо, мне нужно палец отрубить.

You can’t chop his head off like a chicken’s.

Ты не можешь отрубить его голову словно цыплячью.

Any second that phone’s gonna ring, and Clarence McElheny… is gonna tell me Mr. Jensen wants me in his office tomorrow morning… so he can personally chop my head off!

В любую секунду этот телефон позвонит, и Кларенс Мак-Элхони… скажет мне, что мистер Дженсен хочет, чтобы я завтра утром был у него кабинете… чтобы лично отрубить мне голову!

We just want to chop it off.

Мы просто хотим отрубить палец.

Chop off a limb to induce a heart attack?

Отрубить конечность, чтобы спровоцировать сердечный приступ?

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He began chopping wood. But it was not long before he had injured himself with the axe.

Он начал рубить дерево, но вскоре поранился топором

I said to Mrs. Johnson, «I hope he’s not going to chop…»

Я ещё сказала миссис Джонсон, «Я надеюсь, что он не собирается рубить …»

Ficsur, you and five boy come with me to chop some wood.

Пижон, возьми пять пацанов, пойдём рубить лес.

Down home, when a man come home and hear a man in bed with his wife, he just go to the wood pile and get his doubIe-bIade axe and go in and chop them up.

У нас когда муж возвращается с работы и застает жену с другим, он идет за топором и начинает их рубить.

Here comes the job, that you chop off your head!

Начинаем рубить головы! Это обязательно для всех, Макгрегор. Игра случая.

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Why don’t you chop it off, Ringo?

Почему ты не хочешь его отрезать, Ринго?

We must chop the leg off.

Мы должны отрезать ногу.

— Are we gonna have to chop it off?

— И мы должны ее отрезать ?

He has to be at least a little crazy to chop the hand off after she died.

Надо было быть немного сумасшедшим чтобы отрезать руку после смерти жены.

No, I’m gonna chop off my antenna.

Нет, я собираюсь отрезать свою антенну!

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If we don’t have our armour, we might get a bit chopped up.

Если на нас не будет доспехов, то нас могут немного порубить.

The last girl I was with I had to chop into little tiny pieces… because a higher power saw fit to stab her in the neck.

Последнюю девушку, с которой я был, я вынужден был порубить на маленькие кусочки потому что высшие силы сочли целесообразным отрубить ее шею.

Chop her up into sections.

Порубить ее на части.

Every time I go in there… it’s all hating faces that I have to chop up with a machete.

Там столько злобных лиц, что хочется порубить их на куски мачете.

so what, just chop them all up?

И что? Просто порубить их на куски?

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I can’t peel, I can’t chop, I can’t grate, I can’t mince.

Не умею чистить, не умею резать, натирать, крошить.

Well, chopping vegetables for nine hours a day isn’t exactly my idea of a vacation.

Ну, резать овощи девять часов в день — это несколько не то, как я представлял каникулы.

Shouldn’t you warn me before chopping it off?

Может ты должен предупредить меня перед тем, как резать?

— It has to go. I need it to chop stuff.

Мне он нужен, чтобы резать еду.

Who’s chopping the onions?

Кто будет резать лук?

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Chop the top, jack it up, put on wheels psychedelic paint job from hell.

Срубить верх, поднять его, поставить на колеса покрасить психоделическими красками.

Whatever you do, I think it’s a struggle, a struggle, a struggle to keep your head above water… and not get it chopped off.

Надо держать голову над водой, и не дать ее срубить.

See, I needed, uh, to borrow… your saw… because I need to chop down a tree.

Видите ли, я хотел… одолжить у вас… пилу… потому что мне надо срубить дерево.

You know, chopping down a fucking tree would’ve been easier.

Знаешь, срубить грёбаное дерево и то было бы легче!

I have to go chop one down.

Придётся пойти и срубить.

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Perhaps you intend to cut my throat to chop in parts and ship them in different cities on slow trains?

Может хотите меня зарезать? Разрубить на части и отправить малой скоростью в разные города?

You can chop them up into pieces, they’ll still come after you.

Можешь разрубить их на части, но они все равно придут за тобой.

He’s too big to chop up.

Его тяжело будет разрубить.

When I was about to chop her up, she looked at me with her white eyes.

Когда я собирался разрубить её, она посмотрела на меня своими белыми глазами.

He didn’t panic, he didn’t chop her up or burn her.

Не пытался разрубить тело или поджечь так, чтобы ее нельзя было узнать.

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I have a shell the size of a fist in my head Pork Chop Hill.

У меня в голове снаряд, размером с кулак. Сражение под Порк Чоп Хилл.

She’s given him her best years, cooked his chop suey, helped with the business, and I bet at one time he couldn’t wait to rip off her kimono.

Она отдала ему свои лучшие годы, готовила ему чоп суи, помогала с бизнесом, и, наверняка, когда-то он сгорал от нетерпения разорвать на ней кимоно.

Buy everybody chop suey.

Купи всем чоп суи.

— Do you have a Slap Chop?

— У тебя есть «Слэп Чоп»?

HURT.. Rats will eat anything, from chop suey to the chopsticks themselves.

Крысы съедят все, от чоп суи и до палочек для еды.

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Chop the kidneys, season with salt and oil and add it to the clay pot.

Нарезать почки, приправить солью и маслом и добавить в глиняный горшок.

Is there a special dessert grace, or can we just chop this thing up?

Существует ли особая десертная молитва, или мы можем просто нарезать это?

Chop it up and put it in here.

Нарезать его и положить его сюда.

«Roughly chop the onions.»

Крупно нарезать лук…

All this dicing and chopping is endless.

Перемешивать и нарезать можно до посинения.

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Отправить комментарий

отбивная, легкое волнение, нарезать, рубить, нарубить, привередливый


- удар (топором и т. п.)

he felled the little tree with one chop — он срубил деревце одним ударом

- рубящий удар (фехтование, теннис)
- отбивная котлета

mutton [pork] chop — баранья [свиная] отбивная

- отрубленный кусок (чего-л.); ломоть; кус(ок)
- зыбь (на море)

ещё 11 вариантов


- рубить (топором, колуном)

to chop wood — колоть дрова

- рубить (сечкой и т. п.); крошить; нарезать, шинковать (тж. chop up)
- провёртывать через мясорубку
- нарубить

to chop a pile of kindling — нарубить кучу растопки

- прорубить

the traveller chopped his way through the underbrush — путешественник прорубал себе дорогу через заросли

ещё 15 вариантов

Мои примеры


a sharp-edged implement used to chop wood — острый инструмент, который используется для рубки дров.  
to chop about — безжалостно изрезать, испортить  
chop prices — снижать цены  
of the first chop — первого сорта  
to chop beam — прерывать луч  
to chop into chips — рубить на щепу  
to chop the bark — измельчать кору  
to chop down / cut down / fell a tree — срубать, валить дерево  
to chop / cut wood — рубить лес  
mutton chop — баранья отбивная  
chop teeth — лезть в разговор с глупыми замечаниями; болтать ерунду  

Примеры с переводом

Chop the onions finely.

