The word awesome in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word awesome, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use awesome in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «awesome».

Awesome in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word awesome in a sentence.

  1. Bottom line His playing is still awesome.

  2. His band leading skills were also awesome.

  3. Unfortunate because, man, what an awesome race car we had.

  4. I need to show you something.’ […] It was awesome, really good.

  5. But it’s awesome for football, it’s awesome for Stanford and all that.

  6. He went on to say: «We have got an awesome bunch of guys in this squad ..

  7. And to be able to play the songs that we wrote together, it was awesome and so much fun.

  8. I can’t believe they did a driver switch and he still won the race; that’s pretty awesome ..

  9. In contrast, TV Guide’s Michael Ausiello of said that it «was thirty-one flavors of awesome ..

  10. It’s awesome.» Hauer rewrote his character’s «tears in rain» speech himself and presented the words to Scott on set prior to filming.

  11. Io9’s James Whitbrook commented that while «here in the west, we’ve got plenty of awesome urban fantasy, especially from a YA perspective.

  12. It’s just an awesome team.» Second-place finisher Johnson said he finished the event where he ran in its duration: «I only made up ten points.

  13. Calhoun admired Dwight’s extemporaneous sermons, his seemingly encyclopedic knowledge, and his awesome mastery of the classics, of the tenets of Calvinism, and of metaphysics.

  14. Digital Spy followed up on its earlier favourable coverage of Capaldi’s video, and chose it as the number one entry out of «7 awesome celebrity moments that will melt your heart».

  15. Nicknamed Queen Marys by the workers who built them, the separation buildings were awesome canyon-like structures 800 feet long, 65 feet wide, and 80 feet high containing forty process pools.

  16. Though the trestle was difficult to build, and viewed as weak by modern standards, it was remarkable for its time, and can be considered the «most awesome part» of the Wallkill Valley rail line.

Synonyms for awesome

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word awesome has the following synonyms: amazing, awe-inspiring, awful, awing and impressive.

General information about «awesome» example sentences

The example sentences for the word awesome that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «awesome» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «awesome».

awesome — перевод на русский


That could be so bad it’s awesome.

Может, будет настолько ужасно, что даже круто.

That was awesome!

Вот это круто!

Josh, that is awesome.

Джош, это круто.

Wow! She sounds awesome.

Звучит круто.

This is awesome! That guy sucks, okay?

— Знаю, это круто.

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The power of these things, it’s-it’s awesome.

Ну и силища. Потрясающе.

Oh, really? Well it’s awesome, congratulations!

Потрясающе вкусно.

Hello, totally awesome.

Да ты что, потрясающе!

I mean, it was more than beautiful, it was…. -lt was awesome.

В смысле это было не просто красиво, а потрясающе.

You look awesome.

Ты потрясающе выглядишь.

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This is awesome.


This is really awesome.

Как же классно!

— DAVID: This is awesome.

— Это классно.

You know who was awesome on this rock? Bobby.

Знаешь, кто классно прыгал со скалы?

That was awesome!

Это классно!

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— This is so awesome.

— Это великолепно.

That was awesome!


I went to her and I tried to talk to her and she said it was cool which is awesome because this could, like, screw up my whole life!

Я подошел к ней и попытался поговорить и она сказала, что все клево, и это великолепно, потому что это могло, похоже, испортить всю мою жизнь.

Awesome beyond description!


Awesome timing!


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That was awesome.

Было здорово.

Shit. Oh, man, that is awesome.

Чёрт, парень, это здорово!

That’s awesome.


It’s awesome.

Это ведь здорово!

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I mean, business is okay, and lacrosse is awesome, but… what am I gonna be, a professional lacrosse player ?

Думаю, бизнес это хорошо и лакросс эт замечательно, но… кем же шь я стану, профессиональным игроком в лакросс?

Well, that’s awesome, but if the plan is for us to bond let’s order pizza and give each other manicures.

Ну, это все, конечно, замечательно, но если суть в том, чтобы мы почувствовали себя друзьями, то почему бы просто не заказать пиццу и не сделать друг другу маникюр.


Это замечательно.

It was awesome

Это было замечательно

It looks awesome.

Выглядит замечательно.

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That this is kind of awesome?

Это довольно изумительно?

— Oh, that was awesome.

— О, это было изумительно.

And so I went there, too, and it is awesome.

