The word bird in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word bird, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use bird in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «bird».

Bird in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word bird in a sentence.

  1. Notice a bird in the wind?

  2. This bird has no subspecies.

  3. The bird has a powerful bite.

  4. He renamed the Fiji bird as E.

  5. The white stork is a large bird.

  6. This bird also had a wider bill.

  7. In Somalia, this bird is now rare.

  8. The common starling is a noisy bird.

  9. I am done with bird hunting forever!

  10. He is a bird of bad moral character.

  11. In time, the fashion craze for bird feathers faded.

  12. The bird was thus a symbol for danger and optimism.

  13. A number of islands have been named after the bird.

  14. It’s sort of jealous of me, I’m jealous of the bird.

  15. Once back in the Netherlands, this bird had flown c.

  16. The hero attempts to fight it, but finds that the bird is protected by a barrier.

  17. The under parts of the bird, the breast, belly and under tail coverts, are white.

  18. Once the bird had secured a meal, it flew to a perch with the insect in its feet.

  19. Ornithologists and bird watchers have recorded a total of 175 species at the IBA.

  20. Found throughout Canada, the bird is popularly known by several colloquial names.

  21. The large, flightless bird was hunted to extinction by humans within 30 years of European settlement.

  22. The scientific journal of the American Ornithologists’ Union is named The Auk in honour of this bird.

  23. Facilities include three bird hides, a seawatching platform, two nature trails, and a visitor centre.

  24. The Atlantic puffin is the official bird symbol of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

  25. A bird will chase after prey with the wings spread and kill by striking with swift blows of the feet.

  26. Over 200 bird species use the river for breeding habitat or as a stop-over on their migratory routes.

  27. Just as the bird frees Amirani, Dali returns and curses the bird and its kind to be weak and useless.

  28. The first earthworm was found in a soil sample in 1993, probably carried over from Heimaey by a bird.

  29. The breeding habitat of this bird is primarily in open and wooded areas, especially those near water.

  30. Even in Canada, some mourning doves remain through winter, sustained by the presence of bird feeders.

  31. In flight, the black flight feathers on the wings are easily seen when the bird is viewed from below.

  32. The tawny owl is a robust bird, 37–46 cm (15–18 in) in length, with an 81–105 cm (32–41 in) wingspan.

  33. The golden white-eye (Cleptornis marchei) is a species of bird in the white-eye family, Zosteropidae.

  34. The distant Earth may be seen above the bird, and there are 13 stars in honor of the original states.

  35. The traditional image of the dodo is of a very fat and clumsy bird, but this view may be exaggerated.

  36. This bird always forages in groups, which are larger in winter than summer, and have constant composition in each season.

  37. The genus Malurus was later described by Louis Jean Pierre Vieillot in 1816, giving the bird its current scientific name.

  38. The bird family Emberizidae contains a single genus Emberiza, with around 40 members, that are confined to the Old World.

  39. Within a colony, a male bird will occupy an ‘activity space’, which will overlap with the activity spaces of other males.

  40. More than 112 bird species and 62 mammal species frequent the park and its wide variety of trees and shade-loving plants.

  41. The Puerto Rican amazon usually mates for life, with pairs only changing mates if one bird perishes or abandons the nest.

  42. More than 345 species of bird have been recorded on this island, which measures only 7.68 square kilometres (2.97 sq mi).

  43. One bird remains still while the other loops and dives repeatedly before the roles are reversed; both sing all the while.

  44. The grey-capped flycatcher (Myiozetetes granadensis) is a passerine bird, a member of the large tyrant flycatcher family.

  45. Schorger believed that it accounted for between 25 and 40 percent of the total land bird population in the United States.

  46. The bird itself was created with broad brush strokes, with only minor later corrections to its outline, while details, including the chain, were added with more precision.

  47. It was already a rare bird before the arrival of Europeans, confined to the Ruahine, Tararua, Rimutaka and Kaimanawa mountain ranges in the south-east of the North Island.

  48. The pale crag martin (Ptyonoprogne obsoleta) is a small passerine bird in the swallow family that is resident in northern Africa and in southwestern Asia east to Pakistan.

  49. The researchers also gave the parrots a choice between two apparatus, one from the solo task and one from the loose-string task, now stacked with double the food per bird.

