The word attempt in a sentence

попытка, покушение, опыт, проба, пытаться, пробовать, покушаться


- попытка, проба

attempt to save smb.’s life — попытка спасти чью-л. жизнь
to make an attempt — предпринять попытку
we made an attempt to climb the mountain — мы попытались подняться на (эту) гору

- (on, upon) покушение

attempt upon the life of smb. — покушение на чью-л. жизнь
attempt on the world speed record — попытка побить мировой рекорд скорости

- (at) результат неудачной попытки; неудачная проба

her attempt at a raisin cake had to be thrown away — испечённый ею на пробу кекс с изюмом пришлось выбросить
the boy’s attempt at English composition — неумелое /нескладное/ сочинение, написанное школьником на английском языке


- пытаться, пробовать; сделать попытку

to attempt smth. /to do smth./ — пытаться сделать что-л.
to attempt flying /to fly/ — попробовать летать
to attempt a difficult task — пробовать выполнить трудную задачу
to attempt (to climb) the mountain — попытаться подняться на гору
to attempt a settlement of the dispute — постараться разрешить /уладить/ спор
I will attempt a reply to your question — попытаюсь ответить на ваш вопрос

- пытаться преодолеть (что-л.); пытаться подчинить, захватить или уничтожить (что-л.)

to attempt a man’s life — покушаться на чью-л. жизнь

Мои примеры


a gallant attempt to save lives — доблестная попытка спасти жизни  
an attempt to retake the city — попытка вновь взять город  
to attempt the impossible — пытаться делать невозможное  
to quash an attempt of resistance — подавить попытку сопротивления  
to attempt rescue — попытаться спасти  
to snuff out a coup attempt — подавить попытку государственного переворота  
a soulless attempt — вялая попытка  
suicidal attempt — попытка самоубийства  
to attempt suicide — совершить попытку самоубийства  
unsuccessful attempt — неудачная попытка  
to attempt an excuse — (по)пытаться оправдаться  
to attempt resistance — оказать сопротивление  

Примеры с переводом

It was a poor attempt at a joke.

Это была жалкая попытка пошутить.

He made no attempt to apologize.

Он даже не пытался извиниться.

Don’t attempt impossibilities.

Не пытайтесь совершить невозможное.

We miss any attempt to explain.

Мы упускаем шанс что-либо объяснить.

We made an attempt to get in touch with them.

Мы попытались с ними связаться.

They made an attempt on his life.

Они совершили покушение на его жизнь.

They’ve attempted a climb up Mount Everest once before.

Однажды они уже пытались совершить восхождение на Эверест.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…finally checkmated the billionaire in his attempt to take over the movie studio…

…the congressman’s underhand attempt to slip several pork barrel items into the bill…

…constant interruptions discomfited her in her attempt to finish the speech, and she finally gave up…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

attempted  — пытаться, пробовать, покушаться, делать попытку

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: attempt
he/she/it: attempts
ing ф. (present participle): attempting
2-я ф. (past tense): attempted
3-я ф. (past participle): attempted

ед. ч.(singular): attempt
мн. ч.(plural): attempts

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word attempt, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use attempt in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «attempt».

Attempt in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word attempt in a sentence.

  1. An early attempt was the Mk.

  2. I will not attempt bulletins.

  3. In an attempt to convince Mr.

  4. His first attempt was a failure.

  5. This album was our first attempt.

  6. On his sixth attempt, he sold «Author!

  7. It was not his first attempt at a book.

  8. A second attempt was made on 16 August.

  9. Senator Glass promised another attempt.

  10. They decide to attempt to reach Canada.

  11. Each attempt has been denied by a shareholder vote.

  12. Grahame-White was the first to attempt the journey.

  13. His attempt was stopped by goaltender Jonas Hiller.

  14. McNamara’s machine, and an attempt was made to rise.

  15. He did not attempt to deny that he was a German spy.

  16. On 4 September, there was an unsuccessful assassination attempt against Brătianu.

  17. Another cause of revulsion against Webster was her attempt to impersonate Thomas.

  18. White reported the details to Krueger, who gave the order for the rescue attempt.

  19. The first attempt to capture the airstrip was checked by an enemy bunker complex.

  20. There they attempt to land to obtain fresh water but are attacked by the natives.

  21. In response to birds of prey, adults may attempt to move closer to the ground or leave calling spots.

  22. The lower clergy and bishops resisted Richard’s attempt to impose the 1198 carucage on their estates.

  23. The White Court had, in 1918, struck down an attempt by Congress to regulate child labor in Hammer v.

  24. Stephen feared that Henry would be too powerful as archbishop, and would attempt to control the king.

  25. Whatever the reason, the attempt failed and left Randall further alienated from his fellow Democrats.

  26. The gameplay of the Flash game has the player attempt to open a metal door by quickly clicking on it.

  27. According to O’Reilly, most other bowlers would have been able to reach the ball and attempt a catch.

  28. Armida, after a last attempt to kill Almirena, also disappears as Rinaldo strikes her with his sword.

  29. They made no attempt to land, but behaved aggressively by firing their swivel guns towards the shore.

  30. Lennon described the venture as an attempt to achieve «artistic freedom within a business structure».

  31. Glennon’s attempt at a Hail Mary pass fell short, giving Georgia the win with a final score of 31–24.

  32. This attempt to convince the French that he might have some kind of diplomatic immunity did not work.

  33. There was an attempt on his life, and angry mobs gathered in the streets near the governor’s mansion.

  34. In November 1927, he took part in an attempt to make the first night flight from Sydney to Melbourne.

  35. At 09:45, Müller turned his ship toward Sydney in another attempt to reach a torpedo firing position.

  36. Moreover, he argues that parents should, above all, attempt to create a «habit» of thinking rationally in their children.

  37. Ibn al-Zubayr’s rebellion was seen by many as an attempt to return to the pristine values of the early Islamic community.

  38. The money paid to Castillo Armas has been described as a way of making sure that he did not attempt any premature action.

  39. After a failed attempt by France to colonize Texas in the late 17th century, Spain developed a plan to settle the region.

  40. He may want to replace one of the PCs and attempt to turn the character into a vampire and take on that character’s form.

  41. I did not know of the horns, indeed in our embryo Latinity we thought the word an attempt at Ursa, if I remember rightly.

  42. He suspected the term’s use was an attempt to validate the comics form, rather than to describe the content of the books.

  43. The fleet conducted one final operation in April 1918 in an unsuccessful attempt to intercept a British convoy to Norway.

  44. In the mid-1980s Indonesia approached Spain in an attempt to procure armaments for the modernization of its armed forces.

  45. The governmental battle exhausted Rogers, who again went to Charleston in early 1731 in an attempt to recover his health.

  46. Khánh made no attempt to hide his annoyance at not being given a more important job, and had long been regarded as an ambitious and unscrupulous officer by his colleagues.

  47. Later that month, she was reassigned to the Mediterranean and in June was involved in Operation Vigorous, an unsuccessful attempt to resupply the besieged island of Malta.

  48. A team of medical staff attempted to resuscitate Dhu; Matier continued to inform them that she was faking her condition while they were making their resuscitation attempt.

  49. Around the turn of the 20th century, an attempt was made to attract younger boys into the school by reducing fees for those under the age of 12 from £2/20s to £2 per term.

  50. After this season, he rarely bowled and later stated that he did not bowl the googly after 1905, particularly after one embarrassing attempt to do so in a match at Harrow.

Synonyms for attempt

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word attempt has the following synonyms: attack, effort, endeavor, endeavour, try, seek, essay, assay, try out, undertake and set about.

General information about «attempt» example sentences

The example sentences for the word attempt that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «attempt» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «attempt».

attempt — перевод на русский


Everytime she makes an attempt I lose so much of my energy.

Каждая ее попытка отнимает у меня много сил.

A final attempt

Последняя попытка.

I think one could say very briefly ? that it was the attempt to have rights without duties, claims without responsibilities and pleasure without cost.

