The word authority means

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The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial authority in the United States of America.

In the fields of sociology and political science, authority is the legitimate power of a person or group over other people.[1] In a civil state, authority is practiced in ways such a judicial branch or an executive branch of government.[2]

In the exercise of governance, the terms authority and power are inaccurate synonyms. The term authority identifies the political legitimacy, which grants and justifies the ruler’s right to exercise the power of government; and the term power identifies the ability to accomplish an authorized goal, either by compliance or by obedience; hence, authority is the power to make decisions and the legitimacy to make such legal decisions and order their execution.[3]


Ancient understandings of authority trace back to Rome and draw later from Catholic (Thomistic) thought and other traditional understandings. In more modern terms, forms of authority include transitional authority (exhibited in, for example, Cambodia),[4] public authority in the form of popular power, and, in more administrative terms, bureaucratic or managerial techniques. In terms of bureaucratic governance, one limitation of the governmental agents of the executive branch, as outlined by George A. Krause, is that they are not as close to the popular will as elected representatives are.[5] The claims of authority can extend to national or individual sovereignty, which is broadly or provisionally understood as a claim to political authority that is legitimated.[6]

Historical applications of authority in political terms include the formation of the city-state of Geneva, and experimental treatises involving the topic of authority in relation to education include Emile, or On Education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. As David Laitin defines, authority is a key concept to be defined in determining the range and role of political theory, science and inquiry.[7] The relevance of a grounded understanding of authority includes the basic foundation and formation of political, civil and/or ecclesiastical institutions or representatives. In recent years, however, authority in political contexts has been challenged or questioned.

Political philosophy[edit]

There have been several contributions to the debate of political authority. Among others, Hannah Arendt, Carl Joachim Friedrich, Thomas Hobbes, Alexandre Kojève and Carl Schmitt have provided some of the most influential texts.

In European political philosophy, the jurisdiction of political authority, the location of sovereignty, the balancing of notions of freedom and authority,[8] and the requirements of political obligations have been core questions from the time of Plato and Aristotle to the present. Most democratic societies are engaged in an ongoing discussion regarding the legitimate extent of the exercise of governmental authority. In the United States, for instance, there is a prevailing belief that the political system as instituted by the Founding Fathers should accord the populace as much freedom as reasonable; that government should limit its authority accordingly, known as limited government.

Political anarchism is a philosophy which rejects the legitimacy of political authority and adherence to any form of sovereign rule or autonomy of a nation-state.[2] An argument for political anarchy is made by Michael Huemer in his book The Problem of Political Authority. On the other side, one of the main arguments for the legitimacy of the state is some form of the social contract theory developed by Thomas Hobbes in his 1668 book, Leviathan, or by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his political writings on the social contract.


Since the emergence of the social sciences, authority has become a subject of research in a variety of empirical settings: the family (parental authority), small groups (informal authority of leadership), intermediate organizations such as schools, churches, armies, industries and bureaucracies (organizational and bureaucratic authority), and society-wide or inclusive organizations, ranging from the most primitive tribal society to the modern nation-state and intermediate organization (political authority).

The definition of authority in contemporary social science remains a matter of debate. Max Weber in his essay «Politics as a Vocation» (1919) divided legitimate authority into three types. Others, like Howard Bloom, suggest a parallel between authority and respect/reverence for ancestors.[9]

United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms[edit]

The political authority in the British context can be traced to James VI and I of Scotland who wrote two political treatises called Basilikon Doron and The True Law of Free Monarchies: Or, The Reciprocal and Mutual Duty Between a Free King and His Natural Subjects which advocated his right to rule on the basis of the concept of the divine right of kings, a theological concept that has a basis in multiple religions, but in this case, Christianity, tracing this right to the apostolic succession.

Sovereign kings and queens in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms are considered the foundations of judicial, legislative and executive authority.

United States[edit]

The understanding of political authority and the exercise of political powers in the American context traces back to the writings of the Founding Fathers, including the arguments put forward in The Federalist Papers by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and the first chief justice of the United States John Jay, and later speeches by the 16th president of the United States Abraham Lincoln. «Our government rests in public opinion,» Lincoln said in 1856.[10]: 21  In his 1854 speech at Peoria, Illinois, Lincoln espoused the proposition “that each man should do precisely as he pleases with all which is exclusively his own,» a principle existing «at the foundation of the sense of justice.»[10]: 47  This sense of personal ownership and stewardship was integral to the practice of self-government as Lincoln saw it by a Republican nation and its people. This was because, as Lincoln also declared, «No man is good enough to govern another man, without that other’s consent.»[10]: 48 

The U.S. president is called to give account to the legislature for the conduct of the whole government, including that of regulatory agencies. The president influences the appointments, the budgeting process and has the right and capacity to review regulatory rules on a case-by-case basis. Since the time of the Reagan administration the president was informed with a cost–benefit analysis of the regulation.[11] The creation of a regulatory agency requires an Act of Congress which specifies its jurisdiction, the related authority and delegated powers. Regulatory authorities can be qualified as independent agencies or executive branch agencies, a choice which is the reason of struggle between congress and the president as well as with the American courts. The latter’s role is limited by the authorities’ power to regulate property rights without the due process rights mandatorily applied by the courts.[11]

See also[edit]

  • Authority bias
  • Authority (management)
  • Anti-authoritarianism
  • Appeal to authority
  • Auctoritas
  • Authoritarianism
  • Discipline
  • Fidelity
  • Milgram experiment
  • Morale
  • Political theology
  • Protection
  • Petty authority
  • Question authority


  1. ^ Bealey, Frank (1999). The Blackwell Dictionary of Political Science: A User’s Guide to Its Terms. pp. 22–23. ISBN 0-631-20694-9.
  2. ^ a b The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought Third Edition, Allan Bullock and Stephen Trombley, Eds. p. 115.
  3. ^ The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought Third Edition, Allan Bullock and Stephen Trombley, Eds. pp. 677–678.
  4. ^ Widyono, Benny (Oct 2014). «United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC)».
  5. ^ Krause, George A. (2010). Durant, Robert F. (ed.). «Legislative Delegation of Authority to Bureaucratic Agencies». The Oxford Handbook of American Bureaucracy. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 524.
  6. ^ Glanville, Luke (2016). Bellamy, Alex J. (ed.). «Sovereignty». The Oxford Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 153.
  7. ^ Laitin, David (1998). «Toward a Political Science Discipline: Authority Patterns Revisited». Comparative Political Studies. 31 (4): 423–443. doi:10.1177/0010414098031004002. S2CID 146736449.
  8. ^ Cristi, Renato (2005). Hegel on Freedom and Authority. Cardiff, Wales: University of Wales Press.
  9. ^ Bloom, Howard (2010). The Genius of the Beast: a radical re-vision of capitalism. Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books. p. 186. ISBN 978-1-59102-754-6. To validate an argument, we refer back to our ancestors – or to someone who, while still alive, has already garnered the sort of authority only ancestors normally have.
  10. ^ a b c Guelzo, Allen C. (2012). Lincoln Speeches. New York: Penguin Books.
  11. ^ a b John Ferejohn (2004). The Authority of Regulation and the Control of Regulators. Droit et économie de la régulation. pp. 35–37. ISBN 9782724686463. OCLC 7292576035. Archived from the original on October 3, 2020 – via].