  50. The foraging method used by the Inaccessible Island rail is slow and deliberate and has been compared to that of a mouse, and the bird occupies a similar ecological niche.

Synonyms for bird

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word bird has the following synonyms: boo, hoot, Bronx cheer, hiss, raspberry, razzing, razz, snor, dame, doll, wench, skirt, chick, fowl, shuttlecock, birdie, shuttle and birdwatch.

General information about «bird» example sentences

The example sentences for the word bird that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «bird» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «bird».

Synonym: Bronx cheer, birdie, birdwatch, boo, chick, dame, doll, fowl, hiss, hoot, raspberry, razz, razzing, shuttle, shuttlecock, skirt, snort, wench. Similar words: hummingbird, bird’s eye view, birds of a feather, birth, third, weird, birthday, give birth. Meaning: [bɜːd]  n. 1. warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings 2. the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food 3. informal terms for a (young) woman 4. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt 5. badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers. v. watch and study birds in their natural habitat. 

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1. Time is a bird for ever on the wing. 

2. Every bird likes its own nest. 

3. Each bird likes to hear himself sing. 

4. The noisy fowler catches no bird

5. It’s the early bird that catches the worm. 

6. A bird may be known by its song. 

7. The crow thinks his own bird fairest. 

8. The early bird catches the worm. 

9. The bird loves her nest.

10. ’Tis the early bird that catches the worm. 

11. Every bird likes its own nest (best). 

12. Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 

13. The fowler’s pipe sounds sweet until the bird is caught. 

14. It is an ill bird that fouls [soils] its own nest. 

15. No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings. 

16. A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 

17. The bird that can sing and won’t sing must be made to sing. 

18. It is a dirty [foolish] bird that fouls [soils] its own nest. 

18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

19. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 

20. It is an ill bird that fouls its own nest. 

21. He that will take the bird must not scare it. 

22. The bird flapped its wings and flew away.

23. That bird tried to peck the baby.

24. The little bird is eating a grain of rice.

25. The bird flapped its wings furiously.

26. The cat is creeping silently towards the bird.

27. The bird pounced on the worm.

28. There is a beautiful bird in the cage.

29. It is not only the feather that makes the bird

30. As the house is to the man, so is the nest to the bird and the cave to the animal. 

More similar words: hummingbird, bird’s eye view, birds of a feather, birth, third, weird, birthday, give birth, two-thirds, giving birth, third party, third reich. 

I always wanted a pet bird growing up but Dad said they wouldn’t have survived the winter

Pick a bird house that allows enough room for the snails to enter, and one that has a lid that can be opened and closed

There is a story of how the miners would take a bird in a cage down with them into the mines

If the bird died then everyone would leave since something was wrong

Providing housing, food and water for our bird allies will help insure good insect balance

Pausing with my hands in the washing up water, I watch a bird fly down to the bird table … I’ve never been much good at identifying birds, is that a tit of some sort? Goodness knows

«Who’s the bird then?»

Our soul has escaped as a bird from the snare of the fowlers; The snare

It takes a moment for him to spot the bird but it is with deep satisfaction that he finally tells me that he can see it

Bird song called MacKenzie back to the hungry frailty that

Together with the suited American, the two guards lifted and carried me, trussed like a roasting bird, and carefully laid my body in a metal box underneath the flat bed back of the lorry

Parrot: If you hear this bird chattering, beware of a treacherous person in your circle; if a young woman dreams of a parrot, she should investigate the origins of her lover before marriage, or she will have a nasty surprise too late

Kofi AwoonorWhen our tears are dry on the shoreand the fishermen carry their nets homeand the seagulls return to bird islandand the laughter of the children recedes at night,there shall still linger here the communion we forged,the feast of oneness which we partook of

Christ’s cross is the sweetest burden that ever I bore; it is such a burden as wings are to a bird, or sails are to a ship

her hand stared in horror at the dead bird

She noticed the other bird teetering on the edge

The bird circled once, twice,

She wanted the bird to be happy

centre of the pond was a bird of which the folk of Buttercup or

landed based birds, they had never seen a bird that had settled

“It’s a strange bird” said another

there was a strange bird sitting on the water, but moving

Holding out her arm to allow it to perch, and moving the bag holding the bread safely out of reach of the avian’s sharp beak, she carefully detached the message and sent the bird on its way

