The word because in spanish

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I’m calling because your mom said you give philosophy lessons.

Estoy llamando — porque tu madre dijo que dabas lecciones de filosofía.

Now, don’t favor him just because he sells saints.

Sí, no le vaya a hacer el milagro porque vende santitos.

Not to let a killer loose because I want the truth.

Que no libere a un asesino solo por que quiera la verdad.

Something because we might not get out of this, and…

Alguna cosa… por si no podríamos salir de esto, y…

So, there’s a slight issue here because you see…

Por lo tanto, hay un pequeño problema aquí ya lo ves…

Favorite because they also provide good food for a low price.

Favoritos, ya que también ofrecen buena comida a un precio bajo.

Just because I know something doesn’t mean I understand why.

Sólo porque sé algunas cosas no quiere decir que sé la razón.

Take this, because I’m going to see him closer.

Ten esto más, porque yo me voy a verlo más cerca.

Probably because I have zero emotional investment in how you do.

Tal vez porque no tengo una inversión emocional en cómo lo hagas.

Women cannot earn an income because they look after the family.

Las mujeres no pueden devengar ingresos porque se ocupan de la familia.

Yes, because after the wedding, it is all downhill.

Sí, porque después de la boda, todo irá cuesta abajo.

No, because she’s invaded my life and wreaked havoc.

No, porque ha invadido mi vida y ha provocado un caos.

You imagined it just because you heard the house was haunted.

Lo imaginaste, sólo porque has oído que la casa está encantada.

I wore wax earplugs because they didn’t let me sleep.

Me he puesto unos tapones de cera porque no me dejaban dormir.

I step closer because the tree has my husband’s voice.

Me acerco porque la voz del árbol es la de mi marido.

You maybe had a little advantage because your mom’s principal.

Quizás hayas tenido una pequeña ventaja porque tu madre es la directora.

Well, because I realized that you were better for me.

Bueno, porque me di cuenta de que eras mejor para mí.

That is weird, because all guys care about is finishing.

Eso es raro, porque todos los chicos importa es el acabado.

I can’t be something because everyone wants me to be.

No puedo ser algo porque todo el mundo quiere que lo sea.

And he’s sad because sometimes she’s mean to him.

Y él está triste porque a veces ella es cruel con él.

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because [bɪˈkɒz]



I came because you asked me to vine porque me lo pediste; because he was ill he couldn’t go no pudo ir por estar enfermo; just because he has two cars he thinks he’s somebody solo porque tiene dos coches se cree todo un personaje

just [because] it’s expensive doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good just because YOU think so doesn’t mean …


because of por; I did it because of you lo hice por ti; many families break up because of a lack of money muchas familias se deshacen por or debido a la falta de dinero

Because of the law in Ireland, we had to work out a way of getting her over to Britain

Saying ‘Because’ in Spanish

NeilsPhotography/Creative Commons.

Do you want to indicate the because of things — why something is the way it is, or why it happened the way it did? If so, there are plenty of ways to do it in Spanish in addition to the much-used porque, usually translated as «because».

Indicating causality can be somewhat confusing to people learning Spanish, partly because there isn’t a one-to-one correspondence between the terms of English and Spanish. Most notably, «because» and «because of» are translated differently into Spanish, and the English word «since» often means the same as «because» but doesn’t always.

Here are the most common ways of expressing causation:


By far the most common translation for «because,» porque is used in all sorts of situations:

  • Como porque tengo hambre. (I am eating because I am hungry.)
  • Se fue porque tenía miedo. (He ran away because he was afraid.)
  • Busco ayuda en este grupo porque no puedo bajar videos. (I’m looking for help in this group because I can’t download videos.)

Porque typically is followed by a word combination that could stand alone as a sentence, so it normally wouldn’t be used to translate «because of.» As a general rule, unlike most of the other words and phrases listed here, porque can’t be used to begin a sentence.

El porqué de

El porqué de is a common way of saying «the reason for» and is typically followed by a noun or noun phrase:

  • No explicó el porqué de su beso (He didn’t explain the reason for his kiss.)
  • Necesito saber el porqué de esto. (I need to know the reason for this.)