Мелко нарежьте лук.

Chop the meat into small cubes.

Порежьте мясо небольшими кубиками.

Can you chop up some carrots for me?

Вы можете нарезать /нашинковать/ мне моркови?

The king’s head was chopped off.

Королю отрубили голову.

I’ll hit him on the chops!

Я набью ему морду!

Chop the potato into bite-sized pieces.

Порежьте картофель на небольшие кусочки.

The tree is too big, you’ll have to chop back some of the branches.

Дерево слишком большое, придётся срубить несколько ветвей.

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I might be for the chop (=lose my job).

He went outside to chop some more wood for the fire.

After you wash and seed the peppers you can chop them.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

chopper  — прерыватель, вертолет, нож, косарь, колун, лесоруб, билетер, тиккер, пулемет
chopping  — рубка, колка, рубящий, рослый
chopped  — рубленый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: chop
he/she/it: chops
ing ф. (present participle): chopping
2-я ф. (past tense): chopped
3-я ф. (past participle): chopped

ед. ч.(singular): chop
мн. ч.(plural): chops

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


We mentioned that prehistoric people needed to chop wood 60 hours a week just to produce one hour of light.

Мы упоминали, что доисторические люди должны были рубить дрова 60 часов в неделю, чтобы произвести один час света.

You don’t have to stay in the jungle, chop wood, sell coal.

Вам не нужно быть в лесу, рубить деревья, продавать дрова.

I’m here to chop your head off.

«Я здесь для того, чтобы отрубить ему голову.

If Chinese children were caught stealing food, he would chop their fingers off.

Если бы китайские дети были пойманы воровством в еде, он отрубил бы пальцы.

It was hard to chop food and to write, but the physio and practising has helped a lot.

Трудно было нарезать пищу и писать, но физиология и практика помогли.

With the help of this gadget to chop vegetables and fruits can be 5 times faster than with a knife.

С помощью этого гаджета нарезать овощи и фрукты можно в 5 раз быстрее, чем ножом.

Or, when an iceberg blocks your harbour, chop it up and start selling ice blocks to the southerners.

Или когда айсберг преграждает ваш порт, рубите его и начинайте продавать ледяные блоки южанам.

You may struggle to put on socks, chop vegetables or do other things that were once routine.

Вы можете бороться, чтобы надеть носки, нарезать овощи или делать другие вещи, которые когда-то были рутинными.

Before you steam cook broccoli, chop it into pieces and let it rest for a few minutes.

Перед тем как приготовить брокколи на пару, нарежьте ее на кусочки и дайте отдохнуть несколько минут.

Look after your Vikings, gather food, chop wood and take care of the well-being of your small but growing population.

Присматривайте за своими викингами, собирайте пищу, рубите лес и заботьтесь о благополучии вашего маленького, но растущего населения.

No animal would survive those chop wounds.

Никакое животное не смогло бы жить с такими увечьями.

Apparently he works in a chop shop downtown.

They said she tried to chop it off herself.

Они сказали, что она пыталась «его» сама отрезать.

You chop large pieces off yourself.

They’d chop me into pieces.

Иначе они порвали бы меня на куски».

Funnily enough, we’re a bit light on woodentops today, so… chop chop.

Как ни странно, сегодня у нас нехватка оловянных солдатиков, так что… шевелись.

This is the first of many, so chop chop!

Welcome to jamie’s chop shop.

The government will crackdown on illegal tobacco, known as chop chop, whether it is illegally smuggled to our shores, stolen from licensed warehouses or produced domestically.

Правительство будет бороться с незаконными табачными изделиями, известный как ЧОП-ЧОП, будь он незаконно переправили в нашу страну, украли у лицензированных складах или отечественного производства.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word chop, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use chop in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «chop».

Chop in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word chop in a sentence.

  1. The simplest melee attack is a chop action.

  2. Oh God, I pray, give me peace and a quiet chop.

  3. Some people chop the badnjak into shorter logs so that they can be put into the hearth and burnt.

  4. During Cut, all logs were felled by hand, with students working in teams to chop down each tree with their axes.

  5. Aggressive and creative, the O’s either invented or perfected the hit-and-run, the Baltimore chop, the suicide squeeze, and the bunt single.

  6. Many coins were not redeemable due to chop marks or holes applied by Chinese businessmen, which was done to affirm the coin’s silver content.

  7. The Orioles perfected the hit and run play and popularized the Baltimore chop; they also sought to win by intimidating the opposing team and the umpire.

  8. Lancelot is given a beheading challenge in the early 13th-century Perlesvaus, in which a knight begs him to chop off his head or else put his own in jeopardy.

  9. Using axes borrowed from townspeople, Texians were able to chop through a door and enter the complex before the bulk of the soldiers were aware of their presence.

  10. The Seminoles were pushed backward on two consecutive plays and committed a chop block before Bowden was forced to send in Janikowski to kick a 32-yard field goal.

  11. In computer science, binary search, also known as half-interval search, logarithmic search, or binary chop, is a search algorithm that finds the position of a target value within a sorted array.

  12. Tool-induced bone alterations, in the form of cuts and chop marks near joints and other characteristic cuts and fractures, indicated the early human settlers skinned, disarticulated, and filleted giant lemurs.

  13. In 2008 events at the three-day show included tree-felling, cross-cutting, log rolling, axe-throwing, horse pulling, spring board chopping, the standing block chop, and chainsaw competitions and demonstrations.

Synonyms for chop

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word chop has the following synonyms: chop shot, chopper, , chop up, hack, chop down and chop off.

General information about «chop» example sentences

The example sentences for the word chop that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «chop» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «chop».

Definition of Chop

to cut something into pieces with a sharp blow from an edged tool

Examples of Chop in a sentence

Without a gas fireplace, my dad always had to go into the woods and chop lumber for our family with an axe.


In an effort to clear out all of the underbrush behind our home, I had to take a machete and chop away at all of the dead limbs and bushes.


In order to perform a Karate chop, you must use the edge of your hand to strike, since a chop requires a thin edge.


An axe is the most common tool used to chop wood because it is weighted on the sharp side, allowing it to cleave into lumber more easily.


We had one large log in the backyard, but my Dad used his old axe to chop it up into smaller pieces so we could throw it into the woods more easily.


