The word become the one

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

стать тем

стать единственным

станет единым


The crest has undergone a process of evolution to ultimately become the one that we see today.

Герб подвергся процессу эволюции, чтобы в конечном итоге стать тем, что мы видим сегодня.

It was never my intention when I passed to the world of spirit to become the one who opens your minds to your true history.

Когда я пришел в мир духов, моим намерением никогда не было стать тем, кто открывает ваш разум к своей истинной истории.

Battle against thousands of players across the World to become the one true king

Сражайся против тысяч игроков по всему миру, чтобы стать единственным настоящим королем.

Through this supreme rite, we will govern all freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown .

Посредством этого высочайшего обряда, мы будем управлять всем Масонством, которое станет единым международным центром, более могущественным в силу того, что его руководство будет неизвестным»

In order to help her family and her city, she’ll have to become the one thing her father loathes — a vigilante.

Чтобы помочь семье и городу, она должна будет стать тем, кого ее отец ненавидит — темным линчевателем.

You have no guarantees that you can become the one who makes the last bet and pick up the lot.

У Вас нет никаких гарантий, что Вы сможете, стать тем, кто сделает последнюю ставку и забрать лот.

For example, the overwhelming majority of such organizations offer their clients to use the partnership program, that is, to become the one who invites people to the casino.

Например, подавляющее большинство подобного рода организаций предлагают клиентам воспользоваться партнерской программой, то есть стать тем, кто приглашает людей в казино.

However none of which have overtaken email as the predominate communication tool — in fact Facebook’s email service, which intended to become the one inbox where users could send and receive emails and messages, was eventually abandoned in 2014.

Однако ни один из них не превзошел электронную почту в качестве преобладающего инструмента коммуникации — фактически почтовый сервис Facebook, который намеревался стать тем входящим почтовым ящиком, где пользователи могли отправлять и получать электронные письма и сообщения, в конечном итоге был заброшен в 2014 году.

Hopefully, today’s Ministerial meeting could become the one very difficult but necessary step on the way leading us to the desired goal — easing of tensions in the OSCE area.

Надеемся, что сегодняшнее заседание сможет стать тем самым сложным, но необходимым шагом на пути, который приведет нас к искомой цели — снижению напряженности на пространстве ОБСЕ.

He will return to overthrow the impostor and become the one whom destiny intended for him — the powerful, wise and fearless King Lion…

Вернется, чтобы свергнуть самозванца и стать тем, кем ему предназначено судьбой — могучим, мудрым, бесстрашным Королем

And you would like to become the one who knows how to protect yourself from these and other diseases?

А вы хотели бы стать тем, кто знает как защититься от этих и других болезней?

Lucifer was given a name that means the one who has the potential to bring light, meaning that Lucifer had the potential to become the one who would awaken human beings to the light within themselves.

Люциферу было дано имя, которое означает: тот, у кого есть потенциал нести свет, что значит, что у Люцифера был потенциал стать тем, кто пробуждал бы человеческих существ к свету внутри них.

You become the one that they turn to.

Ты — тот, в кого себя превратишь.

Where the two families become the one… family.

When did I become the one who’s out here…

To become the one I love frightens me a little.

You become the one who is making it.

If you aspire to become the one, it is important for you to know the prerequisites of a physiotherapy degree.

Если вы стремитесь стать физиотерапевтом, это важно для вас, чтобы узнать подробности о предпосылках степени физиотерапия.

And just orthopedist who knows the technology and interested in producing the implant dentures can become the one who popularizes this service.

И именно врач-ортопед, владеющий технологией и заинтересованный в изготовлении протезов на имплантатах, становится популяризатором услуги.

In fact, you would love to become the one who sends them first.

Фактически речь идет о тех, кто любит все пробовать первыми.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат become the one

Результатов: 96. Точных совпадений: 96. Затраченное время: 494 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Vitamin F | Время : 04:05

Этот трек есть в следующем альбоме:

  • Nothing By Comparison

    Vitamin F

icon forward

Now become one of the most important marinas in the world.