Standing alone as a preposition, por frequently indicates cause and can be translated in a wide variety of ways, including «because of.»

  • Lo hice por miedo. (I did it because of fear. I did it out of fear.)
  • Voy al Perú por las ruinas. (I am going to Peru because of the ruins.)
  • Hago cosas buenas por malas razones. (I do good things for bad reasons.)
  • Ganó por trabajar mucho. (He won because he worked hard. He won by means of much work.

Except when used as por qué in a question, por normally isn’t used to begin sentences. Note also that por is a versatile preposition, having numerous other usages that aren’t related to causation.

A causa de

A causa de, which normally is followed by a noun or noun phrase, is a common way of saying «because of.»

  • Salió a causa de su padre. (He left because of his father.)
  • Durmió a causa de su enfermidad. (She slept because of her illness.)
  • Me escapé de casa a causa de mis padres. (I ran away from home because of my parents.)

A falta de

A phrase used in a similar way when something is lacking is a falta de, meaning «due to lack of.»

  • Salió a falta de dinero. (He left due to lack of money. He left because of lack of money.)
  • Habrá 24 millones de hombres solteros en China debido a falta de mujeres. (There will be 24 million single men in China because of the lack of women.)


Como is used in a variety of ways, many of which can be translated by the English «as»; when used to indicate cause it comes at the beginning of the sentence.

  • Como estaba enferma, no salió. (Because she was ill, she didn’t leave.)
  • Como soy estudiante, tengo los fines de semana libres. (Because I’m a student, I have my weekends free.)

Debido a, debido a que

Debido a can be translated as «due to»; the que is added when what follows could stand as a sentence.

  • Necesitan cadenas debido a la nieve. (Chains are needed because of the snow.)
  • La población está abrumada debido a que la tierra sigue temblando. (The people are weary because the ground keeps shaking.)
  • Wall Street cae debido a que los precios del crudo afectan al sector energético. (Wall Street is dropping because the prices of crude affect the energy sector.)

Dado que, ya que, en vista de que, puesto que

The phrases dado que, ya que, en vista de que, and puesto que all roughly mean «in light of the fact that» and can often be translated as «because.»

  • Ya que es inteligente, no tiene que estudiar. (Because he’s smart he doesn’t have to study.)
  • Dado que hay pocos recursos, no puedo estudiar. (Because there aren’t many resources, I can’t study.)
  • Les digo un mensaje breve en vista de que estoy ocupado. (I am leaving you a brief message because I’m busy.)
  • Puesto que tengo hambre, voy a salir. (Because I am hungry I will leave.)

Gracias a

Gracias a is literally translated as «thanks to» but can also mean «because.»

  • Se salvaron las tortugas gracias a Greenpeace. (The turtles were saved thanks to Greenpeace.)
  • Soy quien soy gracias a mi familia. (I am who I am because of my family.)
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En esta página: because, b/c

‘because’ tiene referencia cruzada con ‘b/c’. Se encuentra en una o más de las líneas abajo.‘because’ is cross-referenced with ‘b/c’. It is in one or more of the lines below.

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
because conj (due to the fact that) porque conj
    ya que loc conj
    puesto que, debido a que loc conj
   (formal) pues conj
  I was late because I forgot to set my alarm clock.
  Llegué tarde porque olvidé programar el despertador.
because of prep (owing to, on account of) por prep
   (formal) debido a, a causa de, por causa de loc prep
   (consecuencia negativa) por culpa de loc prep
  I was late because of heavy traffic.
  Llegué tarde por el tráfico pesado.
  Llegué tarde a causa del tráfico pesado.
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. ¡El pastel se arruinó por culpa de ese cocinero inepto!
because expr informal (avoiding explanation) (afirmativo) porque sí expr
   (negativo) porque no expr
  «Why won’t you let me go to the party?» «Because.»
  Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. -¿Por qué gastaste tanto dinero en un videojuego? -¡Porque sí!
  -¿Por qué no me dejas ir a la fiesta? -Porque no.
because prep humorous, informal (with noun or adjective: because of) por prep
    porque conj
Note: The use of «because» followed by a noun rather than a clause is a recent one and originated on the internet. It is used for ironic or humorous emphasis.
  It’s a beautiful day today and I’m happy … because sunshine!
  ¡Hoy es un día hermoso y estoy feliz por el sol!

