The word cat in german

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Katze f


Kater m

Kat m

Hauskatze f

Kätzchen n

Cat-Motor m

Großkatze f

Typ m













They asked what a picture was, and the cat explained.

Sie fragten, was eine Abbildung war und die Katze erklart.

Learn how to talk to animals from a witch’s cat.

Lerne von der Katze einer Hexe, mit Tieren zu sprechen.

Babou does, sorry, you need to rename your cat.

Babou, tut mir leid, du musst deinen Kater umtaufen.

It’s pleasing to hear you address a cat so politely…

Es tut wohl, dass Sie einen Kater so höflich behandeln.

Care each cat within seconds otherwise you will loose your life.

Care jede Katze innerhalb von Sekunden sonst verlieren Sie Ihr Leben.

Our cat has adapted very quickly thanks to the calm atmosphere.

Unsere Katze hat sich sehr schnell dank der ruhigen Atmosphäre angepasst.

Especially since we fell in love with one cat in particular.

Besonders, da wir uns in eine spezielle Katze verliebt hatten.

This cat is incredibly strong, movable, intelligent and beautiful.

Diese Katze ist unglaublich stark, beweglich, intelligent und schön.

Don’t make me put the cat down and punch you.

Ich setz gleich die Katze ab und hau dir eine rein.

It was the dinner, the whole cat and mouse thing.

Es war das Abendessen, die ganze Katze und Maus Sache.

He’s waiting up there like a cat at a mousehole.

Er wartet da oben, wie eine Katze vor dem Mauseloch.

Cover the trap with a blanket to calm the cat down.

Bedecke sie mit einer Decke, um die Katze zu beruhigen.

I’ve never seen a cat in that sort of condition.

Ich habe noch nie eine Katze in so einem Zustand gesehen.

Something like… like a cat, only it can speak.

So etwas wie… eine Katze, doch sie kann sprechen.

Obediently, not the cuddly dog, more like a cat.

Folgsam, nicht so der Kuschelhund, eher wie eine Katze.

Just like cat whiskers, they serve to sense the environment.

Sie dienen wie die Barthaare bei Katzen zum Ertasten der Umgebung.

Then the cat sprang spitting at his face and scratched him.

Da sprang ihm die Katze fauchend ins Gesicht und kratzte ihn.

The red-haired cat yawned and covered its face with its paws.

Die rothaarige Katze gähnte und bedeckte ihr Gesicht mit den Pfoten.

Set the carrier near your cat, leaving its door open.

Stelle die Box neben deine Katze und lasse die Tür offen.

Postal cat and felt along with its matching envelope drawing card.

Postal Katze und Filz zusammen mit den passenden Umschlag Zeichnung Karte.

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Category: How

Author: Jeremiah Carlson

Published: 2020-11-15

Views: 1149

How do you say cat in german?

In German, the word for cat is Katze. The plural form is Katzen.

Interestingly, the Turkish word for cat is kedi, which is very similar to the German word. This is likely because both German and Turkish are descended from the same root language, Proto-Indo-European.

So, how do you say cat in German? Just say Katze!

Learn More: How to make your cat a lap cat?

YouTube Videos

How do you say «cat» in German?

«Cat» in German is «Katze». The word «Katze» is derived from the Latin word «cattus». «Katze» is a feminine noun, and the plural form is «Katzen».

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How do you pluralize «cat» in German?

There are a few different ways to pluralize «cat» in German. One way is to add an «s» to the end of the word, as in «Katzen.» Another way is to add an «n» to the end of the word, as in «Katzen.» yet another way is to add an «en» to the end of the word, as in «Katzen.» And finally, you can also add an «e» to the end of the word, as in «Katze.»

Learn More: How to get free cat food battle cats?

Photo of Lichtenstein Castle

What is the genitive form of «cat» in German?

The genitive form of cat in German is Katze. This is because the word cat (Katze) is a feminine noun, and the genitive form is used when referring to a female cat. The word for cat in German is actually gender neutral, so you could use it for a male cat as well, but the genitive form is only used for feminine nouns.

Learn More: What to do for cats with a cold?

What is the dative form of «cat» in German?

The dative form of the word «cat» in German would be «der Katze.» When used in a sentence, the dative form is typically used to denote the indirect object of the verb, which is the person or thing that is affected by the verb’s action. For example, the sentence «I gave the cat a treat» would be translated to «Ich habe der Katze ein Leckerli gegeben.» As you can see, the indirect object is placed in the dative case, whereas the direct object (the treat) remains in the accusative case.

