The word can be left out

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

можно опустить

можно исключить

The word ‘cryptographic’ can be left out if the rouines from the library

‘Криптографических’ слово можно опустить, если rouines из библиотеки

The word ‘cryptographic’ can be left out if the rouines from the library being used are not cryptographic

Слово «криптографический» можно опустить, если продукт используется для библиотеки, не

No country can be left out if international counter-terrorism efforts are to truly succeed.

В это должны быть вовлечены все страны, если мы хотим, чтобы международные усилия в области контртерроризма увенчались успехом.

The outdoor furniture made of plastic is waterproof naturally; therefore, it can be left out for the entire year.

Пластиковая мебель, естественно, водонепроницаема, поэтому ее можно оставлять на улице в течение всего года.

Most of there woolly phrases are mere padding, which can be left out altogether, or replaced by a single word.

Бóльшая часть таких расплывчатых фраз — просто вода, от которой можно отказаться совсем или заменить одним словом.

If not, this section can be left out.

No one can be left out of our care.

It is up to 40% can be left out the company.

Workflow automation also helps groups of people into coordinating efforts in a better way, so disorganization can be left out of the equation.

Автоматизация бизнес-процессов также помогает группам людей лучше координировать усилия, поэтому дезорганизация может быть исключена из уравнения.

Not a single house within the local party organization’s area of influence can be left out in this agitation.

Ни один дом, находящийся в сфере влияния местной партийной организации, не должен оставаться незатронутым этой агитацией.

Summary: Salted butter can be left out for several days to a couple of weeks before it goes bad.

Соленое сливочное масло можно оставить на несколько дней или пару недель, прежде чем оно испортится.

This automaton has 32 = 9 transition conditions so nothing can be left out or overlooked.

Этот Автомат с 32 = 9 условий переходов — просто вообще ничего нельзя забыть или пропустить.

This portion of the URL is not required and many times can be left out.

It can be left out unprotected for the whole winter and will be ready to use again in the spring and summer months.

Он может быть оставлен без защиты на всю зиму и будет готов к использованию снова в весенние и летние месяцы.

In some cases, especially with continuous measurement of inorganic gases, some steps of the procedure can be left out (e.g., separation).

В отдельных случаях, особенно при непрерывном измерении неорганических газов, некоторые этапы процедуры могут быть пропущены (например, сепарация).

The consideration of dignity which in other words may be called self-respect is not something which can be left out when considering the art of personality.

Достоинство, которое другими словами можно назвать самоуважение, это не то, что можно отбросить рассматривая искусство личности.

Dry food, on the other hand, can be left out all day without spoiling it.

And today we are at the beginning of a change, where nobody can be left out.

It can be left out during the winter months and still look beautiful year after year.

If downtime doesn’t concern you too much, parts that can be acquired quickly and easily can be left out of a stocking plan.

Если время простоя не является критическим для вашей компании, запасные части, которые можно быстро и легко приобрести, могут быть исключены из плана снабжения.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 39. Точных совпадений: 39. Затраченное время: 164 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Unstressed words are often left out at the beginning of a sentence if the meaning is clear without them. Words that can be left out include auxiliary verbs, personal pronouns, possessives and articles.

Kids are studying. (= The kids are studying.)
Seen John? (= Have you seen John?)
Wife is unwell. (= My wife is unwell.)
Couldn’t do anything. (= I couldn’t do anything.)
Must go. (= I must go.)
Can’t wait for the holidays. (= I can’t wait for the holidays.)
Will do it tomorrow. (= I will do it tomorrow.)
Doing well, I hope? (= You are doing well, I hope.)
Nobody at home. (= There is nobody at home.)
Careful what you say. (= Be careful what you say.)
Be forty dollars. (= That will be forty dollars.)
See you soon. (= I will see you soon.)
Haven’t seen him. (= I haven’t seen him.)

Auxiliary verbs can be left out before personal pronouns except I and it.

He want to come? (=Does she want to come?)
You ready? (= Are you ready?)

But you can’t say: I late instead of am I late?

Section 1 Formal or informal

 Three different writing styles are often identified:


Neutral / Standard


This is the style of an old-fashioned letter. Ideas are presented politely and carefully, and there is much use of fixed expressions and long words. The language is impersonal. Grammar and punctuation are important. This style is not common in emails, but you can find it if the subject matter is serious (for example a complaint). 

This is the most common style in professional/work emails. The writer and reader are both busy, so the language is simple, clear and direct. Sentences are short and there is use of contractions (I’ve for I have etc.). The language is more personal. However, the style is not similar to speech – it is too direct.

