The word beautiful in german

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Especially beautiful is the fire that is burning in the evenings.

Besonders schön ist auch das Feuer, dass abends angezündet wird.

It smells beautiful, absorbs quickly, does not get dirty.

Es riecht schön, zieht schnell ein, wird nicht schmutzig.

The space is beautiful, full of stories and perfectly equipped.

Die Anlage ist wunderschön, geräumig und die Lage sehr ruhig.

The house is beautiful and very well refurbished rooms with taste.

Das Haus ist wunderschön und sehr gut renovierte Zimmer mit Geschmack.

We are proud of so much enjoyment in our beautiful region.

Auf so viel Genuss in unserer herrlichen Region sind wir stolz.

Our New Aurelia Sash is now available in beautiful Midnight Blue.

Unsere Aurelia Schärpe gibt es jetzt auch im herrlichen Charcoal Brow.

This conditioner strengthens the tan and makes for a beautiful shine.

Dieser Conditioner stärkt die Bräune und sorgt für einen schönen Glanz.

The material is heavy, and thus has a beautiful case.

Das Material ist schwer, und hat dadurch einen schönen Fall.

The beautiful blue-gray tones form a wonderful base in your facility.

Die schönen blau-grauen Töne formen eine wundervolle Basis in Ihrer Einrichtung.

Torino is a new, modern, complex and beautiful city.

Torino ist eine neue, moderne, vielseitige und schöne Stadt.

He has a beautiful house, brand new with new furniture.

Er hat ein schönes Haus, ganz neu mit neuen Möbeln.

We have sea, beautiful rivers and clean lakes or bays.

Wir haben Meer, schöne Flüsse und saubere Seen oder Buchten.

Along the park is a beautiful river for swimming and fishing.

Auf dem Park ist ein schöner Fluss zum Baden und Angeln.

You can’t keep your eyes off these beautiful hands anymore.

Du kannst deinen Blick nicht mehr von diesen schönen Händen lassen.

I will play a noble woman so I need something beautiful.

Ich soll eine Adelige spielen, also muss etwas Schönes her.

The property impresses with its lovely details and the beautiful materials.

Die Immobilie besticht durch seine liebevollen Details und die schönen Materialien.

The finish shows once again much fruit and the beautiful balance.

Das Finish zeigt noch einmal viel Frucht und die schöne Balance.

This beautiful bracelet is a suitable gift for your beloved mother.

Dieses schöne Armband ist ein passendes Geschenk für Ihre geliebte Mutter.

Priscilla cabin is a marvel, comfort and a beautiful setting.

Priscilla Kabine ist ein Wunder, Komfort und eine schöne Umgebung.

A beautiful girl came out on the balcony with her lover.

Ein schönes Mädchen trat mit seinem Anbeter auf den Altan hinaus.

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Beauty can be found in nearly everything, including people, places, and inanimate objects. There is so much beauty that in Germany, there are over a dozen different ways to say beautiful in German. The German translation for beautiful will allow you to express what type and level of beauty you are describing, from cute, to pretty, to magnificent and even handsome. German has many synonyms and translations for expressions of beauty.

But of course, you might want to introduce yourself before telling someone they’re beautiful! Let’s get to it. What are the different ways to describe something beautiful in German?

How To Say Beautiful In German?

How To Say Beautiful In German

Beautiful – schön

The important thing to know about using schön to describe beauty is that the same word can be used as a synonym and to imply many of beautiful’s synonyms. Let’s take a look.

German English Pronunciation
Thank you for the nice gift Vielen Dank für das schöne Geschenk

We stayed at a hotel with lovely views Wir übernachteten in einem Hotel mit schöner Aussicht

What a fine day! Was für ein schöner Tag

We wish you a pleasant stay in Germany Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt in Deutschland

Other German Words And Phrases To Describe Beauty

Let’s look at German’s most common words and synonyms for beautiful. Keep in mind that these are direct translations of the words as they stand alone. When used in sentences, these adjectives may change completely or take on different suffixes, as we’ll see later in the article in sentences and examples.