The second messenger bird appeared just as she was folding this up and stowing it in her pocket

“We have a special kind of bird

A bird that requires our

Must be a reply from the Guild people … Berndt wouldn’t have got his message yet … it was a long way to Banswell even as the messenger bird flies

bird is a duck

It’s been so long since I heard a bird sing

comes the silent song bird

Father sent off the bird immediately

of a bald headed carrion bird, dry and soft, with which I trace

A messenger bird catches up with us as we ride back towards the wasteg

Minutes later we were soaring above Athens then circling towards the south like a migrating bird

After all, we got away as fast as it is possible to … our friends couldn’t have left before us and therefore cannot get back before us and no messenger bird could have flown in the storm you tell me we had

“Lancelot! What a good name for such a beautiful bird

‘I’m surprised that Wiesse hasn’t sent a messenger bird

‘Possibly – your tawstones would draw it to the boat but if you were not in view, the bird would perch as close as it could until you appeared

One of the crew comes over for a closer look at the bird

Muttering soothing sounds to the bird, I hold it still as the crewman tentatively holds out a hand to touch the bird

’ Berndt said once the bird has become a tiny speck

Seeing the messenger bird, has brought it home to me with stunning force that by the end of today, I shall have to face my uncle … and I am less convinced that he will be delighted by my news

The rest of the day goes in a whirl of activity – I am taken to a bird house where half a dozen birds are acclimatised to my tawstones and I am instructed in the mysteries of directing a bird

He placed his lips against the cage making kissing sounds until the bird went over and touched them with his beak

The bird took its time, chattering and fluffing up its crest and giving me a no-nonsense inspection, cocking its head from side to side until it fell into consultation with the mirror — not forgetting some whistles and curses for good measure

The evening’s background sounds of bird song and bees buzzing their way from flower head to flower head were cut in two by the sharp retort of bone breaking on hard cement

The bird is heavy; it settles on my left arm, its claws gripping firmly onto my shirt as I stagger under its weight, the points touching my skin through the fabric

Attached to the messenger’s leg is a tube – trying not to drop the bird, I detach it and hand it to Berndt, while I tentatively stroke the creature

This bird is about the size of a hawk I once saw at a demonstration of falconry, its feathers glisten in the sunlight, flashing green one moment and blue the next

Another group of pilgrims passes us, their voices commenting on the messenger bird as their eyes show their awe – it is a fine specimen, there’s no doubt about that

’ Berndt said, obviously amused by my infatuation with the bird

‘Then we put it back in the tube and send the bird back

Now what was it Wiesse told me? I spend a moment remembering what I had to do to send the bird back

The bird gathers itself, spreads its wings and takes off

Ever since the tree had first raised its huge crown to the skies the rooks had made it their home, passing their history and their grandeur down through every generation until the present day, so that the bird city teemed with life and every resident rook knew that he or she was a true aristocrat

A bird in the bed is worth two in the laundry, as they say”

Everything was swept off the decks, even the courtesy gig flew through the air like a bird

Siskin was no fool; he knew what that red egg meant, so he carefully took it with him and hatched the bird

I have to give him credit for being tenacious; he went to the library and studied about the bird and how to raise it

A deep connection developed between him and the bird; he calls her Paska

It was his idea to use the bird as a signal

When that bird flies away we will enter the forest

Tarak watched as the large bird took off, soared high, and then dove into the forest, lost from view

She went up the tree so fast it was as tho she was a bird

Why can’t we be more like that wise old bird?”

that the bird city teemed with life and every resident rook knew that

“Is it sorrow about a bird?” At this point, Melissa’s

A horse feeling sorrow about a bird? This somehow

The baby bird struggled for its life for a time, but it

“Is this sorrow about the baby bird that died?” I asked

A bird in the bed is worth two in the laundry,

A flare of the tail feathers and a challenge and within the blink of an eye Mya was on the beam not five feet from the large bird

Well I’ll be, exclaimed Brent; I always knew that bird was special

We stand and watch transfixed as the long legged bird dips its beak into the water

