The word august in a sentence

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1. The company publishes its accounts in August.

2. It’s the thirteenth of August.

3. I was there last August.

4. Troops invaded on August 9th that year.

5. The memorandum was dated 23 August, 2001.

6. Holiday flights reach a peak during August.

7. The big storms in August refilled the reservoirs.

8. We’ll take our holiday sometime in August, I think.

9. On 29 August the royal army marched into Inverness.

10. In August the heat is barely tolerable.

11. August was almost tropical this year.

12. We’ve got friends coming at the end of August.

13. Germany declared war on France on 1 August 1914.

14. The world premiere took place in August 1956.

15. The date on the letter was 30th August 1962.

16. August is the height of the tourist season.

17. We are pleased to answer your letter of August 18, 1998.

18. Last August he convened a meeting of his closest advisers at Camp David.

19. We will commence building work in August of next year.

20. The firm publishes its accounts in August.

21. In August the place is lousy with tourists.

22. The climax came one sultry August evening.

23. The Great War started in August of that year.

24. This area of France has a pleasing climate in August.

25. The project is in its final stages and should be completed by August.

26. We are pleased to respond to your inquiry of August 18[], 1998.

27. Negotiators from the three countries finalized the agreement in August.

28. I’d advise buying your tickets well in advance if you want to travel in August.

29. The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2, 1979.

30. It is noteworthy that the programme has been shifted from its original August slot to July.

More similar words: augustinian, augury, gusto, inauguration, gustatory, huguenot, lugubrious, laugh, taught, caught, laugh at, fraught, haughty, augment, laughing, daughter, laughable, onslaught, haughtily, distraught, granddaughter, burst out laughing, burst into laughter, just, lust, must, oust, rust, crust, trust. 

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  1. Human. His writings show in Marlow’s view an» exotic Immensity ruled by an,


    ,Benevolence» and they appeal to» every altruistic sentiment. » His
  2. Anniversary party at Silverstone Circuit in Northamptonshire. Between 7th-10th,


    2009 approximately 4000 minis from around the world congregated at Long bridge
  3. That» her poetic inspiration is the highest—we can conceive of nothing more,


    , Her sense of Art is pure in itself. » In return, she praised The Raven and Poe
  4. Thinking it strange, he thrust into and split the flesh with the point of his,


    ,sword and looked, and there was a great sword within. So he took this great
  5. Different types of flowers as vegetables, such as the flowers of drum-stick,


    ,and Chinook. Use of Sag,i.e. leaves of different shrubs and other small
  6. For children between 6 and 12-year-old in the Netherlands. Held every year in,


    , Public transport The town is served by Alphen aan den Rijn railway station. It
  7. His father Poseidon saw the daughters of Nears dancing with liquid feet, and «,


    , ox-eyed Amphitrite «, who wreathed him with her wedding wreath, according to a
  8. Sindhupoo maghizhum Thiruvengadam). He called Anantharya and declared in the,


    ,presence of Persia Thirumalai Cambial,» O Anantharya! Having nursed Thee, I
  9. The city Poltava *City of Sevastopol: (1783) Greek» highly respectable city,


    ,city «; see Sevastopol:» Etymology» *Zakarpattia Oblast:» beyond the
  10. To which the earliest deities were cast::» … and pale fear seized me, lest,


    , Persephone might send forth upon me from out of the house of Hades the head of
  11. Moment when Ra is at the summit of heaven. He found that the Majesty of this,


    ,god spoke to him with his own mouth, as a father speaks to his son, saying:
  12. Finn’s parliamentary career gets off to a rocky start. Overawed by his,


    ,surroundings, he delivers a somewhat incoherent maiden speech. Eventually
  13. But trick, and Büchner was both flattered and daunted by the idea of joining so,


    ,a group. When he voiced his concerns, Price replied that he should write »
  14. Endured. As soon as his wife perceived that her husband was asleep, : this,


    ,harlot was shameless enough to prefer a common mat: to the imperial couch.
  15. He chose the name Augustus, capturing the numinous meaning of English «,


    , » This line of thought was probably behind the later vote in 30 BC that he was
  16. At December 2010,Air Baltic employed 1443 people. Financial problems in 2011 In,