И когда я пришел туда, это было изумительно.

I want to cry, it is so awesome.

Я хочу плакать, это было так изумительно.

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That is indeed awesome!


A— awesome…!


It was awesome, man.

Это было удивительно, дружище.

Pretty awesome, isn’t it?

Удивительно, правда?

Pretty awesome.


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Awesome, you can’t imagine.

Отлично. Оттянулись по полной.

-Oh, awesome. I’m starving.

-О, отлично! Я с голоду умираю.

Awesome. I’ve never felt better in my life.

Отлично, как никогда.

— You were awesome.

Отлично сыграл.

No definitely all right dude awesome, we’ll do

А, конечно. Отлично, чувак. Обязательно.

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That would be so awesome.

Это было бы шикарно.

She touched me and it was awesome!

Она прикоснулась ко мне и это было шикарно!

— That’s awesome.


You look awesome, by the way.

Шикарно выглядишь, кстати.

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Definition of Awesome

extremely good or excellent

Examples of Awesome in a sentence

Going to Mexico was an awesome experience for the tourists since they had lots of fun on the trip.


Impressed by the awesome amenities, the couple recommended the amazing resort to everyone they met.


Paula put together an awesome presentation that was an excellent representation of the project.




Other words in the Amazing, Lovely, Impressive category:





















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устрашающий, испуганный, здорово, классно


- внушающий страх, приводящий в трепет; ужасный
- преисполненный страха; благоговейный; почтительный

awesome admiration — благоговейное восхищение

Мои примеры


the awesome sweep of the scenery — потрясающий размах декораций  
the awesome complexity of the universe — потрясающая сложность Вселенной  
awesome responsibility — большая ответственность  
awesome task — грандиозная задача  
awesome currency of power — мощный рычаг  
weapons of awesome destructive power — оружие чудовищной разрушительной силы  
awesome sight — внушительное зрелище; ужасное зрелище  
awesome arsenal — устрашающее оружие  
awesome weapon — устрашающее оружие  
awesome problem — ужасная проблема  
great and awesome — великий и славный  
awesome possum — восторженная оценка чего-л  

Примеры с переводом

That was awesome!

Это было потрясающе!

The movie was totally awesome.

Этот фильм был совершенно обалденный.

It was an awesome responsibility.

Это была огромная ответственность.

Their last concert was really awesome.

Их последний концерт был просто потрясающим.

We had an awesome time at the concert.

Мы великолепно провели время на концерте.

We had an awesome task ahead of us.

Перед нами стояла потрясающая задача.

You did an awesome job on that project.

Вы отлично потрудились над реализацией этого проекта.

The blue whale is a huge, even awesome animal by any measure.

Синий кит — это по любым меркам огромное, даже колоссальное животное.

The ease with which he can hold a ballerina aloft with one hand is awesome.

Поражает та лёгкость, с которой у него получается удерживать балерину воздухе одной рукой.

The amplitude of Thomas Jefferson’s interests — government, architecture, agriculture, science, philosophy — is truly awesome.

Размах интересов Томаса Джефферсона — управление государством, архитектура, сельское хозяйство, наука, философия — поистине удивителен.

потрясающий, классный, отличный, великолепный, замечательный, шикарный, крутой, прекрасный, восхитительный, изумительный; здорово, круто, классно, отлично


Hello, and welcome to the English We Speak, I’m William.

Привет, добро пожаловать в программу «Английский язык, на котором мы говорим». Я Уильям.

Yang Li:

And I’m Yang Li…

А я Янг Ли…


And your task, Yang Li, is to guess today’s word, OK?

Твоя задача, Янг Ли, отгадать сегодняшнее слово. Согласна?

Yang Li:




Awesome. Li, try some of this cake…

Ну, и отлично (awesome)! Ли, попробуй это пирожное…

Yang Li:

A cake? Oh, thanks! That’s very nice…

Пирожное? О, спасибо. Это очень мило с твоей стороны…


Do you like it? Awesome. They’re pretty awesome cakes, huh?!

Тебе нравится? Замечательно (awesome). Просто восхитительные (awesome) пирожные, да?!

Yang Li:

Yes, and I think I know what this week’s word is. It’s…

Да, и, по-моему, я догадалась, какое слово мы изучим на этой неделе. Это слово…


Hang on Li, try some of this coffee as well – it’s really…

Подожди, Ли, вот попробуй еще кофе – он просто…

Yang Li:


Потрясающий (awesome)?