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
b/c conj written, abbreviation (because) porque conj

WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2023:

Compound Forms:
because | b/c
Inglés Español
because of prep (on account of) por prep
    a causa de loc prep
because of that adv informal (for reason specified) por eso loc prep
    precisamente por eso loc prep
    por esa razón loc prep
  She won’t quit smoking and because of that we are breaking up.
  Ella no va a dejar de fumar y por eso vamos a romper.
   (formal) debido a eso loc prep
because of this expr informal (for the reason specified) por esto loc prep
    debido a esto loc prep
    por eso, por ello loc prep
    debido a eso, debido a ello loc prep
  Chris was bitten by a German Shepherd when he was eight; because of this, he is scared of dogs.
  A Chris lo mordió un ovejero alemán cuando tenía ocho años y por esto le tiene miedo a los perros.
just because conj (for the sole reason that) solo porque loc conj
    solo por loc conj
  Just because she said something rude to you, doesn’t mean you should be rude back. I love you just because you’re you.
  Solo porque ella te dijo algo de malos modos no significa que tengas que contestarle de malos modos.
just because expr (avoiding explanation) porque sí expr
  «Why did you do that?» «Just because.»
  —¿Por qué hiciste eso?
—Porque sí.
just because expr (for no specific reason) porque sí expr
  Paul bought me flowers just because.
  Paul me compró flores porque sí.

because‘ aparece también en las siguientes entradas:

In the English description:


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Because she’s NSC, or because she’s my wife?

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¿porque ella es de la NSC, o


ella es mi mujer?

Because somebody called and told you some crazy story?

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¿Porque alguien llamó y les contó una loca historia?

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Because you remember what happened last time there were hiccups?

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¿Porque recuerdas la última vez que hubo tropiezos?

Because it’s the good and decent thing to do?

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¿Porque es lo bueno y lo decente?

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Because some stranger wrote our names on a wall?

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¿Porque un desconocido escribió nuestros nombres en una pared?

Just because I’m a saltwater monster?

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¿Porque soy un monstruo de agua salada?

Because Katherine Adams a. k. a Gwen Stefani is our waitress?

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¿Porque Katherine» Gwen Stefani» es nuestra mesera?

Yes, because of the international crisis/.

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Because of Crunch’s record, Interpol will be brought in.

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¿Es esto DEBIDO a la alza de precios?

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After our bearers deserted us… because something frightened them in the night.

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Después de que ellos desertaran, … porque algo les asustó en la noche.

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¡Porque él es grande y tú eres chico!

Yes, I know. Because you told me 20 times!

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Sí, lo sé ~ Porque usted me dijo 20 veces.!

He had a heavy heart, because the endless fall… heralded no snow.

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Tenía un corazón fuerte, … porque el eterno otoño… no presagiaba nieve.

Oh, it’s not working, because this is beautiful!

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¡Oh, no es el caso, ~ porque esto es hermoso!

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Te tengo, nene * Porque, verá.

I’m calling you Ernie now because you look like the Muppet.

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Te estoy llamando ahora Ernie ~ porque te ves como el Muppet.

No, I got my job because I know music.

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No, tengo mi trabajo ~ porque sé música.

It is easy to transport because it has a built-in car.


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Es fácil de transportar porqué tiene carro incorporado.


Yougotto careabout this because SOPA is next. It’s coming.

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Tienes que preocuparte por esto ya que se viene la ley SOPA.

We are satisfied, because of the information we receive from ADIEX.


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Hasta la fecha estamos satisfechos, principalmente con la información recibida por parte de ADIEX.


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No. Tu eres un gran tipo.

Results: 507477,
Time: 0.0909

Because they definitely don’t have it.

Firstly because Australian artists are awesome!

It’s unique because it’s about community.

It’s not important because it’s beautiful.

Because they are really good pouches.

Celebrated because King Mahabali returned back.

That’s because the defense was dominant.

Because who knows what might happen?

just because they’re not yet smoke.

Because all dead people are amazing.





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