The word best in greek

Greek words

Greece is one of the unique places with its mythological history, pleasing streets, warm people and delicious food, which visually satisfies our souls. It always arouses curiosity with its language and historical texture. In terms of the appearance of Greek letters Although it may seem incomprehensible, it is actually a pleasant language that leaves a sweet sound in the ear. Moreover, Greek and Greek words are very rich in terms of expressions and meanings. It is one of the oldest languages in the Indo-European family. If we look at its history, it has a rich and varied history with its writing system inspired by the Phoenician alphabet. The history of the Greek language spans more than 2,000 years and various periods, from the Archaic Period (900-600 BC) to the Hellenistic Period (323-30 BC), but its written tradition dates back to the 1st century BC. It begins with epic poetry at the beginning of the millennium.

One of the most fascinating things about the Greek language is its ancient roots. The Greeks have been speaking a unique language for over 3000 years! As we all know, alphabets were used in Ancient Greece and were taken as a part of cultural heritage by many countries colonized by the Greeks. Fortunately, being influenced by other languages does not change one’s roots; it just makes them stronger.

The dialect of Greece is a very poetic dialect. It has a soothing voice that makes it easy to learn and can be memorized effortlessly. Unlike other languages, Greek makes use of visual images in the meaning of words. So besides their true meaning, certain features such as colours, sounds and causes make them unique. Greek has been spoken for over three and a half thousand years, making it the oldest of the Indo-European languages – hence its nickname “the mother of western languages”. Only 13.5 million people speak Greek as their mother tongue, but the global impact is huge. Most of the major foundational texts in Western philosophy – think Plato and Aristotle. And Greek is the foundation of grammar and syntax rules, as well as words and phrases in languages spoken around the world, so don’t be surprised if some of these words sound familiar to you.

We have compiled the meanings of some of the most beautiful words in modern Greek for you. Here are some beautiful Greek words that will make you wonder what I’m waiting for to discover the history of this poetic language and its effects on languages in the world. Happy reading…

1) Charmolypi | χαρμολύπη

The first word in our list of Greek words is charmolypi. The expression Charmolipi etymologically refers to the word “joy and sorrow”. It is basically a compound word consisting of the terms joy and grief or sadness. It’s hard to translate, but conveys the idea of bittersweetness and having mixed feelings about something. It is more practical to say that chrematoli can be written as Chara (joy) or Molos (sadness). The word Charmolipi cannot be translated exactly but still it is wonderful and full of meaning. Composed of two Greek terms, one for joy and the other for grief, charmolipi encompasses all of what life means. After all, isn’t it a stunning mix of joy and sorrow?

2) Elpida | ελπίδα

This beautiful word has an equally wonderful meaning. Derived from the word Elpis, Elpida means hope. In Greek mythology, Elpis was considered the spirit and embodiment of hope, and was usually represented by a young woman bearing fertility. Elpida comes from the ancient Greek word ἐλπίς (elpis) and is the personification and spirit of hope in Greek mythology, often depicted as a young woman bearing flowers or fertility. Today, Elpida is actually a popular name for women.

3) Ygeia | ὑγίεια


Today’s medical care has its roots in ancient Greece. The word Ygeia extends from these roots to the present day. The word associated with Hygieia, the goddess of health and cleanliness, is derived from the word “hygiene”. Before it became colloquial, the Modern Greek phrase “Geia sou or Geia sas”—meaning “your health”—was used to wish someone well. Ygeia is also part of the Greek greeting Yia Sou, which is a wish for health.

4) Philoxenia | φιλοξενία

We’re sure you’ve heard how hospitable the Greeks are. But did you know that this hospitality dates back to ancient Greece? True, the ancestors of the Greeks thought that Zeus sent strangers on their way and they had a moral obligation to offer everything they could to outsiders, who were considered holy persons. Okay, maybe your hotel owner or a stranger you ask for directions on the street won’t consider you exactly holy today, but they will definitely be really friendly to you and treat you like a guest of their country. Also, the word they use to describe their hospitality is the same as the Greeks used in antiquity: “filoxenia”[filokseniːa] , literally being friends with strangers.

5) Kalon | καλόν

The word kalon means beautiful in Greek. It does not only express the visible beauty, but also expresses the invisible beauty by looking at the skin. It is used to describe someone who is not only outwardly great, but also has noble intentions and an honorable character. Greek words fascinate us all with the meanings of their roots as they reach our days, right?

6) Filia | φιλία

Greek words

Many languages use a word meaning “kisses” and “filia” as their tradition of saying goodbye.[filiaː] This is exactly what it means in Greek. Contrary to what you might imagine, it doesn’t usually mean intimacy, although it’s obvious that you’d just call someone you know pretty well “filia”, whether when you’re leaving or before you hang up. The “sweeter” version is “filakia” (literally little kisses) in which younger women sing more often. The Greek word for “kiss” is “friendship”[filiːa] You also need to make sure you don’t confuse it with

7) Curiosity | µεράκι

This word is one of the most difficult to translate; Doing something out of curiosity means adding “a piece of your soul” to what you do. The root of this term is curiosity, which means doing something with pleasure or “labor of love” in Turkish. In usage, this word expresses a passion, an absolute devotion. When you do something with Meraki, you put your soul into it. Surprisingly, this widely used modern Greek word comes across as the term “curiosity” in Turkish. Well, curiosity breeds passion, and passion breeds labor and love. Doesn’t the thought in Turkish sound great to you too?

8) Peratzatha | Περατζάδα

Greek words

“peratzatha”, one of many words that can tell you something about Greek culture[peratzaːða] refers to the idle but extremely relaxing activity of people watching. Many Greeks consider this one of the most fun things to do in life, so if you’ve been to Greece before, you’ve probably noticed that many Athenian bars and cafes have tables outside. This is to take advantage of the gorgeous weather that Greece is proud of, of course, but also because there’s something strangely hypnotic about watching people pass by while you sip your coffee or drink. So, if an authentic travel experience of Greece is what you are looking for, we have not only taught you a really great Greek vocabulary, but also a very Greek alternative to the local activities that most local city tours require.

9) Eudaimonia | ευδαιμονία

This word is formed from the root eu meaning good and tyhi meaning “luck”. It can also be translated as “contentment,” which some might say is the most genuine and most consistent form of happiness. Also spelled as Eudaemonia, the term refers to the state of being happy, healthy, and prosperous. Simply put, it means the state in which a person truly develops. We have to thank Aristotle for this term – a single term that effortlessly explains something so broad and profound.

10) Aionia | αιώνια

The word comes from the ancient Greek term aion, meaning “age,” and gives English an indefinite but long period of time, aeon, or describes a large part of geological time. In astronomy and less formal contexts, an aeon denotes a time span of one billion years, while its full Turkish equivalent is infinity.

11) Paracosm | παρακοσμικος

Greek words

Paracosm comes from the ancient Greek words παρά (pará, ‘beside’, ‘beside’) and κόσμος (kósmos, ‘earth’, ‘universe’). The dictionary meaning of this word, also known as parakosmikos, can be defined as extraterrestrial. Together, these two expressions form the paracosm, an elaborate fantasy world woven especially by children. It is so fascinating that there is a separate Greek word for this wonderful thing that children do!

12) Agapi | Aγάπη

With ancient Greek words, love is defined by many different words. Agapi is considered the highest form of love – the love of two partners for each other, the love that unites parents and their children, or even people’s love for God and vice versa. The term erotas (έρωτας) in modern Greek words means sincere love of a more romantic or sexual nature, while filia (φιλία) means love and friendship. It can be thought of how it differs from agapi in terms of meaning. What sets Agapi apart from others is that she is the purest form of love. Agapi or a-ga-pee is one of many beautiful Greek words for love.

13) Kairos | καιρός

Closely related to the Greek word for time, chronos, kairos is the acknowledgment of a special moment in less than a measure of hours and years. It is the idea of the perfect moment, ripe for action. Kairos is the right moment, at the right time and in the right place, creating the perfect atmosphere for everything to fall into place effortlessly. While the English term serendipity is a fortunate development, Kairos capitalizes on coincidence. Isn’t it fascinating how everything is connected!

14) Yia Mas | Για εμάς

Greek words

As you can probably guess, “yia mas”[jaː mas] It is also a wish for health, but this time it is ours. Unlike yia soun, “yia mas” is not a greeting, but the standard toast we Greeks do before sipping a glass of alcohol in hand. So if you’re planning to explore the world-famous Athens nightlife, this is a phrase you’ll likely hear a lot. If someone offers you a toast saying “yia mas”, respond and enjoy. Pretty easy, right? You’ll enjoy Athens’ nightlife and bar hopping – and you’ll probably hear and sing about Yia Mas over and over!

15) Philoteimos | φιλότιμο

Another difficult-to-translate word is filotimo, which encompasses a number of virtues: honor, dedication, duty, courage, pride, and honesty. Filotimo, meaning “friend of honor” or “love of honor”, refers to the once honorable and virtuous, even if it is not in his own interest. Although long counted among the highest of Greek virtues, it carried negative connotations in early writings.

16) Chalara | χαλαρά

In its most general sense, halara means “keep calm”. When looking at the dictionary meaning, it means to relax, to relax. Often associated with the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki – known for its chilly atmosphere compared to Athens – chalara denotes a way of life meaning “relaxed” and “relaxed”.

17) Nostalgia | Νοσταλγία

Greek words

Nostalgia is one of the Greek words derived from nostos meaning returning home and algos meaning pain of something.
The meaning it gives is a combination of nostos, which means returning home, and algos, which means a dull pain, longing. Together, they create nostalgia, which refers to a deep nostalgia or sad love for the past—especially when talking about or commemorating something that was had but no longer has. Oh nostalgia!

18) Petricho | πετρίκο

We continue our list of Greek words with a very familiar word that has been adopted in every language: petríko. It means the smell of earth where the first drop of rain touches it. Close your eyes and imagine that the rain has just started. When the first drops of rain hit the dry ground, an earthy scent comes to your senses – does it sound familiar? This wonderful earthy aroma is called petrichor and is composed of the Greek word for stone, petra, and īchōr, the blood of the mythological Greek gods. It refers to the pleasant earthy smell produced when it rains on dry ground, especially after a long period of drought. The word comes from the Greek words petra (stone) and īchōr (blood of the Greek gods).

19) Eleftheria | Ελευθερία

Eleftheria, meaning “freedom”, specifically refers to the state of being freed from slavery. In essence, Eleftheria is gentle and pleasant; He is free-spirited and cannot be easily crushed. He doesn’t appreciate people with limited minds and attitudes. You can see this word in the Greek national slogan – Eleftheria i thanatos (Liberty or death) which is the subject of the songs of the Greek resistance against Ottoman rule.

20) Philocalist | Φιλοκαλιστ

yunan heykel

Philokalist or Philocalist is a Greek term used to describe a person who is able to see beauty in everything. The philologist is essentially a lover of beauty, someone who appreciates the beauty of the little things that make life worthwhile. It may not be a person found beautiful, but a tree, building or landscape. In short, this term tells us that we are in love with everything that looks beautiful. Wonderful!

21) Eucharist | Ευχαριστω

The eucharist is a Greek word meaning ‘thank you’. Efharisto is a word you can use when you sincerely want to express your gratitude and appreciation for what has been given. If you’re traveling to Greece and just need to learn a word, let this be it. This will open up new conversations with the locals and let them know that you are enjoying all the philoxenia the Greeks shower on you!