Learn More: What is the purpose of deworming cats?

What is the accusative form of «cat» in German?

In German, the accusative form of «cat» is «die Katze.» The accusative is used when the noun is the direct object of a verb, as in «I see the cat.» It is also used after certain prepositions, such as «ohne» (without), «entlang» (along), and «bevor» (before).

Learn More: What to do if my cat has a cold?

How do you say «cats» in German?

The word for «cat» in German is «Katze». There are a variety of ways to say «cat» in German, depending on the context. «Katze» is the most common word for «cat», but there are also other words that can be used, such as «Kater» (male cat), «Kätzchen» (kitten), and «die Katze» (the cat). «Katzen» is the plural form of «cat».

When referring to a specific cat, you would use the definite article «die» (the): «die Katze». For example, «Ich habe eine Katze» (I have a cat) or «Die Katze ist schwarz» (The cat is black).

If you want to say » I like cats», this would be «Ich mag Katzen».

To say «I have three cats», this would be «Ich habe drei Katzen».

The word «katzen» is also used in some compounds, such as «Katzenjammer» (hangover) and «Katzenstreu» (cat litter).

Learn More: What to do for cat with a cold?

How do you pluralize «cats» in German?

German is a language with many rules when it comes to pluralization. With regular nouns, the plural is typically formed by adding an -s to the end of the word (e.g. Katze — Katzen). However, there are also many irregular plural forms in German, which means that the plural of a word can sometimes be completely different from the singular form. For example, the plural of Hase (hare) is Häuser, and the plural of Mann (man) is Männer.

When it comes to pluralizing cats in German, there are a few different ways that it can be done. The most common way is to simply add an -s to the end of the word, so the plural form would be Katzen. However, depending on the region and/or the context in which the word is being used, the plural form Katzen might not always be appropriate. In some cases, the word Katzen might be used to refer to a group of cats that are considered to be a single entity, such as a colony of feral cats. In this case, the word Katzen would be used as a singular noun, and the plural form would be Katzenkolonie (cat colony).

Another way to pluralize cats in German is to use the word Katzenhorde (cat pack/gang). This word is typically used to refer to a group of cats that are considered to be a nuisance, such as a group of stray cats that might gather around a trash can. Katzenhorde can also be used to refer to a group of cats that someone owns, such as a large number of cats that live in a house.

Finally, the word Katzenfamilie (cat family) can be used to refer to a group of cats that are related to each other. This word is used most often to refer to a group of kittens that are born to a mother cat, but it can also be used to refer to a group of adult cats that are brothers and sisters, or cousins.

So, there are a few different ways to pluralize cats in German. Which word you use will depend on the context in which the word is being used.

Learn More: Why is my cat peeing on me?

What is the gender of «cats» in German?

Not only is the word for «cat,» Katze, feminine in German, but all small animals are considered to be female. So, a «tomcat» is a male Katze, but he is still referred to as she. Interestingly, this is not the case with large animals. A «stallion,» for example, is masculine, as is «Hund» (dog).

Learn More: Why would a cat pee on you?

Related Questions

What do you call a female cat in German?

In German, the female cat is called a Katerina.

What is the gender of a dog in German?

The gender of a dog in German is either masculine or feminine, depending on the Dog’s original breed. Some specific breeds like poodles typically have more feminine looks, while dachshunds tend to have more of a masculine look. As long as the dog conforms to the breed, it will have the same gender in German.

Is a Katze a male or female cat?

A Katze can be either male or female, but the most common name for a cat is Katze.

Is there such a thing as a male cat called?

There is not such a thing as a male cat called.

What do you call a male cat in German?

The Kater refers specifically to a male cat. It is also the German word for hangover.

What do you call a female cat?

Generally, a female cat is referred to as Molly. Its origins and how it derived is not known. Enjoying this?

Why are female cats called Queens?

The name “Queens” may have originated from the feline birthing process known as “queening”. During labor, a queen cat will lead her group of cats in an effort to birth their litter quickly and assertively.

What is the gender of the German word Der Hund?

The word «Der Hund» is masculine, so the pronoun «er» is used to refer to it.

How do you say gender in German?

To say the gender of a noun, you use the der, die, and das markers.

What is a German pronoun for a female dog?

How to say «girl» in German — MyGermanState

How many genders are there in German?

There are three genders in German, masculine, feminine, and neuter.

Do you call a male cat a Katze?

Typically, people call male cats Katzes. However, this is not a universal practice and there are some cultures where people do not call male cats Katzen.

