The word caught in a sentence

caught — перевод на русский


I’m trying to catch some food, but something got to it before me, it looks like.

Я просто пытался поймать себе еду, но похоже что то пришло за ней до меня.

What is this? In order to catch Gim Bong Gu… You even brought calamity to me…

Я единственная пыталась поймать Ким Бон Гу а в итоге поймали меня.

«Let’s give him a fish to catch.»

Давай позволим ему поймать рыбку!

I can’t catch him.

— Я не могу поймать его.


А вы хотите поймать его?

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What are you talking about? I got a bag for you to catch.

Тебе пора ловить сумку.

Do you think you’ll catch butterflies up there?

Вы собрались ловить там бабочек?

And the right way is to fool them right back in again, like catching a rabbit that’s strayed out of its pen.

И правильнее всего — обмануть их снова. Знаете, это как ловить кролика, убегающего из вольера.

And I’d rather catch salmon in my own stream, if somebody would teach me how.

И я хочу ловить лосося в реке, если только кто-нибудь научит меня, как это делается.

We played truant one day to go and catch frogs or lizzards or something quite revolting and I fell in the water

Как-то мы пошли ловить лягушек, и я упала в воду.

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— I tried to catch you, but you were too fast.

— И исчезли не оставив шансов вас догнать.

I’ve got to catch him first!

Сначала я должен его догнать!

Well, I should have caught him.

Надо было его догнать.

I’d like to see any cop trying to catch me.

Посмотрел бы я на копа, который захочет меня догнать.

Hurry, drink her down so you can catch up.

Давайте, майор, выпивайте залпом, чтобы «догнать» нас.

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I mean, whatever floats your boat, but he’s gotta get rid of that frickin’ magic shit, because, bitch, he’ll get caught before he gets into junior high, ’cause this shit’s

Иначе, сука, схватят его ещё до средней школы. Мир жесток к таким как он.

Khmelnitsky dies immediately and I’m caught.

Хмельницкий умрет сразу и меня схватят.

You would be caught at the gate, brought to the palace and decapitated.

Тебя у городских ворот схватят, приведут во дворец и отрубят голову.

If they should catch me, I… I’d be deported.

Если меня схватят, то депортируют.

I knew they would catch him! I knew it!

Я знала, что его схватят!

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Mother, you’ll catch cold here.

Мама, ты тут простудишься.

You’ll catch cold!

— Оденься. Простудишься.

You’ll catch cold again.

Ты снова простудишься.

You’ll catch a cold.

Ты так простудишься!

You’ll catch cold!

Ты простудишься!

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No one would have caught my first husband wasting his time with paints.

Моего первого мужа никто бы не застал тратящим свое время с красками.

I was in bed with the lady when her husband caught us.

Я был в постели с этой дамой, когда её муж нас застал.

I caught him in time.

— Доброе. Я его застал.

You better not let the boss catch you around here.

Лучше бы, чтобы босс не застал вас тут.

I was caught in the rain nearby… Luckily, I had the keys with me.

Меня застал дождь, к счастью, у меня были с собой ключи.

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Hope they catch something.

Надеюсь кто-нибудь из них попался.

Just what I’m looking for. So I’ve caught you in the act, have I?

Попался, это ты их украл.


Я попался так же, как и вы, и Гёрни-Мартин освободил меня.

Maybe she doesn’t know him. Maybe she had a dizzy spell and the first thing she could catch was his… elbow.

Или она его не знает, и у нее закружилась голова, и ей попался его… локоть.

You’re already caught.

Ты попался.

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I gotta catch this next edition, Nick.

Я должен успеть к следующему выпуску, Ник.

Hey look, I’ve got to get a shave and a haircut and catch a plane.

Ладно, слушай, мне надо ещё побриться, постричься и успеть на самолёт.

We’re not going to catch a train.

Мы не будем пытаться успеть на поезд.

He has a bus to catch.

Ему нужно успеть на автобус.

We’ve got a bus to catch.

Нам нужно успеть на автобус.

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But I was caught in her trap.

