The word brown in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word brown, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use brown in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «brown».

Brown in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word brown in a sentence.

  1. Their eyes are dark brown.

  2. The sides are reddish brown.

  3. The rest of the face is brown.

  4. The body ends in a brown tail.

  5. Its irides are also dark brown.

  6. The mature gleba is dark brown.

  7. The spore print is olive brown.

  8. The long ears are brown to gray.

  9. A brown spot is seen on the nose.

  10. The bill and iris are dark brown.

  11. The diary said of the procedures on the brown dog:.

  12. The trunk has light grey bark with brown lenticels.

  13. The wing feathers were brown, red and purplish blue.

  14. Old flower spikes fade to brown, then grey with age.

  15. It had a standing mane with brown and white stripes.

  16. Young animals tend to be uniformly dark brown or green with faint darker banding.

  17. This allows astronomers to study these brown dwarfs or exoplanets in more detail.

  18. The eggs are cream-colored, with brown or lavender spots around their larger end.

  19. An exception is the brown noddy, which sometimes harbours protozoa of that genus.

  20. The female is plainly coloured—pale brown overall, and a lighter buff underneath.

  21. The juvenile has a white forehead and chin and rusty brown neck, nape and breast with darker streaks.

  22. It has a well-developed tuft at its tail tip, consisting of whitish and occasional light brown hairs.

  23. It is made of layers of dark brown basaltic rocks that flowed as lava up to 1,000 feet (300 m) thick.

  24. In it, he reported a snake that fits the description of the eastern brown snake, but did not name it.

  25. The smooth brown fruit, known as a cypsela, is 2 to 3 mm long with the pappus radiating from one end.

  26. The eastern brown snake is of slender to average build with no demarcation between its head and neck.

  27. Its skin and shell are typically dark brown, with a distinctive orange spot on each side of the neck.

  28. The thick-walled skeletal hyphae are a yellow-brown to rust brown, and are slightly less agglutinate.

  29. Lichtenstein’s hartebeest is reddish brown, though the flanks are a lighter tan and the rump whitish.

  30. The king brown snake is classified as a snake of medical importance by the World Health Organization.

  31. A white stripe is present at the base of the bill and is surrounded by brown and black malar stripes.

  32. Its upperparts are mostly brown with rufous fringes, its cap, back, and wings being the former color.

  33. Adults have white irises; younger birds have dark brown and then hazel irises with an inner blue rim.

  34. Cannibalism of chicks of their own species is known from the Australian, brown, and Peruvian pelicans.

  35. It was browner on the upperparts and paler buff brown and less rufous on the underparts than the male.

  36. The iris of the eye is brown and has a single incomplete row of eyelashes on the upper lid and two rows on the lower lid.

  37. A distinctive white supercilium (eyebrow) runs from the bill to the nape of its neck, which is brown with white markings.

  38. The adult has a mainly dark slate-grey body, dark brown plumage on the lower back, rump and wings, and a black uppertail.

  39. The red of the head is sharply demarcated against the brown plumage, giving the bird the appearance of having a red hood.

  40. It causes a brown heart rot, where carbohydrates are removed from the inner heartwood, leaving brownish, oxidized lignin.

  41. The Females are wonderfully beautiful, some fair, some brown; I call them fair, because they are the colour of fair Hair.

  42. From the distant area of the rescue ship, a bright light shines, providing illumination to an otherwise dull brown scene.

  43. Then in 2001, Groves elevated the red ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra), five subspecies of brown lemur (Eulemur albifrons, E.

  44. Eastern brown snakes generally mate from early October onwards—during the Southern Hemisphere spring; they are oviparous.

  45. The Swayne’s hartebeest is a rich chocolate brown with fine spots of white that are actually the white tips of its hairs.

  46. Persons of high rank or virtue wear red, lower-ranking officials wear blue, young characters wear white, the old wear white, brown, or olive, and all other men wear black.

  47. It is the only unequivocal coloured depiction of the species, showing the plumage as reddish brown, but it is unknown whether it was based on a stuffed or living specimen.

  48. The female’s crown, ear coverts and upper parts are buff brown, scalloped paler, with a pale eyebrow, and the chest is speckled grey-brown grading into a dull white belly.

  49. Two additional pages which Anne had pasted over with brown paper were deciphered in 2018, and contained an attempt to explain sex education and a handful of «dirty» jokes.

  50. Both sexes are similar in appearance, but the juvenile rufous-crowned sparrow has a brown crown and numerous streaks on its breast and flanks during the spring and autumn.

Synonyms for brown

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word brown has the following synonyms: browned, brunet, brunette, brownish, chocolate-brown, dark-brown, chromatic, Brown, Robert Brown, John Brown, Brown University and brownness.

General information about «brown» example sentences

The example sentences for the word brown that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «brown» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «brown».