Further reading[edit]

  • Giorgio Agamben, State of Exception (2005)
  • Hannah Arendt, «Authority in the Twentieth Century.» Review of Politics (1956)
  • Hannah Arendt, On Violence (1970)
  • Józef Maria Bocheński, Was ist Autorität? (1974)
  • Renato Cristi, Hegel on Freedom and Authority (2005)
  • Carl Joachim Friedrich, Authority. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (1958)
  • Carl Joachim Friedrich, An Introduction to Political Theory: Twelve Lectures at Harvard. New York: Harper & Row (1967)
  • Carl Joachim Friedrich, Tradition and Authority. London: Macmillan (1972)
  • Robert E. Goodin (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Political Science (2011)
  • Sebastian De Grazia. (1959). «What Authority Is Not». American Political Science Review 53(2): 321–331.
  • Patrick Hayden, Hannah Arendt: Key Concepts (2014), esp. Chapter 8
  • Alexandre Kojève, «The Notion of Authority» (2014)
  • Rafael Domingo Osle, Auctoritas (1999)
  • Gail Radford, The Rise of the Public Authority: Statebuilding and Economic Development in Twentieth-Century America (2013)
  • Carl Schmitt, Der Begriff des Politischen [The Concept of the Political] (1932)
  • Max Weber, Economy and Society (1922)
  • Max Weber, Politics as a Vocation (1919)

External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to Authority.

  • The dictionary definition of authority at Wiktionary
  • «Political Obligation». Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  • Appeal to Authority Breakdown
  • Christiano, Tom. «Authority». In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  • Four essays published in the International Journal of Philosophical Studies from the Robert Papazian Essay Prize Competition on Authority

власть, власти, полномочие, авторитет, основание, влияние, начальство


- власть

supreme authority — верховная власть
the authority of Parliament — власть /полномочия/ парламента
a man set in authority — лицо, облечённое властью
to have [to exercise] authority — иметь [осуществлять] власть
who is in authority here? — кто здесь за главного?; кто здесь командует?

- полномочие; право, права; компетенция

to give [to receive] authority (for an act /to do smth./) — давать [получать] полномочия (на что-л.)
who gave you the authority to do this? — кто уполномочил вас сделать это?
to act with the authority of the law — действовать на основании закона
to act on smb.’s authority — действовать на основании полученных полномочий
to act on one’s own authority — действовать самостоятельно /по собственному почину, на свой страх и риск/
only the treasurer has the authority to make payments — только казначей имеет право совершать выплаты

- документ, подтверждающий полномочия; доверенность; ордер; грамота и т. п.

here is my authority — вот документ, подтверждающий мои полномочия

- обыкн. pl власти, начальство; администрация

local authorities — местные власти; органы местного самоуправления
the municipal authorities — муниципальные власти
to apply to the authorities — обратиться к властям

- воен. инстанция; начальник
- (Authority) орган, управление; отдел

Port-of-London Authority — Управление Лондонского порта
National Command authority — Высшее национальное военное командование (в США)

- авторитет, вес, влияние

to have authority with smb. — пользоваться авторитетом у кого-л.

- авторитет, крупный специалист

he is an authority on phonetics — он является авторитетом в области фонетики

- авторитетный источник (книга, документ и т. п.)

to quote one’s authorities — ссылаться на авторитетные источники
to know smth. on good authority — знать что-л. из достоверного источника

- основание

what is your authority for that statement? — какое вы имеете основание для подобного утверждения?
on the authority of papers — по сообщениям газет

- вес, убедительность; сила

his strong bass lent authority to the performance — его мощный бас сделал исполнение особенно впечатляющим

Мои примеры


the premier authority on butterflies — первый эксперт по бабочкам  
invoke the authority of the court — ссылаться на авторитет суда  
a world authority on climate change — эксперт с мировым именем по вопросам изменения климата  
borrowing authority — разрешение на получение ссуды  
central authority — центральные власти  
delegation of authority — передача прав и ответственности подчинённому  
insubordination to authority — непризнание авторитета  
authority punishment — дисциплинарное взыскание  
to renounce the authority of the church — не признавать власть церкви  
responsible authority — ответственный орган  
to strain one’s authority — злоупотреблять своей властью  
unquestioned authority — бесспорная власть  

Примеры с переводом

Who was in authority?

Кто был главным?

These employees are under my authority.

Эти сотрудники находятся у меня в подчинении.

Could I speak to someone in authority (=who has a position of power) please?

Могу ли я поговорить с кем-то из руководства?

Several countries claim authority over the islands.

На острова заявляют своё право несколько стран.

They show no respect for authority.

Они не проявляют уважения к власти.

Port-of-London Authority

Управление Лондонского порта

Health and Safety Authority

Департамент охраны труда

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The speech bore (=had) the stamp of authority.

Renee Ball, liaison to the State Parks Authority

…among his other administrative duties is the appointment of transit authority officials…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): authority
мн. ч.(plural): authorities

  • 1

    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > authority

  • 2

    1) власть;

    3) полномо́чие ( for;





    4) авторите́т, вес, влия́ние, значе́ние;

    5) авторите́т, кру́пный специали́ст;

    6) авторите́тный исто́чник (книга, документ)

    7) основа́ние;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > authority

  • 3

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > authority

  • 4

    степень регулирования

    — степень воздействия на регулируемую величину входного сигнала для приведения ее к заданному значению.

    Англо-русский словарь по кондиционированию и вентиляции > authority

  • 5

    степень регулирования

    — степень воздействия на регулируемую величину входного сигнала для приведения ее к заданному значению.

    English-Russian dictionary of terms for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cooling air > authority