Но я был пойман в её ловушку.

He hasn’t been caught!

Он не пойман!

Nasreddin is caught!

Насреддин пойман!

Naturally, Elsa’s husband was caught, indicted, tried, convicted… sentenced, and paid his debts to society… for taking the law into his own hands.

Естественно, муж Эльзы был пойман, обвинен и осужден… приговорен к выплате своего долга перед обществом… за то, что сам решил вершить закон.

One day, he’ll give us the evidence and he’ll be caught in ourtrap.

Однажды, у нас будут доказательства и он будет пойман в ловушку.

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Three months ago… the night that Wynant caught you in Julia’s apartment, Morelli… he discovered that Julia was cheating on him and splitting with some man.

Три месяца назад ночью, когда Винант застукал тебя, Морелли, в квартире Джулии он выяснил, что Джулия обворовала его в паре с ещё одним человеком.

He caught them together, Jules and her,

— Он застукал их вместе, Жюля и её.

I tried to get Laura’s mail out of the mailroom and Snell caught me.

Я пытался достать письмо Лоры из почтовой комнаты и Снелл меня застукал.

Then one night he caught her taking outside dictation.

Потом однажды застукал её, когда она работала под чужую диктовку.

We don’t want Jack catching on, do we?

Мы же не хотим, чтобы Джек нас застукал?

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word caught, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use caught in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «caught».

Caught in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word caught in a sentence.

  1. You never caught him asleep.

  2. When caught, individuals of M.

  3. England were caught on a sticky ..

  4. He caught four passes for 44 yards.

  5. After she was caught, Yar was executed.

  6. But I caught on the edge of the netting.

  7. Most animal prey is caught on the ground.

  8. Sunfish are frequently caught in gillnets.

  9. That I should be caught in this death trap?

  10. Earthworms are caught by pulling from soil.

  11. He caught four passes for 82 yards and a touchdown.

  12. Occasionally, insects will be caught on the ground.

  13. On the second day of the trip, Duke caught the flu.

  14. Bowie said the photographer caught him in mid-wave.

  15. Days before filming began, Monroe caught sinusitis.

  16. Barnes stumbled forward to a fast-turning leg break that caught his outside edge.

  17. Hill scored 88 before being dismissed by Ted Arnold, caught by the wicket-keeper.

  18. We’re not afraid to experiment, or to be caught with our pants down, so to speak.

  19. Small numbers of goblin sharks are unintentionally caught by deepwater fisheries.

  20. I rolled with the «Dinah», firing again at the left wing root and it caught fire.

  21. Rodents can be killed by suitably baited spring traps and can be caught in cage traps for relocation.

  22. In 1704, French pilot engineer Jean Feuilley explained how the birds were caught by humans and cats:.

  23. On February 10, 1899, the mansion caught fire as a result of a faulty flue in the governor’s bedroom.

  24. It may have caught fish and scavenged on the mud plain, becoming mired before it died and was buried.

  25. The 1926 World Series is the only Series to date which ended with a baserunner being caught stealing.

  26. A 16-year-old boy drowned after being caught in a rip current near Long Beach, New York on August 14.

  27. At night, April tries to escape the school to find Gina, but is caught by Marion, who sends her back.

  28. The huia stripped its meal of any hard parts, then tossed the remainder up, caught, and swallowed it.

  29. Jackals also harm the fur industry by eating muskrats caught in traps or taking skins left out to dry.

  30. Akagi contributed 18 B5Ns, 18 D3As, and 9 Zeros to the attack, which caught the defenders by surprise.

  31. They departed on September 18, and caught up with Bragg and Smith in Lexington, Kentucky on October 2.

  32. Honner’s men had to literally chase the barrage, and had only just caught up with it before it ceased.

  33. Shortly afterwards Johnson caught a cold that developed into bronchitis and lasted for several months.

  34. A large 2 m (6 ft 7 in) specimen caught in Newcastle has been estimated to weigh around 10 kg (22 lb).

  35. Forster reports that some seamen have caught venereal diseases from their sexual encounters in Tahiti.

  36. In the third minute, Crystal Palace won the first corner of the match but Cabaye’s set piece was easily caught by de Gea.

