The word cake in french

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

A useful tool for creating a fondant cake with vivid flowers.

Un outil utile pour créer un gâteau fondant avec fleurs éclatantes.

Cover the cake with the remaining white chocolate frosting.

Recouvrir le gâteau avec le reste de glaçage au chocolat blanc.

The worst problem was the Betty Crocker cake mix.

Le plus gros problème venait du cake Betty Crocker.

Original buttercream cake with colorful elements over blue background.

Gâteau de crème au beurre original avec des éléments colorés sur fond bleu.

Spread the pineapple and sugar icing on the cake contours.

Répartir le glaçage ananas et sucre sur les contours du gâteau.

Remove the parchment paper and roll the cake onto itself.

Retirer le papier parchemin et enrouler le gâteau sur lui-même.

Prepare a perfect cake for you and your loved family.

Préparer un gâteau parfait pour vous et votre famille proche.

You can create the cake of anniversary with your favorite photo.

Vous pouvez créer le gâteau d’anniversaire avec votre photo préférée.

Each furry little critter wants a different kind of cake.

Chaque petite créature poilue veut un autre type de gâteau.

Learn to make a delicious cake to celebrate your birthday prximo.

Apprenez à faire un délicieux gâteau pour fêter votre anniversaire prximo.

Although check for doneness: the cake should remain soft.

Bien vérifier la cuisson: le gâteau doit rester moelleux.

The cake will be ready when its surface becomes slightly golden.

Le gâteau est prêt lorsque sa surface devient légèrement dorée.

Note that the recipe for this cake can bevery different.

Notez que la recette de ce gâteau peut êtretrès différent.

Françoise has very kindly welcomed us with a homemade cake.

Françoise nous a très gentiment accueillis avec un gâteau maison.

Essential tool for shaping and smoothing rolled fondant on your cake.

Outil essentiel pour façonner et lisser le fondant roulé sur votre gâteau.

This same cake can also be processed into fine filaments.

Ce même gâteau peut aussi être transformé en filaments fins.

The silica cake obtained is then fluidified by simple mechanical action.

Le gâteau de silice obtenu est ensuite fluidifié par simple action mécanique.

To celebrate important events, you need a special cake.

Pour célébrer des évènements important il faut un gâteau spécial.

Drizzle each portion of cake with caramel sauce and serve.

Napper chaque portion du gâteau de caramel et servir.

Probably, chocolate cake is the most delicious one amongst the cakes.

Gâteau au chocolat est probablement celui parmi les gâteaux plus délicieux.

What do French call cake?, This might be a bit confusing, but the French word for “cake” is actually gâteau. The dish in France that is called cake salé is not actually sweet at all. It is a savory cake, with salé being the French word for “salty”.

Furthermore, What are small French cakes called?, A petit four (plural: petits fours, also known as mignardises) is a small bite-sized confectionery or savory appetizer. The name is French, petit four (French pronunciation: ​[pə. ti fuʁ]), meaning “small oven”.

Finally,  Which is the plural French word for cake?, gâteau. noun, plural gâ·teaux [ga-toh-tohz, gah-; French gah-toh]. French Cooking. a cake, especially a very light sponge cake with a rich icing or filling.

Frequently Asked Question:

What is the word cheesecake in French?

Wiktionary: cheesecake → gâteau au fromage, tourteau fromager, cheesecake. cheesecake → cheese-cake.

What is the French cake called?

Alternative names

Alternative names gâteau de mille-feuilles, vanilla slice or custard slice, Napoleon pastry
Type Pastry, cake
Course Dessert
Main ingredients Puff pastry, custard, powdered sugar

What are little French cakes called?

Madeleines or Shell-shaped cookies are a kind of little cake made with eggs and butter. They can be dump in chocolate or made with chocolate chips. Madeleines are the kind of pastry that French people frequently have as a snack with tea, coffee or hot chocolate.

What is the national cake of France?

The Madeleine cake of France is small, delicious, simple to make and a national favourite. This shell shaped cake has been around for centuries and like the croissant, its origins are hazy.

What are small round cakes called?

Eccles Cake. About: Eccles cake are small round cakes filled with currants, topped with demerara sugar.

