The word buy in example sentences

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word buy, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use buy in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «buy».

Buy in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word buy in a sentence.

  1. Some we buy, some we don’t.

  2. All three sets were won buy Mr.

  3. You can buy the farm only once.

  4. He then proceeded to buy off the Danes.

  5. Local residents could buy them at $2 each.

  6. McNall orchestrated the plan to buy the card.

  7. He wanted to buy them a house but, really, ..

  8. The sailors buy sexual favours fairly cheaply.

  9. Suppose someone sets up a fund to buy my meals.

  10. And we saved for the time that we could buy a house.

  11. The bill required the Treasury to buy newly mined U.S.

  12. Well, they say, «Buy where you can buy the cheapest» ..

  13. He also had plans to buy the farm on which he was born.

  14. Her efforts failed, and Al refused to buy him a guitar.

  15. In August 1882 Theo gave Vincent money to buy materials for working en plein air.

  16. In 1815, Mälzel returned to Beauharnais in Munich and asked to buy the Turk back.

  17. Radhika arranges an exhibition of Iqbal’s painting to help him buy the house back.

  18. Gratzer wrote in 2004 that the fund may still have been in use then to buy animals.

  19. He so admired Henry Ford’s pacifist stance that he would only buy Ford automobiles.

  20. Steilberg recommended that Hearst buy the old church portal, which he did, at Byne’s price of $1,500.

  21. However, they discovered that they didn’t know how to buy anything because they had never used money.

  22. Starting in July 1915, Southern Rhodesians raised funds to buy aeroplanes for the Royal Flying Corps.

  23. In 2005, the Spanish Ministry of Defense declared intention to buy the tanks instead of renting them.

  24. He returned to Raleigh, hoping to buy out his apprenticeship, but could not come to terms with Selby.

  25. As in role-playing games, players level up their heroes and use gold to buy equipment during the game.

  26. Media tycoon Robert Maxwell attempted to buy the club in 1984, but did not meet Edwards’ asking price.

  27. It was also reported that Jackson had offered to buy the bones of Joseph Merrick (the «Elephant Man»).

  28. The tax was derided in a children’s chant that said «Hippity-hop to the toy shop to buy a red balloon.

  29. Why can’t every song be so great that people would want to buy it if you could release it as a single?

  30. Gatting was good enough to lead Middlesex and England, but spectators couldn’t buy his book at Lord’s».

  31. Once 15,000 had been sold, the remainder was held to allow local residents the opportunity to buy them.

  32. Money cannot buy it … a man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom.

  33. George Shelby, Arthur Shelby’s son, arrives to buy Tom’s freedom, but Tom dies shortly after they meet.

  34. Sony Music would have the option to buy half of his stake, or about 25% of the catalog, at a set price.

  35. He looked to sell off some assets to pay debts, and Trump approached him with an offer to buy the Bonwit Teller building.

  36. In 2011 an agreement was reached with the Jesuit British Province for the British Library to buy the book for £9 million.

  37. When Jeanne arrived in Paris to buy clothes for the wedding, she was taken ill and died on 9 June 1572, aged forty-three.

  38. In October 1919 he used War Bonds funds to buy two obscure newspapers, the National News and the Sunday Evening Telegram.

  39. The number of smokers continued to rise, but smokers could not buy as many cigarettes, so total tobacco consumption fell.

  40. Fisher was able to buy up the key time on the local television station—Howe initially scheduled no television appearances.

  41. Soon his income allowed him to buy a home near Portland High School where he worked and was promoted to principal in 1882.

  42. If Trump were to buy the building, his tower’s ownership could be transferred to Equitable in 2008, once the lease expired.

  43. The Ottomans chose to buy Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm and Weissenburg, since they were the more advanced ships of the class.

  44. The Ottomans chose to buy Weissenburg and Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm, since they were the more advanced ships of the class.

  45. In May, Ballard returned for what she believed was a probationary period, although in reality it was a stopgap measure until Gordy was able to buy out Birdsong’s contract.

  46. He searched for vintage instruments to buy at low prices, particularly those made before World War II; Werbin then sold the instruments after repairing and restoring them.

