The word brilliant in a sentence

She has a brilliant future.
У неё блестящее будущее.

My dad was a brilliant clarinet-player.
Мой отец был гениальным кларнетистом.

A brilliant guy — he’s been dead 2,500 years.
Выдающийся человек — 2,5 тысячи лет как мёртв.

And he was brilliant yesterday.
И вчера он замечательно выступил.

Barrio ‘those two plays, he was brilliant.
За исключением этих двух розыгрышей, он был великолепен.

He was fascinating and brilliant.
Это был чрезвычайно обаятельный и блистательный человек.

The Office was a key partner to an event, entitled “Our common humanity in the Information Age: Principles and Values for Development”, held in November 2006, organized by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and facilitated the participation of actress Julia Ormond, Google Chief Executive Larry Brilliant, and philanthropist Louise Blouin MacBain.
Бюро было одним из главных партнеров в организации мероприятия, озаглавленного «Единство человечества в информационном веке: принципы и ценности для процесса развития», которое было организовано Департаментом по экономическим и социальным вопросам в ноябре 2006 года, а также способствовало участию в этом мероприятии актрисы Джулии Ормонд, генерального директора компании «Гугл» Лэрри Бриллианта и филантропа Лузы Блуэн Макбейн.

If me and you put our two brilliant minds together, we will get out of here.
Если ты и я совместим наши превосходные мозги, мы выберемся отсюда.

Brilliant architect but perpetually disorganised.
Блестящий архитектор, но постоянно неорганизованный.

Please, regale me with your brilliant plan.
Пожалуйста, поделись со мной своим гениальным планом.

My aunt, an incredibly articulate and brilliant woman, was widowed early.
Моя тетя, прекрасно изъясняющаяся и выдающаяся женщина, стала вдовой очень рано.

Oh, that’s brilliant, bumpkin.
О, это просто замечательно, идиот.

And they are brilliant; it’s wonderful work.
И они прекрасны, это великолепная работа.

What’s Russian for ‘brilliant’? Evgeny Kuznetsov
Евгений Кузнецов «блистательный»

I was doing my taxes the other day, and I got to the point where I was listing all of the donations I gave, and I had an epiphany, it was — I came to my check to the Seva Foundation and I noticed that I thought, boy, my friend Larry Brilliant would really be happy that I gave money to Seva.
На днях я заполнял налоги, и я дошёл до пункта, где я перечислял все свои пожертвования, и тут меня озарило, когда я добрался до чека, выписанного Фонду Сева: я поймал себя на мысли, что мой друг, Ларри Бриллиант, был бы счастлив узнать о том, что я финансово поддержал Фонд.

So, he had a brilliant idea.
И тут у него появилась блестящая идея.

Someone this brilliant would surely have caught my attention.
Такой гениальный ум наверняка бы привлек мое внимание.

This was one of the most brilliant breakthroughs in all of food science.
Это было одним из самых выдающихся достижений во всей науке о питании.

I make a brilliant hot toddy.
Я замечательно готовлю горячий пунш.

For his brilliant efforts, he was nearly impeached.
За эти великолепные усилия его чуть не подвергли импичменту.


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A brilliant master stroke in fact.

На самом деле, блестящий и ловкий ход.

Andrew Beckett was is a brilliant lawyer.

Пёрвоё: Эндрю Бёккёт был и ёсть блёстящий адвокат.

But because he learned of her intentions, her brilliant plan failed.

Но из-за того, что он узнал о её намерениях, её гениальный план провалился.

I found him even more brilliant in person than online.

Я нашёл его ещё более гениальным человеком, чем он есть в сети.

Kim Kardashian is a brilliant example of this.

Что касается Ким Кардашьян, то она, по всей видимости, являет собой яркий тому пример.

Almost as brilliant as adopting torture.

Почти такая же яркая, как борьба с коррупцией.

What seemed nonsensical was actually brilliant.

Но то, что казалось бессмысленным, было на самом деле блестящим.

As always, thanks for yet another brilliant post.

А автору, как всегда, огромное спасибо за очередную блестящую статью.

You never know when a brilliant idea might come.

Вы действительно не знаете, когда кто-то может прийти с блестящей идеей.