Exactly – it’s really awesome. You got it. So listen to this. Which three adjectives are used in this clip?

Именно так – он в самом деле великолепный (awesome). Ты все поняла. Вот послушай. Какие три прилагательные используются в этом клипе?

This party is awesome. The food is amazing. The wine is excellent.

Эта вечеринка потрясающая. Еда восхитительна. Вино отличное.

Yang Li:

Awesome, amazing and excellent.

Потрясающая, восхитительная и отличное.


That’s right. Awesome means excellent or amazing.

Правильно. «Awesome» означает отличный, прекрасный, превосходный, великолепный, замечательный, поразительный, изумительный, восхитительный.

Yang Li:

Awesome. This word has existed in English for a long time, hasn’t it?

Здорово (awesome). Это слово существует в английском языке уже давно, не так ли?


Yes, and it used to mean awe-inspiring. So awe means great respect or admiration, so something that’s awesome or awe-inspiring makes you feel great respect and admiration.

Да, и раньше оно означало «внушающий (благоговейный) страх, трепет». Так как «awe» означает большое уважение или восхищение, то что-то, о чем можно сказать «awesome» или «awe-inspiring», вызывает у вас огромное уважение и восхищение.

Yang Li:

Full of respect and admiration. But now it just means cool?

Полный уважения и восхищения. Но сейчас оно стало сродни слову «круто»?


Exactly, and that’s thanks to the influence of American slang. So the word can now be used to describe almost anything.

Именно, и это благодаря влиянию американского сленга. Так что теперь это слово можно применять почти ко всему.

  • These shoes are awesome.
  • Это шикарные ботинки.
  • This is an awesome radio programme.
  • Это отличная радиопрограмма.
  • Wow! You are awesome at singing, mate!
  • Ух ты! Ты потрясающе поешь, дружище!


And there is one slightly different usage of this word. Listen to this.

Есть и еще одно, немного другое использование для этого слова. Послушай.

  • A: Are you free to come for hotpot tonight?
  • A: Приходи ко мне на рагу из баранины, если есть время.
  • B: Yes, I should be.
  • B: Да, приду.
  • A: Awesome. That makes four of us!
  • A: Вот и отлично. Так что нас будет четверо!


So what does awesome mean in that clip, Li?

Так что же значит слово «awesome» в этом клипе, Ли?

Yang Li:

It’s like when we say ‘great’ at the beginning of a sentence.

Это схоже с тем, когда мы говорим «great» (отлично, замечательно, великолепно) в начале предложения.


Well, that’s it, yeah, exactly. Awesome can also be used at the beginning of a sentence to indicate agreement or approval.

Ну, да, правильно, именно так. «Awesome» также можно сказать в начале предложения для выражения согласия или одобрения.

Yang Li:

Awesome! That’s clear now.

Классно (awesome)! Теперь все ясно.


Awesome. And that’s the end of this awesome programme.

Вот и прекрасно (awesome). И наша замечательная (awesome) программа подходит к концу.

Yang Li:

William, do you have any cakes left?

Уильям, а пирожные у тебя еще остались?


Er, just one. Do you want to share it, Li?

Всего одно. Давай поделим его на двоих, Ли?

Yang Li:

Awesome. Bye.

Отлично (awesome)! Пока.




Awesome. Or perhaps I should say it with an American accent, because it became very fashionable amongst the valley girls in California in the 1980s, helped by its catch-use in that film, ‘Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure’, along with a whole host of other cool words like, ‘dude’ and ‘bogus’. Awesome! Yeah!

Awesome. Или, может быть, надо сказать это с американским акцентом, потому что это слово стало в 1980-е годы очень модно среди простоватых девушек в Калифорнии. Помог этому фильм «Великолепное приключение Билла и Теда», где это модное словечко прозвучало вместе с кучей других крутых слов типа «dude» (чувак, дружище, братан) и «bogus» (фальшивый, поддельный). Awesome! Даа!

Well, originally, of course, the word was quite literal – inspiring awe, profound wonder. People would talk about ‘an awesome sight’ or ‘the awesome power of the sun’, but the American usage weakened the meaning and it became simply something beyond what is usual, something exceptional, something very impressive, it’s great, it’s cool, and that’s the way in which the word has come to be used more than anything else these days.