22) Calimera | Καλημέρα

“Calimera”[kalimeːra] another super useful and beautiful greek word. This is probably the clearest word we know of Greek. Kalimera literally means “have a nice day”. Technically, you have to use it until 12:00, after that “kalispera”[kalispeːra] – so it is preferable to say “have a nice day”. This distinction can be thought of as the difference between the English Good Morning and Good Afternoon. Both words are fairly easy to pronounce, so if you’re looking to impress your Athens tour guide or the Greek restaurant owner you just met, throwing a casual ‘kalimera’ or ‘kalispera’ into the conversation will likely get you patted on the back.

23) Ataraxia | Aταραξία

The literal translation of Ataraxia is a state of calm calm. But the literal translation of the Greek word ataraxia is indifference. Its usage is used to express a state of ultimate freedom in which the mind is freed from the shackles of emotional disturbances such as stress and anxiety. Oh, dream!

24) Parakalo | παρακαλο

Greek words

The response to the Eucharist, parakalo, is the modern Greek word for “welcome”. But that’s not all! The Greeks like to attach several meanings to a single term. So parakalo means please along with the meaning of welcome. Between the eucharist and the parakalo, you can now say thank you, welcome and please – the holy trinity of a polite tourist!

25) Empyrean | Ουράνιος

Yes, we have come to the end of our list of Greek words. We chose a great word for closing: Empyrean. It takes its origin from the modern Greek word empyros, which is on fire or burning. Its use comes from the Ancient Greek cosmology, the highest place in heaven called Empyrean. Although it is defined as heaven in the most basic sense, it is also referred to as the highest point of the sky, the sky dome in some sources. The term itself evokes a cosmic emotion, doesn’t it?

26)Philosophia | Φιλοσοφία

Philosophy” comes from the Greek word “philosophia,” which means “love of wisdom.” This word is derived from the combination of “philo,” meaning “love,” and “sophia,” meaning “wisdom.”

27)Theoria | Θεωρία

“Theory” comes from the Greek word “theoria,” which means “contemplation” or “a looking at.” This word is derived from the combination of “thea,” meaning “a viewing,” and “horao,” meaning “to gaze at.”

28)Klinike | Κλινική

“Clinic” comes from the Greek word “klinike,” which means “bed” or “infirmary.” This word is derived from the root “kline,” meaning “bed,” which is also the origin of the English word “incline.”

29)Krisis | Κρίσις

“Crisis” comes from the Greek word “krisis,” which means “decision” or “judgment.” This word is derived from the root “krin,” meaning “to separate” or “to decide.”


“Chaos” comes from the Greek word “khaos,” which means “void” or “emptiness.” This word is derived from the root “kha,” which means “to gape” or “to be wide open.”

31)Kosmos | Κόσμος

“Cosmos” comes from the Greek word “kosmos,” which means “order” or “harmony.” This word is derived from the root “kosm,” meaning “to order” or “to arrange.”

32)Ekleipsis | Εκλειψις

“Eclipse” comes from the Greek word “ekleipsis,” which means “an abandonment” or “a failure to appear.” This word is derived from the combination of “ek,” meaning “out of,” and “leip,” meaning “to leave.”


“Eureka” comes from the Greek exclamation “heureka,” which means “I have found it!” This word is derived from the combination of “eu,” meaning “well,” and “heurisk,” meaning “to find.”

34)Hyperbole | Υπερβολή

“Hyperbole” comes from the Greek word “hyperbole,” which means “excess” or “overstatement.” This word is derived from the combination of “hyper,” meaning “over,” and “bole,” meaning “to throw.”

35)Odysseia | Οδύσσεια

“Odyssey” comes from the Greek word “odysseia”

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Many people who visit Greece want to learn some basic Greek phrases and words before their vacation. This article includes some useful Greek words, and a few common phrases that Greeks use on a daily basis. Ιncludes a couple of popular rude words, just for fun!

Introduction to the Greek language

The Greek language is quite unique. Our alphabet is thousands of years old, and many of the words we use today were also used during the times of Ancient Greece.

Most visitors find the Greek alphabet hard to learn. However, once you’ve managed to memorize the Greek letters, you should be able to read basic Greek words and phrases.

This will be useful when travelling around Greece and the Greek islands, as you will be able to read any road signs that are only in Greek.

Greek words to learn before your trip to Greece

At the same time, if all you want to do is to learn a few words and useful Greek phrases, you don’t necessarily need to learn how to read the alphabet. You can be a “good tourist” just by memorizing the sound of a few key phrases!

This guide will introduce you to a few words that you will want to use, and also some phrases that you will probably hear while in Greece. Whether you will want to repeat some of these words, is up to you!

Useful Greek words and their pronunciation – Basic Greek for tourists

According to the prominent Greek linguist Georgios Babiniotis, the Greek language has over 100,000 words. 

As you can imagine, very few of those words are used on a daily basis. Here are some of them.

Note: I have used special symbols, so that you can see which syllable you will need to stress. As an example, the word ka-li-mé-ra is stressed on the third syllable: meh.

1. Yes – Neh – Ναι

The Greek word for ‘Yes’ is ‘Neh’. We also use Neh when we answer the phone – though there are many other ways to respond to a phone call.

Note: It is rather confusing that this exact word means ‘No’ in many other languages!

2. No – Óchi – Όχι

‘Óchi’ or ‘Óhi’, the Greek word for ‘No’, is a short word which, nevertheless, many English speakers find difficult to pronounce. You can read it out as ‘oh-hee’, introducing a harsh ‘h’ sound.

And if the word sounds somehow familiar, you are right. Here is my article about the Ochi day, written ‘OXI’ in capital letters.

Note: When they are among friends, Greek people tend to make a ‘tsk’ sound instead of using ‘ohi’. While it’s not exactly polite, it’s a useful thing to know.

3. Good morning – Kaliméra – Καλημέρα

‘Kalimera’ is one of the most popular words in Greece. It is a composite word, where ‘kali’ means ‘good’, and ‘imera’ means ‘day.

Literally translating to ‘good day’, ‘kaliméra’ is generally used when you see someone for the first time in the day, or until some time in the afternoon. Using it until 1-2 pm is absolutely fine. 

4. Good evening – Kalispéra – Καλησπέρα

‘Kalispéra’ translates to ‘good evening’ in Greek. You can use it when you think that it’s too late for ‘kaliméra’, perhaps after 4-5 pm.

Some people will switch to ‘kalispera’ just after midday, which might sound a bit extreme, given that it’s not the evening yet.

5. Good night – Kaliníhta – Καληνύχτα

‘Kaliníchta’ is used when you are wishing someone a good night, i.e. when you won’t see them again on that evening.

It’s useful if you are leaving a taverna where you had an evening meal. If you are staying at a hotel with a receptionist, you can say ‘kaliníhta’ on your way back to your room.

6. Hello / Goodbye – Yiá, yiássou, yiássas – Γεια, γεια σου, γεια σας

If kaliméra, kalispéra and kaliníhta are too confusing, there’s another standard greeting you can use: yiássou, or yiássas. This literally means ‘to your health’, and can be used both as ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’.

‘Yiássou’, pronounced ‘yah soo’, is used when you are talking to one person. ‘Yiássas’, often written as ‘geia sas’, is appropriate if you are talking to two or more people, but also if you are talking to an older person and want to show some good manners.

Do you want something even easier? You can always just use the short, informal ‘yiá’! This is the easiest of all the Greece greetings.

7. Thank you – Efharistó – Ευχαριστώ

‘Efharistó’ is the first word any polite tourist will want to learn, and it will bring a smile to people’s faces. In fact, I’d say that Greeks don’t use ‘thank you’ as often as other people!

Now, of all the basic Greek words, this is probably the hardest one to pronounce. So, don’t get discouraged if a Greek person tries to correct your pronunciation – they are only trying to help.

Once you feel confident with ‘efharistó’, you can proceed to ‘efharistó polí’ – thank you very much.

8. Please / You are welcome – Parakaló – Παρακαλώ

Unlike ‘efharistó’, the Greek word for ‘you are welcome’ is relatively easy to pronounce: ‘pa-ra-ka-lo’.

We use the exact same word to say ‘please’ – not that you will hear this word all too often here!

9. I am sorry / Excuse me – Siggnómi – Συγγνώμη

The Greek word for ‘I am sorry’ and ‘Excuse me’ is another difficult one to pronounce. It is best described as ‘see-ghno-mee’, with a soft ‘g’ sound.

But don’t worry – it’s very common for Greeks to use the English word ‘sorry’ instead.

10. Cheers – Yiá mas – Γεια μας

Let’s say you have ordered some food and drinks at a Greek taverna, and it’s now time to raise your glasses and say ‘cheers’. The word for that is ‘yiámas’, or ‘yiá mas’, which means ‘to our health’.

‘Yia’ is the same word we use in ‘yiá ssou’ or ‘yiá ssas’. Incidentally, it is a shortened form of the word ‘hygeia’, which is related to hygiene, hygienic, and a handful of other words used in English.

11. Water – Neró – Νερό

Given that Greece is a warm country, at least in summer, ‘water’ might be the most useful Greek word you will learn.

If you are want to buy a bottle of water, try to remember the words ‘mikró’ (small), and ‘megálo’ (big).

Apart from drinking lots of water, here are some more tips to help you stay cool if you are visiting Greece in summer. And remember, watermelon (karpoúzi) is your best friend!

12. Souvlaki – Σουβλάκι

No list of essential Greek words would be complete without at least one iconic Greek dish. Souvlaki is a popular street food option, a quick, inexpensive and filling meal.

Useful Greek words - Souvlaki

Now, there are literally hundreds of Greek dishes, and it will take you several weeks to discover all of them. Here is a guide to 50 popular Greek dishes that you can find in most Greek tavernas.

Note: Depending on where you live in the world, you might find a version of those dishes at a restaurant near you. Quite often, this version might be very different to the actual Greek dish!

13. OK – Endáxi – Εντάξει

If you spend a few days in Greece, you may think that everyone is always looking for a taxi. In reality, the word that everyone uses is ‘endáxi’, which is often cut down to ‘daxi’. 

And what is the ‘daxi’ Greek meaning I hear you ask? Well, it’s Greek for ‘OK’! 

While we also use ‘OK’ a lot, especially in everyday situations, you are bound to hear this word dozens of times during your Greek vacation. As it’s easy to pronounce, you can try to use it instead of ‘OK’ and impress the Greek people you meet.

14. Come – Éla – Έλα

This is another word you are likely to hear often, especially when someone picks up their phone.

The word ‘éla’ literally means ‘come’, but we also use it as ‘come on’ or even an expression of being surprised. It is often followed by ‘tóra’, which means ‘now’, as an indication of being annoyed.

On other occasions, people follow it with a short word, ‘reh’, just for added emphasis. This word doesn’t really translate to anything in English, but it’s not very polite, so it’s best to avoid it.

15. Gamóto – Γαμώτο

And now for another common word! ‘Gamóto’, pronounced with a soft ‘g’, is not exactly the word you’d want to say to your grandma, as it’s a popular swear word.

Literally translating to the F-word in English, it is used as an indication of being annoyed, disappointed or just plain angry. It’s probably best to avoid using it yourself, but at least now you know what this Japanese-sounding word means.

16. Maláka(s) – Μαλάκα(ς)

Possibly the most famous rude word in Greek, ‘maláka’ can have several meanings, depending on who you are talking to, your tone of voice, and any gestures that go along.

As an example, if you are driving and someone cuts you off, the word ‘maláka’ is rude, similar to a-hole. However, you might also call your friend ‘maláka’, in a tender sort of way, like ‘bro’, ‘dude’ or ‘man’.