What is the name of this French cake?

Opera cake is a French cake made with layers of almond sponge cake soaked in coffee syrup, layered with ganache, coffee (or Grand Marnier) and buttercream, and covered in a chocolate glaze.

What is a popular French cake?

Fraisier. FRANCE. shutterstock. Fraisier is a French cake, its name derived from the word fraise, meaning strawberry. Traditionally, the cake consists of layers of genoise sponge, vanilla-flavored créme mousselline, marzipan, and lines of fresh, sliced strawberries.

What is the plural of cake in French?

[ɡɑto ] Word forms: gâteau, plural gâteaux. masculine noun. 1. (= tarte) cake.

Which one is a French word for cake?

The word in French for cake is gâteau.

What is the meaning of the French word gâteau?

Definition of gâteau 1 : food baked or served in the form of a cake eggplant gâteau. 2 : a rich or fancy cake.

What is manteau mean in French?

Definition of manteau : a loose cloak, coat, or robe.

What do the French call cheesecake?

• cheesecake

From To Via
• cheesecake → cheese-cake ↔ Käsekuchen

Is cheesecake feminine in French?

In French, cheesecake is gâteau au fromage (or cheesecake, both seem to be correct). However both of those are masculine nouns.

What was cheesecake originally called?

The ancient Greeks, by the fifth century BC, made the earliest known rudimentary cheesecakes (plakous meaning “flat mass”), consisting of patties of fresh cheese pounded smooth with flour and honey and cooked on an earthenware griddle.

Is cheesecake Italian or French?


Baked cheesecake topped with raspberries
Type Various
Course Dessert
Place of origin Ancient Greece
Main ingredients Cream cheese, sugar, pie crust (graham cracker crust, pastry, or sponge cake)

What is a small French cake called?

A petit four (plural: petits fours, also known as mignardises) is a small bite-sized confectionery or savory appetizer. The name is French, petit four (French pronunciation: ​[pə.

What cake do French people eat?

King cake, or la galette des rois, is traditionally eaten with the family on the first Sunday after New Year’s Day, but many enjoy it from December 31 and throughout the whole month of January! Along with Yule logs and Easter eggs, this is another unmissable fixture in the French culinary calendar.

I love this salty cake of figs with cheese and caramelized onions.


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J’adore cette tarte salée de figues avec du fromage et oignons caramélisés.


Ability to create yourself your cake with the ingredients of your choice.


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Possibilité de créer soi-même votre galette avec les ingrédients de votre choix.


Coffee and cake in the Restaurant Seegrube at 2.000 m.


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Café et de la pâtisserie dans le restaurant Seegrube à 2000 m d’altitude.


Coffee and 1 piece of cake in the Restaurant Seegrube at 2,000m.


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Café et de la pâtisserie dans le restaurant Seegrube à 2000 mètres d’altitude.


Canola cake is an ingredient used in cattle feed.


The business is incorporated as Phil’s Cake Box Bakeries.

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Le lieu de tournage est la pâtisserie Carlo’s Bakery.

Ranges: 12 cake cup pan Available in the following ranges.


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Moule 12 cakes les gammes ci-dessous sont disponibles.


Eyck including coffee and cake.


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Large cake counter, ice cream and Italian specialities such as tiramisu.


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Large comptoir à pâtisseries, glaces et spécialités italiennes comme le tiramisu.


Individual Cup Cake moulds ideal for muffins, cakes, panna cotta.


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Moules Cup Cakes individuels idéals pour les muffins, cakes, pannacottas….


The whole day you can enjoy delicious pancakes and cake!


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vous pourrez également vous y régaler de crêpes et de pâtisseries!


You could lose your foot or worse, for what, cake pops?

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Vous pourriez perdre votre pied ou pire, pourquoi, des cakes pops?

Then change! But I insist you eat this cake with us.

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Changez-vous et revenez manger cette pâtisserie avec nous.

D The evaporation of liquid hexane from soya cake.


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D L’évaporation d’hexane liquide de tourteaux de soja.


Volunteers to sell coffee and cake.


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Amateurs pour vendre du café et des tartes.


Best known as a cake spice in gingerbread for example.