  47. The Greek Navy attempted to buy two older French battleships, and when that purchase failed to materialize, they tried unsuccessfully to buy a pair of British battleships.

  48. Milkman William Jennings (in some sources Jennans) testified that he saw Thornton at 4:30 am, walking leisurely by the farm of John Holden, where Jennings went to buy milk.

  49. Following the First World War, the local authority began to systematically buy up all the stalls on the market, eventually bringing the entire market into public ownership.

Synonyms for buy

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word buy has the following synonyms: bargain, steal, bribe, corrupt, grease one’s palms, purchase, buy in, buy up and buy out.

General information about «buy» example sentences

The example sentences for the word buy that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «buy» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «buy».

купить, покупать, приобретать, накупить, покупка


- покупать, купить

to buy back — выкупать (проданное)
to buy smth. from /of/ smb. — купить что-л. у кого-л.
to buy for cash [on credit, at a reasonable price] — покупать (что-л.) за наличные деньги [в кредит, по умеренным ценам]
the best that money can buy — лучшее, что можно достать за деньги
that which no gold can buy — то, что ни за какие деньги не получишь

- покупать, приобретать (ценою жертв)

to buy fame with one’s life — приобрести славу ценою жизни
the victory was dearly bought — победа досталась дорогой ценой, за эту победу дорого заплатили
to buy smth. at the expense of one’s health [happiness] — пожертвовать ради чего-л. своим здоровьем [счастьем]

- сл. нанять

I’ll buy me a lawyer — я возьму себе адвоката

- подкупать, давать взятку (тж. buy over)

to buy a public official [electors] — подкупать должностное лицо [выборщиков]

- сл. поверить чему-л.; принять что-л. за чистую монету; согласиться с чем-л. или на что-л.

will you buy it? — согласны?, идёт?, по рукам?
I am willing to buy that — я готов поверить этому
I will not buy that — со мной эти штучки не пройдут, я на это не поддамся
I’ll buy that idea! — согласен!, идёт!
nobody is eager to buy the plan — никого этот план не приводит в восторг; никто не торопится проводить в жизнь этот план

- сл. добиться, достичь

what are you trying to buy with that? — чего вы хотите добиться?

- уст. искупать (чьи-л. грехи)

I’ll buy it! — сл. а) сдаюсь!, не знаю! (в ответ на вопрос или загадку); б) выкладывай!, валяй!, слушаю!
to buy a pig in a poke — ≅ покупать кота в мешке, соглашаться (на что-л.) заглазно
to buy a pup — быть одураченным; ≅ «влипнуть»
to be bought and sold — уст. быть проданными и преданным
to buy the farm — сл. умереть; ≅ сыграть в ящик


- разг. покупка, сделка

bad [good] buy — неудачная /плохая/ [выгодная /удачная/] покупка

Мои примеры


to buy into / out a business — купить предприятие  
to buy a white horse — транжирить деньги  
to buy time — оттянуть время  
to be on the buy — производить, совершать значительную покупку  
to buy wholesale — покупать оптом  
to buy retail — покупать в розницу  
to buy from the retailer — покупать у розничного торговца  
to buy in lots — покупать партиями  
buy for cash — покупать за наличные  
buy at a discount — покупать со скидкой  

Примеры с переводом

I will not buy that.

Я на это не куплюсь.

Where did you buy that dress?

Где ты купила это платье?

Let me buy you a drink.

Разреши мне угостить тебя выпивкой. / Позвольте вас угостить.

He bought the whole story.

Он купился на эту историю.

I bought this hat for $10.

Я купил эту шляпу за десять долларов.

I can’t buy this story.

Не могу я на это купиться.

I don’t buy that explanation.

Это объяснение не кажется мне убедительным.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Фразовые глаголы

buy in — закупать, выкупать
buy off — откупаться
buy out — выкупать
buy over — подкупать, переманивать на свою сторону
buy up — скупать, раскупать, расхватывать, откупать

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: buy
he/she/it: buys
ing ф. (present participle): buying
2-я ф. (past tense): bought
3-я ф. (past participle): bought

ед. ч.(singular): buy
мн. ч.(plural): buys

This page provides example sentences of the verb «Buy» in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms. 