The rest of the family went to visit Song Bird and her children tonight

for a bird of the sky may carry your voice,

A ruby throated humming bird, common throughout in these parts, had wandered close by

flutter of bird life in the hedgerows, birds that Alistair cheerfully

Succumbing to one of her rare moments of despair, Chrissie sat numbly and watched the bird as it wove back and forth across the stretch of water

The bird disappeared behind the slight headland to one side of the bay

She spent the afternoon sitting on a small patch of damp ground watching the bird she had noticed on her first day out here

Resting from its work, the bird sat on a branch and chattered to her, its head on one side as though trying to work something out – she found herself smiling at it

‘Have you found yourself a wife yet?’ she whispered, not wanting to scare the bird away

The bird fixed her with first one dark glistening eye and then the other

Through the open kitchen window, she can hear the sound of a bird singing – it sounds very similar to the one she spent the afternoon watching

‘What sort of bird is that?’ she asked as soon as the first mouthful of lasagne had been swallowed – no problems eating this delicious food!

‘Is it an Arlosh Reed Warbler?’ she asked, half rising to peer through the open window trying to see the bird in question

‘Just as the bird is singing out there, you are here for me

Seeing Chrissie so apparently upset by the death of the bird stirred something deep within Sheila

God that woman was a fool! To get upset about a fucking bird!

Sheila felt again the satisfaction she had experienced when she had succeeded in grabbing the small bird

She turned back to the sad remains of the little bird lying so cold and lifeless on the mud … she couldn’t leave it here like this

She looked around the small glade and saw a largish stone … maybe if she lifted it, she could put the bird underneath … a sort of burial

Breathing heavily, she laboured to lift the stone, swivelling it on one corner and, leaving it balanced precariously resting against a smaller rock, she bent to retrieve the broken corpse of the bird

Adding the broken wing, she stood for a moment gazing at the bird unwilling to lose it

She watched as the bird flew back and forth

Suddenly, it was joined by a second bird – its mate? – their duet trilling out in the clear air

She stands as still as she can, waiting to see if the bird will take her offering

‘The sergeant said to tell you that he has got hold of the secretary of the bird sanctuary

but the birds divided he not

Even the birds were silent

Attract birds and other creatures that naturally prey on snails and slugs

Or try building a nesting home for owls and other birds

For the Birds: Birds eat many different types of insects year round

The birds are all dead

Birds, toads, and other predators can keep fly populations down

Before God created Man, before any animals had a name, Serpent flew above Eden amongst the birds and cherubim

Pausing with my hands in the washing up water, I watch a bird fly down to the bird table … I’ve never been much good at identifying birds, is that a tit of some sort? Goodness knows

Jack used to know all the birds … I should have listened to him more!

She would kill two birds with one stone

What sense it made to spread their arms like birds and cup their hands was beyond her

The sheep suddenly scattered as another sound, closer, less expected, broke through the background of train, birds, sea and herbage; they regrouped a short distance beyond and stood staring

Larger chileeth and ensals pursued them from below, colorful birds from above

wolves, slept in the dens of lions, flew with birds, and swam beside sharks

Birds were tweeting and chirping invisibly in the trees as she wandered along the lane towards the main road, it was that dead hour in the middle of the day when, in rural areas, any sensible person is inside enjoying a cup of something … it brought back memories of her childhood … she smiled at the thought … a dog barked somewhere in the distance … and a stick cracked as someone trod on it

I heard the sound of birds

Between the birds and the trees

She’d tried thinking about it as she lay in bed listening to the Errdian night birds outside in the woods surrounding The Centre; the exercise had not got her anywhere

and the birds grew strong

great love for the birds

The larger and stronger of the two birds flew

The folk had seen birds before plenty of times, but these were all

landed based birds, they had never seen a bird that had settled

It was whilst sitting on the possibly Roman stone that the first of the messenger birds found her

On the morning of the third day at the house Daniel awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside his open window

Travelling across the Somerset levels is a weird experience; in places, the wasteg is higher than the land and we find ourselves looking down on pretty withy pools full of birds

The locals appear to have vanished indoors for the siesta; only a couple of birds perched on a roof and a cat sitting on a doorstep watch us as we make our way towards the waterside

Therefore, many Yoga asanas are named after mammals, birds, sea creatures, insects, and reptiles

