The word back in example sentences

English Collocation

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Used with adjectives:

«The football player has a broad back.«
(broad, muscular, strong)

«My back is aching.«
(aching, bad, sore, stiff)

«I have a tattoo on my upper back.«
(upper, lower)

«Her back is not straight.«

«He has a crooked back.«
(crooked, bent, hunched, broken)

Used with verbs:

«He hunches his back when he stands.«
(hunches, bends, arches)

«You should straighten your back when you walk.«

«She hurt her back at work.«
(hurt, injured, broke)

«Will you massage my back?«
(massage, rub)

«Lean your back against the wall.«

«He pat his baby’s back to put her to sleep.«

«The exit is located at the back.«
(be + located, be: is/am/are)

Used with nouns:

«He has back pain.«
(pain, trouble)

«I’m at home with a back injury.«
(injury, problem, ache)

«I have sore back muscles.«

«She entered through the back entrance.«
(entrance, door)

Used with prepositions:

«The seats are in the back.«
(in, at, near, toward, towards)

«I dropped my keys down the back of the couch.«

«I’ve got pain in my back.«

«She was lying on her back.«

«He hid the gift behind his back.«

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Used with adverbs:

«He quickly backed away.«
(quickly, hurriedly, immediately, slowly, cautiously, nervously)

«You need to back off.«
(off, away, up)

«Can you back me up?«

«I’m strongly backing this candidate.«
(strongly, fully, openly, publicly)

«The employees unanimously backed the new policy.«
(unanimously, overwhelmingly)

«My business needs to be financially backed.«
(financially, monetarily)

Used with prepositions:

«She backed into a tree.«

«He backed out of the narrow parking space.«
(out of)

«They slowly backed away from the barking dog.«
(away from)

Previous Word by Letter: baby

Previous Word by Frequency: me

Next Word by Frequency: better

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The warm atmosphere radiates some of its energy back down to earth – this latter is sometimes termed “back radiation”. ❋ Unknown (2007)

‘We will take New Orleans back‘ yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = »We will take New Orleans back‘ ‘; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =’ Article: Two years after Katrina tore through the mouth of the Mississippi, a New Orleans parent, after running an obstacle course that can take many months, is only sometimes able to place his or her child in a school. ‘ ❋ Unknown (2007)

It took all of me to hold back the tears when my dad told me to find him and bring him back… ❋ Goldylockz22 (2003)

My back folds in to ridges, where the water running down my back… carefully bounces and folds into the crevices, reaching an invisible body of flow, up and over the highlights of my skin… created from years of play in the sun… ❋ Ugotsoul (2003)

Nina needs help to roll from her belly to her back, so they put a circle that goes part way around ‘rolls belly to back’. ❋ Unknown (1999)

If we have gone out of the way Jesus will bring us back, _if we want to come back_. ❋ H. J. Wilmot-Buxton (N/A)

Nevertheless it was their turning back, or being _sent back_, as it was called, that gave a pretext to the slander that was then started. ❋ L. March Phillipps (N/A)

I have only recently been getting back a little: no, getting _back_ nothing, — but some new life, out of a new world, I think. ❋ Various (N/A)

In the next issue he combined some of his smaller departments in the back; and thus, in 1896, he inaugurated the method of “running over into the back” which has now become a recognized principle in the make-up of magazines of larger size. ❋ Unknown (1921)

(_He lays back his ears and raises the hair along his back_.) ❋ 1873-1954 Colette (1913)

It was not a singing river, but to-day it seemed to have a song, «_Go back, go back_,» it said; «_you have seen the world, you have seen the world_.» ❋ Temple Bailey (1906)

By Jove, if he did n’t back out, his fast-diminishing bank account would _back_ him out! ❋ Henry Irving Dodge (1906)

Once more they dipped the water, the canoe moved slowly — with an effort, and as the paddles a second time paused in air, the canoe shot swiftly — not forward to the embrace of the angry waters, but back — _back at dizzy speed into the dark and dismal recesses of the lake_. ❋ William Murray Graydon (1905)

‘Back to the world to take your punishment!’ the ghost whispered, and oh, horror! she pushed her back with those terrible, bleeding hands — _back_, down the slippery, slimy steps towards the crowd. ❋ Unknown (1905)

This is what it contained: — _ «Four out from crow-clump: three left; nine out; two right; three back; two left; fourteen out; two left; seven out; one left; nine back; two right; six back; four right; seven back_.» ❋ Rudyard Kipling (1900)

On the day of the trial, Mr. Logan, having bought a new shirt, open in the back, with a huge standing collar, dressed himself in extreme haste, and put on the shirt with the _bosom at the back_, a linen coat concealing the blunder. ❋ Unknown (1878)

Hindu-Kush and back again; in Egypt one sees most plainly how the Semitic, or the family which inclines towards Semitism, migrated frequently from the Mediterranean and the Euphrates to the Red Sea and _back again_. ❋ Unknown (1861)

The best way to save a drowning man is to approach him from behind, seize him under the armpits, and, then, getting on your back, draw him partly on to your breast and swim _on your back_ to the shore, or to a place of safety. ❋ Unknown (1859)

She thought she was back at East Lynne — not _back_, in one sense, but that she seemed never to have gone away from it — walking in the flower garden with Mr. Carlyle, while the three children played on the lawn. ❋ Henry Wood (1850)

So ladies (yeah), ladies (yeah)
If you wanna role in my Mercedes (yeah)
Then turn around
[Stick it out]
Even [white boys] got to shout
[Baby got back]
All credit humbly given to Sir-Mix-a-Lot ❋ Baby Got It Goin’ On (2004)

«Daaaammmnnnnn, [baby got back]!» ❋ Alex A. (2003)

[Gimme] a shot of [whiskey] with a [coke back]. ❋ Learn To Swim (2008)

example 1
Dude 1.»Dude i just [smoked] that [blunt]»
Dude 2.»[How do] you feel»
Dude 1.»I feel fuckin back
example 2: «Holy shit i just caught a fly! im fuckin back!! ❋ 606 Brick Squad Big Joe (2010)

[Carolyn] [rode] [the Elephant’s] back. ❋ Abscido (2010)

«Oh, [snap]! Don’t mess [wit dat] [busta]! He got crazy back ❋ NT (2003)

We [smoked] that whole 20 piece man.
Well get the [pusher] so we can smoke [the back]. ❋ TheConcierge (2006)

[sid]: dude, my girl fucked me back up
[ricky]: thats awesome
sid: yeah, that means i [did good]. ❋ Mandythestoner (2004)

[‘ere] [luv] d’ya want back. [awe] go’on. i bought ya a smirnie ice ❋ Deathbygirth (2004)

[I had] [three] [meetings] back to back ❋ Aaadrian (2006)

He hadn’t started it, and started back down past Ava, «I gotta do that, you know the house

Ava was back down by the time the last one was cool enough to hold

«What do you think the cargo is that Herndon’s paper’s are about?» Jorma asked as they walked back toward the camp

» Jorma knew that Herndon was pretty excited about his boat because he popped back out the hatch and lifted one of the seat cushions to show him

The young woman had her brains bashed in, chunks of her skull cracked and pulled outward like it was done with a crowbar or the back of a hammer

Somehow it seemed much more real, knowing this body had actually been born under a different sun and he wasn’t some dubious translation from dead flesh to electricity and then back to the flesh of a good friend’s hot-box daughter

He lay on his side, up on his elbow, «So you’re back with Herndon again

Theo had been standing in the back doorway

A towel thwaps against the back of my head

I pull it off my hat and toss it back to her

“We all had good imaginations back then,” Kevin says, his nose up in the air

Man, we were dumb back then

«And one that will come back now that their energy age is over

«I still have a hard time forgetting that you are an electric ghost that has forced Tdeshi’s dead body back to life

«Yeah, I looked up that fiction you mentioned, ‘Frankensteined back to life’ is my best memory of the words you used

He claps me on the back, chuckling

» He knew that wasn’t getting across what he wanted to say, she’d already said it, ‘Frankensteined back to life’ after Tdeshi’s death

By the way, that Bedford Van that blew over in 1971; can somebody please turn it back over?

