The word cat in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word cat, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use cat in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «cat».

Cat in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word cat in a sentence.

  1. Koechlin adopted a rescue cat named Dosa.

  2. The upper creature may be a dog or a cat.

  3. Supporters Association has been a black cat.

  4. A cat appears before Ichigo, then merges with her.

  5. Bateman solved this by writing rabbit and cat themed puns.

  6. On another occasion Tarrare was presented with a live cat.

  7. The next day, she begins acting like a cat and making cat puns.

  8. The cat has sharp hearing and vision, and a good sense of smell.

  9. Its purring vocalization is similar to that of the domestic cat.

  10. An interesting example is the coat coloration of the Siamese cat.

  11. The cougar (Puma concolor) is a large cat of the subfamily Felinae.

  12. Its vision is, nevertheless, not as good as that of a cat or human.

  13. The terrified Indra escapes as a cat and is cursed with castration.

  14. The need for secrecy forced them to leave behind Anne’s cat, Moortje.

  15. This is the only wild cat decorated burial on the archaeological record.

  16. A cat playing with a mouse may represent the Devil snaring a human soul.

  17. The brain of Smilodon was relatively small compared to other cat species.

  18. When fed with cat food over a long time period, raccoons can develop gout.

  19. To the left of the area a cat holds a small lizard-like creature in its jaws.

  20. In this case, the body temperature of the cat plays the role of the environment.

  21. She snapped it up like a cat with a kibble and asked to represent me thenceforth.

  22. Other predators sharing its habitat and prey include the dingo, feral cat and fox.

  23. A study found that 63% of cat allergic people have antibodies against the protein.

  24. There was a (male) cat named Mrs Chippy that belonged to the carpenter Harry McNish.

  25. It is one of the most famous prehistoric mammals and the best known saber-toothed cat.

  26. The lion is the only member of the cat family that displays obvious sexual dimorphism.

  27. The cougar is the second-largest cat in the New World after the jaguar (Panthera onca).

  28. Made it sound like someone strangling a cat and, to my mind, absolutely killed the song.

  29. Audits done in Africa have shown that ecotourism has helped in African cat conservation.

  30. The lion (Panthera leo) is a large cat of the genus Panthera native to Africa and India.

  31. There, between Bautzen and Löbau, Frederick and Daun played their game of cat and mouse.

  32. Boswell wrote, «I never shall forget the indulgence with which he treated Hodge, his cat.

  33. They considered it «the earliest recorded example of an exotic cat on the loose in the UK».

  34. There have also been reports of the Beast of Exmoor, a cryptozoological cat roaming Exmoor.

  35. A lolcat is an image combining a photograph of a cat with text intended to contribute humour.

  36. McKinlay took stock of the stranded party: 22 men, one woman, two children, 16 dogs and a cat.

  37. Since the revision of cat taxonomy in 2017, only two subspecies are recognised as valid taxa:.

  38. Ulcers have also been reported on domesticated animals, namely dogs, horses, alpacas, and a cat.

  39. The Beast of Exmoor is a cryptozoological cat (see phantom cat) that is reported to roam Exmoor.

  40. This marmot is about the size of a domestic cat, typically weighing about 8 kg (18 lb) in summer.

  41. The lion is a muscular, deep-chested cat with a short, rounded head, a reduced neck and round ears.

  42. Both men inspected the egested pieces of flesh, noting that some resembled the body parts of a cat.

  43. California has actively sought to protect the cat and has an estimated population of 4,000 to 6,000.

  44. On 6 July, the Frank family left a note for the Kupers, asking them to take care of their cat Moortje.

  45. The cat will slowly walk down forest paths, listening for and stalking prey before rushing or ambushing.

  46. He sees a large spotted cat, and is «transfixed» by its elegance and the fact that it simply ignores him.

  47. Most had higher titres of antibodies against Fel d 4 than against Fel d 1, another prominent cat allergen.

  48. The cat drags a kill to a preferred spot, covers it with brush, and returns to feed over a period of days.

  49. Ryou and Keiichirou explain that this allows her to transform into Mew Ichigo, a powerful heroic cat girl.

  50. Conversely, perhaps the animal that causes the most damage to native wildlife is the domestic or feral cat.

Synonyms for cat

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word cat has the following synonyms: big cat, Caterpillar, cat-o’-nine-tails, computerized tomography, computed tomography, CT, computerized axial tomography, computed axial tomography, CAT, , guy, hombre, bozo, kat, khat, qat, quat, Arabian tea, African tea, true cat, vomit, vomit up, purge, cast, sick, be sick, disgorge, regorge, retch, puke, barf, spew, spue, chuck, upchuck, honk, regurgitate and throw up.