Present Simple

Use the present simple for routines and habits such as how often you buy something at the store.

Jack usually buys his groceries on Saturdays.
Where do you buy your furniture?
She doesn’t buy any food at that store.

Present Simple Passive

The supplies are usually bought on Friday afternoons.
When are new textbooks bought for the school?
Wine isn’t bought in great quantities.

Present Continuous

Use the present continuous to speak about what is happening at the present moment such as what you are buying in the store.

They are buying a new house this month.
Are they buying a new car soon?
She isn’t buying his story about his hard luck.

Present Continuous Passive

Not commonly used with ‘buy’

Present Perfect

Use the present perfect to discuss actions that have happened repeatedly such as how many times you have bought a specific product.

We have bought a number of antique chairs.
How long have you bought his story for?
They haven’t bought any new furniture for a while.

Present Perfect Passive

Those antique chairs have been bought by customers in San Diego.
Where has that been bought and sold before?
It hasn’t been bought by anyone. 

Past Simple

Use the past simple to speak about something you bought at a point in time in the past.

He bought that painting last week.
Where did you buy that sofa?
She didn’t buy any food for dinner, so they’re going out.

Past Simple Passive

That painting was bought last week.
What was bought at the garage sale yesterday?
That painting wasn’t bought at the auction.

Past Continuous

Use the past continuous to describe what someone was buying when something else occurred.

She was buying a new car when he telephoned.
What were you buying when you got the call?
She wasn’t buying his story despite his insistence. 

Past Continuous Passive

Not commonly used with ‘buy’

Past Perfect

Use the past perfect to what you had bought before something else happened. 

Larry had bought the books before she arrived.
What had they bought before they were offered the house?
She hadn’t bought enough food for the party, so she went out again.

Past Perfect Passive

The books had been bought before she arrived.
Which ingredients had been bought for the meal?
Not enough wine had been bought for the occasion. 

Future (Will)

Use future tenses to speak about something that you will / are going to buy in the future.

I think he will buy a present for Mary.
Will you buy his proposal at the meeting?
She won’t buy what he’s saying.

Future (Will) Passive

A new book will be bought for that child.
Will that painting be bought at the auction?
Food won’t be bought by Peter. 

Future (Going To)

The teacher is going to buy the books for the children.
What are you going to buy for dinner tonight?
She isn’t going to buy that house.

Future (Going To) Passive

The books are going to be bought for the children.
What is going to be bought for drinks?
They aren’t going to be bought by anyone for that price.

Future Continuous

Use the future continuous to express what you will be buying at ​a specific point in time in the future. 

He will be buying groceries this time next week.
Will you be buying anything this time tomorrow?
She won’t be buying a house anytime soon. 

Future Perfect

They will have bought five new computers by the end of the sale.
What will you have bought by the end of the day?
You’ll see, she won’t have bought anything.

Future Possibility

Use modals in the future to discuss future possibilities. 

I might buy a new computer.
Might Peter buy the house?
She may not buy his story. 

Real Conditional

Use the real conditional to speak about possible events.

If he buys that painting, he will be sorry.
What will he buy if he inherits the money?
She won’t buy the house if it’s put up for auction.

Unreal Conditional

Use the unreal conditional to speak about imagined events in the present or future. 

I would be sorry if I bought that painting.
What would you need if you bought a new house?
She wouldn’t buy the house if you bought it.

Past Unreal Conditional

Use the past unreal conditional to speak about imagined events in the past. 

If you hadn’t bought that painting, you wouldn’t have lost so much money on the investment.
What would you have done if he had bought you a diamond ring?
She wouldn’t have bought that house if she hadn’t had enough money.

Present Modal

I should buy some new clothes.
Where can I buy an ice-cream cone?
They mustn’t buy anything today. There’s no money in the bank.

Past Modal

They must have bought some new clothes.
What should you have bought last year?
They couldn’t have bought his story. 

Quiz: Conjugate With Buy

Use the verb «to buy» to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. 