A brilliant player who works really hard and never forgets his roots.

Блестящий игрок, который очень много работает и никогда не забывает о своих корнях».

What this colorful psychiatrist did was brilliant.

То, что сделал этот потрясающий психотерапевт, было гениально.

I think the idea is brilliant.

Я думаю, что эта идея является блестящей.

Everything he does seems either brilliant or brilliantly calculated for effect.

Любые его поступки кажутся либо блестящими сами по себе, либо блестяще просчитанными для достижения подобного эффекта.

You mean a brilliant and beautiful and…

Ты имеете в виду блестящая и красивая, и…

He’ll give up a brilliant international career to live with his daughter.

Он готов поставить крест на блестящей международной карьере… ради того, чтобы жить с дочерью.

I never met him, but everybody said he was brilliant.

Я никогда его не видела, но все говорили что он был блестящим.

I mean, the small scale was brilliant.

Я имею в виду, в малом масштабе все получилось блестяще.

We can’t all be brilliant literary snobs like yourself.

Нё все мы можем быть блестящими литературными снобами, как ты сам.

I can be the least brilliant to reassure them.

Я мог бы быть вашим наименее блестящим учеником, чтобы это уравновесить.

This mook isn’t the elusive and brilliant Zed.

Да ладно, этот болван не может быть неуловимым и гениальным Зедом.

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Definition of Brilliant

very wise or skilled

Examples of Brilliant in a sentence

The genius showed how brilliant he was by working every math problem in his mind within a matter of seconds.


Her brilliant pupil could elaborate on any topic since she was born with one of the highest IQs in the world.


The only thing that seemed to anger the teacher was when a student with a brilliant mind would waste it by refusing to work.


Karen always would take her car to Lyle’s Automotive Shop because her brilliant mechanic could accurately diagnose the problem with her car quickly.


Kenneth was smart because he could learn material by being taught, but his brother was brilliant by also being able to figure out solutions to the most complicated problems.


Other words in the Intelligent category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Synonym: alert, bright, clear, intelligent, shining, smart, sparkling, vivid. Antonym: dismal, gloomy, melancholy. Similar words: alliance, machiavellian, drill, Italian, civilian, compliance, fill in, million. Meaning: [brɪljənt]  adj. 1. of surpassing excellence 2. having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence 3. characterized by grandeur 4. having striking color 5. full of light; shining intensely 6. clear and sharp and ringing. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The dullard’s envy of brilliant men is always assuaged by the suspicion that they will come to a bad end. 

2. Her mother was a brilliant scientist.

3. The report is a brilliant condensation of several years’work.

4. The plant has a brilliant purple flower.

5. A fully cut brilliant diamond has 68 facets.

6. She was a brilliant public speaker.

7. Your smile is so brilliant.

8. I’ve had a brilliant idea!

9. She had a brilliant mind.

10. Roger took some brilliant catches at today’s match.

11. Her performance was technically brilliant but lacked feeling.

12. She closed her eyes against the brilliant light .

13. The sky sparkled with brilliant stars.

14. Winning that race was just brilliant.

15. I was captivated by her brilliant mind.

16. This song has a brilliant piano intro.

16. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

17. What a brilliant idea!

18. His playing is technically brilliant, but it doesn’t excite me.

19. The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of inadequate preparation.

20. With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Christmas season.Hope things are going all right with you.

21. Never expect him to come up with a brilliant idea.

22. Her most brilliant work was done during several months of relative inactivity.

23. This exercise is brilliant for getting rid of flabby tums.

24. At night these streets are brilliant with a pearly radiance of electricity.

25. Brilliant teamwork and old fashioned grit got the team a last minute point.

26. Let our life be brimming with smile!The sweet smile predicts our brilliant future.

27. I have had the good fortune to work with some brilliant directors.

28. The smooth surface of the lake reflected back the brilliant moonlight.

29. Blow-off vision of the rain, so that you are left with a brilliant rainbow.Shuttle time in my fingers, without any regrets, open stemmed bloom ripples. Blunt rolling thick liquid eternal, but you and I, were dispersed in which period of Acacia leaves.