¬кратце, это была попытка иметь права, но не иметь об€занностей, иметь требовани€, но не нести ответственности.

This note is a poor attempt at illiteracy.

Эта записка — неудачная попытка имитировать неграмотность.

The caning at school resulting in the failure at the music examination and fear that her hands might be injured, the attempt by her guardian to smash her hands finally the car crash, the shock of finding herself in hospital with her hands bandaged.

наказание палкой в школе привело к неудаче на экзамене по музыке и страху, что её руки могут быть повреждены, попытка её опекуна раздробить её руки и под конец автокатастрофа, потрясение от обнаружения себя в больнице с перевязанными руками.

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Don’t forget, Mr. Caldwell, I have a card up my sleeve— a little matter of a will which your lawyer is attempting to find.

Не забывайте, мистер Колдвелл, что у меня есть туз в рукаве ничтожный клочок бумаги — завещание, которое ваш адвокат сейчас пытается найти.

Earlier, Senator Iselin stepped up his charges against the leader of the group attempting to block his nomination.

Сегодня утром сенатор Айзлин, выступая из своей штаб-квартиры, выдвинул обвинения в адрес лидера фракции, которая пытается заблокировать его назначение.

It is attempting to generate terror, captain.

Оно пытается посеять ужас, капитан.

Although I am aware of your mind attempting to contact mine.

Хотя я чувствую, как ваш разум пытается связаться с моим.

Someone or something is attempting to attract our attention.

Кто-то или что-то пытается привлечь наше внимание.

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Of course, it’s the duty of a captured soldier to attempt escape.

Разумеется, каждый пленный солдат должен попытаться совершить побег.

You’re the best man for the job of attempting to contact them.

Она введет вас в курс дела. Вы лучше всего подходите для того, чтобы попытаться войти с ними в контакт.

Your Highness, mark my words… if Sir Charles is foolish enough to attempt to steal your diamond tonight… you will be witness to the capture of the notorious Phantom.

Ваше Высочество запомните мои слова. Если сэр Чарльз совершит глупость… попытаться украсть бриллиант сегодня, то вы станете свидетелем задержания пресловутого Призрака.

Perhaps I haven’t learned enough to express myself clearly, but I’ll attempt to describe it.

Быть может, я еще просто не научился правильно выражать свои мысли, но всё же я хочу попытаться объяснить.

We’ve got to make some attempt to neutralise the Klingon occupation.

Мы должны попытаться нейтрализовать клингонскую оккупацию.

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The stabber, the man the police believe to be a homicidal maniac responsible for 2 killings and tonight’s 3rd attempt at brutal murder, has been identified.

Вонзатель — человек, которого полиция считала маньяком-убийцей, ответственного за два убийства и покушение на убийство сегодняшним вечером, был опознан.

attempted attack against a patrol.

Покушение на патруль.

Should there be an attempt on my life and I’m killed, it will only create more difficulties.

Если на меня будет совершено покушение и я буду убит, это ещё больше увеличит трудности.

…and an attempt on your life.

Я говорю: заговор и покушение.

Oatis, there are preparations under way for a conspiracy and an attempt on my life.

Отис! Готовится какой-то заговор против меня и покушение.

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I’ll need at least two more days before I dare make another attempt.

Мне нужно минимум два дня, чтобы попробовать еще раз.

I believe we can attempt the course correction, captain.

Думаю, можно попробовать подправить курс, капитан.

I could attempt to blast it, master.

— Я могу попробовать взорвать его, хозяин.

Attempt to blast…

Попробовать взорвать…

Or we could attempt a landing, which would probably end all of our problems, permanently.

Или же мы можем попробовать приземлиться, что, скорее всего, решит все наши проблемы. Раз и навсегда.

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— Sir. Don’t make any attempt to drill that bulkhead until I get back.

Я постараюсь вернуться к моменту, когда вы начнете сверление стенки.

I will attempt to narrow the field, sir.

Я постараюсь уменьшить размер поля, сэр.

I will attempt to respect some of your cultural idiosyncrasies.

Я постараюсь уважить ваши некоторые культурные особенности.

I will attempt to mind-meld with Seven of Nine.

Я постараюсь установить мелдинг с Седьмой.

I will attempt to isolate her true self and guide it to the surface.

Я постараюсь выделить её настоящее «Я» и вывести его на поверхность.

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Six witnesses have testified under oath, That attracted by the angered voice of the defendant .. They saw the defendant attempt to take the life of his brother.

Шесть свидетелей дали показания, что, привлеченные гневными криками посудимого видели, как он покушается на жизнь своего брата и слышали, как он выкрикнул:

The second attempt on my life by this she-devil!

Второй раз эта чертовка покушается на мою жизнь!

Someone’s made an attempt on my life… and you let the ringleader escape.

Кто-то покушается на мою жизнь, а вы упускаете зачинщика.

This isn’t the first Time someone’s Made an attempt on your life.

Это не первый раз, когда кто-то покушается на вашу жизнь.

No, unfortunately there was another attempt on his life.

Нет, к-сожалению, на его жизнь снова покушались.

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My wife drinking certain scenes certain hotel room in New York City attempted suicides.

Моя жена пьёт какие-то ссоры какие-то номера в отелях Нью-Йорка неудавшиеся самоубийства.

The tale told at a 1961 awards dinner… for the American Association of Forensic Science… by Dr. John Harper, president of the association… began with a simple suicide attempt.

Это было рассказано в 1961 г. на церемонии награждения в Американской ассоциации судебно-медицинских экспертов ее президентом, доктором Хапером, и началась она с самоубийства.

Even dogs like to attempt suicide there.

Даже собакам нравится совершать самоубийства там.

I sleep with girls, you persuade them to attempt suicide.

Я сплю с девочками, а ты доводишь их до самоубийства.

Attempted suicide would be proof that you are psychologically unfit for command.

Это самоубийство. И это доказывает, что вы психологически недееспособны.

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This man is attempting the overthrow of the United States government.

Этот тип хочет скинуть правительство США снаружи и изнутри.

My agent’s attempting to edge me towards Royal Shakespeare Company again.

Мой агент снова хочет, чтобы я пошел в Королевскую шекспировскую труппу.

What your father is attempting to say is that the man puts his we-wee …he puts it into the woman’s flowerpot.

Твой папа хочет сказать, что мужчина засовывает свой пи-пи… в цветочный горшок женщины.

Case in point, INTSUM is reporting that al-Qaeda in the Badakhshan province is attempting to open up a new front.

Разведка сообщает что «Аль Каида» хочет открыть новый фронт в северо-восточной провинции Бадахшан.

I have attempted to link… and they said that was better-looking Yasser Arafat.

ќни хотели св€зать мен€Е и сказали, что € красивее, чем ясир јрафат.

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The Chief is guilty of attempted murder

Сиречь староста виновен в покушении на жизнь

We’re talkin’ attempted murder on a cop.

Речь о покушении на жизнь полицейского.

The two brothers are now charged with attempted murder.

Оба брата подозреваются в покушении на жизнь.

The heat of passion can mitigate murder, but not attempted murder.

Страсть могла бы смягчить убийство, но не покушение на жизнь.

And that’s attempted murder.

Это — покушение на жизнь.

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What is a sentence with the word attempt?

Examples of attempt in a Sentence She attempted suicide early in their marriage. Noun She failed her driving test on the first attempt but she succeeded on her second attempt.

What is the meaning of attempt?

to make an effort at; try; undertake; seek: to attempt an impossible task; to attempt to walk six miles. Archaic. to attack; move against in a hostile manner: to attempt a person’s life.

How do you use your first attempt?

After her first attempt to crack the code failed, the countdown appeared on the clock’s display. I accomplished it in half the time as my first attempt last week and the results are more polished.

How do you use attempt as a noun?

attempt. 1[countable, uncountable] an act of trying to do something, especially something difficult, often with no success I passed my driving test on the first attempt. attempt to do something Two factories were closed in an attempt to cut costs. They made no attempt to escape.