General information about «cat» example sentences

The example sentences for the word cat that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «cat» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «cat».

Synonym: African tea, Arabian tea, CAT, CT, Caterpillar, barf, be sick, big cat, bozo, cast, cat-o’-nine-tails, chuck, computed axial tomography, computed tomography, computerized axial tomography, computerized tomography, disgorge, guy, hombre, honk, kat, khat, puke, purge, qat, quat, regorge, regurgitate, retch, sick, spew, spue, throw up, true cat, upchuck, vomit, vomit up. Similar words: catch, educate, vacate, cattle, locate, scatter, educator, catalog. Meaning: [kæt]  n. 1. feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and no ability to roar: domestic cats; wildcats 2. an informal term for a youth or man 3. a spiteful woman gossip 4. the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea; has the effect of a euphoric stimulant 5. a whip with nine knotted cords 6. a large tracked vehicle that is propelled by two endless metal belts; frequently used for moving earth in construction and farm work 7. any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild 8. a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis. v. 1. beat with a cat-o’-nine-tails 2. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth. 

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1. A gloved cat catches no mice. 

2. A cat may look at a king. 

3. When the cat’s away, the mice will play. 

3. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

4. Ale will make a cat speak. 

5. The scalded cat fears cold water. 

6. A cat has nine lives.

7. There’s more than one way to skin a cat

8. A blate cat makes a proud mouse. 

9. The cat shut its eyes while it steals cream. 

10. A scalded cat dreads [fears] (even) cold water. 

11. When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 

12. The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better friends. 

13. The cat and dog may kiss, yet are none the better. 

14. It is said that a cat hath nine lives, yet care would wear them all out. 

15. Curiosity killed the cat.

16. Care killed the cat.

17. There are more ways of killing a cat than choking it with cream. 

18. It is clear that the cat has eaten it!

19. A cat was basking on the window sill.

20. They finally found the cat up on the roof.

21. A cat is a tame animal.

22. The cat is creeping silently towards the bird.

23. The cat insinuated herself into the kitchen.

24. Our cat usually stays out at night.

25. Our cat has glossy black fur.

26. The cat laid a dead mouse at my feet.

27. The cat snoozled its head against my leg.

28. The cat was clawing at the door.

29. Our cat produced kittens last week.

30. A cat was beneath the table.

More similar words: catch, educate, vacate, cattle, locate, scatter, educator, catalog, catch on, catches, delicate, abdicate, dedicate, advocate, education, indicate, category, location, Catholic, indicator, catch fire, intricate, truncated, eradicate, vindicate, bifurcate, invocation, communicate, indication, educational. 

cat — перевод на русский


There was an old cat living downstairs, I guess it left [dead].

У старушки снизу жила кошка.

— A dead cat.

Дохлая кошка.

Only a… a dead cat.

Только… мёртвая кошка.

Our cat came from the circus. He just clawed a man.

Наша кошка — из цирка.

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He’s playing with us… like a cat with a mouse.

Играет с нами, как кот с мышью.

and for his youngest son, all that was left was the cat, who was very fond of him.

а младшему сыну достался только кот, который был к нему очень привязан

MALE NARRATOR: The boy was so delighted that his cat could talk that he took him off to the nearest cobbler and bought him a pair of boots.

Юноша так обрадовался когда его кот начал говорить, что пошёл к сапожнику и купил Коту пару сапог

It’s that pest of a miller’s cat.

Вот вредитель — кот мельника.

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Cat’s piss.

Кошачья моча.

Like cat food.

Как кошачья еда.

— Yes, it’s cat food.

— Да, это кошачья еда.

North of Cat’s Paw.