    2011 air Baltic has requested more than 60 million lats in capital as its losses
  17. Elizabeth, in 1979. A Serbian Film had its release in Brazil liberated in,


    ,5,2011. The exception is Rio de Janeiro estate, were the film was forbidden
  18. Of ways and over the period of a week or month anywhere from early June to late,


    ,National holiday proposals With the wider recognition there have been proposals
  19. Published in Florence in 1488 by the Greek refugee Demetrius Chalcondyles:: Of,


    ,gold-wreathed and beautiful: Aphrodite I shall sing to whose domain: belong the
  20. Many of which are served in pubs and restaurants throughout Carlisle. Every,


    ,the Carlisle Food Fair is held in the pedestrianized area of the city center.
  21. Of which they have been appointed guardians. For they ridicule and insult the,


    ,government. They mount a chariot as though upon a stage; they appoint pretended
  22. Is open to the public as part of the Mintaka Rail Trail. 2011 Winter Blast 14,


    2011 — A cold front from the Antarctic swept way up into New Zealand and
  23. And trees. An estimated 3 million people visit the zoo between April and,


    ,every year. Wasserman Woods Nature Preserve is a National Natural Landmark with
  24. Enjoyed his role as vice president, presiding over the U. S. Senate,» the most,


    ,legislative assembly known to men. » He won praise for ruling in a dignified
  25. Main shopping streets in Budapest. File: Burg theater Budapest Varszinhaz 2009,


    , JPG|Castle Theatre File: Hungarian National Theater Budapest. JPG|National
  26. S swing is from the floor and in the best of humor; if it fails to rock the,


    ,body to its heels — from laughter as much as from injured dignity — it won’t
  27. Sindhupoo maghizhum Thiruvengadam). He called Anantharya and declared in the,


    ,presence of Persia Thirumalai Cambial,» O Anantharya! Having nursed Thee, I
  28. Prefects Augustus, indicating that he governed in the personal name of the,


    ,emperor. Police and civil prefects *Prefects URB, or prefects Uranus:
  29. That» her poetic inspiration is the highest—we can conceive of nothing more,


    , Her sense of Art is pure in itself. » As is typical with Poe, his review also
  30. October. Summertime. A music festival of 4 evenings with performances, held in,


    , Elfstedentocht Bollard is one of the eleven Frisian cities in which the ice
  31. To the show’s mythology) was first performed in the Addison Theater—the,


    ,building which later became Studio 60. An episode of the Vegetables children
  32. Changed Kushinada-hime into a many-toothed close-comb which he stuck in the,


    ,knot of his hair. Then he made Ashi-nadzuchi and Te-nadzuchi to brew eight-fold
  33. Changed into a river of blood. So when he cut the middle tail, the edge of his,


    ,sword broke. Then, thinking it strange, he thrust into and split the flesh with
  34. And splendor; yet few know of the actual living conditions many of Versailles,


    ,residents had to endure. Modern historians have, on more than one occasion
  35. City of God, which has its foundations on the holy mountains; in that most,


    ,temple of God, which,radiant with divine splendors, is full of the glory of
  36. Young girl into a multitudinous and close-toothed comb which he stuck into his,


    ,hair-bunch, said to the Deities Foot-Stroking-Elder and Hand-Stroking-Elder: »
  37. Offer her to me? » He replied, saying:» With reverence, but I know not thine,


    ,name. » Then he replied, saying:» I am elder brother to the
  38. Such as the Indianized Rabbinate of Autumn and Cebu, the dynasty of Condo,the,


    ,kingdoms of Malayan and Manila, the Confederation of Madras, the signified
  39. After which he ruled alone. Louis’s usual title was imperator Augustus («,


    ,emperor» ), but he used imperator Romano rum after his conquest of Bar in 871
  40. In the form of similar reliefs and inscriptions to Nut rices Augusta,» the,


    ,Nurses» found in Roman sites of PTU, Lower Styria. Motifs Mates and Matrons
  41. And on 27 August in Bad Hamburg, Germany before 25,000 people). In late,


    ,/ early September 2011,Simple Minds recorded a new song called ‘Planet Zero ‘
  42. Tents. Although there is no record of Mrs. Washington’s attire on that,