Is it in attempt or in an attempt?

“In attempting” means “as a consequence of attempting”. “In an attempt” means “as part of attempting”.

What is the antonym of attempt?

attempt. Antonyms: disregard, abandon, pretermit, dismiss, neglect, shun, drop. Synonyms: try, endeavor, strive, undertake, seek, essay, attack, violate, force.

What is another name for attempt?

What is another word for attempt?

try endeavorUS
undertake venture
strive tackle
aim pursue
seek assay

What is other words for attempt?

Some common synonyms of attempt are endeavor, essay, strive, and try. While all these words mean “to make an effort to accomplish an end,” attempt stresses the initiation or beginning of an effort.

What are two synonyms for attempt?

other words for attempt

  • attack.
  • bid.
  • endeavor.
  • experiment.
  • pursuit.
  • shot.
  • struggle.
  • try.

What is a word for a successful attempt?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for successful, like: prosperous, triumphant, strong, fortuitous, fortunate, victorious, favorable, accomplished, thriving, unprofitable and unbeaten.

What is another word for would?

What is another word for would-be?

budding potential
dormant eager
hopeful keen
professed promising
prospective so-called

Can past or future?

The use of ‘could’, ‘would’, or ‘will be’ all imply future tense. The past tense version would be: “You could not have made me happy, and I am convinced that I am the last woman in the world who could have made you so.”

How do you form the present simple?

We use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly, which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite). Depending on the person, the simple present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding ‑s or ‑es to the end.

How do you form the present perfect?

Present perfect

  1. The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb.
  2. We often use the adverb ever to talk about experience up to the present:
  3. and we use never for the negative form:
  4. But when someone has not returned, we use have/has gone:

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1 A bold attempt is half success. 

2 They made no attempt to escape.

3 We foiled his attempt to escape.

4 They made a belated attempt to save her life.

5 I failed in my attempt to persuade her.

6 His attempt at a joke misfired.

7 a bold attempt is half success.

8 The government announced it had pre-empted a coup attempt.

9 She made a valiant attempt to laugh.

10 She ignored his feeble attempt at humour.

11 We botched our first attempt at wallpapering the bathroom.

12 He soon gave up the attempt in despair.

13 The attempt ended in abject failure.

14 He plighted his word to attempt it.

15 They are performing an attempt of a rescue.

16 He made a diligent attempt to learn Russian.

17 The guards thwarted his attempt to escape from prison.

18 She made a desultory attempt at conversation.

19 He made an unsuccessful attempt to stop the thief.

20 Don’t attempt more than u r capable of.

21 She made a gallant attempt to hide her tears.

22 The baseball hitter fumbled his attempt to catch it.

23 The attempt was doomed to failure.

24 I passed my driving test at the first attempt.

25 The attempt to expand the business was a catastrophe for the firm.

26 The whole episode was a blatant attempt to gain publicity.

27 He drove through the red lights in an attempt to shake off the police car that was chasing him.

28 The government has taken these measures in an attempt to de-escalate the conflict.

29 The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government.

30 I was startled at the news that 129 persons were killed last Sunday in the attempt by rebel air force officers to overthrow the government in the capital.

More similar words: caveat emptor, preempt, exempt from, temple, temporal, temporary, temperature, contemplate, tempestuous, contretemps, latter, matter, attend, contemporary, battery, pattern, scatter, no matter, attend to, attendant, shattered, attenuate, a matter of, attention, attendance, pay attention to, as a matter of fact, at that time, prompt, symptom. 

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Looking back, thankfully my attempt failed.

Оглядываясь назад, я только рад тому, что моя попытка тогда провалилась.

Every attempt to reduce ethics to scientific formulas must fail.

Всякая же попытка свести этику к научным формулам неизбежно обречена на неудачу.

Here’s an article showing that attempt.

Но вот передо мной статья, в которой рассказывается о такой попытке.

This attempt is weak at best.

Попытка эта, в лучшем случае, очень не удачна.

Apparently it was a suicide attempt.

Судя по всему, это была попытка самоубийства.

He made no attempt to save the child.

Тем не менее она не предприняла никаких попыток спасти мальчика.

I hope my attempt this time is successful.

Надеюсь, что в этот раз наша попытка будет удачной.

An estimated one in five attempt suicide.

Каждый из них совершил от одной до пяти попыток самоубийства.

This time he is confident his attempt will go ahead.

На этот раз он уверен, что его попытка будет идти вперед.

Also because they failed to recognize bounded contexts during this attempt.

Также потому, что они не смогли распознать ограниченные контексты в этой попытке.

Usually those who attempt suicide have more than one problem.

Обычно у тех, кто делает попытку самоубийства, больше одной проблемы.

Any attempt faces unprecedented legal challenges, she said.

Любая попытка сталкивается с беспрецедентными правовыми проблемами», — сказала она.

The same question will never appear twice in an attempt.

Один и тот же вопрос никогда не повторится в рамках одной попытки.

Berti’s earlier attempt using water was less successful.

Более ранняя попытка Берти, который использовал воду, была менее успешной.

No attempt to present a multi-sided analysis of circumstances involving Russia .

Нет ни малейшей попытки представить многогранный анализ обстоятельств, в которых находится Россия».

Kenyan election official says hacking attempt failed

Previous Article Руководитель выборов в Кении говорит, что попытка взлома не удалась

His attempt failed and after that JP Morgan stopped financing Tesla.

Его попытка не удалась, и после этого JP Morgan перестали финансировать проекты Тесла.

In December, Robinson made another attempt.

В июне того же года Стюарт предпринял ещё одну попытку.

This attempt was first made in Finland, then in Vietnam…

В Финляндии в первый раз была сделана такая попытка, затем во Вьетнаме…

However, Mickey Mouse succeeded in its first attempt with Steamboat Willie.

Тем не менее, Микки Маус преуспел в своей первой попытке с Steamboat Willie.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат attempt

Результатов: 80928. Точных совпадений: 80928. Затраченное время: 139 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

About 55158 results found using ‘ATTEMPT’. Source: ‘Daily Use’.

  • Not a single day passes in Egypt without more than one suicide attempt reported.  (open, save, copy)

  • However, McCluer South-Berkeley’s two-point conversion pass attempt was no good.  (open, save, copy)

  • One option would be to attempt an end-around on the two-thirds vote requirement.  (open, save, copy)

  • So let the cities and enterprise zones attempt to intimidate by vowing lawsuits.  (open, save, copy)

  • Regulators devalued the dong on Feb. 11 in an attempt to curb the trade deficit.  (open, save, copy)

  • Part of the plan could be an attempt to sweeten the pot for liquor-store owners.  (open, save, copy)

  • After Megan Tarin led off with a walk, the sacrifice bunt attempt was popped up.  (open, save, copy)

  • Hours later, he reported saving the young man’s job from an attempt to fire him.  (open, save, copy)

  • Goaltender Henrik Lundqvist stopped Duchene’s attempt early in the third period.  (open, save, copy)

Define ‘attempt’:

    1. Make an effort to achieve or complete (something, typically a difficult task or action)
    2. Try to climb to the top of (a mountain)
    3. Try to take (a life)
    1. An act of trying to achieve something, typically one that is unsuccessful or not certain to succeed
    2. An effort to surpass a record or conquer a mountain
    3. A bid to kill someone
    4. A thing produced as a result of trying to make or achieve something

Web Definitions for ‘attempt’:

  1. Earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something; «made an effort to cover all the reading material»; «wished him luck in his endeavor»; «she gave it a good try» [source]
  2. Try: make an effort or attempt; «He tried to shake off his fears»; «The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps»; «The police attempted to stop the thief»; «He sought to improve himself»; «She always seeks to do good in the world» [source]
  3. Attack: the act of attacking; «attacks on women increased last year»; «they made an attempt on his life» [source]
  4. Undertake: enter upon an activity or enterprise [source]
  5. Tried unsuccessfully; «attempted murder» [source]
  6. Attempt crimes are crimes where the defendant’s actions have the form of the actual enaction of the crime itself: the actions must go beyond mere preparation. [source]
  7. The action of trying at something; An assault or attack; To try [source]
  8. (attempted) Tried, with the connotation of failure [source]
  9. (Attempts) are the sum total of all completed credit courses, whether passed or failed. [source]

Synonyms for ‘attempt’:


  • try
    , essay
    , endeavour
    , endeavor
    , assay


  • try
    , effort
    , essay
    , trial
    , endeavor
    , endeavour
    , experiment
    , bid
    , shot
    , test

Native speakers pronounce  ‘attempt’:

Splashing cold water on my face in an attempt to perk myself up, I prepare to meet the day

If this is not available then attempt

» Herndon wanted to bellow but he could see she was trying to contain herself and tried to make an attempt also

We are not in this world to passively drift with the tides of ever changing events, to aggressively fulfill useless desires in a vain attempt to express limited personal powers

An attempt to arrive at that which lies back of the form considered, or to reach the idea that is responsible for the form

«Did you consider that he might attempt to steal it as it goes by?»