  1. He ______ that painting last week.
  2. Larry _____ the books before she arrived.
  3. Jack usually ______ his groceries on Saturdays.
  4. I think he ______ a present for Mary.
  5. They _____ five new computers by the end of the sale.
  6. I would be sorry if I _____ that painting.
  7. The supplies are usually _____ on Friday afternoons.
  8. We _____ a number of antique chairs.
  9. That painting _____ last week.
  10. They _____ a new house this month.

Quiz Answers

  1. bought
  2. had bought
  3. buys
  4. will buy
  5. will have bought
  6. bought
  7. bought
  8. have bought
  9. was bought
  10. are buying

buy — перевод на русский


Can you get your dad to buy you some?

Можешь попросить отца купить?

=Can money really buy you dignity and intelligence?

=Можно ли купить чувство собственного достоинства и ум?

Why would you come crying to me to buy you a drink at a time like this?

Зачем умоляла купить тебе выпить?

Where will I be able to buy one?

Где бы ее купить по пути?

Where can a person buy poison oak, and what is the rashiest kind?

Где можно купить ядовитый сумах, тот вид, от которого всё зудится?

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Before you start, you don’t have to buy me champagne or a fur coat; just a simple thank you will suffice.

Прежде, чем ты начнёшь, можешь не покупать мне шампанское или шубу, подойдёт простое спасибо.

Jesus Christ, if we’re gonna lead together, let’s lead together, which means you can’t buy a building for you for your conscience.

Господи, раз уж возглавим движение вместе, так и управлять будем вместе, это значит, что ты не можешь покупать здания по собственной прихоти.

«For months she’s been sitting up at night sewing… so as to be able to buy you little extras with the money she earned.»

«Месяцами она шила по ночам — чтобы покупать тебе маленькие подарки на заработанные деньги.»

Now is the time to buy while the new boom is on.

Ну, а теперь пришло время покупать… пока «бум» не закончился.

Brother, before the night’s over, you’ll be buying them from me.

Брат, ещё до того, как закончится ночь, ты будешь покупать их у меня.

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And then I’d sort of have a chance to try the goods before I bought it.

Это что-то типа использовать вещь до покупки.

Ah, in that case, perhaps she can afford to buy.

А, в таком случае, она может себе позволить покупки.

One or two things I have to buy for the spouse.

Нужно сделать кое-какие покупки для супруги.

Only 100 yen to buy things every day.

На покупки выделяет 100 йен в день.

This was the first room she renovated when she bought the hotel.

После покупки отеля первое, что она сделала — отремонтировала эту комнату.

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That reminds me, it’s high time I bought you something to eat.

И раз уж зашел разговор, самое время угостить тебя чем-нибудь.

Now you’ll do a lot better for yourself if you come over and buy me a drink.

Думаю, вам лучше угостить меня выпивкой.

I’d love to buy breakfast for you myself!

Если хотите могу угостить вас завтраком!

Didn’t you promise something about buying me a drink?

Помните, вы обещали угостить меня выпивкой?

Can I buy you a drink?

— Могу я тебя угостить?

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Unni, I’m going to buy this place.

я хочу выкупить здание.

I thought I would be able to buy it at the market price.

А я надеялась выкупить по рыночной цене.

You could gradually buy the business, and then it would be your own and…

Вы сможете выкупить у меня дело, и оно станет вашим—

— to buy back jewelry for a lady…

— …чтобы выкупить драгоценности дамы…

He wants to buy her freedom.

Он готов ее выкупить.

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And Henderson’s pajamas were bought last week in a shop on 34th Street.

Пижама Хендерсона была куплена на прошлой неделе в магазине на 34-ой улице.

And the carriage is all bought and waiting… and it won’t be any time at all… before we’ll be… taking him for walks together in the park… all the places that we used to go and know.

И коляска уже куплена и ждёт… что уже совсем скоро… мы начнем… ходить с ним на прогулки в парк… другие любимые места.

Your precious freedom… it has to be bought?

Ваша драгоценная свобода должна быть куплена?

The paper was bought in a dime store in Kansas City.

Бумага куплена в Канзас-Сити.

The same Army Navy store you bought yours.