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Сейчас стал одним из самых важных пристаней в мире.


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Word and thing become one and the same in their minds.


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Love and pain become one and the same in the eyes of a wounded child.

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The report could possibly become one of several contributions to the framework.


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Доклад, возможно, станет одним из нескольких элементов этого механизма.


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Не исключено, именно Вы станете одним из наших лучших переводчиков в будущем!


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Become one of the first owners of this insanely fast muscle car.


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Станьте одним из первых обладателей этого чудовищно быстрого muscle car.


And the cinema- let it become one of the mechanisms of service to Him!


It become one of the earliest commercial airlines in the US.

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Она стала одной из первых коммерческих авиакомпаний в странах Латинской Америки.

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However, it has become one of the principal instruments of mass destruction in the world today.


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Однако в сегодняшнем мире она стала одним из основных орудий массовых расправ.


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In English, it would be two separate words, in Portuguese they become one.


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По-английски, было бы два отдельных слова, на португальском языке они становятся одной.


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They told you bring her to the table and you become one of them?

Order account registration service and become one of them!


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What happens to God when the physical world and the virtual world become one?

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с Богом, когда физический мир и мир виртуальный станут один целым?

Separate pictures which become one in the spinning.

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Отдельные картинки которые сливаются при вращении.

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It is the dance of two lonely hearts become one in their passions and fears.


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Результатов: 463,
Время: 0.032





  • 1
    become one

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > become one

  • 2
    become one

    пожениться, сочетаться браком

    Mr. Simple and Miss Take will be made one next Saturday… (DEI) — Мистер Симпл сочетается браком с мисс Тейк в следующую субботу…

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > become one

  • 3
    become one

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > become one

  • 4
    no one is born a champion, you should become one

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > no one is born a champion, you should become one

  • 5
    Justinian (Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, 1948-77, who helped his church become one of the strongest in Eastern Europe)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Justinian (Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, 1948-77, who helped his church become one of the strongest in Eastern Europe)

  • 6
    two become one

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > two become one

  • 7
    to become one

    пожениться, повенчаться


    Англо-русский современный словарь > to become one

  • 8



    One from seven leaves six. — От семи отнять один будет шесть.

    2) номер один, первый

    Chapter One. — Глава первая / Глава 1.


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]one[/ref]




    Your ones are too like sevens. — Твои единички слишком похожи на семёрки.

    2) один, одиночка

    Afterwards, sauntering by ones and twos, came the village maidens. — Потом, прогуливаясь поодиночке или парами, подошли деревенские девушки.


    John will be one soon. — Джону скоро исполнится годик.

    It’s half past one. — Сейчас половина второго.

    The train arrives at one twenty five. — Поезд прибывает в час двадцать пять.

    She wears a one. — Она носит первый.

    I counted the notes, which took a ridiculously long time as they were mostly in ones. — Я пересчитывал деньги, и это отняло у меня ужасно много времени, так как там были в основном однодолларовые купюры.


    ; = quick one рюмка, стопка

    Other members of the committee drifted in for a quick one before closing time. — Остальные члены комитета зашли в бар, чтобы успеть выпить по одной до закрытия.

    be one up

    — get one up
    — have one up


    They are selling their house to move to a smaller one. — Они продают свой дом и переезжают в другой, поменьше.

    His response is one of an anger and frustration. — Его ответная реакция — это раздражение и разочарование.


    We are the only ones who know. — Только мы знаем об этом.

    great ones of the earth

    — one for
    — as one



    история, анекдот, байка

    «Have you heard the one about the Red Book?» he said. We had not heard it, and it was very funny. — «Вы слышали анекдот про Красную книгу?» — спросил он. Мы никогда прежде не слышали этого анекдота, он оказался очень смешным.



