The word breathe used in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word breathe, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use breathe in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «breathe».

Breathe in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word breathe in a sentence.

  1. Let them stay and live here and breathe.

  2. New Yorkers began to breathe «ordinary» air again.

  3. The young have to breathe every two to three minutes.

  4. He could not breathe for the first twenty minutes of his life.

  5. Hidden screens inside each mask help them breathe and sing clearly.

  6. They do not generally sleep at the surface, but they must continue to breathe.

  7. It allowed the amp to breathe and we got the tones of the amp along with the room.

  8. As with other newts, they occasionally have to move to the surface to breathe air.

  9. Like all mammals, baleen whales breathe air and must surface periodically to do so.

  10. They breathe more heavily and lose more water when the temperature is over 30 °C (86 °F).

  11. Then I let it breathe and come back, approaching from more of an objective point of view.

  12. Since they lack gills, they go to trapped pockets of air in the submerged nests to breathe.

  13. Bivalves filter large amounts of water to feed and breathe but they are not permanently open.

  14. I was born and raised in iron ore country, where you could breathe it and smell it every day.

  15. In his last hours, she personally administered oxygen from a gas cylinder to help him breathe.

  16. A small tube under the tongue that connects to the lungs allows it to breathe while swallowing.

  17. This allowed the animal to breathe through its nostrils while its mouth was open under the water.

  18. Plentiful descriptions of décor, clothing, and possessions help breathe life into the characters.

  19. It then dives again and repeats the sequence about half a dozen times before surfacing to breathe.

  20. The nostrils might have evolved their retracted position to allow the animal to breathe while drinking.

  21. The oceans and seas harbour around 3 x 10 bacteria which provide up to 50% of the oxygen humans breathe.

  22. Ambient pressure divers breathe air or gas mixtures with an oxygen fraction suited to the operating depth.

  23. Vreeland opted for slower passages with varying tempos that could «ebb, flow, and breathe with the player».

  24. A relic called Poseidon’s Trident allows Kratos to breathe underwater and navigate through this environment.

  25. She was required to breathe through a straw, as well as don underwear soaked in ice-cold fire-retardant gel.

  26. Divers can breathe air or mixed gas at the bottom and are usually recovered with the chamber filled with air.

  27. Pankaja tries to breathe on her own as the viewers are treated with flashbacks of the heyday of both couples.

  28. A short breathing tube called a snorkel allows the diver to breathe at the surface while the face is immersed.

  29. You’re not letting them breathe.» When playing the two bass drums, Lombardo would use the «heel-up» technique.

  30. Millipedes breathe through two pairs of spiracles located ventrally on each segment near the base of the legs.

  31. Though equipped with limbs and the ability to breathe air, most still had a long tapering body and strong tail.

  32. In the coldest months, they submerge for up to seven hours at a time, emerging for only seven minutes to breathe.

  33. When gas warfare began in 1915, nose plugs were improvised for the horses to allow them to breathe during attacks.

  34. Spencer attempts to care for the child, and he learns that it struggles to breathe and has developed painful sores.

  35. In this state, the turtle does not breathe, although if surroundings allow, it may get some oxygen through its skin.

  36. At takeoff, the astronauts would breathe pure oxygen in their spacesuits while the cabin was pressurized with helium.

  37. I have hardly anything in common with myself and should stand very quietly in a corner, content that I can breathe.).

  38. However, in 1998, one writer for The Oregonian warned: «you don’t want to breathe so much when the white light is on».

  39. The Ice of Poseidon also enables Kratos to breathe underwater, a necessary ability as substantial time is spent there.

  40. He simply ceased to breathe.» Holmes’s memorial service was held at King’s Chapel and overseen by Edward Everett Hale.

  41. The child reportedly had a fever and muscle weakness, and although in stable condition, required assistance to breathe.

  42. Adult hippos move at speeds up to 8 km/h (5 mph) in water; typically resurfacing to breathe every three to five minutes.

  43. Most hospitals in the 1950s had limited access to iron lungs for patients unable to breathe without mechanical assistance.

  44. The process of surfacing and breathing is unconscious: a hippo sleeping underwater will rise and breathe without waking up.

  45. Amphibians breathe by means of a pump action in which air is first drawn into the buccopharyngeal region through the nostrils.

  46. Open-water diving implies that if a problem arises, the diver can directly ascend vertically to the atmosphere to breathe air.

  47. This allows the diver to breathe using an air supply hose from a high pressure cylinder or diving air compressor at the surface.

  48. Some historians have suggested that the inscriptions were intended to breathe life into the other statues and depictions of Mary.

  49. Some fish had developed primitive lungs that help them breathe air when the stagnant pools of the Devonian swamps were low in oxygen.

  50. The lack of pressure from comparisons will give them ample room to breathe and time to live up to the potential exhibited on this debut.

