The word building may refer to

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In architecture, construction, engineering and real estate development the word building may refer to one of the following: Any man-made structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or continuous occupancy, or An act of construction. Buildings come in a wide amount of shapes and functions, and have been adapted throughout history for a wide number of factors, from building materials available, to weather conditions, to land prices, ground conditions, specific uses and aesthetic reasons. Buildings serve several needs of society – primarily as shelter from weather and as general living space, to provide privacy, to store belongings and to comfortably live and work.

Residential buildings are called houses/homes, though buildings containing large numbers of separate dwelling units are often called apartment buildings / blocks to differentiate them from the more ‘individual’ house. Building types may range from one-room wood-framed, masonry, or adobe dwellings to multi-million dollar high-rise buildings able to house thousands of people.

Increasing settlement density in buildings and closer distances between buildings is usually a response to high ground prices resulting from many people wanting to live close to work or similar attractors.A multi-storey building is a building that has multiple floors above ground in the building. Multi-storey buildings aim to increase the area of the building without increasing the area of the land the building is built on, hence saving land and, in most cases, money


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


В архитектуре, строительство, инжиниринг и развития рынка недвижимости здание слово может относиться к одному из следующих действий: любые антропогенные структуры используются или предназначаются для поддержки или укрывательство любого использования или непрерывной занятости или акт строительства. Здания приходят в широкий количество форм и функций и были адаптированы на протяжении всей истории для широкого ряда факторов, от строительных материалов, погодных условий, чтобы цены на землю, землю условий, конкретных видов применения и эстетическим соображениям. Зданий служить несколько потребностей общества – главным образом в качестве укрытия от погоды и общего жизненного пространства, чтобы обеспечить конфиденциальность, чтобы хранить вещи и комфортно жить и работать.Жилые здания, называются дома/дома, хотя зданий, содержащие большое количество отдельных жилых единиц часто называют жилых зданий / блоки чтобы дифференцировать их от более «индивидуального» дома. Типов зданий может варьироваться от однокомнатных каркасные деревянные, кирпичные, или adobe жилищ до многомиллионных высотных зданий состоянии дом тысячи людей.Увеличение плотности поселения в зданиях и дистанции между зданиями обычно является ответом на высоких местах цен от многих людей, желающих жить недалеко от работы или аналогичных аттракторов. Многоэтажное здание представляет собой здание, имеет несколько этажей над землей в здание. Многоэтажные здания стремиться увеличить площадь здания без увеличения площади земель, что здание построено на, поэтому сохранение земель и, в большинстве случаев, деньги

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


В архитектуре, строительстве, инженерных и развития недвижимости слово здание может относиться к одному из следующих способов : Любое искусственное структуры , используемых или предназначенных для поддержки или укрывались любое использование или постоянного пребывания, или акт строительства. Здания приходят в широком количестве форм и функций, которые были адаптированы на протяжении всей истории для широкого ряда факторов, от строительных материалов , доступных, к погодным условиям, чтобы цены на землю, грунтовых условий, конкретных целей и эстетических соображений. Здания служат нескольким потребностям общества — в первую очередь как укрытие от погодных условий и , как общее жизненное пространство, чтобы обеспечить конфиденциальность, чтобы хранить вещи и комфортно жить и работать. Жилые здания называются дома / дома, хотя зданий , содержащих большое количество отдельных жилых единиц являются часто называют жилых домов / блоков , чтобы отличить их от более «индивидуального» дома. Типы зданий может варьироваться от одной комнаты с деревянной рамкой, кладка или глинобитные жилища на несколько миллионов долларов высотных зданий , способных вместить тысячи людей. Увеличение плотности поселений в зданиях и ближе расстояния между зданиями, как правило , является ответом на возвышенностях цены в результате многих людей , желающих жить близко к работе или аналогичные attractors.A многоэтажное здание представляет собой здание , которое имеет несколько этажей над землей в здании. Многоэтажные здания стремятся увеличить площадь здания без увеличения площади земли здание построено на, следовательно , экономии земли и, в большинстве случаев, деньги