This is the most common style for emails between friends. Sometimes the email can be very short or it could include personal news, funny comments etc. This is the style that is closest to speech, so there are everyday words and conversational expressions. The reader will also be more tolerant of bad grammar etc.



Neutral / Formal

What do you need?

Please let us know your requirements.

Thanks for the email of 12 Feb.

Thank you for your email received 12 February.

Sorry, I can’t make it.

I am afraid I will not be able to attend.

I’m sorry to tell you that …

We regret to advise you that …

I promise …

I can assure you that …

Could you …?

I was wondering if you could …

You haven’t …

We note from our records that you have not …

Don’t forget …

We would like to remind you that …

I need to …

It is necessary for me to …

Shall I …?

Would you like me to …?

But … / Also … / So …

However … / In addition … / Therefore …

Please could you …

I would be grateful if you could …

I’m sorry for …

Please accept our apologies for …

Re …

With regard to … (or With reference to)

See you next week.

I look forward to meeting you next week.

NOTE: with business emails you can mix styles to some extent, but don’t mix styles at the two extremes. If in doubt, follow the style of the other person.

 Compare the emails below:

 Email 1 / Formal

I am afraid I will not be able to attend the meetingon Friday. As I will miss the meeting, I was wondering if you could send me a copy of the minutes? I will write to Anita as well, to inform her that I will not be there. Once again, please accept my apologies for this, and I can assure you that I will be at the next meeting.

Email 1 / Informal

Sorry, I can’t make iton Friday. As I’ll miss the meeting, could you send me a copy of the minutes? I’ll write to Anita as well, to tell her (that) I won’t be there. Once again, I’m sorry for this, and I promise (that) I’ll be at the next meeting.

Email 2 / Formal

Thank you for your email of 25 Januarywhere you requested assistance on how to order on-line. It is necessary for me to know your a/c number before I can deal with this. I would be grateful if you could also provide details of which version of Windows you are using.

Email 2 / Informal

Thanks for the email of 25 Janwhere you asked for help on how to order on-line. I need to know your a/c number before I can deal with this. Please could you also provide details of which version of Windows you’re using.

 Email 3 / Formal

With reference toyour order number J891 – we received this morning, but you have not filled in the sections on size and colour. Please let us know your exact requirements. These products are selling very well at the moment, and we regret to advise you that the medium size is temporarily out of stock. However, we are expecting more supplies in the near future. Would you like me to email you when they arrive?

Email 3 / Informal

Reorder number J891 – we received this morning, but you haven’t filled in the sections on size and colour. What exactly do you need? These products are selling very well at the moment, and I’m sorry to tell you that the medium size is temporarily out of stock. But we’re expecting more supplies soon. Shall I email you when they arrive?

 NOTE: longer words of Latin origin sound more formal (box A), and shorter words (box B) sound more informal.

 BOX A                                                                  Box B

  1. assistance

  2. due to

  3. enquire

  4. further

  5. inform

  6. information

  7. obtain / receive

  8. occupation

  9. possess

  10. provide

  11. repair

  12. request

  13. requirements

  14. reserve

  15. verify

  1. help (n)

  2. because of

  3. ask

  4. more

  5. tell

  6. facts

  7. get

  8. job

  9. have

  10. give

  11. fix (v)

  12. ask for

  13. need (n)

  14. book (v)

  15. check / prove

TIP 1Use short simple sentences. Long sentences are often difficult to read and understand. The most common mistake for learner of English is to translate directly from their own language. Usually the result is a complicated, confusing sentence.

 Section 1.1 How to start an email

 It is common to start an e-mail with the name of the person you are writing to, without starting with the word «Dear». The following are examples of some appropriate ways to start and end an e-mail:

(1) Writing to your partner

Start:Use the person’s first name or nickname.

Ending:»Take care», or «Love», or «Thinking of you».

Signature:Your first name, or nickname.

(2) Writing to a friend

Start:Use the person’s first name.

Ending: «Best wishes», or «Yours», or «Take care».

Signature:Your first name.

(3) Writing to someone in your own company

Start:Use the person’s first name (in a few companies you might need to be more formal, but this is rare in the UK).

Ending:»Regards», or «Best wishes».

Signature:Your first name and last name, and below this your job title and department, and phone number (or extension).

(4) Writing to someone in another organization or someone in a formal position of responsibility

Start:Use the person’s title (e.g.: Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr) and surname (e.g.: Smith), or just «Sir/Madam» if you don’t know the name.