Synonym: Brown, Brown University, John Brown, Robert Brown, browned, brownish, brownness, chocolate-brown, dark-brown. Similar words: eyebrow, brother, broad, bronze, broker, row, broadcast, drown. Meaning: [braʊn]  n. 1. an orange of low brightness and saturation 2. Scottish botanist who first observed the movement of small particles in fluids now known a Brownian motion (1773-1858) 3. abolitionist who was hanged after leading an unsuccessful raid at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia (1800-1858) 4. a university in Rhode Island. v. fry in a pan until it changes color. adj. 1. of a color similar to that of wood or earth 2. (of skin) deeply suntanned. 

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1. She poured the dark brown liquid down the sink.

2. We are lodging with Mr. Brown.

3. The door is a dark brown.

4. The leaves turn brown in autumn.

5. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

6. These shoes are tan, not dark brown.

7. She had short brown hair and a pale complexion.

8. Sweeten to taste with honey or brown sugar.

9. The dying leaves became brown and curled up.

10. Brown the mince in a frying pan.

11. Both my parents have curly brown hair.

12. Mr. Brown has changed his yard into a garden.

13. It is an administration captained by Mr. Brown.

14. She’s tall and thin with light brown hair.

15. The once — green fields were now uniformly brown.

16. The book’s pages were mottled with brown stains.

17. The parcel was wrapped in plain brown paper.

18. He’d been on vacation and looked very brown.

19. Kate’s word was law in the Brown household.

20. She had short[], wavy brown hair.

21. Her hair is dark brown like mine.

22. She has dyed her hair brown.

23. He’s got brown eyes and a cheerful smile.

24. Two brown loaves and one large white one, please.

25. A brown rat scurried across the road.

26. He looked very brown after his holiday.

27. Mr Brown did not return home until eleven o’clock.

28. The normal supply of water has turned brown and unusable.

29. Mr Brown did not want to run for governor of the state last year.

30. Bake them in a warm oven until risen and golden brown.

More similar words: eyebrow, brother, broad, bronze, broker, row, broadcast, drown, grow, frown, narrow, grow up, harrow, grow on, crowded, throw up, throw off, throw away, at home and abroad, overcrowded. 

Examples of how to use the word “brown” in a sentence. How to connect “brown” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

brown (adj, n): having the colour of chocolate or soil; the colour of chocolate or soil

Use “brown” in a sentence

She has warm brown eyes.
His face was brown from the sun.
His shoes are brown.

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коричневый, карий, бурый, коричневый цвет, подрумянивать


- коричневый; бурый

brown tints of autumn — бурые краски осени
she has brown hair — она шатенка

- смуглый, загорелый

thin brown hands — худые смуглые руки
as brown as a berry — очень загорелый

- карий (о глазах)
- поэт. сумеречный, тёмный

the ivy’s brownest shade — густая тень плюща
I watched the twilight falling brown — я следил, как сгущались сумерки

- текст. суровый, небелёный

brown holland — суровое полотно

- малайский

to do brown — разг. обмануть, надуть, обжулить
brown done! — здорово сделано!; в) сл. обмануть, надуть, обжулить
we are all of us done so uncommonly brown — нас всех здорово провели /ловко одурачили/; г) сл. избить до синяков, наставить синяков

- бойкий, ловкий


- коричневый цвет
- коричневая краска
- коричневая одежда или ткань
- сл. медная монета, медяк
- (тж. Brown) мулат


- делать коричневым
- делаться коричневым
- зажаривать, подрумянивать
- вызывать загар

the hot sun had parched and browned him — на солнце кожа его высохла и потемнела

- загорать
- воронить (металл)

Мои примеры


the old farmer’s leathery, brown skin — жёсткая, загорелая кожа старого фермера  
her thatch of dark brown hair — копна её тёмно-каштановых волос  
great brown eye, true and trustful — большие карие глаза, правдивые и доверчивые  
clear brown — светло-коричневый  
brown coal — бурый уголь  
brown hair — каштановые волосы  
brown hyena — бурая гиена  
brown rice — шелушёный рис  
a sombre brown — тёмно-коричневый цвет  
voluminous light brown hair — пышные светло-каштановые волосы  
his eyes are brown — у него карие глаза  
do brown — поджарить или испечь до появления румяной корочки; наставить синяков  

Примеры с переводом

Her hair is dark brown like mine.

Её волосы тёмно-каштановые, как у меня.

Her skin was browned by the sun.

Её кожа загорела на солнце.

Brown could not be reached

Брауна не могли найти, с Брауном нельзя было связаться (по телефону и т. п.)

Brown the meat in the pan.

Подрумяньте мясо на сковороде.

Brown alias Smith

Браун, он же Смит

Mary Brown nee Smith

Мери Браун, урождённая Смит

Robinson v. Brown

Робинсон против Брауна

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The pages were brown and crinkled.

His jacket’s a medium brown colour.

The chicken is browning in the oven.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

browning  — браунинг, поджаривание, глазуровка, приправа
embrown  — придавать бурый оттенок, придавать коричневый оттенок
brownian  — броуновский
brownish  — коричневатый
browny  — коричневатый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: brown
he/she/it: browns
ing ф. (present participle): browning
2-я ф. (past tense): browned
3-я ф. (past participle): browned

ед. ч.(singular): brown
мн. ч.(plural): browns

срав. степ. (comparative): browner
прев. степ. (superlative): brownest

brown — перевод на русский


Brown, make arrangements for a radio broadcast.