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


в архитектуре, строительство и недвижимость слово здания могут относиться к одной из следующих: любые антропогенные структуры или предназначены для поддержки или укрытия любое применение или постоянного проживания, или акта строительства.здания пришел в большой формы и функции, и были адаптированы на протяжении истории для целого ряда факторов, от строительных материалов, на погодные условия, цены на землю, состояние почвы, конкретных видов применения и эстетическим соображениям.несколько зданий служить потребностям общества — прежде всего как убежище от погоды и в качестве общего жизненного пространства, обеспечить конфиденциальность, для хранения вещей и комфортно жить и работать.жилые здания называют дома / дома, хотя и зданий, содержащих большое число отдельных единиц жилья часто называют жилых зданий / блоки, чтобы отличить их от более «отдельных» дом.типы зданий может варьироваться от одной комнате деревянные подставили, кирпичная кладка, или Adobe жилых помещений для многомиллионной высотных зданий в состоянии дома, тысячи людей.расширение поселений в зданиях и плотность ближе расстояния между зданиями, как правило, ответ на площадку цены в результате многих людей, желающих жить в непосредственной близости от работы или же самого. многоэтажное здание — здание, которое несколько этажей над землей в здании.различных многоэтажных зданий призваны увеличить площадь здания без увеличения площади земельных здание построено на спасение земли и, таким образом, в большинстве случаев деньги

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For other uses, see Building (disambiguation).

Further information: Real estate development


The 63 Building in Seoul, South Korea.

A building and skybridge in Munich, Germany.

In architecture, construction, engineering and real estate development the word building may refer to one of the following:

  1. Any human-made structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or continuous occupancy, or
  2. An act of construction (i.e. the activity of building, see also builder)

In this article, the first usage is generally intended unless otherwise specified.

Buildings come in a wide amount of shapes and functions, and have been adapted throughout history for a wide number of factors, from building materials available, to weather conditions, to land prices, ground conditions, specific uses and aesthetic reasons.

Buildings serve several needs of society – primarily as shelter from weather and as general living space, to provide privacy, to store belongings and to comfortably live and work. A building as a shelter represents a physical division of the human habitat (a place of comfort and safety) and the outside (a place that at times may be harsh and harmful).

Ever since the first cave paintings, buildings have also become objects or canvasess of artistic expression. In recent years, interest in sustainable planning and building practices has also become part of the design process of many new buildings.


Building is defined in many aspects as:

  • The act of constructing, erecting, or establishing.
  • The art of constructing edifices, or the practice of civil architecture.
  • That which is built; a fabric or edifice constructed, as a house, a church, castle, arena/ stadium, etc
  • The act of constructing or building something; «during the construction we had to take a detour»; «his hobby was the building of boats»
  • The commercial activity involved in constructing buildings; «their main business is home construction»; «workers in the building trades»
  • A structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place; «there was a three-storey building on the corner»; «it was an imposing edifice»
  • The occupants of a building; «the entire building complained about the noise»

To differentiate buildings in the usage of this article from other buildings and other structures that are not intended for continuous human occupancy, the latter are called non-building structures or simply structures.

Structural height in technical usage is the height to the highest architectural detail on building from street-level. Depending on how they are classified, spires and masts may or may not be included in this height. Spires and masts used as antennas are not generally included.

The definition of a low-rise vs. a high-rise building is a matter of debate, but generally three stories or less is considered low-rise.[citation needed]


The first shelter on Earth constructed by a relatively close ancestor to humans is believed to be built 500,000 years ago by an early ancestor of humans, Homo erectus.[1]


Main article: List of building types

A timber framing house in Marburg, Germany.


Residential buildings are called houses/homes, though buildings containing large numbers of separate dwelling units are often called apartment buildings / blocks to differentiate them from the more ‘individual’ house.

Building types may range from one-room wood-framed, masonry, or adobe dwellings to multi-million dollar high-rise buildings able to house thousands of people. Increasing settlement density in buildings (and closer distances between buildings) is usually a response to high ground prices resulting from many people wanting to live close to work or similar attractors.


Some of Denver‘s multi-storey buildings.

A multi-storey building is a building that has multiple floors above ground in the building.

Multi-storey buildings aim to increase the area of the building without increasing the area of the land the building is built on, hence saving land and, in most cases, money (depending on material used and land prices in the area).


