The word brand in a sentence

Definition of Brand

a type of product manufactured by a company under a specific name

Examples of Brand in a sentence

I like to use the Gain brand of washing detergent, but my mother prefers the smell of Tide.


Because the grocery store was out of my favorite brand of coffee, I ended up buying Folgers instead.


After hearing about Nike’s new spokesperson, the angry customer burned his shoes and refused to buy more of the brand’s products.


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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word brand, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use brand in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «brand».

Brand in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word brand in a sentence.

  1. The campaign catapulted the brand from No.

  2. Beeton’ became a trade mark, a brand name».

  3. The last remnant of the brand survives in G.

  4. The German brand, Erdal, went on sale in 1901.

  5. The sale of the Olympic brand has been controversial.

  6. In January 1991, a brand new ferry went into operation.

  7. Liverpool was given a brand rating of AA (Very Strong).

  8. On June 29, 2009, Benjamin was traded to the ECW brand.

  9. He retained the Brabham brand, as did subsequent owners.

  10. It was held for wrestlers from the promotion’s Raw and SmackDown brand divisions.

  11. It is a manufacturer of ambulances under the brand names McCoy Miller and Marque.

  12. Kraft has sold cheese in retail stores under its Cracker Barrel brand since 1954.

  13. Despite a net loss for most of 1997, Odwalla worked to rehabilitate its brand name.

  14. The brand dropped from a net worth of A$18 million in 2009 to A$9.7 million in 2010.

  15. Other early leather preserving products included the Irish brand Punch, which was first made in 1851.

  16. His role as ASO’s brand ambassador was taken over by Stephen Roche, winner of the 1987 Tour de France.

  17. Samaranch helped to establish The Olympic Programme (TOP) in 1985, in order to create an Olympic brand.

  18. In March 2008, the Nine Network, along with production company Southern Star, purchased the Hi-5 brand.

  19. The Hi-5 brand was consolidated under Tremendous Entertainment in 2014, after the equity fund was sold.

  20. One was exclusive to wrestlers from the Raw brand while the other was exclusive to those from SmackDown.

  21. The Budweiser Shootout was created by Busch Beer brand manager Monty Roberts as the Busch Clash in 1979.

  22. Later, dielectric-filled stripline under the brand name triplate was manufactured by Sanders Associates.

  23. Though the coffee brand was discontinued by 1961, Washington’s name is still used today in the product G.

  24. In June 2012, the Nine Network sold the Hi-5 brand to Asian equity group, Asiasons, through a private fund.

  25. In April 2021, Gaga teamed up with Champagne brand Dom Pérignon, and appeared in an ad shot by Nick Knight.

  26. All five members departed the group, and the brand used temporary touring members for the remainder of 2018.

  27. Although they were re-using the engine from God of War II, the core engine for God of War III was brand new.

  28. Holden also distributed the European Opel brand in Australia in 2012 until its Australian demise in mid-2013.

  29. In the first main event of SummerSlam, wrestlers from the Raw brand competed in an Elimination Chamber match.

  30. Fleming used known brand names and everyday details to produce a sense of realism, which Amis calls «the Fleming effect».

  31. Even a brand of tobacco—»Hut Point Mixture»—was concocted by Ernest Wild from sawdust, tea, coffee and a few dried herbs.

  32. Williams has featured as the brand ambassador for the fashion label Band of Outsiders and the luxury brand Louis Vuitton.

  33. On 25 November 2016, the club announced a new sponsorship of The South Stand with NVCS with their Green Farm Coffee brand.

  34. On August 25, 2019, Carey signed a $12 million contract with the Walkers crisps brand as part of their Christmas campaign.

  35. The publisher of paperbacks, Penguin Books, introduced a range of books for children under the Puffin Books brand in 1939.

  36. Soon after the takeover a decision was taken to drop the «Chelsea Village» brand and refocus on Chelsea as a football club.

  37. In contrast to their peer entertainers, the Wiggles, the cast of Hi-5 did not hold equity, but were employees of the brand.

  38. The brand has also sponsored college sports programs such as those of North Carolina, California, Georgetown, and Marquette.