Северная Кошачья Лапа

First one was dog, the second one was cat. No?

В первом — собачья, во втором — кошачья.

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Just a fraidy cat, that’s all you are.

— Словно испуганный котенок, в этом ты весь.

— Oh, the cat is cute.

— Ух ты, милый котёнок.

A cat once strayed into a quiet temple the priests fought to catch it.

Однажды в тихий храм забрёл котёнок, и монахи, поймав его, перессорились.

Watch out for the cat.

Посмотри, котенок.

Poor little cat, you too are waiting for the cake?

Бедный маленький котенок, ты слишком присматриваешь за кексом?

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Come here, you bobtailed little tree cat.

Иди сюда, моя дикая кошечка.

You’re all skin, my pussy cat.

У тебя все идет от кожи, кошечка.

My gentle cat…

Моя нежная кошечка…

Oh, it’s a little pet cat, look.

О, это же кошечка, смотри.

Sweetest of all possible sweet cats in the world?

Ты самая хорошая кошечка в мире.

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No! Cate, please don’t.

Кейт, пожалуйста, не делай этого.

-Please, Cate, don’t.

— Пожалуйста, Кейт, не надо.

Cate definitely being entered for the marriage stakes?

Кейт определённо поставила на карту свой брак.

Cate was that high when I come in.

Кейт была наверху, когда я вошла.

-Where’s Cate?

— Где Кейт?

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A tabby cat!

Котяра бродячая!

It’s that mangy tabby cat!

[Джаспер] Это этот котяра драный.

That goddamned cat smashed the bulb and when I tried to catch the bastard by the legs, I wrenched out the tap, and now I can’t find it!

— Собака. Да котяра проклятый лампу раскокал а я стал его, подлеца, за ноги хватать, кран вывернул, а теперь найти не могу!

Bad, bad Leroy Brown Baddest cat in the whole damn town

Плохой, плохой, Браун Лерой, Мерзкий котяра, хвост трубой.

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A skirt named Cat Manzetti and that Russian I shot.

девица по имени Кэт Ванзетти, и русский, которого я подстрелил.

Cat Manzetti.

Кэт Манзетти.

Let’s go! — Cat, put that out!

Кэт, туши!

Cat, help me out, man!

Кэт, выпусти меня!

Come on, Cat!

Давай, Кэт!

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— Does the cat come in too?

Киска может войти тоже?

Cat got your tongue?

Киска язык откусила?

Where’s the pussy cat?

Где тут киска?

I see your little cat’s still fond of that morning ride.

Гляжу, ваша киска все еще любит утренние поездки.

Well, what a gigantic cat!

О, какая большая киска!

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Exactly 500 years later, an artist in the field of cat burglary was getting out of Sing Sing.

Ровно через 500 лет другой мастер своего дела лучший взломщик сейфов, вышел из тюрьмы Синг-Синг.

You are a terrible cat burglar!

Ты ужасный взломщик!

I’ll be pinching the pride andjoy of the Springfield Museum… the world’s largest cubic zirconia. Listen, Mr. Cat Burglar.

Слушайте мистер Взломщик.

Well, Mr. Cat Burglar. You’d like to get in here, wouldn’t you?

Ну: мистер Взломщик хотите забраться сюда?

I know who the cat burglar is.

Я знаю, кто взломщик!

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Отправить комментарий

кошка, кот, кат, гусеничный трактор, блевать, бить плетью


- кот, кошка
- зоол. кошка домашняя (Felis domesticus)
- зоол. животное семейства кошачьих

wild cat — дикая кошка (Felis sylvestris)

- разг. сварливая или недоброжелательная женщина; сплетница, язва

old cat — старая ведьма
don’t be a cat! — не злословь!