  • 6

    Персональный Сократ > authority

  • 7


    act outside the scope of one’s authority выходить за пределы своей компетенции act outside the scope of one’s authority выходить за пределы своих полномочий administrative authority административный орган administrative authority администрация administrative authority власти administrative authority руководство administrative authority управленческий персонал advertising standards authority орган по стандартизации в области рекламы aliens authority управление по делам иностранцев authority (обыкн. pl the authorities) власти; to apply to the authorities обратиться к властям appropriate authority надлежащие полномочия authority авторитет, крупный специалист authority авторитет, вес, влияние, значение; to carry authority иметь влияние authority авторитет, авторитетный специалист, авторитетность, авторитетное утверждение authority авторитет; орган власти, ответственные лица (уполномоченные решать к.-л. вопросы) authority авторитет authority авторитетность authority авторитетный источник (книга, документ) authority авторитетный источник authority (обыкн. pl the authorities) власти; to apply to the authorities обратиться к властям authority власть, полномочие, сфера компетенции authority власть; the authority of Parliament власть парламента authority власть authority влияние authority доверенность, полномочие, разрешение authority доверенность authority доказательство, основание authority доказательство authority документ authority источник права, закон, прецедент, судебное решение, документ, авторитетный учебник по праву authority источник права authority компетенция authority крупный специалист authority орган власти, орган управления authority орган власти authority орган управления authority основание; on the authority of the press на основании газетных сообщений, по утверждению газет authority основание authority полномочие (for; тж. с inf.); who gave you the authority to do this? кто уполномочил вас сделать это? authority полномочие authority вчт. полномочия authority вчт. права authority право authority разрешение authority судебное решение authority сфера компетенции authority управление authority for payment разрешение на оплату authority in charge of minors and incapacitated persons орган попечения несовершеннолетних и недееспособных лиц authority in law правомочие по закону authority власть; the authority of Parliament власть парламента authority to bind company право налагать обязательства на компанию authority to collect debts право взыскивать долги authority to dispose право распоряжаться имуществом authority to issue instructions право издавать инструкции authority to purchase право купли authority to sell право продажи authority to sign for firm право подписи за фирму budgetary authority бюджетное управление building authority строительное управление by authority по полномочию by authority с разрешения authority авторитет, вес, влияние, значение; to carry authority иметь влияние competent authority компетентный орган conflicting lines of authority разногласия в органе власти consular authority консульские должностные лица consular authority консульские представители control authority контрольный орган credit sanctioning authority полномочия предоставлять кредиты customs authority таможенное управление customs authority таможенные власти delegated authority делегированные полномочия educational authority управление по образованию employing public authority государственный орган трудоустройства exceed authority выходить за пределы компетенции exceed authority выходить за пределы полномочий exceed authority превышать полномочия execution authority исполнительная власть executive authority исполнительная власть general authority генеральные полномочия, общие полномочия на ведение конкретного дела или предприятия general authority генеральные полномочия general authority общие полномочия на ведение конкретного дела governmental supervisory authority правительственный контрольный орган grant authority предоставлять полномочия grant authority уполномочивать harbour authority портовые власти health authority орган здравоохранения highway authority дорожное ведомство highway authority дорожное управление housing supervisory authority орган контроля за жилищным строительством implied authority подразумеваемое полномочие intermediate authority временный орган власти joint authority совместные полномочия judicial authority судебная власть judicial authority судейская власть legal authority юридические полномочия legislative authority законодательные власти licensing authority орган, выдающий лицензии loan granting authority учреждение, предоставляющее кредит local authority местная власть local authority местный орган власти local authority орган местного самоуправления local authority самоуправляющийся орган местной власти, муниципалитет, местная власть local housing authority местное жилищное управление a man set in authority человек, облеченный властью marriage authority отдел регистрации браков medical authority медицинское управление military authority военные власти monetary authority руководящее денежно-кредитное учреждение negotiating authority полномочия на ведение переговоров note issuing authority право выпуска банкнот official authority государственные власти authority основание; on the authority of the press на основании газетных сообщений, по утверждению газет ostensible authority мнимые полномочия patent authority патентное ведомство paternal authority родительская власть port authority портовые власти prosecuting authority основание для преследования в судебном порядке provisional authority временные полномочия public authority орган государственной власти regional authority местный орган власти registration authority регистратура regulating authority регулирующий орган regulatory authority контрольный орган regulatory authority распорядительный орган relevant authority компетентный орган representative authority представительные власти road authority дорожное управление state authority государственная власть supervising authority контрольный орган supervisory authority контрольный орган supervisory authority наблюдательный орган supreme administrative authority высший административный орган supreme authority верховная власть supreme authority высший орган tax assessment authority налоговое управление tax authority налоговое управление territorial authority территориальные власти transport authority транспортное управление ultimate authority высшие полномочия ultimate authority последняя инстанция authority полномочие (for; тж. с inf.); who gave you the authority to do this? кто уполномочил вас сделать это?

    English-Russian short dictionary > authority

  • 8

    Politics english-russian dictionary > authority

  • 9

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > authority

  • 10

    власть; начальник; инстанция; командование; орган; управление; отдел; основание, полномочие; прерогатива; pl. власти, администрация; руководство

    national command, military authority — национальное военное руководство [командование]; pl. национальные военные органы, национальные органы военного руководства

    — controlling authority

    English-Russian military dictionary > authority

  • 11





    власть ; право ; полномочие; сфера компетенции

    He has authority to act on our behalf. — У него есть право действовать от нашего имени.



    administrative authority, agent’s authority, authority to pay, authority to purchase, appointing authority, borrowing authority, budget authority, concurrent authority, contract authority, economic authority 1), general authority, hiring authority, acceptance theory of authority, carte blanche, authorization, authorize


    гос. упр.

    орган (государственной) власти, администрация, правительство



    central authority, constituted authorities, local authority, regional authority, authority bond, Commodity Exchange Authority, Federal Labor Relations Authority, Financial Services Authority, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority, Tennessee Valley Authority





    авторитет; авторитетность, компетенция



    авторитетный [крупный] специалист

    He is an authority on parliamentary procedure. — Он авторитет в области парламентских процедур.




    (легитимное) господство, (государственная) власть


    bureaucratic authority, charismatic authority, governmental authority, legitimate authority, legal-rational authority, natural authority, rational-legal authority, traditional authority, Weber, Max, Weber, Max




    авторитетный источник

    to know smth. on good authority — знать что-л. из достоверного источника

    * * *

    1) орган власти; власть;
    2) полномочия.

    * * *

    полномочие; правомочие

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > authority

  • 12


    act on smb.’s authority

    3) орган, управление

    4) обыкн.


    власти; администрация

    5) авторитет, вес, влияние

    have authority with smb.

    invoke smb.’s authority

    quote smb.’s authority

    know smth. on good authority

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > authority

  • 13

    1. n власть

    2. n полномочие; право, права; компетенция

    3. n обыкн. власти, начальство; администрация

    4. n воен. инстанция; начальник

    5. n орган, управление; отдел

    6. n авторитет, вес, влияние

    7. n авторитет, крупный специалист

    8. n авторитетный источник

    good authority — авторитетное судебное решение; прецедент

    9. n основание

    10. n вес, убедительность; сила

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. command (noun) command; control; credit; domination; dominion; government; influence; jurisdiction; law; mastery; might; prerogative; prestige; rule; ruling; statute; strength; strings; superiority; supremacy; sway; weight

    2. expert (noun) adept; artist; artiste; doyen; expert; master-hand; maven; passed master; past master; pro; proficient; swell; virtuoso; whiz; wiz; wizard

    3. head (noun) adjudicator; administrator; arbiter; connoisseur; critic; head; judge; master; professional; specialist

    5. permission (noun) authorisation; authorization; justification; liberty; permission; permit; power; sanction; warrant