Но, конечно, поначалу слово было вполне литературным и означало «внушающий страх, благоговение, вызывающий безграничное изумление». Люди могли говорить «an awesome sight – ужасающее зрелище» или «the awesome power of the sun – устрашающая сила солнца». Но в американском варианте английского языка это значение ослабло до просто «что-то за рамками обычного, исключительное, очень впечатляющее». Это что-то потрясающее воображение, «крутое», и именно в таком смысле это слово стало использоваться в наши дни больше, чем какое-либо другое.

Anything can be ‘awesome’ now – ‘that was an awesome car I just saw’, ‘that was an awesome cast on the show’, or people just say, you know, ‘it’s awesome!’ and it’s not quite clear what that means, except that the person is simply affirming delight in something that’s just happened.

В наши дни слово «awesome» применяется к чему угодно: «только что я видел потрясающую машину (awesome car)», «в этом шоу восхитительный состав актеров (awesome cast)». Или говорят просто: «It’s awesome!Это потрясающе!» – и не совсем понятно, что это значит. Ясно только, что человек выражает восхищение случившимся.

It’s a young person’s usage. I have heard some older people use it – it’s not a word I use myself, I have to say, and young people do, of course, make it even more intense – they put adverbs before it, ‘that’s totally awesome!’, ‘that’s truly awesome!’. I even heard somebody say recently ‘that’s wicked awesome!’

Так говорят молодые люди. Слышал я это слово и от людей более старшего возраста, но должен сказать, что сам это слово не использую. Молодежь это слово еще усиливает наречиями: «that’s totally awesome! – это совершенно потрясающе!», «that’s truly awesome! – это правда восхитительно!». Недавно я даже слышал от кого-то: «That’s wicked awesome! – Это чертовски здорово!»

Well, I think it’s still around but, for many, it’s dated now. I asked a couple of teenagers whether they’d use it and they said they ‘wouldn’t be seen dead using it these days; it’s history’, they said.

Пока это слово еще употребляют, но для многих оно уже старомодное. Я спросил у пары подростков, стали бы они его употреблять? Они ответили, что «нет, не хотим выглядеть как древности, ведь это слово ушло в историю».

Professor David Crystal


  • awesomesauce – восхитительный, великолепный, замечательный, прекрасный, бесподобный, потрясающий
  • lit, fire – превосходный, захватывающий, крутой, классный, удивительный, поразительный, прекрасный
  • sick – круто, прикольно, замечательно, великолепно; крутой, клевый, потрясающий, сногсшибательный
  • slay – поражать в высшей степени, впечатлять; выглядеть потрясающе

A, B, C, D
E, F, G, H
I, J, K, L
M, N, O, P, Q
R, S, T, U, V
W, X, Y, Z

We found 164 ‘word awesome’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use word awesome in a sentence.