Birds don’t sing in the withered time,

The birds have flown

Birds sing in the spaces

I’m keen on birds

‘I wouldn’t want to annoy one of these birds, I have to say

The rest of the day goes in a whirl of activity – I am taken to a bird house where half a dozen birds are acclimatised to my tawstones and I am instructed in the mysteries of directing a bird

As Gilla told me, the messenger birds are considerably larger than pigeons and have claws which would deter any predator

Wiesse shows an unexpectedly tender side while introducing me to the birds

It seems that the affection he rarely shows to his family is kept for the birds he uses for messages

I am called upon to admire this one’s plumage, and that one’s clarity of eye … all the while aware that these birds are watching me with more intelligence than I am used to seeing in an avian

Vague remembrances of dinosaur films I have seen spring to mind … birds are closely related to dinosaurs, I read somewhere

We ride along parallel with the riverside for some miles and although I do see some water birds and a few splashes which suggest the presence of fish, there is no sign of the rampant life I expect from a waterway like this

In the distance I can see great woods stalking up the hills bordering the valley and flocks of black birds much like crows fill the air above the trees

The birds sang sweetly in the hedgerows and the last of the house martins were diving and darting across the sky as they fed themselves up for their long autumn flight south

You may be surprised but you can quite often kill two birds with one stone when you look for

Oleanders fringed the woods and sent back a dense sweet twittering of countless birds

As soon as I began to rub it in, her friends twittered and giggled with gentle laughter and began chattering like the birds and patted their old companion on her arms; well done, another one bites the dust; tales for those long winter nights I supposed

The air is full of birdsong; I try to spot individual birds but the trees are now coming into leaf and it is difficult to see

I understood the place of death in life and no longer cringed at dead animals or birds

Listen to the birds singing, watch small critters foraging for food,

The birds sang

Smile at the happy birds and know, truly know, you have «a place to call

returned the great birds glare with distain

herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches

7For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is

just the singing of the birds in the hedges for company

Birds whistled and for a while, he forgot about his present situation as the sun worked its magic and warmed him up inside his battered and bruised body

I could tame the wildest of horses and feed wild birds, squirrels, and raccoons from my hands

The eaves of the old barns are spattered with droplets of mud where the birds are building nests

I confess, I did not resist, for I loved every second and I still remember my shivers, my wild heartbeat, his touch, his kiss, the red fiery sun peeping over the mountain peak, the birds chirping and flying around us, everything

flutter of bird life in the hedgerows, birds that Alistair cheerfully

Chrissie drifted back to sleep and dreamed of birds flying through sunny skies

Apart from the birds, she hadn’t seen any other animals

The memory of the singing birds still fresh in her mind, Chrissie, wasn’t tempted to try the vegetables when they were served, sufficing herself with a little chicken and some bread

They were beautiful birds

Except for the birds, the only sound was the thud of the spades slicing the earth and the dull splat of the soil as it was heaped on the side

Birds did not start to chirp

A scrimmage of sorts was being played out on the sports field and the permanent citizens of the Park—the squirrels, birds, and bugs—added their own ambiance to Harry’s afternoon walk

He feels like ‘The Monster’, like the freak, brought to life in the middle of a storm, except the weather is fine and the birds are singing and the lump in his throat is made of flesh and blood

The birds sing in vain

Weaving threads of silver, gold, and colored silk into her cloth, she made pictures of flowers, birds, and animals, so real they seemed almost alive

Infant Bex smiles at him and birds sing

“I hear a creek in the background and birds chirping

overhead, and the birds singing

As little ducklings waddled along the water, and the birds chirped in the trees, tending to their nests and flying around, the kids looked around in awe at this sight

the forest animals and the migratory patterns of the birds

20The fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the beasts of the field, every

The air was sweet with late flowers and noisy with the flutter of birds and leaves in the warm breeze off the basin

The black shadows of birds floated on the wind miles away

Birds squawked as they fought each other for their

day for March isn’t it, the sun and the birds

forth in the breeze and birds circled overhead as if

Above, fluffy clouds of yandrille notes put on the main show while huge white birds glided among them

The bass notes softened, became calm water reflecting the sky of birds, and the yandrille became a ship floating lightly on it