Now I’ll just point out that the little stress on this word is very important.

So, while the word ‘maláka’ has the stress on the second syllable, the word ‘malaká’, stressed on the last syllable, means soft / softly. If you are planning to use it, make sure you stress the correct syllable 🙂

Curious for more rude words, slang words and Greek cursewords? Here you go: Greek swear words. This fun article includes Greek swear words, pronunciation, the exact translation in English, and a few synonyms. I wouldn’t suggest reading it at the office!

A few phrases in Greek – Greek phrases for tourists

And now that you have mastered some of our most popular words, let’s check a few key phrases in Greek.

1. What is your name – Pos se leh-neh

The phrase ‘what’s your name’ is a universal ice-breaker. In Greek, you can choose between two forms of the phrase.

You can use ‘Pos se lé-ne’ when talking to a young person, while ‘Pos sas le-ne’ is more appropriate if you want to be polite, or if you are addressing a senior.

2. How are you – Ti kánis, ti kánete

This popular phrase, that you will hear very often in Greece, also has two forms.

If you are talking to a young person, you will need to use ‘ti kanis’ / ‘ti ka nees’. However, if you are addressing a senior, or more than one people, the correct form is ‘ti kanete’.

The standard answer to this question is ‘kalá’, the Greek word for ‘good’, or ‘ola kalá’, best translated as ‘all well’.

3. I do not understand – Den katalavéno

Even if you have mastered a few phrases in Greek, people may give you an answer you don’t understand. In this case, the best thing to say is ‘Den katalavéno’, I don’t understand.

4. I would like the bill please – To logariasmó parakaló

Whether you sit at a taverna table for a long meal, or are just ordering two beers, at some point you will need to get the bill.

As you already know the word parakaló, you only need to learn the word for ‘bill’, which is ‘to logariasmó’, with a soft g.

Plot twist: if you want to say the phrase 100% correctly, you would in fact need to say ‘Tha íthela to logariasmó parakaló’, where ‘tha íthela’ means ‘I would like’.

Useful words in Greek - Logariasmo

Yet, the last two words are more than enough – even if you only say ‘parakalo’ or ‘logariasmó’, you will definitely get the message across. Please avoid the dated practice of clicking your fingers, which is considered rude. 

Once you get the bill, consider leaving a tip, unless you were really unhappy with the food or the service. Here’s my guide on tipping in Greece.

Incidentally, it’s super easy to say ‘beer’ in Greek pronunciation: beerah!

5. Where is the toilet please – Pou ine i tualéta parakaló

Given the absence of public toilets in most tourist destinations in Greece, it’s always useful to know how to ask for a toilet.

The word ‘tualéta’ indicates a bathroom, washroom, restroom, or however else you may call it in your local language.

The Greek phrase ‘pou einai’, meaning ‘where is?’, can be used for anything you are looking for – the beach, the taxi stand, the best taverna on the island, the Acropolis in Athens.

Tip: Do carry your own toilet paper in case there is none, and DO NOT flush it in the tualéta. Here’s why you shouldn’t flush toilet paper in Greece.

6. How much is this – Póso káni

If you want to buy any products or Greek souvenirs, you can try asking for the price in Greek.

While the actual question is easy to pronounce, you might get stuck if the sales assistant answers back in Greek 🙂

Tip: Be careful not to confuse this phrase with ‘Ti kánis’, which means ‘How are you’!

7. See you / Talk to you later – Ta léme  – Τα λέμε

A popular greeting when saying goodbye is the short phrase ‘ta léme’. Literally translating to ‘we say them’ (??), it is the equivalent of ‘see you later’ or ‘talk to you later’. It’s often accompanied by a bye-bye gesture.

FAQs about useful Greek words

Here are some commonly asked questions:

What are some cool Greek words?

There are dozens of cool Greek words. A cool phrase that Greeks use when drinking is ‘yia mas’. It literally means ‘to our health’, and is the equivalent of ‘cheers’.

What are some basic Greek words?

Some basic Greek words include neh / yes, ochi / no, efcharisto / thank you, and parakalo / you are welcome.

What is the most popular Greek word?

Words that you will hear very often in Greece include yiassou, the Greek word for hello, endaxi / OK, and ela / come.

What are some rude Greek words?

Two of the most common rude words in Greek are ‘malakas’ and ‘gamoto’.

Is Greek a useful language?

Greek is the official language in Greece (and Cyprus, along with Turkish). If you are planning to live in either of those countries, it is useful to learn Greek. If you are only visiting Greece for a vacation, you won’t need to learn any Greek, as most people speak English. Still, if you want to experience Greece as fully as possible, it’s always helpful to learn a few basic words.

More travel tips about Athens and Greece

I hope you have enjoyed this article, and that it will be useful for your next trip to Greece. If  you are interested in any other articles, for example one on Greek sayings or proverbs, leave a comment down below!

I’m also planning to work on an article on the 500 most common Greek words… but don’t hold your breath 🙂

Here are a few more travel guides and tips about Greece and Athens:

  • How to order Greek food in Greece (includes what to say if you have any dietary allergies)
  • Coffee and coffee culture in Greece
  • What to pack for Greece for all four seasons
  • 30 best things to do in Athens
  • How many days do you need in Santorini
  • Driving in Greece – Tips and advice by a local
  • Quotes about Greece
  • The history of the Greek flag

Vanessa from Real Greek Experiences

Hi! I am Vanessa from Athens. I love helping people discover more about my native language, which Google Translate isn’t always helpful with. Follow my FB page and FB group for more Greece-related info! 

Useful words in Greek

So you’re dreaming of a trip to Greece. On the to-do list: Dust off your camera to capture the awe-inspiring ruins and dazzling cliffside sunsets, find the perfect island-hopping outfits for stylish Instagram snaps in front of white-washed houses draped with bougainvillea, and prepare yourself to come back a few pounds heavier from all the feta and haloumi doused in olive oil that will surely be eaten at many a quaint taverna.

Lower on the list of priorities may be picking up a few basic Greek phrases to converse with locals while you’re there. Even though Greece is a popular tourist destination, few people consider trying to learn Greek as part of their travels.

The culprit is likely the Greek alphabet. If you’re unfamiliar, think of the angular shapes used by college fraternities and sororities everywhere. Unlike the Latin alphabet of romance languages, Greek letters are indecipherable for English speakers, making the language more difficult to learn than Romance languages such as Spanish, Italian, and French.

But don’t let that stop you from trying to pick up some Greek, especially before you leave for your trip. Michaela Kron of the popular language learning mobile app Duolingo, told Travel + Leisure of a survey they did of their users: «One interesting finding… was that many make the mistake of not learning a language ahead of an international trip, but in hindsight wish they had done it. We actually found that many of our users pick up Duolingo after a trip, likely because they are inspired by their travels to pick up a new language.»

While you’ll find that almost everyone speaks a basic level of English in the most popular tourist destinations, Greeks are a very friendly and social people, and they will love if you can trade a bit of banter with them in their own language — even if they poke fun at you for trying. When they treat you to a free slice of halva cake or a shot of ouzo at the end of your meal, you’ll know you scored points for trying.

So get ahead of the curve and try to learn some common phrases (and even a little Greek slang) before you go. We assure you that attempting (and even butchering) the most basic of phrases with locals will make the trip more memorable — and perhaps even lead to a lasting friendship.

Below, you’ll find phrases written first in Greek and the phonetic pronunciation following in parentheses, with emphasis placed on the syllables in capital letters. Use Google Translate to play an audio of how these phrases are pronounced.

Basic Greek Words and Phrases

Hello: Γειά σου (YAH-soo)

The less formal way to say «Hi» would just be «Γεια» (Yah). If addressing a group, say «YAH-sas».

Nice to meet you: Χάρηκα πολύ (HA-ree-ka po-LEE)

How are you?: Tι κανείς (tee-KAH-nis)?

Good morning: Καλημέρα (kah-lee-MER-ah)

You would say this greeting up until noon, and then for the rest of the day you can use «Γεια» (yah) as the standard greeting.

Good afternoon/evening: Καλησπέρα (kah-lee-SPER-ah)

Beginning around late afternoon/dusk and into the evening, you can use this greeting.

Goodnight: Καληνύχτα (kah-lee-NEEKH-tah)

Say this when going to bed.

Thank you: Ευχαριστώ (eff-kha-ri-STOE)

Remember that a good tourist is a polite tourist.

Please/You’re welcome: Παρακαλώ (para-kah-LOE)

In Greek, the word for «please» and «you’re welcome» is the same, making it all the more easy to learn. It’s polite to say «para-kah-LOE» after asking for directions or the price of something. It can even be used to mean «I beg your pardon?» or «Huh?» when you’ve misunderstood or want someone to repeat something.

My name is… : Με λένε (may LEH-neh)…

What is your name?: πως σε λένε? (pos-oh LEH-neh)

Goodbye: Γειά σου (YAH-soo)

The more informal way of saying bye would just be «Yah.» Recall that this is the same as saying hello (similar to «ciao» in Italian or «aloha» in Hawaiian). If addressing a group, say «YAH-sas.»

See/Talk to you later: Τα λέμε (tah-LEH-meh)

You may hear people ending their conversations with this phrase as well.

Yes: Ναί (neh); No: όχι (OH-hee)

Be careful not to confuse yes and no — it’s easy to mistakenly associate «neh» with «no» in English, and «oh-hee» with «okay» when in fact it’s just the opposite! An easy mnemonic is to remember that they’re actually the inverse of what you would initially think.

Excuse me/Sorry: Συγνώμη (See-GHNO-mee)

Say this to get someone’s attention, ask to pass by someone, or apologize if you’ve bumped into someone.

Related: The Best Resort Hotels in Greece

Common Greek Phrases Travelers Should Know

Where is the bathroom?: Πού είναι η τουαλέτα (Poh-EE-nay ee tua-LEH-tah)?

Helpful hint: «Poh-EE-nay» means «Where is?» so you can ask for help with locating something by saying this while pointing to a specific location in your guidebook or on a map.

Do you speak English?: Μιλάτε αγγλικά (Mee-LAH-teh ag-li-KAH)?

Cheers!: Στην υγειά μας! (STIN-eh YAH-mas)

This literally means «To our health!» If addressing a group of people not including yourself, say «STIN-eh YAH-sas,» which means «To your health!»

Bottoms up!: Ασπρο πάτο (AHS-pro PAH-toh)

Meaning literally «white bottom,» if you use this with a new Greek acquaintance, you’ll be sure to impress.

How much is it?: Πόσο κάνει αυτό (POH-soh KAH-nee af-TOH)?

You can get by with asking «POH-soh KAH-nee» (How much?). Adding the «af-TOH» just means «How much is it?»

I don’t understand: Δεν καταλαβαίνω (Then Kah-tah-lah-VEH-noh)

Help! Βοήθεια (voh-EE-thee-yah)

I love Greece: Αγαπώ την Ελλάδα (Ah-gah-POH teen Eh-LAH-tha)

Oops!: Ωπα (OH-pa)

If there’s one Greek word you may have heard before, it’s likely «opa.» Originally meaning «oops» or «whoops,» it’s now also used frequently as an exclamation of enthusiasm or joy in celebrations or to show appreciation for music, dancing, food, and drinks. For example, when you’ve thoroughly impressed your waiter with your new Greek skills, and he offers you a round of ouzo shots on the house, you can say, «Opa!» in appreciation.