  • The word awesome lost meaning when every white teenager applied it to anything remotely pleasing.
  • I recently finished reading The Current Between Us and in one word, awesome.
  • A friend of mine has a rule in her house — word awesome reserved only for God.
  • I can also compare it to the word awesome because this one is a page turner.
  • Pick and read now one word awesome.
  • It’s awesome 1 word awesome.
  • I don’t post many reviews on Yelp but Daniel is in a word, awesome.
  • The final couple of chapters of this novel were, in a word, awesome.
  • The Spyder Store at the Las Vegas Premium Outlet Mall is in a word, awesome.
  • Twlight Princess is, in a word, awesome.
  • Over using the word awesome is not usually my m.
  • The end is in one word awesome.
  • To some it up in one word awesome.
  • Andy’s adventures in the kingdom of Oomaldee were, in a word, awesome.
  • Seldom, if ever, do I use the word awesome because it’s almost become meaningless from over use.
  • The word awesome only describes these cards.
  • One word, awesome, can sum it up.
  • Lastly, the word awesome sauce made me laugh out loud and is my new favorite word.
  • Can’t use the word awesome enough.
  • Thin crispy crust, fresh ingredients, cooked perfectly in a word awesome.
  • Noah the BRAVE and Brilliant was our server one word awesome.
  • The word awesome keeps coming to mind.
  • One word awesome, super fun for people of all ages.
  • Talley is, in a word, awesome.
  • First up, one word awesome.
  • Kelsey Finkelstein is, in a single word, awesome.
  • Phenomenal customer service and the affordability is in a word awesome.
  • One word awesome this app is great and its free so get it you won’t regret it its so much fun.
  • I wish the word awesome wasn’t so overused because the word describes the Casters series perfectly.
  • Only one word, awesome.
  • One word for the food at his place, awesome.
  • It is God’s word and the teaching is awesome.
  • That one was awesome and I don’t use that word lightly.
  • This was an awesome read, I loved every word of it.
  • The best word I can think of is awesome.
  • Awesome storyline that has you from the first page to the last word.
  • The word and phrase choices were awesome.
  • In a word, they knocked it out of the park and Mary Ellen was as usual awesome.
  • That was awesome on my word counts.
  • For a guy, that was an awesome word, with several positive implications.
  • Riley is supportive and awesome in every sense of the word.
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  • The journey these people travel to keep The word alive is inspiring and awesome.
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  • I got this dictionary because it had some really awesome word history in it.
  • This is a cool fun awesome have I can play all day mmmm I have no word for this Game.
  • Awesome is the only word that comes to mind.
  • The story is awesome by all meaning of the word.
  • The main character Sasha is just awesome yes I will be using that word a lot.
  • The main thing is that God’s word is awesome and you can’t go wrong with that.
  • What’s another word for awesome.
  • A Memory of Light was awesome, and I loved reading every word, every line, and every page.
  • It’s word prediction is awesome.
  • The story line was awesome and the passion in your writing shine though every word you wrote.
  • In a word this comic is awesome.
  • Awesome app I love 4 pictures one word I would recommend it to everyone.
  • I use awesome very weakly because it’s the strongest word I know.
  • Awesome is the one word I would describe it.
  • Joe is an awesome guy who stands by his word.
  • Take my word for it, he is awesome.
  • The word gym is suppose to be a four letter word but working out here is awesome and liberating.
  • It sounds awesome from the word go and it does throw up a beautiful world to play in.
  • This version of combining two pictures into one word is awesome.
  • In a one word, Gin is awesome.
  • The word of God is awesome in itself, but presented in this beautiful edition, it is even better.
  • It was awesome, in the true sense of the word.
  • This series is awesome, so well written I’m hanging on every word.
  • Every word and beat written Robb Skidmoore brought me back in time to the totally awesome 80s.
  • Great teaching on this and an awesome testimony on how powerful His word is for us.
  • She has such awesome insight into God’s word and has the ability to relay that to her readers.
  • Awesome one word doesn’t explain it all but it’s pretty close.
  • Will definitely be back and spread the word about this awesome store.
  • This one gives you awesome word substitutes.
  • The only word I can come up with, unoriginal as it may be, is awesome.
  • Is like my new word for fucking awesome.
  • The utter destruction Bruce brings is ‘awesome’ in the truest sense of the word.
  • It’s stellar, it’s awesome, or maybe it deserves a new word created just to describe it.
  • Only one word to describe this Novella awesome.
  • I’ve never used the word yummy to describe the service but this place was just that awesome.
  • It was an awesome experience and the crowd was pretty lit, I don’t know how else I would word it.
  • Awesome is the best word I can use.
  • So if you want to understand a word I just wrote, you have to read this awesome series.
  • The detail and word play are awesome.
  • I love word searches, and this one is awesome.
  • Once again, Tia Kelly does an awesome job of giving you a full story with a small word count.
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  • It is awesome to have the word read to me dramatized.
  • The awesome thing is the she knows to turn the page after the rhyming word.
  • Is not small but in one word all I can say is that is awesome.
  • Awesome isn’t even the appropriate word.
  • To start with not a very huge look and feel of the restaurant but food is just awesome in one word.
  • This app is awesome for people who enjoy word search the old way.
  • I was honestly surprised by this place, and to sum it up in one word it would be awesome.
  • This one was as awesome as the ones before it and I was enthralled from the first word to the last.
  • Perry STone always has awesome insight into God’s word and how to apply it to our lives.
  • Joyce Meyers is an awesome teacher of God’s word.
  • Awesome is too tame of a word to describe it.
  • Awesome, is the only word that describes the novel Valentine by D.