Other words in the Words that describe what you do to objects category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

«Is there usually this much chop in this channel?» he asked

The powerful craft was much easier to maneuver at high speed on open water than at a crawl in crowded chop

The few other powered boats were stilettos that slid thru the chop without bobbing

She stood up and rode with the chop as they pounded over it

It was just about the size of the chop out here

Jane, nabbing the four young people as she goes, efficiently takes it away to chop up and the guests start milling around the room

lit by the watery sunshine, and the sea was whipped into a fair chop

senseless with a neck chop

The lake runner was designed for this, the one to two foot chop that often covered the surface of the lakes here at the end of the Dromedian arm

It took over an hour in all, including two more small locks, just to get out of Chardovia, but once he was on the Grand Canal, the chop was only six inches high

He could see from the sky that he should stick to the canals, the wind was still blowing and the lake would be covered with chop

He plunged into the chop of that lake like a diver doing a belly flop from a high branch of a tree

“Sorry, Jack and I have to chop up all the wood for winter

Knume had taken the time to chop himself a little seat atop the front of the log

«Why can’t he just admit here is where you’re going to be?» Beth asked, stepping back to the kitchen counter, to chop carrots

“Beauty mate!! You mean that we are going to be a chop shop?”

Chop shop indicates a criminal activity,” as if renaming the activity changed its legality

Scrap companies buy the old airframes and drag them to a remote corner of the airport to chop them up and shred them

The mutton chop whiskers, the ruddy, wrinkled complexion

Cuts were probably common if you chop one or two hundred kvarit a week

He could chop them down, though he was destined to face them once more

and had threatened to chop my mop while I was sleep

He let Nerissa spread the sheep dung, then chop it into the soil

I’ll chop their fucking heads off

Well that was tough shit for them and a good day for us we would chop the crate up with our bayonets and it would last us for ages

“We will fill the train further up the line where I may say even now large numbers of men and equipment are waiting for us to turn up so chop, chop lets get on board and get moving

Our first Christmas, the entire family went out to chop a tree and, instead of agreeing on one, we argued for an hour about whether we should get a traditional scotch pine, like “we” had always gotten, or a noble fir, like “they” always had

I told him of the mutilation and he at once said “O yes, sah, dat man then, sah, hab him face cut for chop, sah! Bush man make plenty chop long pig when he find man go die, sah!” Naturally, I was incredulous, but the Houssa’s verdict may have been correct that the Negro had died, and being a stranger, the men who were burying him, had adjourned their task for a gruesome and disgusting feast

and thought they could chop the tree down, Costumer and all; but the

“Do you want me to chop the onions?”

“Well, a machine could chop up the waste and maybe when

“So you guys will have the van stolen from the airport and then taken directly to the chop shop?”

was known to chop guys up, and exterminate by any means

Castration given the chop!!

Wash and chop up the spinach

Tee went off to pick up supplies for the restaurant and when he came back, he went to the kitchen to chop up goat meat

He had a black eye the size of a pork chop and his elbow was tucked into his ribs, like it was at the hospital

He even did dramatic re-enactments of all the Obake he had killed with the use of his Shiki Chop

“No, I should just take a patch out of the middle, let’s see what the Shiki chop can do against that,” she then began manically laughing

“You’re not allowed to chop trees here!” The officer yelled while pointing at Kiyori

To make: chop the ingredients to dice, cover closely, and simmer until the quantity of liquid is reduced to one half

) Rub the nutter into the flour, or chop it as you would suet

Cut Protose into cubes, chop the hard-boiled egg, and slice the radishes

Set the walnuts aside to cool then chop them coarsely

had also become unable to chop wood or to carry it in

ing for the chop

Would it hurt them if I chop it? What would happen if I cut it and reached for the kitchen scissors? Would they both bleed death? But would cutting it save his life?”

haven’t been for the chop

Chop onion and garlic, microwave for five minutes (omit this step if you don’t have a microwave;

Local men and boys then chop off as many heads as

Grate the smoked mozzarella; if using fresh herbs, chop

Chop chicken into pieces about 1/2″ in

pounding chop of the blades as they cut into the air, lifting

It was the unmistakable chop

The hum and throb of the air conditioners gently rocked the trailer as if it were a small boat in light chop

We can chop a piece off that

Teams of less-skilled, less-paid workers went on foot into the forests to chop down the biggest and straightest oaks, then stripping off the branches and bark

Teams of horses would drag the naked logs on sleds out of the forests and to Eid, where the master ship-builder would chop them by eye-measure into the shapes of keels and stern-posts and bow-posts and ribs

Sword-men also tried to chop at the hands and the spear-shafts of spear-fighters

“Ah, I see that I’ll have to give you my karate chop suey blow to

As it looked up at her with cold eyes she hacked off its head with a single chop

the other, which he had the manservant chop up and stick in the deepfreeze

» Brink stabs his chop stix into an oversized bowl of wasabi, the hottest 164

” He smiles broadly as he offers Steng the chop sticks with his left hand

He took the chop sticks and showed Amanda

She picked it up with her chop sticks and put it in her mouth

on his back, because those high-powered wings would chop you to

chop on the back of his neck sent him down on all fours

Ramm followed with a chop upon his neck and shoulder,

“Can you chop some chilies and put a slice of that in the oven?” Jackie throws a soft salute to Ren, disappears into the kitchen

“You said we had to be in a hurry to save the King and Queen,” Ceder cut in, flushed with frustration, “but you want us to stand here and argue over the cost of a wish! Why should we trust you, after all, and not chop you down the middle and eat you for lunch?”

A sharp chop with the side of the hand to the base of his skull and Reginald‘s first victim crumpled, to be caught and lowered softly to the floor by Sebastian

Chop green chillies, onion and potatoes

Chop onions, grind it with red chilly ginger and garlic

Roughly chop the rest of the onions and

Peel onions, chop 3 onions finely and slice the

Skin the eggplant and chop it into cubes; sprinkle lemon juice on the

She pulled out a credit card and proceeded to chop the coke into lines

Can you handle chop sticks?”

The breeze started to produce chop on the shoreline where the waves were now larger and rolled into surf as they hit the shallow water

Chop the Green Chile if it has large pieces of pork (meat) or vegetables

Add water and lemon juice and chop briefly at

“If he got caught stealing, they’ll chop off his hands for sure,” he returned grimly

Nor chop his hands off

He rushed in, hacking madly, but Conan, recognizing him, shattered his sword with a short terrific chop and with a powerful push of his open hand sent him reeling to the floor

My father was always threatening to chop down

Carrying a heavy head loaded with pain, frustration and bitterness, Travis walked through the hotel and out onto the promenade overlooking the harbour and the small boats, their masts bobbing from the slight chop in the water

rice in an Indian restaurant or chop and chips in a

Levels, then a degree, would I have been able to chop

Harry realised that it could be very dangerous to Don if he were simply to chop

The blow wasn’t particularly hard, and was a round-armed swing with his elbow straight rather than a punch or chop, but it was very accurately delivered

“The only way I know of is to chop off their heads

Left elbow to the ribs, right elbow to the ribs, quick back kick in the balls, spin around, a smooth chop to the throat and a dying man lay choking on the floor

If it was the chop, why the interview?

Once his head is free from the web, Hack yells, “Look at the size of that thing! It’s coming damn it! Get me out of here! Chop! Chop! Chop!”

you are in a hurry and who has time to chop up vegetables?