The practice of designing, constructing, and operating buildings is most usually a collective effort of different groups of professionals and trades. Depending on the size, complexity, and purpose of a particular building project, the project team may include:

  • A real estate developer who secures funding for the project;
  • One or more financial institutions or other investors that provide the funding
  • Local planning and code authorities
  • A Surveyor who performs an ALTA/ACSM and construction surveys throughout the project;
  • Construction managers who coordinate the effort of different groups of project participants;
  • Licensed architects and engineers who provide building design and prepare construction documents;
  • Landscape architects;
  • Interior designers;
  • Other consultants;
  • Contractors who provide construction services and install building systems such as climate control, electrical, plumbing, Decoration, fire protection, security and telecommunications;
  • Marketing or leasing agents;
  • Facility managers who are responsible for operating the building.

Regardless of their size or intended use, all buildings in the US must comply with zoning ordinances, building codes and other regulations such as fire codes, life safety codes and related standards.

Vehicles—such as trailers, caravans, ships and passenger aircraft—are treated as «buildings» for life safety purposes.

Ownership and funding

  • Mortgage loan
  • Real estate developer

Planning and design

  • Architecture
  • Building construction
  • Civil engineering
  • Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design
  • Quantity surveying
  • Structural engineering
  • Urban planning

Building services

Physical plant

Main article: Physical plant

Any building requires a certain amount of internal infrastructure to function, which includes such elements like heating / cooling, power and telecommunications, water and wastewater etc. Especially in commercial buildings (such as offices or factories), these can be extremely intricate systems taking up large amounts of space (sometimes located in separate areas or double floors / false ceilings) and constitute a big part of the regular maintenance required.

Conveying systems

Systems for transport of people within buildings:

  • Elevator
  • Escalator
  • Moving sidewalk (horizontal and inclined)

Systems for transport of people between interconnected buildings:

  • Skyway
  • Underground city

Building damage

A building in Massueville, Quebec, Canada engulfed by fire.

Buildings may be damaged during the construction of the building or during maintenance. There are several other reasons behind building damage like accident.[2] Buildings also may suffer from fire damage in special circumstances.[3]

See also

Architecture portal
  • Autonomous building
  • Building material
  • Earthquake engineering
  • Famous buildings
  • Green building
  • Hurricane proof building
  • List of building types
  • List of largest buildings in the world
  • Natural building
  • Natural disaster and earthquake
  • Nonbuilding structure
  • Skyscrapers
  • Steel Buildings


  1. «World’s oldest building discovered». BBC News. 2000-03-01. Retrieved 2010-01-02.
  2. Building Damage

v  d  e

Real estate developments


Business park · Office building · Shopping mall / center · Shopping district · Retail park


Industrial park · Industrial district · Business cluster · List of technology centers


Housing development · Gated community · Multi-family residential · Private community · Housing estate · Tract housing · City block


Science park · List of research parks · Campus · Satellite campus


Planned community · List of planned cities · Arcology · Model village · Garden city movement


House · Villa · Apartment · Tower block · High-rise · Apartment building · Skyscraper · List of house types


Cluster development · Urban planning · Brownfield land · Cemetery · Land use planning · Redevelopment · Urban design · Regional planning · Zoning · Context theory · Eminent domain · Construction · Park · Playground · Parking

v  d  e

Rooms, spaces, and architectural elements

Public areas

Airport lounge • Cafeteria • Classroom • Changing room / Locker room • Conference hall • Doctor’s office • Function hall • Mailroom • Library • Lobby • Office • Refectory • Restroom • Security desk • Waiting room

Passages and spaces

Alcove • Atrium • Balcony • Breezeway • Corridor • Deck • Elevator • Emergency exit • Escalator • Entryway / Genkan / Mud room • Foyer • Hallway • Loft • Loggia • Nook • Patio • Pedway • Pergola • Porch • porte-cochère • Portico • Ramp • Secret passage • Skyway • Spear closet • Stairway • Terrace • Veranda • Vestibule • Wheelchair ramp

Utility and storage

Attic • Basement • Box room / Carport • Cloakroom • Closet • Electrical room • Equipment room • Furnace room / Boiler room • Garage • Janitorial closet • Laundry room / Utility room • Mechanical room • Pantry • Root cellar • Semi-basement • Studio • Server room • Wardrobe • Workshop • Vault • Wine cellar • Wiring closet / Demarcation point

Shared residential rooms

Billiard room • Bonus room • Common room • Den • Dining room • Family room • Great room • Hearth room • Home office • Kitchen • Kitchenette • Library • Living room • Man cave • Media room or Home theater • Mehmaan khana • Recreation room • Shrines • Study • Sunroom / Solarium