  37. Scott’s main party, which had left Cape Evans on 1 November with the dogs and ponies, caught up with them on 21 November.

  38. This came at the expense of continuing teammate Jarier, who was caught out by oil on the track from James Hunt’s McLaren.

  39. Hindman’s assassins were never caught, and many theories regarding their identities have circulated throughout the years.

  40. An albino individual was caught off Queensland in 1987, which was the first known example of albinism in a requiem shark.

  41. Chocobos can be found in certain spots on the map, and if caught, can be ridden to areas inaccessible by foot or vehicle.

  42. The insects caught depend on what is locally available, but may include mosquitoes, flies, Hymenoptera, ants and beetles.

  43. He also stole 29 bases, the third best total in the AL, and was caught stealing 17 times, which was second in the league.

  44. They labeled him an unqualified marksman and often caught him napping while on duty and failing to report for bed checks.

  45. The German ships had too much of a lead to be caught by the British ships before they had to turn to avoid the minefield.

  46. Yardley then introduced Laker, who induced Morris to hit a ball back down the pitch in the air, but the bowler was slow to react to the possibility of a caught and bowled.

  47. Most species feed on fish caught by diving from flight, but the marsh terns are insect-eaters, and some large terns will supplement their diet with small land vertebrates.

  48. This was a change of the previous practice which required the unlapped cars to have caught up with the back of the pack before the safety car could return to the pit lane.

  49. Inhabitants practised aquaculture: they caught juvenile ibija fish, acclimatised them to freshwater, and raised them in the Buada Lagoon, providing a reliable food source.

  50. Trego added 33 runs from 24 balls, Somerset’s second highest score of the innings, before being caught in the outfield in the twelfth over, leaving Somerset on 97 for two.

General information about «caught» example sentences

The example sentences for the word caught that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «caught» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «caught».


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- past и p. p. от catch

Мои примеры


he caught a crab and lost the race — Он «завязил» весло и проиграл гонку.  
caught in the mire of poverty — увязший в трясине бедности  
caught driving with an expired license — пойман на вождении с просроченной лицензией /водительскими правами/  
to be caught stealing — попасться на краже  
to be caught up in smth. — быть поглощённым, захваченным, увлечённым чем-л.  
to be caught in the crossfire — оказаться между двух огней  
caught in a deception — уличённый в обмане  
caught in the act of stealing — пойманный при совершении кражи  
to be caught off guard — быть застигнутым врасплох  
to be caught napping — быть застигнутым врасплох  
to get caught up / involved in red tape — быть втянутым в бюрократическую машину  
to be caught in a shower — попасть под ливень  

Примеры с переводом

I was caught short.

Меня застали врасплох. / Мне вдруг приспичило в туалет.

I just caught the train.

Я едва успела на поезд.

I caught a bus into town.

Я сел на автобус, идущий в город.

The house caught fire.

Дом охватило огнём.

The policeman caught the thief.

Полицейский задержал вора.

They were caught smoking dope.

Они были пойманы /их поймали/ за курением травки.

My coat was caught up on the hook.

Моё пальто висело на крюке.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He was caught in a rundown.

They were caught in a sandstorm.

I caught the 7.15 train to London.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

