The word changeable in a sentence

Definition of Changeable

easy to be changed or replaced

Examples of Changeable in a sentence

The traveler bought a changeable ticket that could be swapped for a different date if needed.


Because she bought a cellphone with changeable cases, the fashionista was able to match her phone’s cover to her outfit.


This week’s weather patterns seemed unusually changeable, with it raining one second and sunny the next.


The air conditioning system has changeable filters that must be swapped out when they get too dirty.


Since my appointment is changeable, I can easily reschedule it for next week.


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Asked by: Weldon Schimmel

Score: 4.7/5
(15 votes)

Changeable sentence example. Its situation near the high cordillera gives it a cold, changeable climate. The climate is rather changeable , and rapid falls of temperature are not uncommon. The climate is changeable and trying; in summer it is intensely hot, in winter very cold.

How do you use switch in a sentence?

«Please turn on the light switch.» «She made a sudden switch with the costumes.» «He made a big switch in careers.» «They made a complete switch to another cable company.»

What does changeable behavior mean?

Changeable behavior. adjective. 1. Varying in color or appearance when seen from different angles.

What does chargeability mean?

adj. 1. Suitable to be charged, as to an account: chargeable expenses. 2. Liable to be accused or indicted.

What does changeability mean?

: capable of change: such as. a : able or apt to vary changeable weather. b : subject to change : alterable changeable plans. c : fickle a person changeable in his moods.

45 related questions found

What is a switch person?

SWITCH means «Both Dominant and Submissive» (Sexual Role Play).

What means sitch?

Sitch, short for situation, requires a bit of a double-take when you encounter it in print because it involves an alteration of the spelling of the original word. … Instead it gets spelled to resemble a more familiar word that ends in the voiceless velar fricative, such as witch.

What is a switch on a cow?

3 : a tuft of long hairs at the end of the tail of an animal (such as a cow) — see cow illustration. 4 : a device made usually of two movable rails and necessary connections and designed to turn a locomotive or train from one track to another.

What is a switch tail?

noun A method of switching trains at terminal stations.

What is switch trimming?

Switch trimming is the best management practice a farmer can utilize to transition away from tail docking. On an individual farm basis, as with all farm practices, you should evaluate the timing and method of the procedure to ensure it meets your farm’s individual needs.

How do you dock a cow’s tail?

Tail docking in the United States is typically done to heifers pre-or post-calving, though it can be done as early as day one in the newborn calf. 3 The procedure can be done by the use of the elastrator band system (most common), the use of emasculators, or by surgical excision.

What is a Possie?

possie in British English

or pozzy (ˈpɒzɪ ) noun. Australian and New Zealand informal. a place; position.

What is the definition of scummy?

scummy. / (ˈskʌmɪ) / adjective -mier or —miest. of, resembling, consisting of, or covered with scum. dirty, unpleasant, or nasty.

Whats your situation meaning?

You use situation to refer generally to what is happening in a particular place at a particular time, or to refer to what is happening to you.

How do you tell if a guy is a dom?

11 Signs of a Dominant Man

  1. He exhibits self-control and self-discipline. …
  2. He knows (and uses) the power of body language. …
  3. He knows he’s a work in progress, and he does the work. …
  4. He doesn’t waste time or energy complaining. …
  5. He knows what he wants. …
  6. He’s patient but relentless. …
  7. He leads by example. …
  8. He takes risks.

What is called switch?

A switch is a device in a computer network that connects other devices together. Multiple data cables are plugged into a switch to enable communication between different networked devices. … Switches may also operate at higher layers of the OSI model, including the network layer and above.

What is a vanilla in bed?

Vanilla sex refers to conventional sex that conforms to the very basic expectations with a culture. … Fear of standing out: The idea of «vanilla» suggests a plain flavor—nothing that is «too different» or «stands out.» What is so frightening about standing out?

What does douchebag mean in slang?

1 usually douche bag : a bag used for giving douches a rubber douche bag. 2 chiefly US slang : an obnoxious, offensive, or disgusting person In America even scummy douchebags like you should be able to catch a cold.— Stephen King.