He probably has the second biggest claim to being the rightful owner, but I don’t think he will attempt to steal it, but he is one reason I wanted to keep this quiet

Still he smiled, ignoring her attempt to fend him off

It was a desperate attempt to deflect the direction of the conversation

Uncle Bob married about the same time as Mum and Dad, but after a half-hearted attempt at farming here in England, he gave up and they emigrated to Australia

in an attempt to burn out cancer cells, you cannot force cancer to leave

‘Ego?’ I replied with an attempt at flirtation

’ Stephen said, making an attempt to be normal

My still damp jeans and shorts lay at the foot of the bed and I put them in the bucket in a vain attempt to confine their ill-humours

Every time it came round to my turn to shake and roll, with every attempt that I made to scale the ladders of hope by constructing impossible plans for my salvation, with every throw of the dice, I just slipped down another snake

On another attempt to develop my social life, about a month ago I answered to a classified ad for correspondence and friendship, placed by the 25-year-old Denia Chrysanthou

Maybe we should make the best deal we can, concede that they will hold the ground, attempt to retain only those souls we can bring into heaven

I appreciated his attempt to cheer me up at this hard time -but it was in vain: I was still feeling miserable, as if all the whole world were falling apart before me

A attempt to change the subject to our son, «He came with me you know, it’s the reason why we are here

If it’s a secret, then why don’t you just speak to my mind?» Antonia again ignores his attempt and turns around, heading back to her station

«Only after we attempt to divert that asteroid

He would need Ava for introductions at least, unless he was going to attempt to burglarize the home

A further note stated that his medical advisors were contemplating radical and somewhat risky surgery in an attempt to enable him to live a relatively normal life

attempt to decapitate it

Fortunately, Kara strenuously resisted this attempt to get rid of her as, when the small vehicle materialised, there was a letter addressed to Kara sitting in it

Alfred had no choice but to give up this attempt with the shuttlecraft and sent it back to low orbit

Now the third darkness since the attempt is confronting him

Alan’s attempt to jump on it was pinned to the ground by the creature’s foot as it sprang into the panic

coughing, when I attempt a foray into the wilds of Bideford,

‘You had a pleasant ride, Lintze?’ Wiesse asked as we begin our meal, his attempt at pretending an interest nearly oversetting me it is so forced

Make no attempt to go farther as this is the stage in the proceedings when students try to achieve too much in a hurry with sometimes unpleasant results

While I told you in stage 4 not to attempt anything beyond getting your toes to leave the ground for a brief instant, in this stage I would like you to increase the effort which you put into the whole movement until very gradually your body becomes less likely to drop back immediately

If you suffer from high blood pressure, palpitations, chronic constipation, chronic nasal catarrh, or weak eyes, please do not attempt the Headstand

To the adventurous among you who attempt it I would say please go carefully and do not strain any of your muscles

’ He replied, screwing his neck round in an attempt to see his arm

I include it here for the sake of interest and in case there may be some readers adventurous enough to attempt it

Suddenly struck by a thought, I go through my clothes, trying to find something to wear … there’s a skirt and top I haven’t worn yet … I hold them up against myself, rising on to my toes in an attempt to see what they look like in the small mirror on the wall … at least they are clean

In case that didn’t work, my father stacked chairs in front of the door to prevent a possible escape attempt

Over the next three or four days a succession of busy city types, who had invested in this run down part of the city in an attempt to make a killing on property prices in a rising market, brought around baskets full of striped shirts, frilly blouses and flimsy briefs to be ironed

My father ended up beside me to physically restrain me when I started to attempt to jump out of the car into the highway for real

With the popularity of Christianity it became customary to build new churches over alternative temples of worship in an attempt to obliterate earlier influences

“Duncan,” she dropped to her knees by his side, “you damn fool, you know better than to try to face one of these monsters?” Fear for him, and anger at his attempt showed in Rayne’s voice, “this is my work, Duncan

attempt to keep up some semblance of dignity in the most trying of

For example, an incident of childhood sexual abuse may have created a strong fear response that flares up whenever you attempt to form an intimate relationship as an adult

traditional therapy cannot and does not attempt to

in an attempt to discover more about the nature of

‘You just want me to carry the can for any wrong decisions!’ But it is a half-hearted attempt at lightness … Simon’s as struck as I am by the awesomeness of the whole enterprise

who had invested in this run down part of the city in an attempt to

So much for that attempt at altruism

This, however, is not an attempt at scientific proof of the afterlife

with the size of the shopping list I have, I am not even going to attempt to carry the shopping bags! I’ve not heard from Dave so far today

Boras would no doubt think Naria dead and attempt to enter

The young man smiled his sunniest smile in an attempt to

Dawn’s dad remembered it very clearly … another example of Bunty’s charisma in action, I wonder? Anyway, the opposition was led by a Mr Gosford whom I happen to know proposed to Bunty in an attempt to get his hands on her property

the men on duty, but did not attempt to engage them in conversation;

Someone had made a pretty bad fist of replanting a bush in the recently dug ground in an attempt to conceal the disturbance, the shrub lurched heavily to one side giving away the fact it had been planted in a hurry by black-fingered hands

‘We were not pleased about that event either, if we had been able to make our wishes known then, we would have made the attempt to stop that from occurring as well

It was a memorable milestone when her first attempt at pastry was hailed as a success by the hungry men

expertly with the wheel in an attempt to shave a few seconds of their

’ Ozzie replied in an obvious attempt at being consoling, though from Chrissie’s viewpoint, it fell a long way short of the mark

an attempt to blow up the causeway

Without warning, something skittered in the undergrowth nearby, making him jump horribly, swinging the torch about in a desperate attempt to see what it was

a vain attempt to stem the flow of blood

The easy one is complete and Maggie has texted through her numbers in another attempt to win a case of champagne that she has absolutely no need of

, unless that was a clumsy attempt to cover herself

“You are paralyzed when you attempt any action that you know will cause a fellow human harm, you’ve known that since your expedition lost Alan

He manages to put his forefinger to his lip at the second attempt, and then as he slides off his stool he says, «Nice to meet you, Victor

‘Hemlock? Isn’t that what some Greek philosopher died of?’ James said in an obvious attempt at lightening the atmosphere

of ideas and desperate, he ran with both arms outreached, maybe in attempt to

” Harry paused to allow himself a moment to gather fully his resolve, “I will attempt to encourage her thirst

You must keep with her training,” said Chloe, putting her hands on her hips in a frail attempt at a demand

Unlike their first, untutored attempt, this time the wagon moved easily and as they repeated the movements, even gained a bit of momentum

Rule 106: It is illegal to attempt to convert wild wolves to Taoism for the purposes of tax evasion

Alan decided that this morning he would get out some of his canned rations and attempt to cook them up

He wouldn’t have wanted to attempt climbing even those

“Now look here, mister!” Monica said in the best attempt of an aggressive voice that she could muster, “This is immoral, unethical, and it’s not very nice either!”