As soon as the early American settlers began to chop down

Place several chopped cucumbers in a pan of water, bring water to boil and allow to simmer for 1 hour at low heat

so they chopped down many trees in the jungle to build a fortress for Lyla to

(washed and finely chopped)

‘ Nuran had chopped hers off flat just above her shoulders the week before changing shifts

He got the rock worm chopped in the pan with the mooliuk

He was convinced that if the tree was chopped down he could make real use of the land and be rid of the screaming rooks to boot

There was the deafening crack of splintering wood as the yacht was chopped and shredded

chopped the air with his hand, unleashing his elderly dogs of war

that if the tree was chopped down he could make real use of the

Cut stone steps went up a whole story between the massive intertwined roots, the blocks had grown in a century ago and had to be periodically chopped clear

’ She said with a grin, indicating the pile of chopped hemlock

actual mechanism, several blades that chopped up what was supposed to be organic

know,’ said Marguerite as she chopped the cabbage for

Perhaps it was taken and chopped into pieces and the valuable bits sold? He started to search the web for the value of parts of a 777

Granny was feeding Lemoss’s Uncle Todd’s shire horses with a bucket of oats and chopped vegetables

He had dried some Hazel leaves and some mint, chopped it up and was now rolling it in a scrap of paper

The birdshot bounced off the Orcs thick hides and, while the brothers were busy reloading, the Orc sergeant stepped forward and, with one massive uninterrupted blow, chopped both of the brothers in half, the blade cleaving through them at chest level

He smiled as small children scampered about the greenery, pestering the cows and horses while adults chopped wood and sharpened weapons

“And then Your Majesty saw a divine messenger coming down from Heaven who chopped down the tree, but left its rootstock standing, banded with rings of iron and copper

nearly as bad as when Tragus chopped off half her foot

Recipe makes 4 servings, sautéed with onion and green bell pepper, and then simmered with water, chopped tomatoes and spices

1 (14 ounce) can marinated artichoke hearts, drained and chopped

Then they fired their shrapnel shells at us and this with the bullets chopped the bush to pieces flinging greenery everywhere and cutting our lads to pieces

“We might be able to do a bit of cooking as well as making our brews but first let’s get it chopped up and then we can decide

We sat to with a will and had soon reduced the box to splinters looking at the pile of chopped wood we had there was quite a bit but we knew that here on the peninsula you had to be careful as pilfering was rife especially something like wood

Aisling had almost chopped him up

8 ounces dates, pitted and chopped

1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts (optional)

As soon as the melted chocolate reaches temperature, remove it from the heat, and stir in the remaining chopped chocolate until melted

4 ounce) bars chocolate covered toffee bars, chopped

Coatings (powdered sugar, cocoa, toasted coconut or chopped nuts)

Attach 12 chocolate pieces, then roll in chopped peanuts

3/4 cup chopped toasted almonds

12 ounces almond buttercrunch confection, chopped

16 ounces white chocolate, chopped

12 ounces white chocolate, chopped

1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

Add 1 cup chopped toasted nuts

2/3 cup chopped walnuts (optional)

In a saucepan over low heat, combine the butter, sugar and 1 cup chopped almonds

Sprinkle finely chopped almonds over the top; cool, and break into uneven pieces

1/2 cup toasted and chopped almonds

Reserve 1/2 cup of the chopped candy bars for the topping

Many victims were mutilated, with body parts chopped off, heads scalped

Using his younger brother Mikie’s passport photo as a guide, she got out the scissors, chopped off his beard and cut his hair into a flattop and, just like that, his existence as Shannon Henderson came to an abrupt end

Bumpy turbulence threw off my first shots, and the rounds chopped away at the cabane struts, all around his head, but no killing shot

They tasted strange, I guessed: chopped cod liver

“They were blinded with hot iron, their tongues were cut out, their arms were chopped off and their teeth smashed to the last

He chopped up an onion, put it in with the bacon, peeled and sliced potatoes, and laid them in the pan off to one side

With a languid twist, he swept the claw to one side, and in the same agile movement chopped the insect across the back of its spindly neck

The hamburger was cut with a mixture of oatmeal and chopped onions…yummy

pisto con ~ fried lean pork fillets with a scramble of chopped tomatoes & green peppers

mojete m manchego strips of roasted red peppers and diced tomatoes sprinkled with chopped garlic

~ con peras fried chopped duck with pears, bacon, almonds, onions, garlic, carrots & herbs

~ con magras fried lean pork fillets with a scramble of chopped tomatoes & green peppers

Add the chopped up pumpkin and stir well

humming gently to herself as she chopped vegetables

It had started just like any other BBQ, the girls had chopped and readied the

Once all the chopped up body parts, were collected from the flat, only blood remained

I just wanted you to know that his sole heir is a 17 year-old girl who was kidnapped in Russia and had a finger chopped off

The climax of the affair (so to speak) for the chicken was reached when its head got chopped off

When done, add some chopped parsley and thicken with chestnut flour or fine wholemeal

Pile the macaroni in the middle of a rather deep dish, and sprinkle with chopped parsley

Sprinkle with chopped parsley, and serve

Over this put a generous layer of chopped apple

Use the recipe for Date Pudding, substituting for the dates washed chopped figs

Then the finely chopped inside sticks of a tender head of celery are very good

For those who find salads very difficult to digest, it is best to begin with French or cabbage lettuce and skinned tomatoes only, or, as an alternative, a saucer full of watercress chopped very finely, as one chops parsley

 2 to 3 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped

 1 (16-ounce) jar roasted red peppers, drained and chopped

Present at the second crime scene were the same hieroglyphic-like, blood smears, a body chopped up into a dozen pieces, a plie of clothes, neatly folded and placed away from the edge of a table, near the dismembered body, but nothing else

6 scallions, finely chopped

5 carrots (peeled and chopped)

will disappear,” he said, as she chopped the vegetables

rapidly chopped down the biggest tree

Half a cup of chopped walnuts

are normally chopped off before we are handed the babies

through the chopped up hair, finally stopped cutting

* 1 cup chopped Onions

* 1 cup coarsely chopped onions

* sun-dried tomato halves — rehydrated with water and chopped

Top with chopped

* 1/2 cup red onion, thin sliced or chopped green onion

the 1 teaspoon each of fresh herbs and the 2 chopped garlic cloves over the mozzarella

* 2 scallions, chopped

* 4 Green onions, chopped

Spread the chopped vegetables over pan and top with shredded cheese

chopped meat and pumpkin until the late night hours

His right arm was chopped off!