¬ том же магазине военной одежды, где куплена и тво€.

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Ma’am, we now have money to buy bread.

Ну вот, мать, теперь у нас есть деньги на хлеб!

Money can’t buy what I want for Bonnie.

Деньги не обеспечат того, чего я хочу для Бонни.

I’ll buy a house and marry a pretty girl.

Если получу деньги…

I need some money to buy a coat.

Мне нужны деньги на пальто.

I want to buy my father some land

Я коплю деньги на место на кладбище для отца.

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He bought the right to wipe the slate clean.

Он заплатил за право начать с чистого листа.

I bought him to lose.

Я заплатил ему за проигрыш.

I bought your body! I can do as I please!

Я за твоё тело заплатил!

He even wanted to buy a ticket.

Даже за билет хотел заплатить.

My principals are prepared to buy. Shall we say 15,000?

Мои хозяева готовы заплатить, скажем,..

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I’ll buy you a drink.


I’m buying a drink for a fellow that was on the posse with me.

Я угощаю выпивкой приятеля, который был со мной в отряде.

I always insist on buying the first one.

Я всегда угощаю первым.

I’ll buy you a drink.

Я вас угощаю.

— Sit down, tonight I’m buying.

Садитесь, сегодня я угощаю.

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I knew he wouldn’t buy, but all I wanted was his signature on an application.

Я знал, он не станет платить, но выручит его подпись.

So he would have to start buying before anyone would start fishing.

Значит, ему придется платить за то, чтобы другие начали ловить.

Paco buys them for 65 pesetas each.

Пако, платит за них 65 песет.

Inspector, who’s buying the drinks?

Ну что, инспектор, кто платит за грог?

Come here, I’m buying you lunch.

Приезжай. Я плачу за обед.

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Sentences with the word Buy?



  • «able to swim»; «she was able to program her computer»; «we were at last able to buy a car»; «able to get a grant for the project»
  • «When you buy these stocks you are gambling»
  • «she’s a total airhead»; «every airhead on a big salary rushed out to buy one»
  • «Felix became a herpetologist instead»; «alternatively we could buy a used car»
  • «started setting aside money to buy a car»; «put something by for her old age»; «has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day»
  • «she got a bargain at the auction»; «the stock was a real buy at that price»
  • «a nice guy»; «the guy’s only doing it for some doll»; «the poor sod couldn’t even buy a drink»
  • «I had to break a $100 bill just to buy the candy»
  • «it is cheaper to buy it in bulk»; «he received a mass of correspondence»; «the volume of exports»
  • «This sum will buy you a ride on the train»
  • «She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work»
  • «I can’t buy this story»
  • «I was carded when I tried to buy a beer!»
  • «The ads induced me to buy a VCR»; «My children finally got me to buy a computer»; «My wife made me buy a new sofa»
  • «We reasoned that it was cheaper to rent than to buy a house»
  • «I won’t buy damaged goods»; «the storm left a wake of badly damaged buildings»
  • «I had to dip into my savings to buy him this present»
  • «food and shelter are necessities of life»; «the essentials of the good life»; «allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions»; «a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained»
  • «we can ill afford to buy a new car just now»
  • «I buy food wholesale»
  • «we became mortgagors when the bank accepted our mortgage and loaned us the money to buy our new home»
  • «we have no bananas»; «no eggs left and no money to buy any»; «have you no decency?»; «did it with no help»; «I’ll get you there in no time»
  • «the nonrestrictive clause in `I always buy his books, which have influenced me greatly,’ refers to his books generally and adds an additional fact about them»
  • «buy outright»
  • «You can’t persuade me to buy this ugly vase!»
  • «What possessed you to buy this house?»; «A terrible rage possessed her»
  • «the investment banker who handles a rights offering usually agrees to buy any shares not bought by shareholders»
  • «his economics textbook is in its tenth edition»; «the professor wrote the text that he assigned students to buy«
  • «I prefer to buy second hand»
  • «I heard about it only secondhand or thirdhand»; «he prefers to buy secondhand»
  • «she tried unsuccessfully to persuade him to buy a new car»

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