uncaught  — непойманный, находящийся на свободе

Random good picture Not show

1. Old birds are not caught with new nets. 

2. Never fry a fish till it’s caught

3. Old birds are not to be caught with shaff. 

4. Old birds are not caught with new nests. 

5. Sell the bear’s skin before one has caught the bear. 

6. When the ffish is caught the net is laid aside. 

7. It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait. 

8. All wholsom food is caught without a net or a trap. 

9. To his horror, the bus caught fire.

10. The little boy caught a fish.

10. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

11. The building caught fire, and blazed up.

12. The wolf was caught in a pitfall.

13. I caught a cold from you.

14. An article in the newspaper caught my attention.

15. They got caught up in a street brawl.

16. The policeman caught the thief.

17. The rabbit’s foot was caught in a snare.

18. A sudden movement caught my eye.

19. We kept alive and caught the burglar.

20. I think I’ve caught a bug.

21. Ronny caught three huge fish this afternoon.

22. They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.

23. The new song caught on really quickly.

24. The dog caught the stick in its mouth.

25. The question caught me completely unawares.

26. The fish we caught is still alive.

27. I caught a glimpse of our new neighbor.

28. He caught my hand and held it tightly.

29. The fowler’s pipe sounds sweet until the bird is caught

30. Do not sell the bear’s skin before you have caught the bear. 

More similar words: haughty, fraught, daughter, distraught, burst into laughter, laugh at, laughing, burst out laughing, bought, drought, ought to, brought, a thought, at the thought of, deep in thought, cause, because, caucus, because of, precaution, augment, augustinian, inauguration, bough, dough, rough, tough, though, enough, through. 

But the term caught on, the media picked it up, and we are stuck with it. ❋ Kenneth Blum (1991)

She stared and stared at the image of the woman on the cover, her expression caught somewhere between agony and ecstasy, the internal struggle between desire and propriety expertly caught by the brush of the artist. ❋ Rowan Coleman (2010)

That doesn’t diminish the reality that, if he decides to run, Emanuel would be a formidable candidate to succeed Mayor Richard M. Daley, whose announcement that he won’t seek another term caught everyone by surprise. ❋ Unknown (2010)

It has a decent cast and the title caught my mood while at work. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The title caught my attention; as a proud Regretsian I wanted to see if Regretsy was the cause of her humiliation. ❋ Unknown (2010)

As he thumbed through the pages of the paper he suddenly stopped at the obituaries where a name caught his eye: James Kier. ❋ Richard Paul Evans (2009)

Hearing her name caught her off guard, and she looked up at the mariachis, wondering if it had been her imagination. ❋ Jack Canfield (2009)

«USA Today ran a story on the report and the term caught on,» explained Lang in an e-mail. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The name caught in her throat as she tried to push back the horrible thought that assaulted her mind. ❋ Lexi Davis (2009)

The title caught my attention but it was the discription that hooked me. ❋ Mulluane (2009)

She was cloaked head to foot, but her expression caught his attention the most. ❋ Karen Hawkins (2009)

The end of the word caught in her throat and she sat there, hands empty, as they wheeled him out. ❋ Ann Pearlman (2009)

When Ray returned, he looked down at Bukowski “but said nothing, his expression caught midway between disgust and pity.” ❋ Carol Sklenicka (2009)

[Jess]: James, You should watch [Pokemon] with me tomorrow [afternoon].
James: Jess, you are so caught for watching Pokemon, nerd. ❋ Mikeyphilly05 (2005)

[will’s mom] caught [him again] I guess we wont be seeing him for [a while] ❋ 411 J00r B453 R B310ng 2 M3 N00b5 (2004)

[Jack’s] girl found him [cheating] on her,he is so caught.
The girl told him to [shut up], he got caught. ❋ Goodies (2005)

Yo, that [jerk] is [wicked] caught, he just [stole] my girl! ❋ The Creator (2004)

[damn son], j-webb [jist] [crossed] that other BMODL ❋ Anonymous (2003)

«[Damn girl] I’d just like to [tell] ya that you look so caught [it’s not even funny]» ❋ Linka (2005)

Q: Where Marcus be at?
A: Man, you ain’t heard? Nigga stole anotha’ car, and caught fo’ years.
Q: Whateva’ happen’ to [Jontelle]?
A: Bitch [cussed] at [da judge] an’ caught six months! ❋ Jim Lam (2009)

«[frank] caught me for my [first time].» ❋ The Continential (2006)

I have [caughted] [the spider] before the spider was [captured]. ❋ Guywithagiantpen (2020)

[What the fuck are you doing] [Billy]? You’re Caught! ❋ Machony Leeoun (2003)

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