Браун, я хочу, чтобы ты сделал объявление для распространения по радио. Немедленно.


Я знаю, что это, мистер Браун.


Мистер Браун…


Вы собираетесь на войну, мистер Браун?

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I’ll wear my brown suit, pearl-gray tie and suede vest.

Допустим, я надену свой коричневый костюм, серый галстук и жилет…

Take brown, that’s better for a child.

Думаю, что коричневый Потому что черный, для ребенка…

You know, he looks even cooler with his brown suit.

— Ему так идет коричневый костюм.

— It’s the brown job with the black strap.

Коричневый, с черным ремнем.

After only a few hours, the interior of the reaction vessel becomes streaked with a strange brown pigment a rich collection of complex organic molecules including the building blocks of the proteins and the nucleic acids.

Спустя всего несколько часов на стенках реакционного резервуара появляется странный коричневый пигмент. Богатый набор сложных органических молекул, включая компоненты белков и нуклеиновых кислот.

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Shahir, she’s the perfect donor for Terry Brown.

Шахир, она идеальный донор для Терри Брауна.

He won the technical decision over Sandy Brown.

Он выиграл техническим нокаутом у Санди Брауна.

He won the technical decision over Sandy Brown by claiming a foul.

Он выиграл техническим нокаутом у Санди Брауна на грани фола.

Not John Brown’s.

Нет, не Джона Брауна.

Send in Clark and Brown.

Пригласите Кларка и Брауна.

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«Browning, Marie.

«Браунинг, Мари.

Miss Browning, Madame de Bursac.

Мисс Браунинг, мадам Де Брусак.

— Robert Browning.

Роберт Браунинг.

Browning G.P. 35, 9mm parabellum.

Браунинг Дж. П. 35, 9 мм Парабеллум.

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«Are your eyes blue? Are they brown?

«Глаза у вас голубые или карие?

Are my eyes really brown?

У меня правда карие глаза?

Lovely brown eyes.

Красивые карие глаза.

Number one, approximately 40 years, 175 pounds, black hair, brown eyes.

Первый, приблизительно 40 лет, 175 фунтов, тёмные волосы, карие глаза.

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It’s brown.

ќни каштановые.

That’s right, a brown toupee.

Да, накладные каштановые волосы.

Cockroaches are always brown.

Тараканы всегда каштановые!

Black or brown is the same.

Да чёрные или каштановые — это же всё равно!

When my hair was long and brown, I asked my mother:

Когда у меня были длинные каштановые волосы, я спросила у матери:

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Where’s Brown?

Где Бурый, то?

Brown is dead, and Orange got it in the belly…

Бурый мертв, Оранжевого в живот подстрелили…

Brown’s dead.

Бурый мертв.

Brown’s dead?

Бурый мертв?

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Why do you always wear brown stockings ?

— Почему ты постоянно носишь темные чулки?

Brown stockings are aggressive and common.

Темные чулки — это агрессивно и пошло.

He had dark brown bags under his eyes as if he had coffee grounds in ’em.

Под глазами — тёмные мешки, как будто он таскал в них кофе.

Dark brown hair?

Темные волосы?

— Long brown hair, blue eyes…

— Длинные темные волосы, голубые глаза…

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Mr. Van Ryn, would you step out while I consult with Dr. Brown?

Мистер ван Райн, не уйдете ли Вы, чтобы дать мне возможность проконсультироваться с доктором Брауном?

Well, to begin with, any story of my career… … wouldhaveto include my lifelong friend, Cosmo Brown.

Начну с того, что успех в моей карьере неразрывно связан с другом детства Космо Брауном.

Christine, if I’d simply beamed up to their vessel with Brown and the others, I… I’d have given them objects of curiosity, the beginnings of wild stories, foolish theories.

Если бы я поднялся на судно с Брауном и остальными, то дал бы им повод для любопытства, диких историй и глупых теорий.

Mr. Brown’s in the air.

— Я хочу поговорить с мистером Брауном.

Am I to understand you’re still hanging around with Dr. Emmett Brown, McFly?

Я так понимаю, ты все еще общаешься с доктором Эмметом Брауном, МакФлай?

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I don’t care where or when, but somewhere, sometime, will you have the pipers play «A Rome and a Brown Maiden»?

Неважно, где и когда — где-нибудь, когда-нибудь — попросите волынщиков сыграть «Рим и смуглую деву»?

Get your brown ass out of here.

Выметай свою смуглую задницу отсюда.

Somehow, I’ve become one of the girls… a hairy, brown girl.

Каким-то образом я превратился в одну из девчонок. В волосатую и смуглую.

No, but here’s one that says, «Kiss my brown ass.»

Нет, но на одной написано: «Поцелуй мою смуглую задницу.»

I hired Mr. Keys once I realized the police wouldn’t be making a missing brown skinned girl a priority.

Я нанял Мистера Кейса, как только понял что полиция не особо будет стараться найти пропавшую смуглую девочку.

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