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Surtout connue comme épice entrant dans la composition de pâtisseries pain d’épices.


Cake lovers will love the cupcakes from the Petit Marquis….


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Les gourmands vont adorer les cup cakes du Petit Marquis….


Four cake scented colors to use separately


Seasoned rice cake, please.

back with… a»hammock of cake.

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Who wants rice in a cake?

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you can enjoy a slice of cake or an open-faced sandwich.


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L’après-midi, vous pouvez déguster des pâtisseries ou des sandwichs.


Let’s try the rice cake factory.

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Bacteria form a solid»cake«, containing 2-4% water.


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Les bactéries forment un« gâteau» solide,


Choose a voucher for Chimney cake during the reservation process.


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Choisissez un bon pour un« Gâteau cheminée» parmi les cadeaux proposés lors de la réservation.


Use this flags cutter from Patchwork Cutter on a cool race cake!


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Utilisez ces découpoirs Patchwork Cutter pour des desserts de compétition!


Bake the cake in the centre of the oven for approx.


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Faites cuire les biscuits au milieu du four pendant env.


Make classic English cake designs with the Wilton cut outs plaque.


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motifs anglais classiques pour des gâteaux avec le découpoir de plaque de Wilton.


The gluten-free banana cake mix by Orgran conjures a pleasant juicy cake with.


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Le mélange pour gâteau à la banane sans gluten de Orgran conjugue un



Cake& Bake is specialized in cakes, chocolate and pastries.


Results: 13110,
Time: 0.0386





Translation for «cake» to french

  • Examples
  • Similar phrases

Translation examples

  • gâteau

  • tarte

  • pâtisserie

  • morceau

  • croquette

I gave her cakes, I gave her wine,

Je lui donnai des gâteaux, je lui donnai du vin,

This, however, would be perilously close to the Council telling the general membership to eat cake.

Cela, néanmoins, reviendrait presque à dire à l’ensemble des membres qui demandent du pain d’aller manger des gâteaux.

It grows the global cake.

Elle permet de partager un plus gros gâteau.

It should be pointed out, however, that increasing or not increasing the membership of the Security Council is not a matter of sharing a cake or a piece of cake.

Il convient néanmoins de faire remarquer que le fait d’augmenter ou non le nombre des membres du Conseil de sécurité ne revient pas à déterminer de quelle manière on se partage un gâteau ou une part de gâteau.

Some commodities, such as cakes and deserts, are often sold in a single establishment.

Certains produits, par exemple les gâteaux et desserts, sont souvent vendus dans le même établissement.

Rotation is not a device for distributing leftover slices of the cake among Member States.

Le roulement n’est pas un mécanisme conçu pour distribuer les restes du gâteau entre les États Membres.

Let us not quarrel over how to divide the cake.

Il ne faut pas nous quereller sur la division du gâteau.

Others (breads, cookies, chips, rice cakes)

Divers (pain, biscuits, frites, gâteau de riz)

We hope that 15 years from now, gender equality will no longer be considered the icing on the cake.

Il est à espérer que dans 15 ans, l’égalité des sexes ne sera plus considérée comme la cerise sur le gâteau.

Cake and more cake.

Du gâteau, encore du gâteau.

Here’s a thought: cake, cake, and more cake.

Voici ma pensée : gâteau, gâteau, et plus de gâteau.

Cake, cake, cake o’clock ♪

Le gâteau, le gâteau L’heure du gâteau

No more cake, no more cake, no more cake, no more cake.

Plus de gâteau, plus de gâteau, plus de gâteau, plus de gâteau.

— The cake did. — What cake?

Le gâteau l’a fait Quel gâteau ?

Unicorn cake, burrito cake

Le gâteau licorne, le gâteau burrito…

Daughters have to live under strict direction of parents based on an old saying, «A cake is never bigger than the pot» that puts emphasis on selecting a partner for marriage.

Les filles doivent vivre sous la supervision stricte des parents selon le vieil adage << le tarte n’est jamais plus grande que le moule >> qui gouverne la sélection du futur époux.

70. The view «A cake is never bigger than the pot» means that children living under the care of their parents do not have the right to make any decisions.