What is the difference between a cat and a Katze?

A cat is a female animal without regard to its true gender, while a Katze is the masculine form of a cat.

What are the differences between male and female cats?

Generally, male cats are more laid back and relaxed than female cats. Additionally, male cats do not typically get pregnant and generally don’t have to worry about raising kittens.

What is a male cat called in English?

A male cat is called a tom or tomcat.

What do you call a male cat that is ready to mate?


What do you call a male cat that has been neutered?

A » tomcat .»

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Cats are very popular pets in Germany and have been so for centuries (or possibly millennia). It’s estimated that 12 – 15 million cats live in German households. This popularity also shows in their appearance in many German fairy tales and fables. So today we’ll look at cats from a German perspective.

How do Germans call a cat?

The German word for cat is Katze.

All nouns in the German language have a gender and Katze is feminine, so “the cat” translates as “die Katze.”

The fact that “Katze” is feminine anyway also leads to the fact that Katze is both the name for the species as well as the word for a female cat.

When you want to refer to a male cat, you would talk of a “Kater.” And as Kater is masculine, the article changes to “der Kater.”

And the German translation of “kitten” is “Kätzchen.” As Kätzchen means both male and female baby cats, it’s grammatical gender is neuter and the article is “das Kätzchen.”

English Noun German Noun
cat (species) die Katze
female cat die Katze
male cat der Kater
kitten das Kätzchen
cat food das Katzenfutter
cat fur das Katzenfell
cat hump der Katzenbuckel
cat jump der Katzensprung
cat litter die Katzenstreu
cat silver das Katzensilber
cat toilet die Katzentoilette
cat toy das Katzenspielzeug
cat tree der Kratzbaum
cat wash die Katzenwäsche
cat’s eye das Katzenauge
catnip die Katzenminze
felines die Katzenartigen
kitty die Mieze
whiskers die Schnurrhaare

German Nicknames for Cats

There are a number of pet names Germans use instead of “Katze.”

One of the most common is Mieze or Miezekatze, which is the equivalent of the English kitty.

Other words include Haustiger (house tiger) or Stubentiger (parlor tiger).

Puss, Pussie and Muschi are equivalents of the English puss or pussy.

And the one I like most is Samtpfötchen, which translates as “velvet paws.”

cat hump

The cat arched when she saw him. — Die Katze machte einen Buckel, als sie ihn sah. — Image by Alek B from Pixabay

Phrases with Cat in German

Apart from idioms and sayings, there are also a number of German phrases regarding cats.

Cats are said to have seven lives. That’s similar to the nine lives we speak of in English and is probably based on their ability to almost always land on their feet when they fall.

One of the funniest expressions is “das geht ab wie Schmidts Katze,” which means something happens very fast or a vehicle which accelerates rapidly. The literal translation is “sth. goes off like Schmidt’s cat.” The most common explanation is that blacksmiths (German: Schmied) used to have a cat in their forge to keep rodents at bay. But when the blacksmith started hammering, the cat got scared and ran away.

There is also a candy named after cats: die Katzenzunge. It’s a piece of chocolate vaguely formed like a cat’s tongue.

Katzenaugen are the equivalent of our cat’s eyes, little pieces of glass which reflect the light back into the direction where it came from.

One German word with “cat” even made it into the English language: Katzenjammer!

When you have “katzenjammer“, you feel miserable, especially after a long night with too many drinks. Which brings us to the next expression, as the word “Kater” not only means a tomcat. No, it’s also the German word for hangover. “Einen Kater haben” means to have a hangover.

The so called Katerfrühstück, is a breakfast the next morning which is meant to cure the hangover. It often includes pickled fish, as it contains a lot of salt. The salt makes you drink more water, so you even out the loss of water and minerals from too much alcohol.

And when something is “nur einen Katzensprung entfernt,” it means it’s only a stone’s throw (just a cat jump away).

Cats in Folklore

Even though cats have been pets for about 10,000 years, there were also times when they were seen as evil. In the middle ages there were often associated with witchcraft. And in many German fairy tales , black cats are companions of an evil witch.

Even today some people are superstitious and and believe that black cats bring bad luck when they cross one’s path.

But at least in one fairy tale written down by the brothers Grimm, the cat is the hero: puss in boots or der gestiefelte Kater in German.

black cat
Unfortunately, black cats are often associated with misfortune. — Image by PDPics from Pixabay

German Sayings and Idioms about Cats

This popularity for cats popularity shows in the many German expressions and sayings referring to cats. I’ll be with Katers for next morning. It was an itch that came from my hangover.