Herndon was soon back with another camp quilt

He crumples them up and rolls them back off the bed

back where we started with “Informed Choice”

“Thank you,” I smile back at Officer McElheny

He went for a long swim in the brisk water and found them still sound asleep when he got back

They may come back again, you might have a second opportunity, but you will never have that first opportunity again

“Field of Vision” and I am now back in the Land of the Drivers

I try to hug her back with one hand so I don’t spill the beer

“Thank you,” I say, patting her on the back

Ruthie is drinking tea, but she looks like she needs to be knocking back some shots of Crown Royal instead

Think back to when you were a kid

Ruthie sips at her tea and sets it back on the table

“He’s afraid about what might happen to it, what with the dead coming back to life

I head through the back door to use the alleyway

» Ennil’s head drew back a few inches, «Ava told me their dimensions, they are miles long

I take a slow step back, my hands in the air

Vera looks at me and then at Micah and stumbles back into the doorjamb

“On it, Cap!” Tom and the captain gave a sloppy salute back to one another

Jorma went back to the ale and Ennil switched also, for this cup anyway

identify those associations in your life that are holding you back

Back to normal, you’ll be glad to hear

There was a long handwritten number on the back of it

The entertainment appeared to consist of a lot of back patting and wheezy guffaws

The sooner he was back in his own small pond the better, he thought

For example, some professionals believe the deterioration of motor function can be held back by regular exercise

«I’m sorry, I promise I’ll be back to explain when this is all over but right now I’m in a hurry, and I am under confidentiality oath

She had at least, given up the corset wearing this time, and was back in the usual scruffy outfits he was more familiar with

He knew she would never be back to explain, he was just one of those people in the way

He was due to fly back to NYC that evening, to stay in his flat before joining Tatania for Valentine’s day, but he was sure he could fit in some more pleasurable socialising

I try to navigate through the city with a broken and bloodstained windshield while he lounges back and chats about days gone by

Couple this loss of needed activity with the dietary habits of modern man, and constipation, along with numerous other problems, is the likely result! In fact, today, it is common for people to report to hospital emergency rooms with terrible back and sciatic pain, only to be told that they are constipated and given a laxative, which frequently alleviates the back or sciatic pain

She could lay back in it and bask, Tdeshi could never do that

He wondered where she was now, playing in the snows of Kugenzglaw? Or did she experience one winter and head right back down to her old place down Sinbara point? What if she’d come up to the Wild Catch last Nightday?

He poured some and leaned back, but soon noticed the sound of distant thunder

He would have to go outside to the back kitchen deck to see what it was, but there was still snow and he was barefoot

” Aldous took this as a cue to vanish back into the inner office

Sarah smiles back, even though she’s still panting from the exertion of creating life

” Those are the ways we look back at the choices we made when we

He won’t be back till next week at the earliest

From here a back hall lead into the kitchen and stairs to the back-office chambers deep in the building

On her way back to Yorthops, Ava heard feet on the spiral staircase that lead down to the office levels

When she got back to her, Yorthops was standing in front of the honor wall in the front hallway where Kulai commended his employee of the year

“Great!” he said, trying to hold back the big shit-eating grin his heart was wearing

Travis spun back on his heel, whistling a tune about sunshine

This information will come in handy when determining how many snails your property has, and whether the snail population is growing or dying back

«I probably still do,» Ava said, «Last I knew it was still in the back of some lab at the Kassikan

She set the plate back up on the rail

Step back and try to see any patterns will also be encouraging natural predators as compost at work behind the placement of the tunnels

You’ll use this info to sell targeted products back to your customers who have just told you what they want

Throw the cotton balls back into the tunnels and cover the entrance with a large rock

They will be back once the smell has disappeared

“Bingo!” Jerm laughed, taking the flask back

She playfully clacked back at it and it scooted up the nearest vine to the floor above

She had to come all the way down around the staircase and back up the entry hall to see who it was, but she was confident it would be the Brazilian with the boat

Not finding what it was he was looking for, Henry dumped the massive pile back onto his desk and started opening his desk drawers, banging his elbow on the cubicle wall behind him

Underling’s back that he was just in the process of doing that very thing when he realized at the last moment that it might look like he was being sarcastic

Henry waved weakly and then sat back down on his hard chair

She had taken an air trip only once, to see Alan, back when she broke up with Tahlmute and Gordon’s Lamp got back to Earth

He wrapped her in a hug and his hands caressed her back and waist

I told her she was right, of course, and we both agreed that we should take a step back and be friends

I had a cold thesh and brined and was working in the back office until I heard this gentleman at the door

There was a wide bench in the back of the boat, but from down on that she couldn’t see over the cabin

Underling shoved the papers back in Henry’s hands

Henry slowly moved his eyes back up the page to see the year beside the month beside the date column

» He concentrated on the traffic, the steering was very, sluggish and he had started to yaw back and forth

Slowly, he looked back up at his boss and tried to smile

Once she finally got his attention back she asked, «Are you going to tell me what this is about?»

However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being

Before Johnny could respond she had disappeared back into her office

Clunker, are you coming or not?” the principal asked again with an irritated voice as she stuck her head back out

I kick back but he’s already gone

The ninja vault the counter and I back into a corner, slicing at them with the force and speed of a man not ready to die

He looked back at Nancy before he went in

Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, he walked back over and started up again

He looked back and forth between them, trying to figure out what was going on when it should have been obvious

“Very clear,” Johnny said, biting back remarks that would only lead to having to listen to Ackers talk more

We rushed back as fast as we could

Kulai finally gave up his security blanket at the Kassikan because he has me to back him up and you want me to go away for how long? A year?»