70. Selon l’adage <<la tarte n’est jamais plus grande que le moule>>, les enfants à la charge de leurs parents n’ont pas le droit de décider.

Some people still hold on to traditional attitudes and stereotypes and use the influence of sayings such as «A cake is never bigger than the pot» to put pressure on their children in choosing partners for marriage.

Certaines personnes conservent encore la mentalité et les stéréotypes traditionnels et recourent à des adages, tel <<la tarte n’est jamais plus grande que le moule>> pour faire pression sur leurs enfants lors du choix d’un époux.

Umm… cake pie.

Umm… patisserie tarte.

«Piece of cake

«part de tarte«

Cake is better.

C’est meilleur, la tarte.

Crab cake? Yeah.

Tarte au crabe ?

The 2010 data indicate only men are enrolled in TVET course. (Please refer to Table 12 of Annex 2.) Women mostly take up stereotypical courses of cake decoration, tailoring and hairdressing and beauty.

Les données de 2010 indiquent que les élèves inscrits aux cours de formation technique et professionnelle sont tous de sexe masculin. (Voir le tableau 12 à l’annexe 2.) Les jeunes filles s’orientent pour la plupart vers des cours répondant à des choix stéréotypés — décoration de pâtisseries, coupe et couture, coiffure, soins du visage et du corps.

A range of other vocational courses is also available to trainees including fashion design, floral arrangement, cake decorating, cosmetology, housekeeping, drapery and computer graphics.

D’autres cours à but professionnel sont proposés aux stagiaires, notamment le stylisme, l’arrangement floral, la pâtisserie décorative, la cosmétologie, l’économie domestique, la draperie et le graphisme informatique.

Section 122(3)(f) further provides some examples of light work such as (i) newspaper rounds; (ii) car-washing; (iii) cake sales and other sales at school and charity fairs; if such light work is approved by the Labour Commissioner by order published in the Gazette after consultation with organizations of employers and employees concerned.

Le même paragraphe donne quelques exemples de travaux légers, notamment: i) la distribution de journaux; ii) le lavage de voitures; iii) la vente de pâtisseries et d’autres produits à l’école et pendant les kermesses; ces travaux légers doivent être approuvés par le Commissaire au travail, par ordonnance publiée au Journal officiel après consultation des organisations d’employeurs et d’employés concernées.

Skills training programmes are conducted on a daily basis in needlework, craft, food and nutrition, cake decoration, computer studies and music.

Des formations professionnelles sont organisées tous les jours dans les domaines suivants : travaux d’aiguille, artisanat, alimentation et nutrition, décoration de pâtisseries, informatique et musique.

The fact that all kinds of cakes and drinks are liberally distributed at these ceremonies ensures their willing attendance.

Les enfants vont d’autant plus volontiers à ces cérémonies qu’elles sont l’occasion d’une généreuse distribution de pâtisseries et de boissons de toutes sortes.

These programmes are felt to be impacting based on improvements in the quality of service given to the public by those women who operate snackettes, cake shops and market stalls.

Il semble que ces programmes soient efficaces si l’on considère l’amélioration de la qualité du service offert au public par ces femmes qui gèrent des snacks, des pâtisseries et des échoppes de marché.

The term couverture is here used to refer to industrial chocolate, the material from which finished chocolate products are made (and also the coating material used in the manufacture of confectionery, biscuits, ice cream and cakes).

Le terme <<couverture>> désigne ici le chocolat à usage industriel qui sert à fabriquer les produits finis à base de chocolat (et aussi l’enrobage utilisé dans la fabrication des confiseries, des crèmes glacées et des pâtisseries).

For example in 2007, 90 former sex workers in the Khomas Region were trained in bag production, needlework, breadmaking, cake baking and fabric painting by Women’s Action for Development (WAD) and in 2008 the Legal Assistance Centre conducted training on maintenance and gender-related laws for 100 current and former sex workers.

Par exemple, en 2007, Women’s Action for Development (WAD) a formé 90 anciens travailleurs du sexe de la région de Khomas à la production de sacs, la couture, la boulangerie, la pâtisserie et la peinture sur toile et, en 2008, le Centre d’assistance juridique a organisé une formation sur les lois relatives à la pension alimentaire et aux questions de parité hommes-femmes à l’intention de 100 travailleurs du sexe actuels et passés.