- двойной треножник

- амер. сл. парень
- сл. проститутка
- джазист; ≅ «лабух»
- поклонник джаза
- амер. сл. странствующий рабочий
- сл. франт, стиляга
- сл. продавец наркотиков
- чижик (заострённая палочка)
- игра в чижики
- гусеничная машина
- гусеничный трактор
- кат

ещё 12 вариантов


- бить кошкой, плетью-девятихвосткой
- мор. брать якорь на кат
- сл. блевать

Мои примеры


a tom cat (=a male cat) — кот (самец кошки)  
to neuter a cat — кастрировать кота  
to spay a (female) cat — стерилизовать кошку  
to let the cat out of the bag — проговориться, нечаянно выболтать секрет  
to see which way the cat jumps, to wait for the cat to jump — ждать, откуда ветер подует  
to turn cat in the pan — стать перебежчиком  
to drown a cat — утопить кошку  
cat-and-mouse game — игра в кошки-мышки  
male cat — кот  
cat’s concert — кто в лес, кто по дрова  
cat’s eye — камень «кошачий глаз»; световозвращатель; магический глаз  

Примеры с переводом

A young cat is a kitten.

Детёныша кошки называют котёнком.

I have two dogs and a cat.

У меня две собаки и кошка.

British sailors feared the cat.

Английские моряки страшились «кошки» /плети/. (the cat — кошка-девятихвостка, плеть с 9 и более хвостами)

The cats saw I had an ally, and melted.

Парни увидели, что я с приятелем, и испарились.

The family’s cat did an exemplary job of keeping the house and yard free of all rodents.

Их кот проделывал образцовую работу, оберегая дом и двор от всех грызунов.

Возможные однокоренные слова

cater  — угождать, поставлять, поставлять провизию, потворствовать, обслуживать зрителя
cation  — катион
cattily  — назло
cattish  — хитрый, злой, кошачий, вкрадчивый
catty  — кошачий, хитрый, злой, злобный, коварный, катти
catlike  — кошачий

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): cat
мн. ч.(plural): cats

As I had left my Cat Woman suit at home that day, I natural y assumed that these comments were aimed elsewhere

They’re about the size of a large house cat, they’re called mindunes and there were at least a dozen on the building, including the one on this railing wanting its chin scratched

“I knew this kid that threw a cat at a ceiling once,” Becca shrugged, placing a piece of ginger delicately on top of her salmon roll

Also there are various electronic devices such as Yard Guard (Arbico) that really work! Another helpful tool is your dog or cat since they can keep many animals at bay

It was the most haunting thing, like the sound a cat would make if you used her ribs to sharpen knives

Ever throw a cat at the ceiling?

Cat hated the whole thing with a vengeance

Cat screamed internally

with seemingly nothing left to fume about Cat opened the door, pulled the collar of

when Cat felt like a caged mouse

Cat mouthed another expletive, using the unmentionable word with

Cat looked into his eyes

“Heaven?” Cat asked, incredulously

had been taken and Cat knew instinctively that he was about to play the line

Cat felt as though she was being lifted

Cat had never sailed paper boats in puddles, but she got the gist of it

As Cat pondered on that last statement, the noise of twenty-four hour bustle

no old man at home, anyway, only the dog, and Cat never thought of her as a moron

There were palm trees over by where the wine used to be and Cat was sure that she

low and hazy to begin with but building slowly and surely to the point where Cat

Cat stopped in front of a long oval mirror that had suddenly plopped into

Cat tried to think

For Cat, who had never accumulated any sort of ballroom skill in her

step, with every heartbeat, through shampoos, down cat food lane, up to where the

cares of the mortal world simply fell away, and all that Cat could feel now was the

two-for-one offer resumed, and through it all Cat breathed hard and fast

“Oh my God…Oh my God,” panted Cat

Cat tried to think, but she really couldn’t remember

Cat tried to make sense of his words

She cleared a space amongst the old newspapers and empty tins of cat food

from Top Cat and, without doubt, the grinning beast from the Alice stories

“This is the dream, this is lap cat, my darling, but

to the sound of the hunting cat

eyes and smiled her cat smile

thin scars, as if a large tom cat had raked talons across his skin

coastal strip and climbed slowly across the ancient Cretan soils; a cat mewling with

They had transformed their hobie cat to a mini cruise liner but the party wasn’t on it

His fingers traced the ragged grooves of three long but thin scars, as if a large tom cat had raked talons across his skin

She rocked gently back and forth in her chair, spooning cat food into her mouth and smiling to herself