English German Pronunciation
Pretty Hübsch

Cute Niedlich

Sweet Süß

Attractive Attraktiv

Lovely Schön

Charming Charmant

Pleasant Angenehm/schönen

Stunning Atemberaubend

Magnificent Herrlich

Handsome Gutaussehend

Elegant Elegant

Gorgeous Prächtig

Dazzling Blendend

Exquisite Exquisit

Incredible Unglaublich

Breathtaking Atemberaubend

Nice Hübsch

Picture-perfect Bildschön

Good looking Gutaussehend

How To Say “You Are Beautiful” In German

How To Say “You Are Beautiful” In German

There may be times when you want to compliment a person for being beautiful or make a comment about something that’s beautiful. Here are some ways to do just that!

English German Pronunciation
You are beautiful Du bist schön

You look beautiful Du siehst wunderschön aus

You are a beautiful woman Sie sind eine schöne Frau

You are a beautiful person Du bist eine wunderschöne Person

What a beautiful girl Was für ein schönes Mädchen

How To Describe Things As Beautiful In German

Obviously, objects and inanimate objects can be beautiful too! Here are a few examples of how to use beautiful in German to describe things.

English German Pronunciation
That song is beautiful Das Lied ist wunderschön

The sunset last night was beautiful Der Sonnenuntergang gestern Abend war wunderschön

Did you see that beautiful bird? Hast du diesen schönen Vogel gesehen?

I had a beautiful dream last night Ich hatte letzte Nacht einen wunderschönen Traum

You must also know about the German adjective herrlich

. Herrlich, and its various grammatical forms, is used to describe beautiful in its forms of gorgeous, splendid, or lovely. However, you only use herrlich when describing most inanimate objects, the weather, or the times you’ve had.

Here are some examples and translations:

German English Pronunciation
Wir haben eine herrliche Zeit zusammen verbracht We have had a lovely time together

Es war ein herrlicher Wochenende It was a gorgeous weekend

Die Aussicht auf die Berge ist herrlich The views of the mountains are splendid

How To Describe Someone Or Something As Pretty In German

Now you may not want to use beautiful all of the time. So how do you say someone or something is pretty in German?

English German Pronunciation
You are pretty Du bist hübsch

She’s such a pretty girl Sie ist so ein hübsches Mädchen

That dress is really pretty Das Kleid ist wirklich hübsch

Your hair looks pretty Dein Haar sieht hübsch aus

How To Say Someone Or Something Is Cute In German

Or maybe you’ve met a woman or a girl whom you think is just really cute. In these sentences, you’ll notice sweet (süß) is used instead of cute, but the meaning is the same. You might say:

English German Pronunciation
You are really cute Du bist wirklich süß

That shirt is cute Das Shirt ist süß

Your puppy is so cute! Dein Welpe ist so süß

How To Say “You Are Handsome” In German

How To Say “You Are Handsome” In German

When you directly translate handsome you get gutaussehend

although hübsch

is more commonly used. Hübsch can mean handsome, cute or pretty and can be used interchangeably for males and females.

You may also want to comment on a handsome man which directly translated is schöner Mann

to tell a man they are handsome in Germany you would say:

English German Pronunciation
You are handsome Du bist schön

You are a handsome man Du bist ein gutaussehender Mann

Other Ways To Say Beautiful In German

German English Pronunciation
Very beautiful Wunderschön

You look gorgeous in that dress! Du siehst wunderschön in dem Kleid!

Beautiful as always Wunderschön wie immer

You have a gorgeous home Du hast ein traumhaftes Zuhause

Beautiful backyard Schöner Garten

That’s an incredible dress Dein Kleid ist der Wahnsinn

Fabulous earrings Wunderschöne Ohrringe

Gorgeous necklace Traumhaft schöne Kette Traumhaft schöne Kette

Beautiful hairstyle Schöne Frisur Schöne Frisur

So, There You Have It!

There are many ways to express beauty in German, and we also have a lesson on how to express love to your special someone in German. After reading this, you may be confused by all the grammatical changes to the suffixes (ends) of the words. It is also likely confusing why Germans switch out one synonym of beautiful for another. In order to really learn the ins and outs of describing beauty in German, you’ll need to dedicate some time and begin learning and practicing German from the comfort of your own home.

