The word bred in a sentence

bred — перевод на русский

Took Best of Breed at the Westminster.

Выиграл приз «Лучший из породы» в Вестминстере.

We must be of the same breed!

Мы же одной породы.

Well, improving the breed, doctor?

Улучшение породы, доктор?

— It will be a society of people of the new breed.

— Ёто будет общество людей новой породы.

Here they were counted and culled and selected— some for marketing… some to be hel d for future breeding stock.

отбраковывались и отбирались — некоторые — для будущего сохранения породы.

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I mean, we must be increasingly on the alert… to prevent them from taking over other mine shaft space… in order to breed more prodigiously than we do… thus knocking us out through superior numbers when we emerge!

Мы должны быть все более и более бдительны чтобы не допустить захвата наших шахт тогда они будут размножаться лучше чем мы и таким образом получат численное превосходство!

All we have to do is quit feeding them. We quit feeding them, they stop breeding.

Перестанем их кормить — они перестанут размножаться.

My brother’s great plan, since there are too many people on Earth, is to prevent some men from breeding.

Поскольку на Земле так много людей, великий план моего брата заключается в том, чтобы не дать им размножаться.

Nothing to do but breed.

Размножаться будем!

Soon they began to breed and multiply, and the herd got weak,

Они начали размножаться и их стало много, и всё стадо стало слабым.

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But with the proper breeding techniques and a ratio of, say… ten females to each male… they could then work their way back to the present gross national product… within 20 years.

Но с надлежащими методами размножения и соотношением, скажем десять женщин каждому мужчине они могли бы работать и вернуться к существующему валовому национальному продукту в течение 20 лет.

Then you were captured as breeding stock?

Получается, вас похитили для размножения?

Would you estimate him to be a product of selected breeding?

Думаете ли вы что он бы мог быть продуктом селективного размножения?

That waste area seems to be their breeding ground.

Похоже, что область отходов для них это место размножения.

Evil breeding evil by contact.

Злое зло размножения контактом.

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How the Talosians, planning to breed a society of human slaves, tempted Captain Pike with the Earth woman they held in captivity.

Как талосианцы, планируя разводить общество людей-рабов, искушали капитана Пайка при помощи земной женщины, которую они держали в неволе.

Next thing, they’ll be breeding us like cattle for food.

Вскоре они будут разводить нас как скот на убой.

I’ll breed only horses

Разводить буду только лошадей,

We’ll breed all the fish we need to eat right here.

Мы будем разводить рыбу для еды прямо здесь.

I wanted to breed dogs…

Я хотел разводить собак…

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Don’t worry, I was born and bred in Shinagawa, I’m a local.

Не беспокойтесь, я родился и вырос в Синагаве, я местный.

Sir, I was born and bred here in Shinagawa…

Сэр, я родился и вырос в Синагаве.

I’m an Englishman born and bred this is my first time on the Atlantic.

Я в Англии рождён и вырос, а первый раз плыву через Атлантику.

All things come to an end, even our story. A day came when mr. Bilbo Baggins caught a sight of the country where he had been born and bred.

Поскольку все на свете имеет конец (и даже наша повесть), то настал день, когда мистер Бильбо Беггинс завидел местность, где он родился и вырос.

Born and bred in Savannah, Georgia !

Он родился и вырос в Саванне, штат Джоржия.

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Madame Kyra, let me remind you that evil breeds evil.

Мадам Кира, позвольте Вам напомнить, что зло порождает зло…

Death generates death as the vulture breeds the vulture.

Смерть порождает смерть, как стервятник порождает стервятника.

But I do know that violence breeds violence, it never solved anything.

Я знаю только то, что насилие порождает насилие и никогда ничего не решает.

In the idleness that comes with peace, I see that gossip has bred its own evil.

Я вижу, что безделье, пришедшее с миром, порождает злую молву.

Confidence breeds distraction.

Чрезмерная уверенность порождает рассеянность.

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Horse Breeding Association Zacheta in Poland.

Общество поощрения разведения лошадей в Польше.

Yes, especially in view of the fact that the records of this expedition indicate that they did have some for breeding and food purposes.