On his way back home, the ant came across a large anteater

He followed the little ant back to its nest and licked all the little ants up

It harkened back to an era of romantic lawlessness, the drug wars, probably generations before his time

The way the fore-hatch curves is like the back of the cap

He was led up a seemingly endless flight of open backed stairs to a small office

But then they remembered that they were the Fourth Wall, and they backed down from nobody

The mermaids backed off to the doorway

I have made my statement and backed it with the ultimate

It took over an hour and a half altogether and traffic was backed up out of sight in all directions by the time they got going again

Even when they were on their way again they were slowed down by the traffic that had backed up while they were making the turn

“Not much, a trifle really”, he said as he backed away towards the aisle with

between the stone walls that backed the hedges, and although the track showed no

She knew she would have to update it from memory from what it was the last time he backed it up

«You wouldn’t remember because it was all after your last backup, let me just say there’s been a war, but Morg, listen I tried to understand it but there isn’t time to understand the war and all that’s happened since we backed up last

his confusion and discomfiture in his furs, backed out of the room without another

«I’m in the harem, come on in,» he replied and backed away from the lab door

Anyway, she assures me she has backed me up to Mr Gryparis by explaining to him the reason for my absence

They were still backed up however and could be ‘resurrected’ from backup in most cases

He had him backed into a big stained-glass window beside the door

” said Guard fearfully as he backed away

Woven into his dream of eighty-five, he backed out of the garage

Ragged backed sheep, floating webs of winter fatigue,

Backed by thin leaved azaleas, budding red spikes

screaming through blue backed streams of current

They hardly had to move to keep it lined up with the leese, but they rapidly backed away from the wallow as it approached

» Is it not true that you placed your hand on her blouse and she backed away?

It’s a good thing this wind is back or there’d be outbound traffic backed up, the current’s the strongest you ever see on this river going into that harbor

Alan had reached the top of the stairs, Thom had backed up til he filled the doorway

«He’s sure he’s going to spend some time backed out

He slowly backed up, and went inside

They couldn’t build cheron space for that many if they backed out all the crew, so it was populated with stock video during masses

Omi backed off and I gladly changed the subject

Tarak stared at her as she backed away, yearning to put his hands on her

had backed up and was spilling a cold and dirty mixture of

Matai backed out of the room and returned to his quarters

Nice that the Ambassador and his wife backed her in that

The king, or whatever he was, called out some sentences, pointing at the bull as it backed away

The next island had a gentle shore with white sand beaches backed by comfortable villas all along

Visibly shaken, Matai backed up to the wall and pressed himself against it

I need those backed out so I can get home,

As everyone stood about discussing the pros and cons of this, Brent backed away and

Suzanne backed into the door when he touched her leg

With that Suzanne took her purchase and backed out the door

I slid from the chair, under the table, and backed away to the side of the door leading to the living room

“Yeah,” Ava backed him up, “so they were really primitive in that regard

Hour after hour there was revealed along these banks ever more miles of a thin line of city, backed with miles of plots

Downstream of Chardovia they went down a lazy, lon-choked river for a few miles before it widened out into the next lake, backed up by another city in the Yakhan’s urban complex called Sistril that was sixteen miles down the Mindendao river

He slowly backed away, taking care not to

Each in turn removed from under her vest an envelope and placed it into his hand, kissed him on the nearest cheek and backed slowly to join their parents under the platform lamps in a final wave of farewell

Harry backed away, uncertain of what was about to happen and dumb-struck with awe

George came down and backed away from the new addition

She put her bundles down on the sitting room table and backed into the corner of the couch with her feet up, staring at the door

Delurna backed off and ate his seafood cake for a few seconds

“Beautiful car by the way,” he said as they backed away from each other

He backed up two steps into the stairway

Both girls were then being backed down the narrow alley cul de sac by Titania’s initial knuckleheads and five other equally nefarious louts

» Jesse concluded, taking a seat on the high backed sofa

The picture would’ve been complete had there been two high backed chairs, in front of him

With each catch, we backed up and soon we were one

On into the sitting room she went, and came to a stop, in front of a large high backed chair

Roman squatted slightly, flexed his shoulders forward and backed into the

Freddy backed up the stairs of the bleachers, grabbing his bombs from each

surprised by the man’s aggression, and backed his chair

He backed away from her and picked up the phone

He backed away from the area

Roman waved his arm as he backed away from the doorway

She backed up a little and looked at him very hard, inspecting the details of his irises and any other details like the way his hair and beard grew and the shape of his nostrils

It backed on

» he backed away from her

Mike had left her jeans and a western shirt, folded across the high backed chair

It was only when Roman backed him into the arena wall that Johnson

every swing backed Roman up

backed up as well, a couple of paces in front of me

It had a point to the east, its back faced the sunset over the immense lake this city had backed up

Roman backed up to the fence, scanning the parking lot

If you come with a word of prophecy that’s backed with words of knowledge and signs and wonders, people will be more willing to listen

Enid could read the signs – they backed away carefully

«We are confidential about our tenants,» she said, disappointing him that she backed away because her points were nice

But he had never backed down from the impossible before, and now with the power he possessed was there anything he could not do?

messengers that God sends out will have their ministry backed

anointed preaching that is backed with power

because they are anointed and their message is backed with

«Forgive me for saying so, but you did back those words with action and had to come home when the action you backed them with didn’t quite work out

Grimes as he backed his bicycle into the Post Office door

She would have to be backed out til the next expedition arrived, leaving only Glenelle and Alfred

This admission had clearly backed him off

Their floater beat slowly over the beach and its miles of nude beauty backed up by sixty stories of commercial space and housing

he’d backed down in the face of their attacks

He groaned and backed me up until my heels hit the staircase

I backed into the cave wall, then recoiled

Nervous, he backed away

Out of respect for the ex-soldier, Maileena backed off the subject and dug no further

When he backed away to stand near Maileena, he noticed various drugs on the table in front of him

backed away, no longer touching

” She backed into the nearest opening and a hand gripped her shoulder

The invisible Huntress backed away from the little cluster of ships and once beyond the Naud’s limited scanning range, reeled them the rest of the way into the reception bay

The others, however, backed off instinctively

Ben was snarling, backed up against the rocky outcrop, there was nowhere to run

Penelope backed out of the tent, feeling a tad dejected

«That’s Ali, and she’s fucking awesome!» Joss exclaimed as he backed away from Seth

I backed a step away, giving Joss his space as he stared down at her

Gerald leapt up, with what was undoubtedly an expression of fear on his face; he backed away and hissed

His consulting room could not have been less like the clinical environ of a surgery, with its large leather effect high backed chairs and accompanying fake fire

Kurt backed out through the small opening to search for entrance way

«But I’m for the beach, not the water,» she said and began backing out

Nancy and Silence were still backing away from Scar

around the streets backing on to Griffin Park, fixing this and mending that, and as the

It was more because of the traffic they were backing up than the traffic that was here

Both of them stood with their hands to their mouths, backing slowly away from the water where the waves slowly subsided

“Ugh! God, what is that smell?” She was backing away from him holding her nose, and squinting up her face

The girl near the rear of the bull barked another and the bull began backing up with his head lowered

She runs a personification even hotter than that when she’s on the prowl, and doesn’t mind backing guys against the wall with it

Brent continued backing away from the group and then turned to face the stairs in front of him

’ Owen said, backing away slightly, but grinning all the same

Leona cues up the backing track

All the other girls had gone by the time she emerged from the scanky stage door into the alleyway backing onto the club

‘It would all add up … give some backing to why she put up with the treatment she got up here

That comment alone made my jaw drop … crazy man … he’d resigned himself to being friends but when I started backing off it was more than he could bear