Synonyms for breathe

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word breathe has the following synonyms: emit, pass off, rest, catch one’s breath, take a breather, take a breath, respire, suspire, breathe out and breathe in.

General information about «breathe» example sentences

The example sentences for the word breathe that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «breathe» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «breathe».

breathe — перевод на русский


We’ll discuss this later when I can safely breathe through my nose.

Мы поговорим позже, когда я смогу без опасений дышать через нос.

Can’t you breathe either?

Дышать можешь?

The larvae have to rise to the surface to breathe.

Личинки москитов обитают в воде и должны подниматься к ее поверхности чтобы дышать.

He will be walking the streets alive, breathing the air… listening to the birds, going to the opera, the movies. While I…

он будет гулять на свободе, дышать свежим воздухом, слушать пение птиц, ходить в оперу, кино… в то время как я…

— Well, for one thing, I can’t breathe.

— Во-первых, я не могу дышать.

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And the night will be heavy with perfume, and I’ll hear a step behind me… and somebody breathing heavily.

Ночь будет душная от ароматов. Я услышу сзади шаги и чье-то тяжелое дыхание.

─ Only your breathing.

Только ваше дыхание.

Breathing is important when exercising.

Дыхание очень важно при физических нагрузках.

I was just listening to you breathe.

Просто слушаю твое дыхание.

So is breathing.

Также как и дыхание.

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Hold your first sip on the roof of your mouth for a moment and breathe through your nose.

Свой первый глоток задержи во рту на мнгновение И вдохни носом, тогда ты почувствуешь аромат.

Breathe first.

Сначала вдохни.

Breathe in. Smell that?

Вдохни воздух.

Breathe in, you cod-brain!

Ну же, вдохни! Вдохни, чучело! ..

I will always… Breathe through my mouth.

Вдохни меня.

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Don’t breathe any gas.

Не вдыхай газ.

Breathe in through nose, out the mouth.

Вдыхай через нос, выдыхай через рот.

Don’t breathe this stuff.

Не вдыхай эту дрянь.

Breathe and let it out.

Вдыхай. Выдыхай. Дыши.

Cup your hand, cover your nose and mouth like this. And just breathe in and out.

Сложи руку чашечкой, и прикрой вот так нос и рот… и просто вдыхай и выдыхай.

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You’ll do much better breathing in some air.

Будет гораздо полезнее подышать воздухом.

Let him breathe a little.

Дай ему немного подышать.

I went out to breathe some fresh air and I was talking to comrades.

Вот и вышел подышать свежим воздухом. Поговорил с товарищами.

Let me breathe. Come on.

Подышать мне надо немного.

Why do not you take him somewhere, where you can breathe fresh air?

Почему бы вам не увезти его куда-нибудь, где можно подышать свежим воздухом?

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Comes a time when a man needs to breathe and see the sea.

Бывают в жизни моменты, когда человеку нужно вздохнуть и увидеть море!

I didn’t even have time to breathe.

У нас не было времени даже вздохнуть.

but I ain’t got time to breathe.

но у меня нет времени вздохнуть.

And pretty soon, you’re breathing sweet again.

И очень скоро ты снова можешь вздохнуть с облегчением.

— I can’t breathe in it. No.

— Мне не вздохнуть.

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He keeps me on a leash so tight I can’t breathe.

…но я просто задыхаюсь на тугом поводке.

Heron, I cannot breathe.

Херон, я задыхаюсь.

I… can’t… breathe.

Я… задыхаюсь.

— I can’t breathe!


I can’t breathe!

Ой, задыхаюсь!

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I felt as if I couldn’t breathe enough air into me.

Я почувствовал как-будто мне не хватает воздуха.

I can’t breathe.


Let him breathe!

— Дайте ему воздуха!

I have more coke stuffed up this nose than you could breathe air.

Я могу запихнуть в свой нос больше кокса, чем ты — воздуха.

You’ll see, it’ll be very comfortable. It’s a synthetic with holes for breathing. It’ll be just as comfy as a chair…

Увидите, Вам будет очень удобно на синтетической подстилке и с дырками для воздуха.

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Well, all the trout can breathe easy for another year, huh, V. S?

Ну что, вся форель может жить спокойно до следующего года, да, В.С.?

I can breathe under water.

Я могу жить под водой.

I don’t need those hundred people believing me to be able to breathe.

Мне не нужны сто человек, верящих в меня, для того чтобы жить.

An old man! They don’t let you live! They don’t let you breathe!

Я старенький дедушка, а они не дают мне жить!

I couldn’t breathe if it weren’t for this game of golf.

Я не могу жить без гольфа.

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I’m going to take a half-hour stroll with breathing exercises.

Я, пожалуй, пройдусь полчаса и поделаю дыхательные упражнения.

I’m doing my breathing exercises, I hope you don’t mind.

Доктор, Вам не помешает, если я буду делать дыхательные..

We’ll demonstrate kung-fu breathing exercises.