  39. Hašek also had a brand of sportswear named Dominator Clothing, which was launched shortly after the Nagano Olympics in 1998.

  40. But getting over a fear is a continuous process and I have been successful so far.» Since 2006, Zinta has been the brand ambassador for the Godfrey Phillips Bravery awards.

  41. Benjamin and Sheamus began feuding with and traded wins against each other on ECW and Superstars and the feud lasted until Sheamus was moved to the Raw brand on October 26.

  42. Ayer’s marketing included product placement, advertising focused on the diamond product itself rather than the De Beers brand, and associations with celebrities and royalty.

  43. Most of it was recorded in Zappa’s brand new Utility Muffin Research Kitchen (UMRK) studios, which were located at his house, thereby giving him complete freedom in his work.

  44. In 2017, Roshan was signed as the brand ambassador of a Health and wellness startup and is touted as one of the largest endorsement deal signed by an Indian startup.

Synonyms for brand

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word brand has the following synonyms: firebrand, make, mark, stigma, stain, sword, blade, steel, trade name, brand name, marque, post, stigmatize, stigmatise, denounce and mar.

General information about «brand» example sentences

The example sentences for the word brand that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «brand» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «brand».

Synonym: burn, kind, label, mark, sort, stamp, tag, type. Similar words: brand new, branch, brake, embrace, celebration, rank, grand, range. Meaning: [brænd]  n. 1. a name given to a product or service 2. a recognizable kind 3. identification mark on skin, made by burning 4. a piece of wood that has been burned or is burning 5. a symbol of disgrace or infamy 6. a cutting or thrusting weapon that has a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard. v. 1. burn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals 2. to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful 3. mark or expose as infamous. 

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1. She has her very own brand of humour.

2. This isn’t my usual brand of deodorant.

3. Champagne houses owe their success to brand image.

4. What brand of soap do you like?

5. You pay less for the supermarket’s own brand.

6. What is your favourite brand of cigarettes?

7. There’s something charminglyold-fashioned about his brand of entertainment.

8. What brand of detergent do you use?

9. What brand is your new auto?

10. What brand of eyewash do you like?

11. Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer?

12. His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff.

13. Most people associate this brand with good quality.

14. Which brand of toothpaste do you use?

15. You pay less for the store brand.

16. How can he afford to buy himself a brand new car?

17. It would be uneconomical to send a brand new tape.

18. This brand of tinned food does not contain artificial coloring.

19. His designs have a unique brand of stylishness.

20. The company owes its success to brand image.

21. DJ Dominic purveys a unique brand of music.

22. This brand of tinned beans contains no artificial colouring.

23. You can’t brand all football supporters as hooligans.

24. Mass advertising creates brand loyalty for a product.

25. She bought her car brand new.

26. These cattle have my brand on them.

27. No other brand name has quite the same cachet.

28. The owner couldn’t be bothered to brand the cattle.

29. Supermarkets make a lot of profit on their own brand products.

30. But it’s you ,your scent,[]( it’s like a drug to me. You’re like my personal brand of heroin.

More similar words: brand new, branch, brake, embrace, celebration, rank, grand, range, random, ranch, a grand, grant, orange, rancor, transit, frankly, veteran, arrange, far and away, franchise, far and near, entrance, transmit, grandmother, transfer, transform, grandfather, immigrant, insurance, grandparent. 

brand — перевод на русский


You sure you don’t mind advertising their brand?

Тебя не тревожит, что придется рекламировать их бренд?

Even style and brand, still the same.

Тот же стиль и бренд, все тоже самое.

is Jo Brand.

На 3-ем месте со счётом «-20» Джо Бренд.

— Not your brand of judge.

— Не Ваш бренд судьи.

Kind of a sublime space that overwhelms the viewer and a spectacular image that can circulate through the media and around the world as, as brand.

Оно навроде безупречного места, которое ошеломляет наблюдателя. Зрелища, не покидающего СМИ всего мира, как бренд.

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К сожалению, не самая лучшая марка.

Just the ones with expensive brand names.

Всего лишь, торговая марка.