Это странно. Да, учитывая тот факт, что в записях экспедиции указано, что они взяли с собой животных для разведения и питания.

on everything from pop music to pig breeding… from atom power stations to miniskirts.

во всем от поп-музыки до разведения свиней… от атомных станций до миниюбок.

After the domestic plants I’ll need high-yield crops, indispensable for massive production — in rabbit breeding.

Потом я собираюсь посадить очень ценную культуру, необходимую для массового разведения кроликов.

Humans were used to breed the ultimate prey.

Люди использовались для разведения самой лучшей добычи.

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An improved breed of human.

Улучшенный вид человека.

Yeah, sort of. We created a new breed of insect… we hoped would make the roaches die out.

Мы создали новый вид насекомого, мы надеялись, что он убьёт тараканов.

Ours are a special breed.

Наши — это особый вид.

Since the 20th century ended, there’s a new breed of girls

С тех пор как начался новый век появился новый вид девушек

Society, you’re a crazy breed

Общество — ты сумасшедшей вид

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where they most breed and haunt, I have observed, the air is delicate.

Я замечал, что, где они плодятся, Там воздух чист.

They breed in the crawlspaces in the conduits the very core of the building itself.

Они плодятся в подвалах в канализации внутри самого здания.

Unlike bloody drag queens, who just keep breeding like rabbits.

В отличие от голубых королев, которые плодятся, как кролики.

Mundanes breed like rabbits.

А обычные люди плодятся, как кролики.

They breed like rabbits, you know.

Плодятся, как кролики!

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Wicked breed, sinful deed, thunder above and below!

Злобное племя, вражье семя, разрази вас гром!

You’re the only man left here. You know, for breeding.

Ты ведь у нас теперь один остался, вроде как на племя.

They are a breed of immortals.

Они племя бессмертных.

We monorail conductors are a crazy breed… half in love with death, gobbling up danger like ordinary men eat peanuts.

Мы, машинисты монорельсов — странное племя. Мы обручены со смертью, мы смотрим опасностям прямо в лицо.

And that is a pathetic breed.

А это позорное племя.

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доска, дощечка


- доска; дощечка
- past и p. p. от breed

Мои примеры


the old traditions in which they had been bred — старые традиции, в которых они были воспитаны  
true-bred shepherd’s dogs — чистокровные овчарки  
a well-bred distance — любезная холодность  
a well-bred horse — лошадь хороших кровей  
pure-bred line — чистопородная линия  
cross-bred — гибридный  
bred in bone — врождённый  
bred-in-the-bone — с глубокими корнями; основательный; прочный  
born and bred — до мозга костей  
home bred cattle — отечественный скот  

Примеры с переводом

These dogs were originally bred in Scotland to round up sheep.

Этих собак первоначально разводили в Шотландии для выгона овец. (чтобы они помогали пасти овец)

Society’s obsession with sex has bred a generation of unhappy children.

Всеобщая одержимость сексом породила поколение несчастных детей.

The plants are bred to resist disease and drought.

Эти растения выедены для того, чтобы противостоять болезням и засухе.

Возможные однокоренные слова

inbred  — врожденный, прирожденный, природный
unbred  — плохо воспитанный
underbred  — дурно воспитанный, нечистокровный, непородистое животное

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word bred, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use bred in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «bred».

Bred in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word bred in a sentence.