    ,day, General Washington, usually so staid and proper, was said to have worn“ a
  43. Which was far to the northwest and inaccessible by land. De Troyes left in,


    1686,leaving D’Libreville in charge with 40 men. The following summer, when no
  44. Life work. L’Immortal is a bitter attack on the Academic franchise, to which,


    ,body Duet never belonged. Duet wrote some stories for children, including »
  45. Duffer in stated that the governor general is» A representative of all that is,


    , stable, and sedate in the government, the history, and the traditions of the
  46. Had also inherited from his mother the belief of the house of Austria in its «,


    ,» quality and its claim to acquire whatever it found desirable for its power or
  47. 始皇帝),which translates as» first emperor «. Huangdi is composed of Huang («,


    ,one «, 皇 ) and DI (» sage-king «, 帝 ), and referred to legendary/mythological
  48. Undoubted capacity for imaginative running of his own show melted way when an,


    ,superior was breathing down his neck. ‘ A major theme of Macmillan’s tenure at
  49. God, of his infinite mercy, grant his Church unity and peace, preserve our most,


    ,queen, Queen Elizabeth, and grant peace to the whole Realm and to all
  50. Principal Shinto. The meaning of her name, Amaterasu-ōmikami, is » the great,


    ,Kali who shines in the heaven «. She was born from the left eye of Izanagi as

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word august, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use august in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «august».

August in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word august in a sentence.

  1. Think of august powers and principalities ordering the works of such a great artist as Etty to be hacked out of the palace-wall!

  2. Poe had reviewed Barrett’s work in the January 1845 issue of the Broadway Journal and said that «her poetic inspiration is the highest we can conceive of nothing more august.

Synonyms for august

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word august has the following synonyms: grand, lordly, noble, revered, venerable, honorable, honourable, August and Aug.

General information about «august» example sentences

The example sentences for the word august that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «august» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «august».

Definition of August

much-admired and respected

Examples of August in a sentence

Everyone wanted the chance to dine with the august president.


When Maggie learned the party was at the august nightclub, she was excited by the thought of meeting some of her favorite celebrities.


The critics raved about the august ballerina’s performance.


Because John is wealthy and the only son of an august politician, he is one of the country’s most sought-after bachelors.


The august chef has been invited to cook dinner for the queen.


Other words in the Respect category:

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As for the house not even the slowly setting August sun could bathe it in a

children and three grandchildren (with another due to arrive in August, 2000)

I gave him full attention because he seemed the sort who, when enthused, would not tolerate interruption, ‘On 15th August, it is the birthday of our Goddess Athene

It looked like the perfect place to spend an evening with my fellow villagers, the farmers and shepherds and in spite of it being the middle of August, outside the wind was whipping around the mountaintop making us squash together to keep away its unexpected chill

It took a national holiday on 15 August for us to have a

anything in the diary? August

nothing in the first week of August to suggest why

28 August : S & D called unexpectedly

What does she mean by that? 25 August … hang on, surely that wasn’t the day she had the abortion? Oh, how awful for her! Sounds as though she had more than an inkling about the seriousness of her condition though

27 August – Letter from PN in post asking for information about me and how the Foundation was originally set up

Angie … they’d been married for nearly ten years … yes, that was right – Amber would be ten in August and she’d arrived a month after the wedding

White Feathers’s supply of ice blocks was nearly exhausted before the last week of August, which prompted discussion of an alternative plan to the tedium of retrieving the blocks from beneath their scattered holding buoys in the lake

and August had been replaced by the cold and black nights of late September

It was the last week of August, he had trenched, laid pipe, fitted and made connections, run a drain to the existing out house, installed two pumps and a few fixtures, and was ready to test the system

The August weather was not uncommonly intemperate in either warmth or chill, nor had there been any violent summer storms

As August wound into its last week the Village Council met to discuss a very pressing issue indeed

“We, the Council of Tahoe City, make proclamation of the establishment of a School for our children, aged six through thirteen, to be publicly financed through the receipt of taxes assessed upon all sales of goods, merchandise, and services conducted in this town during the months of June, July and August of each year henceforth

hanging out of his mouth, like a dog outside without shade in August

“It’s about the best news I have been privileged to receive since the end of August last,” she answered holding Kaitlyn’s hands in hers, and she turned to her father and Harold

officially moved his court there in August 1308

A package came over a week later at the near last week of August

This time, he simply had to remind her, that the court date wasn’t set until, August