Private rooms

Bathroom / Toilet • Bedroom / Guest room • Boudoir • Cabinet • Jack and Jill bathroom • Nursery • Safe room • Solar • State room • Suite • Walk-in closet

Great house areas

Ballroom • Butler’s pantry • Buttery • Drawing room / Salon • Fainting room • Great chamber • Great hall • Larder • Long gallery • Lumber room • Parlour • Root cellar • Saucery • Scullery • Servants’ hall • Smoking room • Spicery • Stillroom • Undercroft

Other areas

Barn • Boathouse • Conservatory • Gym • Loading dock • Moon gate • Outhouse • Secondary suite • Shed • Stable • Storm cellar or Storm room

Architectural elements

Arch • Ceiling • Colonnade • Column • Courtyard • Fireplace • Floor • Gate • Lighting • Ornament • Swimming pool • Vault • Wet bar • Roof

Related terms

Building • Furniture • House • House plan • Rooms

fr:Bâtiment (construction)
nl:Opstal (bouwwerk)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A building or edifice, is an enclosed structure with a roof and walls standing more or less permanently in one place,[1] such as a house or factory (although there’s also portable buildings).[1] Buildings come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and functions, and have been adapted throughout history for a wide number of factors, from building materials available, to weather conditions, land prices, ground conditions, specific uses, prestige, and aesthetic reasons. To better understand the term building compare the list of nonbuilding structures.

Buildings serve several societal needs – occupancy, primarily as shelter from weather, security, living space, privacy, to store belongings, and to comfortably live and work. A building as a shelter represents a physical division of the human habitat, a place of comfort and safety and the outside, a place that at times may be harsh and harmful.

Ever since the first cave paintings, buildings have also become objects or canvasses of much artistic expression. In recent years, interest in sustainable planning and building practices has also become an intentional part of the design process of many new buildings and other structures, usually a green building.


The word building is both a noun and a verb: the structure itself and the act of making it. As a noun, a building is ‘a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place’;[1] «there was a three-storey building on the corner»; «it was an imposing edifice». In the broadest interpretation a fence or wall is a building.[2] However, the word structure is used more broadly than building including natural and man-made formations[3] and does not necessarily have walls. Structure is more likely to be used for a fence. Sturgis’ Dictionary included that «[building] differs from architecture in excluding all idea of artistic treatment; and it differs from construction in the idea of excluding scientific or highly skilful treatment.»[4] As a verb, building is the act of construction.

Structural height in technical usage is the height to the highest architectural detail on building from street-level. Depending on how they are classified, spires and masts may or may not be included in this height. Spires and masts used as antennas are not generally included. The definition of a low-rise vs. a high-rise building is a matter of debate, but generally three stories or less is considered low-rise.[5]


There is clear evidence of homebuilding from around 18,000 BC.[6] Buildings became common during the Neolithic (see Neolithic architecture).[7]


The Mitilineu House, a city-house in Bucharest, dating from 1898


Single-family residential buildings are most often called houses or homes. Multi-family residential buildings containing more than one dwelling unit are called a duplex or an apartment building. A condominium is an apartment that the occupant owns rather than rents. Houses may also be built in pairs (semi-detached), in terraces where all but two of the houses have others either side; apartments may be built round courtyards or as rectangular blocks surrounded by a piece of ground of varying sizes. Houses which were built as a single dwelling may later be divided into apartments or bedsitters; they may also be converted to another use e.g. an office or a shop. hotels, especially of the extended stay variety (like apartels) can also be classed as residential.

Building types may range from huts to multimillion-dollar high-rise apartment blocks able to house thousands of people. Increasing settlement density in buildings (and smaller distances between buildings) is usually a response to high ground prices resulting from many people wanting to live close to work or similar attractors. Other common building materials are brick, concrete or combinations of either of these with stone.

Residential buildings have different names for their use depending if they are seasonal include holiday cottage (vacation home) or timeshare; size such as a cottage or great house; value such as a shack or mansion; manner of construction such as a log home or mobile home;, architectural style such as a mock castle or Victorian house, proximity to the ground or water such as Earth sheltering the earth sheltered house, stilt house, or houseboat floating home. Also if the residents are in need of special care, or society considers them to dangerous to have freedom, there’s residential total institutions such as nursing homes, orphanages, psychiatric hospitals or prison; or in group housing like barracks or dormitories.