30. Because of the sea and beautiful, life because of setbacks and perfect. Learning for research and development. Work for innovation and brilliant.

More similar words: alliance, machiavellian, drill, Italian, civilian, compliance, fill in, million, billion, giant, fulfilling, willingness, primarily, reliable, familiar, liability, piano, brick, Asian, bride, brisk, call in, bring, pill, will, kill, all in all, fabric, debris, roll in.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word brilliant, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use brilliant in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «brilliant». In addition, we also show how different variations of brilliant can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are brilliantine, brilliantly and brilliants. If you click on the variation of brilliant that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Brilliant in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word brilliant in a sentence.

  1. He scored a brilliant goal ..

  2. That album is fucking brilliant.

  3. It’s brilliant, it’s a masterpiece.

  4. Finally, he said, ‘This is brilliant.

  5. It is brilliant, deep, and imaginative.

  6. He has a new brilliant idea for each song.

  7. He was brilliant, way above everybody else.».

  8. Some of their performances have been really brilliant.».

  9. Director Blake Edwards thought that «Peter was brilliant.

  10. But Horrible Histories has a great cast and brilliant writers.

  11. Indeed, in that respect it would turn out a brilliant success.

  12. Horace attended the local schools and was a brilliant student.

  13. I thought this would be a brilliant first single for Leona, which it would have ..

  14. Peter Bradshaw, however, called it a «coldly brilliant and tremendously acted movie».

  15. He said that many of his advantages were a result of his father’s brilliant coaching.

  16. Once again they mixed the old cement and constructed that brilliant wall of a defence.

  17. Not particularly brilliant in the air, because he did not have the stature to jump up.

  18. Thus, despite appearing brilliant white to observers on Earth, Halley’s Comet is in fact pitch black.

  19. He didn’t have patience for that; his own work consisted of little aperçus, but quite brilliant ones.

  20. On the other hand, Diodorus argues that he was «in spirit brilliant and intent upon great enterprises».

  21. The male has a brilliant orange-red chest and throat, and a white patch on the forehead above the bill.

  22. Jonny Greenwood described OK Computer as a product of being «in love with all these brilliant records ..

  23. When heated in air, thorium turnings ignite and burn with a brilliant white light to produce the dioxide.

  24. Tracks were designed to include key notes to «make [the player] feel as if [he is] a brilliant musician».

  25. The reviews were good: «Mr Noël Coward calls his brilliant little farce a ‘comedy of youth’, and so it is.

  26. His obituary in The New York Times hailed him as a brilliant novelist and cited Gatsby as his greatest work.

  27. A combination of strategic deception and brilliant administration enabled Marlborough to achieve his purpose.

  28. In the latter period his brigade made a brilliant advance and captured the Hindenburg Outpost Line north of St.

  29. She was brilliant; she had maturity beyond her years.» Pemberton and Shearsmith had been keen to use Inside No.

  30. The light illuminating the scene has been described as «so brilliant it could only be the light of revelation».

  31. I believe sincerely that the victory I have won belongs of right to your brilliant and courageous compatriot Mr.

  32. Henry is said to have made a brilliant speech in defense of the rights of voters, but the text does not survive.

  33. A brilliant writer, elegant, eloquent, without being able to compose a correct sentence or spell words of four syllables.

  34. The rug has been pulled out from under this brilliant team who’ve so expertly retooled Sam & Max for the 21st century.

  35. Like Louis Lambert and Lucien Chardon in Illusions perdues, he is a brilliant man just as Balzac considered himself to be.

  36. Chappell supplemented his aggressive batting with brilliant fielding in the slips, and he showed promise as a leg-spinner.

  37. Biographer Anthony Scaduto praises its rich imagery, and describes it as «one of the most brilliant pop records ever made.

  38. GameSpy called it a nearly flawless classic role-playing game; The New York Times described it as brilliant but unfinished.

  39. Fingleton said that Harvey was «by far the most brilliant fieldsman of both sides, who was to save many runs in the field».

  40. Wisden stated that Macartney was «by many degrees the most brilliant and individual Australian batsman of the present day».

  41. IGN summarized Final Fantasy X-2 as «a brilliant and addictive romp through Spira that we’re certainly glad to experience».