On the ground the shape seemed almost frail, as though it could not carry the burden of terror that forever dogged its tracks, but as Lucy moved closer, as the figure gathered its limbs together and began to unbend, began to straighten and stand, she saw with horror that he, for it must be masculine, was tall and thick set and lithe, as if he were a wolf or a hunting cat

The cat has been let out of the bag

with a solid kick that scares the cat,

Daddy says «She is a wild cat always on the

when he chooses the fall of his cat pad footsteps,

bowls on the fat cat merry-go-round

cat and a pigeon

in the way that a cat leaves off the mouse half dead

The locals appear to have vanished indoors for the siesta; only a couple of birds perched on a roof and a cat sitting on a doorstep watch us as we make our way towards the waterside

The cat has been sick on carpets all over the house,

The cat, for all of its clean savagery is really dead cute,

careful and wary walk of a cat

I think that cat was my best friend

Sam was dumbfounded by the actions of the great cat

“Oh yes, it was that cat, only more!” Sam and several of the men agreed on that point

Mouth full of cat litter,

the dog, the cat, the early start,

“What is that? That’s not really a cat, is it? Look at the size of the thing!” The kids were unabashed and very vocal

It was Sally who stepped forward and spoke, “that is my cat, Oreo

Susie and Darla spoke together, “and what’s with that cat?”

By midnight I was yawning like a cat

With great care, Manolis placed a sprig of marjoram behind his left ear, ‘You know, my friends, when I was touring with Pantelis I took my cat with us everywhere, but when he ran away to settle down, more than anything, I missed his teachings

We had been playing cat and mouse with them for the better part of six months

But the time came, after several games of cat and mouse, when I had to face him

Even my cat has changed his allegiance, being totally besotted with Alastair!

She looked back at him for a second, grinned and then taking the handset from him she said, “Or maybe we’ve learned that that there’s more than one way to skin a cat

She was also blessed with the good fortune to have moved into one of the two ground floor bedsits, which boasted high ceilings, large sash windows and more than enough room to swing a cat

In public the old girl bristled with an imperious air of confidence and hard-nosed, old-world defiance, but Annie was convinced that her private inner sanctum would be a shambling mess of decrepitude and cat infestations, full of strange smells and unfamiliar utility furniture that dated from the middle of the previous century

“The baubles may not have much monetary worth, my dear, but there’s more than one way to skin a cat

I gather he is besotted with your cat, Jo, I’m allergic to cats so he’s never been able to have one

They kept a cat just long enough to form a deep, surrogate attachment to the creature’s aloof singularity, before Eileen watched Mister Tibbles play a one sided game of tag with the postal service van one rainy May morning

They are sitting in the lounge with Treacle – Jake is on the floor rubbing Treacle’s stomach as the stupid cat lies there waving his feet in the air … Obviously, he’s only just arrived, Alastair is only now unwrapping the present he has brought

’ She said as Treacle bursts through the cat flap

‘What a lovely cat! Is it yours?’

‘You’re upsetting the cat, you idiot! Oh, the vicar said to phone him if we wanted to practise for the wedding

’ He plants a kiss on my cheek and carries the cat into the house

Then all was silent for several long minutes as a game of cat and mouse was being played out in the treetops above

Will doubtless put the cat among the pigeons when the article hits the streets

Yellelle told her that seating could be a silent cat fight among mortals

and said, “You can’t swing a cat in this place

“I am weary of this cat and mouse game we play with Boras

what happened to her cat, but how a young woman

Boofy was a stray cat that adopted our family when

‘What are you smiling about? You look like a cat that’s got at the cream

The tone in his voice told the cat this was a ‘no-no’, and the feline sat down

Grinning like the Cheshire cat he thought… Mya

room to swing a cat

there’s more than one way to skin a cat

He explained that the cat

Damn! I didn’t mean to let that cat out of the bag

He is greeted by jeers and cat calls

The show is over and the sound of cat calls and claxons are a memory

Probably from her habit of following around the store cat on its forays in search of critters ever since she and her sister became clever enough to crawl

What the PA had actually said off the record was more along the lines of Mr Middlesex being relieved to hear the news – she had also let the cat out of the bag with regard to where James Middlesex was and, in Jarvis’ book, looking round the shops with his latest girlfriend didn’t qualify as an activity which was uninterruptible