    Антонимический ряд:

    denial; novice; servility; weakness; wrong

    English-Russian base dictionary > authority

  • 14

    ɔ:ˈθɔrɪtɪ сущ.
    1) власть( for, over) (исконное значение «право требовать подчинения») to assume authority ≈ взять власть to delegate authority ≈ передавать власть to demonstrate/show authority ≈ показывать власть to establish authority ≈ устанавливать власть to exercise authority ≈ осуществлять правление to wield authority ≈ обладать властью to invoke authority ≈ взывать к властям to defy authority ≈ бросать вызов властям to deny/reject authority ≈ отвергать власть, не признавать властей to undermine authority ≈ подрывать власть, подрывать авторитет absolute (complete, full, supreme, unquestioned) authority ≈ полная власть, абсолютная власть, бесспорная власть parental authority ≈ родительская воля, родительское слово He assumed authority for overseas operations. ≈ Он взял власть над иностранными операциями. A commanding officer has complete authority over her personnel. ≈ У командира неограниченная власть над своими подчиненными. Who was in authority ? ≈ Кто был главным? These employees are under my authority. ≈ Эти сотрудники находятся у меня в подчинении. authority of Parliament ≈ власть парламента man set in authority ≈ человек, облеченный властью
    2) обыкн. мн. власти civilian authority government authority hygiene authorities local authority military authority occupation authority Syn: jurisdiction
    3) полномочие( for;
    тж. с инф.) By what authority do you do these things, and who gave you this authority. ≈ По какому праву вы делаете это, и кто вам предоставил такое право?
    4) авторитет, вес, влияние, значение to carry authority ≈ иметь влияние
    5) авторитет, крупный специалист
    6) авторитетный источник (письменного типа) to cite an authority ≈ цитировать авторитетный источник to invoke an authority ≈ ссылаться на авторитетный источник competent/reliable authority ≈ компетентный источник, надежный источник информации indisputable (irrefutable, unimpeachable, unquestioned) authority ≈ безупречный/бесспорный источник leading/respected authority ≈ уважаемый/достойный источник the greatest living authority ≈ величайший человек современности an outstanding authority on shipbuilding ≈ выдающийся специалист по кораблестроению on good authority ≈ на хорошем счету

    власть — supreme * верховная власть — the * of Parliament власть /полномочия/ парламента — a man set in * лицо, облеченное властью — to have * иметь власть — who is in * here? кто здесь за главного?;
    кто здесь командует? полномочие;
    право, права;
    компетенция — to give * давать полномочия — who gave you the * to do this? кто уполномочил вас сделать это? — to act with the * of the law действовать на основании закона — to act on smb.’s * действовать на основании полученных полномочий — to act on one’s own * действовать самостоятельно /по собственному почину, на свой страх и риск/ — only the treasurer has the * to make payments только казначей имеет право совершать выплаты документ, подтверждающий полномочия;
    грамота и т. п. — here is my * вот документ, подтверждающий мои полномочия власти, начальство;
    администрация — local authorities местные власти;
    органы местного самоуправления — the municipal authorities муниципальные власти — to apply to the authorities обратиться к властям (военное) инстанция;
    начальник орган, управление;
    отдел — Port of London A. Управление Лондонского порта — National Command * Высшее национальное военное командование (в США) авторитет, вес, влияние — to have * with smb. пользоваться авторитетом у кого-л. авторитет, крупный специалист — he is an * on phonetics он является авторитетом в области фонетики авторитетный источник (книга, документ и т. п.) — to quote one’s authorities ссылаться на авторитетные источники — to know smth. on good * знать что-л. из достоверного источника основание — what is your * for that statement? какое вы имеете основание для подобного утверждения? — on the * of papers по сообщениям газет вес, убедительность;
    сила — his strong bass lent * to the performance его мощный бас сделал исполнение особенно впечатляющим

    ~ (обыкн. pl the authorities) власти;
    to apply to the authorities обратиться к властям

    authority авторитет, крупный специалист ~ авторитет, вес, влияние, значение;
    to carry authority иметь влияние ~ авторитет, авторитетный специалист, авторитетность, авторитетное утверждение ~ авторитет;
    орган власти, ответственные лица( уполномоченные решать к.-л. вопросы) ~ авторитет ~ авторитетность ~ авторитетный источник (книга, документ) ~ авторитетный источник ~ (обыкн. pl the authorities) власти;
    to apply to the authorities обратиться к властям ~ власть, полномочие, сфера компетенции ~ власть;
    the authority of Parliament власть парламента ~ власть ~ влияние ~ доверенность, полномочие, разрешение ~ доверенность ~ доказательство, основание ~ доказательство ~ документ ~ источник права, закон, прецедент, судебное решение, документ, авторитетный учебник по праву ~ источник права ~ компетенция ~ крупный специалист ~ орган власти, орган управления ~ орган власти ~ орган управления ~ основание;
    on the authority of the press на основании газетных сообщений, по утверждению газет ~ основание ~ полномочие (for;
    тж. с inf.) ;
    who gave you the authority to do this? кто уполномочил вас сделать это? ~ полномочие ~ вчт. полномочия ~ вчт. права ~ право ~ разрешение ~ судебное решение ~ сфера компетенции ~ управление

    ~ in charge of minors and incapacitated persons орган попечения несовершеннолетних и недееспособных лиц

    ~ власть;
    the authority of Parliament власть парламента

    building ~ строительное управление

    ~ авторитет, вес, влияние, значение;
    to carry authority иметь влияние

    consular ~ консульские должностные лица consular ~ консульские представители

    delegated ~ делегированные полномочия

    exceed ~ выходить за пределы компетенции exceed ~ выходить за пределы полномочий exceed ~ превышать полномочия

    health ~ орган здравоохранения

    highway ~ дорожное ведомство highway ~ дорожное управление

    housing supervisory ~ орган контроля за жилищным строительством

    intermediate ~ временный орган власти

    joint ~ совместные полномочия

    local housing ~ местное жилищное управление

    a man set in ~ человек, облеченный властью

    marriage ~ отдел регистрации браков

    medical ~ медицинское управление

    monetary ~ руководящее денежно-кредитное учреждение

    note issuing ~ право выпуска банкнот

    official ~ государственные власти

    ~ основание;
    on the authority of the press на основании газетных сообщений, по утверждению газет

    patent ~ патентное ведомство

    port ~ портовые власти

    road ~ дорожное управление

    supervisory ~ контрольный орган supervisory ~ наблюдательный орган

    supreme ~ верховная власть supreme ~ высший орган

    tax ~ налоговое управление

    ~ полномочие (for;
    тж. с inf.) ;
    who gave you the authority to do this? кто уполномочил вас сделать это?

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > authority

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    absolute / complete / full / supreme authority — абсолютная, полная власть

    to demonstrate / show authority — демонстрировать, показывать власть

    to deny / reject authority — отвергать власть, не признавать властей

    A commanding officer has complete authority over her personnel. — Начальник обладает неограниченной властью над подчинёнными.

    These employees are under my authority. — Эти сотрудники находятся у меня в подчинении.


    civilian authorities

    — civil authorities
    — constituted authorities
    — government authorities
    — hygiene authorities
    — local authorities
    — military authorities
    — occupation authorities

    б) отдел, управление, департамент

    3) полномочия, права, компетенция

    By what authority do you do these things, and who gave you this authority? — По какому праву вы делаете это, и кто вам предоставил такое право?

    He assumed authority for overseas operations. — Он принял на себя полномочия над операциями за рубежом.