“I am most taken with Hipolyta’s handwriting and number formation, always so precise; she would provide an excellent model of instruction for the younger one’s as they attempt proper letter construction and also as they move from block letters to cursive—always such a challenge for the finer muscles of the hand and wrist

They continued at the same tempo, he called shift again, though balls fell to the floor at this attempt

She looked at him, trying to mimic his expression, which caused him to attempt a smile

The Office Manager suggested he return in the morning and attempt a second delivery

What she tried to do, as Harry spoke, was not so much absorb his words, but attempt to determine how she would atone for her previous presumptuous behavior toward the lead architect

If we were to attempt a landing we don’t have the firepower to hold off a tribe of determined savages with spears for a great length of time

It was at that most inopportune of moments that Ralph Stanley, in an insane attempt at exacting his revenge for the non-existent wrongs suffered at his nemesis’s hand, also approached Harry from an alleyway off the dock’s tarmac

It is doubtful that she will attempt to initiate such intimacy again

Sliding down the door, in an attempt to cover her numb legs, she replayed the scene they had just witnessed

both hands now and charged in an attempt to bulldoze Roman into the wall

No other logic-tuned instrument I’ve ever heard before would dare attempt an acoustic sounding note

His aim of course was to attempt to dive deep into his own unconsciousness

In time, a hero came to Crete to attempt to slay the Minotaur

She was about to attempt the latter, believing the tower to be vacant, when she saw a pair of conical helms slowly poke up from the tower’s knee-wall

Near the end of her sentence, Hankins got some good news: in an attempt to course-correct the

The poorest labourers, therefore, according to this account, must, one with another, attempt to rear at least four children, in order; that two may have an equal chance of living to that age

«I’ve made no attempt to hide my name in this town, but my companions

certificate; but the Court of King’s Bench rejected the motion as a very strange attempt

Particular acts of parliament, however, still attempt sometimes to regulate wages in particular

by law that very regulation which masters sometimes attempt to establish by such

In ancient times, too, it was usual to attempt to regulate the profits of merchants and other

But first they will attempt to get in over the walls

Though this lake is a grander work than mankind of Sol ever attempted until the terraforming of Mars and Centorin

But Tdeshi had attempted to drive herself two months without sleep and too deep into the drug that erased her

“When they ran out of corpses to catapult over the walls, records say that an old bearded man took two axes to the wall and attempted to scale it in the dead of night

The policeman who’d been here when she arrived had implied that it was more attempted murder than a mugging … seemed to think that she’d been deliberately left on the railway line

She attempted to push away; again she stopped and looked up at him

«They did their work during eclipse and they have not attempted to communicate with us

«I suspect that is the same object and that our visitor attempted some kind of contact by landing someone or something on our world

It was his current suspicion that they may have attempted contact, may have even made contact and they were keeping it secret even from him

He attempted to flame the Queen and Kate before they could get away, and was answered with the Staff of Light

He began to understand the monumental task that was being attempted by these people, and he understood the part he was to play in it

Sonia attempted to follow this man, but lost him

It attempted to attack these two when they entered our room

In this case the stakes are big, bigger than anything he has attempted before

Twenty minutes later they spotted the city above them and began to climb; once at the top they attempted to swing themselves over to the landing to begin the slaughter

To have any chance of success he must be in a sensory deprivation tank for at least eight hours before the substrate translation is attempted

“This is hard work,” moaned Tom, as he attempted to persuade

Men and dogs attempted to direct the unruly herds, with much

behaviour, and to recognise the signs of attempted smuggling

attempted to instil the rudiments of the Lyndesfarne alphabet, and the

Not that your record shows any evidence that you ever even attempted to sterilize it

other two, attempted to swerve around the carnage

No-one’s attempted it in years, not even the

guessed – correctly, as it turned out – what was being attempted

He reflected upon his own request and attempted another go, but from a different tack

» He attempted to defend himself

Snapping his hand to his mouth Jim attempted to control his laughter too, but Shelly never even tried

Crawling to a dry spot, she stood up and attempted to smooth her already tight jeans

They had no idea how glad she was to see them, but she attempted to control her enthusiasm

» she attempted to correct his misconception, while pouring a cup of coffee

«We’re not going our separate ways!» she attempted to clarify the situation «He just won’t come down

» Jim sat back down but he attempted to release her hand

The second batter attempted to move the runner over to second by bunting

Bryant attempted to bunt but was called out after bunting the ball foul three times

The term scrounge also implied someone who attempted to eat from waste also

one stage), and he treated our attempted French with the

Nor should you have attempted my destruction

and I embraced and attempted a vague approximation of

Other scientists have attempted to do similar things with other drugs like LSD for example and usually with bad results

We could say it was reported to us that one of our clients attempted to do bodily harm to a thief or something like that

Alec puffed out his chest, and attempted to speak in an authoritative voice

They must have attempted to re-capture him on the Lhar and he had escaped somehow

Whenever the law has attempted to regulate the wages of workmen, it has always

attempted to raise the wages of curates, and, for the dignity of the church, to oblige the rectors

Still fuming over Alec’s display, Brice attempted to rejoin his lecture from where he left off

Nathaniel sat at the table in his room and attempted to roll a cigarette with his new homemade ingredients

He didn’t know if what he attempted was even possible – but it was definitely forbidden

She attempted a regular public small town school

Class Representative had his hands up, and valiantly attempted to

, To oblige a creditor, therefore, to accept of this as full payment for a debt of £100, actually paid down in ready money, was an act of such violent injustice, as has scarce, perhaps, been attempted by the government of any other country which pretended to be free

” She attempted to grab the book back, but I held it out of her reach

Notwithstanding the edict of 1766, by which the French king attempted to reduce the rate of interest from five to four per cent

The inhabitants of the country purchase of the town a greater quantity of manufactured goods with the produce of a much smaller quantity of their own labour, than they must have employed had they attempted to prepare them themselves

” Ash stood and attempted to push Willow out of the way

To have enforced payment of a small debt within the lands of a great proprietor, where all the inhabitants were armed, and accustomed to stand by one another, would have cost the king, had he attempted it by his own authority, almost the same effort as to extinguish a civil war

How the soldiers of both sides tried to cajole the unwitting by way of clever and flattering appeal was both amusing and tiresome – and all too often successful if attempted by a particularly silver tongue

attempted to approach Him on their own terms

Many men have already had to bite the dust when they attempted to get too close to the queen

The Dutch, as they are still the principal, were then the only fishers in Europe that attempted to supply foreign nations with fish

Soon enough, the meat was dispensed with and the young woman moved on to the soup, which she sheepishly attempted to eat with a bit more decorum

He attempted, “So many

And as the tears poured down the Breton woman’s cheeks, the aged ruler took his blade and placed it into the same hand with which she had just attempted to close his wounds

The Commander of the Naud ship that attempted to remove the ‘special’ inmates—including the Boss—from ‘the Institute’ when the Lascorii liberated it

The Imperial chuckled nervously in spite of himself, and attempted to counter any fresh misgivings

At first these evenings had proved a pleasant diversion, then a routine, and finally an ordeal that he nevertheless attempted to endure in the best humour

But if, at any time, this deduction or abatement of customs, which is to be made as aforesaid, shall in any manner be attempted and prejudiced, it shall be just and lawful for his sacred royal majesty of Portugal, again to prohibit the woollen cloths, and the rest of the British woollen manufactures

Ben nearly attempted to take a card out but then an intuition stopped him

The first adventurers of all the other nations of Europe who attempted to make settlements in America, were animated by the like chimerical views; but they were not equally successful

The French, who attempted to settle in Florida, were all murdered by the Spaniards

In the course of the seventeenth century, therefore, the English, French, Dutch, Danes, and Swedes, all the great nations who had any ports upon the ocean, attempted to make some settlements in the new world

Dane felt Athens’ fear reach out to him across their bond and he attempted to soothe her