Alastair has always been very fond of Treacle; they have no pets and I frequently find that I run second place to the cat when Alastair comes round here

Okay, so if I had tried to swing a cat in there the RSPCA would have done me for cruelty, but it was mine

“No, it was more like cat and mouse,” Roman answered

Knowing my cat, this will have involved a fair amount of cuddling

The cat was peeking out of the bag

The corporation behind this was the powerful FAT CAT

They held up signs showing the benefits of the Fat Cat Corporation

This was probably how curiosity killed cats

What a lifetime it had been, especially the first few local years as they prowled around each other like two wary cats, amusing the local population

Not a poison; all poisons should be avoided at all costs! Can also prevent dogs and cats from coming near your property

Cats lick themselves and would not like its taste

Places where your kids, dogs, cats, etc

Don’t throw cats at the ceiling

Small creatures such as cats, dogs and children are especially vulnerable

evidence of cats, namely the empty tins of food, scratch marks on the back of the

Here and there a mound of garbage rots in the bright sunshine, while feral cats paw through the refuse

instructions to tell his wife, Mary, that one of his batty old Aunt’s cats had mauled

world, a storm brewing up with the wailing mewl of legion cats being chased by

«You’ve been two cats in a bag since the day you met,» Ava said

Later that morning, with Johnny restored to some sort of order, and with firm instructions to tell his wife, Mary, that one of his batty old Aunt’s cats had mauled him during the night, she bade him farewell

It was raining fit to flood the world, a storm brewing up with the wailing mewl of legion cats being chased by battalion dogs

Children, high chairs and pretend cats,

The fabric of Bethesda is overrun by rats and feral cats

There were two cats sat by the fire hearth

took bowls for the dogs and cats

Christmas day with and not forgetting the cats and dogs who

Beth, true to form, piped up, «Always said that cats were smarter than dogs!»

Purring loudly Jake called the cats to him

Both cats ran to the girls who were staring at Jake open mouthed

Trails of giant ants, cockroaches and fright-filled cats, ducks and chickens and a cockerel, all sharing the heat there with a new-born kitten, lying dead in that graveyard of dead houses

Cats love being cats

They are happy being cats

‘Oh no, not cats

I gather he is besotted with your cat, Jo, I’m allergic to cats so he’s never been able to have one

corporate cats and smug warmongers, filled his view of the room

I remember going over the house with her … we surprised a nest of mice in one of the top floor rooms … Bunty didn’t turn a hair but calmly said she’d get a couple of cats and some mouse traps

Surrogate testing works with cats, dogs and all kinds

Brent scratched the cats head for the last

We stare at each other like a couple of cats for several minutes, then his expression softens

On rainy or snowy days which kept them inside, they would put on performances for their adoring fans—ofttimes the store cats, sometimes their family, but always an appreciative audience

That was the beginning of his lifelong attachment to ‘his little green-eyed cats

“They are my green-eyed cats

I said don’t people in Saudi Arabia have pets? He said he said the only pets in Saudi Arabia are cats

Everybody likes cats but nobody has dogs as pets so I can understand why seeing dogs for the first time could be a little scary

The smell of that buttered toast simply talked to Toad, and with no uncertain voice; talked of warm kitchens, of breakfasts on bright frosty mornings, of cozy firesides on winter evenings, when one’s ramble was over and slippered feet were propped on the stool; of the purring of contented cats, and the twitter of sleepy canaries

The cats are ____________the CD shelf

“Well of course she missed you most cats do miss their owners but she has been an absolute angel

As well as copy cats, be aware of companies who come in with alternative

Following that we started to observe two playful cats dancing in the White Light and the lucid dream faded out

blind cats and dismember frogs

To see something else was an anomaly—unless you made an excursion to the local zoo—besides the many dogs, cats, and other domesticated pets that had been acculturated to our human lifestyle over the years

Yes, his night vision surpassed that of even the kitty cats and the infra-red-equipped military humans who manage quite well themselves in those tenebrous conditions

everyone knew that snowy sabre cats were considerably more robust than their sandy counterparts

They were her cats

But, she reasoned, if the cats made her own presence aboard the Huntress even a little more palatable to the company, so be it