He chopped off the man’s left arm too

The persecutor stretched his tiny arm and chopped it off

There was a so-called «holy tree» growing there, which the pagans claimed was personally guarded by Thor! I ordered that old oak to be chopped down, and called out for Thor to strike me with one of his famous thunder-bolts, if he existed

The fire-starting guard was so intent on his work that he did not notice Halfdan running at him, until Halfdan’s sword chopped into the side of his neck

One of the veteran Sogn-men chopped his sword at its shaft, breaking it

Do not judge so that you will not be judged because with what judgment you judge you shall be judged and with what measure you give it shall be given back to you again and why look at the splinter that is in your brother’s eye but you do not consider the beam that is in your own eye? or how can you say to your brother: Let me pull out the splinter from your eye? and note a beam is in your own eye! You hypocrite! first throw out the beam from your own eye and then you shall see clearly to throw out the splinter from your brother’s eye! Do not give that which is holy to the dogs neither throw your pearls before pigs in case they trample them under their feet and turn and lacerate you; Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened for you because everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and for him who knocks it shall be opened; because what man is there of you whom if his son asks for bread will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish will give him a serpent? If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more shall your Father who is in Heaven give good things to those who ask Him? therefore everything that you would desire that men should do to you even so do it to them because this is the law and the prophets; Enter in at the straight gate because the gate that leads to destruction is wide and the way is broad and there are many who go in that way because the way which leads to life is straight and the gate is narrow and there are few who find it; Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inside they are ravaging wolves; you shall know them by their fruits; do men gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? even so every good tree produces good fruit but a corrupt tree produces evil fruit; A good tree cannot produces evil fruit neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit; every tree which does not produce good fruit is chopped down and thrown into the fire therefore by their fruits you shall know them; Not everyone who says to Me: Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven; Many will say to Me in that day: Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name and in your name have expelled demons and in your name have done many wonderful works? and I then will proclaim to them: I never knew you; depart from Me you who do works of evil; therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock and where the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it did not fall because it was established on a rock; and everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them shall be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand; and when the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house and it collapsed the fall of it was great

for Stephen had completely ruined it! She had chopped wildly with her axe at all the machinery she could see, and now the boat could not possibly be started! It was damaged beyond any repair the men could make with the few tools they had

He gives a wink, makes a chopping motion against his neck with the side of his hand

you were chopping it up

The wind was sharpening now so I shoved my hands into my pockets and quickened my pace, darting about and skimming round the corners and making good headway till I turned a corner and almost ran into a large woman chopping wood right in my path

She was just chopping up the potatoes when she heard the sound of the men coming into the building

littered the workspace, and chopping boards were stacked

“Yes, I understand, money is nice,” Matt said, “However the Nevermore Forest holds important cultural significance to the villagers of Trouble Valley, and they are against you chopping down all the trees

together they began chopping at the soft earth

And chopping wood is an extremely rough task

He repeated the blow, again and again, chopping through the barricade of boards one by one

Chopping it down only to face it once more, its form restored by the dark power filling the armor with the semblance of life

He raised his hand above his head and brought it chopping down

Next, Peiton’s steward testified that the axe was used in their household for chopping

chopping heads, he was the tenant farmer of this field

To her amazement the Guild Master produced a second weapon, a large dagger, and used the dual blades to dispatch with the nearest bug’s head, chopping it at the middle of the long neck

“I use the axe for chopping down trees

“I found a spot of cover and I could hear our lads shouting for wire cutters and warning others to watch out for the mines just at the water’s edge near the wire and then those fucking machine guns started up hammering away and chopping our lads to pieces

Chopping of heads and the electric chair was never used, that being rather barbaric if you ask me

his partner, who was chopping potatoes in a pan on the stove

Guard — The crossed top of the sword’s hilt which keeps the enemy’s sword from sliding down and chopping off the wielder’s fingers

Finally the thing made a chopping motion with a tentacle, and the view was cut

Think of it as chopping my own arms off trying to avoid a disease spreading to my heart and killing me, okay? Now, in that processing I seem to have irreversibly placed as much of my conscience and intelligent functions in this scrap of metal, the avatar, the Prosops

When the monsters were too tightly held, soldiers raised their swords and arrows and they attacked the creatures chopping them one by one

The monster was about to kill the king until Iso threw her sword to its neck chopping it off and saving his life

Wind is blowing in all directions from the blades chopping like a high-speed fan

away to start chopping trees

I remember being chased around the kitchen by a Chinese chef with a chopping knife when I made a comment about the way he was storing food

We ate our ice creams on the beach at Mount Edgecumbe, its sunny green fields behind us, the chopping blue water of the Tamar in front

When Halfdan awoke near the chilly mountain-top, the two women from Starheim were already awake; Siv chopping up some freshly-gathered plants with her belt-knife, Yngvild piling twigs for a camp-fire

But it hit his left hand, chopping off most of the smallest finger

And then a flurry of other words and thoughts chopping, pecking at his blood

Haki swung his ax back over his head, killing a foe behind him, then swung it forward, chopping through the helmet and skull and jaw of another foe, scattering teeth all around

think about it, is as violent as cleaning a trail, or chopping some

them up behind me, I began chopping and thrashing the bushes

to chopping the hands off their corpses

With clean fire-pots, a knife and even a chopping board it would make her meal that much easier to prepare

They were all on the chopping block now

“I want to hear more chopping,” Papa barked as he got in the family car

One by one the tree creature began to bellow its way through the crowd of fighters, who were chopping at the roots of the tree creature

Monique was chopping onions

He looked at where the shop was, but he could not see it amongst all the coffee bean stores and chopping board shops

put the box on the chopping board

I’ve heard she thinks nothing of chopping the balls off anyone who gives her backchat,” said Terry, “And I don’t get the impression she loves you

`What? Chopping off your mother’s head?’

She remembered passing a small clearing in the bushes where someone had been chopping logs for firewood…perhaps there was an axe there, or at least a useable length of log

A heavy chopping crunch sounded behind the leaves

He’d been bitten at the wrist and only his quick act of chopping off his arm had saved him

Below was Joe chopping away at the tree

wasn’t even doing it properly, not that I was an expert in tree chopping

“I’m chopping the

Stop!” I pleaded but Joe just kept on chopping

Spending more then ever on this ridiculous lifestyle, legal bills, the rip off and the drop in profit saw me and Bridget chopping through the cash much faster then it was coming in

from this side, as he is sure that somebody is chopping away from the other side

Rani was chopping onions briskly, without a tear, Bilo was kneading the dough on the opposite end

Rani finished chopping and carefully added the finely chopped pieces to the heated ghee, the onions began to sizzle

He started mixing the three main ingredients of the cake, and then started chopping the strawberries and the chocolate

The woman blocked the man’s overhead down chopping hand with her forearm, and she crouched and came up with an uppercut in his stomach

mutilation or chopping off of the breasts and ‘tormenting the

A few women were there with machetes chopping the wild vines that entangled themselves in the spaces of the fence

move and what she was going to say to you while she was chopping

Someone was chopping wood, he hoped there was more than one person; it would make it easier to do what he needed to do

I was intent on chopping off this loose end at all

I should have chopped the celery thinner and ground the walnuts rather than chopping them

The days of seeking to bloat your area in advance of the cuts and still remain fat when they’re done chopping, are over

����������� �True, Colonel, but I doubt that your prisoners would appreciate using the cells in the Beauchamp Tower, or trying the chopping block