What is the meaning of despicable person?

adjective. deserving to be despised, or regarded with distaste, disgust, or disdain; contemptible: He was a mean, despicable man, who treated his wife and children badly.

Is a posy a flower?

Also called nosegays or tussie-mussies, posies are small bouquets of flowers that have been popular since medieval times. In the Victorian era, posies were created with very specific flowers that, according to the Victorian language of flowers, had specials meanings and were given to people to convey messages.

What type of word is possessed?

adjective. spurred or moved by a strong feeling, madness, or a supernatural power (often followed by by, of, or with): The army fought as if possessed. The village believed her to be possessed of the devil. self-possessed; poised.

Why do they cut off cow tails?

Farmers suggest that the practice of tail docking reduces the transmission of diseases carried by cows, such as Leptospirosis, to workers. … Importantly, docking is also thought to improve cow cleanliness and udder health and hygiene, thereby decreasing somatic cell count (SCC) and the risk of mastitis.

What causes a cow’s tail to fall off?

Infected grains fed to animals, as in this case, can present problems for animals being fed, while pasture grasses that have headed out can cause problems for grazing animals. Ergot’s connection with tail loss is that it contains toxic alkaloids that constrict blood vessels in the animals’ extremities (e.g. the tail).

Does tail docking reduce mastitis?

Routine tail docking of up to two-thirds of the cow’s tail at 12-18 months old, was adopted by some dairy farmers mainly for the benefit of the milker but also in the belief that tail docking reduces the risk of mastitis, improves milk quality, leaves udders cleaner and reduces fly numbers.

The furniture itself was changeable, but usually plush, overstuffed, leather and caught you wherever you threw yourself

He sheathed it and stood upon the boulders, snarling at the ever changeable waters and then at the struggling sun

How long that this excess flooding process went on isn’t as important as the changeable weather patterns that would have inevitably accompanied it

It is the things that are changeable which seem to require adaptations of these tried-and-true prescriptions that have given rise to the saying, that “the devil is in the details!”

It seeks to adjust to new information and therefore its propositions are changeable, but as indicated in a following set of paragraphs: “Still, because of the uncertainty within these testings, it [science] offers no firm ground to build a system of belief upon, to explain those verities that seem not to have changed over the ages, as well as the questions that still have no apparent answers

It is only when you are satiated with the changeable and

M: Only the changeable can be thought of and talked about

realized, it will deeply affect the changeable, itself remaining

site to the changeable?

It was true he was all smiles now, and was promising to buy them new shrimping-nets, and a raft for themselves— but he was such a changeable person

Blast his father’s blood-he is too changeable, too unpredictable

They lay within the Rays of Hope as countermeasures to each past locked into place by consciousness yet changeable upon review

His wife’s moods had been as changeable as the weather of late, and her tongue as cutting as the worst winter winds

How am I to know what role God had ordained for Suresh in his latter-day life? After all, he is so young and thus changeable

Let me ask you who heard John preach before Herod put him in prison: What did you behold in John — a reed shaken with the wind? A man of changeable moods and clothed in soft raiment? As a rule they who are gorgeously appareled and who live delicately are in kings’ courts and in the mansions of the rich

We forget that the manager acquires his powers through a constant relation with his interlocutors and in relation to this dynamic, quick and changeable relationship, he must continuously adapt his attitude

In family and domestic matters Aquarians can have a tendency to be too non-conformist, changeable and unstable

consistent and unchanging core self, to be changeable is to be psychologically unstable

I updated the program weekly with paper costs, labour costs – any changeable data, and I could then tell you in a few seconds which process was most economical for any given job

a temporary and changeable state

Kan tends to be variable in its thinking – not so much indecisive as mutable; changeable; fickle; it is also rather short-tempered and impatient

The black vinyl sign, which was glass-encased and displaying white changeable letters outside of Transfiguration Roman Catholic Church, announced its information in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English

Strictly keeping out all allurements that tempt the changeable and rest-

These properties are changeable

The world-tree does not have a firm existence because it is changeable

that are mutable, or changeable, how can the clothing that but covers

And I don’t know that it is not a nicer sort of soul to have inside one’s plodding body than an unwieldy, overgrown thing, chiefly water and air and lightly changeable stuff, so unsubstantial that it flops—forgive the word, but it does flop—on to other souls in search of sympathy and support and comfort and all the rest of the things washer-women waste no time looking for, because they know they wouldn’t find them