August of 2012 at a Walmart store in

I’m sending you this card just to let you know that I am wondering why I got no reply for from you for my two letters dated August 23 and September 3, 1979 respectively

He told me that Congressman Denny Smith personally called Immigration and the State Department and that you should have your visa by August 15

in Hong Kong on August 3, 1984

When that hot August

It was a beautiful August Sunday in Heaven and Delos was dressed in his new best

and 23 August, the political holidays during

He sailed from the port of Palos in August 1492, near five years before the expedition of Vasco de Gamo set out from Portugal; and, after a voyage of between two and three months, discovered first some of the small Bahama or Lucyan islands, and afterwards the great island of St

In truth, this trend has been taking place all around the world since an event called the Harmonic Convergence took place in August 1987

The major turning point took place in an event called the Harmonic Convergence in August 1987

It was now the 1st of August and we had been on the peninsula for a little over three months and it didn’t really seem a day over three years

On the 5th of August we were gathered together again for another briefing and were told that we had to attack the Turkish defences yet again Major Danby said to us

The 88th Brigade of the 29th Division and that includes our Company will attack up the left flank then the day after on the 7th August two Brigades of the 42nd Division will attack up the right flank

He was born on August 16, 1923 — it is in the 8th month and the day is also a factor of 8 or 8×2

She was commissioned at sea off Terceira, Azores, on August

Jones was slated to begin the voyage in August

The rest of August was spent sailing east south east on the E

Jones returned to New Bedford on the 28 of August 1860, with 120 barrels of sperm oil, eleven

20, the deficiencies of several taxes were charged upon what was then called the first general mortgage or fund, consisting of a prolongation to the first of August 1706, of several different taxes, which would have expired within a shorter term, and of which the produce was accumulated into one general fund

to the first of August 1712, and were called the third general mortgage or fund

In 1708, those duties were all (except the old subsidy of tonnage and poundage, of which one moiety only was made a part of this fund, and a duty upon the importation of Scotch linen, which had been taken off by the articles of union) still further continued, as a fund for new loans, to the first of August 1714, and were called the fourth general mortgage or fund

In 1709, those duties were all ( except the old subsidy of tonnage and poundage, which was now left out of this fund altogether ) still further continued, for the same purpose, to the first of August 1716, and were called the fifth general mortgage or fund

“17th August, 1864

into the South Atlantic and stopped at Cape Town in August

And of course, when the Congress does not act quickly enough to embrace his designs, he simply signs another Executive Order by which to bypass that august body

America»s thirty-seventh President, forced to resign in August, 1974, or face impeachment for abusing the powers of his office

contents forwarded on that date to the Secretary of the Treasury, Hugh McCulloch, who received it on August 10

time this was received by Secretary Welles, the Shenandoah had already completed her acts of destruction and, in fact, on August 2 had been informed by the English ship Barracuda that the war was over and furthermore, Captain Waddell had already

days later on August 2

The Saranac sailed from San Francisco on August 14, and the Suwanee sailed from San Francisco on August 20

On August 31, Captain J

Wyoming sent a message to Secretary Welles advising of his arrival on August 30 at the island of Mauritius in the Indian

whaleships, General Pike and the Nile, arrived in San Francisco on August 1 and 2 respectively, causing another round of

On August 3, the Evening Bulletin published the complete story of both ships arriving and of the destruction of so many more whaleships than

August 2, and the meeting took place about one thousand miles

This all took place on August 2, 1865

On August 9, the Milo was again ready to go to sea

By August 20, the Milo had traveled nearly fourteen hundred miles along the coast of

were both far away from the Shenandoah at this time, as the Shenandoah was approximately nineteen hundred miles west of Chile on August 23, and heading south

Come to think of it, August wasn’t a good time for lilies either

Because it was August and visitors were far and few, he decided to close the library for the remainder of the Summer

Despite the August heat, it was cool down by the water—there was a steady, southeasterly breeze, and the gulls and sandpipers were swooping and diving around them, laughing merrily amongst themselves

Then she appeared at the edge of the tree line, radiant in the August sun—the sails of the Calamity, billowing in the soft winds up the river