    4) авторитет, вес, влияние

    5) авторитет, крупный специалист

    indisputable / irrefutable / unimpeachable / unquestioned authority — безупречный, бесспорный источник

    Англо-русский современный словарь > authority

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    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > authority

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    1) влияние, вес, авторитет

    man of authority

    — have authority with smb
    — be an authority in this field
    — speak with authority
    — undermine authority

    2) власть, полномочия, право

    He was given authority to sign the agreement. — Его уполномочили подписать соглашение.

    He did it without authority. — Он сделал это, не имея на это права.

    It is not in my authority. — От меня это не зависит.

    He assumed authority for overseas operations. — — Он взял власть над иностранными операциями.

    A commanding officer has complete authority over her personnel. — — У командира неограниченная власть над своими подчиненными.

    These employees are under my authority. — Эти сотрудники находятся у меня в подчинении.

    He can make his authority felt. — Он может дать почувствовать свою власть.

    — complete authority
    — unquestioned authority
    — parental authority
    — authority of Parliament
    — man set in authority
    — have authority to do smth
    — have no authority to take a decision
    — assume authority
    — delegate authority
    — demonstrate authority
    — establish authority
    — exercise authority
    — wield authority

    3) (обыкновенно ) власти, органы власти, начальство, администрация

    supreme authorities

    — local authorities
    — civilian authorities
    — military authority
    — occupation authority
    — government authorities
    — hygiene authorities
    — apply to the proper authorities
    — invoke authority
    — defy authority
    — deny authority

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > authority

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    3) орган, управление


    обыкн. pl

    власти; администрация; руководство

    5) авторитет, крупный специалист

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > authority

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    1) орган власти, администрация

    2) право; полномочие; власть должностного лица; сфера компетенции

    3) крупный специалист, авторитет

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > authority

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    1. власть

    the authority of Parliament — власть /полномочия/ парламента

    a man set in authority — лицо, облечённое властью

    to have [to exercise] authority — иметь [осуществлять] власть

    who is in authority here? — кто здесь за главного?; кто здесь командует?

    2. 1) полномочие; право, права; компетенция

    to give [to receive] authority (for an act /to do smth./) — давать [получать] полномочия (на что-л.)

    who gave you the authority to do this? — кто уполномочил вас сделать это?

    to act on smb.’s authority — действовать на основании полученных полномочий

    to act on one’s own authority — действовать самостоятельно /по собственному почину, на свой страх и риск/

    only the treasurer has the authority to make payments — только казначей имеет право совершать выплаты

    2) документ, подтверждающий полномочия; доверенность; ордер; грамота

    here is my authority — вот документ, подтверждающий мои полномочия

    3. 1)

    pl власти, начальство; администрация

    local authorities — местные власти; органы местного самоуправления

    3) (Authority) орган, управление; отдел

    4. авторитет, вес, влияние

    to have authority with smb. — пользоваться авторитетом у кого-л.

    5. 1) авторитет, крупный специалист

    he is an authority on phonetics — он является авторитетом в области фонетики

    2) авторитетный источник ()

    to know smth. on good authority — знать что-л. из достоверного источника

    6. основание

    what is your authority for that statement? — какое вы имеете основание для подобного утверждения?

    7. вес, убедительность; сила

    his strong bass lent authority to the performance — его мощный бас сделал исполнение особенно впечатляющим

    НБАРС > authority

  • English[edit]

    Alternative forms[edit]

    • authourity, authoritie, autority, auctoritie (obsolete)


    From Middle English auctorite, autorite (authority, book or quotation that settles an argument), from Old French auctorité, from Latin stem of auctōritās (invention, advice, opinion, influence, command), from auctor (master, leader, author). For the presence of the h, compare the etymology of author.


    • (UK) IPA(key): /ɔːˈθɒɹəti/, /ɔːˈθɒɹɪti/
    • (US) IPA(key): /əˈθɔɹəti/, /əˈθɑɹəti/
    • (obsolete) IPA(key): /ɒːˈtɒɹɪti/
    • Hyphenation: au‧thor‧i‧ty
    • Rhymes: -ɒɹɪti


    authority (countable and uncountable, plural authorities)

    1. (uncountable) Power or right to make or enforce rules or give orders; or a position having such power or right.
      Synonyms: command, rulership, sovereignty

      I have the authority to penalise the staff in my department, but not the authority to sack them.

      Vigilantes may have the power to nab criminals, but they lack the authority.

      She lost all respect and authority after turning up drunk at the meeting.

      Respect my authority!

      • 1777, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, The School for Scandal, II.i:
        SIR PETER. Very well! ma’am very well! so a husband is to have no influence, no authority?
        LADY TEAZLE. Authority! no, to be sure—if you wanted authority over me, you should have adopted me and not married me[:] I am sure you were old enough.
    2. (plural) Persons, regarded collectively, who occupy official positions of power; police or law enforcement.

      Authorities say the suspect fled on foot.

      • 1927, F. E. Penny, chapter 4, in Pulling the Strings:

        The case was that of a murder. It had an element of mystery about it, however, which was puzzling the authorities. A turban and loincloth soaked in blood had been found; also a staff.

      • 2013 August 10, “Legal highs: A new prescription”, in The Economist, volume 408, number 8848:

        No sooner has a [synthetic] drug been blacklisted than chemists adjust their recipe and start churning out a subtly different one. These “legal highs” are sold for the few months it takes the authorities to identify and ban them, and then the cycle begins again.

    3. (countable) A reliable, definitive source of information on a subject.

      the world’s foremost authority on orangutans

      My cheap dictionary is not the authority on word derivations.

      • 1930 September 18, Albert Einstein, as quoted in Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel (1988) by Banesh Hoffman
        To punish me for my contempt of authority, Fate has made me an authority myself.
    4. (uncountable) Status as a trustworthy source of information, reputation for mastery or expertise; or claim to such status or reputation.
      Synonyms: cred, gravitas

      Some thinkers regard appealing to authority as a logical fallacy; others regard it as a legitimate form of argument.

    5. (uncountable) Official permission; authorisation to act in some capacity on behalf of a ruling entity.
      • 1964 July, “XP64: New Standard Carriage Project”, in Modern Railways, page 2:

        Authority to construct eight carriages, to test the new design in public service, had already been given; but of course complete working drawings had first to be prepared.

    6. (countable) A government-owned agency that runs a revenue-generating activity for public benefit.