» She answered backing up, so he could clear the top step

Same response, the dog cowered, backing away from his cage door

Treater was now backing off with his two companions

with a roar, he propelled it downward, backing the swing with the full might of his massive arms and shoulders

«Yes, High-Mage Nicola,» he said, quickly backing away from the pool and out of the chamber

small boy’s throat and was backing out of the room

As a result of their meticulous planning and the backing of the village noteworthies, they had erected a ten-foot fence around the entire village within three days

him know that he had the backing of one of the most

Backing up, I tried to avoid him, but he wouldn’t allow it

There was no backing out of this one, every

The Imperial looked particularly distraught, to the point that Brynjolf pondered backing out of the building and maybe trying again a bit later

All 4 groups were already in position, each in its own warehouse, thinking they were backing up another group that was supposed to make a gun trade with Code Sanguinary

” She shook her head sadly and sighed, backing out of Carius’

‘Ta,’ said Danny backing himself up from behind Ben’s chair


The ern by the gate were backing away

Glen shook his head, backing toward the bed

“Is that how it is, Glen? You’re gonna fight like hell for your sister, and then when you find out the truth it’s too much for you? You can’t handle it?” Sebastian’s voice rose as he continued to approach Glen, who was steadily backing away

The demons, with their blazing eyes and black bodies flew toward Temple, Sebastian couldn’t help backing slowly toward the door

backing it was perfectly flexible

He was confident of God’s backing and boldly took on the giant that had harassed the army of Israel

“I’m not backing anyone,” he said

Backing up a few strokes, Darkburst floated with his nose brushing the roof, breathing heavily

She stood, backing away, and now she could see the wall shiver, shake, as the blows began to push the individual blocks out from the flat surface

Slikit mumbled something under his breath, backing away, wary at the way Brock was behaving

Backing 2 (theatre& adepts), Followers 2 (his cult in egypt already exists and has Cipher 2

Then backing into it, she carefully packed the earth back in front of her, hoping the stranger would not see her hiding place

There were many advantages to having the strong backing of the Russian army

The bid could come this week, with half the financial backing coming from investors in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, with the other half from U

I shook my head, slowly backing away, holding both hands palm out as though trying to ward off something evil; which of course I was

The Sandinistas were not just the government in control of the country; they also had the loyal backing of the peons throughout the region, making life difficult

Obama may have set a new precedent for presidents backing down from starting a war when the public demands so

The deeply rutted and switchback entrance from the highway had always been passable only by four-wheel drive vehicles and too narrow when meeting head-on: she had once had the harrowing experience of backing through a hairpin at the edge of a cliff to allow the passage of an electric company truck

I shook my head, backing toward the door

Then she cried out, pulling her hand free, backing away from the gate

While backing your car its always required to have some one tell you how

She hated to do this to him, but there was no backing from it now

“With the Institute backing us up, and through their influence, the Emperor on our side, we should be safe enough

There was nothing out here to hit, and the flight comp was backing him up with avoidance protocols…you were awake but blind sometimes…your tingling fingers could still feel the stick

He drove around the packed car park, waiting for someone to leave, until Ingrid pointed to a car backing out

I was backing from him

‘And who the heck are you?’ asked John, backing away with suspicion in his grey eyes

I wasn’t backing down to anybody

the internet and the World Wide Web and that proposal received the backing of the European Union

They had secured the willing backing of a reliable official and guide in Brazil

DAVID SUMMONS ME to his office the next day, and I am afraid that he remembers how I used him as a shield when I was backing away from the Weapons Lab, how I pointed a gun at his head and said I didn’t care if he lived or died

Those who are for abortion (pro-choice) have the complete backing and understanding of the Creator of All

Those who are against abortion (pro-life) have the complete understanding and backing of the Creator of All

With the backing of our emotions, the intellect can sharpen our innate talents and utilize them to our advantage

] by backing up the

biblical backing, and so they will be ignored

Harry looked dreadful as he walked painfully up the steps to address the guests who were backing away in fear

This one however, had been created by none other than my brothers, and the power with which Adrinius had struck the piece of wood into my heart was no ordinary strength, but had the backing of not one, but two vampires

The Tea Party Patriots work at establishing PACs and backing political candidates

«Let me hold the door for you two,» he said, backing up to grasp it with his right hand

scientists of all sorts, and therefore has a wide field of respectable research backing the

Bob turned his head toward the noise and saw Monica backing away

I felt a twinge of guilt, I knew I was being a bitch but I was not backing down

slowly backing away from the others, with Xen looking very

In the second case, he fights DOMA so that he won’t offend ‘Gay Supporters’ and lose their financial backing

Puttering around the corner of the house, Jesse smiled triumphantly, feeling more confident after backing out of the shed without incident

It was also triple-wide because Barbara Choate ran a beauty salon in the room between the family room and attached one and one-half car garage (try parking a Honda Civic against a workbench, then backing in a Datsun 210

, where he was elected to the school board with Democratic backing

” By April, I was getting regularly recurring ocular migraines and not sleeping, so I had become worried that my health would fail soon if I were not going to receive backing from Birx and Almendral, which was never forthcoming, despite high praise after my termination for the exemplary job I had done

“He’s backing up for another shot at that drift,” Ken said simply

to convince anyone what is real when I have reality backing me up

They didn’t really understand what was going on, and even though they started backing up, they had not yet fled

Backing up so that he wasn’t seen, he checked again, yep it was her

Shifting her eyes to the ground Amori focused on a spot there, backing out of the conversation once again

“He faced down the gods with nothing backing him up except his courage and his confidence in the rightness of what he was doing

“I had more than courage and rightness backing me up

At that point we appeal to everyone who has any power in Venak but who did not participate in crimes to give up the guilty, in return for our backing them as they assume the positions of the guilty who were in power, and join The Just Alliance

“Knowing who’s backing me up, you couldn’t keep me from it!” Youssaf answered, smiling as he rose to his feet

Moses silently motioned for a departure, while respectfully backing a few steps before turning on his heel and leading his group out of the hall

The stern-first icebreaking capacity relieves the strain on the vessel hull and engine structure involved in the traditional method of ramming ice bow-first, letting the weight of the cutter crush the ice, and then backing off full astern

But, now Claude was here and backing me out on to porch with what looked like twin

But in truth, there is NO scientific backing to Marx’s stated position of “logic pure and simple

no way someone still living in Aruba, with no government backing, would have managed to

He kept backing up, and tripped over a concrete parking place

I kept my feet in the surf, backing into the water up to my ankles

There are several new products on the market for flea control that works by applying a liquid on their backs and it is absorbed into their system

He backs away from her, knife in hand

struggle and John looks about as he backs up

John and Khalid sit on stools next to a small table, hands still tied behind their backs

Adrian tries to suppress a laugh but Emma just looks at the retreating backs of her son and my lover

Leonora couldn’t guess, and Ruby couldn’t tell her, exactly what was in the large, oddly shaped crate, but it took four hands and two backs to maneuver it out of the truck and into the garage of the grateful recipient, who gave them each an extra cash bonus as he rubbed his hands together with unseemly delight

Turned their goddam backs

I was going to flay them, I was going to rip the skin from their backs and serve it to them on a bed of chilled spite