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That’s where Ling comes in. Ling is an all-encompassing language app (available on the Play Store and App Store) that has recorded real German speakers and adapted their voices into our AI system. With Ling, you’ll be able to listen to real Germans having real-life context conversations.

You’ll also learn to speak, read and write in German with our one-of-a-kind writing system that you complete using your finger directly on your phone. How cool is that?! Ling App has over 10 million downloads, and we also offer over 60 languages. So, what are you waiting for? Download Ling and start learning German today!

As with every culture and language, German is not immune to stereotypes. German is often ridiculed for the way it sounds, even when describing gentle concepts. Have fun with conversation exchange while improving your language skills! Besides being a language site, TDL is also an online community where people can learn and practice languages around the world. The website also provides translations of the word beautiful in different languages.

Beautiful in German: Wunderschönen

Example Sentences from TDL

English: Inside, it was beautifully decorated but not very homely.

German: Innen war es wunderschön eingerichtet, aber nicht sehr gemütlich.

English: Performing with her was an honor because she was a beautiful person.

German: Mit ihr aufzutreten war eine Ehre, denn sie war eine wunderschöne Person.

English: She and her family made our house beautiful.

German: Sie und ihre Familie haben unser Haus wunderschön gemacht.

English: As the battle unfolded around us, the world seemed greener and more beautiful.

German: Als sich der Kampf um uns herum entfaltete, schien die Welt grüner und schöner.

English: When you see something beautiful, it may make you cry.

German: Wenn du etwas Schönes siehst, kann es dich zum Weinen bringen.

English: A beautiful woman once refused human suitors due to her pride.

German: Eine schöne Frau lehnte einst menschliche Verehrer aufgrund ihres Stolzes ab.

English: Seeing her in person is more beautiful than seeing her in pictures.

German: Sie persönlich zu sehen ist schöner als sie auf Bildern zu sehen.

English: Now it’s time to enjoy the beautiful weather.

German: Jetzt heißt es das schöne Wetter genießen.

English: There is a beautiful setting where the people are lovely. The atmosphere is hectic and exciting.

German: Es gibt eine wunderschöne Umgebung, in der die Menschen nett sind. Die Atmosphäre ist hektisch und aufregend.

English: Three beautiful ballads.

German: Drei wunderschöne Balladen.

English: New York is a beautiful city.

German: New York ist eine wunderschöne Stadt.

English: There is a beautiful relationship between them.

German: Zwischen ihnen besteht eine schöne Beziehung.

English: A beautiful, vivacious and charming young lady

German: eine schöne, lebhafte und charmante junge Dame

Example Short Sentences from TDL

English: Beautiful things

German: Schöne Dinge

English: The savagely beautiful scenery

German: die wild schöne Landschaft

English: With 25 acres of beautiful gardens.

German: mit 25 Hektar schönen Gärten.

English: What a beautiful dress.

German: Was für ein schönes Kleid.

English: A beautiful party it was.

German: Ein wunderschönes Fest war es.

English: The day is so beautiful,

German: Der Tag ist so schön,

Arslan Hussain

My name is Arslan Hussain and I am co-founder of The Different Languages blog. Have years of experience in digital marketing, My best hobby is blogging and feel awesome to spend time in it.

beautiful in german how to say it in 5 pretty ways

Are you wondering what would it be like to praise someone using the German language? Here’s how you will say “beautiful” in German.

How to say “beautiful” in German

how to say “beautiful” in german

Whether it’s a stunning landscape, a work of art, or a person’s physical appearance, the word “beautiful” holds a special place in any language. In this blog post, we will explore six pretty ways to say “beautiful” in German, each with its unique nuances and connotations.


The most common way to say “beautiful” in German is “schön. This can be used to describe people and can be used in a casual manner. Make someone smile and make their day by saying to them that they are beautiful. Compliment your friends, your loved ones, or even strangers.