’ Jori sniggered, chopping the coke on a

They went as far as chopping down Japanese cherry trees and even slaughtered Japanese deer in New York Central Park

He knew that he was putting his neck on the chopping block with this move, but he had no choice

She followed with a chopping blow with the edge of her right hand to his throat, making the man gurgle and search for air

note that it can be extremely time consuming trying to prepare food with all the chopping

Someone had to be pretty low to go chopping down an innocent tree just to get the residents of Lone Tree to stand up and pay attention

Jenny, being the only one of the squad with a pole arm, ended up going with the wood-cutting party, chopping off the branches of the cut trees with her nagemaki before the trunks could be brought to the trench being dug

Her next move was a vertical chopping swing with her nagemaki that cut off the tips of two lances that were about to impale two of her comrade archers

who Vinny ended up chopping to pieces with a chain

chopping up Peter to smithereens with a chain saw

» Said a man’s voice above the chopping

he pulled it out of his pocket he could hear chopping sounds

GIA specifically for the purpose of chopping off heads:

Asia stopped chopping carrots long enough to turn and look at me

“Father said he’d kill us all if we do,” Bjorn pointed out, a little guiltily as he had been the one responsible for chopping his other two siblings into pieces

The mercenary stepped backwards to avoid it, but Hvitserk was on him immediately, sword chopping the air this way and that, Sigurd close behind as always

They were on him, chopping and hacking away, as he fought desperately to stay on his feet

The hunchback answered his question on her behalf, chopping his staff into

it coming, maybe we can avoid the chopping block

Some are destined for the sword, some for the chopping block, but

I felt like I was chopping at a concrete wall

Prepare the Swiss chard: After trimming off al the stems, washing and chopping, wilt the

“Wille,” I said, “leave off chopping down the tree before he’s had a chance to provide shade

I thought it had been chopping wood

“How? Wooden stakes? Chopping off their heads? And what does that have to do with not holding my hand or kissing me?”

Ivar was busy chopping firewood

Frightened by the affect this man had on him Ben felt his hand silently slip under the counter, his fingers gently gripping the blade of a chopping knife

“Be careful what you do to her, for your heads will soon be on my chopping block,” Soren said

So he peeled and chopped a variety of fresh and canned vegetables on the chopping board that fitted the drainer on his sink and added Quorn

cook could be heard chopping vegetables in the kitchen

evening, and as I got home and started chopping and storing and otherwise immersing

His business has no law but an evil law and no conscience such as chopping down trees without planting again

the cutting and chopping and prepping it takes to

standing at the kitchen counter, sharp knife in hand: chopping, dicing, cutting

chopping and dicing and cutting, I was reminded that starting with great ingredients at the

There’s thirty-six red bandits back there just licking their alien chops

(chops off a lock of her hair

The dog looked at her oddly and licked his chops, sniffing at her

I smacked my chops which tasted as though a cat had shit in them so I took a swig of tea which was hot sweet and strong and the best drink I had ever tasted

There was no one in the kitchen so I made my own tea there were a couple of pork chops in the larder and I had these with a couple of eggs and may I say it was very tasty

“There are a couple of chops in the oven they should be right in about ten minutes then there are some spuds ready for mashing that pan there peas in the other one and gravy on the back burner simmering

with big eyes, and licked her chops

At the end of the third day, with Tony’s athleticism, he was earning his chops as a surfer with Jose’s encouragement

“We was in a tavern called the Sea Dog—ever hear of it?—enjoying a few ales and mutton chops

I started swinging karate chops and ninja kicks violently into thin air

«I wish I had the guts to pop that bull right in the chops

I looked back behind me, stopped dead in my tracks, and inadvertently squealed like a pig, “Bruiser!” I swear my voice had never reached that high of an octave before and of course he busted my chops about it

Dan suddenly yelled, “Work it work it!” He saw Miguel walking towards these two hot chicks and of course, Dan had to bust his chops about it

“Really,” I said in a high pitched, red embarrassment of a screech, that started him laughing again – and I knew I had been busted; my chops had been busted by the master

Donnie Blacklung leaned over to me and asked with a big smile, “Hey Phil did you bring your asthma inhaler with you to school today?” I could tell by his tone that he was more or less busting my chops, but I didn’t care

In addition, for a change, he asked me about Bobs cancer, instead of busting my chops about Salsa dancing

Glenda recounted a few stories from UCSD that brought back fond memories, even though I knew Kelly would bust my chops over some of her recollections

Prime steaks and chops from the grill

For those who find salads very difficult to digest, it is best to begin with French or cabbage lettuce and skinned tomatoes only, or, as an alternative, a saucer full of watercress chopped very finely, as one chops parsley

As a butcher is shooing a dog from his shop, he sees $10 and a note in his mouth, reading: «10 lamb chops, please

Amazed, he takes the money, puts a bag of chops in the dog’s mouth, and quickly closes the shop

were pork chops and tuna salad (two days in a row of

I licked my chops

sand in his chops, she would say, “Oh, Joe, don’t let him do that!

She laughed at my daintiness, as she put it, but I figured to watch her devour a few basilisk chops and steaks before digging-in myself

At that point Mr Miyagi attacks Daniel son with a series of chops and punches to different parts of the body

“Not an empty seat in the house! The sky’s the limit with this kid!” he said licking his chops

genealogy chops to the ultimate test regarding these families and was pretty proud of my

The aroma of baked chicken, ham, turkey, apple pies, buttered corn and breaded pork chops filled the house

He lived a short but full dog’s life, full of chicken and chops and steak, the choicest cuts my mother cooked

sock puppets, Lamb Chops and Charlie Horse that Sherry Lewis

We ate lamb chops, marinated in garlic and thyme with puffed potatoes and crispy steamed green beans

possesses the chops to keep a roomful of engineers in stitches

” Miles Davis heard him rehearsing and said to Brown, jokingly, “Clifford, I hope you break your chops

Frank Sinatra mentioned that he had “The classiest singing and silkiest chops in the singing game,” and Rawls sure showed it on At Last

Remove chops and orange slices to a small dish

Over dinner, which consisted of soft-boiled goose eggs and spring lamb chops and pheasant, they nodded in the general direction of fugly patrons and even spat out a little wine while chortling over something someone at a neighboring table had said about fracking and how it is safe

As she pulled the pan-roasted veal chops from the oven, the sash came undone and I knew this dinner would be like none I had experienced

Of course I could have chosen the pork chops, or meatloaf, but then I would have lost the

‘Hey! There’s still chops

that chops up the world, separates us from each other, and separates us

It’s Annie, she just has the verbal chops to turn us to

Cave-troll George appeared, a big silly grin on his chops

the ethical chops to recommend

“This sack of wrinkly flab is going to smack you in the chops if you’re not

They couldn’t spot talent if it came up and slapped them in the chops

chops and a contented Coxswain who fussed about unpacking and storing the

Mary finished their shopping – pork chops and a pound of Will’s homemade sausages, and a couple of ham bones for the dogs – and there was the boy, outside, looking at the dogs in the car