    — all in one
    — in one
    — for one
    — like one o’clock
    — one too many
    — one or two
    — the one and the other
    — become one
    — be made one
    — all one



    1) единственный, уникальный

    His one regret is that he has never learnt English. — Единственное, о чём он жалеет, это то, что он так и не выучил английский.


    2) определённый, единственный в своём роде


    3) одинаковый, такой же

    They are both of one species. — Оба они относятся к одному и тому же виду.

    They all went off in one direction. — Все они удалились в одном и том же направлении.

    4) какой-то, некий, неопределённый

    I will see you again one day. — Когда-нибудь мы снова увидимся.


    That’s one funny boy. — Он очень забавный.




    1) кто-то, некий, некто

    Some of them couldn’t eat a thing. One couldn’t even drink. — Некоторые из них не могли ничего есть. Кто-то не мог даже пить.


    One cannot always be right, can one? — Никогда не ошибаться невозможно, разве не так?


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]one[/ref]


    Англо-русский современный словарь > one

  • 9

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > one

  • 10
    one of the boys


    свой человек, свой парень

    Say nice things about us here and back in the States. Become one of the boys. Now, that isn’t asking too much, is it? (J. Heller, ‘Catch-22’, ch. XL) — Вы должны говорить о нас хорошо — и здесь, и в Штатах. Короче, должны стать одним из наших, своим человеком. Ну что, немного мы с вас запросили?

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > one of the boys

  • 11
    one’s cup is filled

    The bishop sighed deeply. It seemed to him that his cup of bitterness was filled to the brim. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Catalina’, ch. 16) — Епископ глубоко вздохнул. Ему казалось, что он испил чашу горести до дна.

    She had learned a good deal — almost as much as she wanted to learn. Her cup had been full. It was still as full as she could carry. On the whole, she would not be sorry when he was gone. (D. H. Lawrence, ‘Sons and Lovers’, part II, ch. XIV) — Клара многое узнала, почти столько, сколько хотела узнать. Чаша ее терпения переполнилась. Больше она не могла выдержать. В общем, если Поль уедет, она не будет сожалеть.

    In 1884 Prince Leopold died prematurely, shortly after his marriage. Victoria’s cup of sorrows was indeed overflowing… (L. Strachey, ‘Queen Victoria’, ch. IX) — Вскоре после свадьбы, в 1884 году неожиданно скончался принц Леопольд. Горе Виктории было безгранично…

    2) его (её и т. д.) счастье безмерно

    Your cup is running over with happiness. (Th. Dreiser, ‘A Gallery of Women’, ‘Giff’) — Ваше счастье безмерно.

    My secret hope was that one day I should become as good a speaker as he. So when one Sunday night I was asked to take the chair for him outside the Gransmoor Hotel in Openshaw, my cup of happiness was overflowing. (H. Pollitt, ‘Serving My Time’, ch. 2) — Я втайне надеялся стать когда-нибудь таким же хорошим оратором. Поэтому, когда мне однажды предложили председательствовать во время его выступления перед отелем «Грансмур» в Опеншо, меня буквально распирало от счастья.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > one’s cup is filled

  • 12
    become stronger

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > become stronger

  • 13
    one’s right hand

       пpaвaя pукa кoгo-л.

    He had decided to make himself indispensable to John West: to become his right hand (F. Hardy). Viljoen was a squatter on Gert’s land, his right-hand man and overseer (P. Abrahams)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > one’s right hand

  • 14
    become bedridden

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > become bedridden

  • 15
    one’s (или the) blue-eyed boy

       любимeц, любимчик

    She was a good mother to us all but there was no blinking the fact that the eldest son was her blue-eyed boy. If he wins the election by a large majority, he will become his party’s fair-haired boy

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > one’s (или the) blue-eyed boy

  • 16
    become reconciled to one’s lot

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > become reconciled to one’s lot

  • 17
    One who is contented with what he has done will never become famous for what he will do. He has lain down to die, and the grass is already over him.


    Человек, удовлетворенный тем, чего он добился, никогда не прославится еще больше. Он уже лег умирать, и над ним выросла трава. Bovee (Бови).