He flattered her a little about the richness of her pubic curls and gave her a quick tingle by running the backs of his fingers over them

breaking the backs of penitents,

One by one they were taken into a shack – hands tied behind their backs by barbed wire – and hacked to pieces with an axe so that no shots could be heard

and flaying the backs of broken sinners,

backs and shook hands

land at their backs, they took to scouring the pools

on the backs of her legs, can smell earth

All the shelves, table tops and chair backs were protected with embroidered white linen and above us, a wooden beamed ceiling

On the door was a blurry window and between their backs was a book stand

I’ve come to a full stop in the middle of the pavement but he takes my elbow and, jolting me back into motion, steers me towards the park that backs onto our office block

She had stood up a little so her jugs were on each side of his neck, pressing both the tops of his shoulders and the backs of his ears

Her jersey was thin enough that he could definitely feel her nipples on the backs of his ears when she poked them

The hair on their backs stood up as they advanced towards her growling

Her words are running round in my head as Dave backs the car out of the drive

ephemeral wings of magic attached to their backs

handcarts and a few others with large packs on their backs

They have their backs to him

Their backs are towards her but she keeps watching

“It’s important to me to follow the real trail to the Kassikan, not waste our time and break our backs with this

With their feet just wider than shoulder width apart, they raised the lever poles of the diggers, straightening their arms above their heads and in a single motion: both lowered their hands and with straight backs, lowered themselves by dropping into a very controlled near squat, almost a horse stance

When they reached each new station, they were to keep their arms raised without locking their elbows, and with their backs straight

protection of the cliff face against their backs

With a flourish, they produce two bunches of daffodils from behind their backs – a present for me

Titania and Hipolyta were hidden by the clot of bodies blocking their escape route, but a moment of jostling gave Jameson an instant’s glimpse of two small figures nearly with their backs to wall at the far end

Me and Johnny stood in silence with our backs pressed against the bar,

It had just been, the way people kept talking behind their backs

‘A vineyard backs onto the forest,’ he explained

The other couple sat on the table with their backs to the room

around their backs and shoulders that held their holstered guns

I waddled over to the corpse and we sat, backs to each other, while I

Paul poured out his heart and laid down his life for the people he served only to see them turn their backs on him again and again, and yet he continued to love them

Our backs break with every stone we set, but with their aid we could lay hundreds without shedding so much as a drop of sweat

Rollinthor and his fellows reached to their backs, then, after fumbling behind their shoulders, they remembered that weapons weren’t allowed in the council chamber

empty words; He backs up what He says

Alan knew that on this floor the abandoned area had some back doors that opened into the backs of warehouses that were still in use

» Sky lifted them both up my the backs of their trousers and placed them on his broad shoulders

She turned, facing the backs of the children — Tetloan’s head of short-cut red hair and the lengthy dark curls of Emily — as they looked out over the city

Meanwhile, every time they were forced to backtrack, the moans of the undead grew louder, echoing from the street corners at their backs

This meant that Ammon and his troops had to keep the Elven hordes off their backs for another few days

The safety of the rocky earth was far to their backs, the colossal black roots of the Dead Tree had taken their place

retreating backs with a hollow feeling in the pit of his

Backs, as it were—the interlocking of machine

As the man backs out of the drive Jayson follows

Mark backs out of the driveway

For a while they lay on their backs, catching their breath and watching the sky above them gradually change colour as the sun rose higher and higher

An engraved dagger would do well to dispatch the careless plunderers standing with their backs turned to the richest of shadows

Wind blew faster and more harshly against their backs, hair whipped every which way

He made a point and backs it up with a parable

may not know it, but Pilates is producing stronger backs and more

made the beast with two heads and two backs

Their eyes glittered in the darkness and the rhythmic tapping of their feet upon the stone was enough to drive chills up and down both Bretons’ backs

Confliction, confrontation, are set backs that will always be within yourself but you are always greater than any outcome

Also if safety has to come on the backs of harming others is it safety? The blunt answer

The Elf added, “It is a great comfort knowing you have our backs

There she saw the Elf’s head between Yula and Mim’s backs on the Captain’s chair

Danny and Ben had been sitting cross-legged with their backs to a large rock

Both Amanda and Melissa had their backs to him but appeared to also be fast asleep

faces, and the pattern on their backs was the same as the rest of the pack,

I stared at the straining backs of the Sappers and the thought sprang into my head that if it was a fish then it was a whopper and would feed most of the Company

Matthew called one of the boys who lifted the packets from the backs of the donkeys and walked in front of us up the stairs

“What the hell are we doing with these things on our backs at least on the front they might protect you from shrapnel or bullets

” She glared at heir backs as she continued

Through the glass she could see the little fenced off back garden with what looked like neat rows of low bushes and beyond that, the backs of a row of council houses which hadn’t been there on her last visit

Just north of this it was joined by a road from the south we marched on bowed by the weight of our equipment and with sweat running down our faces and backs

Jacob forced us both up against the wall with our backs to it

The cold sweat of fear ran down our backs and faces and our stomachs tensed in anticipation of the first bullet that would penetrate and rip its way inside

I could see that some of the lads had a martyr’s expression on their faces others walked along with backs bent like old men and still the rain lashed down

They stood like relaxed lions – their backs perfectly straight – with their eyes searching the faces of Kelderath and his men

Adem turned too, and the men appeared to be following them; they stopped short under the gaze of the Torvellen King, like sheep spotted by a leopard, and turned their backs to march in the opposite direction

” Orion wore an expression of open rage as he stared at the backs of the retreating men

“I agree with Frank all that kit on our backs and then walking across to the enemy lines as well I just hope these idiots know what they are doing?” A bloke called Mick Jones said

Said to have had his aspirations to universal dominance due to his short physical stature, to say nothing of the backs and fourths of Josephine

He also, incidentally, got regulation off our backs, reduced taxes, and beefed up national defense and gave us renewed reasons to again believe in our country

It’s easy to assign blame here but, it can’t be put entirely on the backs of the coaching staff

The combination of San Francisco’s two backs were the best running game in football

I would have to work my way around the back side of the house, sticking to the backs of the trees around the house, and then, down by the roosting pines, to the other side of the garage

In a sweaty, smelly semi-circle, some kneeling and some standing with their rifles slung around their backs, our squad offered up all of the details that we could to the Intel Officer about another attack in the city of Hit, Iraq

There were two men with their backs to me, and they

Nonetheless, that was the last time any of us tried to exchange beds, hollow or otherwise, and all weak backs were soon cured by the PT Instructors who took a fatherly interest in it

On their backs were a pair of tiny Halflings—one a very old, tiny fellow and the other a young boy

After rescuing a dozen cadets who pan caked on their stomachs or backs, or forgot to keep their legs together and then lay bent double at the bottom of the pool, we got the message and just jumped as he said we should

It’d just be reassuring to have Sicarius watching our backs

It was an eye opener for me to watch the old timers fire their pistols like a revolver, standing side on with one hand behind their backs as if they were competing at the Olympic Games or something

The row of seats nearest him was on fire, flames flickering along the backs, heavy smoke curling into the air

The two men wore brands on the backs of their hands, human eyes with Xs through them

turned their backs on them, thinking every moment that the patriot army

After the red-coats had turned their backs, and I was hurrying

“You! Peons! Stop lollygagging and put your backs into it! Half of you will have to start carrying bags of grain manually over to the mill! March!”