My throat gurgled and expelled a hint of pork chops as I lay in bed in nothing but a pair of white boxers and my glasses

Rhone took a few warm-up chops at the mists over the

He licked his brown chops and jerked a hunting

Isobel turned off the television, filled the bathtub with water just in case it stopped running, cooked some pork chops and drowned out the horrible cacophony with her mp3 player

I’ve pulled it together,” I said in between chops

They’re talking about food… and she’s thinking about lamb chops

Needle Wheel Skimmers: These use a spoked wheel that spins and chops up the incoming water

Robert Kat the bobcat corroborated what Harry said, licking his chops, staring hungrily at the rabbit

diet of fish & chips and BBQ chops with over steamed vegies

Ben left without him, and came back half an hour later with grilled goat chops for everyone

Everybody had ordered a traditional feta salad as a starter, and grilled goat chops and courgettes for the main meal

I glad Medusa Bar is gone” replied Peter without bitterness since the goat chops were delicious

More orders came in, mostly steaks and lamb chops

Melchizidek licked his chops

He was proud when he set down a plate with pork chops and steaming au gratin potatoes

Just as a forester chops a V-shaped wedge into the base of a tree to direct its fall, the blast from the explosion tore a deep gash into the base of the Monument, leaving only the far wall on the side farthest from the explosion site to support the 90,000 tons of the tower

«He told me: ‘What do you think of a Lord Mayor of Dublin sending out for a pound of chops for his dinner? How’s that for high living?’ says he

Lady Slumrent is very fond of her pretty pets and she does not allow them to be fed on anything but the very best food; they gets chicken, rump steak, mutton chops, rice pudding, jelly and custard

were taking tea and sodabread and butter and fried mutton chops with catsup and talking about

as far only for the bones I hate those eels cod yes Ill get a nice piece of cod Im always getting enough for 3 forgetting anyway Im sick of that everlasting butchers meat from Buckleys loin chops and leg beef and rib steak and scrag of mutton and calfs pluck the very name is enough or a picnic suppose we all gave 5/- each and or let him pay it and invite some other woman for him who Mrs Fleming and drove out to the furry glen or the strawberry beds wed have him examining all the horses toenails first like he does with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with some cold veal and ham mixed sandwiches there are little houses down at the bottom of the banks there on purpose but its as hot as blazes he says not a bank holiday anyhow I hate those ruck of Mary Ann coalboxes out for the day Whit Monday is a cursed day too no wonder that bee bit him better the seaside but Id never again in this life get into a boat with him after him at Bray telling the boatman he knew how to row if anyone asked could he ride the steeplechase for the gold cup hed say yes then it came on to get rough the old thing crookeding about and the weight all down my side telling me pull the right reins now pull the left and the tide all swamping in floods in through the bottom and his oar slipping out of the stirrup its a mercy we werent all drowned he can swim of course me no theres no danger whatsoever keep yourself calm in his flannel trousers Id like to have tattered them down off him before all the people and give him what that one calls flagellate till he was black and blue do him all the good in the world only for that longnosed chap I dont know who he is with that other beauty Burke out of the City Arms hotel was there spying around as usual on the slip always where he wasnt wanted if there was a row on youd vomit a better face there was no love lost between us thats 1 consolation I wonder what kind is that book he brought me Sweets of Sin by a gentleman of fashion some other Mr de Kock I suppose the people gave him that nickname going about with his tube from one woman to another I couldnt even change my new white shoes all ruined with the saltwater and the hat I had with that feather all blowy and tossed on me how annoying and provoking because the smell of the sea excited me of course the sardines and the bream in Catalan bay round the back of the rock they were fine all silver in the fishermens baskets old Luigi near a hundred they said came from Genoa and the tall old chap with the earrings I dont like a man you have to climb up to to get at I suppose theyre all dead and rotten long ago besides I dont like being alone in this big barracks of a place at night I suppose Ill have to put up with it I never brought a bit of salt in even when we moved in the confusion musical academy he was going to make on the first floor drawingroom with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and ruin himself altogether the way his father did down in Ennis like all the things he told father he was going to do and me but I saw through him telling me all the lovely places we could go for the honeymoon Venice by moonlight with the gondolas and the lake of Como he had a picture cut out of some paper of and mandolines and lanterns O how nice I said whatever I liked he was going to do immediately if not sooner will you be my man will you carry my can he ought to get a leather medal with a putty rim for all the plans he invents then leaving us here all day youd never know what old beggar at the door for a crust with his long story might be a tramp and put his foot in the way to prevent me shutting it like that picture of that hardened criminal he was called in Lloyds Weekly news 20 years in jail then he comes out and murders an old woman for

The crew chops through the icebergs that have trapped their submarine; it cruises north along the coast of South America, past the mouth of the Amazon, only to be chased by giant squid in the Atlantic

Rick thought about how, three months ago, he had been home in his very sweet house on Sherman Canal, drinking a Coors and eating pork chops in front of the TV, his plate on his lap, his feet up on the hatch cover he’d made into a coffee table

Rick sat, feeling the scalding rush of blood through his veins and the fury pushing against the inside of his skull; hearing Bambino’s harsh growl, the jangle of his paws against the fence, his teeth gnashing; seeing the drool flying off his chops

So I skipped all the forensic bullshit and went straight for the big question: who had the chops to pull this off? That question was our best hope

I sat in the sun on a bench; the animal within me licking the chops of memory; the spiritual side a little drowsed, promising subsequent penitence, but not yet moved to begin

Once they were settled as comfortably as possible, he raised the double-glass once more, gazing at his intended target and licking his mental chops

Their hackles smoothed, and although they nervously licked their chops, they no longer bared their fearsome teeth

I warn you, I don’t have the chops anymore for up-tempo stuff

From a technical perspective, prices move sideways in a trading range bounded by rough areas of support and resistance, an intermediate-term moving average is flat, and price chops back and forth on both sides of that moving average

We might expect that most support/resistance trades will take place in accumulation or distribution areas while the market chops sideways, but a trader trading with-trend trades could initiate those trades by buying support in the trend

As the market chops sideways in the ensuing range, there are no outsized profits, and aggressive traders may even find themselves taking multiple small losses as they continue to try to position for the major trend change that never comes

For example, we actively try to avoid having positions within those areas until they are set to break out, and even catching the exact end of the trending period may result in meager profits as the market simply chops sideways

Range days are days when the market flops and chops and moves up and down within something resembling a range

She’d eat nought but Mutton Chops, fresh Oysters, and fresh Goat’s Milk, she said, and she demanded that a Cook be hir’d to please her Palate

’Twould not be long before the Creditors came knocking at our Door (e’en now, I thought Susannah was ordering Mutton Chops we could ill afford to pay for, and Dr

) Soon after, a gaggle of other traders were celebrating similar chops in NKE

With the right trading system, I will have more chops, and as long as I am making the right trades, I should make money in the long run