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > One who is contented with what he has done will never become famous for what he will do. He has lain down to die, and the grass is already over him.

  • 18
    become reconciled to one’s lot

    Новый англо-русский словарь > become reconciled to one’s lot

  • 19
    lose one’s temper

    become angry

    He loses his temper very often.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > lose one’s temper

  • 20
    fortify one’s position

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > fortify one’s position

  • How to use in-sentence of “become one”:

    – After World War II, he rose in the ranks of Poland’s military and by the early 1950s he had become one of the youngest majors in the Polish army, but was driven out of Poland by a political purge in 1953 engineered by the Communist government of the Polish People’s Republic.

    – Labeled a “prophet”, Fashek went on to become one among Africa’s greatest reggae-influenced performers.

    – In his later years, he has become one of the leading science communicators of the country.

    – After developing “Unirally” for Nintendo, DMA Design was set to become one of their main second-party developers, but this partnership ended after Nintendo’s disapproval of “Body Harvest”.

    – The band has become one of the duos leading the music in Japan.

    – NAS Oceana has grown to become one of the largest air stations in the world.

    Use the word become one

    Use the word become one

    Example sentences of “become one”:

    – The dying Calibos urges Perseus not to become one of the gods.

    – Its success made many sequels, and it helped Sega become one of the biggest video game companies during the 16-bit era of the early 1990s.

    – If you try measure a qubit that is in a superposition, the qubit will change, and become one of two states.

    – Justin Timberlake went on to become one of the world’s best-selling music artists, with more than 56 million records sold throughout his solo career.

    – By the time of the show’s end, it had become one of the longest running primetime drama shows on television in the US.

    – It is a useful collector’s item, ranch or home secuity rifle, and small caliber hunting rifle and has become one of the most popular rifles in the world, and ArmaLite’s are manufactured even today.

    – She has become one of the most successful female country artists in history, with 25 number-one single.

    - The dying Calibos urges Perseus not to become one of the gods.
    - Its success made many sequels, and it helped Sega become one of the biggest video game companies during the 16-bit era of the early 1990s.

    – The constitution of Berlin allows for Berlin and Brandenburg to become one state, but the people of Berlin voted against doing this on May 5, 1996.

    – His post-match celebration has become one of the most famous images in English sport history.

    – From one lumberyard, Long-Bell grew their businesses and holdings to become one of the biggest vertically integrated lumber companies in the United States.

    – Like Mozart, he was a child prodigy and he might have become one of the world’s most famous composers if he had lived.

    – The mango tree is native to South Asia, from where it has been taken to become one of the most widely cultivated fruits in the tropics.

    More in-sentence examples of “become one”:

    - Founded in 2019, the party quickly rose to become one of Puerto Rico’s most popular political movements.
    - In most modern fantasy scenarios, elves are one of the 3 main races, although if these 3 are described as the good races, they then become one of 6 races, including orcs, goblins, trolls, and / or giants.

    – Founded in 2019, the party quickly rose to become one of Puerto Rico’s most popular political movements.

    – In most modern fantasy scenarios, elves are one of the 3 main races, although if these 3 are described as the good races, they then become one of 6 races, including orcs, goblins, trolls, and / or giants.

    – In 1513 Pizarro joined the expedition of Vasco Núñez de Balboa across the Isthmus of Panama to become one of the first Europeans to see the Pacific Ocean.

    – Also during a league match, Catala’ was substituted off due to an injury for Teófilo Cubillas, who would later become one of the greatest players in Peruvian history.

    – Traumatic brain injury has become one of the most common types of injuries in soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    – On January 18, 2000, Vestar announced that Peña had become one of the firm’s Managing Directors.

    – On 1 January 2008 it joined together with Donneloye and Gossens to become one municipality called Donneloye.

    – Kelly continued playing at a high level, helping the Bills become one of the NFL’s best teams for some time.