Historically many people lived in communal buildings called longhouses, smaller dwellings called pit-houses and houses combined with barns sometimes called housebarns.

Buildings are defined to be substantial, permanent structures so other dwelling forms such as yurts, and motorhomes are dwellings but not buildings.


A commercial building is one in which at least one business is based, but where people don’t live. Examples include stores, restaurants, and hotels.


Industrial buildings are those in which heavy industry is done, such as manufacturing. These edifices include warehouses and factories.


Agricultural buildings are the outbuildings located on farms, like barns.

Mixed use[edit]

Some buildings incorporate several or multiple different uses, most commonly are those that combine commercial and residential uses.


Sometimes a group of inter-related (and possibly inter-connected) builds are referred to as a complex – for example a housing complex,[8] educational complex,[9] hospital complex, etc.


The practice of designing, constructing, and operating buildings is most usually a collective effort of different groups of professionals and trades. Depending on the size, complexity, and purpose of a particular building project, the project team may include:

  • A real estate developer who secures funding for the project;
  • One or more financial institutions or other investors that provide the funding
  • Local planning and code authorities
  • A surveyor who performs an ALTA/ACSM and construction surveys throughout the project;
  • Construction managers who coordinate the effort of different groups of project participants;
  • Licensed architects and engineers who provide building design and prepare construction documents;
  • The principal design Engineering disciplines which would normally include the following professionals: Civil, Structural, Mechanical building services or HVAC (heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) Electrical Building Services, Plumbing and drainage. Also other possible design Engineer specialists may be involved such as Fire (prevention), Acoustic, façade engineers, building physics, Telecoms, AV (Audio Visual), BMS (Building Management Systems) Automatic controls etc. These design Engineers also prepare construction documents which are issued to specialist contractors to obtain a price for the works and to follow for the installations.
  • Landscape architects;
  • Interior designers;
  • Other consultants;
  • Contractors who provide construction services and install building systems such as climate control, electrical, plumbing, decoration, fire protection, security and telecommunications;
  • Marketing or leasing agents;
  • Facility managers who are responsible for operating the building.

Regardless of their size or intended use, all buildings in the US must comply with zoning ordinances, building codes and other regulations such as fire codes, life safety codes and related standards.

Vehicles—such as trailers, caravans, ships and passenger aircraft—are treated as «buildings» for life safety purposes.

Ownership and funding[edit]

  • Mortgage loan
  • Real estate developer

Building services[edit]

Physical plant[edit]

Any building requires a certain general amount of internal infrastructure to function, which includes such elements like heating / cooling, power and telecommunications, water and wastewater etc. Especially in commercial buildings (such as offices or factories), these can be extremely intricate systems taking up large amounts of space (sometimes located in separate areas or double floors / false ceilings) and constitute a big part of the regular maintenance required.

Conveying systems[edit]

Systems for transport of people within buildings:

  • Elevator
  • Escalator
  • Moving sidewalk (horizontal and inclined)

Systems for transport of people between interconnected buildings:

  • Skyway
  • Underground city

Building damage[edit]

Buildings may be damaged during the construction of the building or during maintenance. There are several other reasons behind building damage like accidents[10] such as storms, explosions, subsidence caused by mining, water withdrawal[11] or poor foundations and landslides.[12] Buildings also may suffer from fire damage[13] and flooding in special circumstances. They may also become dilapidated through lack of proper maintenance or alteration work improperly carried out.

Hypothetical future buildings[edit]

Advances in construction technology, ideologies, etc may allow (or necessitate) the construction of new kinds of buildings and complexes, like an arcology.