  42. Walt Wiggins, a racing commentator and author, said of Go Man Go: «He was a brilliant speedhorse, some say the fastest ever.

  43. The Athenian court was not as brilliant and sumptuous as that of Saint Petersburg, and days in the Greek capital were sometimes monotonous for members of the royal family.

  44. Chris Turner wrote positively of the Canyonero spoof piece in Planet Simpson: How a Cartoon Masterpiece Defined a Generation, calling it «a brilliant parody of an SUV ad».

  45. Supreme Court, Chief Justice and former president William Howard Taft praised him as «the most brilliant lawyer who ever practiced before the United States Supreme Court».

  46. Richardson recalled, «He was a kind of brilliant butterfly, while I was a very gloomy sort of boy», and «I found his clothes extravagant, I found his conversation flippant.

  47. Sang the drunken boatswain; /Farther than Betelgeuse, /More brilliant than Orion /Or the planets Venus and Mars, /The star flames on the ocean; /’A woman has ten claws,’ /.

Brilliantine in a sentence

Brilliantine is a variation of brilliant, below you can find example sentences for brilliantine.

  1. The salon also prescribed a daily scalp treatment routine of cleansing bars, brilliantine lotion, conditioner, makeup remover, and cleansing lotion.

Brilliantly in a sentence

Brilliantly is a variation of brilliant, below you can find example sentences for brilliantly.

  1. And either failing or succeeding brilliantly.

  2. The comedian’s talk was brilliantly conceived and written.».

  3. She was brilliantly clever, had a wonderful head for business.

  4. Apart from the two bow floodlights, Centaur was lit up brilliantly.

  5. It struck it, brilliantly, as the summer sun attains its solstice midday peak.

  6. Despite his injuries, Romero continues to perform brilliantly in the bullring.

  7. England started the match brilliantly, reducing Australia to 6/58 on a pitch that assisted the bowlers.

  8. Writer-director Michael Mann brilliantly rethinks the seminal 1980s TV series on which he made his name.

  9. Patton had developed tank warfare into an art, and understood how to handle tanks brilliantly in the field.

  10. In one episode involving some Vietnamese girls Herbert stated, «The area was brilliantly lit by floodlights ..

  11. Rohan said South Park «can be brilliantly over the edge, but often tonight, it sorely needs a comic bungee cord».

  12. Film-critic Gayatri Gauri of Firstpost wrote, «Parinda was well-crafted, slickly-written and brilliantly executed».

  13. We saw the lych-gate brilliantly lit [and] the guardsmen slung the coffin on their shoulders and laid it before the altar.

  14. The mission was brilliantly successful.» He presented awards to the soldiers who participated in the raid on March 3, 1945.

  15. Caligari set a brilliantly high bar for the genre and remains terrifying nearly a century after it first stalked the screen.».

  16. The visuals and music were highly praised, and GameZone called the world of the D’ni beautifully rendered and brilliantly designed.

  17. Between 1590 and about 1625, they specialised in brilliantly coloured, full-length «costume pieces» that are unique to England at this time.

  18. Ware noted the «stunning 3-D photo-realistic scenery», while Bailey stated that the «graphics are brilliantly rendered and whiz by smoothly».

  19. Trouser Press founder and editor Ira Robbins viewed New York Dolls as an innovative record, brilliantly chaotic, and well produced by Rundgren.

  20. Seen from the Moon, the Earth during a total solar eclipse is mostly brilliantly illuminated, with only a small dark patch showing the Moon’s shadow.

Brilliants in a sentence

Brilliants is a variation of brilliant, below you can find example sentences for brilliants.

  1. Museum also houses Joseph Stalin’s sabre with 260 brilliants and diamonds, donated by Stalin himself.Museum of Science and Technology moved to the building of the first city’s power plant in Dorćol in 2005.

Synonyms for brilliant

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word brilliant has the following synonyms: brainy, smart as a whip, intelligent, bright, vivid, colorful, colourful, reverberant, ringing, glorious, magnificent, splendid, impressive, superb and superior.

General information about «brilliant» example sentences

The example sentences for the word brilliant that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «brilliant» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «brilliant».

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