-in a cake shop.

— dans une pâtisserie.

— Toasts and cakes!

— Toasts et pâtisseries!

Got that pure cake.

Tu veux une pâtisserie?

Baking a fucking cake?

De la pâtisserie ?

At the cake shop.

Jusqu’à la pâtisserie.

This is the cake shop.

Voici la pâtisserie.

¶ like a cake shop without any cakes

Comme une pâtisserie sans pâtisseries

— soap in the form of bars, cakes, moulded pieces, shapes, liquids, pastes or in other forms, organic surface-active products in like forms, paper, wadding, felt or other material impregnated, coated or covered with soap or detergent, crude glycerol.

— savons en barres, en pains, en morceaux et en sujets frappés, savons liquides, savons en pâte et sous d’autres formes; produits et préparations organiques tensio-actifs à usage de savon se présentant sous les mêmes formes; papiers, ouates, feutres ou autres matériaux imprégnés, enduits ou recouverts de savon ou de détergents; glycérine pure;

Have some cake.

— Prends un morceau.

106. Thailand has informed the Secretary-General that, in order to reduce by-catches, fish discards and post-harvest losses, it had taken the following measures: (a) establishment of closed areas and seasons to protect spawning and nursing grounds, including designation of areas of 3 kilometres from the shoreline as reserved and conservation areas, and prohibited to trawlers and push netlers; (b) enlargement of trawler devices from 2 or 2.5 centimetres to 4 centimetres, as well as improvement of other types of gear to reduce by-catches and post-harvest losses; (c) gradual limitation and reduction of fishmeal factories; (d) advice to fishermen to use sea water for fish cleaning to prevent contamination, and to preserve harvest with ice to maintain freshness; (e) prohibition of pushnet fishing as a non-selective gear; and (f) production of fishing products, such as fish crackers or fish cakes from by-catches.

106. La Thaïlande a informé le Secrétaire général des mesures prises pour réduire les prises accessoires, les déchets de la pêche et les pertes après capture : a) interdiction de pêcher dans certaines zones et à certaines époques afin de protéger les frayères et les zones de reproduction, y compris désignation de zones de trois kilomètres à partir de la ligne de rivage en tant que zones réservées et protégées, interdites aux chalutiers et aux navires utilisant des haveneaux; b) agrandissement des mailles des chaluts de 2 ou 2,5 centimètres à 4 centimètres, et amélioration d’autres types d’engins pour réduire les prises accessoires et les pertes après capture; c) limitation et réduction progressives des usines de fabrication de farine de poisson; d) conseils aux pêcheurs d’utiliser l’eau de mer pour le nettoyage des poissons afin de prévenir la contamination, et de préserver les quantités pêchées dans de la glace afin qu’elles conservent leur fraîcheur; e) interdiction de la pêche au haveneau comme technique non sélective; et f) fabrication de produits de la pêche à partir des prises accessoires, comme les crackers et croquettes de poisson.

I got won tons and crab cakes and chicken drumettes.

J’ai fait du won ton, des croquettes de crabe et des ailes de poulet.

How are your crab cakes?

Comment sont vos croquettes de crabe ?

Well, we ordered the crab cakes.

Nous avons commandé des croquettes de crabe.

The sweet smell of cakes

La bonne odeur des croquettes

I want fish cakes too.

Je veux des croquettes de poisson aussi.

No. I’m going to go with the crab cakes and the little quesadillas.

Je choisis les croquettes de crabe et les petites quesadillas.

If one spoke to me again asshole of crab cakes, I puke.

Si un connard me reparle de croquettes au crabe, je dégueule.

And fish cakes.

Et des croquettes de poisson.


Continue reading below

What do French call cake?

This might be a bit confusing, but the French word for “cake” is actually gâteau. The dish in France that is called cake salé is not actually sweet at all. It is a savory cake, with salé being the French word for “salty”.

Is cake a French word?

The word in French for cake is gâteau. Gâteau is a masculine noun, so you will need to use masculine articles and adjectives with it.

Is cake feminine or masculine?