See also[edit]

  • Autonomous building
  • Commercial modular construction
  • Earthquake engineering
  • Float glass
  • Green building
  • Hurricane-proof building
  • List of buildings and structures
  • List of largest buildings in the world
  • List of tallest buildings in the world
  • Natural building
  • Natural disaster and earthquake
  • Skyscraper
  • Steel building
  • Tent
  • Zero-energy building


  1. ^ a b c Max J. Egenhofer (2002). Geographic Information Science: Second International Conference, GIScience 2002, Boulder, CO, USA, September 25–28, 2002. Proceedings. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 110. ISBN 978-3-540-44253-0.
  2. ^ Building def. 2. Whitney, William Dwight, and Benjamin E. Smith. The Century dictionary and cyclopedia. vol. 1. New York: Century Co., 1901. 712. Print.
  3. ^ Structure. def. 2. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary of synonyms: a dictionary of discriminated synonyms with antonyms and analogous and contrasted words.. Springfield, Mass: Merriam-Webster, 1984. 787. Print.
  4. ^ Building. def 1. Sturgis, Russell. A dictionary of architecture and building: biographical, historical, and descriptive. vol. 1. New York: The Macmillan Co.; 1901. 2236. Print.
  5. ^ Paul Francis Wendt and Alan Robert Cerf (1979), Real estate investment analysis and taxation, McGraw-Hill, p. 210
  6. ^ Rob Dunn (Aug 23, 2014). «Meet the lodgers: Wildlife in the great indoors». New Scientist: 34–37. Archived from the original on 2014-11-29.
  7. ^ Pace, Anthony (2004). «Tarxien». In Daniel Cilia (ed.). Malta before History – The World’s Oldest Free Standing Stone Architecture. Miranda Publishers. ISBN 978-9990985085.
  8. ^ «plans to convert housing complex». Archived from the original on 2017-01-10. Retrieved 2017-02-23.
  9. ^ «isye building complex». Archived from the original on 2017-01-03.
  10. ^ «Building Damage». Archived from the original on 2014-02-14. Retrieved 2014-08-22.
  11. ^ Bru, G.; Herrera, G.; Tomás, R.; Duro, J.; Vega, R. De la; Mulas, J. (2013-02-01). «Control of deformation of buildings affected by subsidence using persistent scatterer interferometry». Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 9 (2): 188–200. doi:10.1080/15732479.2010.519710. ISSN 1573-2479. S2CID 110521863.
  12. ^ Soldato, Matteo Del; Bianchini, Silvia; Calcaterra, Domenico; Vita, Pantaleone De; Martire, Diego Di; Tomás, Roberto; Casagli, Nicola (2017-07-12). «A new approach for landslide-induced damage assessment» (PDF). Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 8 (2): 1524–1537. doi:10.1080/19475705.2017.1347896. ISSN 1947-5705. S2CID 73697187.
  13. ^ Brotóns, V.; Tomás, R.; Ivorra, S.; Alarcón, J. C. (2013-12-17). «Temperature influence on the physical and mechanical properties of a porous rock: San Julian’s calcarenite». Engineering Geology. 167 (Supplement C): 117–127. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2013.10.012.

External links[edit]

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Практическое занятие №12 
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  • 1. Read and remember the words that will be used in the text:

    4 слайд

    1. Read and remember the words that will be used in the text:

  • 2. Read and translate the texts:In architecture, construction, engineering an...

    5 слайд

    2. Read and translate the texts:
    In architecture, construction, engineering and real estate1 development the word «building» may refer to any human-made structure used for sheltering any use or for continuous residence.

    1. A building as a shelter represents a physical division of the human habitat standing more or less permanently. It is a place of comfort and safety which protects a human being and his property from direct harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun. The buildings all differ in the manner of their construction, use, or occupancy.
    A building is a civil engineering construction which is raised on a foundation and is generally made of stone, concrete blocks, bricks and mortar or cement. Frame construction embraces all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework sheathed with wood shingles or siding; veneered with brick, stone, or terra cotta; or covered with stucco or sheet metal. Such buildings naturally have floors and partitions of wood. Buildings serve several needs of society, primarily as shelter from weather and as general living space, to provide privacy, to store belongings and to comfortably live and work.

  • 2. Types of buildings depend upon social functions and may be classified acco...