Of course, “you yourself” don’t (that is, your Self-Consciousness that precisely records your changeable psychic states doesn’t) move anywhere to get to that new point

They have changeable blades and as long as you do not hit any nails with them, they will stay sharp awhile

the man that knows what he wants, and not as one that is as changeable as the weather

as changeable as the weather

� If this person chooses to come to a balance with this injury, that person will go on and live life fully, leg or no leg: unfair and unchangeable on one level, and changeable in result on another

Furthermore, future frame sets are highly fluid and changeable; thereby the future is not static, and

Borders of thin bodies are rather amorphous and changeable

On one occasion she bade me go and challenge the famous giantess of Seville, La Giralda by name, who is as mighty and strong as if made of brass, and though never stirring from one spot, is the most restless and changeable woman in the world

He was changeable, and intense and cruel

What is the age of the soul of man? As she hath the virtue of the chameleon to change her hue at every new approach, to be gay with the merry and mournful with the downcast, so too is her age changeable as her mood

It was a lovely starlight night—they had just reached the top of the hill Villejuif, from whence Paris appears like a sombre sea tossing its millions of phosphoric waves into light—waves indeed more noisy, more passionate, more changeable, more furious, more greedy, than those of the tempestuous ocean,—waves which never rest as those of the sea sometimes do,—waves ever dashing, ever foaming, ever ingulfing what falls within their grasp

And yet again Ents are more like Men, more changeable than Elves are, and quicker at taking the colour of the outside, you might say

The world having become more changeable, this precept might be modestly updated, to wit: the more volatile a firm’s earnings, the more cautious one should be in estimating its future and the further back into its past one should look

Christine had shown herself to be a very changeable person over the years, including the way she fought for custody so hard and then gave it up just as quickly

Thus, current study provides rather strong reasons to state that the call-to-put ratio, changeable depending on market conditions, represents an automatic (that is, launching automatically during a crisis) regulator of the option portfolio risk

Like the rest of our waters, when much agitated, in clear weather, so that the surface of the waves may reflect the sky at the right angle, or because there is more light mixed with it, it appears at a little distance of a darker blue than the sky itself; and at such a time, being on its surface, and looking with divided vision, so as to see the reflection, I have discerned a matchless and indescribable light blue, such as watered or changeable silks and sword blades suggest, more cerulean than the sky itself, alternating with the original dark green on the opposite sides of the waves, which last appeared but muddy in comparison

While I lived with her I was only charmed with her while she was pretty, then I began to be moody and changeable

She was six years older than her brother and would have been extremely like him had it not been for the dull and coarsely changeable expression (common to all deaf and dumb people) of her face

The best scheme of temperament for the changeable scale, on supposition that all the concords were of equally frequent occurrence, is investigated in Prop

To determine that system of temperaments for the concords of the changeable scale, which will render it, including every consideration, the most harmonious possible

The harmony of the IIIds and 3ds in any of the foregoing systems for the changeable scale is so much finer than it can possibly be in the common Douzeave, that it seems highly desirable that this scale should be introduced into general use

It deserves an experiment, among the makers of imperfect instruments, whether a changeable scale cannot be rendered practicable, at least on the piano forte,[26] without increasing the number of strings, and at the same time allowing both the unisons to be used together—either by an apparatus for slightly increasing the tension of the strings, or by one which shall intercept the vibrations of such a part of the string, at its extremity, as shall elevate its tone, by the diesis of the system of temperament adopted

Were only 4 degrees to the octave, furnishing the instrument with 5 sharps and 4 flats, thus rendered changeable, there is little music which could not be correctly executed upon it

As the aggregate dissonance of the changeable scale is calculated on the same principles, in Prop

[26] A method of rendering changeable the sound of the same pipes in the organ, which had occurred to the writer, but which was not inserted above on account of the supposed difficulty of making the change sufficient in degree, he has since found to have been executed by the Rev

The child responds favorably to SI treatment, because his nervous system is pliable and changeable.