  1. Ezzoud was bred in Ireland by T.

  2. Others are bred solely for horsemeat.

  3. The chough last bred on the island in 1900.

  4. Some Norman Cobs are bred for the meat market.

  5. It formerly bred in the Faroes, Malta and Gozo.

  6. The pale crag martin first bred in Iraq in 2009.

  7. They were originally bred for use as war horses.

  8. This nightjar formerly bred in Syria and Lebanon.

  9. Top Deck was bred by the King Ranch, and was unraced.

  10. Some of this progeny was bred and owned by King George V.

  11. The ducks were bred on farms in the surrounding countryside.

  12. Purebred stallions may not be bred more than 70 times per year.

  13. Avocets, then still very rare in the UK, first bred here in 1984.

  14. Less than one-half of one percent are Piedmontese, or bred to Piedmontese cattle.

  15. The same year, 227 mares were covered, with 171 being bred to Poitevin stallions.

  16. His sire (father), the Thoroughbred stallion Top Deck, was bred by the King Ranch.

  17. The common starling has bred in northern Sweden from 1850 and in Iceland from 1935.

  18. Chicado V was bred by Frank Vessels of Los Alamitos, California and foaled in 1950.

  19. Today, the breed is increasingly being selectively bred for increased aptitude in classical dressage.

  20. In the same year, 50 captive bred crocodiles were released into the wild to help boost the population.

  21. In 1899 they had bred at the ruined Loch an Eilean castle near Aviemore and at Loch Arkaig until 1908.

  22. Irish Wolfhounds bred by Nagle were also successful in America; she began exporting dogs there in 1933.

  23. At the other end of the population scale, a single pair of snowy owls bred on Fetlar from 1967 to 1975.

  24. Appaloosas are also bred for horse racing, with an active breed racing association promoting the sport.

  25. The species was formerly more restricted in range, and rarely bred even in northern England in the 1700s.

  26. Little egrets first nested in 2014, numbering 31 pairs by 2019, and a pair of cattle egrets bred in 2020.

  27. Developed in the fertile Flemish grasslands, it was bred for size and pulling power for agricultural work.

  28. Profits from the sale of young ponies affected the number of mares that commoners bred in subsequent years.

  29. Several types of dog, including the Borzoi and Kyrgyz Tajgan, have been specifically bred for wolf hunting.

  30. Peregrine falcons have been successfully bred in captivity, both for falconry and for release into the wild.

  31. Oxbow’s dam Tizamazing was bred back to Awesome Again in 2013, and in June 2013 was confirmed to be in foal.

  32. Leguat mentioned that pigeons only bred on islets off Rodrigues, due to predation from rats on the mainland.

  33. California Chrome was bred by Perry Martin of Yuba City, California, and Steve Coburn of Topaz Lake, Nevada.

  34. By 1855, the horses bred near Hainaut were considered by some veterinarians to be superior to other Flemish draft breeds.

  35. In 1994, Normandy contained 2000 Percheron and Norman Cob horses, and annually bred around 600 foals of these two breeds.

  36. The Andalusian blood came from horses bred at the royal stud in Cordoba and given to English royalty by the King of Spain.

  37. In 2020, a pair of cattle egret successfully bred at the site, the first time the species had successfully bred in Norfolk.

  38. They stand 158–170 cm (15.2–16.3 hands) in height, but those horses bred in Vire are known to be smaller than the standard.

  39. Many of the foals bred on the Forest are sold through the Beaulieu Road pony sales, which are held several times each year.

  40. A few quality horses continued to be bred, mostly those captured or purchased by settlers and used as working ranch horses.

  41. Beginning in 1918, Percherons began to be bred in Great Britain, and in 1918 the British Percheron Horse Society was formed.

  42. The frog is present in a number of protected areas in New Guinea, and it has been successfully bred in some Australian zoos.

  43. This species has bred in Iceland since about 1999, and was widespread by 2004, although numbers are affected by hard winters.

  44. After a natural philosopher discovered that whale oil can be used as a fuel, the government used it to develop powerful weaponry, which in turn bred government corruption.

  45. The study suggested that dodos bred around August, after having potentially fattened themselves, corresponding with the fat and thin cycles of many vertebrates of Mauritius.

  46. American Pharoah officially began breeding mares in February 2016, and was first bred to Untouched Talent, an 11-year-old mare owned by Coolmore, dam of Zayat’s Bodemeister.

  47. Terns that have not bred successfully may start moulting into non-breeding adult plumage from June, but late July is more typical, with the moult suspended during migration.

  48. Bold Ruler was retired to stud at Claiborne Farm, but the Phippses owned most of the mares to which Bold Ruler was bred, and few of his offspring were sold at public auction.

General information about «bred» example sentences

The example sentences for the word bred that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «bred» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «bred».

Here, along with the sheep bred cattle(for meat) and wheat.


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Здесь наряду с овцами разводят крупный рогатый скот( на мясо) и выращивают пшеницу.


Freedom came with responsibility and accountability, while defamation bred intolerance and undermined social cohesion.