The offended adjutant attempted, “Lord, I said there were none of significance

He had his hard cock in his hand now and was holding it as he attempted a fucking movement at her dripping crotch

The servants of the company have, upon several occasions, attempted to establish in their own favour the monopoly of some of the most important branches, not only of the foreign, but of the inland trade of the country

Had they been allowed to go on, it is impossible that they should not, at some time or another, have attempted to restrain the production of the particular articles of which they had thus usurped the monopoly, not only to the quantity which they themselves could purchase, but to that which they could expect to sell with such a profit as they might think sufficient

for every sheep exported, or attempted to be exported, together with the forfeiture of the sheep, and of the owner’s share of the sheep

for every pound weight of wool, either exported or attempted to be exported, that is, about four or five times the value

Washington on his excursions against the French and was with him when he attempted to negotiate the withdrawal of the French garrison in the name of King

As soon as the probe attempted any kind of detailed analysis the system collapsed; it wouldn’t bear scrutiny

They never really attempted to assimilate

Only Harvo had that power; the AI had to observe for any malfunctions or anomalies, but nothing on this scale had been attempted before

postulated that she had tried to over-rule its recommendation, and in a fit of pique had attempted to disable it in a violent manner

Mothers attempted to control their families, but soon ignored them and let them play

Some kind of extra circuitry was attached to one of the processor cores and when Peter Chisholm attempted to investigate it he triggered an explosive charge which destroyed several of the cores

His smile lit his homely face and he attempted to say something to me, but no sounds emerged

atom of meaning in it,’ but none of them attempted to explain the paper

No private adventurers, accordingly, have ever attempted to trade to that country in competition with them

I held Jesus tightly with one hand while I attempted to shade my eyes with the other

Hans turned, no surprise showing on his face as he attempted to throw himself out of the way

Something of the same kind was afterwards attempted in morals

The maxims of common life were arranged in some methodical order, and connected together by a few common principles, in the same manner as they had attempted to arrange and connect the phenomena of nature

Hans’s head lolled to the side as he attempted to speak, but could make no noise

We attempted to protect the children from the more violent sandy wind, but I knew some would have sand burns from this

The others attempted to move away from him, but they were so tightly tied together, it was impossible

Her hair stood on end, her eyes crazed, as she attempted to break through and reach Alex

He attempted to prioritise the list again but his heart was just not in it

After the festivities that day, Joseph and I attempted to talk with our son, but he refused to discuss it

The nations, accordingly, who have attempted to tax the revenue arising from stock, instead of any severe inquisition of this kind, have been obliged to content themselves with some very loose, and, therefore, more or less arbitrary estimation

A complicated sequence of lefts, rights and even ups and downs that I had attempted

attempted to raise him as what they were

It wasn’t just the money and it wasn’t the foolishness of attempting to return to Sol

With the popularity of Yoga spreading throughout the world, there is also the innate danger of people attempting to teach Yoga without actually being fully trained to use it as a therapeutic tool

«How about it Sammy? If you have nothing to hide why would you want to cause a lot of trouble by throwing me out of here? Or even more foolish, attempting to assault me?»

Ava immediately said her goodbyes and went back to her lab, probably worrying about the asteroid and attempting to refine the predictions

Later, at Janus, we all had a pleasant surprise: Alexander finally agreed to our attempting a technique for astral projection in class, which consists of the following steps:

He thought seriously of attempting that hack, and was just moving to his lab to think of a way to carry it out when his good friend Jaseem Attuk rang in

Someone has been attempting to contact the female side

He shouldn’t have said anything to Enrico, but then Enrico had admitted more to him hadn’t he? Homosexuality was at least as important a crime as attempting to contact a wife

The warning not to jerk any movements is reiterated here as you should not try to swing your arms over violently as you may well injure a rigid muscle which would discourage you from ever attempting this valuable exercise again

Simply for the very good reason that it is difficult for the beginner to master and I wanted you to limber up with some easier exercises before attempting to balance on your head

What he didn’t understand is why they weren’t attempting contact

shopping centre, where they spent an hour attempting to blend in

Remember that you are simply attempting to find the

“As First to Queen Naria, I hereby read the charges: For those countless boys that you corrupted; for the many innocents that you stole from, raped, and murdered; for following a man you knew to be mad and doing his bidding; for attempting to kill Lord Tarak; for plotting to murder the Queen and aiding Lord Boras in taking the throne, you are hereby sentenced to death

Only Andy was affected by Chas’s death and not attempting to hide it in any way; his face was paler than usual, his eyes flicked from face to face as he tried to emulate his fellows in their insouciance

He knew there was no point in attempting to locate Tarm – he had

memory, he thought, attempting to chuckle at himself for the weak

From what she’s let drop, it seems her ex-husband deceived her, lied to her and, having driven her to attempting suicide, lied to her psychiatrist as well, trying to convince both of them that she was crazy

But the only paint was put on by artists, or people attempting to be artists

“You’re doing this on purpose,” he said after attempting, “You must be concentrating on dtair-infested rinko or something

He again repeated their location, and then walked around to where she’d taken a seat in the snow, attempting to calm herself enough to ease the difficulty she was having with breathing

The ground continued moving below her, while occasionally she would lift her head, attempting to peek into the darkness behind them

She was attempting to use the suntower system to upload the knowledge stored in our crystal

Despite suffering what was an obvious mortal wound, he used what little power he had left to cover his steaming pile of guts in a shield of Oneness, while simultaneously attempting to shove the twisted pile of entrails back inside with his hands

The giant understood this as well, and was completely ignoring Brontes, desperately attempting to pull the burning staff out

walking and attempting to cross the road on his very

attempting to identify a station where busses

And every time a bright-eyed woman of High Rock heritage would grace the city, Sorex had a way of locating her among the crowd forthwith and convincing her – or at least vigorously attempting to – that his family’s inn was an oasis

When his mammalian meal was sadly limited or difficult to capture some days, he would have to diversify his diet, attempting to track down birds, snakes, lizards, and especially in the fall and winter months even complement his normal intake with a few fruit and vegetables

When her vegetarian meal was sadly restricted some days due to dangerous conditions in her environment, she would have to limit her diet, attempting to locate whatever she could without overly exposing herself to the risks around her

«Demilan, don’t take this the wrong way, but I need to know what’s he talking ab—» her words were cut short, thanks to Odis’s friend, who used the short window of time, whern Maileena turned her back on him, and lunged at her from the couch, attempting to grab her revolver

Whoever examines, with attention, the history of the dearths and famines which have afflicted any part of Europe during either the course of the present or that of the two preceding centuries, of several of which we have pretty exact accounts, will find, I believe, that a dearth never has arisen from any combination among the inland dealers in corn, nor from any other cause but a real scarcity, occasioned sometimes, perhaps, and in some particular places, by the waste of war, but in by far the greatest number of cases by the fault of the seasons; and that a famine has never arisen from any other cause but the violence of government attempting, by improper means, to remedy the inconveniencies of a dearth

She was very busy now attempting to swallow his output

It wasn’t the right time to be attempting that sort of thing

She went without male sex for several years, attempting the occasional self-masturbation for relief, but finally she could stand it no longer

The unavoidable ignorance of administration, besides, concerning the relative importance of the different members of those different assemblies, the offences which must frequently be given, the blunders which must constantly be committed, in attempting to manage them in this manner, seems to render such a system of management altogether impracticable with regard to them

Martin suddenly was aware of the whole scheme Sloan was attempting as he looked at the screening visual which stopped at the entrance way to Georgetown

Parliament, in attempting to exercise its supposed right, whether well or ill grounded, of taxing the colonies, has never hitherto demanded of them anything which even approached to a just proportion to what was paid by their fellow subjects at home

The President added that Security had picked up increased chatter and knowledge about “outsiders”, as he put it, attempting to obtain data about the Aquifer’s capabilities, which, he added, “were State secrets”

He also remembered the Administration was attempting to revitalize a dormant wind farm sector up in the higher ridges