      New York Port Authority

      Chicago Transit Authority

    Derived terms[edit]

    • aileron authority
    • antiauthority
    • appeal to authority
    • authoritah
    • authority control
    • authority figure
    • authority issues
    • authorityless
    • certificate authority
    • color of authority
    • elevator authority
    • moral authority
    • multiauthority
    • port authority
    • postal authority
    • public authority
    • rudder authority
    • signature authority
    • statutory authority
    • tax authority
    • unitary authority
    • verbal authority


    • author
    • authoritarian
    • authoritative
    • authorization


    power to enforce rules or give orders

    • Afrikaans: gesag
    • Albanian: autoritet (sq)
    • Apache:
      Western Apache: hashidilaa
    • Arabic: سُلْطَة‎ f (sulṭa)
    • Aragonese: autoridat f
    • Armenian: հեղինակություն (hy) (hełinakutʿyun)
    • Azerbaijani: nüfuz (az)
    • Bashkir: дәүләт (däwlät), хөкүмәт (xökümät)
    • Belarusian: ўла́да f (ŭláda)
    • Bulgarian: власт (bg) f (vlast), авторите́т (bg) m (avtoritét)
    • Catalan: autoritat (ca) f
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 權力权力 (zh) (quánlì), 權威权威 (zh) (quánwēi)
    • Cornish: awtorita m
    • Czech: autorita (cs) f
    • Danish: myndighed
    • Dutch: bevoegdheid (nl) f, gezag (nl) n
    • Esperanto: aŭtoritato (eo)
    • Estonian: võim
    • Ewe: ŋusẽ
    • Finnish: auktoriteetti (fi), käskyvalta (fi), vaikutusvalta (fi), valta (fi)
    • French: autorité (fr) f
    • Galician: autoridade (gl) f
    • Georgian: უფლებამოსილება (uplebamosileba), ხელისუფლება (xelisupleba), ძალაუფლება (ʒalaupleba), რწმუნებულება (rc̣munebuleba)
    • German: Autorität (de) f
    • Gothic: 𐍅𐌰𐌻𐌳𐌿𐍆𐌽𐌹 n (waldufni)
    • Greek: εξουσία (el) f (exousía), αρχή (el) f (archí)
      Ancient: ἐξουσία f (exousía), ἀρχή (arkhḗ)
    • Hebrew: סמכות (he) f (samkhut), אוֹטוֹרִיטָה (he) f (otorita)
    • Hungarian: felhatalmazás (hu), meghatalmazás (hu), hatalom (hu), tekintély (hu)
    • Indonesian: otoritas (id)
    • Interlingua: autoritate
    • Irish: údarás m, urlámhas m
    • Italian: autorità (it) f
    • Japanese: 権力 (ja) (けんりょく, kenryoku), 権威 (ja) (けんい, ken’i), 強権 (ja) (きょうけん, kyōken)
    • Korean: 권력 (ko) (gwollyeok), 권능 (gwonneung)
    • Kurdish:
      Central Kurdish: دەسەڵات(desellat), بەردەستی (ckb) (berdestî)
    • Kyrgyz: бийлик (ky) (biylik), чоңдор (ky) (çoŋdor), башчы (ky) (başçı), авторитет (ky) (avtoritet), ыйгарым укук (ky) (ıygarım ukuk), авторитет (ky) (avtoritet), бедел (ky) (bedel), кадыр (ky) (kadır), кадыр-барк (ky) (kadır-bark) негиз (ky) (negiz), түп (ky) (tüp), уруксат (ky) (uruksat), авторитеттүүлүк (ky) (avtoritettüülük), беделдүүлүк (ky) (bedeldüülük), кадырлуулук (ky) (kadırluuluk), билгич (ky) (bilgiç)
    • Latin: auctōritās f
    • Luxembourgish: Autoritéit f
    • Malay: autoriti
    • Malayalam: അധികാരം (ml) (adhikāraṃ)
    • Maltese: awtoritá
    • Maore Comorian: yezi class 9
    • Maori: kanoi, whakaruruhau, manatū
    • Mbyá Guaraní: po’aka
    • Middle English: auctorite
    • Old English: ealdordōm m
    • Polish: autorytet (pl) m, powaga (pl) f
    • Portuguese: autoridade (pt) f
    • Romanian: autoritate (ro) f
    • Russian: власть (ru) f (vlastʹ)
    • Scottish Gaelic: ùghdarras m
    • Slovak: autorita f
    • Slovene: avtoriteta f
    • Spanish: autoridad (es) f
    • Swahili: mamlaka (sw)
    • Swedish: auktoritet (sv) c
    • Telugu: అధికారము (te) (adhikāramu)
    • Thai: อำนาจ (th) (am-nâat)
    • Turkish: otorite (tr), yetki (tr)
    • Ukrainian: вла́да (uk) f (vláda)
    • Vietnamese: quyền lực (vi) (權力)
    • Welsh: awdurdod (cy) m
    • Yiddish: אויטאָריטעט‎ f (oytoritet)

    police or law enforcement collectively

    • Albanian: autoritet (sq)
    • Armenian: իշխանություն (hy) (išxanutʿyun)
    • Bulgarian: вла́сти (bg) f pl (vlásti)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 當局当局 (zh) (dāngjú)
    • Cornish: awtorita m
    • Czech: autorita (cs) f
    • Dutch: autoriteit (nl) f, autoriteiten (nl) f pl (usually plural), gezag (nl) n, overheid (nl) f
    • Esperanto: instanco
    • Estonian: võim
    • Finnish: viranomaiset (fi)
    • French: autorité (fr) f
    • Georgian: ხელისუფლება (xelisupleba)
    • German: Autorität (de) f; Behörde (de) f
    • Greek: αρχές (el) f pl (archés)
    • Hebrew: רשויות‎ f pl (rashuyot)
    • Hungarian: hatóság (hu), szakhatóság, felügyelet (hu), főfelügyelet
    • Indonesian: otoritas (id)
    • Interlingua: autoritate
    • Irish: údarás m
    • Italian: autorità (it) f
    • Japanese: 当局 (ja) (とうきょく, tōkyoku)
    • Korean: 권력자 (gweonnyeokja)
    • Malay: pihak berkuasa
    • Malayalam: അധികാരികൾ (adhikārikaḷ)
    • Maltese: awtoritarju m, awtoritarja f
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: styresmakt m or f, styremakt m or f
      Nynorsk: styremakt f, styresmakt f
    • Oromo: aangoo (om)
    • Polish: władza (pl) f
    • Portuguese: autoridade (pt) f
    • Romanian: autoritate (ro) f, autorități (ro) f pl
    • Russian: власть (ru) f (vlastʹ), (usually plural) вла́сти (ru) f pl (vlásti)
    • Scottish Gaelic: ùghdarras m
    • Slovene: avtoriteta f
    • Spanish: policía (es) f, autoridades (es) f pl, fuerzas del orden f pl
    • Swahili: mamlaka (sw)
    • Swedish: myndighet (sv) c
    • Thai: เจ้าหน้าที่ (th) (jâao-nâa-tîi)
    • Turkish: salahiyetliler pl (obsolescent), yetkililer (tr) pl
    • Ukrainian: вла́да (uk) f (vláda)
    • Welsh: awdurdod (cy) m