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Свобода связана с ответственностью и подотчетностью, а диффамация порождает нетерпимость и подрывает социальное единство.


The anger this bred almost cost me the thing that I valued above all else.

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Гнев это разводят почти стоило мне То, что я ценю больше всего.

In general, they bred me specifically.

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They are bred in zoos and parks in Iran, Israel, and Germany today.

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В настоящее время их разводят в зоопарках и парках в Иране, Израиле и Германии.

Because of the lack of cats, a lot of rats bred in the city.


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His finely bred acid is an heirloom of the Riesling.

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Его разводят мелко кислоты реликвия Рислинг.

In the forest bred strange creatures, small as gnats, but not the same harmless.


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В лесу завелись странные создания, мелкие как козявки, но не такие же безобидные.


These dogs have been bred as working dogs and need to be active.

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Собаки этой породы очень энергичны и любят активную работу.

When we came underground, they bred and polluted this planet.

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А когда спустились под землю, они расплодились и загрязнили всю планету.

At work, fleas bred, bite.

Bred in the couch, but we threw the sofa.

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Завелись в диване, но мы диван выбросили.

By the middle of XX century it mostly bred in old forests.


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К середине XX века она гнездилась в основном в старых лесах.


Here, since 1987, bred spotted deer imported from Russia.


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Здесь с 1987 года разводили пятнистых оленей, привезенных из России.


They bred monsters, wicked demons,

male and female, also Khado, with little minds.

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Они породили чудовищ, злобных демонов,

самцов и самок, также Кхадо( Дакини) малого разума.

I just bred an antibiotic- resistant strain of rubella.

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Я просто разводил антибиотик- резистентные штаммы вируса краснухи.

Out of 10 meat breeds, bred in Kazakhstan, the Kazakh white-headed stock is the largest.

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Из 10 мясных пород, разводимых в Казахстане, поголовье казахской белоголовой является самым крупным.

Those factors aggravated stress and bred rejection, hostility, neglect and violence.


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Данные факторы усугубляют напряженность и порождают неприятие, враждебность, пренебрежение и насилие.


These are the Industry Standard for animals bred as Pets.

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Это- Стандарт отрасли по разведению животных, как одомашненных животных.

Hungarian Kuvasz is a breed of dogs, bred in Hungary for the protection of animals.


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Венгерский кувас или просто кувас- порода собак, выведенная в Венгрии для охраны скота.


Genetic variety of cattle bred in krasnodar region аву 12-2017.


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Генетическое разнообразие крупного рогатого скота, разводимого в краснодарском крае аву 12- 2017.


The birds bred in the coastal limestone precipices,

which were up to 25 metres in height.


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Птицы гнездились в известняковых береговых обрывах высотой до 25 м.


Genetic variety of cattle bred in krasnodar region оpen as pdf.


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Генетическое разнообразие крупного рогатого скота, разводимого в краснодарском крае рdf- версия.


Sustainably harvested and bred seafood of exceptional quality is a source of pride for all Norwegians.


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Разведенные и выловленные морепродукты исключительного качества являются источником гордости всех норвежцев.


Bred hand in hand,

breathing deeply, and then exhaling, relaxed lower hands down.


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глубоко вдыхая, а потом выдыхая, расслабленно опускаем руки вниз.


And then your father bred the spiders and everything changed!

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Потом твой отец развел пауков и сразу все изменилось!

Break new ground, sow the fields, bred animals, plant trees and harvest!


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Поднимай целину, засевай поля, разводи животных, сажай деревья и собирай урожай!


That’s why we are the only family in the development to have bred.

I tried everything, and kerosene as well. Bred, rubbed.

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Я все пробовала, и керосин также. Разводишь, втираешь.

Our cockroaches came from the neighbors above(there the tenants bred a landfill).

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У нас тараканы пришлые от соседей сверху( там квартиранты развели свалку).