One of my teachers, who was attempting to teach me

When my government understands what you are attempting to do, it will bring their full wrath on you personally and who you represent,” Martin said, getting more strength as he talked

I stopped and looked up at him, attempting to convey my love

Debbie was attempting to hold a torch beam on the offending device while the doctor stretched his neck to get a better view

Perhaps it knew there was nothing he could do to save the Doc, or that by attempting to do so would use up vital resources that he himself needed, and by remaining asleep he was indeed conserving those resources

“Mother,” I placed my hand over hers and gave it a small squeeze, attempting to make her fears vanish

Now Torbin, who’d been entrusted with the various access codes, was attempting to generate another wormhole

They were attempting about this time to raise it still further, to twelve and a-half per cent

I pushed, attempting to rid my body of this horror

I gawked in all directions, attempting to view the tops of city palaces and public buildings inside the strong walls

The mortal authorities are attempting to get in at the gates

She hit the button to end the call, then gestured to the computer to resume the music in her large but functional office, before leaning back in her chair and attempting to relax

“We all study the stars, attempting to discern what is to happen

They might continue in this manner, for a long time, merely to multiply the number of those maxims of prudence and morality, without even attempting to arrange them in any very distinct or methodical order, much less to connect them together by one or more general principles, from which they were all deducible, like effects from their natural causes

Guardians also had regenerative abilities though, and the cuts were attempting to heal themselves

He acknowledged her presence by attempting to lift his head from his shoulder, with little result

They were attempting to save their son, as we were Jesus

They won’t bother attempting any further attacks until things calm down

In some countries, as in Scotland, where the government was weak, unpopular, and not very firmly established, the reformation was strong enough to overturn, not only the church, but the state likewise, for attempting to support the church

They were also an influence in helping women followers to understand what Jesus was attempting to tell them

Soon, he walked alongside Jesus, attempting to help Jesus walk as well as carry the cross

These are all aspects over which anyone, even attempting to fulfil prophecies through his own efforts, would be powerless to exercise influence in any way

Considering our attempts to understand our Universe, the Earth and attempting to unravel God and His works, as the Theory of Evolution would have us believe we can do, what does the Bible have to say about this?

The Bible clearly declares in the passages above that no person will be justified in God’s eyes by attempting to keep his laws; yet many people still think that they can prove God wrong

“However, he has proven himself most useful when attempting to harness them for

What one experiences when attempting to read Confucius

All too often describes the activities of the Liberals in Congress and the Administration in attempting to jettison the Constitution

Still, so many immortal men attempting the assassination of King Orion and the Sons of Odin would seem to be an act of evil more than simply madness

For a moment, Kelderath, Maldros, and Morthros sat staring at him with unreadable faces, though he would have guessed their eyes were attempting to hide their shock

A bastard concept that would disarm those attempting to engage in their own defense

He had spent the past few hours mindlessly wandering back and forth through his room, attempting to read books picked randomly from his bookcase, only to find he was reading the same words over and over without comprehension

He subsequently changed his tune to claim he was attempting to stabilize gasoline prices

She was attempting to modify the ship’s main computer to artificially mimic human brain activity in REM-state

What you deal with when attempting to understand the current workings of our national (not federal) government

” He screwed up his face for a moment, attempting to alleviate the agony within his body

That wasn’t a disaster, as there were no windows in the building, but somehow I still kicked myself for attempting a break in at night without a light source

Besides, it is our duty to return fire if being shot at by anyone, including your terrorist clients who were committing a crime in our presence…like attempting to murder members of the police (us), and having unlicensed assault rifles with ammunition and partaking in terrorist activities

The brave Baquero was killed, vainly attempting to rally his men; and as the leading files of the almost exhausted Americans clambered over the ridge, and prepared for the crash of hand-to-hand conflict, a straggly line of pale blue rose against the sky, as the Spaniards sprang up from their trenches, evacuated their fort, and fled precipitately into the intervening valley before Santiago

He searched the dead also, taking charge of personal effects, and attempting to establish the identity of each, before the vultures commenced their work or the burial detail was sent out

The answer is to use your experience and pray to God you are not attempting to stand in His shoes

* For my overseas readers, this refers to a newly proposed Act which is attempting to limit the freedom of speech in South Africa

“What are your demands,” she interjected with a snap, attempting to move the discussion onto more concrete grounds

William was attempting to listen to what was happening while hiding behind the dining room door

Rachel looked in the direction of the barn and could see William now attempting to mount one of the horses

One of the things I hear most from some separated-fathers who are attempting to be good parents is that they experience a lot of interference from their children’s mother when it comes to developing and maintaining a healthy relationship with their children

This thought had not even concluded and William was now racing toward the steep canyon walls, attempting to find a way up to the top of the banks

A bicycle lay on its side with a bent front wheel, and a boy with his newspaper sack still over his shoulder was attempting to sit up

I am not attempting to strike definitive comparisons but state, rather, that the profit motive‘s natural course is oftentimes that of least resistance, unencumbered by matters of Conscience best left to moralists and serious thinkers to reason out

She threw herself into the task of composing a letter that would say it all, including even the possibility of a mutually beneficial shared future, so much more concisely than attempting to stumble through it face-to-face

“I have poured millions of dollars into my research, attempting to lower the casualties, to identify those who will live

She was through the door in an instant, attempting to guide her far from Mike and his friend’s bedrooms, and explaining that due to Sylvia’s excellent suggestion that she visit the Pacific coast, her plans had changed and she was leaving immediately for San José to catch that day’s bus

With the swiftness of a pouncing cat, Herminia grasped the instrument and tugged at it, attempting to pull it from her grip

Beth awoke in a struggle, attempting to free her legs from their hopeless entanglement among a snarl of sweat-soaked sheets

I think now that it was structured that way to create an impossible trail for anyone attempting to locate missing persons, even if access was gained to police or military records

From this vantage of seeing without being seen, he was attempting, if not to bring an end to this street demonstration, to prevent the next by identifying those inciting the campesinos and radioing the information to Guardia Nacional troops ringing the plaza

“Of course,” I said, not even attempting to calculate its value

“You look lovely, Elizabeth,” I said, toying with my grub, because the nearby guests were making forays as a good guest should, attempting to engage in conversation with their neighbours

Also unnoticed was that Gene Frazer was tapping every source available in the US Embassy and the Costa Rican government, attempting to identify the origin of the information that led to his friend Brian’s arrest

The scene was one of panic and with the male waiter terrified and attempting to run away from his killer

Any attempts to infiltrate the group have ended in tragedy: a dead reporter, blood drained and clean-shaven

moment the clamour of insistent insanity that underpins all of our attempts to

After each halt the truck then began its ponderous attempts at acceleration, jerking through the gears, sliding me slowly towards the rear of the box where my head would hit hard metal

I thought back over my own attempts to plead my special case

attempts to defend this negative pattern out of a desire to

It took her several hours and multiple attempts to write her letter

Meanwhile, despite all attempts to stay in the shadows and

The local people bustle about, the women – as women anywhere, obviously shopping while herding small children and the men either busily rushing around or lounging staring into space – I watch as a woman with two children makes desperate attempts to stop the elder of the two under her care from pinching some fruit from a stall … the little devil waits until she is occupied in conversation with the stall owner before sneakily nicking an apple and ramming it into his pocket

Even more nervously, I do what he suggests, and, to my utter surprise, find that Sefir appears to understand my hamfisted attempts at manipulating the reins

The children barricaded themselves in their bedroom, but their parents made no attempts to break in

A piece of advice my previous failed attempts were due to my trying to go from a feeling of fear to that of security in an instant

Her attempts to explain this bizarre

It seemed that the boys were always getting into trouble for something or other; one particular story of their raid on a house of ‘red ladies’, attempts to get souvenirs, being thoroughly thrashed by the said ‘ladies’ was extremely funny

areas of your life, and especially in your attempts to

She let him think she hadn’t seen what was happening, and fought off his attempts to find out the details of where she had been and what she had seen

typical dragon panics at this point, and attempts to take off

Last year’s failed attempts at container gardening still bear the skeletal proof that Billy does not posses green fingers