  • am Katzentisch sitzen — to sit at the cat table (usally a smaller side table for the children)
  • die Katze aus dem Sack lassen — to let the cat out of the bag (meaning to reveal which intentions one really has)
  • die Katze im Sack kaufen — to buy a cat in a sack (similar meaning as “to buy a pig in a poke”)
  • da beißt sich die Katze in den Schwanz — that’s where the cat bites its own tail
  • die Katze lässt das Mausen nicht — the cat doesn’t leave mousing (similar to “the leopard doesn’t change his spots”)
  • für die Katz sein — to be for the cat (to be in vain)
  • wenn die Katze aus dem Haus ist, tanzen die Mäuse auf dem Tisch — when the cat is out of the house, the mice dance on the table
  • wie Hund und Katze — like dog and cat (in the sense of not getting along with each other)

What does Stardenburdenhardenbart mean?, This word does not mean anything in a literal sense. However, according to Urban Dictionary, it is slang for getting someone’s attention. It has surfaced the web after a short series of Tiktok videos went viral: Stardenburdenhardenbart! Seems to be a made-up word.

Furthermore, How do you say cat in German?, The universal word is (die) Katze, pronounced [ˈkatsə] in the IPA transcription. Don’t forget that it is feminine (die). Even a male cat is referred to as die Katze in German unless you need to specify the gender (more about that later). The plural form is Katzen.

Finally,  How do Germans talk to cats?, Some Germans call their cat a Stubentiger, which translates to ‘room tiger’ (die Stube – room/lounge; der Tiger – tiger). Meow is miau in German. And finally, how do you call a cat in German? If you want the equivalent to ‘here, kitty, kitty kitty’, try ‘miez miez miez’!

Frequently Asked Question:

What gender is the word cat in German?

Der Hund (dog) is masculine. Die Katzte (cat), however, is feminine. Das Pferd (horse) is neuter. Das Hemd (shirt) is also neuter.

What does the German word kitten mean?

Kätzchen. More German words for kitten. das Kätzchen noun.

What is cat in German Stardenburdenhardenbart?

Stardenburdenhardenbart is originated from Germany. It has many versions, but this one can mean a lot of things for example “I love you” “hey” “look at me” “come here”. It’s used to get the attention of animals. And it works because it’s funny and has a really interesting pronunciation.

How do German people call a cat?

For any Germans reading this, we do know that you’d normally refer to your cat as katze or call it over with ‘miez-miez-miez’ and that stardenburdenhardenbart is simply gibberish made up for effect. However, it weirdly seems to attract all cats.

What is the longest German word?

So the longest word to be found in the German dictionary is Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung – “motor vehicle indemnity insurance”. As Mark Twain said “a word so long it has a perspective”.

How you call a cat in German?

For any Germans reading this, we do know that you’d normally refer to your cat as katze or call it over with ‘miez-miez-miez’ and that stardenburdenhardenbart is simply gibberish made up for effect. However, it weirdly seems to attract all cats.

Do you say cat in German?

The universal word is (die) Katze, pronounced [ˈkatsə] in the IPA transcription. Don’t forget that it is feminine (die). Even a male cat is referred to as die Katze in German unless you need to specify the gender (more about that later). The plural form is Katzen.

How do German cats get attention?

Stardenburdenhardenbart is originated from Germany. It has many versions, but this one can mean a lot of things for example “I love you” “hey” “look at me” “come here”. It’s used to get the attention of animals. And it works because it’s funny and has a really interesting pronunciation.

What language do cats respond to?

Cats lack the cognitive skills to interpret human language, but they recognize when you talk to them. To put it another way, cats comprehend human language in the same way that we understand meowing. It’s similar to how you interpret your cat’s language by “reading” how they arch their back or swish their tail.

How do you call a cat?

To call a cat, call out a verbal cue such as “Here, kitty, kitty” in a high-pitched voice. In the beginning, try calling your cat during feeding times, since the cat is more likely to come to you when it’s hungry.

Is cat always feminine in German?

German language is very inconsistent when it comes to naming animals. A cat (Katze) is feminine, without regards of the true gender of the animal, so “Katze” both describes a female cat and just any cat. The word for a male cat is “Kater”, so each Kater is a Katze, but not every Katze is a Kater.

What is the gender of the word cat?

Cat is a common Gender. So males are called Male cat and Females are called Female cat.

How do you know if a word is masculine or feminine in German?