“What sustains a couple through ice-enshrined winters and through sultry summers, through the parched deserts and the stormy seas, is an absolute trust in each other, and a friendship which backs each other up without question

It was not emotional or dramatic, what can a person say about people that had turned their backs on God and their family? The relatives whom I could hardly remember stayed after the service for refreshments and a few snacks and then left

The first thing we all automatically did was stretch our legs, backs and arms and then we were able to absorb the glorious beauty in which we stood

This generation hates the glory of My majesty, Having turned their backs to their Creator!

The word (


), is the


most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

At the end of the list you can practice your english pronunciation

  1. Agassi had a short but dramatic run in his final US Open. Because of extreme,


    ,pain, Agassi was forced to receive anti-inflammatory injections after every
  2. Orchestra plus celesta, saxophone,and automobile horns. Gershwin brought,


    ,some Parisian taxi horns for the New York premiere of the composition, which
  3. Rule. Mythology – It is claimed by Cosmos of Panoplies that alchemy dated,


    ,to Pharaonic Egypt where it was the domain of the priestly class; there is
  4. To 2006. He was still recovering from an ankle injury and also suffering from,


    ,and leg pain and lack of match play. Agassi withdrew from the Australian Open
  5. Could cause the stationary antenna to appear to the computer as dithering,


    ,and forth between two positions, depending upon how the hardware randomly
  6. Nor their heirs may sell the statuettes without first offering to sell them,


    ,to the Academy for US$1. If a winner refuses to agree to this stipulation, then
  7. Achilles remained at his camp. Patrols succeeded in pushing the Trojans,


    ,from the beaches, but was killed by Hector before he could lead a proper
  8. Pilot (CMP) on Apollo 8 but was removed when he required surgery on his,


    ,and was replaced by Jim Lovell, his


    up for that flight. After Collins was
  9. Monica, California in 1961. By 1969,the Academy decided to move the ceremonies,


    ,to Los Angeles, this time to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at the Los Angeles
  10. The opportunity, Booth crept up from behind and at about 10:13 pm, aimed at the,


    ,of Lincoln’s head and fired at point-blank range, mortally wounding the
  11. Fertilizer. The Smith-Hughes Act of 1917 shifted agricultural education,


    ,to its vocational roots, but the scientific foundation had been built. After
  12. Yellowish fur, and a long, distinct mane down the middle line of the neck and,


    , which is raised during a confrontation to make the aardwolf’s size appear
  13. When Allison of Tens discovered and purchased the manuscripts, bringing them,


    ,to Athens. According to the story, Apellicon tried to repair some damage
  14. Further Spanish attacks led by Hugo of Montana in 1519 were also pushed,


    , In 1541,Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, attacked Algiers with a
  15. Christian world. A tablet found on the Greek island Salamis in 1846 AD dates,


    ,to 300 BC, making it the oldest counting board discovered so far. It is a slab
  16. Lacked reinforcements, so Lee’s army shrank with every battle, forcing it,


    ,to trenches outside Petersburg, Virginia,where Grant began a siege. Lincoln
  17. Planning to do. The Trojans, led by Hector, subsequently pushed the Greek army,


    ,toward the beaches and assaulted the Greek ships. With the Greek forces on the
  18. Of watching Agassi play, Bollettieri called Mike and said:» Take your check,


    , He’s here for free «, claiming that Agassi had more natural talent than
  19. Were inevitable. Nonetheless, most of the Ramayana texts track their origins,


    ,to Paula tactic schools associated to the teachings of the personality of
  20. Returned to Earth on July 24,landing in the Pacific Ocean. They brought,


    ,of lunar rocks. Apollo 11 fulfilled U. S. President John F. Kennedy’s goal of
  21. Irreconcilable secessionists in reconquered areas. Politically, Lincoln fought,


    ,with patronage, by pitting his opponents against each other, and by appealing
  22. Oscar Nelson; one of the earliest mentions in print of the term Oscar dates,


    ,to a Time magazine article about the 1934 6th Academy Awards. Walt Disney is
  23. The whole decision or any part of it. It may, in addition, send the case,


    ,(» remand» or» remit» ) to the lower court for further proceedings to
  24. The CNT changed its policy and anarchist votes helped bring the popular front,


    ,to power. Months later, the former ruling class responded with an attempted
  25. These thinkers often took Aristotle’s erroneous positions as given, which held,


    ,science in this epoch. However,Aristotle’s scientific shortcomings should not
  26. County). Historical investigations have traced Lincoln’s paternal ancestors,


    ,to Samuel Lincoln, an apprentice weaver who arrived in Gingham, Massachusetts
  27. Boulanger replied that she had nothing to teach him. This did not set Gershwin,


    , as his real intent abroad was to complete a new work based on Paris and
  28. Bacteria. Fossilized filamentous algae from the Cinthya basin have been dated,


    ,to 1.6 to 1.7 billion years ago. Etymology and study is obscure. Although some
  29. Its principles restored the health of those who were ill beyond hope and gave,


    ,youth to fading old age. » One thing is sure though, Indian alchemy like every
  30. 1990 and 1992. After suffering from sciatica caused by two bulging discs in his,


    , a spondylolisthesis (vertebral displacement) and a bone spur that interfered
  31. After arriving in New Orleans—and witnessing slavery firsthand—he walked,


    ,home. Lincoln’s formal elementary education consisted approximately of a year
  32. Elements of esotericism, examples of a purely spiritual alchemy can be traced,


    ,as far as the sixteenth century, when Jacob Böhm used alchemical terminology
  33. They attempted to storm Mt. Olympus. Callimachus sang that Apollo rode on the,


    ,of a swan to the land of the Hyperbolas during the winter months. Apollo
  34. Agassi withdrew from the Australian Open because of the ankle injury, and his,


    ,injury and other pains forced him to withdraw from several other events
  35. Fall out and are not replaced. Adult aardvarks only have cheek teeth at the,


    ,of the jaw, and have a dental formula of: Genetically speaking, the aardvark is
  36. World No. 1 as a result. Agassi entered the history books in 1999 when he came,


    ,from two sets to love down to beat Andrei Mercedes in a five-set French Open
  37. Affirmative, you are the best ones to know «. The spacecraft began its journey,


    ,to Earth on December 25,Christmas Day. Unplanned manual re-alignment Later
  38. The influence of Aristotle’s errors is considered by some to have held,


    ,science considerably. Bertrand Russell notes that» almost every serious
  39. Where a NASA flight surgeon gave each a brief physical check during the trip,


    ,to the Hornet., before the Moon was proven to be barren of life and the
  40. Generally speaking refers to human activities. The history of agriculture dates,


    ,thousands of years, and its development has been driven and defined by greatly
  41. The state legislature takes out 8 percent from the earnings, puts 3 percent,


    ,into the principal for inflation proofing, and the remaining 5 percent is
  42. Within anarchism is free love. Free love advocates sometimes traced their roots,


    ,to Josiah Warren and to experimental communities, viewed sexual freedom as a
  43. Academy has also had recent discussions about moving the ceremony even further,