They made months of attempts to get in but in vain

Mandy was then consigned to working in their restaurant as her parent’s revenge for her blatant and insensitive ingratitude toward their sincere attempts to secure an advantageous alliance with the prestigious family

Her left arm and hand are bruised and stained dull purple from the repeated attempts to cannulate

What time does she call this? He makes two attempts to stand and as he does the blood rushes into the void behind his eyes

“It seems that attempts to cross like this almost never happen

It takes two attempts to reverse the car out of the hedge

several aborted attempts, he eventually achieved a small

They kept at it for the space of perhaps three quarters of an hour in alternating failed and successful attempts

a dozen failed attempts

sort out the mess, but after several failed attempts, running was the only surefire

Playing with toys couldn’t console her forever, eventually she would always come back to the signals and her attempts to penetrate native communications

When a projector attempts to establish a new manufacture, he must at first entice his workmen

religious houses, after some other ineffectual attempts for their relief, it was enacted, by the

The smallest child, whose name was simply Bell, floated forward and replied, «His attempts to summon the assassin Rafe remain unheeded

There weren’t any attempts yet

and she pointedly rejected her master’s frequent attempts

Despite all of X’ander’s attempts to avoid a trap, the undead had finally caught him

attempts to get out of the al iance with

In her arms, a white poodle, groomed to perfection, seems to recognize the thin man, wags its tail and attempts to leap from the woman’s arms towards him

people had succeeded in their preserved attempts of beating the

After many failed attempts to learn Asmodeus’s true name, my parents summoned the archangel, Haniel

His attempts were fruitless

feeble attempts of friendship in the form of

Self-interested, veiled attempts @ promoting your biz will fall flat

And once more, the latter shook off the spell, this time appearing vaguely irritated by the vain attempts

She had spoken nothing more to anyone after her desperate attempts to convince the Imperial officers of her innocence had repeatedly failed

To dream that you are attending or going to a dance indicates a celebration and your attempts to achieve happiness

In her boredom amid attempts to sleep, she had taken to dusting off and polishing the bowl as best as she could and the antique rims shone brilliantly once again

Demilan drew his knife from its leather holster and stabbed the man three times in the chest, making sure he wouldn’t be making any further attempts at him or at Maileena

It took a few attempts and lots of giggling before Helez was finally dressed in the most daring outfit Crissy had ever seen

After a few attempts, Helez got the hang of it and soon she was able, gradually and very seductively, to expose more and more flesh until she was totally naked

After all the anxiety, however, which they have excited about this, after all the vain attempts of almost all trading nations to turn that balance in their own favour, and against their neighbours, it does not appear that any one nation in Europe has been, in any respect, impoverished by this cause

He was not much pleased with the innkeeper’s incessant attempts to be kindly and engage him in conversation

But that did not stop their attempts

No attempts at an evacuation of any kind

Louis Signals an End to the Negotiations and Attempts some Last-minute Tactics

She remembered as a seventeen year old the boy she had cruelly rejected merely in a text message, and told her clique of friends why he was no good for her, and his ‘pathetic’ attempts to win her affection

The AI would factor in the previous attempts at calculating how much power to channel to project the negative energy

‘I’ve so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials, “There was some attempts at applause, which was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court,” and I never understood what it meant till now

The only thing I have to go on is that there have been no attempts on anyone’s life for the last couple of days,” he replied, “Or at least as far as I know

Unsurprisingly the hatch did not respond to any manual attempts at opening

To depart upon any occasion from those rules, in consequence of some flattering speculation of extraordinary gain, is almost always extremely dangerous and frequently fatal to the banking company which attempts it

“As a variety of attempts to physically gain entry to the Astrom

Their salaries, too, put the private teacher, who would pretend to come into competition with them, in the same state with a merchant who attempts to trade without a bounty, in competition with those who trade with a considerable one

If he attempts to sell them much dearer, he is likely to have so few customers, that his circumstances will not be much mended

How were these the same beings as the dark, malevolent creatures that once dissected him like some lab rat? Now the Elusivers’ attempts to push away the only real challenge they faced seemed to be working, in their focused and determined way

field attempts to look cool

The late attempts to introduce the culture of this plant into England, have been made only in consequence of the statute, which enacted that five shillings an acre should be received in lieu of all manner of tythe upon madder

Are we not being arrogant in our attempts to interpret the information in the Bible to suit our beliefs, or even calling it false?

Considering our attempts to understand our Universe, the Earth and attempting to unravel God and His works, as the Theory of Evolution would have us believe we can do, what does the Bible have to say about this?

This was why she would shrug off his attempts to touch her in a loving way

Taxes upon the revenue arising from stock in all employments, where the government attempts to levy them with any degree of exactness, will, in many cases, fall upon the interest of money

Southern waters to neutralize any attempts to build ships of war

Attempts to add to what Scripture

And as a doctor he was aware of the statistics regarding suicide attempts, and was a member of the National Lobby, which was preparing a deputation to the High Court to have suicide decriminalized

But, her struggling, and Frank’s attempts to keep her still were too much for Jack and he felt himself suddenly pulled away from the safety of the wall

They had her between them now, but she continued to twist and turn in her attempts to free herself, laughing in their faces, her eyes wild, her teeth bared

and turning to counter the other’s attempts to gain an

This particular shot, though, should be practiced on the driving range with the seven-wood long before the golfer attempts to make it on the course

Suddenly, Ozzie abandoned his attempts to roust me and leaped, hissing frantically, to the arm of the sofa

“Olderon gave speeches in the courtyard of his kingdom for many weeks to try to appease the lords and ladies who were leading the revolution, though the fears of the people overcame his attempts to put their minds at ease

security guard was on the alert for any attempts of assassination, and they were constantly looking into the crowd and into the

assassination attempts that had been planned were under way,

It seems to be more and more the case that, on the rare occasions Obama attempts it, he always tries to lead from the rear

When an authority of any sort attempts to enforce such a code rather to allow it to be freely chosen, it is travesty, not morality

He still seemed to be in a foul mood when he sent the scribes and scholars away, though Adem guessed it was from his attempts to teach rather than his symptoms that should have been eased since his Healing

However, they’ve been trying to block my attempts to communicate with anyone in authority

He used the CIA in several assassination attempts, especially those against Castro

Her attempts to try to Heal him aroused his suspicions further however

Normally, in times of war, it would be expected that the Americans would try every trick in the book to thwart their attempts to reactivate the world’s second largest missile silo

Never fear; attempts at grooming can be thwarted in a number of ways:

Teron continued to evade him despite those attempts; he could sense the Power, and he could almost see it in the darkness, but that light always slipped from his grasp each time he reached out for it

“Your attempts are futile, Adem Highlander,” the red-haired Alit’aren said

And, I have to admit, my attempts to stop its natural progression have been pitiful

Stretching the field with long pass attempts followed by short passes and runs

If he just wasn’t interested, did she really want to know? And if he were, what would she do with the knowledge anyway? Ask him out on a date in between the blackmailing, counterfeiting, and assassination attempts? Still, curiosity got the best of her tongue

attempts that had been made to find him

With no better alternative, Amaranthe pushed open the door and stepped out, abandoning her attempts at stealth

Several attempts were made to dislodge sharpshooters in the woods, but screened amid the pinnated foliage of royal palms, and using smokeless powder, they were difficult to locate

” During the afternoon the first attempts were made to bury the dead

Try as they might the local policemen could not catch them and after countless fruitless attempts finally asked for our assistance as their lieutenant was a newly married man and his wife complained bitterly about the biker’s lack of morals

With the Apartheid Laws, the Liberation Movements decided to take up arms and as we know lost badly during the first attempts where Mr Mandela was arrested

He barked a short laugh, recalling Grindel’s past attempts at trying to outwit him

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