Greek Slang and Phrases

What’s up/How’s it going?: Τι λέει (tee-LEI)

What are you up to?: Που είσαι (pou-eeSAY)

So good/so cool: και γαμώ (kay-gaMOU)

Although this is technically a curse word, you’ll hear everyone using it colloquially to address friends. But only use it on someone you know!: μαλάκα (maLAka)

See you later: τα λέμε (ta LEH-meh)

Dude/man: ρε φίλε (reh-FEEleh)

Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Greek translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Greek words, this place will help you to learn common words in Greek language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Greek language quickly and also play some Greek word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Greek.

1000 most common Greek words

1000 words in English to Greek

Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Greek language and their pronunciation in English.

Simple words / 2 letter words

I Εγώ Ego
Do κάνω kano
Go πηγαίνω pegaino
He αυτός autos
Me μου mou
My μου mou
No όχι ochi
On επί epi
Or ή e
So Έτσι Etsi
Up πάνω pano
We εμείς emeis

Easy words

3 letter words

Act υποκρίνομαι ypokrinomai
Add Προσθήκη Prostheke
Age ηλικία elikia
Aim σκοπός skopos
Air αέρας aeras
All όλα ola
And και kai
Ant μυρμήγκι myrmenki
Any όποιος opoios
Ask παρακαλώ parakalo
Bad κακό kako
Big μεγάλο megalo
Buy αγορά agora
Cry κραυγή krauge
Dam φράγμα phragma
Die καλούπι kaloupi
Dry στεγνός stegnos
End τέλος telos
Ear αυτί auti
Eat τρώω troo
Egg αυγό augo
Eye μάτι mati
Fat Λίπος Lipos
Fly πετώ peto
Fun διασκέδαση diaskedase
Get παίρνω pairno
God θεός theos
Hen κότα kota
Hot ζεστό zesto
Job δουλειά douleia
Leg πόδι podi
Lie ψέμα psema
Low χαμηλός chamelos
Mad τρελός trelos
Man άνδρας andras
Not δεν den
Now τώρα tora
New νέος neos
Old παλαιός palaios
Own το δικό to diko
Run τρέξιμο treximo
Sad λυπημένος lypemenos
Sea θάλασσα thalassa
See βλέπω blepo
Shy ντροπαλός ntropalos
Sit Καθίστε Kathiste
Sum άθροισμα athroisma
Sun ήλιος elios
Tax φόρος phoros
Try δοκιμάστε dokimaste
Use χρήση chrese
War πόλεμος polemos
Wet βρεγμένος bregmenos
Why Γιατί Giati
Win νίκη nike
Yes Ναί Nai
You εσείς eseis

4 letter words

Also επίσης epises
Baby μωρό moro
Back πίσω piso
Bake ψήνω pseno
Bald φαλακρός phalakros
Ball μπάλα mpala
Bark φλοιός phloios
Bath λούτρο loutro
Beet παντζάρι pantzari
Bend στροφή strophe
Best καλύτερος kalyteros
Bird πουλί pouli
Bold τολμηρός tolmeros
Bone οστό osto
Book Βιβλίο Biblio
Born γεννημένος gennemenos
Both και τα δυο kai ta dyo
Busy απασχολημένος apascholemenos
Call κλήση klese
Calm ηρεμία eremia
Care Φροντίδα Phrontida
Come Έλα Ela
Cost κόστος kostos
Cute χαριτωμένος charitomenos
Crow κοράκι koraki
Dare τολμώ tolmo
Dark σκοτάδι skotadi
Date ημερομηνία emeromenia
Deal συμφωνία symphonia
Diet διατροφή diatrophe
Dish πιάτο piato
Door θύρα thyra
Down κάτω kato
Dust σκόνη skone
Each καθε kathe
Earn κερδίζω kerdizo
Easy Ανετα Aneta
Edge άκρη akre
Evil κακό kako
Exit έξοδος exodos
Face πρόσωπο prosopo
Fact γεγονός gegonos
Fair έκθεση ekthese
Fake απομίμηση apomimese
Farm αγρόκτημα agroktema
Fast γρήγορα gregora
Fear φόβος phobos
Feel αφή aphe
Find εύρημα eurema
Fine πρόστιμο prostimo
Fish ψάρι psari
Food τροφή trophe
Fool ανόητος anoetos
Free Ελεύθερος Eleutheros
Frog βάτραχος batrachos
Full γεμάτος gematos
Gape χασμουριέμαι chasmouriemai
Gift δώρο doro
Girl κορίτσι koritsi
Goat γίδα gida
Good Καλός Kalos
Grab αρπάζω arpazo
Grow καλλιεργώ kalliergo
Half τα μισα ta misa
Hate μισώ miso
Head κεφάλι kephali
Hear ακούω akouo
Heat θερμότητα thermoteta
Help βοήθεια boetheia
Here εδώ edo
Hide κρύβω krybo
High υψηλός ypselos
Hold Κρατήστε Krateste
Hole τρύπα trypa
Home Σπίτι Spiti
Huge τεράστιος terastios
Hurt πλήγμα plegma
Idea ιδέα idea
Jump άλμα alma
Just μόλις molis
Kill σκοτώνω skotono
Land γη ge
Last τελευταίος teleutaios
Late αργά arga
Left αριστερά aristera
Line γραμμή gramme
Lion λιοντάρι liontari
Long μακρύς makrys
Look Κοίτα Koita
Lost χαμένος chamenos
Love αγάπη agape
Luck τυχη tyche
Lung πνεύμονας pneumonas
Many Πολλά Polla
Meet συναντώ synanto
Melt τήκω teko
Milk γάλα gala
Must πρέπει prepei
Name όνομα onoma
Near κοντά konta
Neat καθαρός katharos
Neck λαιμός laimos
Need χρειάζομαι chreiazomai
Next Επόμενο Epomeno
Only μόνο mono
Pain πόνος ponos
Pair ζεύγος zeugos
Park πάρκο parko
Path μονοπάτι monopati
Play παίζω paizo
Poor Φτωχός Phtochos
Pull Τραβήξτε Trabexte
Quit εγκαταλείπω enkataleipo
Quiz κουίζ kouiz
Race αγώνας agonas
Rain βροχή broche
Rare σπάνιος spanios
Real πραγματικός pragmatikos
Rent ενοίκιο enoikio
Rest υπόλοιπο ypoloipo
Rich πλούσιος plousios
Ride βόλτα bolta
Rise αύξηση auxese
Risk κίνδυνος kindynos
Room δωμάτιο domatio
Rope σκοινί skoini
Rude αγενής agenes
Sail πανι ΠΛΟΙΟΥ pani PLOIOU
Salt άλας alas
Same ίδιο idio
Sand άμμος ammos
Save σώσει sosei
Scam απάτη apate
Seed σπόρος sporos
Seek ψάχνω psachno
Self εαυτός eautos
Sell Πουλώ Poulo
Send στείλετε steilete
Shop κατάστημα katastema
Show προβολή probole
Sick άρρωστος arrostos
Side πλευρά pleura
Site ιστοσελίδα istoselida
Size Μέγεθος Megethos
Skin δέρμα derma
Slow αργός argos
Soft μαλακός malakos
Soil έδαφος edaphos
Some μερικοί merikoi
Soon σύντομα syntoma
Stay διαμονή diamone
Stop να σταματήσει na stamatesei
Such τέτοιος tetoios
Swap ανταλαγή antalage
Swim ζάλη zale
Take παίρνω pairno
Talk ΜΙΛΑ ρε MILA re
Tall ψηλός pselos
Team ομάδα omada
Tell λέγω lego
Tent σκηνή skene
That ότι oti
Then έπειτα epeita
Thin λεπτός leptos
This Αυτό Auto
Tide παλίρροια palirroia
Time χρόνος chronos
Tour περιοδεία periodeia
Town πόλη pole
Tree δέντρο dentro
Trip ταξίδι taxidi
Turn στροφή strophe
Ugly άσχημος aschemos
Vase βάζο bazo
Vein φλέβα phleba
Very πολύ poly
View θέα thea
Wage μισθός misthos
Wait Περίμενε Perimene
Wake ίχνη ichne
Walk Περπατήστε Perpateste
Wall τείχος teichos
Want θέλω thelo
Warm ζεστός zestos
Warn προειδοποιώ proeidopoio
Weak αδύναμος adynamos
Wear φορούν phoroun
Week εβδομάδα ebdomada
Well Καλά Kala
Went πήγε pege
What τι ti
When πότε pote
Wide πλατύς platys
Wife γυναίκα gynaika
Wild άγριος agrios
Will θα tha
Wind άνεμος anemos
Wine κρασί krasi
Wish επιθυμία epithymia
Wood ξύλο xylo
Wool μαλλί malli
Word λέξη lexe
Work δουλειά douleia
Worm σκουλήκι skouleki
Yarn νήμα nema
Your τα δικα σου ta dika sou
Zoom ανίπταμαι διαγωνίως aniptamai diagonios