    ,into January, citing TV viewers’ fatigue with the film industry’s long awards
  44. President Richard Nixon was aboard Hornet to personally welcome the astronauts,


    ,to Earth. He told the astronauts,» As a result of what you’ve done, the world
  45. Tune. The tune came to him while he was on a ferryboat trip from Coney Island,


    ,to his home in New York City, after a leisurely summer day in 1882,and he
  46. Diatoms are also examples of algae. Algae are found in the fossil record dating,


    ,to approximately 3 billion years in the Precambrian. They exhibit a wide range
  47. A powerful


    hand up the line. His strength was in dictating play from the,


    ,of the court. While he was growing up, his father and Nick Bollettieri trained
  48. The Apollo 11 mission, this was the third Soviet attempt to return lunar soil,


    ,to Earth. The Russian craft crashed on the lunar surface at 15:50 UT — just a
  49. And position rafts for astronaut extraction. Though the chance of bringing,


    ,pathogens from the lunar surface was considered remote, it was considered a
  50. Maize, manioc,and arrowroot were first domesticated in the Americas as far,


    ,as 5200 BC. The potato, tomato,pepper, squash,several varieties of bean

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Photo of Eriberto Do Nascimento

Eriberto Do Nascimento has Ph.D. in Speech Intelligibility and Artificial Intelligence and is the founder of English Phonetics Academy

back (n, adj, adv, v): the inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, building, etc. that is furthest from the front; at or near the back of something; in, into, or towards a previous place or condition, or an earlier time ; to give support to someone or something with money or words

Use “back” in a sentence

I glued the pieces of the broken cup back together.
There is no guarantee that he’ll be back next week.
The joy you give to others is the joy that comes back to you.
I’ll be back in 30 minutes.
I’m not one hundred percent sure I’ll be back.
Put this book back on the shelf.
“I’ll be right back“, she whispered.
Can you scratch my back?
Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

She carried her child on her back.

I have no politician to back me.

He will be back in a few days.

He was seated comfortably on a camel’s back.

He quietly slipped through the back door.

Wait here till I come back.

I assure you that you will get back your book in two days.

Be calm and your days will be back.

He is back in the thick of things.

Danger has been stalking you since we came back.

Do you want to go back?

I am so happy that you have come back safely.

When will you come back.

One must not stab people in the back.

Some birds migrate in winter to warm places and come back in summer.

Do not back out of your promise.

We hastened back home when it began to rain.

Do not back out of your promise.

He looked back at me instantly.

Life always gives you back what you give out.

I am in no mood to back down from the challenge.

Can I have it back if you’ve finished with it?

Can you ring me back in half an hour?

I recently went back to the town where I was born.

I was told to come back the next day.

The garden is at the back of the house.

I’ll be back in a few minutes.

When he tried to insult me, I paid him back in his own coin.

The government is trying to bring things back to normal.

He came back two days after.

He never turned back again.

There is no guarantee that he’ll be back next week.

He did not come back before ten o’clock.

Please come back next week.

Could you please take me back home?

He lay on his back on the bed.

He will come back in another two weeks.

He never turns his back on a friend in need.

He demanded that I should pay the money back at once.

He took us back in his car.

He gave back all the money he had borrowed.

Her story took me back to my childhood.

I think she will come back soon.

I’m sure that she will come back soon.

She’s supposed to be back by lunch time.

I expect her to come back before lunch.

There’s gum stuck to the back of my shoe.

He will be back shortly.

You’ll never find the way back home

I’ll pay you back as soon as I can.

Come back home.

He tried to hold back his tears.

He patted me on the back with a smile.

He’ll be back in a minute.

He will be back soon.

He came back from abroad only last month.

I was stabbed in the back by my subordinate.

He will be back in a few days.

I don’t expect to see him back here again.

I am thinking to my job and going back to my native place.

Let us go back to our ancients.

He was going back and forth.

Do you expect her back soon?

He got back his property ten years later.

Here is all that you need to know to get back in shape.

I refuse to take you back into the house.

Don’t hold back the information.

You must be back by 10 o’ clock.

You can’t be shipped back by them.

I shall come back by four o’clock.

I am coming back from the railway station.

I have to go back very soon.

His mother was sitting in the back corridor on a mat.

Then I went back home.

In the evening we came back home.

When my classes break up, I walk back to my house.

After an hour I come back home.

How to get back when life knocks you down.

His mother was waiting in the back corridor.

How do you propose to pay that back ?

Bring my notebook back to me

I came back to Delhi in the latter part of June.

You should not keep back anything from me.

I do not expect that I shall see him back

I do not expect to see him back here.

I sat back and observed them.

He will be back after a few days.

She comes back in the evening.

The thief entered through the back door.

We got her spirits back up.

I don’t expect to see him back here again.

We can’t get them back invoking the law.

He is back and he has taken command.

I have to go back very soon.

He had to go back hurriedly.

Do you carry a dog on your back?

I’ll get back to my computer.

Well here are some ways to reduce side and back fat.

Put the cap back on the tube of toothpaste.

He stepped back slowly when he saw the snake.

Give it back to me.

He lay on his back on the grass.

We sat at the back of the bus.

Please sign on the back of the cheque.

The answers are at the back of the book.

We need to back up all this information (on the computer).

I sat in the front seat and they sat in the back seat.

She sent it back two days later.

They sat in the back seat.

Put the milk back in the refrigerator.

Our nose has many blood vessels at the front and back of the nose.

Go back to your work.

Fix it back into place.

Let us not turn our back upon our enemies.

He will be back in ten or fifteen minutes.

When do you get back here, then?

Do you want me to put them back on the shelves?

This may be a sign of her lack of interest in talking to you and calling you back is not at all on her mind.

In all, four bullets were fired on him, one in the arm and three in the back .

There is a hut at the back of our house.

I’ll be back within an hour.

It’s at the back of the building.

The two houses stand back to back.

If you don’t like the dress, I can take it back.

There is a garden at the back of my house.

Leave the room and do not come back again.

She turned her back at him.

Will you wait here until I come back?

And now back to the news desk.

I guess I should take it back to the library.

I hope you will soon be back again.

He went to the back entrance.

When we had both finished, we would walk back together.

The body needs to get back to shape and here are the ways.

When will he come back?

He got back from the library at five.

I think I’ll come back later.

I thought she would come back with something, but she didn’t turn up.

So I travel back to you, thanking you from the bottom of my heart.

Go back and say that you could not find me.

It is important to get back up after life knocks you down.

That’s why I came back so soon.

The policeman asked people to back off.

I shall not be expecting to see him back here again.

You just pay it back in instalments.

Put that book back on the table.

What time did he get back?

Kindly write to us when you are coming back home.

When I reached back home, I narrated everything to my father.

He never went back on his words.

It’s not always easy to get back after an injury, and I am glad that I was fit .

Give me back the cassette I lent you.

He gave the land back to the original owner.

A drunk walks out of a bar with a key in his hand and he is stumbling back and forth.

I can not take back my word

The knights were back in their shining armours.

Going back won’t be absurd.

We went back later to see it again.

We went back later.

We packed our things and came back home.

Do you carry a dog on your back?