    reliable source of information on a subject

    • Albanian: autoritet (sq)
    • Armenian: հեղինակություն (hy) (hełinakutʿyun)
    • Bulgarian: познавач (bg) m (poznavač), авторите́т (bg) m (avtoritét)
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 權威权威 (zh) (quánwēi)
    • Cornish: awtorita m
    • Czech: autorita (cs) f
    • Dutch: autoriteit (nl) f
    • Estonian: asjatundja
    • Finnish: asiantuntija (fi), auktoriteetti (fi)
    • French: autorité (fr) f
    • German: Autorität (de) f
    • Greek: αυθεντία (el) f (afthentía)
    • Hebrew: בר-סמכא‎ m (bar-samkha)
    • Hungarian: tekintély (hu), szaktekintély
    • Interlingua: autoritate
    • Irish: údarás m
    • Italian: autorità (it) f
    • Japanese: 権威 (ja) (けんい, ken’i)
    • Korean: 권위자 (gwonwija)
    • Maori: kanoi
    • Polish: autorytet (pl) m, arbiter (pl) m, powaga (pl) f
    • Portuguese: autoridade (pt) f
    • Romanian: autoritate (ro) f
    • Russian: авторите́т (ru) m (avtoritét)
    • Scottish Gaelic: ùghdarras m
    • Slovene: avtoriteta f
    • Spanish: autoridad (es) f
    • Turkish: bilirkişi (tr), uzman (tr), yetkili (tr)
    • Ukrainian: авторите́т (uk) m (avtorytét)
    • Welsh: awdurdod (cy) m
    • Yiddish: אויטאָריטעט‎ m (oytoritet)

    reliability, trustworthiness, or expertise

    government agency that runs a revenue-generating activity

    See also[edit]

    • have something on good authority


    • authority at OneLook Dictionary Search
    • authority in Keywords for Today: A 21st Century Vocabulary, edited by The Keywords Project, Colin MacCabe, Holly Yanacek, 2018.
    • “authority”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.
    • “authority”, in Lexico,; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.

    On questions of fact, therefore, even the Pope could be mistaken, and it is inappropriate to appeal to any authority apart from one’s senses to decide a factual question: ˜authority is useless in that context™ (Preface to the Traité du vide: I, 452). ❋ Clarke, Desmond (2007)

    The acts of the government of the Confederation in accepting cessions from several of the States of unoccupied territory, claimed by them in the west, and organizing territorial governments therein, were declared in 1788, by as high authority as James Madison, to be «_without the least color of constitutional authority_.» ❋ Unknown (1855)

    The only government of the parent over the child that is worthy of the name is one of authority — complete, absolute, unquestioned _authority_. ❋ Jacob Abbott (1841)

    So a mother can not in any way more effectually undermine her authority, as _authority_, than by attempting to eke out its force by arguments and coaxings. ❋ Jacob Abbott (1841)

    That the said Palmer did apply to the board at Calcutta for a new authority to continue the said establishments, — he conceiving their continuance, «after the period of the Governor-General’s departure, depended upon the pleasure of the board, and not upon the _authority of the Governor-General, under the sanction of which they were established or confirmed_.» ❋ Edmund Burke (1763)

    His main authority is Michael Wood, whom he describes as “an historian of some repute”. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    In movies, TV, music, newspapers, criminals are made heroes, the government, police, military, anyone in authority, is too often depicted as corrupt or involved in some evil conspiracy. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    I only hope for prompt recognition of this shift in authority from the free market, unregulated policy guru Bush, towards the real figures in science that will provoke a long awaited change in environmental protection, and pro-activity. — ❋ Unknown (2009)

    Give an exact name to the things you dream others are saying, because the answer to the question of who in authority is saying Troops will be redployed from Iraq is … ❋ Unknown (2006)

    And obviously I use the term authority with the proviso that this is astrology, and therefore utter bunk, without any possible saving graces and only the work or interest of feeble minds. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    A proper argument against a valid appeal to authority is to the evidence. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    And our authority is the Declaration of Independence. ❋ Unknown (2010)

    Whether or not that might have “ultimately undercut” his authority is academic at best. ❋ Unknown (2009)

    «If the best schools opt out, the authority is then left to support the remaining, lower-functioning schools, with a depleted budget and fewer success stories to share good practice,» says NAHT member Liz Robinson, head at Surrey Square junior school in London’s Southwark. ❋ Louise Tickle (2010)

    When the President acts pursuant to an express or implied authorization of Congress, his authority is at its maximum, for it includes all that he possesses in his own right plus all that Congress can delegate. ❋ Unknown (2006)

    If your authority is a religious text, you are already well on the way to blind fundamnetalism, in any religion, and that leads to intolerance, and that leads to evil. ❋ Unknown (2005)

    Your authority is a hand-me-down affair, based largely on whatever your newly-married wife feels like giving you. ❋ Shaxper20 (2005)

    «[It’s okay] to fight everyone [else’s] authority…except [mine]!» ❋ Achluo (2004)

    [Damn the man]! [Save] [the empire]! ❋ Ghandi (2002)

    «[Respect My Authority]!!» ❋ Eddie J. (2008)

    The authorites and [powers that be] have seen it fit to [convict] innocent marijuana smokers, concious objectors, and activists of crimes and therefore put them in a little manmade thing called prison. Authority is mostly a byproduct of greed and [facism]. ❋ Fightforyour Rights (2007)

    [The authority] is always beating [down on] me!
    All authority expect too much from me. Man, [screw them]! ❋ Muhahahanafawnabanana (2005)

    [The executive] branch should [decrease] its authority to fuck with [the black man]. ❋ Meekrok (2005)

    i have authority over you ❋ Anonymous (2002)

    Now that authority is [gone] who will [tell] [what to do]? ❋ RPtheFP (2005)

    Person 1: Dude i hate [the government], and [cops] [and shit], i hate them
    Person 2: You cant imagine what would happen without authority dude ❋ Jimmy The Reaper (2006)

    [Bedanta] Chakrabarty is [my favorite] YA [author]. ❋ Humblebrendon (2019)



    the power to give orders or make decisions


    the power or right to direct or control someone or something

    • Only department managers have the authority [=right, power] to change the schedule.

    • Does he have the authority to do this? = (US) Does he have authority to do this?

    • This office has authority over personnel matters. [=this office has the power to make decisions about personnel matters]

    • You don’t have authority over me. [=you don’t have the power to give me orders]

    • The boss is not popular but his authority is unquestioned.

    • “Who gave him the authority to do this?” “He didn’t do it on his own authority [=he didn’t do it on his own]; he was acting under the authority of the company president.” [=the company president gave him the power to do it]

    • No one in authority objected to the plan. = No one in a position of authority objected to the plan. [=no one with official power to make important decisions objected to the plan]

    • a figure of authority = an authority figure [=a person who has authority over other people]



    the confident quality of someone who knows a lot about something or who is respected or obeyed by other people

    • She has an air of authority.

    • She spoke with authority [=authoritatively] about the history of the building.


    a quality that makes something seem true or real

    • His sincerity added much more authority [=credibility] to the story.

    • Her southern accent lent authority to her performance.

    • His opinions lacked authority.




    people who have power to make decisions and enforce rules and laws

    • We reported the incident to hospital authorities.

    • Local authorities are investigating the accident.

    often used with the

    • He complained to the authorities [=the police] about the disturbance.



    a person who is an expert on a subject

    usually + on

    • He is an authority on local history. [=he knows a lot about local history]



    a government organization that has control of a specified activity or area

    • She is the director of the city’s housing authority.