A brand of aspirin.

Марка аспирина.

An emperor’s brand.

Императорская марка.

Very good brand.

Очень хорошая марка.

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I’ll buy you a brand new missal, with gold lettering with French and Latin, if you’ll give me the other one.

Я куплю тебе новый требник, такой большой, весь золоченый, на французском и на латыни. С рисунками и ариями. А ты мне вернешь другой.

Brand new.

Но он новый?

Absolutely brand new dress tie.

Абсолютно новый галстук.

It was a brand new burner.

Очень хороший, новый кусок.

It was just like this, only brand new.

Он был такой же как этот, только новый.

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And this afternoon, Rena’s guests are Max Renn, controversial president of Channel 83, radio personality Nicki Brand… and media prophet Professor Brian O’Blivion.

Сегодня, в гостях у Pены — Макс Pенн, скандально известный президент Канала 83, представительница радио Hики Брэнд и медиа-пророк профессор Брайан О’Бливион

They killed Nicki Brand.

Они убили Hики Брэнд

It were somewhere round here, Major Brand, sir.

Где-то здесь, майор Брэнд, сэр.

Go on Major Brand Go on sin

Давайте, майор Брэнд, сэр.

Major Brand!

Майор Брэнд!

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Both of them steal… what’s got another man’s brand on it.

И те и другие крадут то, на чём стоит клеймо другого мужчины.

Right or wrong, it’s a brand.

Правильно, или нет, это клеймо.

— Who did the branding?

— Кто поставил клеймо?

One thing you gotta say for cattle: You put your brand on one of them, you know where it’s at!

В пользу скота можно сказать одно, если ты на одного клеймо поставишь, всегда знаешь, где он!

How God’s lightning struck down and branded him?

На нем до конца дней клеймо Господа.

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— And it’s brand new.

-Он совершенно новый, ни разу неиспользованный!

All the stuff in here is brand new!

Но, все здесь совершенно новое.

Brand new model, luxury style.

Совершенно новая модель, стиль люкс.

Brand new car, too, he wasted.

Совершенно свежий кусок, просто испортил.

— Oi, that’s brand new!

— Ёй, он совершенно новый!

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Instead of a shield he carries a branding-iron— -that reflects the reddened skin of the women he has branded.

Вместо щита, раскаленное клеймо… Оно цвета обожженной кожи женщин, которых он заклеймил.

She feels used by you after you… you branded her!

Она считает себя использованной, после того что ты, Да ты же заклеймил ее, она чувствует себя,

To get you branded with his jersey number right above your ass.

Заклеймил твою задницу своим номером!

That prick fucking branded me!

Этот козел меня заклеймил!

Judge. My client has been falsely branded an extreme porn enthusiast by the Crown, this has now leaked online to social media, where it’s been duly picked up by the print media, which has now tainted my client with the label torturer,

Судья, государственный обвинитель ложно заклеймил моего клиента любителем экстремальным порно, теперь это просочилось в интернет в социальные сети, где тут же было подхвачено печатными СМИ, и все они постоянно навешивают на моего клиента позорный ярлык мучителя, извращенца, некрофила,

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They’ve shot Major Brand!

Они застрелили майора Брэнда!

It’s from Colonel Brand, Sharpe.

Это от полковника Брэнда, Шарп.

You know Colonel Brand, don’t you?

Ты ведь знаешь полковника Брэнда?

Brand’s Boys, they call themselves.

Они зовут себя парнями Брэнда.

How would you rate Brand as a field officer?

Как ты оценишь Брэнда как полевого офицера?

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You come in, undress.. ..and go out brand new.

Клиент заходит, раздевается и через 10 минут как новенький!

Now imagine if you will, a brand new Coup de Ville, fresh from the factory, sitting alongside your ’65.

Представьте, если сможете, новенький «Куп де Виль» последней модели рядом со своим. Некогда прекрасньiе линии старой модели утратили свою элегантность.

— Um, no, I’m brand new here.

Хммм, нет, я здесь новенький.

You know, it’s like that time in 7th grade when I lent you my brand new 10-speed.