Other Words: World Spoiled, Worded, Down’s Syndrome, World Approved, Word Bank, Worldly Goods, World Health Organization, World War Ii, Word Blind, World Tested, World Offending, After Tax Income, Gastronome, Current Income, Word Credible, Workshop, Workmens, World Rejected, Worse Named, Worst Ruled

To know that part of you will live on, after you are gone, is truly an awesome thing

That’s an awesome gift to live to see and experience

He found her stylish, with awesome breasts, but chilly and insufferably snobbish about her culture

I crossed the road to the Flea Market in Avissinias square and wandered around, snatching occasional glimpses of the awesome floodlit Acropolis at the end of narrow interlocking streets but it was too early to visit

There before him was Jake, in all his awesome majesty, kneeling as it were, head bent, his body perfectly outlined by the rays of the rising sun

Luray was deep into the awesome majesty of the evening

“Wow! That’s awesome and very acceptable

My religious roots lie in the high Anglican tradition — smells and bells, Hymns Ancient and Modern and the whole awesome mystical baggage that goes with it

If this were a story about a fantastic hero, then Matt would don his perfect mask and perfect cape, run out the door in a flash and announce, ‘step back, innocent civilians! I shall now save the day!’, and then Matt would save the world from certain doom in a most perfect way and be rewarded with millions of dollars and a pool filled with drop-dead perfect gorgeous women, and then go back home to his perfect private tropical island where nothing bad ever happened, except for when it was a chance for Matt to prove how awesome he was and just plain better than everyone else

The zeal of the Captain of the Host is fearful and awesome, but

There’s an awesome dawn from that court

He wondered how he was going to react to the loss of Shinvei? Would he soon long for someone as awesome as her again? Would Luray soon grow tired of his poverty and lack of culture? It was a two and a half mile walk home along some upper paths, beautifully scenic in the glowing hour of sunset, but he hardly noticed as he dwelled on these thoughts

I like her, she’s fun, she’s awesome in fact, but I’m not in love with her and never really have been

Then they went down to an awesome concert in one of the great halls of the Central Fastness and got so wasted they went on adventures of which a series of novels could be written

Another display of the Destroyer’s awesome power and invincibility

“This is awesome! Oh my God, did you see? Triton is actually crying! Who knew he was even aware of my existence?» Izzy’s laughter echoed off the painted glass, but only the three of us were aware of her

What an awesome sight that must be, he thought

The results from this could be awesome indeed!

That is the most awesome experience of our lives!” The rest of the company on the bridge clapped loudly at her pronouncement; they were genuinely thankful to be part of the Huntress’s crew

awesome respect for Uar — as the courtiers

arts, in the sense that it combines the best of grappling with awesome throws

«That’s Ali, and she’s fucking awesome!» Joss exclaimed as he backed away from Seth

Ali was awesome

awesome feeling of exhilaration that comes from being at

It was an awesome experience

Added some beaten egg and bread crumbs to the leftovers for your next meal, taste is awesome

experience and to share the awesome uniqueness that is

” Her chin jutted forward and her eyes blazed and she was awesome to watch I can tell you however I was glad that he was on the receiving end and not me

mean, these are awesome, easy, step-by-step guides on

Although this highly sophisticated and financially prohibitive and ―impractical‖ venture may appear ‖implausible‖ to some, the reduction in stress-related travel, increased quality time, higher productivity at the workplace and the system‘s ameliorating impact on our environment (already) under enormous stress, not to mention our nation‘s increasing dependence on foreign sources of oil, may very well offset the cost(s) associated with this awesome undertaking

‘Kaye this is awesome I love it all, thanks chicky

The fat politicians simply don’t understand the awesome power a modern carrier group has or the rattlesnake ways of the ordinary marine in combat

All through the forest creatures paused in their activities, sensing some awesome event was taking place

Now came the awesome thunder of twenty-four aircraft engines, all running full-out for brief spattering seconds as they checked their revs, the thrust, the magnetos, and then the intermittent blast and roar when they took off in twos

“It’s awesome, simply awesome!”

I could imagine this man would have made an awesome air guitarist

Hilderich was considering the magnificent simplicity and awesome sight of the pillar of light in front of him

“Holy shit! That was awesome,” Dawley allowed

He snapped a couple of awesome photos of the sunset descending behind snow capped mountains

The Patriarch had forced these upon him when Ursempyre’s first attempt from the balcony below had failed, prevented by the Patriarch’s awesome powers who had stunned Ursempyre and rendered him unable to even flicker an eyelid

He still found it difficult to understand how eccentric a machine of such awesome power could be, resolving to ignore most of what it said from then onwards

He saw something truly awesome!