    Authority (Latin auctoritas, used in Roman law as opposed to potestas and imperium) is a key concept in political philosophy. Authority is a power based upon a certain legitimacy, justification, and the right to exercise it. Authority is often used interchangeably with the term «power,» but power simply refers to the ability to achieve certain ends with or without justification or rights. For example, whilst a mob has the power to punish a criminal, such as through lynching, only the courts have the authority to order capital punishment. The legitimacy of political authority is, however, a central issue in political philosophy.

    Since the emergence of the social sciences, authority has been a subject of research in a variety of empirical settings; the family (parental authority), small groups (informal authority of leadership), intermediate organizations such as schools, churches, armies, industries and bureaucracies (organizational and bureaucratic authority) and society-wide or inclusive organizations ranging from the most primitive tribal society to the modern nation-state and intermediate organization (political authority).

    The jurisdiction of political authority, the location of sovereignty, the balancing of freedom and authority, the requirements of political obligations have been core questions for political philosophers from Plato and Aristotle to the present.

    «The phenomena called authority is at once more ancient and more fundamental than the phenomena called state; the natural ascendancy of some men over others is the principle of all human organizations and all human advances.»

    Bertrand de Jouvenel

    The word authority derives from the Latin word «auctoritas,» used in Roman law as opposed to potestas. According to Giorgio Agamben (2005), «auctoritas has nothing to do with magistrates or the people’s potestas or imperium. The Senator…is not a magistrate.»

    In Weberian sociology, authority comprises a particular type of power. The dominant usage comes from functionalism, defining authority as power which is recognized as legitimate and justified by both the powerful and the powerless. Weber divided authority into three types:

    The first type discussed by Weber is the Traditional authority which according to him derives from long-established customs, habits and social structures. When power passes from one generation to another then it is known as traditional authority. The right of hereditary monarchs to rule furnishes an obvious example. There are several examples in this regard. The Tudors in England, and the ruling families of Mewar in Rajasthan (India) are some examples of traditional authority.

    The second type of authority is Rational-legal authority. It is that form of authority which depends for its legitimacy on formal rules and established laws of the state, which are usually written down, and are often very complex. The power of the rational legal authority is mentioned in the constitution. Modern societies depend on legal-rational authority. Government officials are the best example of this form of authority which is prevalent all over the world.

    The third form of authority is Charismatic authority. Here, the charisma of the individual or the leader plays an important role. Charismatic authority is that authority which is derived from «the gift of grace,» or, when the leader claims that his authority is derived from a «higher power» (e.g. God or natural law or rights) or «inspiration» that is superior to both the validity of traditional and rational-legal authority, and followers accept this and are willing to follow this higher or inspired authority in the place of the authority that they have hitherto been following. Some of the most prominent examples of charismatic authority can be politicians or leaders who come from a movie or entertainment background. These people become successful because they use their grace and charm to get more votes during elections.
    History has witnessed several social movements or revolution against a system of traditional or legal-rational authority, which are usually started by Charismatic authority.

    What distinguishes authority from coercion, force, and power on the one hand and leadership, persuasion and influence on the other hand is legitimacy. Superiors feel that they have a right to issue commands; subordinates perceive an obligation to obey. Social scientists agree that authority is but one of several resources available to incumbents in formal positions. For example, a Head of State is dependent upon a similar nesting of authority. His legitimacy must be acknowledged not just by citizens but by those who control other valued resources: his immediate staff, his cabinet, military leaders and in the long run administration and political apparatus of the entire society.

    Authority and the state

    Every state has a number of institutions which exercise authority based on longstanding practices. In India, the British created the institution of the Civil Service, which is still going strong even after 150 years. The Armed Forces of India is another institution which is subordinate to the government but is a very old and prominent institution. Apart from this, every state sets up agencies which are competent in dealing with one particular matter. All this is set up within its charter. One example can be that of a port authority like the port of London authority. They are usually created by special legislation and are run by a board of directors. Several agencies and institutions are also created along the same lines and they exercise autonomy in certain matters. They are also usually required to be self-supporting through property taxes or other forms of collection or fees for services.

    The jurisdiction of political authority is widely discussed in democratic societies, including the United States. Because the Founding Fathers intended a system of checks and balances which ideally limits concentration of power in any one of the three branches, there is an ongoing discussion in U.S. politics regarding the legitimate extent of governmental authority in general. While there has been an ongoing trend toward consolidation of power in the federal government, and in the executive branch in particular, many critics argue that the Founders intended a system which afforded the populace with as much freedom as reasonable, and that government should limit its authority accordingly.

    Religious perceptions of authority

    Most religions around the world, whether Hinduism, Islam, or Christianity have always considered God as the supreme authority. All the religious scriptures have considered God to have authority and wisdom, which is infinitely superior than any human being. The source or reason behind this authority usually involves tremendous power and compassion along with primacy in the physical and spiritual realms. That which is divine is usually thought of as the creator and therefore superior to ordinary creatures.

    Divinity, as presented in the religious scriptures, makes claim to the final authority for all truth and reality, and provides rules and directions for the use of creation. The question of authority in such a system is «what does God want from me and how do I know this?» Although there are multiple methods of understanding the connection to a divinity, all seem to require some measure of faith in a divinity and contemplation of perhaps multiple methods of communication.

    For example, in the modern era; the act of observing the communion or the Lord’s supper comes from a combination of direct divine command, approved apostolic example recorded in scripture, and necessary inference. Jesus directly states to his disciples that they are to partake of this examination (found in the Gospels and rehearsed in the First Epistle to the Corinthians); there is an example of an apostle and others participating in this act of worship and obedience in the Book of Acts, where the day of the observance is mentioned; as with all Bible references, the reader must infer or understand how the direction from God to be applicable to today.

    See also

    • Auctoritas
    • Authoritarianism
    • Anti-authoritarianism
    • Appeal to authority


    ISBN links support NWE through referral fees

    • Agamben, Giorgio. State of Exception. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. ISBN 0226009246
    • Arendt, Hannah. Between Past and Future Eight Exercises in Political Thought. New York: Penguin Books, 1993. ISBN 0140186506
    • Friedrich, Carl J. Authority. Nomos, 1. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1958.
    • Harris, R. Baine. Authority A Philosophical Analysis. University, Ala: University of Alabama Press, 1976. ISBN 0817366202
    • Popper, Karl Raimund. On the Sources of Knowledge and of Ignorance. 1961.
    • Raz, Joseph. Authority. Readings in social and political theory. New York: New York University Press, 1990. ISBN 0814774148
    • Sennett, Richard. Authority. New York: Knopf, 1980. ISBN 039442803X
    • Weber, Max. 1993. Basic Concepts in Sociology. Translated and with an introduction by H.P. Secher. New York: Citadel Press (original work published 1962). ISBN 0806503041
    • Weber, Max. 1946/1958. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Translated and edited by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills. Oxford University Press, USA. ISBN 0195004620
    • Weber, Max. 1949. The Methodology of the Social Sciences. New York: Free Press.

    External links

    All links retrieved December 2, 2021.

    • Authority Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    • Authority — article by Peter Morville.

    General Philosophy Sources

    • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    • The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    • Paideia Project Online
    • Project Gutenberg

    Social sciences


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