The four ladies, and two curious cats, disappeared to Senta’s quarters

It must be one of the cats

The cats loved sleeping on the soft leather of the massage table

“Sector five!” The cats fixed their gaze on that portion of the screen instantly

The cats leaned in closer to the nearly touching pair’s heads

The Captain and her Security Officer took several turns around the gardens and only the cats, vegetables, flowers and various seedlings were privy to the intricacies of the scheme of actions the Huntress held in store for the loosely federated renegade pirates ‘gone to ground’ in the Waghtnin

As soon as the cats touched the Elf, there was a blast of intense light so magnificent, the company could feel it rush through them, shuddering their very bones

Even the whimsical clouds drifting beneath the sky-tube were shaped like cats in various poses — leaping, cavorting or pouncing

‘Incidentally, have you noticed how all the great human tales have cats in them somewhere? This is because we are very psychic creatures

‘Anyway, only the cats and the human realms have access to the great teleport Vortex of Arkstone

This species seems never to have been very nurnerous; and the dogs and cats of the Spaniards are said to have long ago almost entirely extirpated it, as well as some other tribes of a still smaller size

They also have two carpet whales that some people would call cats

The lost and found ads are usually about some keys that have been lost or some keys that have been found, cats that have been lost or, more frequently, cats that have been found, and dogs too, of course

Listening closely, they popped the door and took a peak around before gesturing to Sebastian and Russell, who moved in, silent as cats

She lives in Indiana with her daughter and their cats, Pugsley and Isabelle

They fought like cats and dogs

Cats have had their kittens on it and people

Content to just sit here in this cluttered old room with all its relations and cowboys and indians and cats having kittens and it’s covered wagons and trains

” “The rules do say that cats must be registered by closing date of applications, not by the time of the show,” the judge murmured, staring at his shoes

Then she lifted her chin, packed up her cats, and went home without another word, never realizing the worst was still to come

If she couldn’t show her cats, she couldn’t fetch as much for her kittens, and

H’s cats something?”

With her, the cats always came first

Having two cats is like having two children in that you must never, ever bring home something for one without buying the exact same thing for the other

Unfortunately, our cats are a bit on the spoiled side (no idea how that happened)

The upshot is, even when we bring home something that is not for them, but rather for us, the cats still claim ownership

Cats, 391,” I said

Per routine, I fed the cats at five o’clock

But this was different; Mother hated cats

I have a husband, children, a job, and two cats to take care of, as well as the woman living in my basement

I sometimes wonder how my mother, if she were aware, would feel about two cats living upstairs while she inhabits the basement

Most of the Siamese we saw were slender and elegant, modern cats with wedge-shaped heads

We were directed to a breeder who also raised Tonkinese cats

I believed that two cats would be good company for each other, but I feared they would bond

admiring the mother cats from a distance, those poor mommy cats, found in alleyways with litters of mouths to feed

“Here have you seen the size of the rats around here they are bigger than bloody house cats”, he threw a stone in the mud and it sank immediately

I adore cats

While in college, my friends and I would adopt stray cats and then struggle to pay the unanticipated veterinary bills

” “That’s how it is with cats,” she laughed

” Yes, that is how it is with cats

The Web site indicates cats with urinary tract infections need to drink a lot of water, adding that with their inquisitive nature, cats are more likely to drink out of bowls placed in odd spots around the home

Pink and gray cats climbed onto the windowsills, leapt the bedrails, and settled themselves heavily on my chest

pouting cats peering out from behind wire mesh

Stuck in my bed, all but motionless, I felt a kinship with those confused, scared cats down the road

I came upon a house with a grand wraparound porch covered with mewing cats flicking their tails

More cats tumbled out of the rooms inside, but I held only a single can of tuna

“Those crying cats are your unmet needs

Cats use paws as hands

Her green-gold eyes fixed on the loose cockatiels behind the counter, while I stared at the lavish tattoos of dogs and cats decorating the clerk’s forearms

Cats are agile in their loyalty, recognizing and expressing love in its myriad shapes and unconventional forms

She had nursed me back to some kind of balance after a couple of years of too much cutting up and catting around with Sampson and a few other single friends, including the fast crowd that played basketball with the Washington Bullets

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