It rushed back into the forest.

I shall be back just now.

I shall be back presently.

He went to the back entrance.

As much as fashion liberates us, it may hurt our back big time.

She drove back as fast as she could.

We got into the car and drove back to town.

I hope you will soon be back again.

I shall go back on foot.

He came back smiling when he had enquired the reason.

I do not expect to see him back here.

After this, I put on my clothes and then we walk back to home.

I shall keep back nothing from you.

Put the picture back in its place.

Suggest ways of sending it back to her.

He will come back in a week.

Put the books back on the shelf.

We shall be back soon.

She is back with her sensational music.

The sticker on the back of my car says ‘keep a safe distance’.

Getting back to the normal life after a short or long break becomes really difficult.

The police held the crowd back.

We shall not come back tomorrow.

Why were they sent back to work underground at the coal mines ?

You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

She couldn’t hold back her tears.

Friends must back up one another.

Can I ring you back in half an hour?

The story goes back to the sixteenth century.

He said that he would be back in ten minutes.

Do you think miniskirts will come back again?

Bees communicate the location of food by carrying odor samples back to the hive.

Mini-skirts are back in fashion again.

Let’s turn and go back now.

Go back to uncle, your father, for help and guidance.

We entered the room by the back door.

The burglar tied my hands behind my back with a rope.

You always talk back to me

You shouldn’t talk back like that.

You shouldn’t talk back to your parents like that.

You must be back on Sunday at the latest.

I will be back soon.

It is safe to sit in the middle of a bus, not in the front or the back row.

The master at first drove him back to cut firewood.

He is back to normal and is helping others come out of the hell hole of drug addiction.

Get back my son safely.

I am sure he won’t go back on his word.

I shall keep back nothing from you.

Recent Examples on the Web

Because his name is sewn in the back by his mom.

Ben Trivett,, 8 Apr. 2023

The shotgun blast to his back knocked him entirely over the fence, according to testimony at his trial.

oregonlive, 7 Apr. 2023

Got some wind at your back.

How To Save A Country, The New Republic, 6 Apr. 2023

Everyone partook in the feast — except for Coach Ben Scott (Steven Krueger), which put a target on his back.

Jackie Strause, The Hollywood Reporter, 6 Apr. 2023

Orr was knocked cold, flat on his back, with teammate Ken Hodge quick to prop up Orr’s head by tucking a glove behind his neck.

Kevin Paul Dupont,, 6 Apr. 2023

Unlike the exposed propellers of many older submarines, pump jets use a duct around a turbine pump to draw in water near the front of the vessel and push it out from a nozzle at the back.

Alex Hollings, Popular Mechanics, 5 Apr. 2023

Bob would give you the shirt off his back.

Jon Blistein, Rolling Stone, 5 Apr. 2023

But that night against Houston, James put the Lakers on his back, scoring 48 points in his most dominant offensive game of the season.

Houston Mitchell, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

In combat, a self-repairing runway would save on maintenance—and complicate the task of an attacker who couldn’t be sure if the airbase would soon be back in operation.

Michael Peck, Popular Mechanics, 11 Apr. 2023

Ambiente, Arizona Way back in the 1920s, the red rocks of Sedona were a fixture of Hollywood films—America’s star landscape.

Klara Glowczewska, Town & Country, 11 Apr. 2023

According to the union, concessions to keep the company afloat back in 2016 were not restored in subsequent contract offers.

William Thornton |, al, 11 Apr. 2023

Two men convicted of killing six people in Deltona in 2004 in one of Central Florida’s most notorious mass killings are schedule to be back in court today for the beginning of death penalty resentencing hearings.

Richard Tribou, Orlando Sentinel, 10 Apr. 2023

The Tennessee House will be back in session Monday, with an Appropriations Subcommittee meeting, a Government Operations Committee meeting and a House floor session on the schedule.

Aya Elamroussi, CNN, 10 Apr. 2023

The series has been a revolving door of marquee names since tapping Jessica Lange back in season one, famously casting Lady Gaga, whose acting credits were then just her own elaborate music videos, in season five — paving the way for her successful film career.

Mikey O’connell, The Hollywood Reporter, 10 Apr. 2023

Tiny, hardworking hummingbirds will soon be back in your garden.

Victoria Moorwood, The Enquirer, 10 Apr. 2023

Necco had launched the U.S. candy industry back in 1847 when its founder Oliver Chase invented the first American candy manufacturing machine.

Darlene Lacey, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 Apr. 2023

But many analysts expect the slumping growth rates to bottom by midyear, and even start improving in the back half.

Dan Gallagher, WSJ, 11 Apr. 2023

With the return of the back step, however, everything clicked.

Jack Harris, Los Angeles Times, 11 Apr. 2023

Kevin’s lawyer immediately shut down claims from Deadline sources that the star only wanted to work one week shooting the back half of season 5.

Selena Barrientos, Good Housekeeping, 9 Apr. 2023

Everett finished ahead in shots 13-7, most on three power plays in the back half of the period.

Dylan Bumbarger, oregonlive, 5 Apr. 2023

Vann and others believe his top end should come in the 200 where the back half of his race is his strength.

Steve Brand, San Diego Union-Tribune, 2 Apr. 2023

Meanwhile, on the back, colder side of the system, damaging winds and blizzard conditions are forecast in the eastern Dakotas.

Doyle Rice, USA TODAY, 31 Mar. 2023

On the back side, the rubber smell is even stronger.

Michelle Pugle, Health, 29 Mar. 2023

Brooke-Hitching tells the back stories of 100 eccentric pieces of art, from a nude version of the Mona Lisa by a Leonardo apprentice to Japanese watercolors that illustrate the stages of human decomposition.

New York Times, 23 Mar. 2023

Protasiewicz is running as a liberal who is not only backed by EMILY’s List and Planned Parenthood, but also received over $8 million in donations between Feb. 7 and March 20 from the state Democratic Party.

Ben Kamisar, NBC News, 3 Apr. 2023

For most of the past decade, the country has become divided between rival governments on the east and west, each is backed by an array of militias and foreign powers.

Samy Magdy, ajc, 3 Apr. 2023

But foregrounding personal privacy in this way is unethical unless it is backed by policy to ensure that those rights are protected.

WIRED, 1 Apr. 2023

The campaign, which is financially backed by Spotify’s Creator Equity Fund, will also support U.K. R&B trio FLO‘s Atlanta show next month as part of their first North American tour.

Heran Mamo, Billboard, 1 Apr. 2023

That offering was backed by private equity group Hudson Bay Capital.

Nicole Goodkind, CNN, 31 Mar. 2023

Your best bet when buying a hemp protein is to make sure it’s backed by a third party certification label, like Informed Choice, National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), and United States Pharmacopeia (USP).

Cori Ritchey, Men’s Health, 31 Mar. 2023

The three towns all sit along the edge of the Columbia River and are backed by the Cascade Range.

Evie Carrick, Travel + Leisure, 31 Mar. 2023

Prosecutors allege Viliena, who served as mayor of Les Irois from 2006 to 2010, was backed by a political machine called Korega, which used armed violence to target political opponents, local journalists, and activists.

Nick Stoico,, 31 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘back.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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