The gender of German nouns can be identified by the article they take; der for masculine, die for feminine and das for neuter.

What does Stardenburdenhardenbart mean in German?

Stardenburdenhardenbart is originated from Germany. It has many versions, but this one can mean a lot of things for example “I love you” “hey” “look at me” “come here”. It’s used to get the attention of animals. And it works because it’s funny and has a really interesting pronunciation.

Do Germans really say Stardenburdenhardenbart?

Stardenburdenhardenbart doesn’t mean anything. It’s no real german word.

What is Stardenburdenhardenbart?

‘Stardenburdenhardenbart’ is originated from Germany. It has many versions, but this one can mean a lot of things for example “I love you” “hey”, “look at me”, “come here”. … More. It’s used to get the attention of animals. And it works because it is funny and has a really interesting pronunciation.

What is the longest German word in English?

The longest standard German dictionary word is Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung – meaning motor vehicle liability insurance. But at 36 letters, it’s rather puny. As for English we have a few hypersyllabic words of our own.

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Who else would be playing cat and mouse with a starship?

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Wer würde sonst Katz und Maus mit einem Raumschiff spielen?

Currently, the photo of my cat Diego embellishes my desk at supermagnete.

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Das Bild meines Katers Diego verschönert mir momentan meinen Schreibtisch bei supermagnete.

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Kein Katz- und Mausspiel mehr.

But I well understand that I and a cat cannot get.

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Aber ich verstehe gut, dass ich und des Katers nicht führen kann.

Enjoying the adventures of Tom and Jerry, the most famous cat and mouse.

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Genießen Sie die Abenteuer von Tom und Jerry, dem berühmtesten Katz und Maus.

Many cat— animal- and gardendesigns.

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Viele Katze- Tier- und Gartenentwürfe.

Like a cat and mouse game.

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Wie ein Katz- und Mausspiel.

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You are like a cat… always landing on your goddamn feet.

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Du bist wie eine Katze- Du landest immer auf den Füßen.

Shayo, Ferdinand Preiss, Woodbridge 2005, p. 152;

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Shayo, Ferdinand Preiss, Woodbridge 2005, S. 152;

Your visitors-and your cat— have the best possible view of each other.

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Ihre Besucher -und Ihre Katze- haben die bestmögliche Betrachtungsmöglichkeit.

Peter Hahn, ed., exh. cat.

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Hg. von Peter Hahn, Ausst. -Kat.

BRB, my cat‘s caught in the recliner again.

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Cat 6a or newer Cat 7 cabling will allow for up to 100 meter 10GBASE-T connections.

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CAT6a- oder neuere CAT 7-Kabel ermöglichen 10GBase-T-Verbindungen von bis zu 100 Metern.

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Attach one end of the Cat 5 cable to the RJ-45 connector on the KVM-IA.


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Schließen Sie ein Ende des CAT 5-Kabels an den RJ45-Anschluss des KVM-IA an.


At the office in the harbour of Cat Cocos, you can buy tickets to Praslin.

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Am Hafen im Büro von CAT COCOS die Tickets nach Praslin kaufen.

In the vicinity of Apartment in S’Illot Cat are also further accommodations.

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In der Nähe von Wohnung in CAT S’Illot befinden sich auch folgende Unterkünfte.

For more information about this accommodation Apartment in S’Illot Cat.

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Weitere Informationen über die Unterkunft Wohnung in CAT S’Illot.

Example: dog not cat or dog nicht cat or dog-cat.

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Beispiel: Hund nicht


oder Hund not


oder Hund -Katze.

Stetter cuts and mixes itself with Zeppelin Cat into the future: Stetter.

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Stetter fräst und mischt sich mit Zeppelin CAT in die Zukunft: Stetter.

Dog and cat best friends.

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Hunde und katzen waren die besten freunde.

STP cable, Cat 5e or faster.

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The walking stick cat has a length of approx. 93 cm.

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Der Spazierstock Raubkatze ist ca. 93 cm lang.

The Cruise Cat near Taupo.

Cat and dog can be brought into our hotel.

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Haustiere Politik Hunde und Kätzchen können in unser Hotel gebracht werden.

Dog and cat feeding bowls.

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Zigaretten-Aschenbecher Hunde- und Katzennäpfe.

SG 3620 Animals: European Cat— 3.00 Fr.

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Cat for 30 days after its expiry.

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Cat-Domain nach ihrem Ablauf 30 Tage lang wiedererlangen.

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Results: 17355,
Time: 0.0346





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