The birds swirled around the ship

Birds couldn’t hear each other over the

And the birds will fly the sky

important in the south for wintering water birds, including White-Headed Duck

Locals have instal ed green roofs for butterflies and birds, and a col ection of underpasses for resident amphibians and hedgehogs

Birds include woodpecker, hawk, pine martin, falcon, owl and golden eagle

A pretty, smal country with an ancient history, there are stunning beaches, bear-rich mountains, lynx and rare birds

Migrating birds flourish along with the national white wagtail

The River Prut area is home to many species of birds

migratory birds come to Europe to breed here in the wetlands

Birds include Cetti’s Warbler and the Red-Rumped Swallow

It holds the record for the most species of birds seen in one day, and is also home to the Smithsonian Institute for Tropical Research

Of the 100 plus birds here, 28 are not found anywhere else on earth

With more than 450 birds, reptiles, mammals and amphibians (and more than 620 types of butterflies), this is South America in one Caribbean Island

Hardly anyone lives here – just research staff monitoring the local birds and turtles

Birds include Rose-Crowned Fruit Dove

bird — перевод на русский


Does this word not sound like the death bird calling your name at midnight?

Разве не звучит это слово, как полночный зов птицы смерти?

But I know that on that night her soul heard the call of the death bird

Но я знаю, что той ночью ее душа услышала зов птицы смерти.

at that very moment the Great Death came to an end, and the shadow of the death bird was gone… as if obliterated by the triumphant rays of the living sun.

в тот же час закончилась эпидемия чумы, и словно перед торжествующими лучами живого солнца, рассеялась тень птицы смерти.

«Those wretched birds!»

«Чёртовы птицы!»

Then, Nature mourned — the birds were hushed — it rained, rained, and rained.

Казалось, сама Природа скорбит, птицы не пели, лил дождь, дождь и дождь.

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Well, hello, Mr. Love Bird!

Привет, мистер Птичка Любви!

How do you think you’re going to get it, my bright little bird?

А как ты сама думаешь, птичка моя?

You aren’t lying to me, are you, my little bird?

Ты ведь не врешь мне, правда, птичка моя?

My dear, sweet, pretty little bird, tell me that you hate me.

Моя дорогая, милая, хорошенькая птичка, скажи мне, что ненавидишь меня.

— That’s right, my little bird.

-Вот и правильно, птичка моя.

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An hour early, but the early bird catches the worm.

Час ранний, но ранняя пташка поймает червячка.

Sing, bird. Sing!

Пой, пташка, пой!

— What an early bird.

— Какая ранняя пташка.

The early bird catches the worm, Jamie.

Ранняя пташка больше корма клюет, Джейми.

You’re an early bird.

— Не думал, что ты ранняя пташка.

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What are they… bird’s eggs?

Что там, … птичьи яйца?

Did you cool that bird brain off?

Остудила свои птичьи мозги?

I think only birds look well stuffed because… Well, because they’re kind of passive to begin with.

Думаю, что только птичьи чучела хороши, потому что… потому что птицы не сопротивляются, когда начинаешь процесс…

Milk, bird feathers and fish. They’re all related, don’t you think?

Молоко, птичьи перья и рыба Между ними есть связь, ты согласна?

Some days life kept pace with the gondola as we nosed through the side canals and the boatman uttered his plaintive musical bird cry of warning.

Жизнь то двигалась вместе с гондолой, на которой мы покачивались, плывя по узким каналам под мелодичные птичьи окрики гондольера,

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We’re going out tonight to get some fantastic birds, remember ?

Ќе забывай, мы отправл€емс€ найти себе фантастических цыпочек.

Get the drinks in. I’ll keep the birds white-hot !

упи выпить. ј € пока подогрею цыпочек!

— There’s no birds here.

— Здесь нет цыпочек.

We’ll get famous and get our pick of the birds.

Мы прославимся, и у нас будет полно цыпочек.

I’m so gorgeous, there’s a six-month waiting list for birds to suddenly appear every time I’m near.

Я так великолепен, что есть 6 месячная очередь цыпочек, готовых внезапно появиться, когда я рядом.

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But that’s very funny, Because you see, I’m Miss Bird.

Но это очень забавно, … потому, что, понимаете, я мисс Берд.

I was asked to give you these by a Miss Bird, I believe.

Вообще-то меня попросила передать их вам мисс Берд,

Poor Miss Bird.