5 letter words

About σχετικά με schetika me
Above πάνω από pano apo
Adapt προσαρμόζω prosarmozo
Admit ομολογώ omologo
Adult ενήλικας enelikas
After μετά meta
Again πάλι pali
Agree συμφωνώ symphono
Alert συναγερμός synagermos
Allow επιτρέπω epitrepo
Alone μόνος monos
Along κατά μήκος kata mekos
Anger θυμός thymos
Angle γωνία gonia
Angry θυμωμένος thymomenos
Asset περιουσιακό στοιχείο periousiako stoicheio
Avoid αποφύγει apophygei
Awake ξύπνιος xypnios
Aware ενήμερος enemeros
Begin αρχίσει archisei
Birth γέννηση gennese
Blood αίμα aima
Brain εγκέφαλος enkephalos
Built χτισμένο chtismeno
Bring να φερεις na phereis
Build χτίζω chtizo
Camel καμήλα kamela
Canal κανάλι kanali
Carry μεταφέρω metaphero
Cheap φτηνός phtenos
Cheat απάτη apate
Check έλεγχος elenchos
Chest στήθος stethos
Claim απαίτηση apaitese
Clear Σαφή Saphe
Climb αναρρίχηση anarrichese
Close Κλείσε Kleise
Cloth πανί pani
Cloud σύννεφο synnepho
Color χρώμα chroma
Crime έγκλημα enklema
Crowd πλήθος plethos
Crown στέμμα stemma
Daily καθημερινά kathemerina
Dance χορός choros
Death θάνατος thanatos
Decay φθορά phthora
Delay καθυστέρηση kathysterese
Devil διάβολος diabolos
Dirty βρώμικος bromikos
Dress φόρεμα phorema
Drink ποτό poto
Drive οδηγώ odego
Dwell κατοικώ katoiko
Eager πρόθυμος prothymos
Eagle αετός aetos
Early νωρίς noris
Earth  γη ge
Elder μεγαλύτερος megalyteros
Empty αδειάζω adeiazo
Enemy εχθρός echthros
Enjoy απολαμβάνω apolambano
Entry είσοδος eisodos
Equal ίσος isos
Essay Εκθεση ΙΔΕΩΝ Ekthese IDEON
Event Εκδήλωση Ekdelose
Every κάθε kathe
Exact ακριβής akribes
Exist υπάρχουν yparchoun
Extra επιπλέον epipleon
Faith πίστη piste
Fault σφάλμα sphalma
Fever πυρετός pyretos
Field πεδίο pedio
Final τελικός telikos
Fleet στόλος stolos
Float φλοτέρ phloter
Flood πλημμύρα plemmyra
Floor πάτωμα patoma
Flour αλεύρι aleuri
Fluid υγρό ygro
Focus Συγκεντρώνω Synkentrono
Force δύναμη dyname
Fraud απάτη apate
Fresh φρέσκο phresko
Front εμπρός empros
Fruit καρπός karpos
Ghost φάντασμα phantasma
Globe σφαίρα sphaira
Going μετάβαση metabase
Grain σιτηρά sitera
Grant χορήγηση choregese
Grass γρασίδι grasidi
Great μεγάλος megalos
Group ομάδα omada
Guard φρουρά phroura
Guest επισκέπτης episkeptes
Habit συνήθεια synetheia
Heart καρδιά kardia
Honey μέλι meli
Horse άλογο alogo
House σπίτι spiti
Human ο άνθρωπος o anthropos
Ideal ιδανικό idaniko
Issue θέμα thema
Judge δικαστής dikastes
Knife μαχαίρι machairi
Labor εργασία ergasia
Ladle κουτάλα koutala
Large μεγάλο megalo
Laugh γέλιο gelio
Learn μαθαίνω mathaino
Leave άδεια adeia
Legal νομικός nomikos
Limit όριο orio
Lunch μεσημεριανό mesemeriano
Metal μέταλλο metallo
Mixed μικτός miktos
Money χρήματα chremata
Month μήνας menas
Mount βουνό bouno
Mouth στόμα stoma
Maize αραβόσιτος arabositos
Naked γυμνός gymnos
Never ποτέ pote
Night Νύχτα Nychta
Niece ανηψιά anepsia
Noise θόρυβος thorybos
Occur συμβούν symboun
Ocean ωκεανός okeanos
Onion κρεμμύδι kremmydi
Offer προσφορά prosphora
Order Σειρά Seira
Organ όργανο organo
Other άλλα alla
Owner ιδιοκτήτης idioktetes
Paddy αναποφλοίωτο ρύζι anapophloioto ryzi
Panic πανικός panikos
Peace ειρήνη eirene
Place θέση these
Plant φυτό phyto
Price τιμή time
Pride υπερηφάνεια yperephaneia
Proud υπερήφανος yperephanos
Prove αποδεικνύω apodeiknyo
Quilt πάπλωμα paploma
Quick γρήγορα gregora
Quite αρκετά arketa
Raise υψώνω ypsono
Reach φθάνω phthano
React αντιδρώ antidro
Ready έτοιμος etoimos
Reply απάντηση apantese
Right σωστά sosta
Round γύρος gyros
Rural αγροτικός agrotikos
Saint άγιος agios
Scope πεδίο εφαρμογής pedio epharmoges
Score σκορ skor
Sense έννοια ennoia
Shake σέικ seik
Shape σχήμα schema
Share μερίδιο meridio
Sharp αιχμηρός aichmeros
Shrub θάμνος thamnos
Skill επιδεξιότητα epidexioteta
Sleep ύπνος ypnos
Slope κλίση klise
Small μικρό mikro
Smell μυρωδιά myrodia
Smile χαμόγελο chamogelo
Snake φίδι phidi
Snore ροχαλίζω rochalizo
Solid στερεός stereos
Sound ήχος echos
Space χώρος choros
Speak μιλώ milo
Speed Ταχύτητα Tachyteta
Spend περάσουν perasoun
Spent ξοδεύτηκε xodeuteke
Sperm σπέρμα sperma
Sport άθλημα athlema
Stand στάση stase
Steam ατμός atmos
Stone πέτρα petra
Story ιστορία istoria
Taste γεύση geuse
Teach διδάσκω didasko
Teeth δόντια dontia
Thank ευχαριστώ eucharisto
There εκεί ekei
These αυτά τα auta ta
Thick πυκνός pyknos
Thing πράγμα pragma
Tiger τίγρη tigre
Today σήμερα semera
Total σύνολο synolo
Treat θεραπεύω therapeuo
Trend τάση tase
Tried δοκιμασμένος dokimasmenos
Trust εμπιστοσύνη empistosyne
Truth αλήθεια aletheia
Twice εις διπλούν eis diploun
Under υπό ypo
Upper ανώτερος anoteros
Urban αστικός astikos
Visit επίσκεψη episkepse
Voice φωνή phone
Vomit κάνω εμετό kano emeto
Waste απόβλητα apobleta
Water νερό nero
Wheat σιτάρι sitari
Where που pou
White λευκό leuko
Whole ολόκληρος olokleros
Woman γυναίκα gynaika
World κόσμος kosmos
Worst χειριστός cheiristos
Write γράφω grapho
Wrong λανθασμένος lanthasmenos
Yield απόδοση παραγωγής apodose paragoges
Young νέος neos

Medium words

6 letter words

Absent απών apon
Accept αποδέχομαι apodechomai
Admire θαυμάζω thaumazo
Advice συμβουλή symboule
Almost σχεδόν schedon
Always πάντα panta
Animal ζώο zoo
Answer απάντηση apantese
Appeal έφεση ephese
Appear εμφανίζομαι emphanizomai
Arrive φθάνω phthano
Artist καλλιτέχνης kallitechnes
Assist βοηθώ boetho
Attack επίθεση epithese
Attach συνδέω syndeo
Attend παραβρίσκομαι parabriskomai
Bangle βραχιόλι brachioli
Before πριν prin
Behind πίσω piso
Bellow βελάζω belazo
Better καλύτερα kalytera
Borrow δανείζομαι daneizomai
Bottom κάτω μέρος kato meros
Broken σπασμένος spasmenos
Budget προϋπολογισμός proupologismos
Cancel Ματαίωση Mataiose
Cancer Καρκίνος Karkinos
Carrot καρότο karoto
Cattle βοοειδή booeide
Common κοινός koinos
Compel υποχρεώνω ypochreono
Corner γωνία gonia
Couple ζευγάρι zeugari
Course σειρά μαθημάτων seira mathematon
Create δημιουργώ demiourgo
Custom έθιμο ethimo
Damage βλάβη blabe
Dancer χορεύτρια choreutria
Danger κίνδυνος kindynos
Decade δεκαετία dekaetia
Defeat ήττα etta
Delete διαγράφω diagrapho
Demand ζήτηση zetese
Desire επιθυμία epithymia
Detail λεπτομέρεια leptomereia
Dinner δείπνο deipno
Divine θεϊκός theikos
Donkey Γάιδαρος Gaidaros
Double διπλό diplo
Edible εδώδιμος edodimos
Effect αποτέλεσμα apotelesma
Either είτε eite
Empire αυτοκρατορία autokratoria
Energy ενέργεια energeia
Enough αρκετά arketa
Ensure εξασφαλίζω exasphalizo
Entire ολόκληρος olokleros
Except εκτός ektos
Expand επεκτείνουν epekteinoun
Expect αναμένω anameno
Export εξαγωγή exagoge
Extend επεκτείνω epekteino
Facade πρόσοψη prosopse
Family οικογένεια oikogeneia
Famous διάσημος diasemos
Faulty ελαττωματικός elattomatikos
Favour εύνοια eunoia
Famous διάσημος diasemos
Favour εύνοια eunoia
Female θηλυκός thelykos
Fiance αρραβωνιαστικός arraboniastikos
Finish φινίρισμα phinirisma
Flower λουλούδι louloudi
Forest δάσος dasos
Forgot ξέχασε xechase
Freeze πάγωμα pagoma
Friend φίλος philos
Future μελλοντικός mellontikos
Garage γκαράζ nkaraz
Garden κήπος kepos
Garlic σκόρδο skordo
Ginger τζίντζερ tzintzer
Global παγκόσμια pankosmia
Ground έδαφος edaphos
Growth ανάπτυξη anaptyxe
Health υγεία ygeia
Hidden κρυμμένος krymmenos
Honest τίμιος timios
Honour τιμή time
Hostel ξενοδοχείο xenodocheio
Humble ταπεινός tapeinos
Hungry πεινασμένος peinasmenos
Ignore αγνοώ agnoo
Impact επίπτωση epiptose
Impure ακάθαρτος akathartos
Income εισόδημα eisodema
Inform πληροφορώ plerophoro
Insect έντομο entomo
Inside μέσα mesa
Jungle ζούγκλα zounkla
Kidnap απαγωγή apagoge
Kindle ανάπτω anapto
Labour εργασία ergasia
Leader ηγέτης egetes
Length μήκος mekos
Letter γράμμα gramma
Liquid υγρό ygro
Little λίγο ligo
Living ζωή zoe
Lizard σαύρα saura
Locate εγκατάσταση enkatastase
Luxury πολυτέλεια polyteleia
Making κατασκευή kataskeue
Mammal θηλαστικό ζώο thelastiko zoo
Manage διαχειρίζονται diacheirizontai
Manual εγχειρίδιο encheiridio
Market αγορά agora
Mental διανοητικός dianoetikos
Method μέθοδος methodos
Middle μεσαίο mesaio
Monkey Πίθηκος Pithekos
Mother μητέρα metera
Muscle μυς mys
Narrow στενός stenos
Native ντόπιος ntopios
Nature φύση physe
Normal κανονικός kanonikos
Number αριθμός arithmos
Object αντικείμενο antikeimeno
Office γραφείο grapheio
Option επιλογή epiloge
Parent μητρική εταιρεία metrike etaireia
Parrot παπαγάλος papagalos
People Ανθρωποι Anthropoi
Person πρόσωπο prosopo
Pickle πίκλα pikla
Picnic πικνίκ piknik
Pigeon περιστέρι peristeri
Planet πλανήτης planetes
Please σας παρακαλούμε sas parakaloume
Plenty αφθονία aphthonia
Police αστυνομία astynomia
Potato πατάτα patata
Praise έπαινος epainos
Prayer προσευχή proseuche
Pretty αρκετά arketa
Prince πρίγκιπας prinkipas
Profit κέρδος kerdos
Proper κατάλληλος katallelos
Public δημόσιο demosio
Rabbit κουνέλι kouneli
Recent πρόσφατος prosphatos
Recipe συνταγή syntage
Record Ρεκόρ Rekor
Reduce περιορίζω periorizo
Regret μετανιώνω metaniono
Reject απορρίπτω aporripto
Remind υπενθυμίζω ypenthymizo
Remove αφαιρώ aphairo
Repair επισκευή episkeue
Repeat επαναλαμβάνω epanalambano
Rotate γυρίζω gyrizo
Safety ασφάλεια asphaleia
Salary Μισθός Misthos
Sample δείγμα deigma
School σχολείο scholeio
Screen οθόνη othone
Script γραφή graphe
Scroll πάπυρος papyros
Search Αναζήτηση Anazetese
Season εποχή epoche
Secret μυστικό mystiko
Secure ασφαλής asphales
Select επιλέγω epilego
Senior αρχαιότερος archaioteros
Shield ασπίδα aspida
Should πρέπει prepei
Shower ντους ntous
Silent σιωπηλός siopelos
Single μονόκλινο monoklino
Sister αδελφή adelphe
Smooth λείος leios
Social κοινωνικός koinonikos
Speech ομιλία omilia
Street δρόμος dromos
Strong ισχυρός ischyros
Sudden αιφνίδιος aiphnidios
Summer καλοκαίρι kalokairi
Supply Προμήθεια Prometheia
Talent ταλέντο talento
Temple ναός naos
Thread Νήμα Nema
Thrill συγκίνηση synkinese
Throat λαιμός laimos
Tittle ελάχιστο μόριο elachisto morio
Toilet τουαλέτα toualeta
Tomato ντομάτα ntomata
Tongue γλώσσα glossa
Travel ταξίδι taxidi
Tunnel σήραγγα seranga
Turtle χελώνα chelona
Unseen αόρατος aoratos
Update εκσυγχρονίζω eksynchronizo
Urgent επείγων epeigon
Useful χρήσιμος chresimos
Vacate εκκενώ ekkeno
Vacuum κενό keno
Vapour ατμός atmos
Verify επαληθεύω epaletheuo
Virgin παρθένα parthena
Wealth πλούτος ploutos
Weekly εβδομαδιαίος ebdomadiaios
Weight βάρος baros
Winter χειμώνας cheimonas
Winner νικητής niketes
Wonder θαύμα thauma
Worker εργάτης ergates
Writer συγγραφέας syngrapheas
Yearly ετήσια etesia