Мы покажем вам дыхательные упражнения из кунг-фу.

I’m already doing breathing exercises.

И уже начала дыхательные упражнения.

You watch the fishes. You water the plants. Special breathing exercises.

Наблюдаешь за рыбками, поливаешь растения, выполняешь специальные дыхательные упражнения, следишь за кровяным давлением.

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Отправить комментарий

дышать, вдыхать, вздохнуть, подышать, выдыхать, перевести дух, жить, дуть, благоухать


- дышать; вдыхать; выдыхать

to breathe freely — свободно дышать

- вздохнуть
- (into) вдохнуть

to breathe new life into smb. — вдохнуть новую жизнь в кого-л.
to breathe life into a stone — оживить камень

- жить, существовать

he’s still breathing — он ещё дышит, он ещё жив
a better fellow does not breathe — лучше него нет человека /никого не найти/

- слегка дуть (о ветре)
- благоухать
- едва доноситься, слабо раздаваться (о звуке)
- говорить тихо, шептать

he softly breathed her name — он прошептал её имя
not to breathe a syllable /a word/ — словом не обмолвиться, держать в секрете

- дуть (на что-л.)
- запятнать (чью-л.) репутацию; чернить, клеветать
- играть на духовых инструментах; дуть в духовые инструменты
- дать передохнуть

to breathe a horse — дать лошади передохнуть

- утомить, измотать
- выражать (что-л.), дышать (чем-л.)

his words breathe a spirit of humanity — его слова проникнуты человеколюбием

- фон. произносить без вибрации голосовых связок

to breathe freely /easily/ — чувствовать облегчение (от беспокойства или боли), вздохнуть с облегчением
to breathe again — разг. а) снова вздохнуть б) почувствовать облегчение
to breathe down smb.’s neck — подгонять кого-л.; ≅ стоять у кого-л. над душой
to breathe one’s last /breath/ — испустить последний вздох
to breathe a vein — уст. пустить кровь

Мои примеры


every creature that breathes — каждое существо, которое дышит  
breathe in clear tonic mountain air — дышать чистым бодрящим горным воздухом  
to breathe again / freely — вздохнуть с облегчением  
to breathe the lush scent of lilacs — вдыхать густой аромат лилий  
an artist who knows how to breathe life into a picture — художник, который знает, как вдохнуть жизнь в картину  
to breathe / inhale air — вдыхать кислород  
to breathe (new) life into smth. — вдохнуть (новую) жизнь во что-л.  
to breathe through the nose — дышать носом  
to breathe / heave a sigh (of relief) — вздохнуть (с облегчением)  
to heave /to breathe/ a sigh of relief — вздохнуть облегченно  
breathe breath — испустить последний вздох  
breathe a horse — дать лошади передохнуть  

Примеры с переводом

Breathe deeply and then exhale.

Глубоко вдохните, а затем выдохните.

I can’t breathe this dirty city air.

Я не могу дышать этим грязным городским воздухом.

Lie down flat and breathe deeply.

Ложись ровно и глубоко дыши.

Don’t breathe a word about it to anyone.

Об этом никому ни слова.

‘Wait,’ he breathed.

— Подождите, — выдохнул он.

The patient suddenly stopped breathing.

Пациент неожиданно перестал дышать.

A better fellow does not breathe.

Лучше него нет человека.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Relax and breathe deeply (=take in a lot of air).

He was finding it painful to breathe.

I can hardly breathe with all this smoke.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

breather  — сапун, респиратор, живое существо, дыхательное упражнение, короткая передышка
breathing  — дыхание, придыхание, легкое дуновение, дышащий, живой, словно живой
breathless  — затаивший дыхание, запыхавшийся, задыхающийся, бездыханный, безветренный
inbreathe  — вдыхать, вдохнуть, вдохновлять
breathy  — хриплый
breathable  — пригодный для дыхания, воздухопроницаемый
imbreathe  — вдохнуть, вдохновлять, вдыхать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: breathe
he/she/it: breathes
ing ф. (present participle): breathing
2-я ф. (past tense): breathed
3-я ф. (past participle): breathed

Definition of Breathe

the intake and release of air

Examples of Breathe in a sentence

Because we cannot breathe under water, swimmers can only stay under for a short amount of time.


After running several miles, the out of shape woman found it very difficult to breathe.


Bryan’s broken ribs hurt whenever he tried to breathe.


The yoga instructor told the class to breathe in deeply and exhale on the count of three.


During an asthma attack, Bryce tried to suck up air but he couldn’t breathe.


Other words in the Health and Mind category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

Examples of how to use the word “breathe” in a sentence. How to connect “breathe” with other words to make correct English sentences. (High-quality Audio!)

breathe (v): to move air into and out of the lungs

Use “breathe” in a sentence

She was breathing deeply.
I can’t breathe through my nose.
At least I’m still breathing.

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