Бедная мисс Берд.

Larry Bird got another one!

Ларри Берд получает еще одно!

— Good morning, Mrs Bird.

— Доброе утро, миссис Бёрд.

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I’ll tell you how we can kill two birds with one stone.

Я расскажу вам, как мы убьем двух зайцев одним ударом.

Let’s kill two birds with one stone. Tomorrow… lunch at your place.

Убьем двух зайцев — завтра мы у вас отобедаем.

I killed two birds with one stone.

Убила сразу двух зайцев.

Well, you could say it was a way of killing two birds… with one stone.

Ну, можно сказать это способ убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом.

While you’re there, we shall kill three birds with one stone.

И мы убьем трех зайцев одним выстрелом.

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«As the flower’s seed springs up the flower, As the nest hatches out a little bird»

Потому что из семян цветов всегда вырастают цветы. Потому что в гнезде всегда вылупляется птенец.

Cry, baby bird, and make my mother rest asleep… before she is cast away in the mountains.

Плачь, птенец, пусть моя мать хорошо отдохнет и выспится… прежде, чем ее оставят в горах.

Like a baby bird.

Как птенец.

The little bird has grown and can fly

Птенец вырос и может летать

The little bird dreams of flight

Птенец мечтает о полётах

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Are you birds of passage? Heading south!

Перелетные птицы, что ли?

The birds of passage are gathering round the beacon.

Это просто перелетные птицы, они собираются вокруг маяка.

The birds of passage are the spirits.

перелетные птицы это духи.

Do you hear me, you birds of passage?

Вы слышите меня, перелетные птицы?

Like the birds of passage.

Как перелетные птицы.

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He will be walking the streets alive, breathing the air… listening to the birds, going to the opera, the movies. While I…

он будет гулять на свободе, дышать свежим воздухом, слушать пение птиц, ходить в оперу, кино… в то время как я…

The birds’ songs and the flowers smell stuffy.

Пение птиц кажется мне печальным,.. …а цветы лишились своего аромата.

I want to hear birds.

Я хочу слышать пение птиц.

Because as they die… it’s like hearing a bird, making a little sound…

Когда они умирают… Я слышу пение птиц…

— Yes, the birds.

— Да. Пение птиц.

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Отправить комментарий

птица, пташка, парень, человек, бабенка, тюрьма


- птица

bird dung — гуано, птичий помёт

- девчонка, легкомысленная женщина
- парень, человек

a gay bird — весельчак
an odd bird — чудак

- летательный аппарат, самолёт, управляемая ракета
- амер. военный лётчик
- разг. заключённый, арестант; преступник

the bird is flown — птичка улетела

- сл. тюремный срок (заключения)
- спутник Земли весом в 100 фунтов
- волан (в бадминтоне)
- спорт. тарелочка (мишень при стрельбе)
- (the bird) грубый жест; ≅ кукиш
- амер. сл. орёл (знак воинского звания)
- арх. птенец


- ловить, стрелять птиц
- изучать птиц в естественных условиях

Мои примеры


tracks made by the feet of a bird — следы, оставленные лапами какой-то птицы  
a bird with an orange breast — птица с оранжевой грудкой  
a bird with a barred tail — птица с полосатым хвостом  
land bird — наземная птица  
migratory bird, bird of passage — перелётная птица  
bird life — жизнь птиц  
cannibal bird — птица-каннибал  
flight of a bird — полёт птицы  
young bird incapable of flight — птенец, не способный летать  
migrant bird — перелётная птица  
migratory bird — перелётная птица  
bird of passage — перелетная птица  

Примеры с переводом

The bird landed in a tree.

Птица села на дерево.

The bird spread its wings.

Птица расправила крылья.

The bird sat on the ledge.

Птица сидела на подоконнике.

The sweet voice of a bird.

Мелодичное пение птички.

He is a cagey old bird.

Он — стреляный воробей. / Его на мякине не проведешь.

The bird vanished from sight.

Птица исчезла /скрылась/ из виду.

Can you see the bird in that tree?

Видишь птицу на том дереве?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The bird’s wings were flapping.

The bird vanished in a flash of blue.

The birds were singing outside our window.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): bird
мн. ч.(plural): birds

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