7 letter words

Achieve φέρνω σε πέρας pherno se peras
Advance προκαταβολή prokatabole
Against κατά kata
Already ήδη ede
Ancient αρχαίος archaios
Anybody οποιοσδήποτε opoiosdepote
Approve εγκρίνω enkrino
Apology απολογία apologia
Archive αρχείο archeio
Arrange κανονίζω kanonizo
Arrival άφιξη aphixe
Article άρθρο arthro
Attempt απόπειρα apopeira
Attract προσελκύω proselkyo
Average μέση τιμή mese time
Bandage επίδεσμος epidesmos
Barrage πυκνό πυρ pykno pyr
Barrier εμπόδιο empodio
Because επειδή epeide
Benefit όφελος ophelos
Between μεταξύ metaxy
Cabbage λάχανο lachano
Capture πιάνω piano
Careful προσεκτικός prosektikos
Carrier φορέας phoreas
Century αιώνας aionas
Certain βέβαιος bebaios
Chamber θάλαμος – Δωμάτιο thalamos – Domatio
Chapter κεφάλαιο kephalaio
Charity φιλανθρωπία philanthropia
Climate κλίμα klima
Coconut καρύδα karyda
Collect συλλέγω syllego
College Κολλέγιο Kollegio
Comfort άνεση anese
Command εντολή entole
Comment σχόλιο scholio
Company Εταιρία Etairia
Compare συγκρίνω synkrino
Concept έννοια ennoia
Concern ανησυχία anesychia
Conduct συμπεριφορά symperiphora
Confirm επιβεβαιώνω epibebaiono
Connect συνδέω-συωδεομαι syndeo-syodeomai
Contact Επικοινωνία Epikoinonia
Control έλεγχος elenchos
Convert μετατρέπω metatrepo
Correct σωστός sostos
Costume ενδυμασία endymasia
Cottage εξοχικό σπίτι exochiko spiti
Country Χώρα Chora
Courage θάρρος tharros
Cucumber αγγούρι angouri
Curious περίεργος periergos
Declare δηλώνω delono
Defense άμυνα amyna
Dentist οδοντίατρος odontiatros
Deposit κατάθεση katathese
Despite παρά para
Destroy καταστρέφω katastrepho
Develop αναπτύσσω anaptysso
Disease ασθένεια astheneia
Display απεικόνιση apeikonise
Disturb ενοχλεί enochlei
Dynasty δυναστεία dynasteia
Eagerly με ενθουσιασμό me enthousiasmo
Earning κερδίζοντας kerdizontas
Eatable φαγώσιμος phagosimos
Ecology οικολογία oikologia
Economy οικονομία oikonomia
Edition έκδοση ekdose
Elegant κομψός kompsos
Enhance ενισχύω enischyo
Episode επεισόδιο epeisodio
Example παράδειγμα paradeigma
Evening απόγευμα apogeuma
Exclude αποκλείω apokleio
Explain εξηγώ exego
Explore εξερευνώ exereuno
Educate εκπαιδεύσει ekpaideusei
Factory εργοστάσιο ergostasio
Failure αποτυχία apotychia
Feature χαρακτηριστικό charakteristiko
Finance χρηματοδότηση chrematodotese
Flavour γεύση geuse
Fluency Ευφράδεια Euphradeia
Forever για πάντα gia panta
Further περαιτέρω peraitero
Garment ένδυμα endyma
General γενικός genikos
Genuine γνήσιος gnesios
Glamour αίγλη aigle
Grammar γραμματική grammatike
Grocery παντοπωλείο pantopoleio
Habitat βιότοπο biotopo
Harmful επιβλαβής epiblabes
Harvest συγκομιδή synkomide
Heading επικεφαλίδα epikephalida
Hearing ακρόαση akroase
Helpful βοηθητικός boethetikos
History ιστορία istoria
Holding κράτημα kratema
Holiday αργία argia
Hundred εκατό ekato
Husband σύζυγος syzygos
Hygiene υγιεινή ygieine
Impress εντυπωσιάζω entyposiazo
Improve βελτιώσει beltiosei
Include περιλαμβάνω perilambano
Initial αρχικός archikos
Inspect επιθεωρώ epitheoro
Inspire εμπνέω empneo
Journey ταξίδι taxidi
Justice δικαιοσύνη dikaiosyne
Leading κύριος kyrios
Leather δέρμα derma
Leaving φεύγοντας pheugontas
Lecture διάλεξη dialexe
Liberal φιλελεύθερος phileleutheros
Lovable αξιαγάπητος axiagapetos
Luggage αποσκευές aposkeues
Manager διευθυντής dieuthyntes
Maximum ανώτατο όριο anotato orio
Meaning έννοια ennoia
Measure μετρήσει metresei
Medical ιατρικός iatrikos
Message μήνυμα menyma
Migrant μετανάστης metanastes
Mineral ορυκτό orykto
Minimum ελάχιστο elachisto
Miracle θαύμα thauma
Missile βλήμα blema
Missing λείπει leipei
Mistake λάθος lathos
Morning πρωί proi
Mustard μουστάρδα moustarda
Mystery μυστήριο mysterio
Narrate διηγούμαι diegoumai
Natural φυσικός physikos
Naughty άτακτος ataktos
Neglect παραμέληση paramelese
Neither κανενα απο τα δυο kanena apo ta dyo
Nervous νευρικός neurikos
Network δίκτυο diktyo
Nothing τίποτα tipota
Observe παρατηρώ paratero
Opening άνοιγμα anoigma
Operate λειτουργεί leitourgei
Opinion γνώμη gnome
Organic οργανικός organikos
Ostrich στρουθοκάμηλος strouthokamelos
Package πακέτο paketo
Painful επώδυνος epodynos
Partial μερικός merikos
Passage πέρασμα perasma
Patient υπομονετικος ypomonetikos
Payment πληρωμή plerome
Penalty ποινή poine
Pending εκκρεμής ekkremes
Penguin πιγκουίνος pinkouinos
Pension σύνταξη syntaxe
Perfect τέλειος teleios
Perfume άρωμα aroma
Popular δημοφιλής demophiles
Pottery κεραμικά keramika
Poverty φτώχεια phtocheia
Prevent αποτρέψει apotrepsei
Privacy μυστικότητα mystikoteta
Private ιδιωτικός idiotikos
Problem πρόβλημα problema
Produce παράγω parago
Propose προτείνω proteino
Purpose σκοπός skopos
Quality ποιότητα poioteta
Quickly γρήγορα gregora
Receive λαμβάνω lambano
Regular τακτικός taktikos
Related σχετίζεται με schetizetai me
Release ελευθέρωση eleutherose
Replace αντικαθιστώ antikathisto
Reptile έρπων erpon
Request αίτηση aitese
Respect Σεβασμός Sebasmos
Respond απαντώ apanto
Revenge εκδίκηση ekdikese
Revenue έσοδα esoda
Robbery ληστεία lesteia
Romance ειδύλλιο eidyllio
Science επιστήμη episteme
Serious σοβαρός sobaros
Servant υπηρέτης yperetes
Service υπηρεσία yperesia
Similar παρόμοιος paromoios
Society κοινωνία koinonia
Sparrow σπουργίτης spourgites
Special ειδικός eidikos
Stomach στομάχι stomachi
Student μαθητης σχολειου mathetes scholeiou
Success επιτυχία epitychia
Suggest προτείνω proteino
Suicide αυτοκτονία autoktonia
Support υποστήριξη yposterixe
Suspend αναστέλλω anastello
Teacher δάσκαλος daskalos
Teenage εφηβική ephebike
Tension ένταση entase
Trouble ταλαιπωρία talaiporia
Uniform στολή stole
Utility χρησιμότητα chresimoteta
Vacancy κενή θέση kene these
Variety ποικιλία poikilia
Vehicle όχημα ochema
Village χωριό chorio
Vintage σοδειά sodeia
Victory νίκη nike
Violent βίαιος biaios
Visible ορατός oratos
Visitor επισκέπτης episkeptes
Vitamin βιταμίνη bitamine
Walking το περπάτημα to perpatema
Wanting στερούμενος steroumenos
Warning προειδοποίηση proeidopoiese
Wealthy πλούσιος plousios
Weather καιρός kairos
Wedding γάμος gamos
Welcome καλως ΗΡΘΑΤΕ kalos ERTHATE
Welfare ευημερία euemeria
Winning επιτυχής epityches
Working εργαζόμενος ergazomenos
Worried ανήσυχος anesychos
Worship λατρεία latreia
Writing Γραφή Graphe