Another way to say “beautiful” in the German language is “hübsch,” which is pronounced like “hoobsh.” This word is often used to describe people, particularly women, and it has a softer, more delicate connotation than “schön.”

It is a more casual and familiar way of expressing admiration for someone’s appearance, and it is often used by friends or family members. For example, you might say “Deine Schwester ist wirklich hübsch” (Your sister is really pretty) or “Du bist so hübsch” (You are so pretty).


“Reizend” is a German word that means “charming” or “delightful,” and it is often used to describe people who are attractive and pleasant to be around. It is pronounced like “rytzend,” and it can be used to compliment someone’s personality as well as their physical appearance.

For example, you might say “Deine Freundin ist wirklich reizend” (Your girlfriend is charming) or “Dein Lächeln ist so reizend” (Your smile is so charming).


“Herrlich” is a German word that means “glorious” or “magnificent,” and it is used to describe things that are particularly beautiful or impressive. It is pronounced like “herrlikh,” and it is often used to express strong admiration or awe.

For example, you might say “Der Sonnenuntergang war herrlich” (The sunset was glorious) or “Die Aussicht von der Berghütte war herrlich” (The view from the mountain cabin was magnificent).


“Wunderschön” is a German word that means “wonderfully beautiful,” and it is used to describe things or people that are breathtaking. It is often used to express strong feelings of admiration or awe.

For example, you might say “Die Blumen sind wunderschön” (The flowers are wonderfully beautiful) or “Du bist wunderschön” (You are wonderfully beautiful).


“Prächtig” is a German word that means “magnificent” or “splendid,” and it is used to describe things that are impressive or grand. It is pronounced like “prekhtik,” and it is often used to express strong feelings of admiration or appreciation.

More German expressions for “beautiful”

more german expressions for “beautiful”


“Entzückend” is a German word that means “delightful” or “charming,” and it is often used to describe people or things that are attractive and pleasant to look at. It is a more formal way of expressing admiration for someone or something.

For example, you might say “Die Stadt ist entzückend” (The city is delightful) or “Deine Augen sind entzückend” (Your eyes are delightful).


“Atemberaubend” is a German word that means “breathtaking,” and it is used to describe things or experiences that are so beautiful or impressive that they take your breath away. It is often used to express strong feelings of admiration or awe.

For example, you might say “Die Berge sind atemberaubend” (The mountains are breathtaking) or “Deine Stimme ist atemberaubend” (Your voice is breathtaking).


“Zauberhaft” is a German word that means “enchanting” or “magical,” and it is used to describe things or people that are beautiful in a mysterious or mesmerizing way. It is often used to express a sense of wonder or awe.

For example, you might say “Der Garten ist zauberhaft” (The garden is enchanting) or “Dein Lächeln ist zauberhaft” (Your smile is enchanting).


“Elegant” is a German word that means “graceful” or “refined,” and it is used to describe things or people that are stylish and sophisticated. It is often used to express admiration for someone’s taste or appearance. For example, you might say “Die Kleidung ist elegant” (The clothing is elegant) or “Dein Auftreten ist elegant” (Your demeanor is elegant).


“Verführerisch” is a German word that means “alluring” or “seductive,” and it is used to describe things or people that are attractive temptingly, or irresistibly. It is often used to express a sense of desire or attraction. For example, you might say “Die Düfte sind verführerisch” (The scents are alluring) or “Deine Augen sind verführerisch” (Your eyes are seductive).


“Märchenhaft” is a German word that means “fairytale-like,” and it is used to describe things or experiences that are beautiful or magical in a way that seems like something out of a storybook. It is often used to express a sense of wonder or enchantment.

For example, you might say “Die Landschaft ist märchenhaft” (The landscape is fairytale-like) or “Deine Hochzeit war märchen” (Your wedding was a fairy tale).

Learn more on how to say different expressions in German

In conclusion, there are many different ways to say “beautiful” in German, each with its unique connotations and nuances. “Schön” is the most common way to say “beautiful,” and it can be used to describe people and things alike. It is important to learn different German conversations while you study this language.