    6 слайд

    2. Types of buildings depend upon social functions and may be classified according to the role in the community. The types of buildings may be domestic, educational, office, industrial, recreational, etc.
    Residential buildings are called houses/homes, though buildings containing large numbers of separate dwelling units are often called apartment buildings (blocks) to differentiate them from the more ‘individual’ house.
    Building types may range from one-room wood-framed, masonry, or adobe dwellings to multi-million dollar high-rise buildings able to house thousands of people. Increasing settlement density in buildings (and closer distances between buildings) is usually a response to high ground prices resulting from many people wanting to live close to work or similar attractors.
    Industrial buildings comprise another significant type of construction. This type of construction involves factories, laboratories, food processing plants, mines, office buildings, stores, garages, hangars and other storage facilities, exhibition halls, etc.
    3. Any building requires a certain amount of internal infrastructure to function, which includes such elements like heating and cooling, power and telecommunications, water and wastewater etc. Especially in commercial buildings (such as offices or factories), these can be extremely intricate systems taking up large amounts of space (sometimes located in separate areas) and require regular maintenance. The building of houses is fundamental for human development. It is very important for family and for general social development. The house is a place to live in, so it must be comfortable and healthy. So, to be a good house it must comply with a few basic functions.

  • • It should be a functional and healthy environment for those that live in it...

    7 слайд

    • It should be a functional and healthy environment for those that live in it.
    • Inside one must be protected from wind, cold, heat, rain, sand and dust.
    • It should last for many years without requiring much maintenance.

    4. Houses vary according to their location; they change due to cultural differences and also due to the local resources available to create them. In cold places houses must be more compact and have thick walls and small windows to resist the cold; they also have heating systems. In the forest areas the houses are made from wood, in the mountains they are made from stone, in areas with clay they are made from brick. In areas where there is seismic activity it is important to consider this when designing the structure of the house.

    5. Many types of houses are difficult to build as they require a lot of knowledge and work to create them. The techniques of construction or the methods by which structures are formed from particular materials are influenced not only by the availability and character of materials but also by the total technological development of society.

  • 3. Choose words from the list to put into the sentences below:available 

    8 слайд

    3. Choose words from the list to put into the sentences below:
    settlement density
    regular maintenance
    apartment buildings
    human habitat
    technological development
    a good house
    be protected
    sheathed with
    without requiring
    seismic activity
    1. A building as a shelter represents a physical division of the______ standing permanently.
    2. A building is a civil engineering construction which is raised on a ______ .
    3. Frame construction embraces all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework ______ wood shingles or siding.
    4. Buildings containing large numbers of separate dwelling units are often called ______ (blocks).
    5. Increasing ______ in buildings and closer distances between buildings is usually a response to high ground prices.
    6. In commercial buildings there can be extremely intricate systems requiring ______ .
    7. To be ______ the building must comply with a few basic functions.
    8. The building should last for many years ______ much maintenance.
    9. The types of houses change due to the local resources ______ to create them.
    10. In areas where there is ______ it is important to consider this when designing the structure of the house.
    11. The techniques of construction are influenced by the total ______ of the society.
    12. Inside the house one must ______ from wind, cold, heat, rain, sand and dust.

  • 4. Arrange the sentences in the logical sequence of the text in task 2:1. The...

    9 слайд

    4. Arrange the sentences in the logical sequence of the text in task 2:
    1. The buildings all differ in the manner of their construction, use or occupancy.
    2. The building protects a human being from harsh effect of weather like rain, wind, sun.
    3. Increasing settlement density in buildings is usually a response to high ground prices.
    4. Many types of houses are difficult to build as they require a lot of knowledge and work to create them.
    5. Types of buildings depend upon social functions and may be classified according to the role in the community.
    6. In areas where there is seismic activity it is important to consider this when designing the house.
    7. The house is a place to live in, so it must be comfortable and healthy.
    8. The word ‘building’ may refer to any human-made structure used for sheltering any use or for continuous residence.
    9. Houses vary due to cultural differences and also due to the local resources available to create them.
    10. Frame construction embraces all buildings with exterior walls of wooden framework.
    11. Industrial buildings comprise factories, laboratories, office buildings, stores, garages, etc.

  • 5. Write the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in brackets: 
1 I...

    10 слайд

    5. Write the comparative or superlative of the adjectives in brackets:

     1 It’s ……. today than it was yesterday. (warm)
    2 This is ……. dress in the shop. (expensive)
    3 What’s ……. mountain in your country? (high)
    4 This car is too small. We need to get a ……. one. (big)
    5 It was ……. music I’ve ever heard. (beautiful)
    6 Your computer is ……. than mine. (modern)
    7 Australia is the earth’s ……. continent. (old)
    8 My sister was always ……. than me. (pretty)
    9 This year’s exam was ……. than last year’s. (difficult)
    10 This is ……. pan we’ve got. (large)

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