The word can is used to refer to

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Understanding the Difference Between “Could” and “Can”

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There’s a time and place for “could” and “can.” This blog post will teach you more about the meanings and uses of these modal verbs.

Can could, Difference between could and can, could vs. can

Is it “I could” or “I can”? The answer depends on the context.
  • Can and could are modal verbs that express possibility or ability. They’re also used to make a request or ask for permission.
  • When referring to ability or possibility, can is used for present scenarios, whereas could is used in the past tense.
    • I can translate that for you.
      I could have gone to Harvard, but I preferred to attend Howard University instead.
  • When you’re talking or writing about the future, use can when referring to something that is certain (or very likely) to happen. Could implies that something might happen in the future, but there’s still a possibility it won’t.
    • You can get an infection if you keep picking at your wound.
      You could win first place in the marathon if you keep up with this rigid training schedule.
  • Both could and can are used to ask for permission; however, can is often considered colloquial and could is seen as more polite.
    • Can I be excused?
      Could you help me find my keys, please?

What Is the Difference Between “Can” and “Could”?

Can and could are both modal verbs. Modal verbs are the type of auxiliary verb that indicate suggestion, obligation, possibility, or ability. In addition to can and could, modal verbs also include:

  • will/would
  • shall/should
  • may/might

There are a few others such as must and ought to. Additionally, need sometimes functions as a modal verb.

Now that we finished that quick grammar lesson, let’s review the definition and uses of “can” and “could.”

When To Use “Can”

Here are the different uses of can:

1. Using “can” to express a strong possibility or indicate that something is certain to happen

A bee sting can cause pain and discomfort.

2. Using “can” to indicate ability

I can run a mile in under eight minutes.

3. Using “can” to make a request

Can you upload the document onto the hard drive, please?

4. Using “can” to ask for permission

Can I go to the restroom, please?

It’s important to note that using can to ask for permission is considered informal and colloquial. It can also be seen as ambiguous. Some people may read this question as if you’re questioning whether you’re capable of going to the restroom. The more appropriate modal verb to use in this instance would be may.

May I go to the restroom, please?

Can has two negated forms: Cannot is spelled without a space in between, and can’t is considered as a bit more informal.

When To Use “Could”

Could has similar uses, but there are some differences to keep in mind. We’ll review them below.

1. Using “could” to express possibility

The main difference between could and can is that when expressing a possibility, could implies that something might happen, but there’s still a doubt.

I could buy a new car by the end of the year if I save up enough money.

2. Using “could” to indicate possibility or ability in the past

I could have helped her had I known she was struggling.

Larry could swim by the age of three.

3. Using “could” to make a request

Could you lower the volume?

4. Using “could” to ask for permission

Could I work a few extra hours this week?

Again, may would be the grammatical correct modal verb to use in this scenario. However, when it comes to can and could, could is often considered the more polite word to use. Its negation is could not or couldn’t.

“Could” vs. “Can”

Understanding the difference between “could” and “can” may be challenging. The most important things to remember are:

  • Can is used when referring to something with a strong possibility or occurring, whereas could is used to refer to something that has a weak possibility.
  • Both can and could can be used to make a request, but when asking for permission, could is the more polite choice to use.
  • When indicating ability or possibility, can is used in the present tense and could is used in the past tense. For example:

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A. the ability to do something
B. permission to do something
C. the need to do something

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Q: The word can is used to refer to a the ability to do something b permission to do something c the need to do something d both a and b?

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Bleed can refer to the overall layout, as well as text or graphics/ pictures that extend to the edge of the label.

Кровотечение может относиться к общей компоновки, а также текста или графики картин, которые простираются на краю этикетки.

This sign can refer to your own grandmother and her talents.

You can refer to my lawyer.

You can refer to a professional astrologer, who by the date and time of birth will make a natal chart.

Вы можете обратиться к профессиональному астрологу, который по дате и времени рождения составит натальную карту.

Also can refer to her biography.

If a person does not taste, then you can refer to stylists and image-makers.

Если у человека отсутствует вкус, то можно обратиться к стилистам и имиджмейкерам.

The verb to lease is less precise because it can refer to either of these actions.

Глагол сдавать в аренду является менее точным, поскольку он может относиться к любому из этих действий.

We usually associate these maritime vehicles with larger vessels, although the term can refer to a simple canoe.

Мы обычно связывают эти морские транспортные средства с более крупными судами, хотя этот термин может относиться к простому каноэ.

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В компьютерных сетях front-end может относиться к любому оборудованию, которое оптимизирует или защищает сетевой трафик.

The people who buy these shares are the shareholders, and the term can refer to an individual or an organization.

Люди, которые покупают эти акции, являются акционерами, и этот термин может относиться к физическому лицу или организации.

Also, you can refer to this page to help you figure out your tax responsibilities.

Кроме того, вы можете обратиться к этой странице, чтобы помочь вам понять свои налоговые обязанности.

Active defense can refer to a defensive strategy in the military or cybersecurity arena.

Активная защита может относиться к оборонительной стратегии в военной или кибербезопасности арены.

While the word can refer to other relatives, its normal and literal meaning is a physical brother.

Хотя слово может относиться к другим родственникам, его нормальным и буквальный смыслом является «родной брат».

It can refer to practice everything, because all of the things around us were, at a certain point technological breakthroughs.

Это может относиться к практике всего, потому что все вещи вокруг нас были, в определенный момент, технологическими прорывами.

The term culture can refer to a variety of concepts.

You can refer to the interconnection of computers and other devices that share resources.

Вы можете обратиться к взаимосвязи компьютеров и других устройств, которые совместно используют ресурсы.

You can refer to them later if you get confused.

The expression «It’s not what you think,» addressed the blonde, can refer to any situation.

Выражение «Это не то, что ты думаешь» адресованное блондинке может относиться к любой ситуации.

So, since Segway has two wheels, this form of transportation can refer to any of the above mentioned vehicles.

Итак, поскольку у сигвея два колеса, то этот вид транспорта может относиться к любому из вышеперечисленных транспортных средств.

Sometimes genotype is used differently: Instead it can refer to a smaller portion of an organism’s genetic code.

Иногда генотип используется по-другому: вместо этого он может относиться к меньшей части генетического кода организма.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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The word «technology» can also be used to refer to a collection of techniques. In this context, it is the current state of humanity’s knowledge of how to combine resources to produce desired products, to solve problems, fulfill needs, or satisfy wants; it includes technical methods, skills, processes, techniques, tools and raw materials.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Слово «технология» может также использоваться для обозначения совокупности методов. В этом контексте, это современное состояние знаний человечества о том, как объединить ресурсы для получения желаемых продуктов, чтобы решить проблемы, удовлетворить потребности, или удовлетворять хочет; она включает в себя технические приемы, навыки, процессы, методы, инструменты и сырье.

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Слово «технология» также может быть использовано для обозначения сборника методов. В этом контексте, это текущее состояние знаний человечества о том, как объединить ресурсы для производства желаемых продуктов, для решения проблем, удовлетворения потребностей, или удовлетворить желания; она включает в себя технические методы, навыки, процессы, методы, инструменты и сырье.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Термин «технология» может также использоваться для обозначения набора технологий.в этом контексте речь идет о нынешнем состоянии знаний человечества о том, как объединять ресурсы для производства необходимых товаров, решения проблем, удовлетворения спроса или удовлетворения спроса; речь идет о технических методах, навыках, процессах, технологиях, инструментах и сырьевых материалах.<br>

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