Hugo had also gotten one of the biggest chops in the history of the family, but that was another story

There was an excited whisper in the hall as Maestro Dubrowsky came onto the stage in his tux, with his long mane and mutton chops

Then we all sat down to a dinner of lamb chops and green beans almondine, finishing the meal with a mousse au chocolat

Harry gave me a withering look, but I knew he was just busting my chops

Then she ran in and smacked him in the chops

It reminded him of his not so dear but very much departed mother, Miriam—the way she used to leave a frozen tray of pork chops or a flank steak on the counter in the morning so it would be ready to cook up for dinner that night

Nana called us all in to eat pan-fried pork chops and kale stir-fried with garlic and sea salt

Alex’s entire clan was in there munching on fried pork chops

Thirty years! At the end of which time you stroll by God’s guillotine! He chops off your crazed old eagle’s head and plants it on a sunburned, forever golden, young man’s body! What a price I have paid, but worth it

Her breath came in chops

But occasionally there would be favorable comments about her acting chops, and her films would also get a thumbs-up

In the picture you have to be you will see Franklin Chop with his dog.


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На картинке вы должны быть вы увидите Франклина Чоп со своей собакой.


Chop the bread into small pieces

and toast on low heat in the oven.


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Хлеб нарезать небольшими кусочками и подсушить в духовке.


Like if I have a pork chop, she has a pork chop.

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Если у меня на тарелке свинная отбивная, то и у нее тоже.

Uh, for dinner, something simple— a veal chop, some scampi, whatever you like.

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Хм, на обед- что-нибудь простенькое: отбивная из телятины, креветки с чесночным соусом, на твой выбор.

Chop the chicken and cut the cucumber into strips into the bowl.


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В миску нарезать курицу и соломкой нарезать огурец.


Finely chop(or squeeze) garlic in fried dish,

add the pitted prunes and salt.


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Мелко порубите( или выдавите) в зажарку чеснок,

добавьте чернослив без косточек и посолите.


Pork Chop, who’s been to the King’s Inn Motel since yesterday?

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Свиная Отбивная, кто бывал в мотеле Кингс Инн со вчерашнего дня?

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Chop or finely slice the big onions

and cut celery into small slices.


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Нарезать мелко нарезать или большой лук и нарезать сельдерей на небольшие кусочки.


You can chop small amounts of hard ingredients such as Parmesan

and chocolate.


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Можно измельчать небольшие порции таких твердых ингредиентов, как сыр пармезан

или шоколад.


The veal chop, the snails.

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Finely chop the leek and garlic and soften in the butter.


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Мелко порубите лук- порей и чеснок и слегка подрумяньте их в сливочном масле.


Wash and chop the liver, cleaning it from any shred of skin or internal gristle.


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Вымыть и нарезать печень, очистки ее от любой клочок кожи или внутренних хрящей.


In this game you have to chop fruits and vegetables for pizza.


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В этой игре вам предстоит измельчать фрукты и овощи для пиццы.


My lamb chop fell on the floor, but they brought me another one.

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Моя баранья отбивная упала на пол, но мне принесли другую.

The Commodore 64

version was released in the U.S. under the title Chop N’ Drop.

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Версия для Commodore 64

версии была выпущена в США под названием Chop N’ Drop.

Peel the onion, chop into small cubes and fry until golden brown.


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Луковицу почистить, нарезать мелкими кубиками и поджарить на масле до золотистого цвета.


The chopping knife will pull in the material and chop it.


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Измельчающий нож будет втягивать материал и измельчать его.


There, pork chop, breakfast for you.

Add the cut oil and chop everything in a crumb.


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Добавьте нарезанное масло и порубите все в крошку.


He appeared in the 2003 documentary Chop Socky: Cinema Hong Kong at the age of 90.

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В возрасте 90 лет он появился в документальном фильме« Chop Socky: Cinema Hong Kong».

Unchop Recreates a file previously split with chop.

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Unchop Воссоздает файлы, разделенные ранее с помощью chop.

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He’s gonna chop my head of.

Chicken Chop in Cheese Soufflé.


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All you gotta do is find Cordelia and chop her head off.

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Нужно только- найти Корделию и отрубить ей голову.

Cabbage(4 kg) chop, to grate carrots 3 units.


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Капусту( 4 кг) нашинковать, натереть на крупной терке морковь 3 шт.


That’s right, if you are starving, a pork chop will save your life!

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Все верно, если ты голоден, свиная отбивная спасет твою жизнь!

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Chop the dill and add it to the celery.


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Шинкуем укроп и добавляем его к сельдерею.


  • Use the word Chop in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I know that sometimes you have to chop someone’s head off!

«My, this is a heavy lamb chop«, said the Little fellow.

«Shall we gnaw a chop at the club tonight?»

Be a good girl. Maybe he’ll buy you some chop suey.

How about that chop suey place we was at the other night?

Let’s get a bowl of chop suey, and we’ll rewrite the show.

Well, you can get most anything out of a bowl of chop suey.

In America at this hour I suppose it would mean chop suey.

Give me chop suey every time.

After we put the paper to bed at night, we used to stop in at a little place on the corner for chop suey and, uh—

I suppose living in Paris makes up for not having a bowl of chop suey.

It’s not the chop suey you miss.

And when at last I’m led off to have them chop my head off, I tell the executioner this:

If you’ll wait until I have finished writing, I’ll help you chop the carrots.

We all ought to celebrate. Let’s get some chop suey.

Are you still putting rats in chop suey? [BOTH LAUGH]


Adam, you┬┤ll go over there and Petro will chop the bark off.

They even put it on chop suey.

What’s this pork chop ├á la Pompadour?

Ah, it is a chop, signore, with a very fine crème sauce, potatoes, asparagus, stuffed tomato, and other fresh vegetables.

You order what you like, but I want a pork chop.

Eat two time chop suey… free!

I’II buy you some chop suey afterwards.

You can chop your way right through.

-It looks like a bit of a chop come in, sir.

I own the building. There was a Chinaman tried to run a chop suey joint there and they shot him.

The Golden Horse chop House. No. Why?

Yeah, where the chop suey joint used to be. Well, of course he’s not going to do anything of the sort.

The…the restaurant. The chop-suey joint you were going to open. Well, of course, that’s out of the question now.

‘Cause we’re gonna chop up your boat, mister.

And if everything that I’ve told you about out here ain’t in there just like I told ya… then you can come out and chop it down.

chop up the decks here! chop everything that burns!

Get an ax! Get an ax and chop that old scow loose!

You haven’t called chop Suey in on the case, have you, Chief?

You’re all right, just like chop suey- a mystery but a swell dish.

And. Swan. I’ll show you what we do to a tree after you chop it down.

No, maybe you’re right. If you’d married me, you wouldn’t be working in a chop-suey joint like this.

How about going upstairs and having some chop suey, huh?

Mary and I are gonna have some chop suey upstairs.

You like chop suey, don’t you?

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  • The word chocolate written in chocolate
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