I started out first around August 1965 drinking beer at the Wagon Wheel Bar until about one thirty A

The President promptly decided to move the army North, and during the first two weeks in August, the regiments were moved to Montauk, Santiago being garrisoned by immune troops mobilised through the South

I well remember sitting in a Cuban camp one cool August night, talking with the officers, educated gentlemen to a man

Millionaire baseball players have set a tentative strike date of August 12th

The three of us used to look forward to our camping trips every August at Bear Mountain

” When he reeled through the first week in August of 1922, he almost missed what later would become the most exciting news Kate would hear since William disappeared

He ignored the legible sign that no cell phones were allowed in the library and called Helen as soon as he saw the posting in the August 24th issue of the News-Record

In August that year Chris and Heidi moved to Austin so

When I was in Spain this past month of August, many people asked me about the elections the United States was scheduled to have on November 2

What’s more, they conscientiously seem to ignore that the president inherited an impending recession, and completely forget the disastrous effects of that unforgettable September 11, as they also forget the more than 2 million jobs created since the month of August of last year

It is a reminder of February 15, 1942, when English officials decided to surrender, and Singapore passed on to the Japanese who, in August 1945, ended the occupation of which the locals talk so much even today

That happy August, Singapore came to be governed once again by the English until the decade of the 1960’s when Singapore became a totally independent state

Better informed now about the public recognition, Lucille and I started planning our trip to Spain in a way that would coincide with the Festival of Our Lady of the Assumption in Fuentesnuevas in August

We flew from Los Angeles to Madrid, with a stopover in London, on August 4 in the afternoon and landed in Heathrow Airport early morning of next day

In answer to your complaint of August 18th of 2004 in your visit to the renovated Museum of Altamira, we regret that the information given to you was not to your complete satisfaction

Even though that was the ultimate purpose for our trip, the dedication date of the street could not be rescheduled before August 31st

Lucille had to attend to the arrangements for a reunion on August 28th of medical professionals of the Veterans Memorial Medical Center who were to come to Los Angeles from different parts of the USA and Canada

The first consists of a trophy and a medallion that the Association of International Poets granted me on August 17th of 2003 at their annual reunion during which one of my poems was read

The day broke sunny, shining and attractive that August 31st 2004

It was a typical hot Kansas day in August and even at seven thirty in the morning, the heat and humidity were almost unbearable

Sanctions began August 1990

By August 1991, the rules altered so Iraq could sell over a billion and a half dollars worth of oil for food

Where was I in late August 1917?

Retrieved August 10, 2012 from:

Retrieved August 10, 2012

“That would be the frosty fuckin Friday in August,” the cop muttered followed by a goofy kind of chuckle

I recalled the day before I got on the train last August, when

It lasted from about July 15 to August 4

Cousin Jerry had been shunned by the rest of the family for his politics when Stalin signed the pact with Hitler in August of 1939, and as far as Colling knew, his mother had been the only one of his relatives who had maintained any sort of contact with him

It was reported on August 10, 2009 that he EPA»s Office of Research Development is pushing hard to

On August 31, 2007 a

his august and holy company

One night at the end of August, Enilia sat on the open square in front of the castle with a flock of the others

They and the children were missing from February to August

Adam‘s telephone calls continued on through August and September of that year

августейший, августовский, величественный


- величественный, полный достоинства, внушающий благоговейный страх

august personage — внушительная личность
august spectacle — величественное зрелище

- (часто August) августейший (о монархе)

his august father — его августейший отец

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

I took two weeks off in August.

Я взял двухнедельный отпуск в августе.

The family claims an august lineage.

Семья утверждает, что имеет благородное /августейшее/ происхождение.

We are taking our vacation in August.

Мы возьмём свой отпуск в августе.

We visited their august mansion and expansive grounds.

Мы посетили их величественный особняк и просторный сад.

The last two Augusts have been very dry.

Последние два августа были очень засушливыми.

The new homes will be ready for occupation in August.

Новые дома будут готовы для заселения в августе.

The pair had a baby, Josh, in August.

В августе у супругов родился ребёнок — Джош.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The headteacher takes her duties up in August.