Cake was borrowed from English in the second half of the 18th century and is a shortening of plum-cake, hence your traditional French grandmother’s cake requiring raisins. Since it’s understood as a type of gâteau, it is also masculine. , I’m a woman, last I checked.

What is the plural of cake in French?

Meanings of “(generally plural) cake” in French English Dictionary : 1 result(s)

Category French
1 Common friandise [f]

What are little French cakes called?

Madeleines or Shell-shaped cookies are a kind of little cake made with eggs and butter. They can be dump in chocolate or made with chocolate chips. Madeleines are the kind of pastry that French people frequently have as a snack with tea, coffee or hot chocolate.


Are Friands French?

In French, a friand, which literally means ‘a tasty thing‘, generally refers to sausage, cheese, herbs or other stuffing baked in puff pastry.

What is cheesecake French?

cheesecake → gâteau au fromage, tourteau fromager, cheesecake. cheesecake → cheese-cake.

What is pizza in French translation?

How to say pizza in French

pizazz Piyush
pixyish pixy
pixilated pixie
pizzaiola pizzas
pizzazz pizzeria

What do they call cookies in France?

un gâteau. The other common way to say “cookie” in French is un gâteau.

What is the German name for cakes?

Kuchen is the German word for cake, and is used in other languages as the name for several different types of sweet desserts, pastries, and gateaux. Often sold at Christmas fairs and Carnival.


Continue reading below

What is the French word for biscuit?


From To Via
• biscuit gâteau ↔ koek Er zijn veel varianten, bijvoorbeeld met chocola, rozijnen of glazuur
• biscuit → biscuitgâteau sec ↔ Keks
• biscuit → petit gâteau ↔ Plätzchen
• biscuit → biscottebiscuit ↔ Zwieback B. als Zwiebackbrei

How do you say school in France?

How to Pronounce École? (SCHOOL in FRENCH) – YouTube

Is gâteau a English word?

noun, plural gâ·teaux [ga-toh-tohz, gah-, French gah-toh]. French Cooking. a cake, especially a very light sponge cake with a rich icing or filling.

Is chocolate masculine or feminine in French?

The gender of chocolat is masculine. E.g. le chocolat.

Are croissants UN or UNE?

No, “croissant” is a masculine noun so you say “un croissant“.

What cakes are from France?

16 fabulous types of French cakes

  • Baba Au Rhum. Image via Chef Iso. …
  • Buche de Noel. Image via Jessie Oleson Moore. …
  • Charlotte. Image via Natasha’s Kitchen. …
  • Croquembouche. Image via Erin Bakes. …
  • Dacquoise. Photo licensed via Creative Commons by Flickr member pinotshop. …
  • Fraisier. …
  • Gâteau Basque. …
  • Paris-Brest.

Are eclairs French?

An éclair is an oblong French pastry made from choux pastry, a thick egg-rich dough that gets partially cooked on the stove before added to a piping bag.

What is the national cake of France?

The Madeleine cake of France is small, delicious, simple to make and a national favourite. This shell shaped cake has been around for centuries and like the croissant, its origins are hazy.

What is the difference between Friands and muffins?

The texture of a friand is probably not what you might expect. They are often compared to muffins, but their texture is not muffin-like at all. They are tender and moist (like a good muffin)…but whereas a muffin is supposed to be light and airy, a friand is rich and dense (in fact, rather pound cake-like).

Are Friands and Financiers the same?

Depending on recipes and sources, there are two main differences between Friands and Financiers. First, Financiers use Brown Butter and Friands don’t. Second, Financiers are traditionally made with Almonds only, while Friands are often flavoured with Fruits, Nuts or other ingredients.

What is fruitcake made from?

Fruitcake (or fruit cake or fruit bread) is a cake made with candied or dried fruit, nuts, and spices, and optionally soaked in spirits.

Is Cheesecake feminine in French?

In French, cheesecake is gâteau au fromage (or cheesecake, both seem to be correct). However both of those are masculine nouns.

What is the difference between French style cheesecake and regular cheesecake?

French cheesecakes are typically lighter and fluffier than regular cheesecakes.

What are the different styles of cheesecake?