Signature:Your first name and last name (you might add your title after this in brackets if you want to make it clear if you are a man or woman). Below this your job title (if appropriate) and contact details (you may want to include your telephone number or address).

 Section 2 Missing words and abbreviations

 Missing out words is common in emails and informal speech. It happens where the people know each other very well and the situation is relaxed and friendly. The meaning is clear from the context so the full grammatical form is not necessary.

  1. The subject ‘I’ can be left out, especially with mental verbs like hope, think etc.

    • (I) think your idea is great.

    • (I) hope you’re well.

  2. In a question, the subject ‘you’ and the auxiliary can be left out.

    • (Did you) get my last email?

    • (Are you) coming with us on Friday?

  3. The subject ‘I’ and the auxiliary (be, have, will) can be left out.

    • (I am) looking forward to seeing you.

    • (I’ll) speak to you later.

  4. The words ‘That’ or ‘It’ can be left out, often with a form of ‘be’ as well.

    • (That’s) good idea!

    • (It) sounds like fun!

    • (It’s a) pity we missed you yesterday.

  5. A form of ‘be’ can be left out on its own.

    • Your suggestion (is) good, but needs clarification.

    • Next week (would be) better than this week.

  6. The word ‘the’ can occasionally be left out.

    • Just read (the) email about relocation.


Обновлено на

15 авг. 2018

  • Японский
  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Ирландский

Вопрос про Английский (британский вариант)

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  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

Number 2 is most natural. Yes, you can leave out «that.»

These are all the pens I have.

  • Японский

Thank you!!!
The other two make sence as well?

  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@lemianbb You’re welcome. No, the other two don’t make sense :)

  • Японский

Ah, I understand.
Thank you, again! :)

  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Русский

The second is correct. If you said ‘These pens are all that I have’ or something similar, it would sound as though you were saying you own nothing else except these pens.

  • Японский

Thank you so much!! I now completely understand. 😀😀😀

  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

@lemianbb «These pens are all I have» would be OK. In most sentences we leave out a lot of other information, just like Japanese.

There are no circumstances I can think of where I would believe all somebody had was some pens. They would have to be naked, for example. 🙀😶

So, 2 is right… 3 is right if you say «are all» and 1 is beyond help. 😊

You can drop «that» (you can frequently drop «that» in English) and I think the way I’d say this sentence would be…

These are all I’ve got.

…assuming we don’t need to say «pens». If we need to say «pens»…

These pens are the only ones I’ve got.

  • Английский (британский вариант)

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Русский


  • Японский

no.1 😩😱😩😨😩😱;p
no.2 😋😋😋
no.3 🙃

Thank you so much!!! :)

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Are these sentences correct?  Which one sounds natural?  Can the word "that" be left out?  Or any better way to say?

✖️1) These are the pens that all I have.
✔️2) These are all the pens that I have.
✖️3) These pens are the all that I have.

  • *Native English Speakers Only Please.

    Please correct these sentences to be natural.



    @cakecraze The computer font for «ri» is a single continuous stroke but in handwriting it’s written like this: (the pen lifts off the paper h…

  • Are these correct?
    — Transfer your big notebook into your cabinet.
    (Is «Transfer into» the phras…


    transfer into is right.
    put into is better (u’re filling something up) or u can say how to fill/top up the pilot pentel with ink?

  • Which sentence is correct?
    A) I had to tell where I was going.
    B) I had to tell where I was going…


    A) is more correct. Adding “to” doesn’t make it incorrect but it sounds odd.

  • Native English Speakers Only Please

    Please correct these sentences to be natural
    (Please tell…


    the first one is fine
    the second one you could say «I don’t mind which you choose » would seem more natural

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    You’re all fine, but maybe you’d like to make this sound better.

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    2. Depending…

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    2. «He was found asleep»
    Are these senten…


    @satthusketchup I went to the office and found him unconscious . He was asleep

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    I want a pen is natural but I think it would better if you said I need a pen

  • Hello

    Could someone please clarify which one of these is correct?

    «Whose pen is this?»


    «Whose pen is this?» is the correct sentence. The other sentence is grammatically incorrect.

  • This is the snippet out of text of native English speaker:

    Question 1. My diet is «all over the …


    All over the place — wildly inconsistent
    Yes it should be «I have been»
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  • Какой Are you hungry yet? звучит наиболее естественно?
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    Get displayed / be displayed

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    Please forward the email to whomever you think relevant.


    Please …

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    Оба варианта правильны?

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    Известнa ли эта профессия в России?
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    Оба варианта правильны?

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  • —> Актуарий
    Вы слышали об этой профессии?
    Известнa ли эта профессия в России?

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