As you’d expect, on all these journeys the views are spectacular, although the weather can be very changeable.


With changeable frames, your personality shines every time.


The second Fitbit smartwatch offers many of the same features its predecessor had such as changeable straps, 100-foot-deep water resistance, and an HD touch display.


The Limited models look more state-of-the-art thanks to the chrome accents with changeable ambient lighting to suit the userâ $ ™ s taste.


After a long discussion in this «JJ Cole Broadway Stroller Review» I can conclude that this is a s = easy to use stroller with some unique features like changeable canopy colors & 360 degree reversible seat & so on, so if you want durability & a stylish stroller with good features so you can pay money for this to make your baby ride happy & smooth.


Round the clock support In today’s changeable global travel climate, it has never been more important for schools to have 24/7 expert support in the unlikely event of an emergency.


Anytime fares are refundable and changeable.


Your outfit is perfect for such a changeable weather, Tiina.


Q: Hi Dave: Please recommend some mild peppers for northern Ohio’s short summer in a very changeable climate.


It’s got a stylish design and easily changeable straps.


Though I have to say Motorola is short-changing Indian customers if it doesn’t bring in the changeable straps and bezels, which are such a hit in America.


The league and Fanatics have wisely focused on making a store that is changeable to suit current trends.


Objectively, drawing has no fixed definition and is a constantly changeable form.


Rows and columns or matrices of shape changeable nodes 12 could cooperate to change topography of a user interface.


Amazon’s application of these content ratings is changeable, inconsistent, and to some extent at the discretion of individual employees.


But for the last word on smoking and cholesterol, we turn to a 2009 study in Risk Analysis that examined five changeable risk factors for cardiovascular disease: smoking, egg yolk consumption, exercise, BMI, and diet.


We might not be totally convinced by all the electronically changeable elements, and we might prefer the standard manual transmission, but we’re happier in the new cockpit, and we gratefully welcome the new exterior design.


A few striking issues, firstly, I always thought Scudamore had a Manc thing going, it seems his patronage may be changeable.


Now, though, the situation is perilous, changeable, and recoverable — but only just.


We have never had so much to do, we have always had at least a few things that weren’t changeable that we had to work around.


Vata is dry, light, irregular, rough, mobile, cold, quick, and changeable.


On the software side, Blaze runs on the company’s proprietary OS which supports changeable watch faces, standard sync features for calls and messages and controls for music, in addition to fitness tracking features.


Shifting consumer preferences in line with health trends, competition and highly changeable input prices have combined to check growth in Australia’s snack food sector.


While Leicester and Spurs have been able to rely on the goals of Jamie Vardy and Harry Kane to drive them to the top of the table, Arsenal’s momentum has been checked by the changeable, unsustainable form of Olivier Giroud.


And suppose, further, that they postulated still other necessary beings, in a different class, not composed of material properties at all, yet nonetheless not contingent, not changeable, but beings-in-themselves, which, once existing, never ceased to exist.


His solo show at PS1 is at once so direct and so changeable that it «anthologizes» a time in residence, a career, and contemporary African American art.


The most important thing is, almost every part of bugaboo Donkey2 2018 stroller is changeable including the frames.


It also has changeable tops for cool and warm weather.


In that vast volume we see nothing to give us the idea of a changeable, passionate, vindictive God; everything we there behold impresses us with a contrary idea — that of unchangeableness and of eternal order, harmony, and goodness.


There are several things that could cause diarrhea in cats, either mild and changeable, or serious and will require medical attention.


The smartphone is reasonably priced and comes with swappable covers with matching (changeable) home screen colour.


Living in southwest Scotland, as I did as a child, you get used to the changeable and at times wild nature of the weather and the sea.


High and low pressure systems and fronts move across the state from west to east and bring with them very changeable weather patterns.


The backlit LCD allows you to see your baby’s heart rate even in low light conditions, and the probe is changeable.


Here, Smith’s sculptures present her short lyrical texts within institutional signage, the changeable letter boards that typically advertise visiting hours or church announcements.


These three philosophies are controlled by either the category of primary substance or by the notion of clear and distinct ideas, but in all cases the controlling factor is something that is not changeable.