Знаешь, совсем как в тот раз в седьмом классе, когда я тебе одолжил мой новенький десятискоростной велик.

For accounting, A brand new printer.

Для бухгалтерии… новенький принтер.

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We’ll return to Nicki Brand… and the Emotional Rescue show in just a moment.

Мы вернемся к Hики Бранд и передаче «Эмоциональное спасение» через минуту

Send my regards to Superintendent Brand.

И передайте заверения в моем уважении декану Бранд.

— Do you know Admiral Brand?

Вы знакомы с адмиралом Бранд?

— Good. I spoke to Admiral Brand. She’s giving us access to all the physical evidence and testimony.

Я переговорил с адмиралом Бранд, и она согласилась предоставить нам доступ ко всем вещественным доказательствам и свидетельским показаниям.

I’m going to ask Admiral Brand to delay the inquiry…

Я собираюсь поговорить с адмиралом Бранд и попросить ее отложить допрос…

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Отправить комментарий

тавро, сорт, клеймо, качество, головня, клеймить, позорить, выжигать клеймо


- головня, головешка
- выжженное клеймо; тавро
- фабричная марка; фабричное клеймо
- клеймо (орудие для клеймения)
- ист. выжженное клеймо у преступника
- клеймо, печать позора

the brand of villainy — печать злодейства /подлости/

- сорт, качество, марка

good brand of flour — хороший сорт муки
good ordinary brand — обычный коммерческий сорт

- поэт. факел
- поэт. меч
- ржавчинный или головнёвый гриб
- головня вонючая (Tilletia tritici)

a brand from /out of/ the fire /the burning/ — а) человек, спасённый от грозящей ему опасности /от верной гибели/; б) человек, спасённый от позора или греха


- выжигать; ставить клеймо
- оставлять отпечаток в памяти

it is branded on my mind — это запечатлелось в моей памяти

- выделять, накладывать отпечаток

her hairstyle brands her as old fashioned — эта причёска делает её старомодной

- клеймить

to brand with infamy — позорить
to brand smb. as a liar [a coward, a thief] — заклеймить кого-л. как лжеца [труса, вора]

Мои примеры


products which lack a strong brand image — продукты, которым не хватает раскрученного рекламного образа  
a new brand of soup mixes — новая марка смесей для супа  
corporate brand — корпоративный бренд  
umbrella brand — зонтичный бренд  
brand image — имидж торговой марки  
unorthodox brand of humour — своеобразное чувство юмора  
to wear the brand of a traitor — носить клеймо предателя  
brand label — ярлык производителя  
brand category — сорт изделия  
brand extension — расширение границ использования марки; расширение брэнда; расширение марки  
brand from the fire — человек, спасённый от грозящей ему опасности  
brand-new — не бывший в употреблении; совершенно новый; новёхонький  

Примеры с переводом

She was branded a loose woman.

Её заклеймили «распущенной».

They no longer brand their cattle.

Они больше не клеймят свой скот.

He owned a chain of restaurants branded under his own name.

Ему принадлежала сеть ресторанов, названная его собственной фамилией.

I am able to recall every word of this, it is branded into my mind.

Я помню каждое слово из той речи, так она врезалась мне в память.

The store sells a variety of shoe brands.

В магазине продаётся множество обувных брендов.

Jake arrived in his brand new (=completely new) car.

Джейк приехал на своей новенькой (т.е. совершенно новой) машине.

I don’t like his brand of humor.

Мне не нравится его чувство юмора.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Each cow was branded with the ranch’s logo.

DJ Dominic purveys a unique brand of music.

He’s developed his own brand of merchandise.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

brandish  — размахивать, махать, потрясать оружием
brandy  — бренди, коньяк
brander  — клеймовщик, маркировщик, рашпер, жарить на рашпере, на огне
brandied  — пропитанный или приправленный бренди, смешанный с бренди, пропитанный бренди

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: brand
he/she/it: brands
ing ф. (present participle): branding
2-я ф. (past tense): branded
3-я ф. (past participle): branded

ед. ч.(singular): brand
мн. ч.(plural): brands

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