“Hübsch” is a softer, more delicate way of expressing admiration for someone’s appearance, while “reizend” means “charming” or “delightful.” “Herrlich” means “glorious” or “magnificent,” and it is often used to express strong feelings of admiration or awe. “Wunderschön” means “wonderfully beautiful,” and it is used to describe things or people that are breathtaking.

Whether you’re complimenting someone’s appearance or expressing your appreciation for something in the world around you, these six pretty ways to say “beautiful” in German are sure to come in handy.

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1. schön schön

Träum schön!

Danke schön, ich hätte gerne noch ein Stück Kuchen, sagte der schüchterne junge Mann.

Das Bett, in dem ich in der Pension geschlafen habe, war sehr bequem, weshalb ich nun schön ausgeruht bin.

Der Königssohn begegnete ihr, als er von der Jagd zurückkehrte; und da sie so schön war, fragte er sie, was sie hier so ganz allein mache und warum sie weine.

Die Bayern sind schon ganz schön faule Säcke, die haben ganze 4 Feiertage mehr im Jahr als wir in Hamburg.

Wenn Sie glauben mich übers Ohr hauen zu können, sind Sie aber ganz schön auf dem Holzweg!

Aus der Kräfte schön vereintem Streben erhebt sich, wirkend, erst das wahre Leben.

Die Wörter «schön» und «hässlich» sind relative Ausdrücke.

Menschen applaudieren einem Sänger deshalb, weil er schön singt, oder darum, weil er endlich aufhört.

Blumen sind so zerbrechlich und so schön, dass man über sie nicht ohne Poesie oder bildhaftem Ausdruck sprechen kann.

Dein Zimmer ist sehr schön und gemütlich. Das Bild ist schön. Es gefällt mir sehr gut.

Weil das Wetter schön war, fühlte ich mich für meinen Marsch durch die weiten und sehr dichten, hirschreichen Wälder voll und ganz entschädigt.

Nicolas meint, dass die Romanisierung des kyrillischen Alphabets genauso schön wie die Sonne ist, die die Augen verbrennt, wenn man sie ansieht.

Sie gleichen denen Totengräbern, die, ob sie zwar von außen schön, nur Stank und Moder in sich fassen und lauter Unflat sehen lassen.

Ich kann mich rasieren ohne in einen Spiegel zu schauen! «Das ist schön, aber bitte geh von meinem Perserteppich runter, sonst blutest du ihn voll!»

German word «beautiful»(schön) occurs in sets:

Alphabetische Wortliste — S (1 — 50)
Lektion fünf Tag für Tag
Eigenschaften — Qualities
sentence constructions
A2 wordliste

2. wunderschön wunderschön

Das Panorama aus unserem Fenster war wunderschön.

Der Blick aus unserem Fenster war wunderschön.

Die Stadt ist wirklich wunderschön

Unter dem Mikroskop sehen manche Viren wunderschön aus.

Diese Blume ist wunderschön.

Der Abend auf Hawaii ist wunderschön.

Chopins Musik ist wunderschön.

Ihre Haare sind lang und wunderschön.

Selbst ohne Schminke ist sie wunderschön.

Im Herbst ist der Mond wunderschön.

Man sagt, meine Schwester sei wunderschön.

Die Erde ist vom All aus betrachtet wunderschön.

Die Landschaft mit ihren vielen Bergen ist wunderschön, wie ein Gemälde.

Sie war wunderschön, als sie jung war.

German word «beautiful»(wunderschön) occurs in sets:

Alphabetischer Wortschatz — W

3. schon schon

Träum schön!

Danke schön, ich hätte gerne noch ein Stück Kuchen, sagte der schüchterne junge Mann.

Das Bett, in dem ich in der Pension geschlafen habe, war sehr bequem, weshalb ich nun schön ausgeruht bin.

Der Königssohn begegnete ihr, als er von der Jagd zurückkehrte; und da sie so schön war, fragte er sie, was sie hier so ganz allein mache und warum sie weine.

Die Bayern sind schon ganz schön faule Säcke, die haben ganze 4 Feiertage mehr im Jahr als wir in Hamburg.