The project is a long way from complete yet but it is an awesome sight from the ground by day and even more spectacular when illuminated at night, sat atop Nakkerd Hill

Having awesome pennies was more important than a little floor burn on my forehead at that point in time

“It was awesome Bob! By the end of the day I will have danced with all of us Neighborhood Street Rockers

“That is awesome news,” I said

But just when I thought Fandango was getting all emotional and caring on me, he said, “Wow Phil, you have been holding them for a while, that’s awesome of you

The awesome thing about the response was that it came from those

has produced awesome results over the years, and if anyone can over-

She did it with a thoroughness, an unrelenting attention to detail, that was awesome

The lights were so bright, the silence so awesome

With your awesome might and my healing, how could he win? You are no longer a helpless mortal; you are the grandmaster of wizards!”

“This is an awesome view, Vydor

Think about how awesome it will be to outwit all your competition and wipe the floor with their carcasses as you

Have you taken any time lately to just look around you? To observe your surroundings and to reflect on the awesome power of Almighty God? Consider the hands that created the world? Look at the Grand Canyon or Mount Kilimanjaro! What beauty can be seen if we will take the time to look! Look at your children! From a tiny, microscopic cell, life grew and was formed into the wondrous masterpieces sitting before you

“That would be awesome,” I said and Jack beamed

I will try to be brief here about the features but this is an awesome money maker

It wasn’t as cool as the one which caught fire, but it still looked pretty awesome

«Hey I’d be awesome!» I protested

What happened to the Shiki who used to tell us awesome stories?” Asked Kiyori

It was also a good reminder of the promise I made to Itsuki about becoming an awesome exorcist

This may sound mean, but Hikaru thinks it’s awesome and always pestered me to play when I was busy doing homework

Nina knew a lot about Obake so I was hoping that she could teach me something awesome

Despite that, I’d always known that my name was awesome (because it’s me) but no one had ever told me it was wonderful before

I thought that Itsuki’s special ability sounded awesome

this awesome truth, and through it we are dead to

The second idea in this verse is awesome but we

awesome He is—does not mean we have a

That was awesome and it was so easy to use these options

While it is an awesome thing to know where we are

they think their technicians are awesome

The wielders of such awesome power, Lewis says, are not bad men, nor are their subjects necessarily unhappy men

“That’s awesome! It looks like a giant wave, going as high as the clouds,” Jaden says

ing as if seen from within an awesome cocoon, revealing

‘Did you see that? That was awesome

about that! Really think about that! It’s awesome!

“Yeah unfortunately, but it was awesome meeting you guys, I love your music” I said, that at leased was not a lie

“Its beautiful, you have awesome taste” I said truthfully, this view put the one I had to shame

“We’ll be there” Ally added, “This was awesome bro, thank you,” she said hugging me and Mandy followed suit

“You can have them” I said quickly “They would look awesome with your dress”

“You are awesome

This prison system is awesome at doing it’s job

Kerry is awesome, and enjoys a strong balance of spirituality and common sense as the foundation for her beliefs

She is awesome

I know this place is awesome but you need to see a little bit of the city

If not for the terribly uncomfortable chairs, this wing would have been awesome

Awesome in its magnitude and resplendent in its beauty, the interminable Forbidden City leaves the sightseer marveling at its art, captivated by its glorious monotony, confounded by its majestic immensity and, it is worth saying, physically exhausted when leaving that fascinating compound through a cooling royal garden

“Yeah, you should’ve been there Dad the new rollercoaster is awesome

was photogenic, she looked awesome in a bikini, and she had a

“That was an awesome machine you got Zachary for his birthday

She was still thinking about the awesome power of God to heal when she stopped

“That was awesome

At Carmel, God displayed His awesome power and defeated the priests of Baal and Ahab turned tail and ran back to his queen Jezebel, the arch-supporter of Baal –incredible as it may seem the king of God’s chosen people consulted with the queen of falsehood for advice – no wonder the country fell into disarray

It was AWESOME! I LOVED it! And I was really, really good

Blogs and the internet are awesome

It was awesome – still is; singing my guts out speeding down the

baseball player was because he thought it was awesome that I

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