She knew how well that was going, there were few in their third generation, though they were pure bred, that could speak enough Portuguese to get by

One Sunday before Violet’s seventh birthday, Violet’s mother drove her out to a ranch that bred ponies

‘I’m local to Bath – born and bred

The institution that had bred it’s own race for generations in the darkness of it’s filled-in canyon, of which Enjteen was a member

As you know by now, Napies are bred in artificial life tubes and they don’t have any sex organs so they can’t breed normally; what a shame! I hear you say, the poor Napies can’t breed and have only robots for mothers, yes, but I remember my life as Napie was very good

old population of Voorderbach had been bred over the

Their operation in the one way may endure for many centuries, but in the other it can last no longer than the lives of some of the workmen who were bred to the business in the time of its prosperity

Many who had been bred in the superior classes, not being able to find employment in their own business, would be glad to seek it in the lowest

They bred their children to be their betters, as did their children and their children up until this very day

The cattle bred upon the most uncultivated moors, when brought to the same market, are, in proportion to their weight or goodness, sold at the same price as those which are reared upon the most improved land

‘Best that I can figure out is that the male beings that live on this planet have bred these animals to be their companions

The magikal-biological constructs that the Fair Folk bred would also be seen as their true selves; however, they were, on appearance, similar to human children

The Orcs, trolls, goblins and constructs had been selectively bred for many, many generations so as to be refined into the perfect tools for their particular job

You have seen people eating creatures from their own sewage, creatures bred from intestinal worms by their ungodly science,» coming at you in a wave as seen from Alfred’s eyes

his mind which of the two institutions bred the holier men!

This was seen in a recent study in which animals were genetically bred to develop intestinal polyps, a condition that leads to tumor formation

The members of those councils, however, had been bred to professions very different from war and politics

It corrupts even the activity of his body, and renders him incapable of exerting his strength with vigour and perseverance in any other employment, than that to which he has been bred

“Five score bodyguards, ten Turkish bred guard dogs,” he paused

Every white man, paradoxical as it may read, was a sickly yellow, for the malaria was upon all in a slight or severe form, and a fever bred of the grisly and horrible surroundings

“It is what they are born and bred to do

Bru preferred the Vonder Bred Bunz from a local variety store

A bred and born Southie, he was blue collar and he was Irish

they have been bred already

Even if the man did insist that the Syclers — as he called them — had been bred by scientists on the island and were not aliens, at least he believed Piers had seen them

The aliens hadn’t been bred there — as Conal believed — nothing was further from the truth

The creatures had been bred to consume all organic materials — they could even ingest plastics — but the scent of faeces and flesh drove them into a frenzy

“No, I mean the consequences if these things ever got over to the mainland and bred

He was a demonic machine, bred for bloodletting, destruction and chaos, indeed designed to wreak havoc on human flesh

These creatures were born and bred to obedience

The pack of beasts continued to pour into the gorge; Ranger had realized the beasts had been bred for their fighting abilities, not their intelligence

As a result, some Labrador had been bred into the chain and, hey presto, an amiability factor was established

insight bred of earnest living, of loyally fulfilling the

The furor within the society which had bred Abraham, directed toward the overthrow of their “God most high,” seems to indicate a “point of trespass” that they were unwilling to tolerate

He must have rankled other power centers with his faithfully clear doctrinal teachings, but the easier times bred lesser martyrdoms, as someone that he probably well knew of caused his exile to this small and lonely, rocky outcrop of an island

The first Diaspora involved the Northern Kingdom of Israel, which disappeared from the historical record during that time, and bred the legend of the “Lost Tribes of Israel

But these essences became many, and this presented a kind of aspect that bred confusion

But other representations became too human and bred the contempt of familiarity

Error on the one side has bred error on the other as even the reality of the “Axiom of Existence,” God that is, has been challenged

” And then masking this lesser interpretation within a cloak of unchangeable truth has made that “reunification” virtually impossible, and has bred many violent encounters in the debate on who has gotten it most right

How did altruism arise, and from where did the understanding that bred cooperative attitudes come? The “Law of the Jungle” would seem to indicate that the most basic instinct is individual survival

Most pure bred Leftists are not well coordinated

steal semen from animals bred on the farm where he worked,

Soon after, Kikawada, ironically born and bred in

naughty generation, and that their malice was bred in them, and that their cogitation would never be changed