8 letter words

Abnormal ασυνήθιστος asynethistos
Absolute απόλυτος apolytos
Accepted δεκτός dektos
Accident ατύχημα atychema
Accuracy ακρίβεια akribeia
Activate θέτω εις ενέργειαν theto eis energeian
Addition πρόσθεση prosthese
Adequate επαρκής eparkes
Affected επηρεάζονται epereazontai
Alphabet αλφάβητο alphabeto
Anything Οτιδήποτε Otidepote
Anywhere οπουδήποτε opoudepote
Appraise εκτιμώ ektimo
Approach πλησιάζω plesiazo
Approval έγκριση enkrise
Argument διαφωνία diaphonia
Assemble συγκεντρώνουν synkentronoun
Attitude συμπεριφορά symperiphora
Audience κοινό koino
Attorney δικηγόρος dikegoros
Aviation αεροπορία aeroporia
Backward οπισθοδρομικός opisthodromikos
Beginner αρχάριος archarios
Birthday γενέθλια genethlia
Bleeding Αιμορραγία Aimorragia
Building Κτίριο Ktirio
Campaign καμπάνια kampania
Carriage μεταφορά metaphora
Children παιδιά paidia
Cleavage σχίσιμο schisimo
Complete πλήρης pleres
Conserve συντηρώ syntero
Consider σκεφτείτε skephteite
Consumer καταναλωτής katanalotes
Continue να συνεχίσει na synechisei
Criminal εγκληματίας enklematias
Critical κρίσιμος krisimos
Daughter κόρη kore
Decision απόφαση apophase
Decrease μείωση meiose
Delicate λεπτός leptos
Delivery διανομή dianome
Delusion αυταπάτη autapate
Describe περιγράφω perigrapho
Disagree διαφωνώ diaphono
Disallow απαγορεύω apagoreuo
Duration διάρκεια diarkeia
Economic οικονομικός oikonomikos
Elephant ελέφαντας elephantas
Eligible επιλέξιμες epileximes
Employee υπάλληλος ypallelos
Enormous τεράστιος terastios
Entrance είσοδος eisodos
Envelope φάκελος phakelos
Estimate εκτίμηση ektimese
Everyday κάθε μέρα kathe mera
Exercise άσκηση askese
Explicit σαφής saphes
Exposure έκθεση ekthese
External εξωτερικός exoterikos
Facility ευκολία eukolia
Faithful πιστός pistos
Favorite αγαπημένη agapemene
Favorite αγαπημένη agapemene
Festival Φεστιβάλ Phestibal
Flexible εύκαμπτος eukamptos
Friction τριβή tribe
Generate παράγω parago
Greeting χαιρετισμός chairetismos
Guardian κηδεμόνας kedemonas
Heritage Κληρονομία Kleronomia
Horrible φρικτός phriktos
Hospital νοσοκομείο nosokomeio
Humorous κωμικός komikos
Identity Ταυτότητα Tautoteta
Incident περιστατικό peristatiko
Increase αυξάνουν auxanoun
Indicate υποδεικνύω ypodeiknyo
Industry βιομηχανία biomechania
Jealousy ζήλια zelia
Learning μάθηση mathese
Location τοποθεσία topothesia
Majority η πλειοψηφία e pleiopsephia
Marriage γάμος gamos
Material υλικό yliko
Medicine φάρμακο pharmako
Moderate μέτριος metrios
Mosquito κουνούπι kounoupi
Mountain βουνό bouno
Narrator αφηγητής aphegetes
Nutrient θρεπτικός threptikos
Opposite απεναντι απο apenanti apo
Original πρωτότυπο prototypo
Ornament στολίδι stolidi
Painting ζωγραφική zographike
Particle σωματίδιο somatidio
Patience υπομονή ypomone
Pleasure ευχαρίστηση eucharistese
Position θέση these
Positive θετικός thetikos
Possible δυνατόν dynaton
Postpone αναβάλλω anaballo
Powerful ισχυρός ischyros
Precious πολύτιμος polytimos
Pregnant έγκυος enkyos
Pressure πίεση piese
Previous προηγούμενος proegoumenos
Progress πρόοδος proodos
Prohibit απαγορεύω apagoreuo
Property ιδιοκτησία idioktesia
Purchase αγορά agora
Quantity ποσότητα posoteta
Recovery ανάκτηση anaktese
Regional περιφερειακό periphereiako
Relevant σχετικό schetiko
Religion θρησκεία threskeia
Remember θυμάμαι thymamai
Research έρευνα ereuna
Resource πόρος poros
Response απάντηση apantese
Restrict περιορίζω periorizo
Revision αναθεώρηση anatheorese
Sensible λογικός logikos
Sentence πρόταση protase
Separate ξεχωριστός xechoristos
Stranger ξένος xenos
Strategy στρατηγική strategike
Strength δύναμη dyname
Struggle πάλη pale
Suitable κατάλληλος katallelos
Superior ανώτερος anoteros
Surprise έκπληξη ekplexe
Swelling πρήξιμο preximo
Terrible τρομερός tromeros
Together μαζί mazi
Tomorrow αύριο aurio
Training εκπαίδευση ekpaideuse
Transmit διαβιβάζει diabibazei
Treasure θησαυρός thesauros
Umbrella ομπρέλα omprela
Universe σύμπαν sympan
Vacation διακοπές diakopes
Validate επικυρώνω epikyrono
Vertical κατακόρυφος katakoryphos
Vigorous σθεναρός sthenaros
Violence βία bia
Vocation κλίση προς επάγγελμα klise pros epangelma
Vomiting εμετός emetos
Wildlife άγρια ​​ζωή agria zoe
Yielding ενδοτικότητα endotikoteta
Yourself ο ίδιος o idios
Youthful νεανικός neanikos

Hard Words

9 letter words

Accession ένταξη entaxe
Accessory αξεσουάρ axesouar
Accompany συνοδεύω synodeuo
Actualize πραγματοποίηση pragmatopoiese
Admirable θαυμαστός thaumastos
Advantage πλεονέκτημα pleonektema
Advisable ορθός orthos
Affection στοργή storge
Affiliate υιοθετώ yiotheto
Afternoon απόγευμα apogeuma
Aggregate σύνολο synolo
Agreement συμφωνία symphonia
Allowance επίδομα epidoma
Alternate εναλλακτικό enallaktiko
Ambiguous ασαφής asaphes
Animation κινουμένων σχεδίων kinoumenon schedion
Apologist απολογητής apologetes
Applicant αιτών aiton
Architect αρχιτέκτονας architektonas
Associate σύντροφος syntrophos
Astronomy αστρονομία astronomia
Attention προσοχή prosoche
Attribute Χαρακτηριστικό Charakteristiko
Authority εξουσία exousia
Automatic αυτόματο automato
Available διαθέσιμος diathesimos
Awareness επίγνωση epignose
Beautiful πανεμορφη panemorphe
Butterfly πεταλούδα petalouda
Calibrate μετρώ την διάμετρο metro ten diametro
Candidate υποψήφιος ypopsephios
Celebrate γιορτάζω giortazo
Challenge πρόκληση proklese
Confident βέβαιος bebaios
Confusion σύγχυση synchyse
Conscious συνειδητός syneidetos
Crocodile κροκόδειλος krokodeilos
Curiosity περιέργεια periergeia
Dangerous επικίνδυνος epikindynos
Delicious νόστιμο nostimo
Democracy Δημοκρατία Demokratia
Dependent εξαρτώμενος exartomenos
Different διαφορετικός diaphoretikos
Difficult δύσκολος dyskolos
Discovery ανακάλυψη anakalypse
Dishonest ανέντιμος anentimos
Diversity ποικιλία poikilia
Duplicate αντίγραφο antigrapho
Education εκπαίδευση ekpaideuse
Effective αποτελεσματικός apotelesmatikos
Emergency επείγον epeigon
Equipment εξοπλισμός exoplismos
Essential ουσιώδης ousiodes
Establish εγκαθιδρύω enkathidryo
Evolution εξέλιξη exelixe
Excellent έξοχος exochos
Expensive ακριβός akribos
Fantastic φανταστικός phantastikos
Fertility γονιμότητα gonimoteta
Financial χρηματοοικονομική chrematooikonomike
Generally γενικά genika
Glamorous γοητευτικός goeteutikos
Happening συμβαίνει symbainei
Household νοικοκυριό noikokyrio
Identical πανομοιότυπο panomoiotypo
Important σπουδαίος spoudaios
Incorrect ανακριβής anakribes
Incorrupt αδιάφθωρος adiaphthoros
Influence επιρροή epirroe
Interview συνέντευξη synenteuxe
Intestine έντερο entero
Introduce παρουσιάζω parousiazo
Invention εφεύρεση epheurese
Invisible αόρατος aoratos
Irregular ακανόνιστος akanonistos
Jewellery κοσμήματα kosmemata
Knowledge η γνώση e gnose
Liability Ευθύνη Euthyne
Misbehave παρεκτρέπομαι parektrepomai
Narration αφήγηση aphegese
Necessity ανάγκη ananke
Negotiate διαπραγματεύομαι diapragmateuomai
Nutrition θρέψη threpse
Offensive προσβλητικός prosbletikos
Partition χώρισμα chorisma
Political πολιτικός politikos
Pollution ρύπανση rypanse
Potential δυνητικός dynetikos
Practical πρακτικός praktikos
Precision ακρίβεια akribeia
Privilege προνόμιο pronomio
Procedure διαδικασία diadikasia
Prominent διακεκριμένος diakekrimenos
Professor καθηγητής kathegetes
Promotion προβολή probole
Provoking προκλητικός prokletikos
Qualified αρμόδιος armodios
Reference αναφορά anaphora
Repulsion αποστροφή apostrophe
Residence τόπος κατοικίας topos katoikias
Sacrifice θυσία thysia
Sensitive ευαίσθητος euaisthetos
Something κάτι kati
Statement δήλωση delose
Subscribe Εγγραφείτε Engrapheite
Substance ουσία ousia
Sugarcane ζαχαροκάλαμο zacharokalamo
Sunflower ηλιοτρόπιο eliotropio
Surrender παράδοση paradose
Technical τεχνικός technikos
Temporary προσωρινός prosorinos
Terrorist τρομοκράτης tromokrates
Treatment θεραπευτική αγωγή therapeutike agoge
Variation παραλλαγή parallage
Vegetable λαχανικό lachaniko
Virginity παρθενιά parthenia
Yesterday εχθές echthes

10 letter words

Abbreviate βραχύνω brachyno
Absolutely απολύτως apolytos
Absorption απορρόφηση aporrophese
Acceptable δεκτός dektos
Achievable κατορθωτός katorthotos
Additional πρόσθετος prosthetos
Admiration θαυμασμός thaumasmos
Adolescent έφηβος ephebos
Adulterant νοθευτικός notheutikos
Adventurer τυχοδιώκτης tychodioktes
Afterwards έπειτα epeita
Aggression επίθεση epithese
Alteration μεταβολή metabole
Ambassador πρεσβευτής presbeutes
Analytical αναλυτικός analytikos
Antibiotic αντιβιοτικό antibiotiko
Anticipate προσδοκώ prosdoko
Appreciate Εκτιμώ Ektimo
Artificial τεχνητός technetos
Aspiration φιλοδοξία philodoxia
Atmosphere ατμόσφαιρα atmosphaira
Attachment συνημμένο synemmeno
Attraction αξιοθεατο axiotheato
Chloroform χλωροφόρμιο chlorophormio
Combustion καύση kause
Commission επιτροπή epitrope
Compassion συμπόνια symponia
Compulsory υποχρεωτικός ypochreotikos
Conclusion συμπέρασμα symperasma
Confection παρασκεύασμα paraskeuasma
Corruption διαφθορά diaphthora
Decoration διακόσμηση diakosmese
Dedication αφιέρωση aphierose
Deficiency έλλειψη elleipse
Definition ορισμός orismos
Department τμήμα tmema
Depression κατάθλιψη katathlipse
Dictionary λεξικό lexiko
Discipline πειθαρχία peitharchia
Disclaimer αποποίηση ευθυνών apopoiese euthynon
Disclosure αποκάλυψη apokalypse
Discussion συζήτηση syzetese
Efficiency αποδοτικότητα apodotikoteta
Employment εργασία ergasia
Engagement σύμπλεξη symplexe
Everything τα παντα ta panta
Everywhere παντού pantou
Exhibition έκθεση ekthese
Experience εμπειρία empeiria
Experiment πείραμα peirama
Expiration λήξη lexe
Expression έκφραση ekphrase
Fertilizer λίπασμα lipasma
Foundation θεμέλιο themelio
Generation γενιά genia
Government κυβέρνηση kybernese
Importance σημασια semasia
Impossible αδύνατο adynato
Inadequate ανεπαρκής aneparkes
Incomplete ατελής ateles
Incredible απίστευτος apisteutos
Individual άτομο atomo
Inspection επιθεώρηση epitheorese
Instrument όργανο organo
Irrigation άρδευση ardeuse
Journalism δημοσιογραφία demosiographia
Management διαχείριση diacheirise
Moderation μετριοπάθεια metriopatheia
Motivation κίνητρο kinetro
Negligible αμελητέος ameleteos
Occupation κατοχή katoche
Particular ιδιαιτερος idiaiteros
Passionate παθιασμένος pathiasmenos
Permission άδεια adeia
Population πληθυσμός plethysmos
Production παραγωγή paragoge
Prostitute πόρνη porne
Psychology ψυχολογία psychologia
Punishment τιμωρία timoria
Quarantine καραντίνα karantina
Retirement συνταξιοδότηση syntaxiodotese
Sufficient επαρκής eparkes
Supervisor Επόπτης Epoptes
Supplement συμπλήρωμα sympleroma
University πανεπιστήμιο panepistemio
Vegetarian χορτοφάγος chortophagos
Visibility ορατότητα oratoteta
Vulnerable ευάλωτες eualotes