    – The client-server software architecture has become one of the basic models of network computing.

    – Ernabella Arts opened a ceramic studio in 2003, and Malpiya has since become one of its most prolific artists.

    – By 1918, Mohandas Gandhi had become one of the leaders of the Congress Party.

    – I feel, that this article can become one of our good articles.

    – By the 1960s it had become one of the best orchestras in Europe.

    – It has grown from this to become one of the most important parts of mathematics.

    – In the 1970s the north-south runway was made longer to become one of the longest runways in the southern hemisphere.

    – Making items appear and disappear by stopping and starting the camera would become one of his most commonly used movie tricks.

    – This has allowed the Riverina to become one of the most productive and agriculturally varied areas of Australia.

    – Since the discovery of “Neovenator” on the Isle of Wight, UK, it has become one of the best-known large carnivorous dinosaurs in Europe.

    – For a few years Zvartnots would become one of the main contenders in the Premier League.

    – Followers are all trying to reach salvation, meaning they are trying to break the process of rebirth and become one with God.

    – Growing from one officer, one man, and one plane in 1928, Los Alamitos in 1945 had become one of the Navy’s most important air stations.

    – It was founded in 2006, and has become one of the most accessed porn sites in the world.

    – People from all around the world to go to the Sylvanian shop to become one of the many people who have been inside the famous shop.

    – Mustaine went on to form his own band Megadeth, who became extremely popular on the metal scene, and have become one of Metallica’s metal contemporaries, along with Slayer and Anthrax.

    – It had become one of the greatest orchestras in America and Europe.

    – Since then, it has become one of the most popular photo editing programs.

    – Blackstone has become one of the world’s largest private equity investment firms.Anderson, Jenny.

    – With $280,000, the early businessmen made what was to become one of the world’s largest companies.

    – It would become one of Canada’s longest-running children’s TV shows.

    – Since the mills closed, Burnley has become one of the poorest towns in Britain.

    – She has become one of Hollywood’s most acclaimed actresses.

    – Rocca would become one of the most well-known wrestlers in America during the golden age of television and had an uninterrupted seven-year run of headlining or co-headlining every main-event at the Garden.

    – She has also won four Grammy Awards and has become one of the world’s most successful female singers.

    – The Elizabeth Tower which it is located in has become one of the most prominent symbols of the United Kingdom and is often in the establishing shot of films set in London.

    – The people in the zoo knew she was a large, female turtle but not that she had become one of the rarest on Earth.

    – Govan had become one of the favorite musicians on Beale Street.

    – It become one of the most violent wars in Africa.

    – He showed great talent as a young man and might have become one of England’s greatest composers if he had lived longer.

    – She has one of the longest and most successful careers in pop music, and she has become one of the most recognisable celebrities and sex symbols.

    – She is afraid that Giselle will become one of the Wilis.

    – These men were from the Roman province of Illyria, several in the city of Sirmium, which would become one of the four capitals under this system.

    – To dance in imitation of the animal which is going to be hunted is to become one with them.

    – He went on to become one of the major stars of spaghetti westerns eventually playing Sartana in the last movie of the series “I Am Sartana, Trade Your Guns for a Coffin”.

    – The inline-four has become one of the most common engine configurations in street bikes The inline-four is common because of its relatively high performance-to-cost ratio.

    – Due to the quality, the orchestra had very soon become one of the most famous in Belgrade.

    – The modern district was formed in 1973 when the two districts of Minden and Lübbecke joined to become one district.

    – Komodo National Park has been selected as one of 28 finalists to become one of the New7Wonders of Nature.

    – The Merrow Machine Company went on to become one of the largest American Manufacturers of overlock sewing machines, and continues to be a global presence in the 21st century as the last American over-lock sewing machine manufacturer.

    – Uncle Sam has become one of the most iconic images in American politics.

    – However, Rye, East SussexRye, originally a subsidiary of New Romney, changed to become one of the Cinque Ports, after New Romney was damaged by storms and silted up.

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