Harry could never quite figure out the bond between Mrs Worthington and Petal; where Mrs Worthington was poised, well bred and thought highly of in the community Petal was coarse and street wise but maybe she was also thought highly of in her community as well he pondered or how else could she have survived so well living on the streets as she had for so may years

theory and practice of self-realization, and be born and bred

She watched the unfolding drama below, with a detached fascination, bred of knowing that she was safe on a roof, twenty stories above the danger in the street

He was born and bred into this lifestyle, I wasn’t

found in them, other than plants and flowers, a big aviary where birds natural to the local surroundings are bred

8 And all their drinking water and cooking water turned to frogs, also when they lay in their beds their perspiration bred frogs

20 Notwithstanding they listened not to Moses; but some of them left of it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with them

bred in Illinois, being able to lie out on the beach in paradise was a

“Born and bred there, but when I got interested in survival

it until the morning, and it bred worms, and stank: and Moses was wroth with

hunting technique in the dogs, and some were specifically bred as track hounds, with

Nowadays, tens of thousands of galgos are bred

But unfortunately for the majority of galgos, they are bred in large numbers by people

trade and looks like this animals could have been bred to raise money for the drug

Hounds are bred and sold for a lot of money in Cyprus, and the readiness to pay

8 And all their drinking water and cooking water turned to frogs also when they lay in their beds their perspiration bred frogs

They bred the Sylvan to aid them, though they had not bred enough of them to make a difference by the time the war ended

Since then we have bred to the capacity of our rainfall and water supply

The wonder of it had bred many conversations among the anxious multitude

, 22 reported, “The subsidies bred inefficiency; the inefficiency created consumer wrath; the consumer wrath led to government regulation; and the regulation closed UP’s options and helped lead to bankruptcy

The organizations that bred this esoteric jargon—the bureaus themselves

He had deliberately put the girl on his own horse, even though the steed was almost four hands taller, much faster and bred from a fine line of thoroughbreds

new girl they hired had been born and bred in Kingston, where a gunshot was considered a

Vicious, and bred for endurance, they were much larger than the local speckled ponies from the surrounding hills and this one had definitely sensed her presence

The earlier Reptilians, and Norse breed of aliens bred with one another

The earlier reptilians, and Norse breed of aliens bred with one another under the

I truly felt as if I had been bred for this moment, for their kill

They bred like rabbits, not like taking a million or two out would really make any kind of impact

A born and bred warrior was hard to come by and Xavier fit the mold

You have been deliberately designed as a totally compatible and complementary pair for use in scientific research, just as Aristocrat entrepreneurs have been bred by selecting the right genes

The joy of having an intelligent son without the guilt of having bred

that had been bred into their bones

nevertheless spoken in its name, and tried to force the ideas bred of their

He was tall and good looking, yes, but he was also well bred and well read

Animals are first selectively bred and then placed in a variety of environmental conditions, allowing researchers to examine the differences of selection in the aggression of animals

So Conan, glaring from under his tousled mane, saw the white naked figure of Natala writhing in the lustful grasp of a black nightmare shape that could have only been bred in the lost pits of hell

‘And now for a steed swifter than the fastest horse ever bred in a mortal stable,’ Khemsa was saying

your heirs whom you will have bred

they are virginal and gently bred

But he had never been pitted against a blade wielded by thews bred in the wild lands beyond the borders of civilization

The barbarian’s eyes were smoldering with fires that never lit the eyes of men bred to the ideas of civilization

I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky

Delicate with long legs, a crested neck and fine split-tipped ears, I could tell that it was bred for racing and not the sturdier version seen underneath the soldiers

Conan lay still, enduring the weight of his chains and the despair of his position with the stoicism of the wilds that had bred him

“I am a Newlander born and bred

Perhaps the wild, chaotic years of wandering as an exile had bred in him a bitterness beyond common conception

Budgies sold in local pet stores are most likely bred in the United States, so quarantine is unnecessary

Roman education bred an unheard-of and stolid loyalty

Breeders selected the largest birds of each clutch and then bred them to other very large birds, over and over again through the decades

This mutation can be bred into any body color

They were bred by our sisters, the sisters who gave us life

They are obviously being bred as cattle; for food and slavery and periodically shipped off planet to who knows where

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