Advanced Words

11 letter words

Accommodate φιλοξενώ philoxeno
Achievement κατόρθωμα katorthoma
Acknowledge αναγνωρίζω anagnorizo
Affirmation επιβεβαίωση epibebaiose
Aggregation συσσωμάτωση syssomatose
Agriculture γεωργία georgia
Alternation εναλλαγή enallage
Anniversary επέτειος epeteios
Application εφαρμογή epharmoge
Appointment ραντεβού rantebou
Appreciable υπολογίσιμος ypologisimos
Approximate κατά προσέγγιση kata prosengise
Association σχέση schese
Certificate πιστοποιητικό pistopoietiko
Competition ανταγωνισμός antagonismos
Cultivation καλλιέργεια kalliergeia
Corporation εταιρεία etaireia
Cooperation συνεργασία synergasia
Dehydration αφυδάτωση aphydatose
Discontinue διακόπτω diakopto
Elimination εξάλειψη exaleipse
Environment περιβάλλον periballon
Evaporation εξάτμιση exatmise
Examination εξέταση exetase
Expenditure δαπάνη dapane
Fabrication κατασκεύασμα kataskeuasma
Improvement βελτίωση beltiose
Independent ανεξάρτητος anexartetos
Information πληροφορίες plerophories
Inspiration έμπνευση empneuse
Institution ίδρυμα idryma
Instruction εντολή entole
Intelligent έξυπνος exypnos
Manufacture κατασκευή kataskeue
Measurement μέτρηση metrese
Mensuration καταμέτρηση katametrese
Observation παρατήρηση paraterese
Opportunity ευκαιρία eukairia
Participant συμμέτοχος symmetochos
Performance εκτέλεση ektelese
Preparation παρασκευή paraskeue
Significant σημαντικός semantikos
Temperature θερμοκρασία thermokrasia
Translation μετάφραση metaphrase
Transparent διαφανής diaphanes
Vaccination εμβολιασμός emboliasmos

12, 13 letter words

Abbreviation συντομογραφία syntomographia
Administrate διοικεί dioikei
Appreciation εκτίμηση ektimese
Accommodation κατάλυμα katalyma
Accompaniment συνοδεία synodeia
Administrator διαχειριστής diacheiristes
Advertisement διαφήμιση diaphemise
Administration διαχείριση diacheirise
Acknowledgement αναγνώριση anagnorise
Conformation διαμόρφωση diamorphose
Conservation διατήρηση diaterese
Constitution σύνταγμα syntagma
Construction κατασκευή kataskeue
Contribution συνεισφορά syneisphora
Communication επικοινωνία epikoinonia
Classification ταξινόμηση taxinomese
Congratulation συγχαρητήρια synchareteria
Disadvantage μειονέκτημα meionektema
Entrepreneur επιχειρηματίας epicheirematias
Entertainment ψυχαγωγία psychagogia
Extraordinary έκτακτος ektaktos
Horticulture κηπουρική kepourike
Intermediate ενδιάμεσος endiamesos
Introduction εισαγωγή eisagoge
Investigation έρευνα ereuna
International Διεθνές Diethnes
Identification ταυτοποίηση tautopoiese
Justification αιτιολόγηση aitiologese
Knowledgeable γνώστης gnostes
Maintainable διατηρητέο diatereteo
Organization οργάνωση organose
Presentation παρουσίαση parousiase
Preservation διατήρηση diaterese
Purification κάθαρση katharse
Participation συμμετοχή symmetoche
Registration εγγραφή engraphe
Reproduction αναπαραγωγή anaparagoge
Satisfaction ικανοποίηση ikanopoiese
Self-confidence αυτοπεποίθηση autopepoithese
Transformation μεταμόρφωση metamorphose
Transportation Μεταφορά Metaphora


Household Items




Daily use Greek Sentences

English to Greek – here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Greek meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Καλημέρα Kalimera
What is your name Πως σε λένε Pos se lene
What is your problem? ποιό είναι το πρόβλημά σου? poio einai to provlima sou?
I hate you σε μισώ se miso
I love you Σε αγαπώ Se agapo
Can I help you? μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω? boro na se voithiso?
I am sorry Λυπάμαι Lypamai
I want to sleep θέλω να κοιμηθώ thelo na koimitho
This is very important Αυτo είναι πολύ σημαντικo Afto einai poly simantiko
Are you hungry? πεινάς? peinas?
How is your life? Πώς είναι η ζωή σας? Pos einai i zoi sas?
I am going to study παω να διαβασω pao na diavaso
  • Day
  • Job
  • Law
  • Gems
  • Time
  • Food
  • Bird
  • Color
  • Month
  • Fruit
  • Ocean
  • Cloth
  • Shape
  • Crime
  • Planet
  • Season
  • Zodiac
  • Flower
  • Plants
  • Number
  • Animal
  • School
  • Places
  • Grains
  • Travel
  • Cinema
  • Google
  • Disease
  • Climate
  • Weather
  • Cereals
  • Ecology
  • Meeting
  • Computer
  • Minerals
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Hospital
  • Greeting
  • Building
  • Picture
  • Relation
  • Direction
  • Vegetable
  • Insurance
  • Stationery
  • Landscape
  • Ornaments
  • Body parts
  • Occupation
  • Restaurant
  • Healthcare
  • Newspaper
  • Real Estate
  • Ology words
  • Management
  • Measurement
  • House items
  • Kitchen items
  • Grocery items

For those looking to learn a language quickly, Tim Ferris (of the 4 Hour Work Week) recommends you learn vocabulary based on frequency. For example, the 100 most frequently used words in English writing make up about 25% of all English writing. That’s a huge return on investment for learning only 100 worlds, right? I once had a student ask me to prepare her a list of the 100 most frequently used Greek words. As far as I know, there is no official list of this type, so I created the list below based on my experience with the language, not on any official research. However, for those looking to learn 100 of the most commonly used Greek words, this is the right place to start.

Word Transliteration Meaning 1 τι ti  what 2 το to  the (neuter, singular, nominative and accusative) / it (personal pronoun, neuter, singular, accusative) 3 ο o  the (masculine, singular) 4 η ee  the (feminine, singular) 5 τον ton  the (masculine, singular, nominative)/ him (personal pronoun, masculine, singular, accusative) 6 την tin  the (feminine, singular, accusative) / her  (personal pronoun, feminine, singular, accusative) 7 οι ee  the (masculine and feminine, plural, nominative) 8 τα ta  the (neuter, plural) 9 των ton  of the (possessive case, masculine, feminine and neuter, plural) 10 μου mou  my / me(personal pronoun, singular, genitive) 11 σου sou  your / you (singular) 12 του tou of the (possessive case, masculine and neuter  singular)/ his / him (personal pronoun masculine or neuter, genitive, singular) 13 μας mas  our / us 14 σας sas  your / you (plural) 15 τους tous  their / them 16 εγώ ego  I 17 εσύ esee you 18 εμείς emeis we 19 μένα mena  me (personal pronoun, singular, accusative) 20 σένα sena  you (personal pronoun, singular, accusative) 21 ένας enas  a / one (masculine, singular, nominative) 22 έναν enan  a / one (masculine, singular, accusative) 23 μία mis  a / one (feminine, singular, nominative and accusative) 24 ένα ena  a / one (neuter, singular, nominative and accusative) 25 πολύ polee  very / much / a lot 26 να na  to (particle) 27 δε(ν) de  not 28 μην min  do not 29 και (κι) ke (ki)  and 30 με me  with / me (personal pronoun, singular, accusative) 31 από apo  from 32 για gia  for 33 μα ma  but 34 ναι ne  yes 35 όχι ohi  no 36 στον ston  in, at, to (masculine, singular, accusative) 37 στο sto  in, at, to (neuter, singular, accusative) 38 στη sti  in, at, to (feminine, singular, accusative) 39 στους stous  in, at, to (masculine, plural, accusative) 40 στα sta  in, at, to (neuter, plural, accusative) 41 στις stis  in, at, to (feminine, plural, accusative) 42 στου stu  at (masculine and neuter, singular, genitive) 43 αυτός ο aftos o  this (demonstrative pronoun, masculine, singular, nominative) 44 αυτή  η aftee ee  this (demonstrative pronoun, feminine, singular, nominative) 45 αυτό το afto to  this (demonstrative pronoun, neuter, singular, nominative and accusative) 46 αυτοί οι aftee ee  these (demonstrative pronoun, masculine, plural, nominative) 47 αυτές οι aftes ee  these (demonstrative pronoun, feminine, plural, nominative) 48 αυτά τα afta ta  these (demonstrative pronoun, neuter, plural, nominative and accusative) 49 αυτούς τους aftous tous t hese (demonstrative pronoun, masculine, plural, accusative) 50 έλα ela  come 51 χωρίς horis  without 52 είναι ine  he, she, it is / they are 53 ήταν itan  he, she, it was 54 θα tha  will 55 ότι oti  that (conjunction) 56 πως pos  that (conjunction) 57 πώς pos  how 58 που pou  who / which / that (relative pronoun) 59 πού pou  where 60 πότε pote  when 61 γιατί yatee  why / because 62 ποτέ pote  never 63 ξανά xana  again 64 έχω eho  I have 65 όλος ο olos o  all (masculine, singular, nominative) 66 όλη η oleeee  all (feminine, singular, nominative) 67 όλο το olo to  all (neuter, singular, nominative and accusative) 68 όλοι οι olee ee  all (masculine, plural, nominative) 69 όλες οι oles ee  all(feminine, plural, nominative 70 όλα τα ola ta  all (neuter, plural, nominative and accusative) 71 όλο τον olo ton  all (masculine, singular accusative) 72 όλη την olee tin  all (feminine, singular, accusative) 73 όλους τους olous tous  all (masculine, plural, accusative) 74 όλες τις oles tis  all (feminine, plural, accusative) 75 ποιος poios  who / which (interrogative pronoun, masculine, singular, nominative) 76 ποια poia  who / which (interrogative pronoun, feminine, singular and neuter plural) 77 ποιο poio  who / which (interrogative pronoun, neuter, singular, nominative, accusative) 78 πόσο poso  how much (adverb or interrogative pronoun neuter, singular, nominative and accusative) 79 πόσα posa  how much / many (interrogative pronoun, neuter, plural, nominative and accusative) 80 πόση posee  how much (interrogative  pronoun feminine, singular, nominative and accusative) 81 πόσος posos  how much (interrogative  pronoun masculine, singular, nominative) 82 πόσοι posee  how much / many (interrogative  pronoun masculine, plural, nominative) 83 πόσες poses  how much (interrogative  pronoun feminine, plural, nominative and accusative) 84 πόσον poson  how much (interrogative  pronoun masculine, singular, accusative) 85 πόσους posous  how much /many(interrogative  pronoun masculine, plural, accusative) 86 καλά kala  well 87 κάτι kati  something 88 τίποτα tipota  nothing 89 εντάξει entaxi  ok 90 πρωί proi  morning 91 μεσημέρι mesimeri  noon / afternoon (12:00-16:00) 92 απόγευμα apogevma  afternoon 93 βράδυ vradi  evening 94 τότε tote  then 95 πιο pio  more 96 πια pia  anymore 97 σήμερα simera  today 98 χθες hthes  yesterday 99 αύριο avrio   tomorrow 100 ώρα ora  hour / time

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