Paint the back of a display cabinet or alcove in alternate shades of Millennial pink and soft lilac as a pretty backdrop to china, glassware and books for a contemporary look that is easily changeable.


The word «Modular» has been used in the name of the impending smartwatch because of the changeable watch case that comes along with the device.


Emerge slightly shaken by the changeable currents but with a smile that won’t leave your face for the rest of the day.


Influenced by comic books no less than by renaissance altarpieces, his so-called changeable paintings make use of sculpture bases to remove painting panels from the wall, while hinges in the multi-paneled works allow the viewer to determine the overall configuration.


The second-gen Echo is smaller and cheaper than the Echo Plus, with the option for changeable covers to help you match it to your room.


«This was due to a belief that humans just don’t make good antibodies against HIV and also because the virus is extremely changeable


Keyboards with dynamically changeable keys are useful for less represented languages, non-standard keyboard layouts such as Dvorak, or for special non-alphabetical applications such as video editing or games.


Extra colors, plus changeable wheel caps and grips now give you even more color options.


All the big features are reading related — up to 1 month battery life, very clear screen, space for lots of books, super light weight, super compact size, great reference via free 3G Internet, in-built dictionary, text to speech, changeable font sizes.


Each release of an EPUB Publication normally requires that the new version be uniquely identifiable, however, which results in the contradictory need for reliable Unique Identifiers that are changeable.


Unfortunately, I’ve made many mistakes over the years and bought furniture that was not easily changeable when my taste changed (and it has really changed).


«It was hot out there all weekend, the circuit was difficult and changeable and the setup worked for one car and not the other, but our hopes were high for the race.


This happens because Vata, which is moving and changeable by nature, mobilizes the underlying accumulated Pitta imbalances, which then rise to the surface.


Antonym: constant, immutable, unchangeable. Similar words: unchangeable, change, exchange, in exchange for, be able to, agreeable, range, angel. Meaning: [‘tʃeɪndʒəbl]  adj. 1. capable of or tending to change in form or quality or nature 2. such that alteration is possible; having a marked tendency to change 3. subject to change 4. varying in color when seen in different lights or from different angles. 

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1. The heavy rain might settle the changeable weather.

2. The weather is very changeable at the moment.

3. In the changeable life, time is the greatest thief.

4. She experienced changeable moods and panic attacks.

5. His moods are very changeable.

6. The forecast is for changeable weather.

7. The weather is very changeable.

8. The weather in Britain is notoriously changeable.

9. The weather is very changeable at this time of year.

10. I’m a changeable sort of person.

11. Everybody was, as Oliver knew himself to be, changeable.

12. It is an inherently debatable and changeable idea.

13. The British weather is very changeable.

14. Nervous, fidgety, changeable in mood, easily led.

15. These changeable areas are called intertidal zones.

16. His changeable features, his tones,( gestures and expressions seemed to defy descriptions.

17. The changeable weather that November brings can lead to foggy conditions.

18. Changeable conditions and the active nature of skiing make it essential that designs should not only look good but also be functional.

19. Our bones are as soft and changeable as those of the fetus we carried for nine months.

20. Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable. Denis Waitley 

21. If he loves her, such feelings are changeable; an impulse to match Harriet with disappointed Frank is quickly put by.

22. We have very changeable weather here, especially in the winter.

23. Changeable today market asks with be core adroitly.

24. Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.

25. With so many frontal systems so close together, we can expect the weather to be highly changeable over the next few days.

26. The daughter refused, because the wind was too cold and changeable.

27. The rules of the game are seen as fixed at any point in time by mutual agreement and changeable through mutual agreement.

28. But according to the ideal, the imam is just only because he is vulnerable and changeable.

29. First, the political demands on public enterprises lead to objectives that are confusing, changeable and often mutually at odds.

30. You love him now, but at your age feelings are changeable.

More similar words: unchangeable, change, exchange, in exchange for, be able to, agreeable, range, angel, orange, arrange, in danger, hang on, hang up, out of danger, arrangement, able, challenged, chance, table, cable, channel, unable, enable, mechanic, merchant, by chance, tableau, mechanism, reliable, suitable. 

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