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Part of speech: adjective

Origin: Latin, 17th century


Inspiring admiration by displaying great dignity or grandeur


(Proper noun) The eighth month of the Gregorian calendar

Examples of August in a sentence

«Her august appearance incited a standing ovation as soon as she walked on the stage.

«August is a busy month for us with birthday parties and barbecues every weekend.

About August

Impress folks by pulling out this majestic word. Everyone knows August as a month, but you’ll come across as informed if you share the regal definition of august.

Did you Know?

There’s a reason this majestic word is also used for the peak month of summer. The Latin word “augustus” means consecrated or venerable. In 8 B.C. the Roman Senate decided to honor the first emperor, Augustus Caesar, by renaming the month Sextilis to Augustus.

Август — перевод на английский

Галац, 17 августа, 1838 года.

Galaz, August 17, 1838

— Что случилось, Август?

— What’s wrong, August?

— Привет Август!

— Hello August.

Да, но я полагаю, вы знаете, что охотничий сезон открывается в августе?

I suppose you know that grouse shooting starts in August.

Вот каким образом в августе 1939 года Адольф Гитлер попал на улицы Варшавы.

And that’s how Adolf Hitler came to Warsaw in August, 1939.

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В 7-й год своего правления Император Август велел провести Перепись населения. Каждый иудей был обязан вернуться туда, где родился.

In the seventh year of the reign of Augustus Caesar an imperial decree ordered every Judean each to return to his place of birth to be counted and taxed.

«Тогда вышел указ Цезаря Августа» «что весь мир должен платить налог…»

«It came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus…» — «that the world should be taxed…» — Do you want a brother or a sister?

Пусть решает государственный деятель, ведь ему стоять на пьедестале во фраке или в мантии, как Император Август.

Let the statesman decide on the statesman, whether he is to stand on a pedestal in a tailcoat or in a toga like the Emperor Augustus.

Знайте, жители Назарета, вышло от римского императора кесаря Августа повеление сделать перепись по всей земле.

Know all men of Nazareth, that by command of Caesar Augustus, there will be conducted a census of the subject territories of Galilee and Judea.

Юлий, Август и вы.

Julius, Augustus and yourself.

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Сестра Августа, проводите послушницу в гардеробную.

Sister Augusta, take our new postulant to the robing room.

Настоящим завещаю моей любимой сестре Друзилле присвоить титул Августа Римской империи.

My will. Here with to my beloved Drusilla the Roman Empire title of Augusta my little boots.

Я буду ждать тебя в городе Августа.

I’ll be waiting for you in Augusta City.

что Человек-Тайфун появился в Августе?

Hey, did you hear how The Humanoid Typhoon showed up in Augusta?

я перевернул вверх дном всю Августу.

I turned Augusta upside-down looking for you.

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Августа, жена Готтлиба ХЕДВИГ ВАНГЕЛЬ

Auguste, Gottlieb’s wife HEDWIG WANGEL

Хорошо, оставим Гуго Капета и 11-ый век и перейдём к Филиппу Августу.

Very well, let’s leave Hughues Capet and the year 1000 and move on to Philippe Auguste.

После этого вы будете представлены вашему королю и жениху, Луи Августу.

Then you will be presented to the king and to your fiancé, Louis Auguste.

Позвольте представить моего внука, Луи Августа.

Let me present my grandson, Louis Auguste.

Это мое усовершенствование плазменного агрегата Августа Вернейля.

It’s my own improvement of Auguste Verneuil’s flame fusion apparatus.

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Они делают огромные скидки на август.

They’re giving us a fantastic deal for the month of August.

По крайней мере тебе не нужно будет волноваться о вреде солнца, и нам не нужно будет проводить весь август с Элеонорой и Сайрусом в этом круизе как они предполагали.

At least you don’t have to worry about sun damage, and we don’t have to spend the month of August with Eleanor and Cyrus on that cruise like they suggested.

Есть что-то, что я никогда не пойму — почему все психиатры берут отпуск в августе?

Here’s something I’ve never understood-— why do all psychiatrists take off the month of August?

Потому что в Италии в августе обычно всё будто вымирает.

‘Cause in Italy, during the month of August is usually, like, a shutdown.

Я получил камеру в августе, и моей команде не терпелось начать.

L’ve got a camera during the month of August, and my crew is getting impatient to shoot.

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