Wenn Sie glauben mich übers Ohr hauen zu können, sind Sie aber ganz schön auf dem Holzweg!

Aus der Kräfte schön vereintem Streben erhebt sich, wirkend, erst das wahre Leben.

Die Wörter «schön» und «hässlich» sind relative Ausdrücke.

Menschen applaudieren einem Sänger deshalb, weil er schön singt, oder darum, weil er endlich aufhört.

Blumen sind so zerbrechlich und so schön, dass man über sie nicht ohne Poesie oder bildhaftem Ausdruck sprechen kann.

Dein Zimmer ist sehr schön und gemütlich. Das Bild ist schön. Es gefällt mir sehr gut.

Weil das Wetter schön war, fühlte ich mich für meinen Marsch durch die weiten und sehr dichten, hirschreichen Wälder voll und ganz entschädigt.

Nicolas meint, dass die Romanisierung des kyrillischen Alphabets genauso schön wie die Sonne ist, die die Augen verbrennt, wenn man sie ansieht.

Sie gleichen denen Totengräbern, die, ob sie zwar von außen schön, nur Stank und Moder in sich fassen und lauter Unflat sehen lassen.

Ich kann mich rasieren ohne in einen Spiegel zu schauen! «Das ist schön, aber bitte geh von meinem Perserteppich runter, sonst blutest du ihn voll!»

German word «beautiful»(schon) occurs in sets:

Kapital 1 suchapter1 p2

Some people say that flattery won’t get you anywhere. We, on the other hand, say that compliments never hurt. Giving a compliment is a great way to start a conversation! 

Learning how to say beautiful in the German language will help you find the right words when you want to praise someone or something. Not only is it a great small-talk icebreaker, but you can also make the other person feel good.

German Frequency Dictionaries with Most Common Words

Our unique German Frequency Dictionary series is a must if you want to expand your German vocabulary fast and effectively. We have carefully selected 10,000 most common German words and listed them by frequency and alphabet.

Learning new words by frequency is the fastest way to fluency!

How to Say Beautiful in the German Language

Like English, German also has countless synonyms for the word “beautiful.” The most commonly used translation is schön. It is pronounced [ʃøːn] in the IPA transcription.

Don’t forget the so-called umlaut – the double dots over the “o.” In this case, it completely changes the meaning of the word! Schon means already or yet. It is pronounced [ʃoːn].

Here you can listen to the pronunciation of schön and the pronunciation of schon.

When to Use Schön in German

We have mentioned above that the most common word for beautiful in German is schön. You can say for example:

  • Du hast aber schöne Augen. – You have such beautiful eyes.
  • Welch ein schöner Tag! – What a beautiful day!

You can use it when talking about people, things, or places. It is as universal as its English counterpart. However, you can use other words to translate it into English:

  • Hier können Sie auch schöne Geschenke für besondere Anlässe finden. – You can also find nice gifts for special occasions here.
  • Dieses Zimmer hat einen Balkon mit schöner Aussicht über den See. – This room has a balcony with lovely views over the lake.
  • Nichts ist angenehmer als an einem schönen Tag spazieren zu gehen. ­– Nothing is more pleasant than going for a walk on a fine day.
  • Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Aufenthalt in München. – We wish you a pleasant stay in Munich.

Intensifying “Beautiful” in German

Does a simple schön sound uninspired? You can add some sophisticated adverbs! How about strahlend schön? You can say Du bist strahlend schön. You are dazzlingly beautiful.

Below is a list of possible ways to intensify the meaning of schön.

  • Atemberaubend – breathtaking(ly) – Der Blick auf die umliegenden Berge ist atemberaubend schön. – The view of the surrounding mountains is breathtakingly beautiful.
  • Bildschön literally means picture-perfect. Habe ich dir schon mal gesagt, dass du bildschön bist. – Have I ever told you that you are gorgeous?
  • Wunderschön (das) Wunder means a wonder. Vielen Dank für die wunderschönen Blumen. – Thank you very much for such beautiful flowers.
  • Traumschön – this is another compound containing the word schön. In this case, (der) Traum means a dream. Die Königin war traumschön und hatte drei Söhne. – The queen was stunningly beautiful and had four sons.