Types of Cheesecakes

  • New York Cheesecake. …
  • Philadelphia Style Cheesecake. …
  • Chicago Style Cheesecake. …
  • Roman Style Cheesecake. …
  • Swedish Style Cheesecake. …
  • Vegan Cheesecake. …
  • Japanese ‘Cotton’ Cheesecake. …
  • No-Bake Cheesecake.

How do you say Burger in French?

How to say ‘burger’ in French? – YouTube

What is hamburger in French?

More French words for hamburger. le hamburger noun. hamburger. la viande hachée noun.

What’s an orange in French?

noun. Fruit de l’oranger.

Do French people eat biscuits?

The French are not big on the idea of breakfast at all, when usually sweet pastries, jam (on bread or toast), or sweet biscuits are eaten. Even in large cities, it can be incredibly difficult to find cooked eggs on breakfast menus.

Which cookie is very popular in France?

Florentines. Florentines are traditional cookies that are especially popular in Europe, and although not much is known about their origin, the cookies were most likely invented in France in the late 17th century.

Is Lu brand French?

LU biscuits, founded in 1850 by Monsieur LeFevre and Mademoiselle Utile, is one of the greatest success stories in the French food industry. It began with a small family operation in France that grew to become a market leader.

What is an Austrian cake called?


Sachertorte from the Hotel Sacher, Vienna
Type Cake
Place of origin Austria
Region or state Vienna
Created by Franz Sacher

How do you say cake in different languages?

In other languages cake

  1. Arabic: كَعْك

  2. Brazilian Portuguese: bolo.
  3. Chinese: 蛋糕
  4. Croatian: kolač
  5. Czech: dort.
  6. Danish: kage.
  7. Dutch: cake.
  8. European Spanish: tarta.

What is cookie in Germany?

Plätzchen. More German words for cookie. das Plätzchen noun.

What is French scone?

gâteaux secs {m pl} scone.

What is brisket called in France?

Pointe de poitrine (Brisket or flat brisket) Poitrine complète (Full brisket)

How do you say cookie in different languages?

  1. Polish: cookie.
  2. Portuguese (Portugal, Brazil): bolacha.
  3. Punjabi: ਕੂਕੀ
  4. Romanian: fursec.
  5. Russian: печенье
  6. Samoan: kuki.
  7. Scots Gaelic: briosgaid.
  8. Serbian: колачић

What is cool in French?

More French words for cool. refroidir verb. cool down, chill, quench, ice. frais adjective.

What is a French father called?

French Translation. père. More French words for father. le père noun. dad, parent, papa.

How do you say park in French?

How to say ‘park’ in French? – YouTube

Is gateau a cake?

A gâteau is the ultimate show-stopper cake. This crowd-pleaser is typically a lot more indulgent than a traditional cake with its rich fillings and decadent sponge layers. Popular gâteau fillings include thick cream, ganache or mousse, melted chocolate and lots of fresh fruit.

How do you pronounce gateaux in French?

How to Pronounce Gateaux? (CORRECTLY) – YouTube

Is knave a bad word?

Knave, rascal, rogue, scoundrel are disparaging terms applied to persons considered base, dishonest, or worthless. Knave, which formerly meant merely a boy or servant, in modern use emphasizes baseness of nature and intention: a dishonest and swindling knave.

Is Pizza masculine or feminine?

Pizza is feminine because it is in Italian, and also, we “feel” that.

What is sandwich called in French?

le sandwich (petit pain, pistolet)

Is pencil masculine or feminine in French?

crayon m (plural: crayons m)

How do you say a girl is eating a croissant in French?

“A girl is eating a croissant.” Translation: Une fille mange un croissant.

Is coffee masculine or feminine in French?

2 – French Nouns Ending in Ège, É and Eau are Masculine

É, as in le café (coffee or café), le canapé (the sofa), le carré (the square), le défilé (the procession), le supermarché (the supermarket).

Is Orange feminine in French?

Note that colours ending in mute -e, such as jaune (yellow), rose (pink), rouge (red) and orange remain the same in the feminine.

Related lessons.

Masculine Singular orange
Feminine Singular orange
Masculine Plural orange
Feminine Plural orange
English orange



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