You have seen above that you can use several forms of the word to intensify its meaning. However, to expand your vocabulary and sound more eloquent, you can learn several other expressions with similar meaning.

  1. Hübsch (pronounced [hʏpʃ]) – pretty, handsome, cute

You can use hübsch when describing men and women. It means handsome and pretty. You can also use it for some inanimate objects, but schön counts as more universal.

  • Was für ein hübsches Mädchen! – What a pretty girl!
  • Dein Lächeln macht dich noch hübscher. ­– Your smile makes you even more handsome.
  1. Gutaussehend (pronounced [ɡuːt ˈaʊ̯sˌzeː.ənt]) – good-looking

Gutaussehend is the exact translation of “good-looking.” It is used in the same situations.

  • Er ist reich, jung und gutaussehend. – He is young, rich, and good-looking.
  1. Herrlich (pronounced [ˈhɛʁlɪç]) – gorgeous, splendid, lovely

Use herrlich when talking about, for example, times, weather and most inanimate objects.

  • Wir haben eine herrliche Zeit zusammen verbracht. ­– We had a lovely time.
  • Es war ein herrlicher Samstag. – It was a beautiful Saturday.
  • Dank ihrer Lage bietet sie herrliche Panoramablicke auf die Berge. – The position provides splendid panoramic view of the mountains.
  1. Großartig (pronounced [ˈɡʁoːsˌʔaːɐ̯tɪç]) – fabulous, magnificent, awesome

You can also use großartig as an exclamation to show your enthusiasm.

  • „Machen wir es noch einmal!“ „Großartig!“ – “Let’s do it one more time!” “Awesome!”
  • Die großartige Leistung dieses Schauspielers übertrifft alle Erwartungen. ­­– The magnificent performance of the actor exceeded all expectations.
  1. Wunderbar (pronounced [ˈvʊndɐˌbaːɐ̯] in the IPA transcription) – wonderful

Wunderbar is an equivalent of the English “wonderful.” We have already mentioned that (das) Wunder means “wonder,” and you can say wunderschön meaning “very beautiful.”

Let’s take a look at some examples with wunderbar.

  • Beide waren wunderbar, jeder auf seine Weise. ­– They were both wonderful, each one in their own way.
  • Sie ist eine gute Frau und wunderbare Mutter. – She is a good wife and a wonderful mother.
  1. Hervorragend (pronounced [hɛɐ̯’fo:ɐ̯ra:ɡn̩t]) – superb, outstanding

Hervorragend is often used to talk about someone’s superb performance or quality of goods or services.

  • Das Essen ist hervorragend, die Bedienung auch. ­– The food is superb, and the same is true of the service.
  • Das Konzert war einfach hervorragend.The concert was simply outstanding.

A Quick Guide on German Compliments

Now you have learned several ways to say something or someone is beautiful in German. It will come in handy when you look for the right words to show your admiration in various situations. Below is a list of several useful example sentences and phrases to help you give compliments in German with more fluency.

  • Rot steht dir. – Red suits you. You can use jemandem stehen – «to suit somebody» when you want to say that something looks good on them.
  • Du siehst umwerfend aus. – You look stunning. Aussehen means “to look” (when talking about appearance).
  • Ich mag deine Haare. – I like your hair. Mögen is translated as “to like.” Another common translation of “to like” is gefallen. However, be careful with how it is used.

“I like your car” translates to Dein Auto gefällt mir. The object of the English sentence becomes the subject of the German translation.

German Frequency Dictionaries

Don’t forget to take a look at our German Frequency Dictionaries. You will get 10,000 most common German words translated into English. Moreover, each entry has a pronunciation transcription (IPA), basic grammar information, and an example sentence translated into English to show you word usage in context. This way, you will learn new grammar and more advanced structures naturally.

In today’s article, you have learned how to say beautiful in the German language. Knowing how to compliment someone in your target language is an important social tool! It leads to better communication, which is what you, as a learner of German, seek.

If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know in the comments below. We are more than happy to answer!

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